US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Luz, where do you want us to meet for the get-together? Ken&Maria, please confirm if you are coming. Maria (Richard & Maria) is confirmed na and so am I. Reminder: please expect the usual "KKB" arrangement (dutch treat).

PW, Ehssa of dave_ehssa in VJ. If I remember right her interview is the 16th but Dave could not make it to Manila. We are just waiting on Gary and Luz to set a date, place and time. I am hoping for the 15th since there seems to be a lot of interviews on the 16th. Ken

Hello Sis..Hi Ken,

What :Manila Thread VJ Members Get Together

When: Feb 15th 2007--5:30 to 6:00 pm

Where:MEGA STAR seafood & hotpot restaurant- 512 Gen .Malvar St.Malate Manila .Tel.#522 -7009 TO 10

Glad to see and meet you all there.. (F) Some member here that wanna' join you are all very much welcome!

Sis soo excited to see you.. :yes: Hope to hear Garya505's confirmation.

I'm all for it. My fiancee is very shy and I know her first answer will be "no, I'm shy". Then I work on it from there. :lol:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-02-01 13:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Visa delivered by Delbros 02/01/07 at 9:00am - Arrive in Jacksonville, Florida on Sunday February 4!!!!

You interview was 1/25 so it was exactly 1 week for delivery. You're in Cagayan de Oro right?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-31 23:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

it's now 4:47am Manila time Feb 1st. best of luck to vic&el4ever with the interview. :thumbs:

I have been on the phone with her, she arrived at 5:30am there. She is 6th in line for the K-1 visas. She will be calling me as soon as she knows the result.

Thanks too all for your support and care! We have so many plans and we are preying that soon all will come true for us.

Good luck and thanks for the info. I'll be there with my fiancee and I'm sure she will want to go at 4AM but I think 5AM is WAY early enough!
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-31 17:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

We would like to encourage the "silent majority" of Manila thread and the "lurkers" to join in our discussion. Don't be shy to ask questions. Someone would always try to find answers for you.

Okay, I have a question. This may be difficult for anyone to answer, but her goes. Fely is plagued by frequent boils (she call them pimples) on her back. Her entire family gets them, but they have been particularly bad for her since I visited her last May and we both had them. I believe I caught them from her (through intimate contact). Since I have returned to the US, I've stopped getting them (though my scars remain). She goes through periods when she has none, then suddenly several break out. I believe something in her environment is causing them (maybe the water?).

I have been trying to get her to go see a doctor. Probably a shot of penicillan would make them go away. But the scars will remain for a long time. I am now worried, after reading about other's visits to Saint Lukes, that these scars may cause a problem for her when she goes to her medical. These boild are communicable though contact.

I'm wondering if anyone reading this thread is familiar with this condition. And if so if you know what is involved in curing them. For Fely it has been something she has grown up with and accepts it as normal. But I know that is not the norm for most Filipinos. Any suggestions anyone might have would be appreciated, and if this is something that won't be a problem at the medical, please let me know. Thanks.


I think a doc could give her something for that. Anyway they will ask about the scars at the medical exam. My fiancee had some small scars from working in a meat shop (cutting herself) and they asked her about that. If your fiancee is under treatment and the boils are gone I think she will have a much better chance of getting through the medical with no delays.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-30 21:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Logical reasoning - the embassy gets 50% commission from the Delbros delivery fee :lol:
Abstract and convoluted reasoning - let them endure some more from waiting, they've waited months and years, so what's a few more days? :devil:

Well, the 50% theory could have some merit. :lol:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 23:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I'd like to get everyone's experience with the VISA Enbassy pick-up question. It appears to me that so far we know this:
1. It's the discretion of the Consular Officer to allow the pickup.
2. It's more likely you will get approval of your request for pick-up if the the petitioner is there.

I also wonder what could be the reason of the CO to disallow pick-up. Any thoughts on this? I mean there must be some reason, logical or not.

Just a wild A$$ guess, but I would think those that live locally to the embassy would have the least chance for a pick up approval.

I see, maybe the reasoning of the CO for local applicants is that delivery for them would only take an extra day or two, and adds extra work for the Embassy staff for the in-person pick-up?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 18:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I'd like to get everyone's experience with the VISA Enbassy pick-up question. It appears to me that so far we know this:
1. It's the discretion of the Consular Officer to allow the pickup.
2. It's more likely you will get approval of your request for pick-up if the the petitioner is there.

