K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh No!!!
:wacko: Absolutely no N0A2's today from CSC? I hope it was just a "Monday" and they'll get going again on Tuesday. Let's all hope so.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-09-26 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline Percentages

It would help if you would post your methodology.

I'll glad that you're allowed to post here. When I do my stats, they seem to get moved off to a corner of VJ - often to consulates or USCIS. I hope this post doesn't get moved.

I also share the concern about the March, April, May and June folks who have not yet been cleared. While a few many have an RFE that has not been returned, I suspect that almost all have done all they should, and do not deserve to still be waiting. I hope they are ALL cleared in the new few weeks.


I can tell you my methodology. It's straightforward, basic math...

From Gary's new list this morning, I counted the total number of listed cases for each month. Then I counted the total number of cleared cases for each month. I then divided the number of cleared cases for a given month by the number of total cases for that same month to arrive at a percentage of cleared cases.

:whistle: Exactly! Except I apparently used some of Gary's "older" data. Thanks for your corrected update.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-09-30 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline Percentages

Is that compiled from VJ timleines or Gary's list. Gary weeds out all the duplications and members who have not been active / abandoned VJ.

The stats are slowly getting better for March and April. :D

:yes: Gary's List. I just take what he's complied and do the math for percentages.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-09-30 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline Percentages

March: 83.1% completed
April: 83.3% completed
May: 68.6% completed
June: 45.3% completed
July: 46.7% completed
August: 8.6% completed
jasalNot TellingChina2006-09-30 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!

NOA2! Wow that was fast.. 2 weeks! im speechless! I want to thank you all for your help and advise, you are all a big help.

:huh: 2 weeks and you get approval and you can't believe it? Gee, you're at VSC and not at CSC, duh. Haven't you noticed that some folks over at CSC are still waiting with over 160 days in and still no approval? Nothing personal against you. Yeah, yippee, congrats. But why would you even post your "excitement" knowing there are so many at CSC still waiting? Seems like a poke in their eyeball. Sorry, just my humble opinion. Like I said, nothing personal. :blink:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-03 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI know touches don't mean anything

But.. OMG I was touched today!!!!!!!

I get off of work at 9, and I hope and pray that I have an email when i get back...

please let today be the day!!!!!

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you only receive an Email if there is a "change in status" on USCIS site. If only the date changed, then it is a Touch. If the date changed, and the information when you clicked on your case number had changed, thenyou get an Email. The information under your case would either state an Approval was sent, or an RFE Request for evidence.

Please check USCIS again and look for any change from your case number link ;)

LuvLife...Thanks for the refresher course, but fear not...It's actually not necessary. Liz and I are already well aware. We're just hopeful that there will soon be movement on our case one way or another. Liz herself said, "I know that touches don't mean anything." We're just trying to stay positive is all. :D

:wacko: Oh please! It hasn't even been 60 days yet for either of you. But I hope you both get your N0A2 soon because I'm about ready to boycott this place until you do. There's this thing called LIFE and it shouldn't stop just because you've filed a I-129F.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-03 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswould it help to explain the age difference in the initial application??

I think it IS a good idea to address this issue in the original petition. Consulates operate in different ways. For instance, an older USC woman with a younger male beneficiary is a common scenario in Morocco. Many of these cases are not approved at the interview, but rather, are sent back to the U.S. because the consulate questions the validity of the relationship. There have even been instances where it would appear that the consulate has made up its mind even prior to the interview, refusing to look at any evidence.

Granted, Morocco is unique. However, if I were in the situation, I would want any possible red flags to be addressed in my original petition for the reason stated above.

I would respectfully disagree, as the G5 clerk adjudicator does not have the time, experience or the benefit of a face to face interview where they can review additional documents of a continued bona fide relationship. If you look at the petition application, the only burden of proof required is having met in the last two years. It is straight forward and I would suggest not complicated it further at this stage.

Well, I can agree to disagree. But I want to emphasize that all consulates are different, and what may be appropriate for one will not be for another. The Middle East/North Africa is unique. An attachment addressing certain red flags would not be for the benefit of the adjudicator of the I-129F, but rather for the consulate when they receive the file.

