K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Hi Yah Mox...
This WHOLE thing is bizzare... blink.gif timeconsuming, emotionally draining and frustrating and really it is a RIGHT ROYAL PAIN IN THE PATOOTIE... if you ask me..

My thoughts are still that the USA divorce rate would not be sitting on 50% IF EVERY SINGLE person in the USA prior to wanting to get married had to be put into an enforced 6-18 month separation, and had to communicate to actually discover things about each other (so that it wasn't just lust blush.gif ), if they had to go through the financial costs, and then the probing into personal lives, medicals and all sorts of other riff raff.. If standard USA folks prior to marriage had to prove their devotion, love and relationship (time spent together, contact made between them, and in detail knowledge about the other)...

WOW - how many folks would actually "go the distance" from that short spurt of immediate infatuation - through to the actual marriage ceremony... ummmm not many LOL...

So I STILL think while bizarre, frustrating, draining and downright annoying that we are all going through this total nightmare .... just think of what hurdles we are overcoming - how, at a distance we are able with our loved ones to talk and deal with situations and actually get through them together - how we are really actually getting to know our partners on a far deeper level than just a quick "hi honey how was your day - good - oh mine was crappy - now lets eat some food, not talk about anything, watch some TV and jump into bed"... LOL...

Okay so that is my optimism for the week - BELIEVE me it won't last (especially if CSC doesn't start to SHAKE SOME DARN "TAIL FEATHER") and make some action happen, my kids and I have just moved out of my house (that I sold last year organising a late January settlement THINKING STUPIDLY that we would be in the USA by the first week in February <crazed giggle>) and we are now all squished into my ex's place - there are boxes and suitcases EVERYWHERE and believe you me, ummm sharing a house with my ex is not what I call optimum <LOL> GREAT for the kids though to have this chance to spend some time with their Dad before we move O/S... BUT a crazy situation non-the-less.....

have a GREAT day folks... and COME ON CSC... COME ON...
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-29 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
good.gif good.gif good.gif WTG folks... CONGRATULATIONS good.gif good.gif good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-29 04:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Thanks for the new list STP - but sheesh <lol> at 5 CSC approvals for the week, and me sitting at number 195 - that would be like 39 bloomin' weeks from now for an NOA2... I really hope that they pick up the pace (back to the 20-30+) they were doing pre-Xmas, or maybe they have and just a stack of peeps haven't updated their timeline (the ones that think us number crunchers are nuts LOL)...
I STILL have my thoughts and fingers crossed that everyone who filed up to the end of September will see their NOA-2 by mid February....

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-13 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
good.gif Congratulations to the approvals... YAY... good.gif come on CSC pick up the pace...

Scott and Marta... whooo hoo on the interview next week... almost 6 months (exactly) to the day since you sent in your application ... that gives us all something to strive for <grin>

to all the story tellers... love em...

have a GREAT day folks....
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-04 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
good.gif YAY congratulations to you guys... good.gif that is AWESOME news....

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-29 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS good.gif to the approvals so far this month.... WOW there has been 129 already (NOT just from CSC though) - I mean all up.. with still a WEEK to go for November... here's hoping that they keep pumping out the GREAT work and continue on this path into December & January - and before we know it we will ALL BE DOING THE HAPPY DANCE...

have a GREAT day

Edited by TracyOz, 24 November 2007 - 06:06 PM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-24 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Congrats. to those who have received their NOA'2's.... WHOO HOOO... what a wonderful reason for you to give "thanks"...

and YES isn't it FANTASTIC to know that this holiday season is the last one without our love ones??? I was just saying that to my darling SO last night when he was telling me what he will be doing with his kiddos for Thanksgiving this week... I wish I was able to be in the USA with him.... but then told him that because he will be here for Xmas & I plan to fly over there (to wait out part of this process LOL... during Feb/March - and to organise schooling and stuff in preparation for my kiddos moving)... It WOULD mean that this Thursday "holiday" would be the last special occasion/day that we have to spend apart... and that is an AWESOME feeling...

have a GREAT day folks... and here's hoping that they are paying the CSC, VSC & NVC staff some extra "overtime" so that they keep on churning out those NOA's and approvals over the silly season..

