US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Filers -- give us your dates!
I just want to add that people ARE just as entitled to post their information here, it isn't compulsory to put your details in the UK forum. wink.gif

The consulate section is a valuable forum in itself, with a wealth of information for not only UK filers, but filers around the world.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-25 10:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbabysitting job question
Topic closed as per OP request.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-04 20:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbabysitting job question
QUOTE (beckypua @ Sep 4 2007, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sure is as I pay taxes and don't like seeing people end up on welfare!
USCIS should do away with co sponsors. No money! No honey!

Again, completely off topic and totally irrelevant. Welfare and co-sponsors are completely unrelated and bringing that into the topic of conversation is out of line. Please keep to the topic at hand. Last warning or this topic will be locked.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-04 17:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbabysitting job question
QUOTE (beckypua @ Sep 4 2007, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh dear here we go again lol. I already have a co-sponsor (which has nothing to do with my question). Thank you for taking your time though.

How are you going to exist on a couple hundred bucks a week when your fiancee gets here!

Adjusting status cost $1010 alone!

Hope you have a rich and giving co sponsor!

This is not what the OP was asking for help with. Please keep judgemental comments such as this to yourself.

Thank you.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-04 16:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionam i a freak?
I spent the week before my interview back and forth from the toilet. Honestly, it wasn't pleasant. wink.gif What you are going through is completely natural and you're NOT a freak in any way.

There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better or calm down; I know, I've been there, but just be rest assured that the nerves are normal.

You'll be fine, I'm sure, so just focus on getting that visa in your hot little hands...

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-07 07:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAm I correct?
In the UK the doctors there were insisting on K-1s having all of the vaccinations required for their age. They were not given the choice to have them at AOS stage.

I don't know if this is still the case but this was what was going on at around the time I was going through this stage of the process.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-29 16:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife raped
QUOTE (G_and_S @ Oct 3 2007, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A decent person who is considered to be one person's friend would not rape his female friend. The story did not make any sense at all.

You'd be surprised how many women have had "decent" male friends who then have raped them. Don't discount the story just because you cannot see the scenario happening. wink.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-03 10:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife raped
QUOTE (G_and_S @ Oct 3 2007, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you Mrs. Johnson06. What happened should not called raped, since she knew the rapist, and
she said he was a friend of hers.

Women can be raped by their friends you know. It isn't just something that happens to strangers. wink.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-03 09:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife raped
QUOTE (luv2uallday @ Oct 1 2007, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (daveg @ Oct 1 2007, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (daveg @ Sep 30 2007, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 30 2007, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The $64,000 question you still haven't answered is, "Where and with whom is the child going to live?"

I'm trying to get a handle on just what immigration problems you'll be dealing with. Right now, you've not taken any action that can result in the child immigrating with its mother.

The child will stay with the parents of the guy in the Philppines ( she thought was a freind) he is in korea now back working and will support the child and hopefully take the child at a later time.

this is not going to be popular to say but it comes from my heart and anger.

YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOUR GONNA GIVE YOUR WIFE'S KID TO A RAPIST? YOU IRRESPONSABLE B@##RD!!! I GOT A BETTER IDEA GIVE THE CHILD TO A LOVING FAMILY PUT THE CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION DO THE RIGHT THING FOR YOURSELF AND THE CHILD JUST DON'T PERSECUTE THE BABY CAUSE OF THE FATHER.. OMG where is your soul???? I pitty the child cause of your stupid decision.... the rapist has no right to abuse one more life... also, its very wierd that the rapist has a concience all of a sudden to support his child never seen an honorable rapist before wow this must be a first!!..... this does sound fishy... sorry for my harshness but this picture doesn't look right and it is a blow to my gut on the immorality of it all handing a rapist a child.. maybe i'm naive but that seems sickening to me..... I just think you are taking the easy way out on things.... and this situation is the hardest of them all on you and her but it doesn't exuse both of you from doing the right thing...... I think you should think long and hard on whats in the best interest of that child WHO IS INNOCENT in all this but now you are condemning... I surely hope that loser does not hurt that child I will pray for his or her future... God protect that little angel

We'll have less of these sorts of posts, thank you very much. wink.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-01 17:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical London embassy
What I always suggest is that you come down to London and stay overnight. Do the medical on day 1, then go and do some sightseeing, do the touristy thing, have a meal or whatnot. Stay in a Travelodge or something and the next day go for your interview.

