US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question

When you fill out the DS-156 you do it online and when it's complete it generates a PDF for you with a barcode and other info for the embassy.

Hmmmmmmn. What to do, what to do....

Ah okay, I didn't get the bar code thingy, must have changed since I went through London last year.

I think that you needed to have sent them two copies of that then. Once they receive only one I expect they will contact you asking for another copy of it to be sent to them before they can continue processing you. Only once they have all the correct forms will they be able to give you an interview date.

I think it is going to cause you a little delay, I'm afraid.

Edited by mags, 03 April 2007 - 08:40 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 08:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question

I thought that was the one we're supposed to fill out online? Maybe it means do the online one as well as the one they send you?

Online? I know I didn't do anything online for my packet three, maybe things have changed then, I did mine in September last year. I know I filled out them in PDF and then just printed them off, rather than hand fill the ones they sent me as standard. I'm SURE they sent two copies of the DS-156 and two copies of the DS-230 and you needed to fill in two for both of them.

Maybe I'm completely wrong and my memory is shot to hell. Hopefully, someone else will come along with a more definite answer! :wacko:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 08:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question
You send in two copies as far as I can remember. They sent me two copies of the form to fill in.

Edited by mags, 03 April 2007 - 08:08 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 08:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificates

We filed for ours on March 2nd and got it back last week! So it didn't take that long for us!

Good luck!

This is hardly the norm though. It CAN take the full 40 days (taken from the date on your receipt) for many though, so don't anticipate it turning up early. Best to plan everything with the 40 days in mind. Just to be safe. :)
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 05:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Required Vaccinations

So, while you DON"T need Hep-B or Hib to get your K-1 may become an issue according to the above at the time you adjust your status. I think it would be nice if that was also included with the information sent with Packet 3. Getting jabbed for free on NHS is preferable to paying for it once Stateside.

No, as a Fiance you need vaccinations to adjust status NOT to get the visa. The consulate should certainly make this clear, but there are many places to find this information i.e. the guides on the Travel.State.Gov site

Ordinarily I'd agree...but London has been refusing to send on the completed medical to the embassy unless the vaccinations have been done. Don't know WHY this is, but it's a trend that seems to be continuing.

Chelseafan ~ You will be charged for HepB on the NHS, it won't be free, although it might be cheaper than getting it done at the medical or in the USA. HepB and HiB are also not required if you are over 19. They are age appropriate.

And it's a trend I can't believe they are getting away with. I've been wondering since Knightsbridge started doing this why no one has questioned the consulate about this.

I don't have a dog in that hunt anymore, so it's not my place to query. Personally I think it's highway robbery for them to insist on giving the jabs.

Yup, I agree. All I can suggest is that people get theirs done at the GP surgery before the medical. That way they will save themselves some pennies AND not fill the coffers of the Knightsbridge Docs.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 21:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Required Vaccinations

So, while you DON"T need Hep-B or Hib to get your K-1 may become an issue according to the above at the time you adjust your status. I think it would be nice if that was also included with the information sent with Packet 3. Getting jabbed for free on NHS is preferable to paying for it once Stateside.

No, as a Fiance you need vaccinations to adjust status NOT to get the visa. The consulate should certainly make this clear, but there are many places to find this information i.e. the guides on the Travel.State.Gov site

Ordinarily I'd agree...but London has been refusing to send on the completed medical to the embassy unless the vaccinations have been done. Don't know WHY this is, but it's a trend that seems to be continuing.

Chelseafan ~ You will be charged for HepB on the NHS, it won't be free, although it might be cheaper than getting it done at the medical or in the USA. HepB and HiB are also not required if you are over 19. They are age appropriate.

Edited by mags, 03 April 2007 - 09:44 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 09:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Required Vaccinations

Hi VJers,

I had my DTP & MMR Vaccines today and I was wondering if there is any compulsory ones which must be taken as well. The Nurse advised that Influenza and Pneemoccal vaccines are mostly for elderly people who are ill( am 25). The Varicella is not available in the UK and the Hepatitis B vaccine is taken on 3 doses in a space of 6 months.

Please is there anyone who can give me an advice regarding this and for those who have done their medical, is the Hepatitis B compulsory? I appreciate your help so far.

Many Thanks,


Vaccination Requirements

All applicants for immigrant visas are required to have the following vaccinations, if appropriate, for age, medical condition, or medical history:

Tetanus and diptheria toxoids
Influenza type B
Hepatitis B

As a fiancé(e), you are not required to fulfill this requirement at the time of your medical examination for a fiancé(e) visa. However, you may want to do so. These vaccinations are required when you adjust status following your marriage.

Just remember that not all of these injections are age appropriate. There is a chart in the medical information that arrives in Packet 3 which lets you know what you need to have.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 19:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Required Vaccinations

Ok heres what I was told at my medical.

I HAD to have the hep b, I could get it done on NHS, you don't have to hav ethe entire thing done before you leave for the US, just have it started (I haven't had the final does jsut yet).

Which was odd wasn't it, Flutter? The chart they send me with packet three clearly stated that Hep B was for people/children 19 and under...

I know but the nurse insisted I needed it.

