CanadaWhere are you keeping your greencard
You are supposed to have it on you at all times. I keep mine in the sleeve in the back of my wallet 24/7.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-12-07 14:02:00
CanadaSent in my N400
Ah good. That was my next question. So I should just bring my 3yrs taxes to the interview? I don't have 3 statements yet because I got my SSN in January. Had I gotten it 12 days before I'd have 3 years. So I should file early this year I guess.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-12-08 12:47:00
CanadaSent in my N400
I sent in my USC packet yesterday. My only problem is that I couldn't get a pencil to write on the back of my photos so I HAD to use a pen. I am expecting an RFE. :/

Aside from that I am excited this is the last $700 I will be giving USCIS. And no more border hassles, yay!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-12-07 13:58:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
Unfortunately they denied my counter-offer on salary and did not come back with their own offer. So I will not be able to take the position at this time. Perhaps near the end of the year.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-02-03 13:21:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
Thank you to everyone for your encouragement and shared spirited sense of adventure. I am going to accept the offer. My parents have said I always can fall back on them until I get on my feet - so at least I never need to worry about not having warm food and a roof over my head.

You only live once. Make the most of it. And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-01-30 00:33:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England

I think its a wonderful opportunity, and though it may be a pay cut, its a cultural experience that would be amazing for you. As long as you've gone through the pro's and cons and come up with more pro's than cons to go over, I see no reason why you shouldn't allow yourself to have this unique experience. It will be a lot different than your change in moving to the US, but that doesn't mean it will be bad. You're probably torn because its a big overwhelming step to go through, but you're only 26, like me, and we're both still young. What a better time to go than when you are young and full of life and can jump right into the scene in a new place? Even if you don't stay over there long term, I think you'd have a lot of fun exploring everything.

You're exactly right and that's the advice I have been getting across the board. It just sounds like a lot of fun. Worse comes to worse... it doesn't work and I can pick if I want to go to the US or Canada, and what I want to do when I get there. I am lucky in that my parents offered me my old room (haha) as a fall back in life if things just didn't work out and I needed to regroup. So what have I got to lose?
Thanks Danu
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-01-29 13:42:00
CanadaJob opportunity in England
Hey everyone. I am nearly finished my immigration journey. My interview is February 28th and my oath should be soon after. That being said, I may not be done with immigration worldwide yet.

I was offered a job in Nottingham with a start date of May 1. It's an opened ended assignment, so I could end up there for long enough to apply for residence. It's a 30% pay cut, but the thing is I have been wanting an excuse to go to Europe for years. I have an application on my desk for a 1 year visa to France, just because they offer Canadians the opportunity to work/visit to take in the culture.

So I know this is something I have wanted to do for a long time, but for some reason I have this insane fear of doing it. When I came to the states I was a lot younger (19) and perhaps foolish. I just jumped in and didn't even think of consequences. This time maybe I am apprehensive because I am older and know the drills and systems. That being said, I am excited about the opportunity but I am just full of fear. That's not my style, because I consider myself somewhat of a Buddhist so I should just roll with the punches.

I made a pros and cons list and it's pretty clearly something I should go and do. I've always loved the idea of England and Europe in general and what better way to explore it than be in the thick of it?

So my question to you guys is - would you take off on another adventure? I am 26, have no assets, no family where I am, no friends (zero). I am looking for a fresh start anyway. This is my opportunity to really get that new life feeling. So why am I so scared? Shouldn't I be packing already?

Sorry for the unconnected thoughts and stuff... I really am torn on this!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-01-29 13:02:00
CanadaJob Interview
I don't know why but I got a good feeling reading this thread. If you've gotten this far you have to assume you have a good chance. Typically employers and agencies won't go this far if they feel it won't pan out. Good hunting!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-01-30 00:36:00
CanadaMoving back home in March, couple of questions for POE
Hey guys and gals. I am moving back to BC in March. I have a couple of questions I was hoping someone may have some experience with. When I go through POE I want to know what I am dealing with so I can not be denied entry for some weird reason.

1. I am going to be driving with my mom. I will be driving my new Jeep which I have owned for a year and that is registered in California. If I tell them I am moving they are going to ask whos car it is, do I have import docs etc. I am not importing it I am just driving the car to my parents and keeping it there while I go overseas for 2 years, while keeping the car registered and insured in California. How can I "get around" this... any brilliant ideas? I can't import it into Canada because I owe so much money on it I can't pay it off and pay the taxes (just no way).
2. Last time I did this I wasn't prepared. I didn't have an inventory and no one seemed to care. Should I go through the trouble of an inventory "just in case"?