Eveyone has a good point. The folks at USCIS don't need all the extra paperwork to look through and addressing the age difference isn't necessary at this level. However, it is necessary at the next level and with some consulates such as the one in Guangzhou, China, if you haven't already addressed every issue with them through the original package that they read from the USCIS, then many times they won't even allow you to give them additional evidence of any kind. They have been known to pre-judge the case and have already made up their minds BEFORE they ever lay eyes on the person at the interview. There are countless times where a pile of evidence wasn't even looked at during the interview simply because the VO at the consulate had already judged the case on what they received in the original package from USCIS. Some folks have been blue slipped and other white slipped because of this and they were never allowed to present additional evidence. So I'm all far making the original package speak to as many issues and people as possible because with some consulates you may not have an additional chance to address them.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-11 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVery, Very Few K-1 Approvals
It would seem the small rush of approvals at the end of September wasn't what most of us hoped for, a move by CSC to maintaining some type of "normal" processing of K-1's. Even before the rush at the end of September was better than now. There have been very few approvals in the last two weeks. Prior to the IMBRA mess, CSC was averaging about 90 days to process a K-1. Then IMBRA caused some major delays on many K-1 applications causing those folks to wait an extremely long time for their N0A2. There are still some of those poor souls waiting for their approvals. Maybe they're working other types of visas now, and will get back to K-1's later. I may have missed some approvals, but weren't there only 3 or 4 approvals for K-1 during the past two weeks? Does anyone want to venture a wild guess as to why so few approvals so far in October? :wacko:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-13 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1's

where did you get this data from?

March: 147 total applications. 130 approved. 17 pending
April: 100 total applications. 89 approved. 11 pending
May: 110 total applications. 91 approved. 19 pending
June: 93 total applications. 63 approved. 30 pending
July: 89 total applications. 55 approved. 34 pending
Aug: 93 total applications. 32 approved. 61 pending
Sep: 59 total applications. 1 approved. 58 pending

From the timeline data provided by another VJ member. I just counted the approved applications and also the unapproved applications based on the current data provided by his timeline. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why CSC approves this application over that application. Maybe they have a grand scheme they're looking at and we just don't understand their methods. Hmmmm... not!
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-15 23:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1's
March: 147 total applications. 130 approved. 17 pending
April: 100 total applications. 89 approved. 11 pending
May: 110 total applications. 91 approved. 19 pending
June: 93 total applications. 63 approved. 30 pending
July: 89 total applications. 55 approved. 34 pending
Aug: 93 total applications. 32 approved. 61 pending
Sep: 59 total applications. 1 approved. 58 pending
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-15 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOH MY GOD I WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!

Congrats Wolf Boy!! haha

When did you get your e-mail. I'm still hoping even it's Saturday that I'll hear something.

CSC has had my IMBRA RFE a month before your NOA1 !!


:unsure: This just makes NO sense. Here you are, waiting and waiting... 221 days!!!! And this "Cry Wolf" cat comes along and gets his K-1 approved in less than 60 days?? What in the hell is going on at CSC?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-14 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJune 12 NOA 1- NOA 2 on 10/18!

129 days later, I have my NOA 2. Thank You GOD!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Now this is something to say congrats to.. something to celebrate... because these two people have waited and waited and waited for soooo long for their approval. I'm sorry that it took so long for you to get it. I know you've both worried and been stressed out. When I see an approval for someone who's waited so long it makes me happy that they finally got their N0A2. But when I see someone from Vermont post their NOA 1 date and then they're all happy and giddy about getting their N0A2.... often as little as 2 weeks later, I'm sorry but I find no joy offering congrats to them. 2 weeks of waiting? Oh wow.. poor babies had to suffer so long. 129 days... now that's long suffering and fully due all the cheering that can be given to them. So call me a bad person for feeling this way. I don't care. I don't even know why people from Vermont post their N0A2 dates after waiting only a week or two. It's a slap in the face to those of us that are waiting at California. Sorry, just the way I feel about it.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-18 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan or Can Not Contact USCIS?
I've read here that some people contact CSC after a period of time to find out what's going on with their
K-1 application, or to check to make sure their RFE was received at CSC. I've read that some people actually talk to a live person, while others get a recording. But.. I've also read here that you can't contact CSC and that if you do then it doesn't do you any good anyway. I was going to wait until they had my K-1 application for 90 days and then I was going to try and call them to see if I could find out status of our K-1. I got my N0A1 in early August and haven't been too concerned since we haven't really waited for a super long time. But then others who got their N0A1's after I got mine are already approved and moved onto NVC and some onto the consulate or embassy. My fiance and I are still waiting. I know each case is different and there's no rhyme or reason as to why one K-1 gets approved sooner or faster than others. Can I contact CSC? Will it do any good to call them? What's the number that I should call? Thanks in advance.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-23 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approved!

