K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow many August Filers Left?
:unsure: Who filed in August 2006 for K-1 and still don't have their N0A2 approval? I filed on 2 August and got my N0A1 on 10 August. 105 days and still waiting. NO touches. No RFE. I called the 800 number and they told me to not bother them again until 6 months had passed. I have no idea if I'm in name check, lost in limbo-land, or just being totally ignored. I'm happy for all those others in August who've gotten their N0A2's and even a little bit happy for those who are now getting approved in September. But it does tick me off that I'm early August with no known issues with my petition, having sent in everything they could ever possibly want or need, including the kitchen sink... and since I've gotten no RFE's about needing additional evidence, my conclusion is that I'm lost in the system somewhere... maybe under a pile of other applications, who really knows and I can't find out because my application isn't 180 plus days old yet. And still more who filed after me are getting their N0A2's. Heck, some of those who filed at the same time as me in early August were approved in 40-50 days and already have their embassy interview dates. I know there must be others in August who are in the same boat that I'm in... and misery loves company... so I'm asking who's left from August?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-16 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot Much "K1" activity this week
quote name='everandel' date='Nov 17 2006, 12:04 PM' post='573342']
Next week is going to be worst

<_< Like.. why do you care? You have your N0A2 approval already.. I'm surprised you don't already have your embassy interview date.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-17 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting... Waiting....
:oops: Did USCIS just forget these people????

March: 5 still waiting

April: 6 still waiting

May: 9 still waiting

June: 3 still waiting

July: 10 still waiting

August: 14 still waiting
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-18 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED, NO EMAILS, MAILBOX ONLY

Congratulations on your approval. I hope things keep going fast for you.

As for the 'drama' in the thread... for gods sakes give it a rest. This is at least the second, if not third time I've heard this spheel. :sleepy:

:ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
Wait.. do I care what you think? Hmmm.. NO!
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-21 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED, NO EMAILS, MAILBOX ONLY

We have to support one another.
Maybe that "ride" was not over 2 months but longer - before the application was even mailed. Some couples have been dealing with long distance for a very long time.
We never know what people are going through.

:no: How does a dozen or so people saying Congrats support me? I'm over 100 days into this with no valid reason for a delay other than incompentence at USCIS. You wait for 100 days or more and then you come back to me and tell me that we're here to support one another. We're all here to get approved. Only a very few of those who have gone ahead actually come back to lend their support, such as Gary with his timeline updates. He doesn't have to do that but he does. That's support. Jumping online and saying "what a ride" after only 60 days wait for your N0A2 isn't support... that's happiness for yourself and telling everyone here serves what purpose? Sure they have a right to express their happiness but no matter what you or anyone else says.. those who are still at CSC that are over 100 days of waiting for their N0A2 really only want one thing.. our N0A2!! I hope you get yours sooner than later.. but only until you've waited and waited and waited some more can you ever understand how any of us feel about it. The clock starts ticking when you you submit your application. How long you waited and were away from your loved one BEFORE you submitted your application doesn't add into the waiting time AFTER you submitted it. Gee.. just because someone waits a year or more before they submit the application for a K-1... that's supposed to make us all feel sorry for them?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-21 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED, NO EMAILS, MAILBOX ONLY

I got home & found my approval notice in the mailbox. No emails & no change in status update on the web. Still shows pending on the website. Wow, their downloading is truly delayed.

What a ride, heres Stop 1. On to Stop 2!!

Receipt Date: 9/7/06
Touched: 11/14/06
Touched: 11/17/06
Touched Sunday: 11/18/06
Approval Notice Date:11/14/06
Received Notice in Mail 11/20/06

:huh: :huh: What a ride? You were at Stop 1 for a heart beat... you waited barely over 2 months for your N0A2. How about the people who are still waiting from March, April, May, June, July and August? They're taking a ride or a shafting... whatever you want to call it. It's not your fault that CSC approved you ahead of them. Congrats to you and yours. BUT.. "what a ride?" Give me a break.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-21 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated isn't the right word.

Then you get to do it all over again in part 2 of the race.......CSC to NVC !
Of course you may actualy bypass me and be in and out of NVC in a few days
while I still sit in the dark hole waiting to get in the system or out of the
CSC mailroom whatever the case may be.

It makes no sense why your application hasn't been sent to NVC yet. Some get sent there and less than a week later they're already at the consulate or embassy... and then there are some like yours which seem to be in limbo. USCIS and DOS could make everything so much easier for everyone if they would only do things in some kind of order and would be willing to send out an email stating why something is delayed and when it might be fixed. They could hire a few low grade GS employees to do nothing but pump out emails and notices. It would relieve the stress, frustration and pain we all feel because of this very terrible "system".
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-27 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated isn't the right word.

