Philippinescalling it quits

One inappropriate post removed.

i saw it post but VJ went down or something. So i didnt see it. it's ok. takes 2 to have a problem
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-25 00:32:00
Philippinescalling it quits
well considering i am a male and a USC from birth I would find it hard to be part of those "Feathers from the same flock" I believe i have more dignity and respect for women and for my wife, if there was such an issue with us I would let her talk and ask questions as to why it is that she is acting the way she is. You cant really be that naive to say that this Jason guy is a perfect angel in this. He plays some part of this problem whether its him telling her and convincing her parents that he will be there to support her and them, or he thinks that she is only here for citizenship and not him so he hangs it over her head.. the way it sounds.. it sounds like she Values her family(which I dont blame) more because HE DOESN'T value her as much. Jason you expect her to change her ways.. what have you done to make a change? He seems to think that this pinay is his animal at the zoo, who doesn't have rights.. Jason, you bring her to the US of A guess what this is the land of the free. READ up on your culture more and understand that pinoy and pinay respect one another, they are there for one another and their families are valued at top priority.. if you cant understand and change accordingly to other people then stay out of the field and leave it to the men who can adapt to this way of living and diversity.

Anyone else who think and feels that Jason is in the right.. well consider the fact at the way he acts by displaying his thoughts on VJ.. MAKES you wonder if the reason why she doesn't talk to him and tries to hide things behind his back is because he puts fear into her and they have a relationship not based on trust, dignity, respect or loyalty. CHANGE yourself before you try and change others.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 23:16:00
Philippinescalling it quits

:bonk: oh sorry i didnt noticed that i am holding a can too.. :P :P :P coz i am busy reading and eating my popcorn... :goofy: :goofy: :goofy:

lol silly :dance:

:ot2: im done with topic but i will leave with this.. Jason, wish you the best in all your decisions, not everyone is meant for one another. I am sorry your going through this life event and hope for your well being that you find happiness. Take care all and GOODLUCK on your VJ!
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 21:28:00
Philippinescalling it quits

i am not drinking i am eating a popcorn... u want some?.. :pop: :pop: :pop:

whats in the can there? im not a big popcorn eater though
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 21:19:00
Philippinescalling it quits

you are always welcome Jayson.That's why we are here in VJ to share our ups and each other NOT to add more frustrations!Im proud on ur descisions.its not yet late,you are not really meant to each other.i pity that girl,she doesn't realize what she will be loosing!im a filipina,too.i grew up in a very big family in P.I but never they ask nor drag me to bully my husband.just dont mind those who are one-sided.though ur fIAnce' is like my race,i dont like her attitude.she is making the filipina customs look bad.wishing u good luck to ur journey.hoping you can find someone...honor,love and respect you.please dont hesitate to post on us.GODBLESS

We are one sided because we are only hearing one side of the story. no offense but Jason are you an :innocent: ??
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 21:08:00
Philippinescalling it quits

:rofl: :rofl: This is (perhaps) the most decisive relationship ending act I've witnessed on VJ. WELL DONE! :thumbs:

In 5 hours you went from....I think I'm done to...I bought the ticket and she's GONE!! (well...tomorrow)

I just wonder how the rest of your evening and night is going to play out...? Wonder how much sleep your going to get?
BTW...just an off the cuff observation...I don't think trying to get, your bride to be, to "MIND" you is the best strategy. Maybe give that 1 a little more thought before trying to employ it next time..?
oh..and ..the chair flying thing...maybe not such a good idea either...but all in all....
BRAVO!!!! :thumbs:

Well said! :joy:
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 20:09:00
Philippinescalling it quits


FYI JANDK I am Filipino, I JUST GREW UP HERE both my parents are Filipino from CAVITE AKA CAVITENEO SO SHUT Up !!!

I bought her a ticket from las Vegas to tacloban for $792. She is out of here tomorrow. I don't need this drama and bull. Her dad cannot be micromanaging our lives. Thanks everyone. This time tomorrow I will be totally free.

