Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Apr 30 2008, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bryan&nicole @ Apr 29 2008, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was in the united states last in 04/2003. I was ordered removed because I had no papers. This was only because of my attempted entry in 1996. In 1996 I arrived at the border with proper passport and visa, but based solely on my looks, a officer tore my passport up and through me in jail! Once out, I was faced with the fact, that in California where my husband and my four month old daughter. My husband had no money for day care, or time, or even experience to tend to our baby. I had no money for layers, with fear, anger and indescribable worry about my daughter; as any mother would, I did not think to seek help at the Mexican embassy! I thought only of my daughter, and I went for her! It was the most traumatic experience of my life! I latter retuned to Mexico on my own. In 2003 I was single with two kids, and I made a mistake. Fueled from desperation, and a dream to better my life, I chose to return to the United States, and I regret it! It cost me dearly, I received sever penalties, but I was penalized for something that was not a mistake, something that was not my fault . Mexico would not give me a new passport as they did not believe what had happened, and you could imagine what I thought of American immigration! So in 2003 a combination of being young and ignorant, I tried to return with out papers and I was caught. In 1996 the United States made a mistake, but all they can say now, is their sorry! I have no recourse for that, as immigration law is above the law, it cannot be taken to court! Now I not only pay for my mistakes in 2003, I pay for a mistake the United States made in 1996!

While I can *feel* for your dilemma, assigning blame to CBP or the Immigration Service for your situation is not only improper, but will get you nowhere. Every tourist entering this country is presumed to have immigrant intent. That is the law. The fact that you were not able to overcome that is not a fault of the border agents, it is your issue. You had a husband and child in the USA at the time. Entering the country with a tourist visa in hand, yet your immediate family already in California shifts the burden of proof to you to demonstrate that you were not using a visa inappropriately. However, I do wonder if there would not have been a way for you to appeal their actions after you were released and get your documentation back. But, I suppose that is water under the bridge. The problem is that after such an unsuccessfuly attempt, you chose to circumvent the law and enter again in 2003. Once again you were unsuccessful.

Immigration law is not above the law. There are ways and means for aliens to hold the Service to task. I think in view of the fact that the USA is the palce your family chooses to reside, you might wish to change your tune as to how you perceive American immigration law, and the manner in which you allege the United States is inclined to evade facing mistakes made on its part! Good luck.

Some CBP officers do think the are above the law because they can get away with crime against people who are not citizens. It happens all the time. The same applies to some ICE officers because they think they can get away with it.

I have seen how differently CBP treat me, a USC, differently.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-30 10:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
He could look into living in Juarez and work in El Paso possibly.

Unfortunately if they do pass an immigration reform bill it will still probably not forgive deportations if they are recent. Talk to someone like Laurel Scott and then decide what is best for your family.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-28 09:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
you need to go to and read about 601 waivers and the hardship letters.

You do have to go to Juarez and interview. I would not lie to USCIS but be edjucated in the INA laws so you know what to expect. If I were you I would at least have a consultation with Laura Scott who you should be able to find information on the other website before you do anything else. You may want to know what risks are involved once she leaves the US.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-22 08:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Apr 21 2008, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And with the whole immediate family in Mexico, and only the husband here, how would one prove hardship?

The hardship only applies to the USC. The 2 deportations may mean she is not eligable for the waiver
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-21 17:01:00
United KingdomInteresting POE experience
These Border Patrol Officers have GOD complexes. They are not the ones that approved our spouses or fiances they just need to enforce the laws for entry. If the Consulate approved the Visa then these people need to only say "Welcome to USA" They treat USC with respect why not everyone else entering legally?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-06 16:46:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
OK I'm sorry kitkat. I made a mistake and will never do it again. ¿perdón por favor?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 17:12:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
OK OK I am surprised anyone would get upset over a post like this and why would I be blocked? I have gone through and still going through the immigration process just like everyone else here. People post divorce questions on this site? Why is it ok for advise on ending a marriage but not for finding someone a date?

Fine I will not post anything else after this so it will die. There are some good posts on the personallity of Scotts so I can forward the advise on to her and let her decide if she even wants to visit there or not.

