United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?

salad cream is a reason for leaving the UK. That and marmite.

Chris doesn't like it it never has to be bought!!

I was looking at one of the british food stores online...they had marmite flavored crisps...yucko...but I'd never seen them before.

I ADORE ADORE ADORE Marmite. Food of the gods, it really is. Oh and I LOVE salad cream sarnies. Yum, Yum, Yum!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 11:01:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?


I will not miss pigeons. Specifically, I will not miss the flock of the bloody things that wakes me up every morning flapping and cooing outside my window... hideous birds! I never understood why people hated pigeons so much 'til this particular flock of hell-birds took up residence here. I open the back door and there's about 30 of them crammed shoulder to shoulder along my 'garden' (tiny concrete yard) fence, glaring at me with their red pigeon eyes. It's like something out of The Birds... they're going to get me, I know it!!! :lol:

And yeah, I know there's pigeons in the US, but the only ones I've seen are pretty little dove things, not the horrible mutant creatures that you get in London... must be that diet of chewing gum, cigarette butts and discarded kebab that makes them so, um, 'special'.

Pigeons are just rats with wings. Hate the buggars and, without being too graphic here, their poop REALLY stinks.

Thats true though, but to be honest, what poop doesn't stink? ;)

Good point! :lol:

I clearly am not allowed to miss my home town, because according to Boris Johnson MP, its "one of the most depressed towns in Southern England, a place that is arguably too full of drugs, obesity, underachievement and Labour MPs."

Actually, now I think about it, one of the things I don't miss about England is Boris Johnson.

Good old Boris Johnson. Sticking his foot in it again!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 21:05:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?


I will not miss pigeons. Specifically, I will not miss the flock of the bloody things that wakes me up every morning flapping and cooing outside my window... hideous birds! I never understood why people hated pigeons so much 'til this particular flock of hell-birds took up residence here. I open the back door and there's about 30 of them crammed shoulder to shoulder along my 'garden' (tiny concrete yard) fence, glaring at me with their red pigeon eyes. It's like something out of The Birds... they're going to get me, I know it!!! :lol:

And yeah, I know there's pigeons in the US, but the only ones I've seen are pretty little dove things, not the horrible mutant creatures that you get in London... must be that diet of chewing gum, cigarette butts and discarded kebab that makes them so, um, 'special'.

Pigeons are just rats with wings. Hate the buggars and, without being too graphic here, their poop REALLY stinks.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 18:18:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?

In reading this thread I'm struck by the enormous similarities between the two countries. To a letter, nearly everything not-missed about the UK exists over here (with the exception of an actual difference between bacon styles).

Whether or not one country is more violent in the ways described here (muggings, fights, etc), depends almost entirely on where in the US you live. Urban centers? Muggings. Farmland? Not so much. One neighborhood in San Francisco - muggings and murder. A lot of other neighborhoods, nary a broken car window. To generalize either country is a bit foolish (though now that I've said that, I really can't imagine the UK - England specifically - being more objectively violent than our gun-crazed culture here, but that's all impression formed from years of watching US media coverage, which rolls around in blood as often as possible).

And the weather, hard water, US-chav concentration, humidity, damp, etc, are all present in various parts of the land. We're just more geographically diverse - so it's easier to find a place that's not-UK here.

I agree (apart from the bacon issue! :lol:) with the fact that all of these things are present in the USA aswell as the UK. But, the UK is a huge press driven country (MUCH more than the USA) and I certainly know that when I was there 4 months ago the constant barrage of news and newspapers reporting the increase of crime was depressing. I guess, from the majority of comments here, that this is half the problem. Ignorance IS bliss can get away from the news. :unsure:

In contrast I find the USA coverage rather secular. It tends to stick to the state you reside in, local papers are hilarious. Today's news from Indianapolis was something along the lines of a fire in a suburban house. Oh and there are some serious kick ####### thunderstorms coming too. Compare that to the UK news where you get the news from the whole country...and there is a difference (I do realise that the USA is much larger though, so news from all over would take hours). I'm not insulting the USA, I actually prefer this. I like feeling cut off (I live in a very small city, an hour west of Indy) and not hearing serious depressing news has been lovely. I'm sure in busier cities this differs greatly though but I don't want to experience that!

