K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

Well, how did she respond when you asked her to reconsider?

She told me her mind was made up.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-23 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

Hi Kevin, Sorry to hear about you and your lady. Since you posted this I've thought about it and read all the replies. My Sweetie and I have had a long discussion about this, and tried to put ourselves in your position. It is difficult and painful to even think about this situation happening to us. You see I cannot live without my Sweetie. If she would not move here, and that was the only reason, then I would move there but living without her is not an option.

There are a few rules I try to live by. One is to pick your fights carefully, don't be hasty to engage in any and every battle that comes along. When you do enter a fight, make damn sure you are willing to pay any price to win. Count the cost BEFORE you go into it, but also count what it would be like to live without the victory.

Another rule is: if it is worth living for, it is worth dying for. Three things, God, Family, Country, in that order of priority are worth livng and dying for to me. If my Sweetie told me the same news you have just received, and the only reason was she was scared to come the USA, then I would be on her doorstep as soon as possible. I would stay there until we worked it out or they killed me. As I said, I can't live without her, and don't plan to live without her. I would beg if that would do any good, I would beg her father, her brothers, or anyone else that I thought might make a difference. Because love is not love until it you give it away. Every day I want to make my Sweetie feel like the most wonderful, most beautiful, most fantastic lady in the whole world, because to me she is. Every day I want to make her the happiest lady in the world, those are my goals. I am not ashamed to say these things to you and the rest of the world, because I want everyone to know how much I love this lady, and will do whatever is necessary to be with her the rest of our lives.

I was looking forward to meeting your fiance as our interviews are on the same day as you know. Keep in touch, and hang in there. If you really love this girl, then fight for her.

Dean with all due respect I am not independently wealthy and could not move my children there. I would not subject them to going from first world to third world just because Nerissa decided she doesn't love me or doesn't want to live in USA. Fortunately for me there are many many many women there who do want to live here. I am certain that I can find one in the 100,000's that I can click with. At least why I am there I can try to see Nerissa if she wants to and find out what her fears really are. I can tell you that she is the work horse there and provides for her mom teenage brother her own daughter and her 23 y/o brother when he's not working which is most of the time according to her. I think as the interview date approached her family, and she told me they adviced her against going to USA because they were afraid they would starve and have no money. Even tho her mom is only 46 she doesn't work because she is unskilled.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-23 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

Hi Kevin, Sorry to hear about you and your lady. Since you posted this I've thought about it and read all the replies. My Sweetie and I have had a long discussion about this, and tried to put ourselves in your position. It is difficult and painful to even think about this situation happening to us. You see I cannot live without my Sweetie. If she would not move here, and that was the only reason, then I would move there but living without her is not an option.

There are a few rules I try to live by. One is to pick your fights carefully, don't be hasty to engage in any and every battle that comes along. When you do enter a fight, make damn sure you are willing to pay any price to win. Count the cost BEFORE you go into it, but also count what it would be like to live without the victory.

Another rule is: if it is worth living for, it is worth dying for. Three things, God, Family, Country, in that order of priority are worth livng and dying for to me. If my Sweetie told me the same news you have just received, and the only reason was she was scared to come the USA, then I would be on her doorstep as soon as possible. I would stay there until we worked it out or they killed me. As I said, I can't live without her, and don't plan to live without her. I would beg if that would do any good, I would beg her father, her brothers, or anyone else that I thought might make a difference. Because love is not love until it you give it away. Every day I want to make my Sweetie feel like the most wonderful, most beautiful, most fantastic lady in the whole world, because to me she is. Every day I want to make her the happiest lady in the world, those are my goals. I am not ashamed to say these things to you and the rest of the world, because I want everyone to know how much I love this lady, and will do whatever is necessary to be with her the rest of our lives.

I was looking forward to meeting your fiance as our interviews are on the same day as you know. Keep in touch, and hang in there. If you really love this girl, then fight for her.

I wish she would have fellt that way. Talked to her last nite asked her why and what could I do and all of the questions Begged her ( even tho I don;t do that) to reconsider and to think about it some more. We will see.

Not sure why so many people are giving azcactus such a hard time without really knowing the details, as if there's an expected way to grief. The man is emoting in his own special way. Give the man some respect and let him grief the way he wants to. If it makes him feel better to trash his ex-fiancee, let him be. Instead of speaking ill of a man in grief (whichever way that's to be defined) give the guy condolences or don't say anything at all. We're all different, that's just the way it is. You and azcactus will not grief the same way.