Congratulations Tracy! We got approved on the same day! :)

Yeah, but your wait was over 200 days. Their wait was only 69 days. IMBRA or not, it's just not right to approve August filers when March, April, May, June and July filers are still waiting and waiting. Things SHOULD follow in the order they were received. Jumping from a March filer to a late August filer for approvals on the same day just proves that there's no rhyme or reason at CSC. :no: :no: :no:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-24 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F processing statistics

I've been looking at Gary's stats last few weeks, and wondered what "current" processing times might look like if analyzed differently. Specifically I was curious about the Jul and Aug processing times on their own, not added into others. And this is what it looks like...when just considering the approved Jul and Aug NOA1's. This information only includes the approved petitions and using Gary's numbers for the days between NOA1 and NOA2. It certainly looks like on average petitions are being approved faster. I realize this is a crude assessment as there are many outstanding Jul and Aug petitions which can skew this data. But I noticed that most of the outstanding Aug petitions were filed later than the to date approved ones. Therefore, I still think there is some hope that approvals are speeding up on average.

Aug 06
California Service Center- 55.3
Nebraska Service Center- 60.9
Texas Service Center- 54.5
average days - 56.3

Jul 06
California Service Center- 72.1
Nebraska Service Center - 63.2
Texas Service Center- 73.7
average days - 70.4

Most of the approvals that came for many of the August group happened during a surge at the end of September which coincided with the closing out of the government's 2006 fiscal year. For the government, which USCIS is... Oct. 1st is the beginning of the new year. There have been some August approvals after Oct. 1st. but they've been much fewer than the bunch that got approved at the end of September. Some of July's applications happened this way too. I'm an August filer who's not approved yet so I would certainly hope for anything that would shorten my wait time... but I have this sinking feeling that I'm in this for awhile. And just remember.. Veteran's Day is November 9th. Thanksgiving is November 23. Both of these are government holidays and the folks at USCIS will be off on those days.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-30 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanother noa2 approval

we were truly suprised and thankful for the quick approval(99 days)..godspeed to all of you before us.

Congrats on your approval. 99 days? Seems more like you only waited 69 days.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-10-25 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo news is not good news
:no: :no: :no: It's Wednesday and no N0A2's from CSC?? I've seen a touch or two but I don't remember seeing any approvals since last week. And next week has a government holiday, Veteran's Day and also on the 7th of November is a vote day and gov't employees get an hour off to vote, then there's Thanksgiving coming up next.. that's a government holiday too. Oh well.. time marches on.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-01 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswating approved

Hi all! i have 1 question.

we had 4 touched since NO1, but no email from uscis to confirm that my case was updated. is it normal or something? does anyone know when will they approve us? please share with me your experience.
Thanks a lot. :)

:hehe: Trying to figure how why or when will drive you nuts. My N0A1 was 10 August 2006. I've had NO touches since then. Do I wonder why many who filed after me have already been approved and gotten their N0A2's? Yes I do wonder why they've been approved before me. I haven't got an RFE. I filed using the new IMBRA forms. But I'm happy for them. It's great that their cases were approved. As for me and my fiancee.. we have to wait and I have to try and explain to her why others are being approved and we aren't. The hard part is that there's no real "reason". I just hope our paperwork didn't get pigeon-holed or lost. One never knows.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-02 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!!!

All righty then... Been in limbo since receiving our NOA2 hard copy in snail mail October 19th, officially approved according to that document October 13th... Since then nothing. Zip. Nada... Wondering where the heck is our packet? Nothing in the mail from NVC... Hmmmmmm where can it be?

Today got the set of SIX (6) count 'em, SIX (6) emails, two (2) from USCIS-CSSO, and four (4) from CRIS... All the same, all saying:


The following is the latest information on your case status

Receipt Number: WAC**********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On November 2, 2006, an approval notice was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please contact the National Customer Service Center.

National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.

*The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice that you received from the USCIS.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

I am officially crushed, disappointed and ticked (ticked is not the word, but this is a family website, so real feelings have been vastly watered down)... No wonder CSC takes so long to process. They seem to be into double approvals!