:thumbs: smart thing to do instead of the stress your putting on yourself, on her, and her family. Goodluck to you
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:51:00
Philippinescalling it quits

:pop: :reading:

silly what are you drinking?? RC cola??
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:40:00
Philippinescalling it quits

Jandk you are not here to see what is going on. You seem to only side with the pinay....

I got some final advice from my mom and dad. They agree that I should send her a s s back to the jungle. Ill shopping online and try to get her a s s on the next plane out. F this, I might be better off as single.

Of course I am not. BUT to see how your handling this situation with us on VJ, with this girl isnt the right way of handling it. Sounds almost like now you have your family against her and thinking she is just some puppet with the whole "I will send you back to the jungle if you dont mind me attitude" doesnt fly.

Siding with pinay? really? pinay, white, black, chinese.. NO matter the race or culture we are all human and want to be treated like one. I dont think you deserve to be with a filipino, because you expect them to understand at first everything that we have known growing up. Do her a favor and send her back if your going to be one sided in the relationship.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:26:00
Philippinescalling it quits

I had a talk with her earlier and one of the first things I told her is that her daddy needs to step off our relationship and she stood up and went outside for a walk.. right now as we speak she is completely ignoring me like I don't exist. If she keeps this up I think a chair flying across the room will get her to mind me.

wow thats creepy. PUT yourself in her shoes as a full filipino. the way you believe and the way she believes. IF it wasnt for her father, she wouldnt be here. HE is just as important to her then any man in her life.

GUYS, i feel sorry for this pinay, she obviously is with a VERY angry individual who doesnt understand differences.

DO you see what you said "One of the first things I said to her was..." DID you at least give her the chance to speak?
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:05:00
Philippinescalling it quits

well that's life for some couple... u dont know what will happen in the the span of time u are together in the validity of the k1 visa...

and for u jayson... u know naman the filipino saying dba? ang kay pedro para ke maria at ang ke maria para ke maria pa rin... di ka na nasanay eh... :lol: :bonk: :jest: :P

jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:01:00
Philippinescalling it quits


I'M SO SICK OF HER SAYIN "sabi ni ate, kuya, daddy or mommy"

I'm gettin ready to tell her to go marry her dad or kuya.

She wants my paycheck and paystubs from now on because her dad said its a woman's job to budget everything.

I'm so sick

lol do you think Filipinos understand our ways of life? NOPE and her father is right according to their beliefs the man works for the family and gives the paycheck to the wife. It's your job to love her, and provide. That means teaching one another. SIT down and find out why she thinks this way. this goes back to marriage 101. Listen Listen Listen, women feel heard when you just listen.

yeah, once i saw ur post in FB same issue ^_^ :yes: , its too early jayson, give her time and tell her to find a job so she can help her famliy back in leyte... have more patience for her.. u know filipinos we just want to help our fam here in the Phil. just let her understand everything and tell her when she get a job then that is the right time to send money for her fam here in the Phil. her own earned money...

I agree with you on this. Hope he does soon
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 18:51:00
Philippinescalling it quits

:bonk: thought u got married na... well that's what k1 advantage u have time to get to know ur partner well before u really make the decision of marrying her...

:secret: regular old family rule in most filipinos, get all the money from ur husband that's the job of a wife :girlwerewolf2xn: :diablo:

K-1 shouldnt be for "to get to know each other," thats like saying, "I bought something from the store and if I dont want it to return it for something new and exciting." K1 should give the opportunity for two people WHO KNOW each other and love one another, the option to get married.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 18:46:00
Philippinescalling it quits