As for going back to the Phillipines in search of women, that's his prerogative. Just remember, azcactus, that you probably won't find your "true love" in a matter of days or even weeks. If you think you found it you're only fooling yourself. Finding the right person takes time.

So how did you meet your mate?
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-23 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

What some of you do not understand is MY TRIP is already booked as of 1/19/2007. It is a non refundable thru cheapoair and asiaroooms. Total cost to go see her this time $1100 air $500 USD hotel suite. I am not just pissing that off. I will go and have already talked to two ladies who said they will show me around the sites. I particularly want to see the American vets cemetary there and the old 1500's churches, Rizal Park and the Philippine Cultural Center. The ladies I have talked to said they know where all these things are and would like to show me the area. Last time I was in manila I barely got out of hotel as it was connected to amall and plus we went to Bohol for three days to see her family.
So if you agree or disagree it is ur choice. But I am starting anew and will look for adventure as it presents itself.

I think what some people are trying to tell you is it seems very strange that you would end a 4 year relationship that is so close to finally finishing the visa process so nonchalantly. Maybe you left some important parts out but your OP sounds as though you didn't even discuss the how's and why's with your fiancee. You just turned the page and (curiously quickly) moved on to these other women you only know from online chat. Maybe your fiancee was dishonest and this was a convenient excuse to back out without further explanation. If so, I'm very sorry for you because that's a terrible thing to do. However, maybe there's a valid reason and things could have been worked out. Seems like you'll never know now.

I refuse to BEG someone to Love me. We have been planning this a long time and all of a sudden she syas I do not want this. SAs far as meeting other ladies I wpould much rather see Manila w/ a lady than some filipino guy showing me the sites. I was actually soooo excited about seeing the things with her and getting her medical and paying for interview and all that, but she crashed that idea. I am not about making or bribing someone to love me.
Life is to be lived.

There is a difference between "begging" or "bribing" someone to love you and having an actual discussion about her fears and concerns when your fiance shares her feelings. I would like to think that, when posting, you left out a whole bunch of details of the conversation you had with your fiance. Otherwise, if you can't handle her sharing her feelings, even if they are not what you want to hear, how will you handle any adversity in your marriage?

I agree 100%
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

Talked to my fiancee tonite after trying to get a hold of her for three days. I called her at work and was able to talk. She said go to YM and I will tell you what is bothering me.
We meet in Ym and she tells me. " I have had a change of heart and do not want to move to USA." She says, " I am scared and do not want to follow through with it." Now bear in mind I have made plans, purchased tickets, got hotel room suite and am going to the Philippines in 25
days to see "my fiancee."
Needless to say as you can see by our timeline the ####### was totally knocked out of me. Have you ever tried to cancel internet flite and hotel tickets bought thru a broker of said things?
I am just floored. I simply wrote her an email and said I hope you can look your 5 y/o daughter in the eyes when she is 12-15 and tell her you did what you thought was best. Nerissa and I have been talking about this for 4 years and now she does this.
I have no idea how she could do this to me.

I am still going to PI in March. I saw for myself that there are millions of beautiful ladies there and who knows. End of chapter, start a new one. My life is definetly a chapter book.

Let me get this right.

She tells you she is having second thoughts.
Your reaction, you talk about the money you have spent in flights and hotel.
You email her and use her daughter as a tool of emotional blackmail.
You then plan to go to the Phillipines and look for another woman.

Her fears look well grounded to me.

I agree. I was sympathetic until you made the comments about money and her daughter. It sounds like this was a business transaction (i.e., she agrees to marry you in exchange for a better life for her and her daughter). Where is the love? Money is not everything. I think she made the best decision based on your post. Good luck with the next girl.

With her it was about the money and how much I could give her family.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!
[quote name='msu17' post='740547' date='Feb 22 2007, 06:47 PM'][/quote]
Just got home from work. The nonchalant is actually a face I am trying hard to put on. My heart is breaking and I do not know how to tell my daughters. They were really excited thinking Nerissa would be here for them. Life sucks today.

