US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

That's wonderful nightingale! That was super fast too. Congrats to you!

I can't wait for the oath. Jamericanlove I see that July Atlanta filers are beginning to get their interviews so hopefully you will get your letter soon. Who knows if you get a same day oath you might be done before me! :)

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-22 20:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Received text saying oath scheduled! Can't wait. When I went into work today they had bought me a cake to celebrate beoming a citizen, I didn't have the heart to say that I need to do the oath first!  Happy.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-21 17:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Congrats nightingale! I'm sorry you didn't get to do the oath today. I hope you get your letter for the portion very soon. At least the hardest part is over! Looking forward to reading about your experience. smile.png

Thank you so much. I have posted an account of the day on the main page, unfortunately I must have done something wrong as it took out all my paragraphs so it looks strange to read but I hope that you will find it  useful.


Any news on your interview yet?

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-17 20:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

How was your interview?

Thanks Nimaan I was approved, too late in the day for same day or even next day oath but that doesn't matter. Have you heard anything yet?

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-17 19:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Interview day at last, excited and apprehensive.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-17 06:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

I just want to leave some more positive thoughts here for nightingale who has an interview tomorrow. All the very best to you. I look forward to reading about your experience. smile.png

Thank you so much Jamericanlove, my interview is scheduled for 1pm so I believe that will be too late for a same day oath should I be approved, but that doesn't matter I am just happy to finally be getting my interview!  I hope that you get scheduled for your interview soon.  I will let you know how it goes.


I really appreciate your positive thoughts. I will report back tomorrow evening.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-16 19:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Thank you so much!  It was great.  1209196_617954398255248_1664450414_n.jpg


Great photo  taraAhmed, congratulations.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-07 20:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

A decision cannot yet be made about your application.


I passed the test, but the officer said I traveled a lot to Brazil... She has to check the law and then make a decision... I stayed in Brazil less then 18 months total (15 if I'm correct)...
Now I have to wait a denial letter or an oath letter...


I hope that you hear something positive soon.  Good luck.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-30 19:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hi guys!


Just came back from my interview and was approved !


Got to the appointment in Chatsworth 45 minutes before my interview time; went through security, dropped my interview letter then waited almost 2 hours ( 1 hour after interview time )

I was picked by an older hispanic IO,who was all business but friendly; walked me to the office then swore me in; asked if there was any updated information since I filed ( yes,changed of phone number ) and went on with the English test; 

She asked me to read : How many senators do we have? and write down the answer : we have one hundred senators.

Then she went on and asked me the following questions from a list already printed out:

1/ What is the name of the National Anthem?

2/What is the  rule of law ?

3/How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?

4/What happened in the US on September 11 2001?

5/What is the name of the Ocean on the West Coast

6/Why do we have thirteen stripes on the US flag?


Then she went on and reviewed the N400 application with me.... asked yes or no questions including if I am willing to respect the Constitution etc smile.png

She looked at my passport pictures and said I needed new ones ( background was yellowish,not white ) and just told me to drop them later the same day and gave me a little note to show at the front office receptionnist;


Looked at my Green card,DL,Passport....reviewed the file in front of me then....




She congratulated me,made me sign a couple of forms then gave me the approval form and told me I should be getting a letter within 2 to 3 weeks with the date and time ( Los Angeles Convention center,most likely October 26th )


Picked up my wife ( who nicely was waiting for me ) drove around,got pictures taken and a sandwich before dropping the pictures to the USCIS office and drove back home smile.png


Overall very nice,very relaxed process ( besides the LA area traffic part tongue.png  )


Almost done yay !!!! I can't stop smiling 

Congratulations i hope that you get your oath letter soon.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-23 17:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Thanks everyone about the kind wishes about my family, especially my son. He had some issues going on all at one time, an infection, some lab results that were very frightening for me and further tests, and some physical therapy he is scheduled for because of tendons in his feet that need stretching. But all is ok now it seems, other than still having to go to physical therapy, which I hope will be good results too. Thanks everyone for expressing your well wishes.


My wife is at Fort Lee, Virginia, and doing well. I sent her a package today, and I have a yellow ribbon hanging outside our door, looking ahead to her return again. At least this time we get to talk every day, and my son gets to see her too on Skype with the web cam. 


Congratulations to everyone that successfully passed their interviews and those who took their oaths. 


Warm wishes to all of you.