With an August NOA1 date, she told you all she could. She WAS reading from a script. She's a contractor, not associated with the CSC and she has no access to where your case actually is.

They don't respond until your NOA1 date is 30 days outside of their current processing date - which is now somewhere around April.

Those of us who have gotten more accurate case status updates begged and pleaded for assistance via our Senators and Congressmen because we had been waiting 5+ months.

Thanks. I guess I'll sit back and be more patient. What got me riled up was, "all cases are processed in the order received", which we all know is a crock. And I do understand what you're saying about getting your congressman and reps involved and that's how you got answers. But I've read several inputs here from people in the past week that called to verify if their RFE's had been received and they were told whether or not they had been approved or not. Anyway.. back to waiting. :whistle:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-27 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated isn't the right word.
:unsure: I wasn't going to call the 1-800-375-5283 number and go through all of those prompts to finally talk to a live person because deep down inside I just knew that it would totally frustrate me and that whoever finally answered the phone wouldn't give me any information other than the standard answers which I can find on But I did it anyway. I called the number. I went through the litany of prompts and recordings and finally got a live person. I asked about my pending I-129F. She said I was still outside the 6 month processing time for CSC and that I should wait until Feb. 2007 before I got concerned about my application. ( My N0A1 is 10 August 2006). She told me that all applications are worked in the order that they're received and when I protested this and told her that many were still waiting from March, April, May, June, and July ... and that many who had filed AFTER me had already been approved and gotten their N0A2's. She said that she didn't work at CSC, didn't know how many people worked there or how they processed the paperwork they received. She said if I had a problem with CSC then I should write them a letter. I asked if it might be possible to talk to someone who knew anything, an immigration officer? She said that no immigration officers worked there and that it was impossible to call CSC directly. She said to write them a letter or if I thought my case was being treated unfairly because of reasons of sex, race or religion then she could put me in touch with the investigative section of immigration. She said that I should be more patient and wait my turn and eventually my case would be processed and that I shouldn't call again until my case had reached the 6 month level. I just wanted to make sure that my petition wasn't lying in a crack between two filing cabinets because I've received no touches.. none.. since my petition was received and I got my N0A1. Yes, I should be more patient and I probably would be IF I hadn't witnessed so many approvals that were filed AFTER mine was received.... because remember, ALL petitions are worked in the order that they are received. Geez.. Give me a break. Anyway.. I agree.. my wait has been short compared to so many who have waited sooooo long... and for those who are still waiting. And I don't harbor any ill will towards those who've been approved already even though they submitted their applications after me. It's just frustrating. And how, how in the world have some of you been able to get actual honest answers about your case such as it's being worked now by an adjudicator, at the 1-800 phone number? The person I talked to acted as if she was reading from a script and she refused to help in any way at all. Everything she told me was almost exactly what the USCIC webpage says.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-27 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCost after approved I-129F
Do yourself a huge favor...stop counting the dollars now and it will be easier to deal with. However the others are correct on the fees and they do not stop on this side either...AOS change of status fees, EAD fees, Surgeon General fee to certify vaccinations and health, SS application, blah blah blah. Just remember if you receive your one and only and a life of happiness...even though the fee's are is a bargain and great investment with excellent returns...Good luck!!!
Ken and InnaMaleUkraine2006-10-03 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC has changed it's processing date for I-129Fs
Vermont's date changed to Feb 23rd also. Everyone knows Vermont processing times and CSC processing times aren't even close yet they are posting the same date. Go figure............ :lol:
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-25 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry Request Letter
Hey, Texas Seoul.....but did you get the questions that you asked answered?
(copied and pasted below)

I would appreciate answers to the following questions.

1. What policy is CSC now using to determine priority in processing I-129F and why are they approving petitions in seemingly random manner?
2. What is the exact status of my case and when can I expect approval?

tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLong wait?
Would someone please explain to me how the hell do they go back from processing March 6th to Feb 23rd. What a bunch of pinheads. I we worked this way in my line of work, we would be out of business in a week. And to think that I have paid these people so that they can jerk me around. :angry: :wacko:

Public Notice

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has improved the reporting procedure for processing times of immigration benefit applications located at the USCIS website: In the past, USCIS benefit processing reports indicated the specific type of applications or petitions that were being processed and the date the cases were received. However, the date the case was received did not provide a clear indication of when USCIS expected to complete the case, nor did it provide a clear indication of USCIS’ commitment to process cases within a certain cycle time. It also did not align with the processing times and cycle times the agency reports in other contexts.