Seems like a knee jerk reaction now. I sure hope you can get a good reason from her in the coming days and weeks and that the trip to the PI goes well. I do hope you can talk to her and find out what is going on. I'm so sorry, especially for your children. Maybe a little less talk about the money though ;)
Well the kwarta is important. Had she told me this sooner my kids and I would be at Disneyland over Spring break. I was going in order to make the consular see that I had been to see her twice and because I wanted to seee her again sooo bad.
So would it be better if I said my flite and room were free and I was only going to need spending money?
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

I know people who are more upset about their car breaking down beyond economical repair and having to say goodbye to it when they get a new car, than this guy is about losing the love of the woman who he was going to marry. Apparantly it's easier just to get another Philipino woman than it is to change your car.
I'm stunned.

edited to add...'s probably because of people filing for visas like this guy, that the rest of us have to wait months to get through it all with genuine heartache.

Hi Thanks for you kind words. For the record Nerissa and I hads been chatting since 12/2002 and I went there in 10/2005 and sent K1 in 9/2006. I did everything just the way you are supposed to...slow and steady. Didn't rush anything. I wanted it to work for us MORE than anything...but I am not a begger. You and I both know that someplace in this world is the person who also WANTS to spend the resy of their life with you!!!!!!! I thought, incorrectly that I had found mine. Surprise surprise wrong again. I always land on my feet though and learn from my mistakes.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

What some of you do not understand is MY TRIP is already booked as of 1/19/2007. It is a non refundable thru cheapoair and asiaroooms. Total cost to go see her this time $1100 air $500 USD hotel suite. I am not just pissing that off. I will go and have already talked to two ladies who said they will show me around the sites. I particularly want to see the American vets cemetary there and the old 1500's churches, Rizal Park and the Philippine Cultural Center. The ladies I have talked to said they know where all these things are and would like to show me the area. Last time I was in manila I barely got out of hotel as it was connected to amall and plus we went to Bohol for three days to see her family.
So if you agree or disagree it is ur choice. But I am starting anew and will look for adventure as it presents itself.

I think what some people are trying to tell you is it seems very strange that you would end a 4 year relationship that is so close to finally finishing the visa process so nonchalantly. Maybe you left some important parts out but your OP sounds as though you didn't even discuss the how's and why's with your fiancee. You just turned the page and (curiously quickly) moved on to these other women you only know from online chat. Maybe your fiancee was dishonest and this was a convenient excuse to back out without further explanation. If so, I'm very sorry for you because that's a terrible thing to do. However, maybe there's a valid reason and things could have been worked out. Seems like you'll never know now.

Just got home from work. The nonchalant is actually a face I am trying hard to put on. My heart is breaking and I do not know how to tell my daughters. They were really excited thinking Nerissa would be here for them. Life sucks today.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

What some of you do not understand is MY TRIP is already booked as of 1/19/2007. It is a non refundable thru cheapoair and asiaroooms. Total cost to go see her this time $1100 air $500 USD hotel suite. I am not just pissing that off. I will go and have already talked to two ladies who said they will show me around the sites. I particularly want to see the American vets cemetary there and the old 1500's churches, Rizal Park and the Philippine Cultural Center. The ladies I have talked to said they know where all these things are and would like to show me the area. Last time I was in manila I barely got out of hotel as it was connected to amall and plus we went to Bohol for three days to see her family.
So if you agree or disagree it is ur choice. But I am starting anew and will look for adventure as it presents itself.

Your ex fiancee is the luckiest girl in the Phillipines right now.
In my opinion she has had a very narrow escape.

Thank you. That definetly makes me fell a whole lot better. I can tell that I should have just held this in and not shared to get it out of my heart and mind.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

What some of you do not understand is MY TRIP is already booked as of 1/19/2007. It is a non refundable thru cheapoair and asiaroooms. Total cost to go see her this time $1100 air $500 USD hotel suite. I am not just pissing that off. I will go and have already talked to two ladies who said they will show me around the sites. I particularly want to see the American vets cemetary there and the old 1500's churches, Rizal Park and the Philippine Cultural Center. The ladies I have talked to said they know where all these things are and would like to show me the area. Last time I was in manila I barely got out of hotel as it was connected to amall and plus we went to Bohol for three days to see her family.
So if you agree or disagree it is ur choice. But I am starting anew and will look for adventure as it presents itself.