:unsure: Well, at least you're out of USCIS. Some of us (March, April, May, June, July and August) are still waiting for our N0A2's. Congrats on your approval. You're wondering where your package is? Gee.. welcome to the club. I've been at CSC since 2 August 2006 and I've never been touched and don't have a clue as to why my case hasn't been worked. Maybe they're using it to prop up a desk? I'm sure your file is in the forever long line of petitions that USCIS hasn't even mailed to NVC yet....
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-03 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a thought

It seems like the service centers are starting to really roll out the NOA2s. At least there appear to be many this week. I am wondering if the employees may be trying to clear their desks in preparation for the impending holidays.

I would like to think this is so. (Trying to keep my glass half full) :lol:

:huh: Doesn't seem to matter for our case because we've been waiting since first week of August with no touches, no RFE, nothing at all... and many who filed after we did have been approved already. Hmmm.. I think our petition is missing in action. At this time I would welcome an RFE to just know that our case wasn't lost in a pile somewhere.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-03 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmazing

I am amazed how these "new generation" of K1 petitions are cranked out in 2 months or less. I feel like those of use who got caught up in the IMBRA nonsense really paid the price. I rarely even surf this website anymore as my journey is almost over, but I still remember how excited everyone was when one lone user was approved in late July. LOL!!!

Funny how it is just a distant memory now....

:unsure: I understand what you're saying... but I'm just past 90 days (which to you IMBRA filers is nothing).. but based on the rate of approvals of people who filed after me, and since I used the new forms and I haven't gotten any RFE's, then it might be that I'm going to have to wait for awhile... for no apparent reason other than CSC's method of not approving cases in any kind of order.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-04 00:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!!!!

Wow Great news. Thanks for sharing. I'm right behind you in the line. :P Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:unsure: There's a line? If so, then it's not a straight line and people are not being approved in any order of when they "lined up". There are still March, April, May, June and July people still waiting.. and there are still people in August who filed sooner (August 10 in my case) and we're still waiting for approval. So there is definitely NOT a line. I think it's just like someone said way earlier... USCIS just tosses the applications in the air and those that stick to the roof are the ones that are approved and the rest have to wait until the next time.

But Congrats to those who did get approvals. Not their fault if they got their approvals before others. Just their luck to have "sticky" applications. :lol:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-03 00:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswaiver

As I understand your question, it has been less than two years since your last K-1. Yes, you need to do a waver. If they deny it then you would have to wait for the two years to be up. I am in the same boat myself. I will be applying for a K-1 in 4 weeks and am 3 months short of the 2 years.

From what I have heard so far there is a good chance it will be approved if there are no other problems but who knows for sure.

:hehe: If they had read the IMBRA guidelines when they filed their application they should've submitted their waiver then... because the guidelines are specific about the timeframes and who and who should not have to submit a waiver request. They might not be in this boat now if they had submitted the waiver with their original paperwork. But they should be able to clear this hurdle if they provide a waiver with enough detail to show what happened and why they should be approved. I also had a prior K-1 but it was over 5 years ago. Based on the IMBRA guidelines I didn't have to submit a waiver.. but I did anyway, just in case.
I haven't been approved yet even though I got my N0A1 on 10 August. But I haven't gotten an RFE yet either. Right now I'm in limbo-land and I don't know if I'm there for this reason or something else.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-08 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswaiver

Hello everyone.

I have a question. I hope everyone here can help me.

If my fiance apply the waiver, but they don't approve. that's mean we need two year later then apply again rite? Does anyone have a good idea? Please help me.


:unsure: What kind of waiver? Has USCIS asked your fiance to provide a waiver to explain a previous
K-1 filing? Has USCIS told you that they're going to deny your application?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-08 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALREADY AT CONSULATE, NEVER GOT NOA1 OR NOA2

Caps Key. Turn it off.

That's highly unusual.. I would call to double check and verify your mailing address.

:huh: Why do you wish him to turn off his caps key? Do you really think he's "shouting"? I don't think so and when I checked, reading his post in capital letters didn't hurt my ears. Chill. Who da heck really cares if someone writes in caps or not?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-08 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this an RFE?

Thanks Guys... im trying to keep calm hehehe I hadnt been touched in so long I should and I am be greatful that they know we exist!!!!!