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-21 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
good.gif Congrats to those approved recently good.gif
and YAY I am at 341 now... <grin> inching my way up the ladder.... AND I noticed in my timeline that another day got knocked off ... must be all the recent approvals (or updating of folks timelines)... we'll see what the thanksgiving break does for the number crunchers like me..

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-21 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
innocent.gif Oh YAY good.gif thanks Stilltheprettiest you helped me jump from 392 up to 349 .... all in a twitch of the nose... innocent.gif Now perhaps we should send USCIS the DVD's of Bewitched so that they too can learn how fast it is to speed up the process...

I realise that some cases would be more complex than others... but seriously - how hard is it to have a person - with a checklist, opening a package, place barcodes on all the pages enclosed... work through their list... in a simple order... (like the visa approval is REALLY not the approval... that has to come from the NEXT waiting game and the interview...)... LOL..

So simple list...
Cover Sheet - check
Check - check
Application - filled in/signed - Check
Proof of who we are (Bio information) & photos - check
Birth certs & any divorce papers - check

Story of meeting - check
Proof in some way shape or form of meeting in previous 2 years - check
Letters of intent - check..
Bunch of other stuff that may or may not be important at this stage - check...

too simple... do it - pass it on to the next person... either Person (a) for further scruntiny and questions etc.. or Person (cool.gif for the APPROVED stamp... then ship it out to NVC...

blink.gif sorry - I know that it is a "tad" more involved than this, and I am not making light of it at all - but there must be some applications that seriously could just move through the system like a breeze... as I said this is really just the staging area - not the full-on deal...

Have a GREAT day... oh and thanks again (that jump put a spring in my step) LOL... even if it is just on a list (and only a VJ list - we are probably only 10% of the real number of K-1's)..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-14 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
GREAT updated list ... well done... but at #392 and with them "only" approving around 20-30 per week... that means an NOA-2 in what 12-20 weeks from now... which would be AAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGG... 26Feb-2nd April... and then what ... another 2-3 months until the Sydney interview........

Holy Jumping Jellybeans.... THAT is just not right... especially with all the things we have on in 'limbo' right now... house sales, house we've purchase, kids schools grrrrrrrr.... "not happy jan" (as most Aussies would understand the phrase) mad.gif

have a GREAT day and thanks for the list...huge job


Edited by TracyOz, 13 November 2007 - 02:02 AM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-13 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
OH OH OH MY GOD............................................................

*** DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL *** The last processing action taken on your case
Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
Current Status: Approval notice sent. On February 5, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

Was jumping around the house screaming OMGOD the kids and I were all doing HIGH 5's.... then I had to WAKE up my darling man LOL... it was like 2.00am in Cleveland right now... <grin>

what an AMAZING feeling... and I fly out to the USA tomorrow to spend some time with him... WHAT PERFECT timing....

CONGRATS TO EVERYONE else who have also received theirs too.... WHOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO good.gif good.gif

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-02-06 02:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif WOW .. good.gif CONGRATULATIONS everyone... I counted 7 September CSC filers approved all on the one day... .... UNBELIEVABLE and AWESOMELY exciting at the same time...

yay go CSC go.... <grin>


have a SUPER GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-02-05 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif kicking.gif CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE APPROVALS THAT CAME IN kicking.gif

Wow it is so darn exciting now to see september filers finally jumping up and down with joy..... one step closer - come on CSC you can do it - we are all supporting you, cheering you on....

and Mox - you will be this week I feel it ....

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-02-03 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif good.gif kicking.gif CONGRATULATIONS folks... IT IS so exciting to see September filers getting their NOA-2's.... HOPING THAT WE WILL see more of them... I am actually AMAZED that VSC seems to have started pumping through October filers... ...