You know I want to share something in regards to what you said. So, me and my wife got married in Infanta Quezon Philippines. WE HAD to do a marriage counseling before we got married. During that marriage counseling, the counselor went over financial responsibilities within the household. the MEN provide and hand over their paycheck to the wife so she is in charge of the bills, etc., I believe the percentage of your check in Filipino belief is 80% to the wife for the support of the family. Maybe this is what she believes. I am not telling you what to do, but maybe marriage counseling will help you both out. I know giving away your money is a big thing especially in this economy. I felt the same way in the very beginning and its a BIG fear with the way the US is.. trust me I worked in an environment where we handled having to talk to people going through financial problems. You know there is a limit on how much you help your family in my opinion. Did you know that children in pinas go out of the way for their family to make sure they have what they need to survive. Like sacrificing, and working non-stop to provide to the family. Maybe your soon-2-be wife thinks your RICH. I know I spent 3 months in pinas and everyone asked me about being rich. I am "yeah sure out here with my income, but when I go back to the states my money doesn't go as far as I hoped." lol.

I think you should have more patience for her and really explain the odds and ends, and just because she is here, it doesn't mean you shouldn't help her family. ###### they live in a 3rd world country. you know 20-40$ a month goes far for them there. If you cant figure it out before throwing in the towel, have your conversation in front of a 3rd person to mediate. If things still don't work. At least you explored all avenues.

p.s. Cant forget that Filipinos aren't used to our lifestyle, that's why we show them with love, patience, and understanding.

Good luck.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-24 18:40:00

I need help. My fiance is totally different from when she was over there. I cant kiss her, barely touch her. She pushes me away. She has been here a month now, but she seems to be addicted to the cell phone and internet talking to some friends back home. She has told me that if we dont work out she would hide. They call it "T-N-T" If i should not marry her and I take her to the airport and she goes in to hiding will it count against me with the US govenment if I should ever find someone else? I know I am not perfect and I hope she comes around but I need to feel loved and just not giving all the love. I want to just cut off the cell and internet and just make it where she has to deal with me but that will cause more problems. I am so patient but I can only take so much. I dont want to be held liable if she skips out on her visa. Please help me!!! I do love her but I feel she dont love me.

MAN! I am sorry to hear that.. sounds like she is using you for citizenship.. to be honest without sugar coating the situation. This would be the case of sending her back and just explaining to the Immigration later on if there is a later on as to why you did what you did, you know what I mean?
jandkMalePhilippines2010-11-05 01:04:00
PhilippinesQuestions asked at the Manila embassy...

Ok, personally i think this whole process is a load of #######, but i do understand the need for it.

Now Cathy and I were talking today and she had got a hold of some sample questions that were pretty basic. But it brought to light how yes we love each other, but there are alot of simple things that we dont know.

honestly there are some things that you just dont bother to go over until it comes up. and when you have a long distance relationship like this you just dont always have time to bring them up.

like how big a deal is it for her to know my exact address, she can tell you my email address with no problem, or my fathers address for that matter, i mean me and the guy hardly speak.

There were a few that got me upset like what plans have we made for the future, we talked so much about this but she was real basic about her response or what will she do when she comes here, again a real basic answer.

So how much should i worry about those quesitons and how detailed do the answers need to be? or am i making a big deal over nothing? i mean at this point after our talk i think she is waaaay more upset now.

Unfortunately these questions are there to prevent false immigrating purposes. Even though this is not your intention, its still a process in which Immigration takes seriously, and if you think about it, it not only gives you a little bonding 1-on-1 with your SO, but also the nation from potential problems.(Sorry to have to bust that speech out on ya but its true)

Dont worry so much, yes the previous poster mentioned that the questions are from the forms you fill out.. IF there is a real relationship then no sweat just roll with it man, and we will be here for you through it all! Take care!
jandkMalePhilippines2010-11-05 00:54:00
PhilippinesCRBA question
CRBA interview passed :)
jandkMalePhilippines2010-11-06 21:42:00
PhilippinesCRBA question

I tried calling that number in addition to two other numbers I know of when I read you post earlier today(I'm only two timezones different from Manila). I also got a "no answer" or busy on all attempts, but I believe they may have been closed or minimum manned due to the typhoon that just blew through. I'd try again in a day or two. Wish I could be of more help.


