K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAlone Again
Yeah, it's really hard. In the 2.5 years Neal and I have been seeing each other, we've been lucky enough to never go more than 2 months apart. Since we've filed our K1, we haven't seen each other at all. Last time I saw Neal was March 5 and I've really suffered since then...depression, anxiety, the whole works. Plus it doesn't help that I am trying to plan our wedding at the same time, bit by bit. Just hang in there. I know it's easier said than done, but just try to communicate as much as possible (Neal and I talk on the phone every single's the highlight of my day!) and keep yourself occupied.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-04 02:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

I sure hope so!!

Yay! A touch!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
I was so hoping to come in here and find out Dan and Tiffany got approved. :(

Hopefully this week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed tightly...
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

I just called CSC and they told me I was approved on May 22!!! Good Luck to everyone else! And if you got touched but haven't gotten an approval, please call. I would have never known otherwise because my status never changed! :dance:

Were you checking your status on the USCIS website and you were prompted to change your password, then saw you were touched? I've tried calling with no luck and their website doesn't show any changes. The only thing I've seen is that my paperwork was touched on May 22 and May 23. That was the first sign of life since receiving my NOA1 approval back on March 2nd. I'm curious to know if this has been happening to other March filers.

It asked me to change my password, but I've been putting that off, clicking "change it later" or something.

My status never changed until after I called. I was also touched on May 22 and 23. I finally got through to someone who told me I was approved on the 22nd. I am really starting to believe that all the people touched on the 22nd and 23rd got approved on the 22nd, but we all just got the same lazy person who never bothered to change our status. I would keep calling; it took me a couple of times to get through to anyone helpful. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

I would call them. When your asked at the prompt (think it is 2), press for inquiring about information for RFE. I was touched May 23 and then nothing. I called May 23 and 24 and talked to USCIS and they said it was still pending. Then I called again on the 25th and keyed in for information regarding RFE I recieved(never got one, thought I would try something new) and then I was routed to the CSC where thw lady told me I was already approved May 22.

The USCIS people dont know s***!! The lady I spoke to was convinced they were working on November filers ONLY. She said the people on VJ were probably lying about their timelines.

The lady I spoke to at CSC also said USCIS personel dont know s***!!
Give it a try!! It cant hurt!!

EXACT same thing happened to me. I called on the 24th, and got some woman at USCIS who just read me exactly the status it had on the website (i.e. that my case was received March 1, etc.). When I called the morning of the 25th though, I got connected to CSC directly and the woman told me I had been approved on the 22nd and that she would send the NOA2 asap.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 03:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
I just called CSC and they told me I was approved on May 22!!! Good Luck to everyone else! And if you got touched but haven't gotten an approval, please call. I would have never known otherwise because my status never changed! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

its so exciting that March filers are getting NOA2's! My fiance would love an October wedding, so getting an NOA2 at the beginning on June as opposed to the end could make a big difference for us. Plus its my birthday next week and an NOA2 would be a fantastic present!

I know what you mean! It's my birthday today, and I've had two touches yesterday and the day before. All I really want for my birthday is an NOA2!!! We are also aiming for an October wedding.

It's my birthday tomorrow also. I had the same situation as you. Touched on 05/22 & 05/23. It was much needed to see those touches to know there is life at CSC! :D

Happy Birthday!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

its so exciting that March filers are getting NOA2's! My fiance would love an October wedding, so getting an NOA2 at the beginning on June as opposed to the end could make a big difference for us. Plus its my birthday next week and an NOA2 would be a fantastic present!

I know what you mean! It's my birthday today, and I've had two touches yesterday and the day before. All I really want for my birthday is an NOA2!!! We are also aiming for an October wedding.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

I am getting paranoid, I really am. The closer the NOA2 gets, the farther away it seems!

:whistle: You have the exact timeline on your signature, (days, hours, and minutes), that I have! :) Ok, who goes first?


We've even been touched on the exact same days. :blink: Maybe we're in the same pile. Hope it's a quick one!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
I am getting paranoid, I really am. The closer the NOA2 gets, the farther away it seems!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

On a happy note, bought a ticket last night to fly to the UK for a long weekend. I leave on Thursday. It was completely unplanned, but we're both pathetic, so what the hell?


That's awesome, not pathetic! As soon as Neal finds out his interview date, I'm booking a ticket out there. I can't wait!

On a completely unrelated note, someone I know just married her sweetie this past weekend. She is a USC, and he is a UKC, but they are doing it the other way around - marrying here, then moving to the UK. But I get all giddy at all the international love happening, and hopefully will be attending their UK reception Augsut 25!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-09 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

Haha - faster...yeah...I don't think that word exists in the vocabulary of immigration. Our NOA2 was May 30...still just waiting. Supposedly it is at the Embassy, but no Packet 3 yet. Sigh...

Congrats, Arnt, on your approval!! I know you're relieved to finally be headed out of CSC.