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-16 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif OH my GOSH CONGRATULATIONS... Frank & Rinso good.gif
I always get excited when I see someone approved... but NOW that it is SEPT. filers... everytime I read an approval, tears build up in my eyes (or as my SO says - my eyes get all leaky and we don't know why <grin>)... I think I am more emotional for the Sept. filers because it means we might be getting closer and closer... (well if we had filed in vermont anyway LOL)....
AGAIN huge congrats.....

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-12 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
LOL.... LOVE the pics and YEP looks pretty close to me <grin>

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-10 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif
LOL - well in the 41+ (celcius) degree heat that has been here in Adelaide for the past few days...
cold showers... well they are becoming the norm...
So why not make everyone else feel the need for them too... devil.gif

have a GREAT day folks..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-10 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
CONGRATS Bobalouie.... you give us September filers a glimmer of hope <grin> even if you are a VSC filer....

I hear you Greatgat on the "ummmmm lack" of logic when it comes to which centre we should be at... I mean my darling USC is in OHIO for goodness sakes, California is like light years away from there - even further than Michigin <grin>

Mox, Mox MOX... DON'T go and become a touching fiend now will you... maybe CSC felt that you just needed a second tickle devil.gif one to pull up your file and one to put it away .... BUT SERIOUSLY how cool would it be if those touches pay off (careful we are getting almost rude here)...

and nica19... so many touches ... WOW are you feeling the love - lets hope it is true love for you and not just someone playing games and teasing and tantalising...

Okay folks sorry - my post here has had inuendo in place, I think it is because my man was here for 2 weeks (and while CSC couldn't be bothered touching us) devil.gif we made up for it devil.gif but now he's gone and I am feeling the need for some contact... LOL...

have a GREAT day guys
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-10 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Well a huge congrats to them... and HERE ARE fingers crossed that we will see a bunch of September filers coming through with approvals this month...
I have just had the fortune of my darling USC over here in Australia for the past 2 weeks and it was WONDERFUL to spend time with him, but absolutely heartbreaking when we took him to the airport yesterday morning (Aus time) I turned into a bawling mess.... Oh well all we know is that at some point in the next few months this part of it will be OVER, in the meantime I am heading over to the USA for a few weeks in February to spend some time with him and do some pre-wedding planning... so now it is a countdown for that trip blush.gif far better than the pacing that I keep doing trying to countdown to our NOA2 or interview...

have a GREAT day folks and HAPPY 2008 to all
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-04 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hmmmm my guess -

January 23rd

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-14 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hi Guys...
and A-Team & MOX ..... ooooh the dress is great isn't it... thankyou for saying so... (it has certainly cheered me up, was feeling "as we all do" a bit flat about this process) but now have a smile on my dial (AND NO... <GRIN> HE doesn't read these forums LOL)... I just hope I can look half as good as that gal modelling the dress, and take his breath away a bit on our wedding day...

now my 15 yr old daughter (and my 10 yr old daugther-to-be) are both wanting to know what I will have them wearing... <grin> they think because I managed to score my dress at half price that we now must have money to burn <grin>

I also must say just how I FEEL for all of you who won't be spending your Xmas with your loved ones this year... I am VERY fortunate that Steve is flying out here to have a good old "Aussie" xmas (a bit different than cold OHIO LOL)...

.... and seriously DECEMBER and early January (cause of the silly season) tends to "whip" by anyway, so before we know it we will be mid January, going into February....

and just think folks.... all of those experiences and wonderful special days from next year onwards we will always be with our loved one...

September filers will pretty much just have to get through Valentines Day crying.gif and then probably Easter, being that it is in March... BUT our interview dates SHOULD all start happening from late March through April & May.... my heart innocent.gif is set on a February interview date (UMMMMMM BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT IS NOT going to happen) <grin> So now I am honestly thinking with the speed up that we are seeing on the adjudications, that my kiddos and I will be at a late April interview up in Sydney, and then flying over their IMMEDIATELY afterwards... they can at least spend 2-3 weeks in school before Summer vacation to get to know some kids... and then I am thinking a May 24th Wedding... whistling.gif well that is the thought process right now (I will put a blank check box on our invites just in case) <grin>

FYI on some of the stats that I had done on another thread.