This improved reporting procedure is an effort to give our customers more accurate information that better reflects current processing time and USCIS service level commitments. Effective immediately, when we are completing applications and petitions within our service goal levels we will report that as the processing time. For example, when our service level goal is to process a particular kind of case within six months, then if our processing time is six months or less, we will show a processing time consistent with our service level goal because that reflects our commitment. Similarly, where our service level goal is 3 month processing, we will show a processing time reflecting that commitment if we are meeting that service level goal.

When we are not meeting our service level goal, the date posted will reflect the filing date of cases that are being completed. It should be noted that while in some instances reported processing dates may appear to have regressed due to this change, they do not reflect a lengthening of USCIS processing times, but simply the change in reporting. Our goal is to provide accurate projections and thus give customers clear expectations as to what they can expect as a processing time.
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLong wait?

OK! Its been a over a month since I last posted. I started a new job on 7/3 and I figured I would just try and be patient. Well, TCS received my package on 6/13, I received my NOA1 and when I checked online it indicated that my package had been forwarded to CSC and they received it on 6/30. Two months have passed since CSC received my package and not a word. I checked and it seems they are still working on cases from March 6th. Last update was 8/3. Is it me or is everyone else having this problem

:angry: :help:

March 6th? USCIS has changed it again. Check it again. Then you will be pissed.
Click here:
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics

Check my math but thats roughly...

CSC 66%
VSC 34%
If the facilities are equally efficient and staffed, reason says CSC should be
taking pretty much twice the time to get through the petitions from an equal date range...hmmm...kinda looks like it huh? I say we need a more even distribution of the files...

I agree and it would be nice to know if the facilities are equally staffed, but I would almost be willing to bet a weeks pay there is absolutely no one in our government that can or will answer that question.
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics

Your chart made me realize that March was a very popular month to file with 160 Noa1s

or close to it

Maybe after a long and cold winter everyone was horny. :lol:
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
Number of I-129F petitions filed by members of VisaJourney at VSC and CSC from March 1, 2006 through Aug 29, 2006.

CSC = 358 members filed for K-1

VSC = 185 members filed for K-1
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
Percent of I-129F Petitions Approved
for those in here in VisaJourney who have updated timelines

NOA1 during March 2006.......81%.......approved
NOA1 during April 2006...... 82.5%...... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 76%......... approved
NOA1 during June 2006...... 71%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006...... 43%.......... approved
NOA1 Aug 1-29 2006.........37%...........approved (reported as of today)

NOA1 during March 2006....56%.........approved
NOA1 during April 2006..... 54%......... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 51%........ approved
NOA1 during June 2006..... 29%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006....... 3%.......... approved
NOA1 Aug 1-29 2006..........0%...........approved (reported as of today) :angry:
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
Vermont processes I-129F's from 13 states
California processes I-129F's for the rest ( 37 states )

Petitions must be stacked pretty high at CSC by now. :angry:
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
Percent of I-129F Petitions Approved
for those in here in VisaJourney who have updated timelines

NOA1 during March 2006.......81%.......approved
NOA1 during April 2006...... 82.5%...... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 76%......... approved
NOA1 during June 2006...... 71%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006...... 43%.......... approved

NOA1 during March 2006....56%.........approved
NOA1 during April 2006..... 54%......... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 51%........ approved
NOA1 during June 2006..... 29%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006....... 3%.......... approved
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
I left March out intentionally due to the fact the IMBRE affected March petitions more than any other month. Vermont processed them so fast and embassy already had them. Then they had to be sent back. Most everyone filing in March was screwed.
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting Statistics
Percent of I-129F Petitions Approved
for those in here in VisaJourney who have updated timelines

VSC :yes:

NOA1 during April 2006...... 82.5%...... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 76%......... approved
NOA1 during June 2006...... 71%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006...... 43%.......... approved

CSC :no:

NOA1 during April 2006..... 54%......... approved
NOA1 during May 2006...... 51%........ approved
NOA1 during June 2006..... 29%........ approved
NOA1 during July 2006....... 3%.......... approved
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-08-29 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUPDATING MY TIMELINE
Then click on add timeline
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-09-13 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStrange conversation with the NVC
You can ask the same question to 2 different USCIS customer reps and get 2 different answers.

