K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i have my inetrview in an other country?
:blush:Okay. well my fear is that my fiance visa application will expire ( i understand that the NOA2 expire after 4 months..)...but if u say that the embassy is in charge to revewiew it..that will be fine for me(even if me and my faince we had plans for this summer..but ..:(..):wacko:
what kind of document we should request from the embassy to reneview the application if it expire??? can i do now things to prevent misunderstanding until October???

its annoying that there are no date available, but u are right i have no other residency in an other country and it takes also time to get an other one in Tunisia or other... grrr ....!

Thanks for ure answer.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-31 05:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i have my inetrview in an other country?
Hello Folks,

I was looking through the forum and didn't find any case like mine.

I prepared all my documents and my medical exam, called the embassy today to schedule an interview date, and the surprise: they say the Algiers US embassy is full no date available before October.:(

We were approved 29TH of April.

My questions are :

Can I have an interview in an other country??? what should i do or whats the process for that?

How we will the process because I guess my fiancé visa will expire in few months??

Are there people here that had the same experience? How did you handle this?

Thanks for all u`re help.


Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-31 04:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling the embassy.
please guys: whats is vis aspecialits numebr?? is it international or just for DR?
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-03 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits after starting the process Of K1
and No: i mean if its going count POSITIVELY : that shows that enough proofs for the Co of the bonafide relationship!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-03 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisits after starting the process Of K1
Hello Folks,
After reading so many topics, about visits before starting the K1 process!
One question is min my head: How many visits are seen by the Councilor at the interview but after starting the process!
Cause if i understand what some wrote here: that the Co study our file, and they usually already have a judgemental idea about the visa: approval or denial!
in my case: i meet my fiance in USA in holidays 2009, than met in europe in 2010, than he came to Algeria in 2010! after this first visit , we got engaged and launched the process, but he came in DEcjan2010§2011 we were in Algeria and tunisia, than in may 2011, and we plan to meet again in July in Morroco..cause my interview will not be until OCTOBER!..
Im wondering what u guys wi : think about this ?...
will the Co ask me if i saw him since we launched teh process? ... i mean would she mind? or she will just care about whats on the file transfered by NVC?

Thanks for ure feedback guys :)

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-03 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of familial approval of relationship, engagement, intent to marry
from what u asked u need to give few details (how u guys met,did u travel together , or u just traveled to algeria)..cause all this will count.

The letters can be good evidence that all ure both families and friends know and approves u guys.(it is okay if they are translated, usually there are at embassy people speaking: arabic french and berber for translation and sometimes the counsilor him self do speka frensh ...)..the most important is to have real people that will say the truth..the language can always be translet by somebody at embassy or out side.

i have a question: in ure topic: u said: coming marriage (K-1 visa). ...becareful: u can NOT apply for a K1 visa if ure married( civil marriage in Algeria ,or even the fatiha the religeous marriage)

If u guys are already married in Algeria, u will haev to go for a Cr1..if im not wrong!!...u should check here in the forum for more info.

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-06 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTAXES*His ARMY DUTY* QUESTIONS! HELP!

there are few things here that u need to clarify before anyone can give u advice:
first u are talking about Fiance visa K1...but u put on ure profile that u guys did F1 that is a student visa...!!!!....

seconde, nothing will garantee u that ure fiance will get his fiance visa(if this what u applied for)..all is determend after at the interview and the document provided to the councelor.and this includes ure tax and income and also proofs of realationship.

third: for ure fiance and his army duties: if he has a passport and they didnt yet put him and the record of the algerian costoms, if he gets his Visa he can travel.cause if they have his name in the record of the police or military, ure fiance maybe taken to do his duties at anytime..even in his way out from algeria(by air, by car..) he can even be stoped for a routine car check and paper and can be stoped ...:(

unfrotunatly , if he doesnt has a passport yet: he should quickly do it, and pray that they will not come and get him.if he is in there target list of people!!!

he can still hide until he gets his visa..;-)

Good luck
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-14 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 and NOA2
Im not expert (please folks correct me if im wrong..)..but ure supposed to receive a letter in the Mail with ure file number and saying when the gov received ure application NOA.1
we didnt received a text not sure why u did..?
but with ure file number ure supposed to have access to the application and see in which step they are.. if the system doesnt recognize ure number: check twice maybe u are wrong, Or CALL THEM right a way.

Cause u already have been in the process for 3 months and the process takes 5 months and a week (legaly can be less) to be approved..than all depends in embassy, like me im waisting 4 months to get an interview.

The algiers embassy is busy (this is what they say) check with USCIS..

good luck

Edited by Moonlight2011, 11 June 2011 - 10:13 AM.

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-11 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 and NOA2

welcome here..;-)
do u mean u applied for a fiance visa in March (means u sent ure all paper on march..) so the text u got is NOA1...
If no, it means u sent ure application away before in 2010(6 months let say arround October 2010..than that text is ure NOA2..than in few days u will receive a letter..(but sorry we are in june its been already 3 other months...its supposed that u already got all those documents NOA2...) ..

ure topic is not really clear..;-)

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-11 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement
I forgot to say:
You have to meet once to launch the process, but still you have to try meet as much as you can, cause its really strange to marry sombody without knowing the Max of this person in reality..(contact online are sometimes not good for in the eye of the embassy).
The embassy will question everything in this relationship. You have to make sure that is a bonafide relationship.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-08-08 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement
Once is enough to launch the process.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-08-08 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! Need to apply for K-1 but HAVE NOT met!
as all VJ members explained before: youre chances to have you application approved, with out that actual condition: have met in person in the past two years before applying...`ARE NONE`.
Im sorry to be that hard to you, but following the US immigration and other are going waist money and time...

by the way, when i read youre story(i dont want be judgmental here), but i always find it weird when some people decide to get married with people that they never met in person.