Filers for K-1 (all centres) 1st June through 30 September
as at the end November...

652 - k1 records filed between june/sept.
614 - have NOA-1
205 - have NOA-2

447 - waiting for NOA-2

15 - days average from filing to NOA-1
125 - days average from NOA-1 to NOA-2

11 - have interviews
80 - days average for those with interviews from NOA-2 to interview date.

SPECIFICALLY for September filers...

82 - k1 records for Sept. (all centres)
74 - with NOA-1
7 - with NOA - 2 (congratulations)
3 - with Interviews (double congratulations)

have a GREAT day folks

Edited by TracyOz, 03 December 2007 - 08:16 PM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-03 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
WEEEEELLLLL <grin> I for one, am feeling ON TOP OF THE MOON today... ahhh not for what you think (an NOA-2) would be just the most wonderful gift right now...

just wanted to share...

BUT - I JUST bought my wedding dress... WHOOO HOOOOOOOOO....
oh you must all go and look at it...
Davids Bridal, style VW9340

and the BEST thing is - I have had my heart set on this dress - and by accident came across someone selling it on EBAY (brand new, never worn) for LESS than half price including shipping, my size and all... so rang the lady selling it to ask a few questions - all on the up and up... so paid for it... and she was already boxing it up to send to me... (too funny though, she is sending it to me here in Australia, and she's in the USA - just in case I need to get any alterations done)... and it will arrive here around the same time as my DARLING USC fiance will arrive (as he's coming here for Xmas) <grin> could have had it shipped to him (but would have been too worried that he'd take a sneak peek) LOL...

So I am dancing around feeling pretty darn good about everything, and at the rate that our application is going - we are probably looking at an April interview and moving over there in May... so a late May/early June wedding which for this dress will be absolutely perfecto.... and for a second marriage, I don't think this dress is too "weddingish" or over the top - if you know what I mean... ??

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-02 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hey Mox - love your thoughts... and I concur... my "estimated" date dropped two days as well... LOL... now if it can do that each and every week, then I MIGHT just see my NOA-2 either very very late January or sometime in February... which will be FAR better than March LOL...
I do agree once they start moving that backlog of June/July that those after that "should in theory" be processed faster... but then I suppose the NVC will have the backlog instead... GRRRRRR... no fun in this game is there...

have a GREAT day and GOOD LUCK to all those waiting on NOA-1's they WILL come through soon I am sure.
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-19 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS on the NOA-1 and also the NOA-2 ... WOW... that one was so fast you must be THRILLED... good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-09 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS good.gif ....

here's HOPING that now that the centers have gotten into a new swing of things, that they will just really start speeding up the process.

I know there are a few jobs going at all the branches at the moment... LOL... tell all your USC friends that are looking for work to head on in and fill out an application.

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-06 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif Congratulations folks... good.gif
and 34 days... WHOO HOOO how absolutely exciting for you... here's hoping that, that means some great movement is happening over at those service centres...
and YES isn't it a relief (LOL) when your check is cashed (probably about the only time we all get excited about a government department taking money from us) at least it shows that they actually have our file...

have a GREAT day everyone... and here's looking at a wonderful week for everybody..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-04 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif Congrats folks... I don't know about y'all but when I knew that the check had been cashed and that first NOA arrived... it was like a huge relief (at least I knew that the package hadn't fallen on the floor and disappeared under a desk or a cupboard) blush.gif
Now lets just hope that the rest of the Sept. filers start to hear something, and "fingers crossed" that with all the extra staff they have seemingly put on, will have these NOA1's turned into interview dates in our embassy's as quickly as possible... while I completely understand the reasonings for delays and the ensuring that the process is followed properly .... 6+ months is just a tad crazy...