BTW: I'm still waiting for our NSO birth certificate so that I can file for my daughters CRBA and US Passport. I'll also have to call them so that I can schedule the interview during a time when I'll be visiting from Guam.

hey george and tine, thank you for trying. WE finally got a hold of them. the number is correct but only from 7:30am until 11:00am phi time .. but then we were directed to another number to from 2pm - 4pm. but its rescheduled thank goodness :)
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-19 18:22:00
PhilippinesCRBA question
Not sure if this is the right place to be at for this.. but me and my wife have an interview with the embassy of manila for our son's CRBA on the 28th of the month. Now, we need to get this interview rescheduled because the payday doesn't land until the 1st. Tried to call the 6323012000 number and it just rings or its busy. Has anyone ever had to re schedule a CRBA interview and if so what did you do to accomplish this?? thanks
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-17 02:35:00
PhilippinesHow many made it to December interview?

I called NVC tonight and the operator told me my husband was not scheduled for December, and they're done giving out schedules for that month. Our case was completed on October 13th. I thought we would've been able to have a December interview but I guess not. I feel like only a few F2As made it for December. Posted Image

Does anybody know what happened? Any insights would be helpful. I'm really disappointed that we're not spending the holiday together.......

Hey kim, we have an interview on Dec 6th. I believe we got "Case Complete" in October as well. Good luck to you guys :)

Hi kim! I feel you. :( I'm also waiting for a f2a visa interview schedule, it's hard to wait, so near yet so far.. :( Let's keep on praying. God will provide. God bless us!

oops sorry wrong type of interview.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-11-23 09:35:00
PhilippinesInterview to visa in hand

I want an idea of about how long it takes to get your visa in the mail after the interview. Please post with your
interview date, the date your visa arrived in the mail, the city the visa was sent to, and if there were any complications delaying
the visa right after the interview (missing documents etc.)

My wife has an interview on December 13th and I am booking tickets for the 22nd. I have heard it takes 3 to 7 days to get the visa by
Air21, and we are just in Quezon City. What do you guys thing about my specific case as well?

Thank you very much I am sure this info will be helpful to others as well.

Hey I thought I would update you with this.. USEM in Manila uses 2GO company for delivery of visa. Also, I talked to their customer service over the phone the other day (Dec 1st) and they told me that my wife would have her visa in 3 days after she was to get approved. ALSO according to the website the fee to deliver is included in the IV fee.(i will double check with embassy on monday, dec 6th.) I asked the 2GO company about Air21, and they told me that they no longer do the delivery of the visa or passport
jandkMalePhilippines2010-12-03 21:57:00
PhilippinesQuestion regarding the interview

We had our interview in October. We had all the things you mentioned but only the guard asked for them. Still, it's better to have too much than not enough. The one thing that caused us a 3 week delay was the CENOMAR. The cenomar we had was expired. If you don't have a recent cenomar, I recommend getting one. My wife had to go to Pasay City to get one and then wait 3 weeks for the visa to be delivered Air21... (which they never delivered and forced her to travel 3 hours to the neighboring province to pick it up. It's the one thing that the Consular requested during the interview.

Was there an explanation for your wife having to get a Cenomar.. if your married??
jandkMalePhilippines2010-11-26 14:47:00
PhilippinesFedEx Charge

Anybody can share us how much the FedEx courier charge to send documents from Philippines to US.
Thank you and God Bless.


Harold... Fedex it cost me 45$ to send documents in a fedex envelope. this was 3 months ago. For majority of the documents i emailed them to my wife and it was cheaper to have her print them out. but for the documents that need signature i would just send those.. it came with a tracking number, and they called my wife when they were on their way.. hope it helps.. btw setup a fedex account no charge and they give you a discount

jandkMalePhilippines2010-12-11 10:53:00
PhilippinesDoes the Embassy's Document Tracking site work?
Hey Armenia,

I just wanted to add my opinion for that site.. IT STINKS! it asks for UID, passport, etc etc.. and the CO never gave us this information after her interview... :bonk: We got her visa about 4days after the interview, 2go called her on the phone on the 4th day to confirm delivery of her visa/passport/and the sealed brown envelope.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-12-14 08:49:00
PhilippinesPINK, WHITE, BLUE slips...