Good Luck everyone! x

:unsure: Huh? You're worried about not getting a touch in such a long time? What long time? You just got your N0A1 in September. You're now getting an RFE which means a live person has actually touched your petition.. see it, read it. Your case is open on someone's desk and it's flagged and waiting for you to respond back with the requested evidence. When they get it from you then your open file will be updated and most likely approved. I'm at day 91 now and I've NEVER gotten a touch... and so far no RFE. As far as I know my petition is lost in limbo land. At least you have activity on your case. That's a plus for you and yours. Me and mine are in the twilight zone of NOT KNOWING what the heck is going on. Good luck and fast approval for you.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-09 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill the USCIS website say if an RFE has been sent?

Touches pretty much mean nothing. If they are sending you an RFE, you will receive an email indicating so.

Thanks much for the answer, Kitkat. That's a bit of a relief. Do you know if the website status will reflect RFE, also?


:hehe: I wish someone would spill coffee on my application so that a "touch" would show up... at least then I would know that someone did something to my application. As it is now, my N0A1 was 10 August and I've never had a touch. Heck, I doubt if anyone at USCIS has even seen my file since they sent me my N0A1. 91 days and still waiting.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-10 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone tried calling the Service Center 800 number?

My paperwork was sent soon after yours and they haven't touched it since Oct 1. This lack of systematic processing is really stupid and these guys should all be fired for incompetence.

No, I'm not bitter, I work for another federal agency.... I'm a realist - the Federal Gov is totally BROKEN. :P

:angry: You may not be bitter or frustrated yet, but give it some time and if your case isn't processed while all of those around you are being approved, then you'll enter the world of total frustration with no place to vent it except here. Talking to someone at the 800 help line is a total waste of time. They are clueless about your case or mine. Why have a help line that really can't offer you any help? I'm now at day 92 of waiting with no touches, no RFE and no hint that any live person has seen or touched my petition since they received it. The total average days for approval for June, July, August and now September is 40-60 days. But the help line says they can't HELP or offer any information until CSC has had your petition for 6 months or more.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-11 08:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone tried calling the Service Center 800 number?

I sent my 129F paperwork in on September 22nd and I haven't received anything yet. I've tried to call the service center's 800 number, but every time I wait on hold for 30 minutes and then my phone card runs out. Does anyone know how late I can call? What are the best times to call?


:blink: :blink: :blink: Good luck with calling the service center's 800 number. I called it before to find out if they might know why it's taking so long to approve my petition (I'm at day 92) and many who filed after me have already been approved. I just wanted to make sure my petition wasn't lost or misplaced. It took me about 10 seconds to connect and then another 40 minutes of going through a seemingly endless series of recorded messages telling me to please choose a number. I finally got a live person and when I asked my questions to her, she told me that I shouldn't call them again about my petition until 6 months had passed because until that time had passed then I shouldn't be worried because that's the timeline for fiance visas to be completed. I told her that most applications are being approved in 50 to 70 days and that mine was over 90 days. She said she didn't know and if I wanted to write to CSC, then she would give me their address. It's called a HELP LINE. But don't expect anything useful from them.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-11 04:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do (in terms of immigration) when fiancee wants to go home?

I am with you, Meaux. I know you are not asking for marital advice Joe but maybe a little manipulation (inher best interests, of course) could buy you some time. Don't push her but maybe suggest that since she is here she might as well as enjoy her "vacation". And with a little time she might see that freaking out a pretty normal response to a pretty abnormal situation (a long seperation, leaving you home and then <<BOOM>> getting married). Taking the pressure off might be what she needs to see things for herself. I wouldn't suggest it because it would be really unethical but maybe an unethical person could even lie about the avaliablity of flights it being so close to Thanksgiving and all.

:no: :no: :no: The man didn't ask for any of our advice concering his relationship with this woman. He simply asked about immigration issues and that is all. It's none of our business what happened. If he had wanted all of us to know what happened, then he would've told us. Otherwise it's just people being nosy about something that is none of their concern. He didn't ask for an "armchair evaluation" of his situation nor did he seek anyone's opinions or thoughts about his personal life. He's going through something right now that's tough and heart-breaking. If he needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I'm sure he has friends and family that he can lean on. As for his fiance, she's an adult and she chose to come here to get married and now she's chosen to NOT go that route. For whatever reasons, she wants to go back to her home country. Whatever happened ain't none of our business. It's theirs only.