Hmmmmm LOL.. thought here...
If EVERY person in the USA (regardless of who they were) HAD to go through - similar to what we have to via the K1... an "enforced" separation, with only phone/email contact (or very expensive flight travel for rare visits)... and if they had to go through police checks, proof of meeting, proof of ongoing relationship, proof of support, medicals, vaccinations, an interview... oh and all the other stuff that goes with it... whistling.gif HOW many folks would actually end up marrying... I think very few, actually whistling.gif would reduce the strain on the USA family court system as there would be a lot less marriages (and therefore a lot less divorces) LOL... and they could then turn those financial resources over to the USCIS for us legal immigrants, and also to give more resources to seeking out the illegals......
hmmm food for thought...

have a GREAT day and KEEP on letting us know about any NOA's etc..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-30 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
CHECK cashed FINALLY.... <grin> today (26th October)... does that mean NOA-1 has been issued?

I am waiting to speak to my darling USC who excitedly emailed me that the money had finally gone through his bank, we seem to be missing each other over the past 12 hours via the phone ... ... LOL.. and I just want to talk with him, and then find out what the reference number is on the back of the check, so I can look it up on the website...

I have NEVER been more excited for a government agency to cash (the first of many whistling.gif ) checks in my life... At least I now know that it is in the "system" somewhere.

have a GREAT day folks ....
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-27 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
good.gif Congrats "A-Team" all I can say is the more filers from Sept. that come through the closer we will all be <grin>....

Guys you know what - we will ALL get our notices ... andthe worst thing is the WAITING... the moment that those applications were sent off to the various agencies... suddenly (just like xmas when we were kids) days (felt like weeks)... I am absolutely as frustrated about this process as the rest of you, and i also suffer with the time zone (conversations) that just feel slightly disjointed, and the fact that our lives are in limbo and on hold <grin> but it will all pass, and HOW strong will we be because of this process???

Have a GREAT day and lets all keep our chins up and keep on supporting each other... and our beloved's ...
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-27 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
whistling.gif same here blink.gif
and the USCIS site now lists that "all other forms" up to October 9th (as at 26th October) at CSC should have been receipted unsure.gif

USCIS receipting list

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-26 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
WOW ... how awesome for you - Congratulations (now keep your fingers crossed for everyone else)... This is such an emotionally draining process that it is WONDERFUL to hear of exciting or fast news about other folks.

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-22 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hi Everyone...
Well we are also september fliers... blink.gif and I think that the waiting game is the absolute worst part of all of this ... so I hear you all, I suppose the only thing going in our favor, is that eventually they will get through the pile of applications...and regardless of which line I end up in at the grocery store .... it is ALWAYS the slow one .... blink.gif but wouldn't it be GREAT if they did it in reverse (dealt with all of us who put our applications in at the higher fee) first... devil.gif My congratulations go out to those who are getting touches, NOA's and their checks cashed (sheesh you would think the govt. department would JUMP on the checks first and be at least depositing them) imagine all of the interest that they could be earning... innocent.gif
Have a GREAT day and keep on thinking that if we can all deal patiently with this process, then we will be able to deal with anything that the future will bring with it.
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-17 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFlying tickets
wacko.gif I know how you feel.... and I am doing it for 3 of us (myself and 2 of my kiddos) flying from Australia to the USA... it works out at around $2000 (thereabouts Aus - aka $1800 USD) for a ONE way ticket, BUT it is ONLY $2500 (thereabouts $Aus - aka $2250 USD for a return)... totally bites.. but unfortunately that seems to be the way it works... But let me tell you, if they have a promotion where the "return" ticket is the same price (or just above) a one way ticket, then that is exactly what we will book, and then forfeit the return version.. if you kwow what I mean (kwim?)
have a GREAT day

Edited by TracyOz, 05 November 2007 - 06:05 AM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-05 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 Affadavit Support.. ?? and advice please
Thanks everyone for your input.. I think the best thing that I can do (is go with the belief that more is better) LOL... would HATE to not have enough information when I get to the interview stage. So will make sure that I have the i-134 with me, along with Steve's pay/tax information and stuff, and I will also have my own bankstatements along with a document that stipulates the amount of money that I have on hand. Between all of that - there shouldn't really be too many problems (and it covers all bases)..