Thanks for all the responses.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 16:48:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
She went to a presentation on syphonic roof drains that was by a man from Scotland and ever since she is in love with the idea of a "Sean Connery (young version)" type.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 13:48:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
On dating sites everyone is desperate, I figured here maybe someone has a friend or relative from Scotland that might want to meet a good girl here. She said she was thinking about traveling there on vacation but if she met a few guys online between now and then she could visit them on her vacation?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 13:46:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
I have a coworker friend that would like to meet a potential husband from Scotland.

Edited by Gaby&Talbert, 26 July 2007 - 11:58 AM.

Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 11:58:00
United KingdomI simply can't believe this!
No the brightest thing in the world to do the night before an interview.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-07-22 09:47:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
QUOTE (illumine @ Apr 7 2008, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Apr 7 2008, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bottom line - some people prefer the NHS, some prefer our system - yet both have obvious flaws. No way we're all ever going to see eye to eye about the nitpicky details.

Nope. But the bottom line, one is free (for many people)/very cheap & one is not. HUGE difference.

Neither is free, it is only in how you pay for it.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-07 15:37:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Apr 2 2008, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luv2teach77 @ Mar 28 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The problem is that it's such a huge business now which employs so many people, that the companies have to keep driving up premiums to cover the administrative and employee costs associated with providing the insurance coverage in the first place.

I don't think admin costs are THE problem. I don't have an answer, but would like to share some personal data. I have software to manage medical expenses so I can give you exact dollar amounts easily. My husband died of cancer. In ten months of the year he died, we were billed $448,270.91 (yes, almost half a million). We only paid $3,438.97. I don't have the figures for the two years before that. That's why I pay for insurance.

Did you know that one round of chemotherapy, that's sitting in the chair one day, costs $8,000-$10,000? Have you seen those commercials where actors say "I'm ready" (for chemo) because they took something like Nulasta to boost their blood count? Did you know that's a shot that costs about $1,500? It's daunting.

I have a niece that has cancer in Mexico and the costs of these medicines in Mexico are a fraction of what they are here in the US. The chemo you were charged 8 to 10 grand for is only about $800.00 there.

I have a very interesting story about the costs and what they had to go through for the chemo medicine. My sister-in-law that lives in Mexico has 2 daughters. The first daughter had cancer when she was 1 1/2. After her daughter was cured she volunteered at a cancer treatment center for many years. Last year her second daughter was diagnosed with cancer. The clinic she was having problems getting the chemo medicine at the time and was told the price was going up because a new company has the distribution rights for the medicine and has not established inventories yet. My sister-in-law called all over the country trying to figure out why the medicine wasn't available and where she could get it for her daughter. She was told that the new distributor had a contract with the drug manufacturer and they could only sell the drug to them in Mexico. The new distributor had raised the price to be closer to the US drug price but would not have any inventory for a few months. My sister-in-law was very worried that her daughter could not wait and also was upset about the price increase. The clinic she volunteered for is non profit clinic so she thought maybe the drug manufacturer would sell the drugs directly to the clinic. She found the manufacturer of the drug which is in Italy. She contacted them but was told that the distributor for Mexico has an exclusive contract and they could not sell to anyone but them. My sister-in-law has many relitives in Mexico City and some work for the government so she called them to see if they could find out if anything could be done to help the clinic buy the medicine direct. While she was waiting on help from the goverment she told my wife about the problem. My wife remembered one of her friends she grew up with married a man from Italy and worked for a drug company. She called her friend and told her the story. Her friend talked to her husband who does work for the manufacturer of the drug. He said his company would donate all the medicine for the clinic for one year and then after that they would sell directly to the clinic because it was a non profit clinic. The cost of the medicine per dose is $400.00 dollars US. My sister-in-law was very happy but unfortunately the distributor discovered this and said she has friends in the government and would stop the medicine from ever getting to them. Meanwhile her Aunt who lived in Mexico City was friends with the person in the government that was over all importing of goods into the country. He told her that he would give the clinic all the neccesary permits to had the drugs shipped into the country. After about 2 weeks the drugs made it too the clinic and my niece began her chemo. It has been a little over a year now and this week is her last chemo treatment. She has tests in about a week but they believe the cancer is gone. She is now 16 years old.