I think what some people are trying to tell you is it seems very strange that you would end a 4 year relationship that is so close to finally finishing the visa process so nonchalantly. Maybe you left some important parts out but your OP sounds as though you didn't even discuss the how's and why's with your fiancee. You just turned the page and (curiously quickly) moved on to these other women you only know from online chat. Maybe your fiancee was dishonest and this was a convenient excuse to back out without further explanation. If so, I'm very sorry for you because that's a terrible thing to do. However, maybe there's a valid reason and things could have been worked out. Seems like you'll never know now.

I refuse to BEG someone to Love me. We have been planning this a long time and all of a sudden she syas I do not want this. SAs far as meeting other ladies I wpould much rather see Manila w/ a lady than some filipino guy showing me the sites. I was actually soooo excited about seeing the things with her and getting her medical and paying for interview and all that, but she crashed that idea. I am not about making or bribing someone to love me.
Life is to be lived.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!
What some of you do not understand is MY TRIP is already booked as of 1/19/2007. It is a non refundable thru cheapoair and asiaroooms. Total cost to go see her this time $1100 air $500 USD hotel suite. I am not just pissing that off. I will go and have already talked to two ladies who said they will show me around the sites. I particularly want to see the American vets cemetary there and the old 1500's churches, Rizal Park and the Philippine Cultural Center. The ladies I have talked to said they know where all these things are and would like to show me the area. Last time I was in manila I barely got out of hotel as it was connected to amall and plus we went to Bohol for three days to see her family.
So if you agree or disagree it is ur choice. But I am starting anew and will look for adventure as it presents itself.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!
Thanks for the kind and unkind remarks.
I joined CB after this happened. I met four ladies who have agreed to at least have a dinner date w/me. So we will see what happens. Two of the ladies are friends, ( met 1 on CB who gave me the # of the other one who was not on CB) They have both agrred that they will not let me die in Manila and said they would pick me up at the airport. The only reason I did this was because I am going back to the PI. It is a great place to visit.
My book of life is filled with many chapters. As one is ended, another begins.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!
Talked to my fiancee tonite after trying to get a hold of her for three days. I called her at work and was able to talk. She said go to YM and I will tell you what is bothering me.
We meet in Ym and she tells me. " I have had a change of heart and do not want to move to USA." She says, " I am scared and do not want to follow through with it." Now bear in mind I have made plans, purchased tickets, got hotel room suite and am going to the Philippines in 25
days to see "my fiancee."
Needless to say as you can see by our timeline the ####### was totally knocked out of me. Have you ever tried to cancel internet flite and hotel tickets bought thru a broker of said things?
I am just floored. I simply wrote her an email and said I hope you can look your 5 y/o daughter in the eyes when she is 12-15 and tell her you did what you thought was best. Nerissa and I have been talking about this for 4 years and now she does this.
I have no idea how she could do this to me.

I am still going to PI in March. I saw for myself that there are millions of beautiful ladies there and who knows. End of chapter, start a new one. My life is definetly a chapter book.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-22 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormer K1 fiancées that didn’t marry my groom and left US.

That would be the International Marriage Brokers Act which was enacted last year.

"IMBRA imposes limitations on the number of petitions a petitioner for a K nonimmigrant visa for an alien fiancé(e) (K-1) may file or have approved without seeking a waiver of the application of those limitations. If the petitioner has filed two or more K-1 visa petitions at any time in the past, or previously had a K-1 visa petition approved within two years prior to the filing of the current petition, the petitioner must request a waiver...."

Is the waiver part of the K1 packet you ask for at time of new filing or something you can do in advance?

The IMBRA Waiver Request is a letter you put together, basically documenting why you should be allowed to file your I-129F again. The IMBRA Special Topics forum has sample letters that people have put together.

Thank you. Are the chances good if I can explain that my fiancee didn't want to come to US and backed out of our K1?
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormer K1 fiancées that didn’t marry my groom and left US.

That would be the International Marriage Brokers Act which was enacted last year.

"IMBRA imposes limitations on the number of petitions a petitioner for a K nonimmigrant visa for an alien fiancé(e) (K-1) may file or have approved without seeking a waiver of the application of those limitations. If the petitioner has filed two or more K-1 visa petitions at any time in the past, or previously had a K-1 visa petition approved within two years prior to the filing of the current petition, the petitioner must request a waiver...."