I also wonder what could be the reason of the CO to disallow pick-up. Any thoughts on this? I mean there must be some reason, logical or not.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 17:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

hi,iam just worried about my visa,how many days does visa delived?im from rizal..Tnx!!!God bless

We are waiting for VISA also. My wife's interview was 01/25......two days after you......Delbros says 7 days to province for delivery. My wife is in Cagayan de Oro and hopes that she has her visa on February 1. I have been trying to look it up on the Delbros website, but the website there isn't working.


I'll be interested to see recent delivery times to Cagayan de Oro. We're going to request Embassy pick-up of the VISA, but if they deny our request we will wait for delivery in Cagayan de Oro. Interview is Tuesday 2/13 and we have tickets to leave at 11PM on Friday 2/23.

Edited by garya505, 29 January 2007 - 01:50 PM.

garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 13:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

if my fiancee wants to get vaccinated at st lukes what is the fee and how to they accept-do they accept pesos and or us dollars

You may already know this but the St. Lukes medical exam fee is $95 but must be paid in pesos. As someone else already stated, the vaccinations are included in the medical exam fee. They may ask if you want the vaccinactions there at St. Lukes or would like to get them in the US, and you might as well get them there as it's included in the fee.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Regarding the CFO stamp on Visa. It is my understanding that once my wife receives her Visa that she is to go to the CFO office and have her Visa stamped? What days can this be done? I assume it is closed on Saturday and Sunday?

Yes she will need to go to the CFO office to get the stamp on her VISA. Of course she needs the CFO Certificate first. If she has not attended the CFO seminar she will need to attend that at SMEF-COW or PRISM to get the certificate. PM me if you need more info on that, I have a lot of notes.

I believe the CFO Office (at Citigold) is open Mon-Fri only.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 13:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Reading from the article that roy sent, it would seem that more and more people would choose to go this route as it is faster and simpler. The downside would be that the embassy will start noticing (or maybe has noticed) a trend of more cases of presumptive death and would probably give new cases a second look. Presumptive death involving plane crash, sea mishaps, armed conflict, and kidnapping would probably have easier sailing compared to those whose ex-spouse just disappeared. Just my opinion though.

Just as we feared, the embassy now views presumptive death with suspicion. Here's Kirk's post about it:

It seems the presumptive death route to end marriage has been used for convienance and individuals in contact with their spuses have used it in the Philippines. It seems like the embassy views presumptive death with a presumption of fraud. Jenny was called back for a second interview, where they kept making promises that she could come to the USA is she would just admit that she had contact with her husband. The trouble was is Jenny has had no contact with him in years. He literally disappeared. They said they would contact her in one to two months, so we are hoping. Annulment I believe is out of the question because I believe, if he is alive, that we would have to serve him which is difficult when someone has dropped off the face of the earth.

If you can find your spouse, annullment might work especially if he is not supporting you and/or your child. (Emotional immaturity). When I researched this out as I was trying to find Jenny's husband when I first met her, a Gaum divorce was a possibility. At that time in Guam if 2 individuals agreed, neither have to show up for the divorce. I think that has changed. If you have gone the presumptive death route, what I think helps you is a showing that you and your spouse had a good relationship until he disappeared. Pictures of them and letters are things that should be brought to the embassy.

I hope this helps.

The good news she gave was that everyone who had not been married before seemed to get approved.

Off hand does anyone have the phone number for the embassy, that can be called from the USA. I plan to give the embassy a call later this week.

I would expect that the Embassy views any situation that appears to be getting around an annulment as suspicious. I would include presumtive death as well as a late registration BC which might hint at a name change done to get a new BC, passport, and CENOMAR.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-29 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

the DS-156 is the one done online. the third page contains the barcode. print out two sets. bring those to the interview.

Ok, I am totally confused now. Luz will be paying for the interview later today. She has: 2 copies of the DS156, 2 copies of the DS 157 and 2 copies of a DS 156-K from her packet 4.
Keeping in mind she has her 15 YO son that is going with her, what forms need filled out, how many copies, and do both do exactly the same paperwork?

Luz will be submitting two completed copies of the DS-156, two completed copies of the DS-157, just one of the DS-156k
for her son, two completed copies of the DS-156, two completed copies of the DS-157. the DS-156k not needed.

Wow, I hope Gary can figure out what you just said there because I read it 3 times and I had to stop because it's making my head hurt. :blink:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-28 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I am trying to determine what day my wife will receive her Visa in Cagayan De Oro. She had her interview on Thursday, January 25. I looked on the Delbros website and it only states that Embassy began the order at 12:15pm on January 25.

I need to estimate the date so that I can purchase her airlines ticket to come here.

Thanks for your feedback.