Although you can get the medical and interview scheduled for the same day I really don't recommend it, personally. The embassy is not the best place for things being on time and you could end up being there for a few hours. If you do want to do it this way, schedule the interview and medical at opposite ends of the day.

Good luck!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-19 12:26:00
Medical dates can vary. Some members here have phoned and been given a date for the following week (like me!) others have had to wait a little while. It really depends on how busy they are.

Also, write your wedding date on the forms for P3, the embassy really does try to accommodate people and you might be lucky and get an interview sooner rather than later. Good luck! good.gif

Edited by Mags, 16 October 2007 - 02:30 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-16 14:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionObtaining a Police Certificate and Interview Date in London
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 2 2008, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't forget that 40 days is counted from the date on the receipt the police will post back to you, and not from the date you actually post it to them.

And that normally takes a good 10 days to two weeks as a rule. I always say allow 2 months for the police certificate - just to be sure.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-02 10:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy Dress Code?
Anyhoo, how are those cravats looking? i.e. let's get back on topic purleese. tongue.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-27 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy Dress Code?
The London Embassy actually requires that the ladies wear a full evening gown, preferred colours are fushia pink or colbalt blue. Men are required to wear a top hat and tails with cravats optional. Don't try to hide your mobile phone in the top hat, security are pretty savvy when it comes to checking everywhere.

Seriously, it doesn't matter. IMO, don't turn up looking too scruffy, but I know the London embassy actually doesn't care. I wore jeans, boots and a sweatshirt. Dress according to the weather too as you might be waiting outside for a little while.

Edited by Mags, 27 December 2007 - 01:00 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-27 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat's the "Brown Envelope"?
Yes, in most cases it arrives with the visa. This contains everything pertaining to your case and is to be handed over to Immigration at your POE. Do not open it and pack it in your hand baggage not the checked baggage. good.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-03 11:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCats?
QUOTE (shikarnov @ Jan 28 2008, 01:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasn't sure if I should update this thread or begin a new one with a different topic that would make the notice easier to see, but I wanted to let you all know that if you're going to fly with cats, don't fly Delta. Instead, fly Aeroflot.

The regulations for the two airlines are fairly similar (two cats maximum in the cabin, need to have proof of a rabies vaccine, and a general health certificate which can be gotten at SVO and is good for 24 hours). Where they differ is in the size and location of the carrier.

Delta will allow you to bring your cat onboard only if s/he weighs less than 10lbs. Then the cat must stay within a very small carrier (something like this), and must stay under the seat at all times. I wrote to Delta to ask if I could buy an extra seat and keep a larger carrier on that seat. Their reply was a big fat NO.

Yup, I had to keep my cats under the seats, however I suggest one of these carriers. Because they are softer they squish better but give your cat a little more room in general. Also comes with a nice faux sheepskin blanket. I bought one for each of my cats and have no complaints at all. I still use them for vets visits.

They are also airline approved. good.gif

I just want to add that for the "under the seat" method there is no carrier that you can buy that will enable them to stand up and move around that will fit under there - the space is just too shallow. If you want that then I suggest buying an extra seat. A flight from Russia is ALOT longer in duration than one from the UK, so it would probably be the best option, imo.

Edited by Mags, 29 January 2008 - 11:14 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-29 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCats?
QUOTE (Satellite @ Jan 18 2008, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Jan 18 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I flew my two cats with me from the UK.
I flew with Delta airlines
I have some correspondence between myself and the CDC
I flew in[to] Cincinnati, [Ohio]
These are the key four things in your post which make your situation only applicable to the facts you presented.
1. You flew from the UK. Other countries can control the export of pets in anyway shape or form. Ranging from NO cats fly to unusual requirements and outrageous costs.
2. Any other airline besides Delta can have different policy for flying cats on their planes - again ranging from NO to unusually difficult requirements and outrageous costs.
3-4. CDC is binding as to federal standards. However, states can and do impose stricter standards. Some states have adopted the CDC standard; others can make you bring in a health history more detailed then for a human.