I lived in London and, of course, this has many of the issues mentioned in this thread. My area was relatively quiet and had one of the lowest crime rates in London...but you still got the gangs of kids hanging around, being abusive and this was in a pretty affluent suburban area. Here in Indiana the only kids I see hanging around are on their bikes or just playing. No abusive behaviour, no rudeness, nothing.

What would you prefer? I know what my answer is...
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 11:32:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?

OMG -- I forgot speed cameras!!! How could I forget the omnipresence of speed cameras?

(But I will miss my darling 1968 Morris Minor, George, who makes me worry about speed cameras in the first place. Believe it or not, a Minor CAN go fast enough to worry about such things! ;) )

What are you going to do with George once you move to the US?
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 08:41:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?

UK's crappy excuse for bacon - ick!

That's a matter of opinion my dear! Personally I find American bacon to be terrible unless you really are picky and shop around. Too much fat, not enough meat, and back bacon doesn't exist at all!

Really? Maybe west coast bacon is decent, but the east coast stuff is rubbish - it's 90% fat. Give me British bacon any day.

West coast bacon is exactly the same as East coast bacon, believe me!

I'm going to agree with the British bacon being fabulous. USA bacon is actually streaky bacon, which is a poor man's bacon in the UK. Tends to only be used with roast dinners. All fat and no meat, in fact, it should be labelled "fatty", not bacon! Cause that is all it is in the US...

Back bacon is wonderful, makes a GORGEOUS bacon sarnie. Can't do that with crispy streaky bacon. Plus it has sh!t loads of sugar in it in the USA. Nope, UK bacon should be on the "most missed" list, not the "most disliked" list IMO!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 16:24:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?
Okay, so we've had the threads talking about all of the wonderful things regarding the UK and the things we really miss etc etc. How about things you DON'T miss or can't wait to see the back of?

Me? The London Underground and the buses in the Summer months. 100f+ temps, no air at all, clothes all stuck to your legs....ick. Don't miss it AT ALL. The buses were even worse, little greenhouses on wheels, they really were!

So, what about you? :D

Edited by mags, 02 April 2007 - 03:16 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 15:15:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Dodi, that was an absolutely valid b!tchathon.

One thing to think about, once the cow-bag daughters realise there really is nothing else to be financially gained from their father, they'll hopefully ####### off and you'll never hear from them again. ;)

Be there for you mother but don't waste a single moments energy on them.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-31 06:14:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

At least you're not in one of those states that has restrictions on beer and the alcohol content is restricted to like 3.5%.


Please tell me that what you've written above is not true! :help:

That's, like, beer sacrilege!

Edited by Mags, 30 August 2010 - 11:15 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 11:15:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I'm an equal opportunity booze lover. There's a few liqueurs I can't stand, but otherwise just sling a jar of whatever my way.

I still can't get over the fact that in this little hell state named Indiana you can't buy alcohol on a Sunday, unless in a restaurant/bar that serves food.

Bloody ridiculous!

Whatever happened to my rights as a non believing heathen?
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-29 22:35:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

But I don't like beer. :


How is that even possible?

Sacrilege! :angry:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-28 15:01:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Posted Image

I think I've died and gone to my own special version of heaven (the one without annoying angels shoving cream cakes in my direction, singing hymms and looking all freshly laundered in white).

In my heaven there is choccy beer and Gav.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-28 13:23:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Maybe he got bashed on the head with a banana?

I hope it was something a little heavier.

most unmaternal mother in the world.

Edited by Mags, 28 August 2010 - 08:20 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-28 08:20:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
First of all hugs to Maven. (L)

Secondly, yay for getting our thread back!