Yeah, we were approved on May 22nd, and apparently NVC sent our case June 6th, but still no Packet 3. I've called the DOS line a couple of times. The first lady told me my case hadn't arrived in London yet but Packet 3 was sent last Wednesday, and the second lady (who was a right ######, pardon the expression) begrudgingly told me my case arrived in London last week and Packet 3 was sent Saturday. Either way, the packet seems to be taking a long time getting from one area of London to another. :whistle:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-20 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Congratulations FutureMrs!!! That's fabulous. :dance:

No approval for me yet. No birthday wish come true. :(
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers - Interview Time!!!!!!!!
Neal had his interview today and was approved!!! :dance:

Let's keep it coming guys! Best of luck in all the upcoming interviews!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-07 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers - Interview Time!!!!!!!!

Still waiting for them to give us an interview date already. :whistle:

Looks like you got that interview date...looking at the you ready? I know I was when I had mine...

Yes, I got it just after that! It was funny because just a few days before that I got an email from the Consulate saying they would schedule an appointment in September. I emailed back asking if I could have an appointment in August (figured it'd be worth a try), and next thing I knew, I had an interview August 7th! I was hoping to go over for the interview, but don't think I'll make it that soon, so now I've just got to get all the affidavit of support and evidence I have in an envelope ready to go.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers - Interview Time!!!!!!!!
Still waiting for them to give us an interview date already. :whistle:

Edited by NealandCari, 17 July 2007 - 09:52 PM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers - Interview Time!!!!!!!!
Neal sent his Packet 3 today. I'm hoping for an interview in August, but we'll see.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-23 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers - Interview Time!!!!!!!!
I called the Department of stale line and found out that they sent packet 3 to Neal on Wednesday, so hopefully he'll get it soon and we can speed this interview process along. :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-16 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting is the worst.

I am sorry, I haven't posted in a few days....I just read the threads....

But you know what makes me wonder??? Why do always the Vermont people complain about the waiting and start new threads because of that???

You guys go through it within a heartbeat and we (CSC, TSC & NSC filers) have to wait MONTHS before we even get a touch...not talking about the NOA2.

Maybe I am just soooo frustrated, but it's kinda annoying to me!!!

I would love, if Vermont filers would have their own forum, so we others wouldn't have to read about the NOA2's that came by snail mail faster than the NOA1.

It's just not fair, that people who pay the same fee as we others, get such a better treatment!

What did they do, to be with their loved ones quicker than the rest of us?

The system sucks here BIG TIME!!!!!


Don't mind me...having a bad time lately and just needed to get that off of my chest!

I know what you mean, it seems like all the threads lately regarding waiting have come from VSC filers. I am kicking myself now...I should have filed this last year while I was still in college in NY, but now I am in NM and it really sucks. Especially as my fiance and I have never spent more than a couple months apart since we've been together, and now I don't know how long it's going to take before I see him again. His last visit was in February, and I'm already a miserable mess without him.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 02:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
I called the NVC again today and they told me my case left for the Embassy in London yesterday. :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I sure hope so! Apparently our touch yesterday WAS the approval!!! Got the email today - dated 5/30! I'm still floating!

YAY! That's fantastic news! Congrats!!

We, like Milenka, just also got TWO hard copies of our NOA2 today in separate letters.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Well I just got an e-mail from my uncle (we are using his US address), saying that TWO NOA2s arrived yesterday in separate letters...So at least I can stop worrying about that now...anyone else who is waiting gotten the paper copy yet? Good luck to everyone! Hopefully we'll be seeing some more approvals asap!

No paper copy for me yet. Hopefully soon!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Thanks hmm, Sarah, Neal and Cari, and Dan and Tiff. Like I said, I will let you know what happens with these responses. On a brighter note, I got my birthday package from Barney today...the best presents ever, so thoughtful. Get this, one of them was a star that Barney had named for me, "Princess Jenifer". I teared up on that one. I got lovely cards and other great gifts...made my day!!!

Ooh another birthday girl! Happy Birthday!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Hi guys. Well, I called USCIS AGAIN, and still nothing. They have had our RFE now for two weeks, and still don't even have record of it. So, I hopped my little butt in gear and emailed one of my local representatives and Senator Boxer as well. Hopefully will hear back from them and maybe get some help. Will let you all know what happens. Jen

Aww, sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best with the senatorial help!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

No more touches since 5/22/2007, and NVC doesn't seem to know our CIS case number yet, at least that's what their computers told me on the phone :(

Have you tried calling and doing the RFE trick? Call 1-800-375-5283 early enough in the day and they will transfer you to someone at CSC rather than the USCIS national customer service line (who are way out of the loop). Judging from trends, I bet your first touch on the 21st was an approval, or at least the second, they just never bothered updating your status. That's what happened to me.
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Probably a lot of people have been approved who just don't know it because the USCIS site isn't showing it.