Good news about your son I hope that he continues to do well. Skype is a wonderful thing.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-19 22:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

My thoughts are with you and you wife, Brijo, I know she will find it terribly hard to leave on Monday with your son's health being uncertain. I wish you both the best and hope everything turns out well for your son. Please give us an update about him when you are able. Try not to be afraid I am sure everyone at vj is sending there prayers and positive thoughts for your family.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-14 09:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Thanks Jamericanlove, and thanks for updating for me.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-13 17:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Yay! Interview letter received today, my interview is scheduled for October 17th at 1pm. I am so happy. Will someone please update, thanks.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-13 15:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hello everyone!
I passed my interview today! Amazingly, took same day oath even with the (unplanned) name change.

Sorry I have been silent for so long, it's just that my case is not at all straightforward and I was not sure about the outcome to be honest.

Can you please update:

IL 08/05/13

ID, OL, OD 09/09/13


Thanks and good luck to those with upcoming interviews and awaiting updates!


nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-09 21:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers


Yay nightingale! Told you so! smile.png

Indeed you did. Thanks!

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-09 19:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Received a text today that I am scheduled for interview, so just got to wait for the letter, at last things are moving. Must admit I am excited.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-09 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers
Thanks guys, you are both right I know the time will soon go by. Brijo I realise your timeline was accelerated and wish Josephine good luck in the air force. I really appreciate your encouragement Jamericanlove and Brijo.
nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-04 19:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Your time is coming very soon! It will be a happy day, wont it?


I know some people move along a little faster than others, which can be frustrating, but yours will be the joy soon. smile.png


And dont look at my timeline, anybody, because it is not typical. The only reason we moved along fast is because my wife (the immigrant) is in the military too, and it goes faster for someone like that. They expedited hers because she will be leaving soon in the military.


nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-04 19:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll hear something soon. Atlanta May filers have all gotten their interviews scheduled so you're next in line. The office seems to schedule interviews in fits and starts. There seems to be a lull at the moment, but I'm willing to bet you'll heard something within the next week. Stay positive! smile.png

I know you are right Jamericanlove, but it gets a bit depressing seeing other people becoming citizens and Atlanta filers have not even got interview letters.  I did know Atlanta was really slow so it is not a surprise, I see that you are waiting for Atl too. Have you been to that office before, do you know if there is parking at the office and is it free?

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-04 17:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Still no interview letter the Atlanta office seems to take forever!  sad.png


nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-03 21:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Congratulations  Brijo. 

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-08-13 22:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers
-- N-400: JUNE 2013 APPLICATIONS --

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|Priority|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
AMANDAJW........|--/--/--|05/29/13|--/--/--|06/03/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
JOHNW...........|--/--/--|05/29/13|--/--/--|06/03/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
JACKW...........|--/--/--|05/29/13|--/--/--|06/03/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
HARRYW..........|--/--/--|05/29/13|--/--/--|06/03/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
MEL AND RENE....|--/--/--|06/01/13|--/--/--|06/06/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
CASEYCANDY......|--/--/--|06/01/13|06/10/13|06/06/13|07/08/13|07/10/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
UGLIDUKLIN......|--/--/--|06/03/13|06/11/13|06/06/13|07/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New Orleans, LA
MWAZOWSKI.......|04/19/09|06/03/13|--/--/--|06/04/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
BRSKO...........|05/23/13|06/04/13|06/12/13|06/07/13|07/08/13|07/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York City, NY (EB: 06/27/13)
ICICI...........|11/--/12|06/04/13|06/07/13|06/05/13|07/08/13|06/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Washington, DC (EB: 06/24/13)
BESAANGEL.......|04/16/13|06/07/13|06/14/13|06/11/13|07/03/13|07/01/13|07/05/13|08/14/13|--/--/--|Philadelphia, PA (EB: 06/27/13)
TARAAHMED786....|--/--/--|06/07/13|--/--/--|06/10/13|07/10/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|West Palm Beach, FL
JACKBNIMBLE.....|12/18/12|06/12/13|06/19/13|--/--/--|07/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Atlanta, GA
HASAN123........|--/--/--|06/12/13|06/20/13|06/17/13|07/10/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Albany, NY (EB: 07/01/13)
POLINE..........|06/10/13|06/18/13|06/20/13|06/19/13|07/15/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Buffalo, NY
HOBOKENWORKNGMAN|06/18/13|06/19/13|06/27/13|06/24/13|07/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York, NY
ON MY MERRY WAY.|--/--/--|06/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|07/18/13|07/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Newark, NJ
ANDREAS0603.....|--/--/--|06/22/13|07/01/13|06/24/13|08/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Charlotte, NC
FEASTOFROSES....|05/17/13|06/24/13|06/26/13|06/25/13|07/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Boston, MA
Nightingale 59..|--/--/--|06/10/13|06/19/13|06/14/13|07/17/13|07/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Atlanta, GA