Thirdly, I am the owner of a 16 year old human. From the ages of 0-16 he was a total fcuking nightmare, but suddenly on June 1st he changed and is now nice. I think he got bashed on the head somewhere.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-27 19:14:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!


We will make this priority one on our next chat with Ewok. We are all willing to support his decision on this and all other issues. It is his website after all. As an aside, context is a very slippery slope. As you know, everyone interprets the written word differently, especially given the cultural differences and acceptability that goes with it. Hopefully, we can reach a level of acceptable agreement going forward.



Fair enough.

However, I will ask that, in the meantime, you all chill a little when it comes to this thread. We're a feisty lot here and we have been welcoming to all who have joined in. Any crude comments or profanity are said in jest, for fun or are anecdotes.

I would also ask that if you DO get any reports about things in this thread, to see who the person reporting it is. If they are NOT someone taking part then I suggest putting it into perspective a little. They are probably doing it to get back at someone in this thread and, by deliberately sending moderation in here, thusly manipulating you too.

VJ may be a "family based immigration website", however, by family it means immigration for families, not that it is the kind of website you'd let your kids onto. This is a common misconception, I feel. "Hey, kids! Instead of a bedtime story, let's log onto VJ! It's time for some family time!"

We're all adults in here. We want to have a laugh and a joke. Give us some credit when it comes to our language. :D
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 20:14:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I recall when working together with you in moderation, that we often times struggled over some of the issues that continue today. My perspective on profanity and vulgarity is this: If a new member reads some of this material from legacy members, they cannot possibly ascertain the potentially good natured context it was delivered in. This is after all, an immigration help website.

One possible solution to this may be, a disclaimer on OT and the regionals, that clearly states the expected content.
Further, that the majority of posts are from seasoned members or those that have largely finished their journey.

Edit: Spelling.

Absolutely. Many of the same issues are still apparent and I highly doubt they will ever go away. I recall that when it was you, LaL and I modding, we would remove offensive threads (racism etc) but ones with bad/crude language, unless they were in the upper forums, would be allowed to stay.

The lower forums are a different creature and, I believe, should be allowed some leeway when it comes to bad/crude language. You have to admit, things have been taken to the extreme over the last few days. The post that was removed earlier is a prime example of this.

And it all comes down to context once more. The posts removed from here were done so unnecessarily. The context in which they were posted was not a TOS violation. I think, deep down, you know this. ;)

Remember, Ewok specifically came out a while ago to make a point of this, stating that some bad language, in context, is fine.

And not every report needs to be acted upon. You know, as well as I, that some VJ members just troll through the forums reporting everything and anything, especially if they have a grudge against certain members.

This is an ADULT forum. It will have ADULT themes. We don't need to be protected against bad language, for crying out loud. What we do need to get a handle on is the bigotry and racism that is popping up in OT perpetuated by a very small handful of regular posters.

Thanks for reading, William. :)

Edited by Mags, 15 August 2010 - 07:45 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 19:44:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Mags, as a former moderator, I thought you would "feel our pain" and be a little less critical.

We attempt to respond to complaints, adjudicate arguments and enforce the TOS to the best of our ability. There are no agendas here or "targeted threads". Given the new report center, driven by member reports,
I am sure you can imagine the workload foisted upon us. We are trying to be fair and resonable, although we have admitted
inconsistency in the overall process.

I personally do not have the time to read every thread and post seeking out the apparent missed tos violations.

Funny how some members recall missed tos violations, yet don't bother to report them.


As a former moderator I have held my tongue. In fact, I have not said a single thing against VJ moderation on this board until the last day or so.

I know how hard it is to please everyone and I know that it can be quite stressful at times. But, having been a mod, I actually have the benefit of seeing both sides of the coin, too. I'm always going to be the first to admit I was far from a perfect mod. However, what is currently going on is just blowing my mind, to be frank.