Whatever, I had it and now I've just gotta finish it, at least I'll fit in then :P

I just with they could be consistent with their demands! One nurse says one thing...another said something else. Or perhaps you just looked very youthful on the day! :lol:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 17:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Required Vaccinations

Ok heres what I was told at my medical.

I HAD to have the hep b, I could get it done on NHS, you don't have to hav ethe entire thing done before you leave for the US, just have it started (I haven't had the final does jsut yet).

Which was odd wasn't it, Flutter? The chart they send me with packet three clearly stated that Hep B was for people/children 19 and under...

Edited by mags, 02 April 2007 - 08:07 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 08:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa status
If your temporary residency expired then surely that means you are now living in the UK illegally (out of status). I would have thought that yes, it does matter, but that's JMHO.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 14:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionforeign national

Hello Everyone and Happy Easter,
i am currently living in the UK and would like to know if anyone's been able to get a police certificate from Ukraine and how is the best way to go about it ?

Did you work in the Ukraine? I note from your other posts that you are a Nigerian, living in London on an expired temporary residency permit and your interview is in 2 weeks. You would also need a Police Cert for the UK and Nigeria. Maybe someone with Ukrainian PC experience can help you, I've no knowledge myself!

Edited by mags, 08 April 2007 - 02:56 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 14:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow many days from K-1 interview till visa issuance?
It can vary from embassy to embassy. If you tell us where you interviewed there may be some members who could let you know how long theirs took at that particular embassy.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 09:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon medical Question & thank you!!

Why do they need a credit card number to book the medical???


As Flutter said, if you don't turn up they charge you a fee. If they have your credit card you can't not pay them...
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 08:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK embassy - over 5 business days from interview and no visa

Well, I had to wait a month for mine, so actually I know full well what you are going through. Unfortunately, I received only one reply from an email I sent the Embassy, it stated "your visa is in the final stages of processing".

You just have to wait it out I'm afraid, nothing more you can do without making yourself even more stressed.

Thanks again.Can I ask what caused the delays with yours? Just wondering if there is consistency or if it is random...

They needed some additional information. Everything was all right at the interview, they told me they were happy to issue the visa, then a few days later I received a letter asking for more information.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 16:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK embassy - over 5 business days from interview and no visa
Well, I had to wait a month for mine, so actually I know full well what you are going through. Unfortunately, I received only one reply from an email I sent the Embassy, it stated "your visa is in the final stages of processing".

You just have to wait it out I'm afraid, nothing more you can do without making yourself even more stressed.

Edited by mags, 04 April 2007 - 03:46 PM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 15:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK embassy - over 5 business days from interview and no visa
Sometimes they just take a bit longer to issue them. There are various people here who have waited up to a month for the visa to be issued. I wouldn't worry yourself too much. If there was something wrong they wouldn't have kept your passport and you would have received a letter from them by now stating the problem.

The guidelines on VJ are just that...guidelines. They are not laws written in stone, so don't assume everything runs according to what they state!

Relax a bit, it'll arrive soon enough. :)
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 08:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interviews

They will tell you what to bring (via packet 3). Obviously you'll need the originals of the documents in your petition, and your (physical) NOA2 as well.


That link has some more info as well. Isn't VJ informative?

Thanks for that Tracey - yep, VJ is soooo informative - wish we'd found it in January!

By the way, I have a current enhanced police check through my employer - do you know if that is acceptable in place of a police certificate?

I don't think so. Has to be a subject access form from your local police constabulary as far as I am aware.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 19:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCondescending Effers


As for the medical, glad I read this AFTER mine!!
I didn't have to take my clothes off, just lifted my top and the doctor had a quick glance in my underwear, that was it!!!
Of course she listened to my heart and lungs (and my stomach lol) but wasn't particularly thorough and definitely not invasive.....

Nope, nothing invasive for me either. My experience was exactly the same as yours, and I had a gown on.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 06:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWHOO

I'm sure only Chas will get the chance to meet him - but I'll warn him! :lol:

He told me there was a green alien showing up on my X-ray! :lol:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 11:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWHOO

Well, Chas got his medical booked today - its next Friday, 4/20 at 2:15 pm. :D He said its the one at Basil Mansions - that means nothing to me. :lol: I'm not worried about the 90 pound thing - doesn't sound like it will come into play at all anyway.

Be ready for the hilarious X-Ray Man! I've capitalised him because he is becoming quite famous! :lol:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 10:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWHOO

You gotta remember (when reading DOS/DHS paperwork) that the forms are used for lots of visa types. Hence the questions that seem 'odd', such as marital status. They are only 'odd' for your situation and not the dozens of other visa types out there.

Regarding the two different Knightsbridge clinics - my understanding is that one of them examines children and the other does not.

Don't know about the 'sputum' thingee and hence I'm going to take the liberty of moving this thread to the Consulate forum in hopes we get an answer from somebody who doesn't tread the Region board.

If only one does children then that is *probably* the Knightsbridge branch as both my son and I had our medicals there.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 06:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat do they do at the medical exam...
For the majority it does appear to be a quick glance at the most. Although I have read of some differing experiences of what a "glance" seems to mean.