Is the waiver part of the K1 packet you ask for at time of new filing or something you can do in advance?
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if?
I did send a letter of cancellation but never heard from anyone. The info is still available about our inbterview on 4/23/07. The NOA 2 expired end of April
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-05-26 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if?
Dear Everyone.
My ex fiancee's K! date with destiny was scheduled for 4/23/07. To revisit the story... she broke off our engagement as the date for interview approcahed. She had many fears and was apprehensive about coming to US. Yes I did try to quiet her fears. She has since in recent weeks sent me two emails describing how she misses me, had no idea her life and hardships would be as they are in PI, and has said how sorry she is that the breakup happened. My question. Since our packet is there is it possible to do anything about it? Could it be reopened?
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-05-26 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

azcactus, my advice is not to cancel yet. it sounds to me like she has a touch of "cold-feet", she may be using her family as an excuse. you said you love her, so now show her and her family how much! as her fiance you need to get over there as soon as you can and get to the bottom of this fast, don't wait too long. in her culture and society the family is still extremely important. assure her and her parents that you are not taking her away from them forever, assure her and her parents you will bring her to visit them as often as you can. think about it - if you were to marry a US girl, how often would you visit her family? no one should ever expect that in any marriage (international or local) the spouse would keep them away from their family forever. if you have no intention of bringing her to the Philipines to see her family after you get married, then don't get married to her or any foreign girl for that matter, find a nice local girl (my dad always told me you never just marry the girl, you marry her entire family). if you do get married to her and then not keep your word, be prepared because she will be miserable, which in turn will make you miserable.

the money excuse sounds fishy to me. my experience in the south-east asia is that if you are an american man, you are percieved as rich (whether you really are or not). her family must know this, i would think that if they were really interested in money, then they would very much WANT their daughter to marry a rich american man. they may just be worried that they will never see their daughter again, that is what you need to be prepared for.

"Why are you buying a wife?" - very amusing :lol: - sounds like whoever is asking you this needs to grow up, leave their parents house, and go on a date.

I like the Philippines and the people there. I had a great time visiting her dad on Bohol for two days, but not much fun at her mom's place in a squatters area of Rizal near Pasig River. I had told her that after she finished her college work here and we were able to save I would like to spend every other summer on Bohol, but not an excessive amount of time in Manila. I believe Manila has much to offer in sites and such and I plan on doing that while I am there. I have emailed her everyday and have tried to call, but to no avail. I wish she will reconsider as we have both had trials and tribulations in this LDR. The sad thing is we were soooo close to it being finished and now it looks like it is finished, but not thru actions I can control.So yes we would have been back in PI and we would have provided for her family as best we could. Someone said she was testing me. Damn it I don;t want to take the test and I don't wanna be played by her.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

This does sound monetary in its entirety, and if your fiance is an earner then naturally her family are terrified that without her working, they will suffer. Maybe you could offer a dowry when you visit? and like others have said, promise to send a regular monthly amount to the family. Your fiance is probably torn between being with you and ensuring her family are ok. Personally if I thought something would adversely affect my family then I would be torn too no matter how much I loved my fiance. I know its sounds harsh but money could resolve this issue.

And that is the ? I have been asked most, " Why are you buying a wife?"
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

What I see from this man's post is 'should I cancel because I know I'll be importing some hapless woman to be my wife just as soon as I can'.
In my opinion, he doesn't love this woman, he's only sore because she's rejected him despite the 'obvious' financial benefits.
As well, as the fact she's 'wasted his time' when he could have been busily getting any other woman who would have him imported.

God spare me from a man like him...I pity the woman he will most likely eventually procure.

I see what a BAD Reader u r or just a mean ol bitty. Didn't ask for judgment, just advice on canceling.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

I gotta say again--as the Non USC in the relationship--that it is a very very big step to leave your country, family, HOME. Even if it is for love. I can only imagine how much more difficult it must be and scarey when your family is not emotionally supportive on top of all that.

The question I don't think I have seen you answer yet is "DO YOU LOVE HER?" I know you've mentioned other women, more fishies in the sea, and having met online. Are you simply looking for a wife--any wife--any foreign wife? Or have you spent all this time with this woman and her child because you love them? I know that you must be heart broken about her sudden change of heart--but honestly, it may be the fear speaking on her part. She may simply need you to go and reassure her. It may not be fair to you emotionally-but she may be testing you to some degree. Or she may seriously be that afraid to go and abandon her family.