Well, Luz and her son FINALLY finished their medical. It took a whole WEEK! Let me explain. They went to Manila on monday. Since Robin is 15 they separated them and had him go through with the men. Everything seemed to go OK at first. Then they told Luz that they wanted the psyc report from her annulment. So she had to have her sister go back to Olongapo and fax it to her. No big deal really. But with Robin it was a problem. During the interview part of the exam they started asking him questions like have you ever had this or that illness. When they asked him if he ever had "hepa" (hepatitis) he didn't know what they were talking about. He got confused and said yes. :( So they stopped his exam right there and told him to go to an outside hospital and have some blood tests done and come back with the results. The next day they went to the hospital and had the blood taken from Robin. Luz also got her papers that they wanted. They would not have the results from the test until wed. So on wed they got the results (negative of course) and went back to St. Lukes. Luz finished her exam, got her vaccinations and was OK. Robin was another story. They came up to Luz and said they had found something "suspicious" on his x-ray. They wanted to do more x-rays. So they had to go back the next day and have more pictures. On friday they went back and Robin finished the exam and the vaccinations. There was nothing wrong with his x-rays. So a 2 day exam turned out to be a week!!! What an ordeal for them. I am just glad it's over.

That was not fun...but we are glad they are done with the medicals. Good luck on the interview. We will be praying for Luz and Robin.


Yes Jo fun at all there :no: ..whew im glad its over!! I drop my papers in the releasing counter at 5:am and they called my name at 2:40 for vaccination and wait another 21/2 hour before they release my paper and give my x-ray result! :
My son had to do another x-ray 5x different position and taht means expose himself to the radiation :( .they do that to make sure what is ''suspicious abnormalities''that they saw before..and Thanks God everything is clear and they even told my son Ok your a ''very healthy boy u can go to USA '' :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,W e start Robin's paper at 8 and were done at 5:30!!

Im just glad its over and I thank God for that!Thanks for your prayers Jo.. (F)

Glad to see familiar faces from VJ and WOF members!They are all so nice and sweet! :yes:


Congratulations for you and your son!

My fiancee in CDO has two friends there that both received their VISA in 7 calendar days.

Thanks Gary, I am hoping she will receive it by February 1st, fly to Manila on the 2nd and get her CFO stamp and then leave Manila on February 3, 2006. I dont know why, but on when I look online some days it is $680 plus tax and other days it is $1790 plus tax for a one way ticket here. It doesn't make sense, but that is what I am finding.

Be very careful when booking NWA. They have a flight from Manila that connects in Nagoya AND Narita, and the Nagoya-Narita flight leg is a domestic Japanese flight.

A NWA flight that just connects in Narita would be fine though.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-27 18:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I am trying to determine what day my wife will receive her Visa in Cagayan De Oro. She had her interview on Thursday, January 25. I looked on the Delbros website and it only states that Embassy began the order at 12:15pm on January 25.

I need to estimate the date so that I can purchase her airlines ticket to come here.

Thanks for your feedback.

Well, Luz and her son FINALLY finished their medical. It took a whole WEEK! Let me explain. They went to Manila on monday. Since Robin is 15 they separated them and had him go through with the men. Everything seemed to go OK at first. Then they told Luz that they wanted the psyc report from her annulment. So she had to have her sister go back to Olongapo and fax it to her. No big deal really. But with Robin it was a problem. During the interview part of the exam they started asking him questions like have you ever had this or that illness. When they asked him if he ever had "hepa" (hepatitis) he didn't know what they were talking about. He got confused and said yes. :( So they stopped his exam right there and told him to go to an outside hospital and have some blood tests done and come back with the results. The next day they went to the hospital and had the blood taken from Robin. Luz also got her papers that they wanted. They would not have the results from the test until wed. So on wed they got the results (negative of course) and went back to St. Lukes. Luz finished her exam, got her vaccinations and was OK. Robin was another story. They came up to Luz and said they had found something "suspicious" on his x-ray. They wanted to do more x-rays. So they had to go back the next day and have more pictures. On friday they went back and Robin finished the exam and the vaccinations. There was nothing wrong with his x-rays. So a 2 day exam turned out to be a week!!! What an ordeal for them. I am just glad it's over.

That was not fun...but we are glad they are done with the medicals. Good luck on the interview. We will be praying for Luz and Robin.


Yes Jo fun at all there :no: ..whew im glad its over!! I drop my papers in the releasing counter at 5:am and they called my name at 2:40 for vaccination and wait another 21/2 hour before they release my paper and give my x-ray result! :
My son had to do another x-ray 5x different position and taht means expose himself to the radiation :( .they do that to make sure what is ''suspicious abnormalities''that they saw before..and Thanks God everything is clear and they even told my son Ok your a ''very healthy boy u can go to USA '' :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,W e start Robin's paper at 8 and were done at 5:30!!

