Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Wenn ständig dieselben charities anrufen hatte ich schon Erfolg damit denen zu sagen sie sollen mich bitte von der call list nehmen. Klappt nicht immer, aber versuchen kann man's ja mal.
Auf meinem cell phone bekomme ich seit neustem spanische spam Anrufe und noch mehr spanische SMS spam. Sehr ärgerlich!

Edited by thea, 05 January 2011 - 09:24 PM.

theaFemaleGermany2011-01-05 21:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
boah telemarketers... ich hasse das!
Hier ist der link zur do not call list:
Bei uns rufen zur Zeit aber auch wieder viele an - aber alles fundraiser für dies und das oder irgendwelche surveys. Dagegen hilft die Liste aber leider nicht. Viel Glück!
theaFemaleGermany2011-01-05 19:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Happy New Year!
theaFemaleGermany2011-01-03 19:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Frohe Weihnachten Mädels!
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-24 09:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Wir haben echt Glück, dass Chris schon Ende der 90er zum ersten mal hier nach DC kam und damals das Haus sehr billig von seinem commanding officer gekauft hat. Haus hat damals nur $180k gekostet, heute ist das identische Nachbarhaus für $450k auf dem Markt. Das BAH ist bisher jedes Jahr etwas angehoben worden, weil das hier in der Gegend wohl einfach nicht anders machbar ist.

Anna, ja er ist Navy und hatte diesen Sommer die 20 Jahre voll - wollte schon retirement machen, hat aber kurz vorher noch die orders reingedrückt bekommen. Seine letze Unit war auch als undeployable ( eingestuft, aber seine orders da liefen aus und neue waren fällig... Die Army findet wohl nicht mehr genug Leute für den Krieg und jetzt gibt es gewisse billets, die als allgemein genug eingestuft werden, dass die Jobs auch von Nicht-Armyleuten gemacht werden können. Er hat ne joint staff Position in der Verwaltung im US Hauptquartier in Kabul. Also eigentlich sehr sicher und er muss angeblich nicht raus da. Er ist ja auch gar nicht trainiert dafür. Mal gespannt wie wir in Kontakt bleiben, aber sein office dort hat eine eigene Facebook Seite und einen Twitterfeed Posted Image
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-17 21:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Danke Stefanie! Will ich ja mal stark hoffen, dass die das nachzahlen. Ich hab mal auf deinem BAH link geschaut und demnach sollten wir über $2700 bekommen weil Chris seit letztem Monat offiziell bei Andrews AFB stationiert ist - grosser Unterschied zu den $10 die uns gezahlt wurden. Oh my... das neue 2011 BAH ist dann doppelt so viel wie unser mortgage payment - ich glaub meine Küchenrenovierung wird damit finanziert! :blush: Auf die ganzen anderen Zuschläge würde ich sehr gerne verzichten, wenn ich dafür meinen Mann wieder hier haben könnte.
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-16 14:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Warum brennt hier das Zeug so schnell? Ist mir in D nie passiert, höchstens mal was gequalmt, wenn was im Toaster hängengeblieben war. Der letzte Toaster ist bei uns auch abgefackelt. Dabei sind die hier doch immer bei den Geräten so auf Sicherheit bedacht. Keines der Geräte hat aber nen Aufkleber, der davor warnt, dass dat Ding leicht in Flammen aufgehen kann.

Die haben bei hubby's Gehaltsabrechnung schon wieder Mist gebaut. Irgendwie hat er nur $10.68 BAH bekommen und ich frag mich ob das jetzt bedeutet, daß der Rest jetzt nachgezahlt wird Posted Image oder auf was für ner Grundlage diese Berechnung stattgefunden hat. Daß er nach Afghanistan geht bedeutet ja nicht, daß wir unseren Wohnsitz hier in DC aufgeben.
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-15 19:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Danke! Wie konnte ich Lowes vergessen!
Ich glaube ich fange erstmal Stückchenweise an - erstmal eine neue range und hood, weil das alte Ding (30 Jahre alt) heute Feuer gefangen hat. Also zuerst sicherstellen, dass ich gefahrlos kochen kann und dann der Rest vom remodel. Wow... Männe meinte doch tatsächlich grade im chat, dass ich mich nicht so anstellen soll und ein Feuer kann man ja schnell löschen, neue Geräte wären da also nicht unbedingt nötig. Männer! Posted Image
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-14 20:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Danke Mädels! Ich werde es mal mit Home Depot versuchen :-) Da wird hubby Augen machen wenn er nächstes Jahr heimkommt und wir haben ne neue Küche. :lol: :lol: :lol:
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-14 07:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

tut mir leid zu hoeren, dass er so lange weg ist :-(
Wie lange hat er eigentlich noch bis er in Rente gehen kann?