But (as an FYI for everyone else) I have been doing some fairly thorough research into this in the past few days and truly the i-134 is not the "be all and the end all" at the initial K1 interview stage.. Simply because the k1 visa ONLY gives you the right to be in the USA for one purpose and one purpose only (which is to marry your USC within that 90 day timeframe) and if that marriage doesn't take place, or you don't file for an AOS you are supposed to leave the country ... you really just have to prove that in the 3 months that your visa is valid for that you will be supported and not a financial burden on the USGovt.

It is what is supplied at the followup interview (the AOS interview) that is important with the way more official (864) document of support that is mandatory.

However I also agree with above posters (which is why I am doing it too) that not only using my own (bank statements etc) that I will definitely be taking along the i-134 and supporting evidence from my USC-SO to that interview.

have a GREAT day everyone
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-24 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 Affadavit Support.. ?? and advice please
Hmmmmm interesting...
I found these comments on another forum site... regarding this issue... would LOVE to hear any VJ'ers thoughts...

any non-immigrant visa applicant - any non-immigrant visa applicant - needs to demonstrate that they can afford their visit to the USA. If they cannot afford the visit then they need someone who can afford to pay for their visit to sponsor them. Simple as that.

The confusion develops because K-visa applicants - unlike oh, say B-visa applicants - are usually quiting their jobs (abandoning their source of income) and planning to visit for more than a few weeks. They usually cannot afford to support themselves in the USA for as long as it takes to get employment authorization and find a job, or until they can adjust status and find a job. So most of them need a sponsor. But not because a K visa requires sponsorship but because they cannot afford to come and stay in the USA for an extended period of time without someone else to pay their living costs for them

and this one

If you can afford it then you don't need an affidavit of support, or any other financial information, from your "SO". You need documentation of your independently wealthy status. If your wealth is kept in a bank account then yes you need some bank statements showing that you have all this money.

interesting.. very interesting... or should I say further confusing... I KNOW that we definitely will have to do the I-864 during the AOS process after our marriage, but based on these comments if a K1 applicant can show financial stability then the I-134 might not be necessary. I think this is one that I might have to put to the USIC..

Have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-23 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 Affadavit Support.. ?? and advice please
Okie Dokie thanks for that folks... and <grin> I know that there is still a bunch of time between now and the interview... just keeping myself busy... and the relationship side of things ahhhh no dramas there either - we have stax of visits and email/phone correspondence between us since we first started dating - apart from the fact that I just recently returned to Australia after spending almost 2 months with him (totally hurt me so much being away from my kiddos during that time, just as it is hurting like blazes being away from him now.... seems so bittersweet doesn't it)... I will just be so looking forward to Xmas (he arrives here for 2 weeks from the 20th December... so my birthday, Xmas, & new years together) that should BREAK up this waiting game a little bit.

Frustration for me though is that when I returned back from the USA last month, - put my house on the market (expecting a least a little bit of a resistance) but it was sold in like 24hours (good yes... ... but not while you are in this waiting game)... tried to drag out the longest possible settlement with the new owners, and have gotten them to agree to the end of January... but can't drag it out anything beyond that... So my children and I will be "scrambling" a little bit.. and then Steve and I have also got a contract in on a house in Ohio - and again we convinced them for a long settlement (because of visa pending) they kindly agreed to mid February (and again I really don't think we will be able to drag that out) any further....

So here's hoping that all the folks who are under pressure data-entering all the information at both CSC, then the National Centre and then the Sydney Consulate... will all get into a new "swing" of things (especially with the extra staff) and once they start clearing the backlog that we will ALL start to see some action and speedier results coming through... My hope (fingers crossed) will be for a January (or February) interview... that way I can get my kiddos over there and at least into the School System to make friends etc, for a couple of months before the long summer break..

have a GREAT day folks..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-22 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 Affadavit Support.. ?? and advice please
Hi everyone
Hope you can help here - have looked at the i-134 Affadavit of Support to present when the time comes at the Sydney Consulate (oh I know getting ahead of myself on my timeline, just like to be prepared whistling.gif )
And I realise that when the time comes over in the USA that we have to fill in the 864 forms, which can also include my assets etc..