Im just glad its over and I thank God for that!Thanks for your prayers Jo.. (F)

Glad to see familiar faces from VJ and WOF members!They are all so nice and sweet! :yes:


Congratulations for you and your son!

My fiancee in CDO has two friends there that both received their VISA in 7 calendar days.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-27 16:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

The NBI clearance is good for one year. I have heard some here say that at the interview, it should be six months old or less. Lilia's will be 8 months old by the time her new interview comes round. A new NBI was ordered and will be delivered "two days" before her new interview (in other words, it is likely to be late). Any experience on this issue? Maybe another trip to Manila for a rush delivery is necessary? Thanks. Rob

Just a reminder Rob, the NBI clearance needs to say "for foreign travel" or something like that, and it needs a thumbprint.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-26 09:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Can anyone confirm how long the medical is good for? Lilia got her new papers from the embassy for a new Feb. 26 interview, and there is a new medical schedule too. She just finished her medical at St. Lukes on Jan 15. Surely she doesn't have to go back through all that mess again? Right?

No I think they just always give a medical appointment date 1 week before the interview as standard procedure. In reality I don't think the medical "appointments" are real appointments at all, they are just giving you a suggested date (it's not like they have your name on a list for that day or anything like that). As we have seen, the applicant can show up at St. Luke's pretty much anytime, as long as it's at least 1 week before the interview.

Since Lilia is already done with her medical, well she's done then, unless of course she was told specifically by someone at St. Luke's to return to St. Luke's for some follow-up on the previous problem. Was she?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-25 12:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I am going over to Manila in March, is it true my fiancee has to go to CFO seminar before he leaves country on k1? Am I able to attend the seminar with him?

Yes he will need to attend the CFO seminar and get the CFO stamp on his VISA before he can leave the country.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-24 18:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Well it appears we have another debate: Is the Bank Letter Required? YES or NO. :lol:

Edited by garya505, 23 January 2007 - 10:43 PM.

garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-23 22:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I'd like to nominate Gary and Luz for the best VJ photos. Whenever things are not going good for me it always cheers me up to see their pics. :dance:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-23 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

just wondering, is ST Lukes doing some prescreening? would think there area would medical. now they can request new Cenomar? wondering if something they do on their own or ask to do by Embassy.

Yes they seem to be prescreening, though one would think that is not within their responsibility or authority. They are in a position to delay or stop the interview for things that we could argue are not medical concerns.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-23 19:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

*** I have a wedding band from Paul my fiance (is it ok?)

Question : Do I need to fill-up and show the Visa Application Forms at St. Lukes? Do I need to complete the Documents in the Appointment Packet before they proceed on my Medical check-ups?

A wedding band can get you into trouble as Gary has indicated in his earlier post so keep your ring at home. You are a K1 and should not show up with a wedding band.

You don't need to fill up the DS forms and complete the documents in the appointment packet. Those are for your interview. St. Lukes will provide you with the forms that they would need for the medical. Bring your old x-rays if available.

What if the band is an engagement ring?

A wedding ring is great for if you’re married sure, but we both wear a ring for our engagement.

If even read: if you have a ring receipt too bring it with you for proof of engagement. True or untrue!

It depends on what the ring looks like. If your wearing a diamond ring then you can say it's an engagement ring. Luz has that and it's OK. If you are wearing a gold band then they might look at it and demand you prove your not married. If this happens at St.Lukes a week before your interview then you can count on your interview getting changed. If it happens at the interview then an AR is assured. Luz and I both wear gold bands but they will be no where to be seen at the interview. No need for any unnecessary chances.

So wear no ring too the medical or interview, what is your proof of engagement?

Wearing a wedding ring to the medical at St. Luke's is a bad idea if you're on a K1 [b]fiance(e) VISA. I think a little common sense could go a long way here. How could you be getting a fiance(e) VISA (which requires you to be single) if you're already married?

My fiancee wore her engagement ring to the medical and it didn't come up.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-23 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Hi guys! I just want to make sure.... below are the only requirements I need to bring for my Medical in St. Lukes.. Am I right?

1. $95 or Php 5,000.00 (not sure of the e. rate they will use)
2. Passport
3. Appointment Letter from USE (original and photocopy)
4. Passport size photo's (3 pcs minimum)
5. Black Ink Pen
6. Something to Read while waiting (book)
7. Jacket (i will leave the house 3 am- from Batangas plus I heard its cold in the clinic)

*** I don't have vaccination record
*** I don't have contact lens
*** No Scar or Abdominal surgery
*** No record of marrige or annulment
*** I have a wedding band from Paul my fiance (is it ok?)