Das war eigentlich jetzt fällig. 20 Jahre Navy sind mehr als genug. Aber die orders kamen durch bevor er sein retirement paperwork einreichen konnte und mit den orders wurden die Papiere dann nicht akzeptiert. Er reicht es also von Kabul aus ein und dann wars das hoffentlich!

Mädels, würdet ihr euch von Home Depot ein kitchen remodel machen lassen? Ich hab die Schnauze voll mich um contractors zu kümmern und Home Depot bietet irgendwie alles in einem Paket an und dazu noch 10% military discount. Ich kenn nur niemanden, der das von denen hat machen lassen. Qualität ok oder soll ich mich doch lieber mit contractors rumschlagen?
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-13 17:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Ahn: Chris ist vermutlich bis nächsten November weg. Er hat 300 days boots on ground bekommen, aber das fängt erst an zu zählen wenn er in Kabul angekommen ist und im Moment dreht er halt noch ne Warteschleife in Kuwait.

Bei uns lag heute morgen doch tatsächlich etwas Schnee! War zwar schnell weggetaut, aber trotzdem sind die Leute hier wieder gefahren wie die letzen Idioten... boah und dazu so ein eklig kalter, heftiger Wind!
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-13 16:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ja, für FB hatte ich auch nicht so viel Zeit. Aber ich bin jetzt wieder mehr online. Hubby ist seit Thanksgiving auf seinem depolyment und so können wir wenigstens ab und zu mal chatten bis er sich in Kabul mehr eingelebt hat und ne bessere Verbindung hat - im Moment steckt er noch in Kuwait fest. Also alles nicht so super in letzer Zeit.
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-12 20:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hallo Mädels! Ich gesell mich auch mal wieder zu euch - war ja schon eeeeeeewig nicht mehr hier und muss wohl erstmal die letzen paar hundert Seiten nachlesen :blush:
theaFemaleGermany2010-12-12 16:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Why is the NVC closed today? Have a question about DS230
yeah, we got a bit of snow and ice... kinda causes the federal government to be closed or be on liberal leave :innocent:
theaFemaleGermany2007-02-14 20:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion about finger[rint locations
It has to be one of the USCIS offices that do fingerprinting. Just going to an FBI office won't get you into the USCIS system. There used to be a USCIS fingerprinting place in Norfolk at one point - maybe check if that one still exists and try to do a walk in there.
The Alexandria office is not bad though traffic wise since it is south of the beltway.
theaFemaleGermany2008-10-28 18:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400, problem, confused, please help!!!!!!
check the requirements for that state if they allow for students to keep the licence from their home state or if you need to get a new license
theaFemaleGermany2008-11-04 14:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview In Fairfax VA
Great! Thanks for your update!
I just submitted my N-400 and it's nice to hear that Fairfax does interview and oath on the same day. blush.gif
theaFemaleGermany2008-10-16 08:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionEntering USA with Cettificate of Naturalization?
QUOTE (NickD @ Dec 20 2008, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Dec 20 2008, 08:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Simple Answer is NO!! I just had my oath ceremony lat Monday, and during the ceremony the lady went through a few things and she stated MANY< MANY times, that you can NOT enter the USA with the Naturalization Certificate. She said you can leave, but you ain't getting back in!! She stressed that like 5 times.

Ha, and a big ha at that. Depends upon how you want to reenter, Our brilliant leaders only seem to think it's at legal border crossings, ports of entry, or airports. But some odd eleven million others seem to have found a different way.

Yeah... but isn't it much easier to just apply for a passport so you can easily and legally cross the border? blink.gif
Fact is that as a US citizen you must enter the country with a valid US travel document. Not a visa in a passport issued from your home country and not a naturalization certificate.
theaFemaleGermany2008-12-20 14:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPASSPORT
QUOTE (Walley @ Feb 7 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With the certified copy of my certificate, is this enough documentation if I cross the Canadian border and back? Just wondering if the Customs will honor it. If anyone has done this, please let me know.

Do not leave the country without your passport. Even the original certificate is not good for travel and the certified copy won't be either.
Although Canada may still be slightly different - not sure if you can get there and back on your drivers license. In any case, even if still possible rules are to change.

I applied for my passport on Wednesday and the guy at the passport office says currently there is no difference in processing times between standard and expedited (except for fees) and that it should take about a week to 10 days to receive the passport.