yeah! :P :P :P

My wife mentioned of the "Pink Slip," its still there.. they didnt give her any take home papers/envelope.. they said 2go will deliver passport and visa to her house..
jandkMalePhilippines2010-12-08 09:39:00
PhilippinesCheap Air Tickets from Manila Philippines to USA?
i just booked my wife's ticket for PAL through under 1000 for her and my son. if your mother is a first time immigrant, she will get a discount just tell mangotours that, i think if it was just my son, my wife's airfare would cost only 690 usd 12 1/2 hr flight non stop :thumbs:

just to add she is on the plane headed for LA now :)

Edited by jandk, 14 December 2010 - 09:15 AM.

jandkMalePhilippines2010-12-14 09:13:00
PhilippinesHow do you guys text your family in the Philippines that's low cost?

Hello everyone!!! I'm feeling bored here in California.. "All work and no text makes me a dull person" in the Philippines I have so many textmates and I miss them so much. But I can't text all of them everyday cause a single text to the Philippines is very expensive. Plus the fact that their reply will also be deducted from my load. Please help me...What’s the cheapest/best way to send a text message to the Philippines?

Use Chikka.
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-08 19:45:00
Philippinesi need help


My wife put her dad's last name as her middle name and my last name as hers
jandkMalePhilippines2010-10-26 01:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat time frame is there from interview approval to accutal receiving VISA? (Morocco)
Hello, My husband went for his interview July 26, 2010 and he got his visa on August 2, 2010. Some people get it withing 2 days some 3 and so on, it just depends on each case.
peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2011-04-16 09:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhich Doctor in Morocco???
My husband Went to DR.Khadija and she was great. It was fast and she gave him records of everything done that day. She was a little more expensive than the others but my husband said it was very worth it.
hope it helps
peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 08:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo need to worry about ROC interviews if you are a genuine couple....

Hey Jackie, 

long time no talk :)

Im so happy everything went smooth for you guys congrats. What a drag dealing with all this huh? thats why im on VJ now lol im trying to get the N-400 packet ready to go ahhh finally the last step to this whole journey. Hey im gonna message you I have a question for you.

Take Care


peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2013-10-12 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCivil surgeon question
Thanks Teresa this gives me at least an idea of what it will be like and what to expect
peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2010-10-07 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCivil surgeon question
Hello I forgot to ask this question on my previous posting.
I would like to ask those who did K-1 if your husbands or wifes needed to see a civil surgeon even if they had a medical exam in their country before coming to USA and also what is the approx price to see a civil surgeon? and did your wife or husband need extra vaccinations other than the ones they got prior to coming to the USA?
Thanks in advance :)
peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2010-10-05 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Honey is HOME!!!!!!!
Thanks guys :)
peenkhartzFemaleMorocco2010-10-07 08:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

My wife got her interview letter today - could someone please add us to the list? Our field office is Albuquerque, NM.


03/08/13: Sent form
03/10/13: Forms received
03/13/13: NOA1 Sent
03/14/13: Check Cashed
04/01/13: Biometrics
05/08/13: Interview Letter
06/13/13: Interview


JoshyVeronicaMaleEcuador2013-05-11 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 approval delayed due to K-3 petition?

but my case was expedite.

Hi Deep, I am wondering if the expedite saved you from the long wait.



Don't get too caught up and over thinking all this. 

Thanks LoveMyTico for your response...Over thinking and making sense of this chaotic process might be the problem.wink.png


In  my case my both files r consolidated at the field office n the file was thr since the 5 mnths from the petition date n stuck thr

all the best to u


Thanks shivam23 for your seems like the three Service Centers might be doing the same. wacko.png


It actually looks to me more like it makes a larger difference when the time between the two applications is shorter... when the time is long, they're transferring them close to the same time as the rest of their peers. It may delay it a few days, but they're certainly not waiting until the I-129 is "ripe" to transfer.