Question : Do I need to fill-up and show the Visa Application Forms at St. Lukes? Do I need to complete the Documents in the Appointment Packet before they proceed on my Medical check-ups?

I'm planning to have my medical on Jan 29 (Monday)

Any advice will be much appreciated.



You should also have the following information ready to make it easier:

St. Luke's - Information for forms:
· Name (Last, First, Middle):
· Civil Status: single or married
· Case Number: MNLxxxxxxxxxx
· Classification: K1 or K3
· Consul: Manila, Philippines
· Present country of Residence: Philippines
· Previous country of Residence: N/A
· Passport Number:
· Place where passport was issued:
· Date when passport was released:
· Age:
· Birthdate:
· Birthplace:
· Date of previous Chest X-Ray:
· Is this your first time for a medical here at SLEC?:
· Intended date of departure for the USA:
· Intended Port of Entry (POE):
· Complete address in the USA:
· Tel. No. in the USA:
· Is your petitioner still alive? Yes
· Contact person at the above USA address:
· Name of your nearest relative in USA:
· Relationship: fiance or husband
· Complete Address of your nearest relative:
· Telephone number of your nearest relative:

St. Luke's - Questions during the exam:
· Date of the first day of my menstruation:
· Any major operation?:
· History of stroke?:
· High blood pressure?:
· History of diabetes?:
· History of asthma?:
· Any suicidal attempt?:
· Given birth to a child?:
· Liver or kidney problem?:
· Have you had an abortion?:
· Any mental disorder?:
· Physical defects/abnormalities?:
· Case of syphilis or any STD, UTI?:
· Drug abuse/addiction?:
· Have you ever been hospitalized before?:
· Do you have dentures?
· Complete set of teeth?
· Do you have any vaccination records?
· Have you had Chicken Pox and do you have any scars from that?
· Do you want to get the vaccinations here at SLEC?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-23 03:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Most of you know the story of Lilia going to her medical exam with a cough and congestion. We were unable to continue with our 12/28 interview because St. Luke's wanted more tests to be certain that she didn't have TB, and couldn't get them scheduled prior to her interview. She ended up going to St. Luke's for 5 days. Finally she was cleared of TB, but missed her interview.

The big BAD news was that the embassy was sending us to the back of the queue with a possible May interview date. I faxed a letter with an early interview application that same day (one week ago today). I sent letters to my Senator and Congressman asking that they call the embassy.

I called today for outcome of early interview application.

Hurah! We are approved for early interview. Our new interview date is February 26. :dance:

A month from now is double what I asked for, but I will accept it gladly. It is certainly better than May or June. My goodness, this process will age you quickly.

Persistance pays.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-22 21:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Sharing latest information on CFO registration after you have completed your Guidance and Counseling at PRISM.

Take note that at PRISM, they have a limit of 15 participants for the seminar and counseling. So if you come in the morning and you happen to be number 16, you have to wait till the afternoon session.**

The good thing is, the Guidance/Counseling and PDOS or pre departure orientation seminar has been incorporated in one place. So after this, all you need to do is go to to CFO to get your sticker and green certificate which will take less than an hour.

**Although in my case, they graciously allowed me into the morning session and I got my certificate right after the counseling.

So they only allow 15 for each session? What time do people start queueing for this? Jennie is leaving at 7AM to commute there. She will most likely arrive close to 9AM. You think that is too late?


Yes they have a limit but my fiancee showed up there at 9:45AM to sign up for the 1:30PM or 3:30PM session and they put her in the 10AM session because it wasn't full yet. YMMV
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-22 19:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Good Day Fellow VJers!!

Jennie completed her medical exam 1/17-18 this week and everything looks great. During the immunization she was told that SLEC does not give the TD (Tetanus/Diphtheria) vaccine and she would have to get it when she gets to the US. I am guessing that this vaccine is necessary for AOS, correct?

I asked my physician here about that vaccine and whether the vaccine can be given during pregnancy. I was told "ABSOLUTELY NOT". The only time a doctor would give that to a pregnant woman is when she cuts herself...say with a rusty nail...and there is the risk of infection.

So my question is....

What if she gets pregnant right away upon entering the US and is unable to get the vaccine for AOS? Will they still approve AOS based on this? Any thoughts or experiences on this?

Thank you.