This current trend of making invisible every single post with a profanity is utterly ridiculous. Especially in this thread. And, it seems, is actually a little vindictive.

This is where context comes into play.

By all mean, if someone starts spewing bad language in a religious thread then make it invisible. But in a thread like this? It's a little much, don't you think?

We're all adults here and we all use profanity to a certain extent. Everyone in this thread is a big girl/boy and can cope with the odd bit of crude language. Ewok himself even said, not long ago, that profanity IS allowed within a certain context.

The current modding is OTT. You are spending time removing profanity when you should be spending time removing anti-Muslim and racist threads. This thread offends no one. And, if it does, perhaps the title UK B!tches Unite should indicate to them that they aren't in a thread which is full of pretty rainbows, prancing ponies and little kittens.

William and the rest of the modding crew, you all need to calm the hell down. I don't know what has happened to make you become all so ####### about stuff, but it isn't cool and it isn't VJ.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 19:08:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I think there are certain threads that are on the mods' radars. This is one of them. Quite frankly I feel that the modding is incredibly intrusive and OTT.

And ridiculous. And I think some are out to try and prove a point.

Elmcitymaven ~ I was referring to this post in regards to the baiting comment I posted.

Rob&Mel ~ I don't believe my interpretation is bizarre at all. It's a comment which was posted to incite a reaction from another member (in this case a moderator), and it's pretty clear that the intention was to upset or make fun of or instigate an argument. However you have the right to your opinion on this and suggestions are welcomed in the Site Discussion forums.

And I'm just doing my job.


Edited by Mags, 15 August 2010 - 06:32 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 18:32:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

AWWWWWWW! Thanks. Glad to know I was missed. (*bounce bounce*)

Woot woot, UK forum! I love all my biotches, whatever year you filed in.Posted Image

Goodness, woman. Keep bouncing around like that and you'll have someone's eye out.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 12:32:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Custard tart.

You called?

Welcome back, by the way, you Latin spewing, bacon loving, bouncy milkmaid. :wub:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 11:18:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I'm sighing too.

Isn't that confusing...this is obviously another shoot the sh!t thread, which I thought I might enjoy, but having joined a year late, was excluded. I don't really want to open up a topic already covered extensively in other threads. I was regretting that this great opportunity for repore building in a chatty thread was titled to reinforce the opposing camps, but then us interlopers were allowed and even welcomed (see quote in post you quoted), and so I proceeded with the chatting part.

And I bet you were surprised to find out that we're actually a nice bunch of gals (and occasionally guys!) who love nothing more than a few beers and some chips! Seriously, we're easy to please and we all know how to have a good giggle.

Welcome! :star:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 18:38:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I was 4 years in July. It seems like yesterday that I joined. <---- You know you're getting old when you type out stuff like that.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 14:19:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
She gets ALL the fun ones.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 11:11:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

You are, but I'll pick up the slack by being an utter trollop for us both.Posted Image

I love how you are always there for me, Maven. :luv:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 08:12:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Posts with vulgarity removed :o Ladies, please! A little decorum :lol:

Thanks for your cooperation.

Hold on. Hold on, just a minute! I mean, really? We are feisty, sexy ladies and if we want to post "vulgar" things then we should be able to.

I mean, they are not directed at anyone, so aren't really proper TOS violations.

I understand that flexing one's newly endowed mod muscles is important to you but, really, just leave our thread alone.

Step in if there is a blatant TOS violation. This was NOT one (and you quoting the TOS at this point will just cause me to roll my eyes so far back in my head, it's not funny). But, dude, lighten up. Go flex your muscles elsewhere. :star:

edit for spelling

Edited by Mags, 14 August 2010 - 08:34 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-14 08:09:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I guess don't understand the constant theme of exclusivity and the flaunting of that attitude.