You can add me to the list of those who are approved. Our file was touched on May 10 and 11, but the site wasn't updated, and I found out today by calling the NVC that our I-129F was approved on May 10, arrived at the NVC on May 23, and was sent to the consulate today. :dance:

I wish the same happiness ASAP for everyone else who is waiting. Waiting is hard, but the petitions do eventually get approved.

No kidding, my status never changed or anything. Sure enough, soon as I called, I got the email confirming my approval.

And congratulations!! It's been a momentous week for approvals. Let us pray that CSC keeps up the pace!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Ok, so after writing my last post I just called to CSC, and I think I got the same nice lady since she said that we also got approved on May, how cool is that! Now I can move over to the NVC thread :) Good luck to everyone still waiting...I still can't believe that it's true!!!!!!

Yay!! Cograts!! We must have been in the same pile. Let's hope it's a speedy trip to NVC! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
The woman said they hadn't sent the notice yet but she'd make a note to get it in the mail ASAP. She said they'd be sending it to the NVC in the next couple of weeks. I'm so excited! :D
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
I just called CSC and got through to a very nice woman who said I was APPROVED May 22!!!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Glad you are feeling better now!!

So I call NVC and ask if it's there already? Would it already be there?
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Neal and Cari,

Where's YOUR NOA-2 ? I thought you and JandC would be approved by now. Have you tried calling NVC ?

JandC were approved on the 23rd I think. I haven't heard anything yet though. Two touches and then silence...I did try calling USCIS doing the RFE, and they wouldn't tell me anything. Urgh!

You would suggest calling NVC though?
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I GOT APPROVED ON MY BIRTHDAY! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I just got the email now! OMG! Thank God and thank ALL of you! I had to call Marlon and he is super stoked too!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yay!! :dance:
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Cari, I know I only have 14 minutes left, but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I just got home from work. So, sure you will probably get this tomorrow, but consider it an extension!!! Hope you had a great day!!! Jen

Thank you!! I hope the good vibes extend through today and we all get our NOA2s!!!! :D
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

When I called for the RFE trick I first had to enter my case # (including WAC) before I could talk with a person. If you aren;t having to do that, you might be in the wrong part of the automated system. When I did get through, I said I was concerned about an RFE blah blah blah and was told "actually it looks like your petition was approved on the 3rd" I didnt have to press them thankfully. After a week or two if you havent heard anything then also try NVC, but make sure you talk to a real person, NOT the automated system. Good luck to everyone still waiting! One more week till I can call and bug them for the paper copy...

Yeah, I entered my receipt number (including WAC) and everything, I think I just got through to one of those women who didn't have a clue. She sounded generally confused.

And many thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!! And happy birthday again to FutureMrs!!! My family ended up taking me out to dinner at the restaurant I am looking at for my ceremony/reception site and it was goooood. I am so full now. :dance:

Edited by NealandCari, 24 May 2007 - 11:46 PM.

NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Well, I just called and did the RFE trick and all the woman did was read what has been on the USCIS site for months: "On March 1st, we received this I-129F petition, yada yada yada...." She wouldn't tell me anything else. Oh well. I am trying not to think about it too much, since I'm going out to dinner for my birthday now. It's just so aggravating!!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Ugh, nothing yet for me. This is so frustrating. So many people were touched the past two days and got approved. And me...nothing. If I don't hear anything I may call tomorrow. Just for peace of mind. :(
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Happy birthday to my twin! :dance: I am 31 years young today! I got a touch today, I REALLY hope my NOA2 will be today!

Yay! Happy Happy Birthday!! And best wishes on getting your NOA2 as well! I am 23 today. :dance:

Happy birthday to my twin! :dance: I am 31 years young today! I got a touch today, I REALLY hope my NOA2 will be today!

Happy Birthday to both of you! I hope we ALL get NOA2s today...that would be just great...though it's not my birthday...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you too! :D
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

:) I am really trying to say nice things about them...the last two days I got touches, so far today, nothing, but I am not sure if I should try and call and try and get more information or just wait a few more days...

I think you should call. I called on the 17th because we'd had a touch and then nothing. They told me that we were approved on the 7th. Our's is on its way to London now. I couldn't imagine stilll waiting for an email or letter in the mail....which we haven't received either yet.

Thanks. I think you're right, I will just call them and ask...I got two touches already...I don't want to wait much longer :)

I've been touched twice too. I want to find out. It's my birthday today so I'll use that excuse. :P
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Congratulations everyone! We got touched the past 2 days but haven't been touched today. I hope they already sent out NOA2 and just didn't update the website ;)

Website just updated for I hope it will for you! We just got approved...WOOT!!!

Oooh, congrats!!!

I got touched again today, but no approval yet. Hopefully it's coming. It would be the perfect birthday present!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
I WAS TOUCHED TODAY!!! I am literally bouncing up and down in my chair. :D

Fingers crossed it's not an RFE!!
NealandCariFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 20:05:00