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|Priority|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
HAPPILYCONTENT..|12/09/10|05/30/13|06/06/13|06/03/13|07/01/13|06/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Los Angeles, CA (EB: 06/17/13)
LUXUS...........|01/08/07|06/06/13|06/10/13|06/11/13|07/03/13|07/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Los Angeles, CA (EB: 06/25/13)
IRMA24..........|--/--/--|06/15/13|06/21/13|06/19/13|07/12/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
ETHANSDAD.......|09/13/08|06/15/13|06/20/13|06/17/13|07/09/13|07/11/12|--/--/--|08/15/13|--/--/--|Seattle, WA
JOHNLEI.........|05/10/13|06/17/13|--/--/--|06/19/13|07/15/13|07/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Milwaukee, WI
GISKAT08........|04/--/12|06/19/13|--/--/--|06/21/13|07/15/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Seattle, WA
DYLAN'SWIFE.....|01/11/11|06/22/13|07/01/13|06/26/13|07/22/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName........|Eligible|Sent....|ChkCashd|Priority|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
BRIJO...........|09/09/12|06/10/13|--/--/--|06/13/13|06/27/13|07/15/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Memphis, TN
MAE232..........|04/27/13|06/19/13|06/27/13|06/21/13|07/25/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Reno, NV


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Edited by nightingale 59, 25 July 2013 - 08:47 PM.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-07-25 20:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Questions

How are the interview questions picked??? @ the time of the interview or are they pre-selected???
If you get one wrong does the interviewer tell you or do they just keep going?
After you pass do they then tell you where the oath will be...?..

They have ten questions that they have randomly preselected, as soon as you get six correct answers they stop, but you do have to get six out of ten to pass.  As to the oath, in my case as it was late in the day when my interview was finished the IO told me that I had passed my citizenship interview and I would get a letter for the oath ceremony in a couple of weeks. People who had their interview earlier were asked to wait and given their oath letter with the date and time of the ceremony.  In Atlanta, where I had my interview some lucky people had a same day oath. It depends on the office and how early your appointment is.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2014-05-04 08:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience - Las Vegas, NV - Sept 9th 2013

Congratulations thanks for your interview report.  Hope you get your oath soon.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-09 21:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers


I agree kabhatti. There are filers from way back in April who have still not been approved yet. I hope the next few weeks brings good news for all.

Enjoy your oath ceremony tomorrow Jamericanlove, I know that you will have a wonderful day,  which marks the start of your life as a USC. Also enjoy your trip out of the country I am sure that you will have no trouble with the expedited passport. Good luck, have a good time and celebrate. You got through it all!

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2014-01-02 22:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

Many congratulations Jamericanlove I am so happy for you. What a great start to the new year you will have. Great news.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-12-12 23:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers


Thank you Om! It's actually tomorrow though. laughing.gif

Jamericanlove I hope that your interview goes well tomorrow and that you are fortunate enough to get a same day oath. Good luck, I  am sure that you will do well.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-12-11 20:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

Yes I have. Thanks for noticing nightingale, and thank you for your good wishes. Time to study up and prepare! smile.png

I am sure that you will be fine with the studying, you may even get a same day oath if your appointment is early enough in the day.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-11-15 07:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

Jamericanlove I see that you got you interview date, great news, best of luck.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-11-14 22:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

I just called USCIS to inquire about my case since it has been over 120 days or 'normal processing'.


A service request to see what's going on - another 30 days of waiting?!?!?

I am sorry to hear that you are still waiting, I hope that the service request will make something happen. I believe that Nimaan is also still waiting. Good luck.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2014-01-13 23:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Congrats Texas Dude!

Otta, you should call their 2 if you don't receive it by Monday.

Nimaan, I just saw that you posted so I was hoping that you may have news about your case, any updates? I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and Canadian_wife and hope that you both get good news soon. Congratulations Texas dude.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-24 22:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Congratulations Texas dude. 

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-10-07 20:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers


No, no oath date, no indication of anything.  There was a form that was missing a signature.


More waiting


Congrats HappyDancer

Strange, I hope that you get your oath date soon.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-13 21:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Good luck Nimaan!


ATL - yes parking, yes free

Thanks for info on parking, good luck tomorrow, so strange you have to go back with no explanation about why you were not approved earlier this week!  I am sure you will be approved tomorrow.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-12 06:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Thank you!
Thank you! Less than 12 hours to go!! I will definitely keep you updated since you are in Atl as well.

Good luck for tomorrow please write a report about your Atl experience, I hope to get my interview there within the next two months. Also, can you put if there is parking and whether it is free, thanks. Again good luck.

nightingale 59FemaleEngland2013-09-11 22:30:00