Well good, because I've been dying to tell someone about the VJ dream I had the other night -- Gary (of Gary and Alla) was dared to host a VJ meetup, which he did. Oddly enough, it was mostly attended by the female halves of western countries. Nik "had work" and couldn't attend, and there was some dream-made up girl from Australia. We didn't really get to meet with The Alla, which is disappointing, I'm sure from all I've heard she would have been great (I mean it!) Also, he didn't show us the house he restored, rather he rented a condo for the weekend. :( There was beer though, and the conversation was setting up to be interesting with the opening question being "So, what's your position on Melissa and Julian?" Then I got really thirsty (IRL) and spent the rest of the dream chugging glasses of water in the kitchen, and going out to a drive through to get two supersized cups of ice water...etc. as is the way of dreams.

Okay, so I'm lost.

And I would LOVE a pint and some curried chips right now. *sigh*
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-13 17:22:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I've never tried Shasta.

Edit: Moron

Edited by Mags, 12 August 2010 - 11:03 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 21:43:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

We were lying in a boat that was drifting in the water when my alarm went off. I've no idea what we were doing in a boat, and I've learned that it's best not to analyse my dreams. :mellow:

That, my dear, sounds like the Dinghy of Love™. You better not have bloody pinched it!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 19:38:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I have a feeling this thread is going to upset a certain someone. :lol:

Can I have a custard tart with my cup of tea?

Ahh, custard. I love a bit of custard, especially in tart form! :star:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 18:34:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Hey UK B!tches! Yes, I mean YOU! :star: Yes, the girls who all joined before 2008 and are Legacy Members!

Fancy a cup of tea? Well, gosh darn it, you've come to the right place! I might even have some Rich Tea or Digestives around somewhere.

After all the kerfuffle regarding disappearing threads etc etc, I thought we needed a safe place to explore our b!tchiness and just let rip. In doing that right here, we can keep it confined and stop it leaking out into the rest of the UK Forum. :( This is all in aid of making the UK sub-forum a kinder and gentler place to be.

So, what's the b!tchiest thing you've done so far this week? Any plans for being shrewish this weekend? Dish! Share! We'll listen, but we'll probably call you out on it. :)

We wouldn't be good B!tches otherwise!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 18:19:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ Feb 8 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just need some advice, guys, having looked over this thread again...

Knight got me a beautiful sherpa bag for my kittycat, and he'll be sending it over for Valentine's (along with other things, I hope tongue.gif) so I can put the bag in Bean's little chalet and let him get used to it. I've only got concerns for the likely length of the flight to Alaska. I know that some can be under 15 hours, but he'll not have eaten for 12 hours before the flight or drunk water for 7. I'm really scared that he'll get dehydrated or something if we have to have a layoever or something, but I'm going to do my best to find a flight that has it minimally. Throw on another hour or two for baggage retrieval and such...and we'll have one hungry, thirsty kitty.

What would you guys suggest I do to ensure my kitty is alive by the end of the journey? I did see something about letting him lick water off my fingers, but anything else? And what should I use to line the carrier?


If you take him in cabin with you I'd dip your fingers in water every hour of so and let him lick them. I did it on my flight a couple of years ago. Other than that, line the carrier with newspaper and, if your flight is delayed, let him have a few laps of water. If he pees it will be absorbed.

You can also get special liners that are super absorbent (a bit like nappies but flat and for cats!) and lay on the bottom of the carrier.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-22 13:38:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ Jan 17 2009, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jan 17 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I took my cat in this:


I got hubby to buy it in the US then bring it over with him as it was cheaper - I flew with Air France and it was no problem - my cat came in cabin with me and aside from crying a bit she was a gem smile.gif

I was looking into a sherpa bag...Knight won't be coming here, but I'll see if he can get one and send it to me =D. Might be easier to order it myself, though...