Edited by thea, 08 February 2009 - 09:29 AM.

theaFemaleGermany2009-02-08 09:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs Fairfax still conducting same day oaths?
There is also a special oath ceremony each year at Mount Vernon. This year's ceremony is on 18 May 2009.
theaFemaleGermany2009-02-23 20:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs Fairfax still conducting same day oaths?
QUOTE (flames9 @ Feb 23 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I figured there were around 60 people at my oath ceremony which was in the morning

same for me - there was a ceremony at 10am, noon, 2pm and 4pm. If they have about 60 people in each of those ceremonies that's already more than the 200 they'd need for that special ceremony!
The officer who interviewed me that she does 15 interviews per day. They would only need 13 officers doing all their interviews on 1 day to get the needed number...
theaFemaleGermany2009-02-23 17:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs Fairfax still conducting same day oaths?
QUOTE (flames9 @ Feb 20 2009, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Like anything with the govt, the policy could change daily! or talk with another interviewer, and he will say they still do same day interview/oaths,lol

so true... devil.gif
theaFemaleGermany2009-02-20 08:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs Fairfax still conducting same day oaths?
wow... makes me wonder if I was there on the last day they did the same day oath unsure.gif oldahmed had his interview the next day and is apparently still waiting...
theaFemaleGermany2009-02-20 07:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat are you doing with your "old" citizenship?
Germany changed the citizenship law in 2001 and only since then is it possible to get dual citizenship. However, it is not straightforward. They still discurage dual citizenship. If you want to retain German citzenship you have to apply for a permit (and pay €255). The permit hold dual citizenship needs to be approved and officially handed over to you by the embassy/consulate before you take the new citizenship. Otherwise you automatically lose German citizenship.

theaFemaleGermany2009-02-25 20:50:00
ChinaPassed 6 days ago but still no VISA at Post Office in Guagzhou.
Try to call or email embassy and see if the visa was issued. They would be able to provide with the information on when it was sent, if it was.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-03-06 10:57:00
ChinaAOS (Adjustment of Status)
Since you are on CR1/IR1 visa, it all depends how long you've been married before your interview, if under 2 years you will have to fill out for ROC, and yes they will look at your finances, as you will need to file I-864.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-05-29 09:55:00
Asia: East and PacificIncome
Attached is the poverty guideline that you must to meet.

Based on that you can figure out how much you need to make in order to file affidavit of support. If you don't make sufficient you will have to find a co-sponsor.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-04-23 11:59:00
Africa: Sub-Saharaninsurance needed?
They will not ask you for the insurance on the interview. So don't worry about it. No they will not count him as dependent, while insurance allows the coverage for unmarried children under the age of 26, it doesn't apply to the dependent status.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-01-10 05:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUnemployment co-sponsor

im not sure how he got over 30,000 either I know he was working a job that made him more than 17.00 an hour he filed taxes and everything he had an extension with his unemployment so not sure I know he still gets unemployment now guess hes a lucky one

Seems like the unemployment benefits depend on the state the person lives in. So it is quite possible making 30K according to that source: http://fileunemploym...rison-by-state.

However as it was mentioned Ghana, might be an issue with this type of co-sponsor.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-03-09 11:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUnemployment co-sponsor
Not sure how can you get an unemployment of 30K, but let's assume that.

A person can only collect unemployment for a certain time between 6 month to a year. I would think that CO would want to see a co-sponsor with more stable income. Also don't forget you are dealing with pretty hard consulate, so I would recommend if you are using a co-sponsor try to find someone more stable just to give you a better feeling for your interview.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-03-09 10:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApprovals and Denials - When do they tell you?


1.) After your Interview, when do they tell you your K1-VISA is approved or denied?
Most of the time you will know right away, unless they require some additional documentation
2.) If it's approved, when do you get it?
Will be issued within 2 weeks (if approved)
3.) Will they send you somewhere to pick it up?
Will be send to home with the courier
4.) When do the 90 days start?
Upon entry to the USA.

Thank you. :)

Edited by Oksana & Max, 04 June 2012 - 07:29 AM.

Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-06-04 07:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmbassy visa interview
They usually have the decision way before. This is why some embassies will not let you to present any evidence during intervew like dwheels76 mentioned front loading for high fraud consulate, is really not an option but a requirement.
In my case I went thru easy embassy and didn't had to front load anything, neither they asked for any evidence during the interview, which lasted about 3 minutes total.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-08-15 12:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is there an NVC flow chart for natural born children of USCs?
Your case will go to the NVC. Since you are on the IR/CR route there is the whole process that is required by NVC. Where you will need to pay the IV fees and etc... only after that the case will be transferred to the Embassy. You can expect to spend about 2 month at the NVC stage, before the case will be directed to the embassy. Read the guides on the forum, they explain the NVC process.

Here is the link to the flow chart it is the same for everyone: http://www.visajourn...wchart_v1-2.pdf

Edited by Oksana & Max, 05 March 2012 - 11:16 AM.

Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-03-05 11:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)kev number at nvc
As soon as you will get the KEV number you can schedule a medical, for embassy interview you will need to wait for it to get to the system usually about a week.