I did some research on the vaccines myself and I believe there is a risk with MMR and Varicela vaccines but not TD. Your doc is probably just being conservative. I think the vaccinations for AOS are given "as appropriate" so I think the AOS doc has some leeway on this and would not hold up AOS for that reason.

And the more we talk about it I realize that they wont cancel the medical exam for being pregnant either. It's not like they will send her home for being pregnant and not able to complete the vaccines, right?? RIGHT???

No it's not a problem. They will get a pregnancy test the first day. My fiancee's cousin was 4 months pregnant at her exam.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-20 01:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Good Day Fellow VJers!!

Jennie completed her medical exam 1/17-18 this week and everything looks great. During the immunization she was told that SLEC does not give the TD (Tetanus/Diphtheria) vaccine and she would have to get it when she gets to the US. I am guessing that this vaccine is necessary for AOS, correct?

I asked my physician here about that vaccine and whether the vaccine can be given during pregnancy. I was told "ABSOLUTELY NOT". The only time a doctor would give that to a pregnant woman is when she cuts herself...say with a rusty nail...and there is the risk of infection.

So my question is....

What if she gets pregnant right away upon entering the US and is unable to get the vaccine for AOS? Will they still approve AOS based on this? Any thoughts or experiences on this?

Thank you.

I did some research on the vaccines myself and I believe there is a risk with MMR and Varicela vaccines but not TD. Your doc is probably just being conservative. I think the vaccinations for AOS are given "as appropriate" so I think the AOS doc has some leeway on this and would not hold up AOS for that reason.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-19 21:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I think u can get cab or shuttle there...there is like a 3 or 4 floor duty free fiesta mall! really nice! shop till u drop...I am not sure if you can shop when u first arrive, theres some weird rules for foreigners/balikbayans/etc. I know I went a day or two before I left with my family there, u gotta show ur passport and stuff.... maybe someone at airport can fill u in.....

Is that in the Airport? After I go out through immigration and customs I guess I would not be able to go there.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-19 12:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Looks like I'm going to have a 7 hour layover in Manila and I really don't want to sit in the airport for that long. Does anyone know a good place nearby to just hang out. How about a Starbuck's or something like that?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-18 23:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Ok I have searched and come up empty. Does anyone have an example of the "Letter of Advice" required for marriage between the ages of 21-25? I know by the Family Code it is only required if applying for a marriage license in the PI, but I read some where that the CFO sometimes ask for these even though it is not required for the visa. Ken & Maria

The CFO people have been known to ask for stuff like divorce papers too. My fiancee took a bunch of extra stuff but they didn't ask for anything except to see some photos of us together.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-18 23:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

St. Luke’s Extension Clinic (SLEC) The beneficiary may reschedule the appointment with SLEC or walk-in with the appointment letter and/or NOA2. This is strange as my fiancee and I went to the St. Luke’s Extension Clinic with our NO2, the officer refused to allow us to enter as we had no appointment letter from the Embassy. What did we do wrong?
Our case finally arrived at the Embassy on December 19, but normally a two month backlog to send a packet to us.

Dr. Joe May

Phil-Am K1 Information…
I'm almost ready to go final with this...

(5). St. Luke’s Extension Clinic (SLEC) information is within my signature. SLEC is where the beneficiary goes to take the medical exam and vaccination. The process takes two days: Day 1 is the medical exam (the beneficiary's passport will be taken and sent to the USE along with the medical exam results) and; Day 2 is the vaccination (the beneficiary will be given the x-ray film and the vaccination worksheet/record). NOTE: If the Manila Embassy does not mail the beneficiary the K1 Visa Packet and Appointment Letter, then call SLEC to arrange to pick them up at SLEC. Be advised, the beneficiary's medical exam will be scheduled one week before the visa interview by the USE. Per the Manila Embassy Thread, we recommend that the beneficiary takes the medical exam anywhere from 2 weeks to a month before the interview to ensure the results are available for the Consular Officer and to prepare in the unfortunate event of unfavorable medical results. The beneficiary may reschedule the appointment with SLEC or walk-in with the appointment letter and/or NOA2 (don't forget to bring the passport and medical exam fee).

My fiancee was ready to go to St. Luke's with NOA2 and print-out from the Embassy VISA website showing the appointment date, and we would have requested packet pick-up there too (and I would have called SLEC to verify it's there). Our appointment letter showed up just in time, but we would have gone ahead and done it without the letter, as many people have done that successfully. Did your fiance take the print-out from the Embassy VISA website? Did you request packet pick-up at SLEC?