Personally, I wouldn't cancel anything yet. You are already going there, you have nothing to lose (not even the monetary since it's already booked and paid for) you may find that things can be worked through and- if not -at least you know you went down fighting.

either way, good luck

Yes I LOVE HER very much!!!!!! I have been sending her an email everyday asking why, but so far no reply.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

Dear Members,
As some of you are aware my fiancee has decided to cancel our K1. I have no reasons other than that her family advised her not to, what about discrimination here, what if her daughter wanted to go back and questions about support of her family as she is the only peso maker in her household.
Is it in my best interest to notify CSC and the USE in Manila and make them aware of this? I am almost certain that I will be down this road again, but what about now. Would notifying them with her email attached saying that she does not want to pursue this K1 anymore help?
I need your helpful suggestions not judgement.
Thanks to all who reply.

Are you 100% sure its over? If she changed her mind before the interview, would you take her back? If you're not 100% sure, I'd wait till after your visit at least. Good luck with whatever you decide

Absolutely I would take her back. I pray she changes her mind.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-25 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?
Dear Members,
As some of you are aware my fiancee has decided to cancel our K1. I have no reasons other than that her family advised her not to, what about discrimination here, what if her daughter wanted to go back and questions about support of her family as she is the only peso maker in her household.
Is it in my best interest to notify CSC and the USE in Manila and make them aware of this? I am almost certain that I will be down this road again, but what about now. Would notifying them with her email attached saying that she does not want to pursue this K1 anymore help?
I need your helpful suggestions not judgement.
Thanks to all who reply.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-02-24 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre they going to freak out?

I say just mail it with you signing yours as the same date as hers..

I had no idea fees were going up so much.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-07-08 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it me or is Vermont now taking FOREVER???
Those going thru VSC are just upset now because they aren't going to get the 4 week file I 129f .... approved, visa in hand entering USA anymore.
azcactusMalePhilippines2007-08-11 01:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie to VJ & Madly Missing Husband
Hi there,

I am new to VJ and I am so glad I found this site! :dance: I need something to keep my mind busy. I filed I-130's for my husband and my stepdaughter in Feb 07. In a really bad turn of events, they ended up deported back to France after spending a month at a detention center (hell) in Taylor, Texas. Perhaps you've heard the horror stories. :protest: Our story was featured in the LA Times.

I think I will hire a lawyer because our case is incredibly complicated. My husband overstayed on the VWP for over a year before we got married and now he's been removed. We need to file waivers, etc.

But I'm glad to be here. I never thought I could miss someone this much. I'm sure many here can relate!! The time just cannot pass fast enough. I am completely crazy about this man and I absolutely need him to come home. :wub: This is simply the hardest thing I have ever endured. Please wish us luck.

So, here we go on our journey. Any thoughts would be welcome. I'll be on here as much as possible. All the advice seems really helpful and everyone sounds caring. I also wish all of you out there the best of fortune through this ordeal. (L)

Thanks! :thumbs:
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-21 00:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does "touched" mean?

Looks like you already received a good answer soooo, Congratulations, this means that you are making some progress. Best prayers for the rest of your processing.


Thanks, and to you too!! :thumbs:

When you register your case on the USCIS website, you can see the date your case was last updated. Each time it is updated, but there is no change in the satus, that is a touch. that something the Canadians are always talking about?

ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-23 09:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does "touched" mean?
Also, what is EWI?

ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-22 19:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approval for spouse
Haven't received NOA2 yet, but trying to plan ahead. :wacko:

Thanks. :blink:
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-30 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of I-130

i'm sorry, the answer isn't clear. so, there's no real "deadline" by when it should be used??

How does one "use" an approved I-130? It is your question that is unclear.

After the I-130 is approved (and you receive your NOA2 in the mail, which is a receipt indicating the approval), your file is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC). You will then receive further direction from the NVC.

The "approval" will not "expire" unless you fail to provide them with what they ask of you. Say, for example, you move and neglect to notify them of your new address/contact information and they don't hear from you and can't get a hold of you; they will then assume that you no longer want to pursue the petition and they will abandon your case.

So it's not that your approval expires, but that the NVC will abandon your case if you neglect to take action (or notify them of a change of address, or what have you.)