Dude, it was anecdotal experience that I felt like sharing. wink.gif As I mentioned in my follow up post (see below), it is always important for anyone wishing to fly animals in from different countries to find out info from official sources and not just a message board. smile.gif

QUOTE (Mags @ Jan 18 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
However, I always support the OP of each question doing their own research as well as reading stuff on forums. Find these things out officially; anectdotal evidence is great for finding out snippets but you can't beat getting it from the horses mouth. wink.gif

I emailed the CDC and the people responsible for all the import laws for information specific to ME. I suggest that the OP does the same for clear clarification and peace of mind. smile.gif

Edited by Mags, 18 January 2008 - 11:21 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-18 23:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCats?
QUOTE (athena_ny @ Jan 18 2008, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Jan 18 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I flew my two cats with me from the UK. I booked them so that they could fly with me in the cabin (one cat per person, limited to two cats per flight). To ensure you manage to get a place for kitty with you, you must book it at the same time as you book your ticket.

I flew with Delta airlines and the cost was $30 per cat, NOT the price of a seat.

I didn't need a fit to fly certificate or a rabies jab for them. Rabies jabs are not a requirement to enter the US but are a requirement to be done after you have arrived in your new home. So basically, you fly in with kitty and then make an appointment with your local vet once you have arrived at your new home.

I have some correspondence between myself and the CDC that I can post - if that helps at all. I must stress though that I flew in Cincinnati not JFK, so perhaps to avoid all the hassles associated with that airport (and NY state) it might be a good idea to fly in to an alternative airport instead, if possible. wink.gif

Btw, my cats were fine during the journey, just settled down and slept with no accidents. Russia however is further away so I guess you have to weigh up the pros and cons. How old is the cat, is there anyone who could look after the cat should you leave it behind, does it have a heart condition and so on. I am 100% sure that I made the right decision in bringing my cats with me. good.gif

How many cats did you fly over with? I know you have 7 now but I always imagined you tottering off the plane with 5 cat carriers! laughing.gif

I brought two over, my son flew with me, hence I was able to bring both of them in the cabin with me. I had 5 suitcases, 2 cats and a 12 year old. NEVER again! laughing.gif

QUOTE (eekee @ Jan 18 2008, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You didn't need a rabies vaccination for your cat before coming to the US because there is no rabies in the UK. Animals coming from other countries DO need this vaccination/health stuff.

Well, all the information I read wasn't UK based, nor was it only regarding imports from the UK - it was worldwide. However, I always support the OP of each question doing their own research as well as reading stuff on forums. Find these things out officially; anectdotal evidence is great for finding out snippets but you can't beat getting it from the horses mouth. wink.gif

I emailed the CDC and the people responsible for all the import laws for information specific to ME. I suggest that the OP does the same for clear clarification and peace of mind. smile.gif

Edited by Mags, 18 January 2008 - 03:52 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-18 15:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCats?
I flew my two cats with me from the UK. I booked them so that they could fly with me in the cabin (one cat per person, limited to two cats per flight). To ensure you manage to get a place for kitty with you, you must book it at the same time as you book your ticket.

I flew with Delta airlines and the cost was $30 per cat, NOT the price of a seat.

I didn't need a fit to fly certificate or a rabies jab for them. Rabies jabs are not a requirement to enter the US but are a requirement to be done after you have arrived in your new home. So basically, you fly in with kitty and then make an appointment with your local vet once you have arrived at your new home.

I have some correspondence between myself and the CDC that I can post - if that helps at all. I must stress though that I flew in Cincinnati not JFK, so perhaps to avoid all the hassles associated with that airport (and NY state) it might be a good idea to fly in to an alternative airport instead, if possible. wink.gif

Btw, my cats were fine during the journey, just settled down and slept with no accidents. Russia however is further away so I guess you have to weigh up the pros and cons. How old is the cat, is there anyone who could look after the cat should you leave it behind, does it have a heart condition and so on. I am 100% sure that I made the right decision in bringing my cats with me. good.gif

Edited by Mags, 18 January 2008 - 03:27 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-18 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and did this marriage site go out of business?
QUOTE (slim @ Feb 26 2008, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good call, mox!

(I may've gone too far. Especially if one of our "visitors" sees this.)

Even I can understand it's a joke, dude.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-27 07:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (slim @ Feb 26 2008, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And finally, to everyone else "visiting" the Russia Forum, welcome aboard. Please tell us all about what it's like in your forum over here in ours because we were having trouble finding yours. Thanks for making it easier for us to see your awesome posts.