BTW, my fiancee is from CDO too. :)

Edited by garya505, 18 January 2007 - 03:47 PM.

garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-18 15:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I just bought my ticket to go over for the interview. PAL PR103 LAX-MNL $591 on Orbitz.

I tried booking on the PAL website (for $580) but it was buggered up last night and would reserve but would take my credit card info. :ranting:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-17 12:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Gary, Check the routing and layover times for Continential on that route. If I remember correctly there is al ong layover in Guam, about 6 in Tokyo and another 12 in Honolulu. Continential just cut back on a lot of routes in Asia. Ken

I'm looking at NWA flight 20/2, MNL to LAX (connection in Japan) on Feb 24 or 25. The fare is pretty good but it leaves at 7:50AM. :wacko:

Otherwise Continental has a MNL-LAX flight that stops in Guam and Hawaii but leaves at 11PM.

Actually it was 2:30 in Guam and 3:30 in HI, but the price just went up to $1139 so it's out.

Edited by garya505, 16 January 2007 - 10:58 PM.

garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-16 22:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

For those with February interviews - who has already purchased a plane ticket? Where did you purchase it, what airlines and what was the cost?

...also, how many days after the interview did you book it for?

Thanks! :star:

I purchased online with PAL for 28,326php ($468) 8days (Feb28th). That might be pushing it but we are having the visa delivered locally. I think there is a $25 per ticket charge to change the booking.

Wow! That's the best price I've seen so far! Thanks! :star:

I'm looking at NWA flight 20/2, MNL to LAX (connection in Japan) on Feb 24 or 25. The fare is pretty good but it leaves at 7:50AM. :wacko:

Otherwise Continental has a MNL-LAX flight that stops in Guam and Hawaii but leaves at 11PM.

What's the price you were quoted?

Those are both about $600 for one-way on Kayak and NWA.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-16 17:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I'm looking at NWA flight 20/2, MNL to LAX (connection in Japan) on Feb 24 or 25. The fare is pretty good but it leaves at 7:50AM. :wacko:

Otherwise Continental has a MNL-LAX flight that stops in Guam and Hawaii but leaves at 11PM.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-16 11:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

For those with February interviews - who has already purchased a plane ticket? Where did you purchase it, what airlines and what was the cost?

...also, how many days after the interview did you book it for?

Thanks! :star:

I purchased online with PAL for 28,326php ($468) 8days (Feb28th). That might be pushing it but we are having the visa delivered locally. I think there is a $25 per ticket charge to change the booking.

Only $25 to change the ticket to a different flight? :blink:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-16 11:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

For the Manila embassy interview, can my fiancee use her passport style photograph she submitted with her K1 petition? She took that photo about 7 months ago. I don't see why she cannot. Any experience anyone in using the photos submitted with the petition? thx. :blush:

I think you could, but I wouldn't point out to them that the photo is 7 months old or they might say it's too old. But I have to ask, with the cost of passport-sized photos so cheap, why would you risk causing a problem with this at interview?
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-15 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Can anyone tell me the fees for everything involved with medical exam, CFO and interview? I know that the interview fee is $100, medical exam fee $95. I don't know the fee for CFO, Delbros Fee. Is there any other fees? If so, what are they and how much. My wife leaves the 16th for Manila. Her medical exam is 01/18 and interview is 01/25. The time is finally here.

The medical exam is $95 but you need to pay it in pesos (bring about P5000).
CFO seminar is P250 and CFO certificate is P400.

If she is going to Manila on 1/16 she should just go to St. Lukes on 1/17 and then she can finish on 1/18.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-14 00:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Just wondering if its possible to do the medical at ST.Lukes in 1 day being as my fiancee has already her shots and the med appointment is on friday........Just trying to avoid her having to go back on the following monday if thats the normal procedure.

She wasnt really wanting to spend a weekend there in manila at a hotel with the baby if she can avoid it.

Also if she declines to get any shots needed and gets them when she is in the states if that can make a differance for the 2nd day.