Does that answer your question?

Yes, now I understand. It was confusing because of other info I had gathered. THank you!!!

My question is along the same lines, but further along. After the I130 goes through and all the paperwork is in, and the interview is done, and you get the IR1/CR1 VISA (I130) in the mail, how long do you have to immigrate into the US? Does the final VISA expire if you don't cross the border within a certain time? Thanks!

Yes, you must enter the US within 6 months.
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-31 15:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of I-130

i'm sorry, the answer isn't clear. so, there's no real "deadline" by when it should be used??

How does one "use" an approved I-130? It is your question that is unclear.

After the I-130 is approved (and you receive your NOA2 in the mail, which is a receipt indicating the approval), your file is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC). You will then receive further direction from the NVC.

The "approval" will not "expire" unless you fail to provide them with what they ask of you. Say, for example, you move and neglect to notify them of your new address/contact information and they don't hear from you and can't get a hold of you; they will then assume that you no longer want to pursue the petition and they will abandon your case.

So it's not that your approval expires, but that the NVC will abandon your case if you neglect to take action (or notify them of a change of address, or what have you.)

Does that answer your question?

Yes, now I understand. It was confusing because of other info I had gathered. THank you!!!
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-31 10:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of I-130

Sorry I wasn't clear.

How long is the approved I-130 good for? I've heard one year.



Yodrak has already answered this in the other thread.


Until they decide that you've abandoned it when they realize that you're not following through and responding to their instructions for taking the next steps. Could be years.


i'm sorry, the answer isn't clear. so, there's no real "deadline" by when it should be used??

Edited by ilovemyfrenchie, 30 March 2007 - 06:57 PM.

ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-30 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of I-130
Sorry I wasn't clear.

How long is the approved I-130 good for? I've heard one year.

ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-30 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIS IT JUST ME???????

each time I read a post that someone had encounter a problem, I get sick to my stomic and think that this would happen to us :crying:
I feel like I am more stressed reading about all these problems!!! at the same time i can t stop i am addicted :whistle:
do you guys have the same issue or is JUST ME??????? :blink: :blush:

Hi there!

I feel the same way. I think some days that I will stay away from VJ to get this out of my mind, but I CAN'T!! I am addicted too. And yes, every bad happening I immediately compare to us, and wonder.... Then again, the good posts give me hope!! :thumbs:

Hang in there, you're just losing your mind like the rest of us... :wacko:

We'll get through it. Don't worry.
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-04-03 18:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion re Interviewing for visa


My wife and I had many e-mails and a few letters. We did not print out the e-mails, she did not submit either e-mails or letters for her visa application. She did submit a few photos and a few greeting cards (Valentine's Day, birthday) as I recall.


That's my question. In proving constant contact, communication, validity of the marriage, etc., I have read of folks printing out their personal email, chats, IM's, etc., but do you leave that with the interviewing officer along with all the other paperwork proving the marriage?? I have emails, letters, but I think they should be considered privileged (as in legal husband-wife relationship), don't you think?

Help. Merci.

Thank you both for the info!! I'm sure there's no personal info that they haven't come across already from someone else. It just stinks having to do this, but we have to. Thanks again.
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-04-17 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion re Interviewing for visa
That's my question. In proving constant contact, communication, validity of the marriage, etc., I have read of folks printing out their personal email, chats, IM's, etc., but do you leave that with the interviewing officer along with all the other paperwork proving the marriage?? I have emails, letters, but I think they should be considered privileged (as in legal husband-wife relationship), don't you think?

Help. Merci.
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-04-17 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI2US website is extremely slow for me!

It just takes a long time to load the posts, etc. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

They moved to a new host, been a pain ever since.

Well, that explains it. Thanks!
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-27 12:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI2US website is extremely slow for me!
It just takes a long time to load the posts, etc. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
ilovemyfrenchieFemaleFrance2007-03-27 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Fee of $70 for tax form review
Thank you Diana :thumbs: and Darnell for your quick responses.....I really appreciate it.

Edited by canam2010, 25 February 2010 - 09:04 PM.

daffydillFemaleCanada2010-02-25 21:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Fee of $70 for tax form review
whew!!!! -- thanks Darnell -- interview is within a couple of weeks and yes am in usa and we initiated all apps in usa
daffydillFemaleCanada2010-02-25 17:26:00