Thanks for the warm welcome, Slim, it's great to be here! I don't "have" a particular forum because I don't actually see "mine" or "yours" when talking about particular forums or sub-forums. I like to think that they "belong" to everyone, not just a select few who are associated with a particular country. Plus I'm an Evil Moderator With a Cute Accent (patent pending!), so it's kind of my "job" to visit all the forums here on VJ when I can.

But anyway, I've got plenty of single grey socks to give out so I reckon I'll be sticking around!

Ta-ra, luv! biggrin.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-26 14:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 26 2008, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So unless you care to stay on topic I'll have to call in a moderator. And don't think we don't have one. We do. I saw her once.


Twice, now. tongue.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-26 12:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (Rocinante @ Feb 25 2008, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Feb 25 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 25 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Remember this day well, fellow Ruskies. One day we will sit around the kitchen table drinking vodka and eating pelmeni, and talk of the day that Brazilians, Canadians, Brits, and moderators came to our forum en masse. The newbies will stare in slack-jawed wonder, insisting we're drunk and just making this ####### up. Then Jefferey will slowly pull the charred remnants of a fishnet stocking and his Valentine's hat out, and everyone will be silent.


I agree that was, actually, bloody hilarious. laughing.gif

I agree sweetie.... I think that one wins a BEST POST EVAR!!!11 award.

What's the award for today? Pickled Herring again?

I've got an old sock somewhere....*rummages around in the laundry hamper, picks out grey sock, dusts it off* ...yep, today's prize is this wonderful, erm, old sock.

Enjoy your prize, Mox! biggrin.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 19:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 25 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Remember this day well, fellow Ruskies. One day we will sit around the kitchen table drinking vodka and eating pelmeni, and talk of the day that Brazilians, Canadians, Brits, and moderators came to our forum en masse. The newbies will stare in slack-jawed wonder, insisting we're drunk and just making this ####### up. Then Jefferey will slowly pull the charred remnants of a fishnet stocking and his Valentine's hat out, and everyone will be silent.


I agree that was, actually, bloody hilarious. laughing.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 19:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (Satellite @ Feb 25 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Feb 25 2008, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Play nice or I'll stick my mod hat on and bash you all over the head with a cushion.
Such threats are a clear violation of the TOS.
"Permitted agree that when using the Service, you will not:
Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Forums"
Moderators are not exempt:
"Moderators.... Their actions and liabilities are fully bound by the TOS."

After reading that I think it is reasonable for many members to feel threatened when they express their opinions.

If you are being funny then disregard my post below. If serious then please read on. tongue.gif

I'm fully aware of the TOS, my comments are only meant to lighten up the considerably dark tone exhibited in this thread. The majority here on VJ know me, my methods AND the intent behind them which, incidentally, are not designed to actually cause bodily harm. To be honest, the chances of me turning up on anyone's doorstep, grasping a cushion and then proceeding to bash them over the head with it are very remote. Not to mention a huge drain on gas money, time and my sanity - which is barely hanging by a thread most days. That can be the only explanation for the terrible hat.

With regards to the part of the TOS you mentioned, expressly this part - restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the forums - moderators ARE allowed to restrict your use (and inhibit you) IF you break the TOS or act appallingly and/or are out of line.

I'll also bring to your attention this part of the TOS:

Make comments in a post either direct or implied toward another member that are purposely designed to upset, antagonize, make fun of, belittle, or otherwise instigate an argument that takes away from the personal enjoyment of the Service by other users.

I've seen many posts that fall under this description in this very thread and that is WHY I asked for a little more respect to be given. Cushions notwithstanding.

Hope that clarifies things for you. smile.gif

Edited by Mags, 25 February 2008 - 07:39 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 19:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Feb 25 2008, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Feb 25 2008, 05:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would happily wear the fishnet bodysuit, unfortunately Platy was wearing it the other night and it's a little stretched.


ohmy.gif bad image bad image! blink.gif

Hey, dude, you started it, now you have to live with the image. Just like me. laughing.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 18:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
I would happily wear the fishnet bodysuit, unfortunately Platy was wearing it the other night and it's a little stretched.


