United KingdomWhat do you miss that you never thought you would?
I'm the USC, but I lived in London for a while with my fiance, and here's what I miss:

The shopping, especially of the cheap variety!
British comedy television
The Crystal Maze
Working near Oxford Street, crazy as it was
The tube
Exploring London
20 different music video channels that actually play videos
Well, just Sky itself
The accents
Good curry
The greenery and all the parks
The historicness
The diversity
Gourmet Burger Kitchen
####### seaside towns
TEA!! Cream tea, mmm.
Proper muesli.

There are plenty more, but that's enough for now. :-P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 01:46:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???
Neal and I actually met on a music messageboard, though for a band he didn't particularly like and I grew to dislike a bit. It really seemed like fate. We have almost identical taste in music and especially share a love for Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths/Morrissey, and Radiohead. And he turned me on to a lot of the music I really like, like Eels and Grandaddy and Elliott Smith, as well as old skool hip hop and electronica like Orbital. I could go on and on, but I think that's enough for now. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 02:26:00
United Kingdomchip and pin on credit cards?
I always had problems using my American cards in the Post Office...they told me they could only take cards with chip.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-26 01:55:00
United KingdomBoots cosmetics

very very cool!

Just had an idea to give my bridesmaids for their gifts!
British spa treatment stuff!

That's a great idea! I already thought of having some British sweets at my wedding since there are several stores here that carry them.

My grandma, who is from Wales, told me just the other day that she saw Boots stuff at Target. I got all giddy! I used to love getting Rimmel stuff at Walmart, since it was cheaper than getting it in the UK. Now they have it at Walgreens and Target too.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-01 03:07:00
United KingdomWhat not to wear
I think Viz took the piss out of Trinny and Susannah quite a lot. I remember seeing one article in there about Trinny being voted "Britain's worst shape" or something. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 19:30:00
United KingdomWhat not to wear
I can't stand the American version. The hosts try waaay too hard to be funny. Especially Stacey...I find her so annoying. She went to my college too, and I think she reminds me to much of so many people there. Plus I never like the outfits they pick out, but I suppose I have more of a European bent when it comes to dressing.

I've seen one episode of the British one with the new hosts, and what I remember is the model host seems to want so badly to be Twiggy.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 03:04:00
United KingdomTesco coming to the US
Yeah, I'm not saying Tesco are the best, just can't get frozen meals in the US like you can in the UK.

And I'll second the Marks and Sparks notion. I have fantasies about the smell of their bakery and the vegetarian moussaka...mmm...
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-26 02:30:00
United KingdomTesco coming to the US

I do miss British-style ready meals. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-26 01:47:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Maybe if you make a few more VAST generalizations about 300 million people, judged on one persons experiences with Americans...

Yo welcome !

All of you had a flag in your classroom didn't you ? some generalizations are 100% accurate and some are true but are just generalisations...there is no smoke without fire and most stereotypes have a basis in truth

The US is a violent society (as a whole) - surely you don't want to say that isn't so ? I wouldnt be married to an American if I thought it was everybody - I am just saying a large proportion

This thread is how a foreigner should cope in the US without becoming cowed by what many people around the world see as a very strident and dominating national ethos which is very prickly about admitting any faults in America to 'a foreigner'

I want to be able to discuss American Government policy domestic and international without being shouted down or threatened - how can I do that ?


First of all, as a USC, I didn't have a flag in all my classrooms. Come to think of it, I don't think there was one in any of my classrooms in high school. But I went to private school, so I guess I don't count in your 100% accurate generalization.

And second, I think it's unfair to say the US is a violent society as a whole. How do you mean violent? I have never been exposed to real violence first-hand that I can think of, and I am sure many people I know haven't either. I think the UK is just as violent if not more from the time I have spent living there.

Perhaps it's because I have grown up in a rather liberal community and have gone to liberal schools, but my experience has been very different from what you describe. Heck, most of my college picked faults with America all the time and spoke up about them, and everyone's still around to tell the tale.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 01:49:00
United KingdomLiving elsewhere in europe?
I'd be interested to know as well as I have wondered the same thing.