BUT my question is:- Do I even need to have my darling USC fill out the i-134 for the K1 interview in Sydney, if I have a bank account containing around $150-$165,000 USD (sale of my house here in Australia) - this is on top of the money ($15K or so) for the actual move, application forms, medicals, and all of the other sundry expenses.... (MAN OH MAN WHAT AN EXPENSIVE DATE blink.gif )

I will be making the move to the USA with 2 of my children, and my darling fiance' has 50% custody of 2 of his children... so based on the Poverty guidelines I see that for our household of (6) we would need annual income of $34,000 (ish) per year. Situation is that for the past 5 years plus my darling has been earning $120K plus p/a, however ONLY just this month changed jobs - and while we know and anticipate him earning the same figures as in the past - we don't know if he will have the required "regular" pay stubs that they want to see.

Your thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated... and I am sure that over the next couple of months I will have other questions that come to mind - this is a terrific forum and a GREAT support network for those of us who are all waiting out the process of the government red tape..

Have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-22 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslength of time?
Well here is my .02 cents (for as much as it is worth) and YEP if you think I am in a foul mood today you are correct (variety of reasons mad.gif apart from the fact that with this visa process it is not only My and my fiance's life on hold... it is all of our children's that are being put on that "hold" pattern as well)... while we are of course happy to stick it out (ummm that would be because we have no choice <grin>) it is still FRUSTRATING no end...

I mean here we all are (on this forum) all doing the right thing, the legal thing and putting everything in place the way it needs to be .. and we get the run around, and all the delays (NO FAULT WHATSOEVER on the staff who must be doing an AMAZING job of entering and processing all of the data... how frustrating for them, to have a constant pile of papers to have to input ... and most of them would realise when reading them just HOW much we want to be with our loved ones... let alone what most of us are sacrificing at the same time in doing so...) so I feel for them, and wish them A HAPPY day...

But my frustration stems from the fact of the number of folks who can just illegally do what we are all trying to do legally.... AND get away with it..

My frustration stems from the fact that REALLY for the K1 visa... it is ONLY as START in the process.... ALL they are giving us the RIGHT to do is come to the USA for a temporary 90 days (and for many of us on the VWP we can do that at anytime anyway - but now that we have the K1 visa application in place, if we do "visit" the USA for a holiday there is a "chance" that we could not only be turned away/but at the same time be barred for the 5/10 year rule.... sheesh... )..... the real process, the one that does/should take some time is AFTER we get there, get married and apply to adjust status... and BECAUSE of the delays that they have in place right now, the length of time and separation between us and our loved ones, just has to be causing emotional drain (I know that it is here, my poor kiddos have been told they are moving o/s, and while excited about it are obviously sad about leaving other family and their friends... but add to that telling them that "ohhhhh sorry we don't exactly know when that move will be" as they watch their house get packed up, and they decide whether or not to keep certain toys/etc or sell them at Garage Sales etc... is HEARTBREAKING"...

Sorry folks ... just had to have a bit of a whinge... a couple of months to do this I could THOROUGHLY understand, but for it to take 6,9,12+ months is JUST RIDICULOUS (especially in light of the recent fee increases... you would think that would automatically mean extra staff to cope)... I know that it appears that my timeline is short... it is (in light of the K1 application being forwarded) but Had we been aware that there was such a delay we wouldn't have "done the right thing" by waiting till I was out of the USA before sending it in - we would have forwarded it to the centre as soon as I arrived .... <grin> retrospect is a GREAT thing isn't it????

So there you go... whinge, whine, and sharing with my fellow V'jers ... my angst and frustration ... OH IF ONLY they PUT every single person (within the country) who EVER WANTED to get married through this process, then perhaps the divorce rate wouldn't be anywhere near as high as what it is.... devil.gif

have a GREAT day folks... and here is SHINING on anyone who scores a NOA(1 or 2) or interview date tomorrow.... I am CHEERING for you....

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-10-25 06:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS.... good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-04 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Approved!!!
good.gif YAY.. CONGRATULATIONS... good.gif
have a GREAT, GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-05 18:31:00