My point is that Americans are getting ripped off, how can a drug that costs $400.00 cost 10 times that or more here in the US?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-03 10:08:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
But how much are your income taxes in GB compared to the US? I know I have friends from Canada that pay a much higher percent tax than I have to pay here.
I do agree the US needs to fix the health care problems which mean allowing people to buy drugs for foreign competition and stop all the lawsuits which drive up the insurance for doctors and lawyers.

Here is a great example of how the US healthcare compares to for example Mexico. My wife is from Mexico so we visit quite often. She had a prescription which through my prescription insurance we pay $30 in the US. We went to a pharmacy in Mexico and without insurance for the exact same medicine we paid $30.
Another example, when my wife was pregnant and we went to visit her family she wanted to go see her Dr who was an OBGYN. Her Dr checked her out and also did an ultrasound. The charge for the visit and the ultrsound was $45. This is what a good Dr there charges without insurance, here in the US we would have paid $30 for the Copay visit and then the Ultrasound would be 20% only after the anual deductable was met. Her Ultrasound in the US was almost $400.00.
Something is seriously wrong with our system here, I don't thing national health care is the solution but something has to be done to bring the costs down here when you can drive across the border and get the same thing for less without insurance than what you pay here with insurance.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-03-28 14:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents

The USCIS will need those same documents translated for your AOS so why not meet the more stringent requirements?

Like I said before, the foreign police certificate is not needed for USCIS, thus making your argument mute.

I can see why your wife wanted to spend the summer in Russia.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-24 08:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents
The USCIS will need those same documents translated for your AOS so why not meet the more stringent requirements? As I said before better safe than sorry. You have to deal with Border Patrol at your POE, i would rather have the documents meeting USCIS requirements when they rip open the sealed manilla envolope you can't open. If they want to be difficult they can.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-23 15:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents
This is from a USCIS filing instructions concerning translations to English:
Translations. Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full English translation that thetranslator has certified as complete and correct, and bythe translator's certification that he or she is competentto translate the foreign language into English.
We chose to have it notorized as well as be reccognized as an official translation. Better safe than sorry.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-23 13:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents

The Moscow embassy says the below about the needed translations:

Copies and translations of each document into English are required. Translations must be notarized only when the original is in a language OTHER than Russian. (e.g. a translation from Ukrainian into English must be notarized, translation from Russian into English does not need to be notarized).

The above instructions talk about notorization requirements but I want to find out if the english translations have to be certified by someone. For example - her Police report is in Russian and now it needs to be translated in English. We
have already translated it in English but now do we need to get it certified by some linguistic center or someone local who can certify and stamp the english translation? What heve other done here?


We used ASTA-USA Translation Sevices 858-756-7156
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-23 09:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAll Debts Paid before they allow you to leave Russia?
How can this be enforced? Does the consulate run a credit check on everyone before they can be approved?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-03-13 13:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (Kazan @ Apr 27 2008, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am with Slim on this. Although stereotypes are clearly not PC, they hold a lot of truth. e.g., in the year I lived in Kazan', well over 90% of all the Russian men I met fit the stereotype.
QUOTE (slim @ Apr 27 2008, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So you won't agree that stereotypes are rooted in reality?

Or are we back on the stereotypes vs. generalizations debate?

What has happened to American women can be compared to the UAW union, Changes were needed but they took it too far. Now we are looking to other countries for better quality and something made to last forever!
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-28 10:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (slim @ Apr 24 2008, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you're sending your girl $600/month in Russia, then you're paying for everything. (And probably for her "friend's" stuff too.)

Don't worry, once she gets here, she'll ask for a raise. Even if she has a job making over $1,000/month, she'll still tell you it's not enough. Even if you pay all the bills, it's still not enough.

It's never enough.

No matter how much money you have, you still should have more. Or, she should still have more. anyway.