There is certainly no internal examination.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-19 18:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionKnightsbridge medical - London
Yup, it has been known for quite a while:


Good luck for the interview and medical! :thumbs:

Edit: TracyTN's fella has his interview on June 8th.

Edited by mags, 04 May 2007 - 07:11 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 07:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Interview
They'll deliver it where ever you want them to. They give you a slip of paper where you fill in your details whilst in the Embassy and, as a rule, the visa takes roughly a week (some come earlier, some later).

Give them your home address and go wait for it there. I DON'T suggest you give them your hotel's address...
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 06:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow does my fiance request a police record from the UK?

Well, Marlon I am sure has not requested his police record from the time that he lived in England. I keep mentioning it to him. So what I would like to know is how he would go about doing this? Is there a website?


goto the london metropolitan police website, google it, and download copy of "subject access" form...fill it out and turn it in with req'd info provided...

Nope. He didn't live in London. You have to apply through the Police Force where you last resided. See my earlier posts! :)
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 13:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow does my fiance request a police record from the UK?

Thanks so much to everyone for answering my question! I hope Marlon gets on this because I would hate to have a delay due to this! I know the last place he lived in was Birmingham, I have no idea what county that is but I will be sure to let him know.

Thanks again!

West Midlands Police Force.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 13:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow does my fiance request a police record from the UK?
I'm pretty sure he would need to apply to the constabulary where he resided rather than the Metropolitan Police. Best thing to do is ask him where he lived (which county) and look up that Police force's website. Then seach for Subject Access forms on that website.

It should pull up what you need.

All police checks go THROUGH the Met but are forwarded there by the Police Constabulary where you lived at the time.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 13:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIm so sad. My interview not successful
You say you have a cousin who would be willing to be a co-sponsor? Couldn't you re-submit the financial documentation but use the cousins details instead? You say he/she earns $45,000, surely using his/her details would be a safer bet?
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-18 10:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSend in IV-15 Checklist even tho Pol. Clearance isn't received but applied for?

My Fiancee` applied on May 8, so that would put us at about June 17 to expect the Clearance letter. So if we recieve and return Packet 3 this week, that could probably put us in the mid/late July interview time frame, so we should have a 1 month buffer in case we don't receive the Clearance letter on time.

how does that sound?

The 40 day count down starts from the time you got the receipt from the police force. This can be up to two weeks after you sent off your application. I'd allow at least 6-8 weeks for the police certificate to actually come through your door.

People do get them within ten days, this isn't unusual...but it also isn't the norm.

Edit: I've moved this because it isn't London Embassy specific. This thread contains information that someone dealing with ANY consulate could use and learn from.

Thank you.

Edited by mags, 25 May 2007 - 07:06 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 06:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
Please also see:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-27 17:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3

Ooh my fiance just called - he got packet 3 today! :joy:

Excellent news Tracy! :thumbs:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 06:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLira's Thread
Ah, don't worry, I'm sure it'll all go swimmingly well. Good luck Lira and Chad, take a deep breath!
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 18:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK police report - what's the timeline?
The actual report takes up to 40 days; this date is calculated from the date written on the receipt they will send you. This can often take up to two weeks to get to you after you've posted your application.

For safeties sake I always suggest that people leave at LEAST 8 weeks for getting their police certificate.

Edited by mags, 28 July 2007 - 10:56 AM.

MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-28 10:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?
This topic has been closed for violating the TOS.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 10:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?
I must just reiterate here that encouraging people to lie to the USCIS is a.) wrong and b.) against the TOS.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-29 21:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReminder to submit a POE review

Just a reminder that we now have a new section for POE reviews:


If you get a chance toss in a short review of your experience at the Port of Entry when you enter the US :). Thanks for the help and hopefully this will be a great tool for everyone like the Consulate and CIS Review section has already turned out to be :).


I've just added mine. :thumbs:
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 10:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance accidently opend envelope...

My fiance was on his way here today and had to connect in Dublin...US immigration was there and noticed his envelope was opened and sent him back to London. When he called US Embassy they made it sound liek this happens alot, people accidently opening their envekope...and told him to email embassy to get an appointment...has ANYONE had a similar experience and does anyone know what to do?

Grasping at straws here...

Unfortunately, there are a few people who are eager beavers and open their DO NOT OPEN envelopes. I'm afraid your fiance will have to get it re-sealed by the embassy but after that he should be fine for entering the USA.

Email them, let them know what happened and they'll be able to arrange for it to be re-sealed.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-14 12:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan a pregnant fiancée be granted a k1visa?
This thread been closed for violating the TOS.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-14 18:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Filers -- give us your dates!
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Aug 25 2007, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I totally agree with Mags good.gif -- we're just feeling lonely over there on that thread! crying.gif


If you build it, they will come....
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-26 18:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Filers -- give us your dates!
I just want to add that people ARE just as entitled to post their information here, it isn't compulsory to put your details in the UK forum. wink.gif

The consulate section is a valuable forum in itself, with a wealth of information for not only UK filers, but filers around the world.
MagsFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-25 10:53:00