Hi nightingalejules...I think getting transferred is not the problem but I am afraid that the approvals (or even getting the RFE) are taking longer.


Thanks again everybody...I hope next week provides some answers rather than raising more questions.good.gif  

Avi_NMMaleSwitzerland2014-02-23 04:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 approval delayed due to K-3 petition?

Hello everybody,


We filed our I-130 petition for spouse in August 2013. In October 2013, when USCIS updated their I-130 processing time to 13 months, we decided to file K-3 (just in case there was a chance of K-3 being resurrected due to I-130 delays).


There was a moment of panic when people thought that these dual (I-130 + I-129f) petitions are being held back. Therefore, I started following several cases ahead of us to look for a trend:


1. YulingZhu: I-130 on 09Jul2013 and I-129f in Oct2013. Transferred to CSC on 03Jan2014, awaiting approval.
2. LoveMyTico: I-130 on 12Apr2013 and I-129f on 16Oct2013. Transferred to TSC on 27Nov2013, awaiting approval.
3. Colg81: I-130 on 03Jul2013 and I-129f on 19Aug2013. Transferred to CSC on 07Jan2014, received an RFE on 20Feb2014.
4. etrangais: I-130 on 17Jul2013 and I-129f  on 27Jul2013. Transferred to NSC on 02Jan2014 awaiting approval.
5. ben2fat: I-130 on 23Jul2013 and I-129f on 29Jul2013. Transferred to TSC on 06Jan2014 and approved on 01Feb2014 .
6. NoelAnne: I-130 on 07Jun2013 and I-129f in June2013. Transferred to TSC on 27Dec2013 and approved on 27Jan2014. 
7. Lakehouse: I-130 on 30Jul2013 and I-129f on 02Aug2013. Transferred to TSC on 28Jan2014 with August filers and approved on 10Feb2014.
1-3 are particularly interesting because of the big gap between their I-130 and I-129f and the unusually long time it has taken for the service centers to review these cases.
4 is unique because it is NSC and they seem to take their own sweet time.
5-7 filed their I-129f soon after I-130 and therefore I-129f petition seems to have little or no bearing on the approval time.
Is there anybody out here with a big gap between I-130 & I-129f petitions that has already been approved along with their neighboring I-130 filers?
So far I have only found one exception (I am hoping to find more) unsure.png
Jilly30: I-130 on 11Apr2013 and I-129f in Oct2013. Transferred to CSC on 19Nov2013 and approved on 11Dec2013.
I am beginning to wonder if the I-130 petition is put on hold until the I-129f PD date matches other I-130/I-129f petitions being reviewed. Someone please prove me wrong otherwise I need to prepare myself for a long wait.sad.png

Avi_NMMaleSwitzerland2014-02-22 16:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


WOW! you are lucky!! I just called NVC She told me to wait 8 weeks for USCIS to send case to NVC ranting33va.gif


I know...we called on Friday, March 08 and were told the same (8 weeks). I think it is their standard response. We called again on Tuesday, March 11 and everything changed.


Good Luck! I hope it is much sooner than 8 weeks.

Avi_NMMaleSwitzerland2014-03-13 14:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Was your expedited at the NVC stage?


 Hi etrangais,


We did not expedite...I guess we just got lucky at this stage. I hope the luck continues.

Avi_NMMaleSwitzerland2014-03-13 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Hi, did you have your case expedited?, I mean by your signature you got approved Feb. 26 and already have a case number and paid the AOS fee. That's nice!


No expedites...even we were surprised. We just called to see if our case reached NVC and they told us "it arrived yesterday and here is your case number". I hope this is a sign that processing times are improving. :)





Which documents exactly are double-sided? It's better if they're not as the reviewing officer may not look at the back.


Thank You.


Some pay stubs are double-sided. I will copy and print them again. :)

Avi_NMMaleSwitzerland2014-03-13 13:24:00