Edited by NealandCari, 04 June 2007 - 01:30 AM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 01:30:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

Just as aside for anyone who has trouble getting series on American DVD. I couldn't afford a multi-region player and couldn't find all the series I wanted on US DVD, so I simply hacked the player I have. Most player models have simple hacks available online, you just search your player model for 'Region Free Hack" or similiar criteria, and most likely you can find easy hacks. It's usually a series of simple inputs with your remote [like cheat codes on video games] but sometimes you just have to download a driver, burn it to a disc and put it in to be read. The main tip I'd have is to definately look at multiple pages so you find some consensus among users as to which region free code will work on your player [Phillips models are the easiest to find hacks for].

Everyone might know that already, but I just thought I'd mention since sometimes you can't get good series on American DVDs and not everyone has access to torrents and things. And as far as I know, there's nothing illegal about it at all. It's just a matter of making sure you get the right code for your model. Hope that was helpful!

Yup, that's what I did. Took about five seconds to do, it was so easy. I understand the reason behind regions for pirating issues, but it's annoying when there's something you love that you can't find in Region 1.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-19 00:02:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
I am the USC, but my fiance and I like the same British shows. They are all pretty much comedies. Our favorites are:

Peep Show
The other Mitchell and Webb shows
The Mighty Boosh
The League of Gentlemen
Brass Eye
The Day Today
The IT Crowd
The Armando Iannucci Show
I Am Not An Animal
Big Train
The Fast Show

My fiance also really like Nighty Night, but I still need to see it.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 13:45:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?
There are too many bands to name, but our favorites probably are Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths, Morrissey, Radiohead, The Cure, Depeche Mode...

As for least favorite, I'd have to say the bad pop bands and girl groups, crappy garage,and all that new rock and indie stuff (The Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, Kasabian, Razorlight....)

Edited by NealandCari, 12 April 2007 - 01:52 PM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 13:51:00
United Kingdomdepression and suicide attempt
I have a question...My SO has OCD, not a severe case and mainly the obsessive part of it (obsessive thoughts and worries, etc.) He has been on various antidepressants before and has seen a private therapist for it. Will he need a letter from his therapist? I'm not sure it's on his record, I think he asked to see a psychologist through NHS, but never received an appointment after 1.5 years. :lol: He has never attempted suicide or tried to harm himself or anything. Should he even disclose this? Or will it just be a case that they will ask for him to fax over a letter after the medical if they need it? His medical is next Tuesday, but his interview won't be for a while yet.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 17:41:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!
Congrats to all! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-04 02:00:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Doctors July 2007 review

Well, I don't know if they are in the habit of just passing out the DS-3025 or if you have to inquire about it. I know TracyTN's Chas got a copy of his at his recent medical.

Yes, I'd definitely see about obtaining it. You need proof of your vaccines when you file for AOS. This form helps pave the way for that.

Neal got one; they even told him he would need it when he got over here.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-05 17:29:00
United KingdomTransferring funds to the U.S

anyone transfer through paypal??

Neal has sent me money through Paypal before, and they have twice randomly tacked on a rather large fee, so I'm not sure I trust them anymore. :blink:

Edited by NealandCari, 07 July 2007 - 12:49 AM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-07 00:47:00
United KingdomTime To Take Advantage Of The Dollar Rate
My fiance has been saving up quite a bit of money for his move over here. I'm hoping it stays at that exchange rate for his sake! Though I am not very much looking forward to watching my money disappear when I go over for his interview!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-12 17:10:00
United KingdomBrit TV

Some UK shows on here


I love this site, it has tons of great shows. The quality isn't too terrible either. And you don't have to download the shows - they are all hosted online, so they load pretty quickly, even on my crappy 5-year-old laptop.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-15 15:33:00
United KingdomThose with a visa, please step forward
Bummer, Daisy! I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know anything about security checks I'm afraid, but here's hoping it will prove to be only a minor delay. Fingers crossed!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 18:36:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven
^Hahahaha. brilliant.