Basically what I was considering doing is telling them I am visiting - which is 100% true. BC is a pitstop until I fly over to England. But I guess they are just going to wonder why I am visiting with my cat and ALL of my stuff. LOL. Going through the USCIS process has made me paranoid and an over planner. I just want to drive up, drive to my parents and figure out my life and not have to deal with some gun slinger at Peace Arch.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-02-20 14:30:00
Canadahey Bradcanuck - how was the Citizenship interview yesterday?
Hey sorry I missed this! Interview went off without a hitch. I updated my info in the December Filers thread in the N400 forum. Now I am waiting for my Oath letter... I begged the IO for the March 24th date but he claimed he had no control of it (crock) so I have to fly back down to the LA place probably around April 20-25th or something to go to it.

Thanks for thinking of me. :)
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-03-16 15:50:00
CanadaPacking my car today...
I am not sure, my wife is not coming with me.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-03-21 15:28:00
CanadaPacking my car today...
Thanks everyone! I've got a lot of sunshine ahead and a lot of opportunities so it's going to be a good change anyway. :) It's always just shocking (change that is).

bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-03-20 20:25:00
CanadaPacking my car today...
Now it's real - my car is getting packed (eep running out of room, that's another story) and now it's reality and hitting me. I am moving. :[
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-03-20 16:18:00
CanadaVisiting Canada for 6 months

Thanks for your advice! I certainly won't lie at the border, just wondering if I should explain the whole situation right off or just go with a simple, technically correct answer to begin with, then elaborate if need be...

My experience has always been to explain in full means they understand the situation better and don't have questions for you. I would just start at the beginning and explain it in point form. I came over the border with a weird situation (non-car import, in-transit entry) into Canada 2 weeks ago and it took 10 minutes to explain the situation. Once I did he let me through. They just want to know what is going on and that you aren't hiding anything, aren't ignorant and aren't trying to pull anything past them.

My vote is to explain it from the start. But don't take my word as the final one.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-06 00:39:00
CanadaVisiting Canada for 6 months

Hi everyone! I am an American living in Canada with my fiance, waiting for his K1 to go through so we can move to the states. I entered Canada on a 6 month work permit, which I hoped to extend so that I could stay up here longer and not be seperated for so long from my fiance. The extension was denied. I immediately applied to change my status from a worker to a visitor. I was told that I could either go back to the US and then through the border, or mail in a form in order to change my status. I opted to mail in the form, thinking it would be good to have some kind of paperwork in hand. I am hoping to stay here with him for 6 more months, then go back down ahead of him in order to find work. My question is this: I am going down to the US to visit my dad, and I am worried about being denied at the border coming back. I live here and all of my things are here. I spoke with Immigration Canada several times and explained the situation to them, and every person I spoke with told me that I shouldn't have any problem at the border- that US citizens can visit Canada for up to 6 months no problem. The form I mailed in to change my status takes 4 months to process, and at the very least I am here legally until they reach a decision under "implied status." I have my K1 application to show them that I intend to move back to the US, but no job or apartment in the states. Does anyone have experience with this? Should I tell them the whole story right away or just say that I am visiting my boyfriend? I want to look forward to my vacation, but this paranoia about getting back into Canada keeps nagging at me.

Never lie to a border agent. That's the best advice I can give to you. I understand your predicament and yes there is a chance you can be denied entry (anyone can be technically.) The rules are the rules and sometimes they don't work the way we want or need them to. Best of luck to you.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-05 17:50:00
CanadaOff to England I go
My visa was approved... yes seriously. It took 20 hours. THAT'S how a country should work. *swears full voice at USCIS*

In the words of Brad Pitt: "A river dar chi"
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-06 10:48:00
CanadaOff to England I go
Hey folks. My USCIS journey is almost over but I can't wait any longer to accept offer. I was offered a position in England (as some of you know) and I have accepted it so I leave at the end of April. My Canadian passport is with the British High Commission in Ottawa and I am waiting for the visa to come back next week.

I hope to check in with VJ when I go to my Oath in the states (whenever that is!!) but if I am not back for awhile (or ever) I wanted to say:
Thank you for everyone's help over the years. Your advice, calming power, and knowledge have helped me stay sane and helped me improve my life significantly. Without my fellow Canadians here I would be a wreck and probably in an immigration prison (kidding but you know). Also something that makes me happy is coming back and always seeing my baby living on (http://www.visajourn...92474-the-vent/) ;)

See you all on the other side and I wish you the very best in your own journeys, WHEREVER life may take you. Remember that life is a journey and it's our duty as humans to take advantage of everything life has to offer.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-05 17:40:00
Canadaneed to RE-NEW CA passport in USA
Go to Sears. They do Canadian style passport photos in the USA.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-13 01:37:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
I love stereotypes. :) Some of them get pretty funny.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-21 10:49:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
I left America for a lot of those reasons. Ignorance, intolerance etc etc I could go on and on but everyone knows what life is like in the states. I like Canada just fine.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-04-16 01:05:00
CanadaHey everyone!
It's been awhile since I posted. A friend of mine was asking questions about citizenship so that reminded me of the forum!
In case anyone was curious - I didn't die (yay!) I just went to England for a few months on a work contract. It was awful so I moved back to Canada and took some training. Now I am a Paramedic!