I am with you, Meaux. I know you are not asking for marital advice Joe but maybe a little manipulation (inher best interests, of course) could buy you some time. Don't push her but maybe suggest that since she is here she might as well as enjoy her "vacation". And with a little time she might see that freaking out a pretty normal response to a pretty abnormal situation (a long seperation, leaving you home and then <<BOOM>> getting married). Taking the pressure off might be what she needs to see things for herself. I wouldn't suggest it because it would be really unethical but maybe an unethical person could even lie about the avaliablity of flights it being so close to Thanksgiving and all.

:o What?? Why would you even make such suggestions? Lie? Be unethical? Vacation? The woman wants to go back to her home country. It's her choice. There's obviously alot here that none of us know about and Joe has already said that he's tired of "pushing this rope". And I don't remember reading anywhere in this thread where he asked any of us for our personal opinions and thoughts about HIS life.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-08 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions -- Call to CSC?

My NOA2 date is 08/25/06 and I have seen any updates to the status of my case since 08/31/06. I am now seeing people with NOA2 dates in September indicating they have received an RFE or NOA2. Is it worth calling the CSC to inquire why there is no evidence that my case is being reviewed? If I call, any suggestions on how to navigate the system to get answers?

Thanks all.

:unsure: Welcome to our own private hell my friend. My N0A1 date is 10 August and I haven't heard tiddly.. no RFE, no N0A2, no touches. NOTHING!!!! You can't call CSC directly but you can call the 800 help line. But they won't offer you any help... at least they didn't offer me anything but more frustration. I called them two weeks ago to inquire about my petition. It took over 40 minutes of listening to different recorded messages as I navigated through their phone system. I finally got a live person, but she wasn't helpful at all. She told me that my case was not yet 6 months old and that I shouldn't call them back until then. She said that CSC had 6 months to process my petition and that CSC worked the cases as they got them. I told her that many petitions had already been approved that had gone to CSC well after my N0A1 date. She didn't care. She told me that she didn't have CSC information and didn't know how CSC operated. She told me that she could only tell me that I was not yet beyond the time allocated to USCIS to process my type of petition. She said that I could write a letter to CSC with my questions or if I felt that I had a grievance to file against CSC then she could give me an address to send my complaints to. All I want to know is WHY are September petitions being approved when there are still March, April, May, June, July and August petitions still waiting. No one can tell you why. Everyone online here at VJ tells me to be patient and my time will come. That's easy to say when you already have your N0A2 in your hand. I don't know if my case is lost, misplaced, in name check, or is just gathering dust in some corner. I would guess you feel the same about your petition? Is there anything unusual about your petition such as you having several divorces... your fiance having divorces... Is this your first K-1 petition or have you submitted a
K-1 previous to your current one? Do you have a police record? I've been trying to figure out what may be holding up my case. To be honest, I'm clueless and very frustrated. One person who filed at the same time as me and had the same N0A1 date as me.. has already gone through the system and has an appointment date at the embassy. So totally ticked off about all of this. Of the 100 applications filed at CSC and put on VJ... all have received their N0A2 approvals except for 10 of us who are still waiting.

Make that 11 cause I have filed on Aug 15, received NOA 1 Aug 17, and still waiting, 86 days and still freakin waiting. This is completely aggravating because not only am I still waiting for the approval, but there is a chance that we are going to wait about 20-24 months before they even give us an interview date. ####### (sorry) but I know EXACTLY how you feel. WJR

You say NOA2 in your note do you have NOA2 or don't you? A lot of times they wont touch a case for months until just before NOA2. They have up to 6 months to process the case and calling them wont get any info from them. They have to wait on name checks.

I thought the name checks were done at the NVC?? If they are doing the background checks at CSC then what do they do at the NVC? Thanks WJR.

Sorry.. I meant to say 11 including myself. I'm sick and tired of this because people are now getting approved in September.. and the way it's going they'll be approving October before they get to us. I also thought name checks were for NVC to do... but apparently CSC can do them too... and then guess what? When you do finally get to NVC and NVC wants to do a name check too... then the process starts over again. NVC doesn't usually accept the CSC name check. One guy waited 7 months at CSC because of name checks. When his application got to NVC he had to wait another 7 months for another name check. Someone needs their arses kicked for making this process suck so badly. Oh.. by the way, do you have anything odd or unusual about your application that might be holding it up? Such as prior submissions of a K-1 before this one? Many divorces? Criminal record?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-11 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOpinions -- Call to CSC?