I just called USCIS twice and talked to two different reps. The first one said standard procedure is for the petition to go to NVC, stays there one day, then is forwarded to the listed embassy. The second time I called a few minutes later I was told that all K-1 Visa approvals go straight to the listed Consulate and none of them go to NVC. USCIS customer service is a joke.
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-10-04 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStrange conversation with the NVC
I received my NOA2 dated Sept 22nd and it said "The above petition has been approved, and forwarded to the listed consulate." I just assumed it would be sent to NVC first and then sent on to Manila. I never thought it would be sent straight to Manila from USCIS. The way CSC works it would surprise me if it's even left California yet.
tjv2000MalePhilippines2006-10-04 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgot "the email" from chris
We got the wonderful email ("THE EMAIL") from chris. We got our noa2 aproved november 3. i am soo excited. THANKS VISAJOURNEY for all the help I have received especially for helping us not get a RFE.

K-1 Timeline
Service Center : Texas Service Center
Consulate : Chile
I-129F Sent : 2006-08-21
I-129F NOA1 : 2006-09-07
I-129F NOA2 : 2006-11-03
Rube y RocioMale02006-11-08 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnd the waiting continues for many
nice information. i hope they can get their aprovals soon.
Rube y RocioMale02006-11-12 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReply From London Regarding Our Circumstances

I think she should call the medical people and give them a heads up to her situation as well as the embassy - we found them to be very accomodating and they may be able to work around this problem

Great idea!
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReply From London Regarding Our Circumstances
Hmm...that is confusing! What if all of the medical appointments happen to be booked? If they give you the interview date way in advance then it would probably be ok but if they only send it out a week before that could be a problem! If I were you I would just keep bothering London and email them again with all of your questions!
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot packet 3! Now....more questions!

The forms they give you in packet 3 are not to be submitted until the visa interview at the american consulate. Fill in and return by mail form ds-230 part 1 to the consulate immediately. Once you have done that start gathering the required documents. Follow the medical instructions sent to you in packet 3 carefully. Fill in the forms but do not sign , DS-156 ( 2 copies) and the form DS-156K. Follow the photograph requirements carefully also. Also get the us citizen to fill in the I-134 Alfadavit of Support form ( notarized from her/his bank) with a copy of there income tax for the last year and a letter from there employer stating that they work there, there income, and how long they have worked there for. You should get the police clearance now. as once you have the forms filled in, medical completed , the alfadavit form from your fiance, and the police certificate, you will then need to mail in the form to the consulate stating you have all the required information and that your ready to be interviewed. After you send in that single sheet of paper they will send you packet 4. This is basically the interview date and the strict order they want the gathered paper work in before attending the interview. Gather alot of proof of your relationship. photographs, phone bills, emails, letters from the person who is marrying you, and all other kinds of information linking you together.
Hope this info helps

Don't forget each Embassy can have very different processes for Packets 3 and 4 (if they even call them that) so what is applicable for you in Australia may not be applicable for the OP in Thailand. A lot of people think all Embassies are the same and end up giving people wrong information that could potentially harm them by making them send in the wrong forms at the wrong time.

Shins - a good idea when in doubt is always to call or email you Embassy. They can give you the best information. You should also check out the Foreign Embassy and Consulate discussion here on VJ, you may find more help in there.

Edited by James_and_Miranda, 05 April 2006 - 09:47 AM.

Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne Visa in the Post!
Congrats!! :) :thumbs:
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview
Like others said, check out the timelines on this section because it all depends on your Embassy and other information. When you fill out your timeline this helps make the information you see in the timelines more accurate :)
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 or k3 processing times/
As far as I know K3's apply through the service centers just the same as K1's......
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot packet 3

How long wil that take???

Million dollar question! I would check in the foreign embassy thread on the post Ewok did recently giving a link to the stats for different Embassies.
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpired Passport
I can't see why they would care, like kaydee said if it was valid at the time you used to enter the USA that is all that mattered. James' passport expires this month (he got a new one of course, that one has his visa) and he used the info from his old passport for proof we had met.
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this a problem?
Wait, in order to be convicted of something you have to be charged with it first. Do you mean he was charged but never convicted? Sorry, I honestly don't know how or if this will affect your processing.
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust getting started.
I would venture to say that most, or at least a large part, of us on this board have filed our petitions without the help of an attorney and only by the guides here on VJ, so yes, it can be done! :D Good luck to you!
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon medicals
Doesn't seem to be long at the moment but things can change. James was able to book his very quickly but that was a month ago.
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance-to-be
Seems we have a lot of UK boys and Southern girls in here! :) :thumbs:
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-02 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance-to-be
Just tell him you're seeing your girlfriend, that's what James always said and no problems.

Where in the South is your girl from? James is also from the UK and I'm from Alabama :)
Miranda&JamesFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-02 08:57:00