I'll bring you...a cat that looks like Hitler. Aka Kitler:

Posted Image
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-14 23:38:00
United KingdomShipping Companies
Neal doesn't have a ton of stuff either, luckily. The main thing is his massive CD collection. Since a lot of his family is coming over for the wedding, we were thinking of asking some of them to carry an extra suitcase of his stuff with them and that way we can avoid shipping too much. Who knows if that will work though. :lol:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 02:10:00
United KingdomCalling the US
Neal uses 1899 (, which charges a 4p connection fee, then it is 1p per minute. His monthly bill is always low, even though we talk every day. And the other great part is that all his statements are online (with dialed numbers), so he can easily print them out and bring tham as evidence to the interview!

Edited by NealandCari, 19 July 2007 - 04:24 PM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 16:23:00
United KingdomSending documents to the UK
Thanks Tracy, I'll look into that. My fiance actually works for DHL, and told me they'd be expensive too, so I had ruled them out. The DHL site is giving me a quote of $82, but I'll see if I can tweak that a bit.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-21 16:12:00
United KingdomSending documents to the UK
I was originally planning to attend Neal's interview with him ad bring the affidavit of support and my recent evidence with me, but since the interview is sooner than expected, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it over that early.

I'm going to send all the documents this week, and I want to make sure they get over within a week and that delivery is guaranteed. What's the best, safest, and most economical way of sending these documents over? I am getting quote $120 by FedEx ad $75 by USPS, but are there any other options you would recommend?
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-21 12:24:00
United KingdomGood Luck, Selly!
Yay! Congratulations!!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 11:07:00
United KingdomIt's Jake & Ali's Interview Day!
Good luck!!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-25 15:28:00
United Kingdomprescription drugs
Yeah, anyone who is considered too "high risk" has to go in the state pool. My mom was bipolar, and eventaully lost her insurance. I think she was paying somwhere near $1000 a month for insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico state pool.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 15:53:00
United KingdomGood Luck Dan & Tiffany and psho tomorrow
Best of luck!!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 14:13:00
United KingdomQuestion about the medical...

EDIT: Oooh - and get the vaccinations at your GP prior to the medical to save some cash!

True, though if you are lucky they will be nice at the medical about it and might let you get them done afterwards at your GP. Neal was due for a new tetanus shot this year, but they just marked it as OK on the form and told him to get it whenever he got a chance!

Truth be told, don't be nervous at all for the medical. Neal said they were extremely nice and easygoing about the whole thing.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-05 03:02:00
United KingdomGood Luck UK-to-USA
Yeah, best of luck!!!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-06 11:47:00
United KingdomHad Interview Today........
Congrats!! Neal's took about 5 hours as well...must've been a slow day. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-07 15:17:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Review K1 Visa
Glad your interview went so smoothly! I'm hoping ours is as easy. Counting down the days to next Tuesday... :whistle:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 17:34:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow, Jen&Barney and Converse34!
Best of luck to you both!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-07 10:02:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Neal has an 0208 number, pays London taxes, uses London Transport, and votes for the London mayor! I still consider him in London myself. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-03 00:12:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

Neal is in London as well (glorious South London haha).

Hey, I'm a proud former South Londoner, altho I was only in Battersea/Clapham, I suppose it depends on how far south... ;)

Neal's near Croydon. :P

I say that would be another "ish"..... Isn't Croydon technically Surrey?! B)

Very South though!! :lol:

It's still a borough of London though! :P

Edited by NealandCari, 02 August 2007 - 09:26 AM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-02 09:25:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

Neal is in London as well (glorious South London haha).

Hey, I'm a proud former South Londoner, altho I was only in Battersea/Clapham, I suppose it depends on how far south... ;)

Neal's near Croydon. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-31 10:05:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

We're both from London.

I am surprised how few Londoners there are...... :unsure:

Elmcitymaven, featherb, my hubby(for 10 years anyhow), robinklake's man, mags (kinda), lansbury, luv2teach

and me!!

oops! Sorry. :blush:

But in the first post you said Bromley, Kent....

Well Bromley is technically a London Borough, i'm another ish like Mags :P

I checked - you're both inside the M25! Technically you are a LOndoner then! Or so I've heard...right?

Neal is in London as well (glorious South London haha).
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 17:04:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Neal is from Wallington, South London. A craphole if there ever was one. :lol:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 17:31:00
United Kingdomemailing
They replied to my email within two weeks.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-09 12:20:00