My NOA2 date is 08/25/06 and I have seen any updates to the status of my case since 08/31/06. I am now seeing people with NOA2 dates in September indicating they have received an RFE or NOA2. Is it worth calling the CSC to inquire why there is no evidence that my case is being reviewed? If I call, any suggestions on how to navigate the system to get answers?

Thanks all.

:unsure: Welcome to our own private hell my friend. My N0A1 date is 10 August and I haven't heard tiddly.. no RFE, no N0A2, no touches. NOTHING!!!! You can't call CSC directly but you can call the 800 help line. But they won't offer you any help... at least they didn't offer me anything but more frustration. I called them two weeks ago to inquire about my petition. It took over 40 minutes of listening to different recorded messages as I navigated through their phone system. I finally got a live person, but she wasn't helpful at all. She told me that my case was not yet 6 months old and that I shouldn't call them back until then. She said that CSC had 6 months to process my petition and that CSC worked the cases as they got them. I told her that many petitions had already been approved that had gone to CSC well after my N0A1 date. She didn't care. She told me that she didn't have CSC information and didn't know how CSC operated. She told me that she could only tell me that I was not yet beyond the time allocated to USCIS to process my type of petition. She said that I could write a letter to CSC with my questions or if I felt that I had a grievance to file against CSC then she could give me an address to send my complaints to. All I want to know is WHY are September petitions being approved when there are still March, April, May, June, July and August petitions still waiting. No one can tell you why. Everyone online here at VJ tells me to be patient and my time will come. That's easy to say when you already have your N0A2 in your hand. I don't know if my case is lost, misplaced, in name check, or is just gathering dust in some corner. I would guess you feel the same about your petition? Is there anything unusual about your petition such as you having several divorces... your fiance having divorces... Is this your first K-1 petition or have you submitted a
K-1 previous to your current one? Do you have a police record? I've been trying to figure out what may be holding up my case. To be honest, I'm clueless and very frustrated. One person who filed at the same time as me and had the same N0A1 date as me.. has already gone through the system and has an appointment date at the embassy. So totally ticked off about all of this. Of the 100 applications filed at CSC and put on VJ... all have received their N0A2 approvals except for 10 of us who are still waiting.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-11 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNoa2, we’re approved!

So, I checked three times a day for two months... then I took 2 weeks off to drive across the country…
got around to checking email 2 days after getting to my folks place…
There it was!!! NOA2 email!!!!

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On November 2, 2006, an approval notice was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours...

Lesson learned: you stopped caring how long it took the moment comes!!!

So, So happy, Happy!!! :D :D Joy, Joy! :dancing: :dancing:

:thumbs: Congrats.. With your approval, that now means there are 10 of us August filers left who are waiting on our N0A2's to arrive. Maybe soon??
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-11 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnd the waiting continues for many

Just curious, is that list compiled from members here at VJ?

:yes: :yes: :yes: Yes.. from the list that Gary sends out showing everyone's timeline. I just went in and counted total number for each month and then counted those for each month who DON'T have their N0A2's yet. The list here at VJ certainly doesn't show everyone that has submitted a finance visa to CSC and if you check some of the people's timelines who still don't have N0A2's, you'll see that their activity on VJ has been limited and some of them haven't been online at VJ since September and early October. This doesn't mean they have their N0A2 yet... but it also doesn't mean that they don't have it and just didn't update here on VJ. There are other websites that offer similiar services and help like VJ does.. some are just not as good as VJ and some members here can be found here as well as on other sites.... so who can really know how many fiance visa applications have really been submitted to CSC each month? But all we have to look at is those that have posted their timelines here.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-13 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnd the waiting continues for many
March: 140 applications / 7 waiting

April: 105 applications / 7 waiting

May: 110 applications / 11 waiting

June: 94 applications / 5 waiting

July: 105 applications / 13 waiting

August: 111 applications / 17 waiting

September: 72 applications / 11 approved as of 12 Nov.

October: 56 applications / 1 approved as of 12 Nov.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-12 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresobsessive touching

• K1 application sent 10/4/2006 to CSC
• last touched, 10/12/2006

how long is too long without being touched.

i know i'm being obsessive.
but, then again, that's what friends are for... can I get a pat on the back or something from someone who's been thru this?