You can find a woman in the US that will spend all your money and complain it is never enough.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-24 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Any midwest city will be less expensive than California to live. Northwest Arkansas is even less expensive than Oklahoma City. A big factor to consider is when you have children, what type of environment do you want them to grow up in? Big cities in the midwest will have some problems. I guess if you are from a large city and like that type of environment then you probably would not be happy in a small city. If you are concerned about cost of living I would not choose the Gulf Coast areas because insurance will kill you.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-09 09:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Now you can rename this thread "Russian girls are not all wonderful" My wife doesn't care about fancy stuff. I have to push her to buy quality of quantity. She always tells me she is a simple woman and only needs simple things. I always have to put money in her purse without her knowing. When I see her look at things and I can tell she likes them I will go back in a few days and buy it for her. (thank you god for my wonderful wife)
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-08 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (sense1 @ Apr 6 2008, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I believe the reason for our difficulty certainly stems from the fact that she makes hasty decisions and always portrays a dire need for whatever seems urgent at the moment. The "Official state translation agency" has her convinced that she must translate all of her documents and they all need to be stamped, apistiled, certified, and clad in gold:) They have convinced her that she must have her documents done this way in order for her to receive her visa in Moscow. In other words "they see her coming" and stick her(I mean ME) with the maximum price available. She prefers to take their advice over mine because I am only an American man ( I can't possibly know anything about Russia).
After all this time I don't feel that she is a scammer. But, I do feel that she has been spoiled in her previous relationships. I get the feeling that she is unfamiliar with someone telling her to try to conserve money. I guess I should just give her whatever her little heart desires:wacko: (I am being sarcastic of course). I really appreciate all of the input from everyone regarding this matter. Thank you!

You could find a wife like this in the US that will take all your money and expect you to give her everything she wants.

I thought this was about why Russian or women from any other country than USA were amazing. One of the great things about women from other countries is because they are not like American women.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-07 09:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (slim @ Apr 5 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So let me get this straight.... it's actually the American guys with the higher standards?

I can't wait to talk this one over around the water cooler. "Mail-order my @$$, there were just no women here up to my high standards. I was forced to look abroad for a woman that would meet all of my expectations."

Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-07 09:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
As a man and being honest I think the majority of us chose a foreign bride because we were not happy with what is available in the US.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-03 13:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS Citizenship
You need to look at US benefits like SSI also. non citizens only get 10 years of SSI. You all need to look at the financial benefits of why to become a citizen also.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-05-28 09:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCancelling the immigration
QUOTE (irish44 @ Apr 1 2008, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 1 2008, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 1 2008, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone started a tread of why American men choose foreign brides? And the guys haveto be 100% honest!

This has been discussed to death here. And i think the general consensus is that if you ask ten guys on the russian forum you get ten different answers.

I agree eekee. I used an agency as most of us did. Here is one of the first profiles I saw, and it sealed the deal for me!


Hey some guys may like girls like that? no0pb.gif
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-01 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCancelling the immigration
Has anyone started a tread of why American men choose foreign brides? And the guys haveto be 100% honest!
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-04-01 09:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFriend Gets Goodbye Email from Fiance
QUOTE (bruc @ Jul 7 2008, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Amazing when there's no news to report and someone takes a long weekend off with his children and the speculations fly, but I do have news to report now and it's good news.
The issue was that she had been hearing a lot of bad reports for a month about how bad our economy was and her friends advising her not to do the interview and definitely not relocate here. She had a nice job there and friends she could depend on so why take the risk.
My fiance and a couple of girls that's been here for a few years finally got her to talk to them on the phone. I think with my fiance not being here and had no plans to back out and not come and the two girls here telling her everything was fine for them and she should reconsider her actions she had a change of heart and mind.
This took several phones call to her from a lot of people discussing this with her.
She sent her fiance a sms and told him to call her and he did. Some of us know the conversation and heard the conversation between them including the two girls from Russia.
She was very upset when she talked to him and was very apologetic for her actions towards him and asked for forgiveness and to not leave her.More in the conversation but I think that should remain just between the ones of us that heard it.
Her interview is this week and her fiance landed in Moscow this morning and we understand was greeted with much happiness from her. He went to give them his support for the interview and his care for them.
She also asked him if he would stay for another week and let them fly back with him and those are his intentions.
When they arrive back in Atlanta a pile of us will be there to greet them with big smiles on our faces, and too, our small community is being blessed with another family from Russia joining us.
Sometimes it pays to not jump to conclusions, keep patience and find out what the problem is before taking any actions that one might regret later and this is just what her fiance did. We also need to learn from these unfortunate things such as this one.
Thanks for all your input and suggestions.