QUOTE (Kazan @ Feb 25 2008, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So nice to see our "friendly" little Russian forum taking center stage. I'm so damn proud!

Dear Mags, for once, I almost agree with you.

QUOTE (Mags @ Feb 25 2008, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think a little bit of politeness wouldn't go amiss here. You may all disagree, but some of you here are being pretty disrespectful to one another. Play nice or I'll stick my mod hat on and bash you all over the head with a cushion.

The hat's too much, then? tongue.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 18:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife left me!
I think a little bit of politeness wouldn't go amiss here. You may all disagree, but some of you here are being pretty disrespectful to one another. Play nice or I'll stick my mod hat on and bash you all over the head with a cushion.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-25 18:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Train Pulled Off On The Siding
Really, really belated, but.....congratulations KT!! kicking.gif

(I was on vacation and only just found this thread!)

May your lives be filled with laughter and happiness. smile.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-28 22:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGeorgia/Russia Conflict
QUOTE (Korat @ Sep 4 2008, 02:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah what did you get from her? Her knocked from another guy.
Russians admire power and strength. They think the west is weak and always will back down. Australia has decided that they cease exports of Uranium to Russia. Canada will do the same soon. Russia will have to kiss Kazakhstan's bum to get resources. Every Russian elite have spoken to, thinks the world needs Russia more than they need tthem. They have only 17 more years of oil left based on present reserves. They have hyper inflation and fragile banking system and housing bubble that is going to make the sub prime look small. The west have to unite and be strong. They are expecting us to be weak and can freeze us out.

Korat ~ Personal attacks will not be tolerated on VJ. Back off or face suspension.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-04 12:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack from Kazan
QUOTE (mox @ Sep 18 2008, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it just me, or does this forum have the best stories?

Oh my gawds, yes! laughing.gif Me heart.gif the Russian forum!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-19 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCondoleezza Rice defines the word "irony"
Grey area thread, please leave in RU forum as per moving guide.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 06:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWe are done
Grey area thread, please leave in RU forum as per moving guide.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 06:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSo.... how are the driving lessons going?
Grey area thread, please leave in RU forum as per moving guide.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 06:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThread moves
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 27 2008, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Magenta @ Sep 27 2008, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For the most part you guys in here are pretty well behaved and rarely ever need modding. star_smile.gif

With Russian wives, we get plenty of modding at home.

I can believe it! biggrin.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-28 16:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThread moves
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 26 2008, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (akdiver @ Sep 25 2008, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 24 2008, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How about AKDiver?
I'd volunteer, sure. I just didn't want to be egotistical enough to suggest myself (:

I already said you should be President.... RU Forum moderator should be a given after the nod.

For the most part you guys in here are pretty well behaved and rarely ever need modding. star_smile.gif

Now, where's my piece of pie? innocent.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-27 00:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThread moves
QUOTE (mox @ Sep 25 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Magenta @ Sep 25 2008, 05:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope it stands for "moved by Charles" cause I can think of something else it could stand for.... tongue.gif

More Booty Call? laughing.gif

(And thanks for taking care of us Mags!)

No problem! And no, more booty call wasn't it! I must have a right dirty mind, that's all I can tell ya! tongue.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 13:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThread moves
QUOTE (charles! @ Sep 25 2008, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i add "mbc" to a thread i've moved to let organizers know i've moved it.

I hope it stands for "moved by Charles" cause I can think of something else it could stand for.... tongue.gif
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 07:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThread moves
I've moved some threads back and posted a request that they stay in here. PM me links if you see any threads that are moved that shouldn't have been and I'll put 'em back.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 06:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEven females get it
QUOTE (mox @ Sep 29 2008, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Obligatory Russian Forum specific information to keep this thread in RU forum: In post-Soviet Russia, information finds you. devil.gif


QUOTE (slim @ Sep 29 2008, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Magenta @ Sep 29 2008, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Platy had a similar problem to Mox, except it spilled over into real life. Stuff getting sent to the house and so on.

That's what would annoy me. Someone sending me stuff and just generally harrassing me. I can't really see Russian criminals sending junk mail. At least they'd have the decency to stop by in person.

We also had an ex-internet-friend of Platy's threaten to get someone she knew to come and burn down our house. I reported her to the UK police, "just in case" anything happened. wink.gif

It never rains, but pours!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-30 11:32:00