:unsure: I haven't been touched at all since my K-1 was sent in and received by CSC on 2 August 2006. NO touches. NO RFE. NOTHING!!! It's enough to drive a man to drink not knowing what the heck is going on.. or worse.. what's NOT going on. I think my petition is lost under a pile of other stuff... at least all the horror stories about misplaced, lost or forgotten petitions pop into your head. I would welcome an RFE just so I know that a live body is looking at my application.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-14 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many NOA2's this week.. ??

Seems to be down some...

:angry: Not enough, that's for damn sure. About 6 approvals for a two-week period of time. That sucks big time. And next week is a government holiday for them... Thursday, Nov. 23. Most of them will take annual leave either the day before or the day after... gives them a long weekend. Then we then come back on Monday, Nov. 27, they'll be lazier than usual so nothing will be done that week either.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-16 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow many August Filers Left?

Man, that sucks for you, jasal. The waiting is awful, whether it's two months or six. Nobody should tell you to quit whining just because they've been in the system longer. Best wishes.

Yes, you certainly have the right to whine. Just as I have that same right. Today I'm exercising my right to be bitter and resentful. ;) Here is my whine. They told me the 6 months thing too. They said call back on 11/6/06 and we will do an inquiry for you. So I did and I was told oh your NOA1 is 5/3/06 and our processing date is 5/2/06. Sorry you will have to wait until our processing date says 5/3/06 or later before we can do an inquiry. So it's a big shite sandwich have another bite. :P

:whistle: And USCIS won't change that date until they're ready to move to the June date and only they know the formula for when they'll move the date. Seems kind of silly and stupid on their part to not do an inquiry for you since you're only one day off from their silly date. But that's USCIS. They have no rhyme or reason for what they do and they have no oversight... and that's why they treat us like they do because they know they can do whatever they want to do and we can't do anything about it.
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-16 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow many August Filers Left?

Give me a friggin break!

:huh: No need to get testy. I asked AUGUST filers because I wanted to knowTHEIR story... to compare, make notes.. see if any of us that are left from August have similiar things that might be the reasons for the remaining 16 of us not being approved yet. I'm certainly sorry that any March, April, May, June and July filers are still waiting too. Some of you had to endure the IMBRA fiasco and that keep many of you waiting. Why the rest of you are still stuck at USCIS is beyond me. My thought is that USCIS should process all of you guys before they process anyone who filed after you. BUT it's also my thought that USCIS should be processing August before September and October... but unfortunately my thoughts aren't worth very much to USCIS. I hope you get your approval soon before the bile in your throat chokes you to death. I calmly asked a few questions in the hopes that AUGUST filers would respond and we AUGUST filers might get a clearer picture as to why we remaining AUGUST filers are still waiting while almost all of the rest of August filers have already been approved.... and now USCIS is approving September filers. I'm being as patient as possible, haven't peed my pants yet, haven't written to any Senators or Congressmen... and have called the 800 number only once. I'm waiting until the end of November to see what happens. Hopefully the remaining AUGUST filers will be approved by then. Hopefully.. As for you and any other June filers... go and start your own question thread. :lol:
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-16 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow many August Filers Left?
:unsure: Who filed in August 2006 for K-1 and still don't have their N0A2 approval? I filed on 2 August and got my N0A1 on 10 August. 105 days and still waiting. NO touches. No RFE. I called the 800 number and they told me to not bother them again until 6 months had passed. I have no idea if I'm in name check, lost in limbo-land, or just being totally ignored. I'm happy for all those others in August who've gotten their N0A2's and even a little bit happy for those who are now getting approved in September. But it does tick me off that I'm early August with no known issues with my petition, having sent in everything they could ever possibly want or need, including the kitchen sink... and since I've gotten no RFE's about needing additional evidence, my conclusion is that I'm lost in the system somewhere... maybe under a pile of other applications, who really knows and I can't find out because my application isn't 180 plus days old yet. And still more who filed after me are getting their N0A2's. Heck, some of those who filed at the same time as me in early August were approved in 40-50 days and already have their embassy interview dates. I know there must be others in August who are in the same boat that I'm in... and misery loves company... so I'm asking who's left from August?
jasalNot TellingChina2006-11-16 10:00:00