Yeah, order it yourself. They're for sale all over the place.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-19 15:09:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (SusieK @ Sep 21 2008, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks so much - will see if the "git" will be able to make it with Kris as he does have alot of baggage (not that kind lol) but luv that cat - money is not a concern tho as hes made his way into our hearts

Cheers and great day!

p.s hes a talker that one ekkk lol

Well, hand baggage is in a world of its own, it doesn't matter how much hold luggage you have. I paid 35 quid each to bring my cats over in the cabin. Can't recommend it enough. good.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-21 22:42:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jul 9 2008, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I took her to the vet this morning and they seem to think she is ok to go outside but to be careful of coyotes - especially at night time. We live a little ways from the mountains in a residential area and she never goes far anyway so I am doubting she will even leave the apartment complex smile.gif We'll see how she fares anyway and just make sure she comes in at night biggrin.gif

Get her microchipped too. That way if she does get picked up as a stray, and taken to a local shelter/vets, they can contact you once she has been scanned.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-10 13:30:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jul 6 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah well small price to pay for having her here luv.gif She's settled in fine now although I think she is itching to go out - we are going to take her to the vet soon to get microchipped before we let her outside. Thing is I am concerned about her not having a collar - I have tried many times to get her to wear one but she just tears it off if it is one of those safety ones and I don't want to risk her choking on one that isn't a safety collar... any ideas?!?!

Why does she need a collar? Is it required where you are?

Oh and excellent idea with the water in the wet food - I used to have to do that with one of my male cats when he got a urinary infection. It's what the vets recommend for getting water into cats!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-07 11:57:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Glyn and Kathy @ Jun 11 2008, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They are completely ridiculous is what they are. If I thought our cats would manage the whole flight under the seats in front of us without driving the rest of the passengers crazy, I would take them aboard with us...but I know they will just cry and cry.

I think you'd be surprised. Most cats settle down and are very quiet.

Jeraly ~ So glad your trip went well! I can't believe they charged you 120 quid though!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-06 17:16:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
It just doesn't sound "right" to me, y'know?

I mean, I only have experience from Delta...but just letting an airline know 2 days in advance that you are bringing a pet in the cabin seems odd. Delta has a restriction of 2 in the cabin per flight (which you book at the same time as your own ticket) - seems odd that Air France does not. In theory you could turn up and there will be 40 other animals travelling in cabin - just doesn't seem viable to me.

I just looked up Air France on the net and it doesn't say much:

Air France

Incidentally, the information about medication being administered to ease "negative reaction" is outdated. Vets don't recommend anything as it can cause death in the animal (something to do with the pressurisation of the cabin and sedatives).

I'd ring them again. I had to phone Delta 3 times regarding flight certs. 2 told me I needed one, 1 told me I didn't. Turned out I didn't need one. rolleyes.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-06 13:21:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Glyn and Kathy @ May 3 2008, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think, as a matter of fact I am almost positive that you don't even need the rabies shots as they are coming from a rabies free country. We'll get our kitties done once we are back in the States...its supposed to be cheaper there.

As stated before, multiple times, you don't need a rabies shot for a feline to enter the USA (from the UK). However, once you have arrived, and are resident in your new state, you must get the animal innoculated.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-04 08:36:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Jeraly @ May 2 2008, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Check with Air France or Expedia? I was thinking of doing that anyway just to be on the safe side biggrin.gif

Air France, Air France, Air France. Expedia are just the agents, and probably shouldn't be trusted too much for correct information regarding specific airline requirements.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-03 10:17:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Apr 23 2008, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I am flying with Air France and taking my cat in cabin with me - the guy on the phone (very French) said that it was totally not a problem and that all I had to do was to let the travel agency (ie expedia) know 72 hours before I fly.

To prepare, I have to get a vet's certificate of health to prove that she isn't going to spread weird diseases around and this has to be within ten days of her travelling. There is also (as far as I am aware) a 4kg weight limit (including basket) but this is, again, for Air France.

Some information on heat embargoes in the wiki would be useful but I am still woolly about it all - I just know it is ok to take my cat the way I am!!

I would really double check that you don't have to pre-book your animal on. Really double check. wink.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-02 12:09:00