It is just a general medical, they will take blood work, and chest X-Ray, pretty straight forward. Usually takes about couple hours, and you get your results afternoon the same day. The cost is 1000 hryvnas and can only be paid in hryvnas, they don't accept real money anymore :)
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2012-08-20 11:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3-avvidate of support
USCIS do not deny based on that, as it is the CO to look into those issues. As other poster said, you must to be 18, so unfortunately you have to wait, there is no exceptions and co-sponsor will not help till you turn 18.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-16 08:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Time - waiting game..


I am a Canadian citizen and my husband is American. We got married in Toronto in May 2011. We applied for the I-130 in June and thn for I-129F in July. I know that it is still early (not even been 4 months) but was wondering how the processing times are?

I am hoping to move to US by February 2012. Is there any way to expediate the process?

Any advice is appreciated as I am already getting tired of the waiting game.


Your K-3 will most likely be closed by NVC and you will get transferred to the CR-1 category. Unfortunately there is no way to speed up the process. The CR-1 wisa, usually takes about 9-12 month. So I doubt you can make it by February.

Good luck on your journey.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-20 09:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIN MAJOR DILEMMA, plz and help.

Thanks for your replies to my previous post under the same Title. Just wanted to clarify couple of points here. First of all I am a very proud US citizen holding a crystal clear record of my professional, social, and personal life (even for my driving record). I feel my post has created some negative replies. So in need of that I am clarifying couple of points here.

1. My marriage was not pre-planned as I had not even met the person. So, it was rather spontaneous decision. The plan was to visit India, meet up the person, and come back and think of marriage in near future here, as all of my side of family resides here. But since his side of family would not be able to travel here they insisted on a little ceremony there, which consisted of only 6 people. My family was here, they didn't flew there for it.

2. Per the reply # 4 by "pushbrk", you are 100% right. In fact, I was not able to register my marriage there. As it is consider too small by the law. So, I was NOT able to obtain any "Marrige-certificate".

I hope this makes sense. So, per the legal advice there I was told this is not considered marriage. So, I hope now you see the major dilemma I am in.


While you were not being able to obtain a "marriage certificate". As it was pointed out in the previous post. You are in the limbo. You are not elligible for K-1 as the ceremony took place. But you don't have marriage certificate to apply for CR-1. So get a marriage certificate and apply for CR-1.

There is no dilemma, and this is what you have to do, if you want to be together.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-21 08:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIN MAJOR DILEMMA, plz and help.

Is your marriage legally recognized under Indian law? If it is not, then your husband should still be eligible to apply for a spousal visa.

I disagree. If they will show pictures from this ceremony to the CO, he/she might see it differently. And like other poster said. They might be no longer eligible for K-1, neither eligible for CR-1. You have to be really carefull with any type of ceremonies.

Edited by Oksana & Max, 21 October 2011 - 07:41 AM.

Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-21 07:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIN MAJOR DILEMMA, plz and help.

Since this is a new marriage, the first green card will be good for only two years, not ten. They will face removal of conditions before obtaining the 10 year card.

Thanks for the correction. I guess this is where the 2 year marriage rule apply.

Well anyway the OP really have no option, because of the virtual K-3 non-existance, he is forced to go with CR-1.

Also, there is no "conversion". Two petitions begin two visa paths. When the K3 visa path dies, the CR1 simply continues. Think of it like a drag race. Two cars (petitions) are racing neck to neck. A third of the way down the quarter mile, the car K3 blows up and car CR1 continues to the finish line.

I just didn't want to confuse the OP with words like "administratively closed" etc.... :)

Edited by Oksana & Max, 21 October 2011 - 07:02 AM.

Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-21 07:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIN MAJOR DILEMMA, plz and help.
Since you did a wedding ceremenony and doesn't matter how small it was. You are not elligible anymore to K-1 visa. K-1 visa is only for the unmarried couple there is a reason it's called FIANCEE VISA. Don't try to play the game with USCIS and Consulate a wedding ceremony is a wedding ceremony, you are not elligible. If you hide it from them, and they will find out later, your wife will face a life ban from ever entering US.

What you read about K-3 is correct it is virtually doesn't exist anymore. And there is 99.9% chance that you will be converted to CR-1 Spousal visa. While K-3 was slightly faster not by much standard processing for K-1/K-3 visa is 6-8 month, very rarely you will get it earlier. I would recommend stick with CR-1 since you married, while you will need to wait longer, there is more benefits to it. First of all CR-1 is an immigration visa, so your wife will get her 10yr permanent greencard and no worries about being able to work, or do AOS, or ROC and in 3 years she will be elligible for the citizenship.

While I went the K-1 route, it was due to the complications for me getting married in the country of my fiancee. It would take me longer to get an approval for wedding there then just go the K-1 route.

Good luck on your journey and think twice before you want to hide something from the USCIS or consulate.
Oksana & MaxMaleUkraine2011-10-21 06:49:00