If you go really early in the morning there's a chance to complete in 1 day, but you won't know until they tell you. She can just go on Thursday and finish on Friday. She doesn't need an appointment to go on an earlier day. Remember to bring her passport, appointment letter and 3 passport-sized photos. She will need to know this information for the forms and medical interview:

St. Luke's - Information for forms:
· Name (Last, First, Middle):
· Civil Status: single or married
· Case Number: MNLxxxxxxxxxx
· Classification: K1 or K3
· Consul: Manila, Philippines
· Present country of Residence: Philippines
· Previous country of Residence: N/A
· Passport Number:
· Place where passport was issued:
· Date when passport was released:
· Age:
· Birthdate:
· Birthplace:
· Date of previous Chest X-Ray:
· Is this your first time for a medical here at SLEC?:
· Intended date of departure for the USA:
· Intended Port of Entry (POE):
· Complete address in the USA:
· Tel. No. in the USA:
· Is your petitioner still alive? Yes
· Contact person at the above USA address:
· Name of your nearest relative in USA:
· Relationship: fiance or husband
· Complete Address of your nearest relative:
· Telephone number of your nearest relative:

St. Luke's - Questions during the exam:
· Date of the first day of my menstruation:
· If I had any major operation:
· History of stroke, high blood:
· History of diabetes:
· History of asthma:
· Suicidal attempt:
· Given birth:
· Liver or kidney problem:
· Abortion:
· Mental disorder:
· Physical defects/abnormalities:
· Case of syphilis or any STD, UTI:
· Drug abuse/addiction:
· Have you ever been hospitalized before?:
· Do you have dentures?
· Complete set of teeth?
· Do you have any vaccination records?
· Have you had Chicken Pox and do you have any scars from that?
· Do you want to get the vaccinations here at SLEC?

Edited by garya505, 13 January 2007 - 11:57 PM.

garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-13 23:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

i called this morning and the CSR said that we didn't get in the february group. would the info they have at the end of the month be different? does it mean that we may still have a chance to be in the february group? i noticed you and jazzy got their info towards the end of the month, did you know prior to that or just when you got your packet in the mail?

K-Visas can know their scheduled date on the manila website on 2nd week every month. For IR/CR visas you need to call NVC at the last week of the month to verify if NVC scheduled you already. USembassy manila website is useless for checking CR/IR appointment it will only come out when your files from NVC has been ship out to USembassy Manila. Goodluck

bad news: we didn't make the february interview date :( anyone else with CR/IR get theirs? it was a long shot but i'm hopeful for a march interview date -_-

The pattern I think we've seen is that the give out most of the interview dates around mid-month, then later they seem to schedule a few more later, as if they are filling in some empty slots or something.
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-12 19:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

You posted the email of the embassy, Gary. Here it is. That's why I was wondering why you would still want to send a request to extend the validity of petition when the embassy already assured you that it routinely extends NOA2. You only need to prove that you remain legally free to marry and intent to marry is still there. You can signify intent to marry either verbally during interview or in writing by submitting updated Affidavit of Intent to Marry.

You may receive a letter (sometimes referred to as packet 3) from the Embassy, but many do not. They didn't send my fiancee anything so I emailed them and they replied after a while. Here's the text of the email, which I understand is similar or the sane as what is in the letter if (you get it).

"We received the fiancé(e) visa petition (I-129F) from the State Department's National Visa Center (NVC) on October 17, 2006. No appointment has been scheduled as yet, but we have already included the applicant on the list of qualified applicants awaiting an interview schedule. Because of our heavy volume of fiancé(e) visa applications, the waiting time for a visa interview at present is approximately between 120 - 150 days from receipt of the petition in Manila.

We will inform the applicant of the interview date as soon as it is scheduled. We will mail the applicant an appointment packet with information and instructions to apply for a visa about 30 days before the scheduled interview. We will also send you a copy of the appointment letter.

We want to assure you that while an approved fiancé(e) petition is originally valid for four months from the date of its approval, a consular officer may revalidate it for an additional four months. This revalidation is routine as long as you and the beneficiary remain legally free to marry and continue to intend to do so within 90 days after the beneficiary is admitted into the United States.

A list of immigrant and fiancé(e) visa cases that have been scheduled for an interview is available at our web site at http://philippines.u...v/wwwh3023.html. You or the applicant may check the interview date at this Internet address, where appointments scheduled for the current month and the following month are listed according to case numbers. The list is updated in the middle of each month.

If the applicant would like to inquire further about the status of the visa case, she may contact the Embassy's Visa Call Center at telephone 1-909-101-7878. This number is for subscribers of PLDT and Smart telephone touchtone landlines with national and international distance dialing features (NDD or IDD access). Callers in the USA can contact the Call Center at 1-888-877-9888. The Call Center is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Manila time). There is a fee assessed to callers by the Call Center for its services"

To me, routine doesn't mean "always", and the email I received (we never got a letter) doesn't state how they determine if we still intend to marry. Anyway, I sent a letter stating that I and my fiancee "remain legally free to marry and continue to intend to do so within 90 days after the beneficiary is admitted into the United States". Maybe they will file it and maybe they will just laugh and throw it away. :blush:
garya505Not TellingPhilippines2007-01-11 20:11:00