If you think that youre case is going be okay just because you are in love and that you have 4years proof of communication: PLEASE DONT.

As a responsible person, you need to make efforts, to met, to travel to Algeria or meet in an other country..its very important for youre future in this journey:cause its going be a long long Visa process.

Algeria is very safe now, still few places arent but locals know where to do not go , so im sure youre fiance will do the right things.:-)

Good luck
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-08-07 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 papers: Photocopy or Original?
Hello guys,
Okay: if i have understand official documents need to be original (that contains signatures., stamps...ext)..
I have a question: how about the evidence of trips together like: Flight tickets, hotel i have to give originals to the interview, or copies are enough??
i was planning, to provide them only copies , but i will take originals with me if they ask me about original ones...!!!

what do u guys think?
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-09-28 03:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Danny thanks...for ure answer..and yes..i guess after all the advice and comments that people made here is my topic : i think i will take it easy and be as im ...
I dont want get too fustrated by this interview or questions.... we are what we are and if i can deal with this cultural adn religeous deffrence nad my family too , i guess that would not be a problem for them by the time( AFTER ther inquisition...)...

I sometimes feel that its so unfair ,that they treat us so badly, just because few couples made mistakes or some people abuse on those processes!!!.....

for katie Manny:
i was granted a first US visa (tourist) this how i meet my fiance. the two thers were denied (tourist)... and in between : i was granted a european visa Schengen and Uk one very easily(even if UK embassy knew that i was denied for a tourist US visa..)the second tourist visa was refused even if i had in my passport a UK visa granted!!! GRRRRRR...i guess i was highlited as an immigrant

Thx for ure advice anyway!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-11 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Thanks for ure answer!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-11 06:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
I dont know what happend........i didnt meant to send back this message SORRY!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-11 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Hi, thanks for ure answer!...and sharing ure thoughts regarding ure experiences...
so in ure opinion if the Guy will convert, this will look real and if not, they will see it as for paper only???
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-11 01:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Great..Thanks..i will keep in minde those questions..for me teh answers are already easy..:DDD
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Hi thanks for ure reply!!!

well maybe so... i guess, i was too naive and thinking that i have nothing to hide, when i asked a second time my tourist visa and put his name in the application.
I was really confident that they will not think that im going there to marry him....cause i have so much girl friend in USA, if that was that i would put my friend that invite me the first tim e(that was a girl)...
I was so choked how the council treated me: and was talking about culture and how come my parents leave me to go visit a single man:she didnt even notice that my passport was full of visa europ and african...Crazy!!!

well, i hope everything will be good for all of us!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 04:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Hello Guys,
Here is my story..i will be happy to have advices and what do u think from ure experience.
I live in Algeria, im in the Fiance visa Prosses.
I had a tourist visa for the USA in 2009,after few months , i requested the same visa (tourist to go see my friend..i got denied!!!)...i requested an other one in summer 2010(tourist) i got denied too.
In december 2010 we launched the process of fiance the way he came too times to algeria and we meet in europe ..and my parenst loves hima dn approve our relationship.
My questions are::wacko:
Do i havbe to worry because of my two denial (tourist visa), for the approval of my fiance one.???
What can i expecte from the interview: the algiers embassy has a very bad reputations those last two years in refusing visa for people...)? will may case be easy because im a woman?
in you re opinion what i should prepare or expect are question: sensitive or not?
i have a very good situation in algeria: very good job in an american company and very good salary...will this play in my favor???
for the point of the religion, im proude of mine and my culture and my lover respects me and he is sometimes more muslim than im, he is Kind and respectful: who knows in the future he will maybe converted, he already has been to the mosq to understand the culture, and read a lot...he want try fast next ramadan :thumbs:
...maybe he will convert or not but i dont wnat influence him..that will be his own decision....for now we respect each other and our mix is doing very well together...
Do u think this diffrence will create an issue?? or will seem for them strange??or unusual? family approves everything... do u think that they will not belive us???
Thanks for ure help in advance.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 02:17:00
USCIS Service Centerstime to wait between NOA1 and Approval\ check status online

hi vj, got a question for ya all, i filled my I-130 on march 12, got my file number on the NOA1 . but till now i still didnt get no answer, and i cant check my case online coz it says case cannot be found at this time in MY CASE STATUS !!!!

does any one know if thats normal, its already been 3 months???? thank u in advance

karomba007Not TellingAlgeria2013-06-28 18:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 1 recieved, how long will the NOA2 to be received and how long is the process of CR1


mine got approved to, but when i call they tell me that my case number is no valid????

karomba007Not TellingAlgeria2013-06-29 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 1 recieved, how long will the NOA2 to be received and how long is the process of CR1

thx u Stevie, apparently its not the Los Angeles Local office, its at NBC!!!

how long can it take to NOA2?

karomba007Not TellingAlgeria2013-06-28 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 1 recieved, how long will the NOA2 to be received and how long is the process of CR1

hi vj, got a question for ya all, i filled my I-130 on march 12, got my file number on the NOA . but till now i still didnt get no answer, and i cant check my case online coz it says case cannot be found at this time in MY CASE STATUS !!!!

does any one know if thats normal, its already been 3 months???? thank u in advance

karomba007Not TellingAlgeria2013-06-28 18:28:00