Life has turned around for me considerably and I am very happy. I am divorced, living with my parents, broke and never happier. (Go figure!)
My citizenship experience is over and done with, and I now have a US passport. I wish everyone the best and I hope your applications are processed speedily and efficiently and CORRECTLY!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2011-10-14 15:21:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I have been playing for 2 years and I play so infrequently and my ADD is so bad my main is only a 63. I just don't have the time or patience to get into it. I also read things you guys say and others say and I have no idea what the lingo is all about. Don't we just kill boars? Never got into lore etc.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-09-02 18:42:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I haven't played in so long. Is there still a VJer clan?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-06-22 16:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Whatever happens with the EAD is irrelevant after you get the GC approval. My EAD was never approved until after the GC (my paperwork was lost or something) but it didn't matter in the end.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-12-07 15:02:00
CanadaIt's been awhile...

I realized today that it was SEVEN YEARS AGO that I posted this thread: http://www.visajourn...92474-the-vent/ - that's kind of cool!

I've had a great few years, but now I am looking for immigration advice in reverse. My ex wife and I have reconciled and I am looking to bring her to Canada. So now a new journey begins to find out that process and get the ball rolling. Let's hope this one isn't as painful as my US adventure.. ;)


Nice to see a few familliar faces here still!

bradcanuckMaleCanada2014-08-28 10:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce DURING i751?
What is the process during ROC if divorce papers have been filed, but the ROC was sent in based on marriage.

Thank you.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-10-14 17:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLate I-751 was APPROVED AND EXTENDED!!!
Congrats on the NOA1, at least you have another year of work. But this isn't the end of the journey.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-12-08 14:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy ROC Nightmare
Ya the lack of accountability is insane. It seems like the entire government and especially that branch can do anything they want whenever they want. Yet if I am a day late paying my taxes, LOOK OUT!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-12-10 14:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionShould I be worried?
I am an October filer, and I have seen NOVEMBER CSC filers approved. Talk about agitating. But that is the way USCIS goes.

Hang on to your horses. USCIS works in mysterious ways. (In other words, you're fine.)
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-01-15 19:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751, Later than Desired...
Beg, borrow, steal for that money and send it off.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-11 18:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionfiled I-751 in October 2008, still waiting
I told them about my situation. I just said that I have seen friends and acquaintances get approved in 30-60 days with no issues (some people that filed in January), and yet I have had NO updates since October. I also mentioned it should not be pending FBI namecheck since my last name is the only one in the US.

They sent the letter asking USCIS to explain the delay. Apparently when congress intervenes they can't say "wait 60 days for an update. then wait 90 days from THAT day for a potential update/resolution." they have to find the file and say what is going on. So as soon as they got the letter from the congressman they approved the case.

Just another example of a file sitting at the bottom of a stack of new applications and being ignored/forgotten about.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-03-02 18:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionfiled I-751 in October 2008, still waiting
My congressman JUST helped me out - he/she can help you too. Just contact their office and they will tell you how to proceed.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-03-01 19:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNovember Filers
Aggravating to be honest. I filed October CSC and haven't been approved so it's annoying a November filer gets theirs.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2009-12-17 12:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers

Wow, you have a pretty reliable congressman


:dance: :dance: :dance:

I can't thank him enough. They pulled through for me yet again. I have to say Republicans have not let me down since I have been in this country. (being a Democrat is tough then ;) )
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-03-01 15:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
Current Status: Card production ordered.
On March 1, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-03-01 15:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
Just an update: I received a reply via post that my congressman has inquired into my case and requested an update (as of the 20th of February). The last time that happened my case was approved right away. So we will see if this has any effect this time.

It may take time for the inquiry to hit someones eyes over at uscis though.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-25 11:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers

stop making me laugh! holiday or not, when they ever work?

Could not be any more true. :)
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-16 13:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
4 months now for me at CSC. Congressman has not gotten back to me either.

This system is VERY broken.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-11 14:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
Normal for VSC not CSC.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-09 17:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
This is taking too long. December CSC filers are being approved. I sent a letter and authorization form to my congressman and appealed for help in figuring out why my case is always delayed - and why this last leg is taking so long. Let's hope he finds out someone just misplaced my file.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2010-02-01 11:55:00