So she is just marrying him for money?
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2008-07-10 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Overall Plan
What does USCIS say about marriage? It says a legal right? So whatever the laws of the country are that reccognize the marriage as being legal then it will be fine i would say. Some states in the US will concider you as being married if you live together for a certain amount of time.
If there is loophole in the system by all means us it but as everyone has said, do not mention it to anyone with immigration.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-25 16:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americagetting professional jobs with foreign degrees?
I would be more concerned with licensing boards for electrical engineers. is just for California but check out the state in which you will be living. I work for an AEC firm and we hire professionals even if they don't have their license yet and assist them in the process for licensure. The first step is apply with an employer, they will tell you at an interview what they will require. Also get started with state licensing proceedures if possible and put this in your resume.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-08-09 10:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDiscrimination
I am the USC and I am more concerned about discimination than my wife who is Mexican. I always want to protect her and make sure she is happy here. We will have our son in October and this to makes me more concerned because I don't want him to experience discrimination either. I hope to teach him that it does not matter what ignorant people think but how he feels about himself.
We have no idea what he will look like, he could be blue eyes and blonde hair or brown eyes and black hair or something in the middle?
Unfortunately illegal immigrants from south of the US border have become a hugh issue and I'm affraid it will only get worse.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-08-16 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMexico VOIP phone numbers

Vonage just came out with an international plan that includes Mexico.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-09-06 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMexico VOIP phone numbers
I found a new service that you can get a local Latin American number and you have unlimited incoming and outgoing calls.

Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-19 20:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMexico VOIP phone numbers
My wife's parents aren't computer literate this is the only reason I haven't tried this. When my wife was there we used internet phones. I was hoping to find a way for people to call us from a land line without having international rates as well as us calling land lines in Mexico without international rates.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-16 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMexico VOIP phone numbers
Has anyone found a VOIP (voice over internet provider) that issues phone numbers for Mexico? I am looking for a way to get a Mexican phone number over the internet so my wife can call her family as if it were a local call. Also her family could call her as if it were a local call. My wife's family is in Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico and currently we use net zero. The rates are 10 cents per minute which isnt too bad but if we could find a provider in Mexico we could get a mexican number and the monthly fee would be all we would have to pay.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-07 12:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWaiting for an appointment in Ciudad Juarez?
This is why we decided to do the K3 instead of the CR1. The CR1 takes much longer, when I called CDJ they told me that if the receive a CR1 from NVC it takes 9 months for an appointment? I dont know if this is true but it is what they told me.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-07-26 21:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed advice with Mexican fiancée
QUOTE (Math Man @ Nov 3 2007, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks to everyone for their helpful replies. After some thought, my fiancée and I have decided to pursue Option 3 described in my original post (i.e., have the civil wedding in Mexico, apply for a K-3 visa, and then have the Catholic wedding in Mexico at a later date--probably in July 2008). I've already highlighted the problem with Option 1 (her parents would kill me if we lived together before the Catholic wedding), and it turns out that Option 2 won't work because you really do need to be married civilly before a priest in Mexico will marry you in the Church (it's the law!).

Talbert--I did have another question for you. You said that it's easier to have a Catholic wedding in the U.S. than in Mexico. How so? I was engaged (but didn't get married) to a different Catholic woman in the past, so I know how much of a hassle it is to get married in the Church in the U.S. Is the process even worse in Mexico?


Yes everything is more difficult in Mexico with theCatholic Church. My wife has been checking into it also for our baby's baptism. The chuch is the US doesn't have near the requirements as they do in Mexico. I would suggest talking with the church here and there to see how the requirements are different.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-11-05 10:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed advice with Mexican fiancée
Fortunately I didn't have that problem but I see your difficulties. We had a civil wedding and then filed for the K3 visa. It only took 6 months. We married in El Paso, TX so the permission in Mexico wasn't needed. My wife and I are going to have a Catolic wedding next summer but in the US because it is much easier in the US than in Mexico. Fortunately my wife's family wasn't too strict about it.
Gaby&TalbertMaleMexico2007-10-31 19:12:00