Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Especially frustrating as I had to do this all a year ago when I got my 10 year green card. Oh well. I can only do so much I guess, the rest is just waiting and hoping.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-15 22:30:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
It costs about $660 if I recall.

I just got a case status update today of a request for evidence. I'm very frustrated right now. The rest of this process has been so simple.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-15 15:47:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
And then if you decide to become a citizen - guess what? You have to get those biometrics done again!

I applied for mine 90 days before my 3 year anniversary of being a permanent resident. Had to pay another fistful of dollars, get biometrics done again, submit proof of marriage AGAIN. I had my citizenship interview last week. I passed my civics test and english test no problem. The problems were that my interview was a week before my 3 years were up so he couldn't make a decision then. But the icing on the cake was that after flipping through my file and muttering things like 'Can't use that', 'Nope', 'Sigh', he told me that he did not have time to review my proof of marriage and he very likely would not approve my application and would ask for more evidence. He didn't know what he would need so I'd have to wait for a letter, which he wouldn't get around to till the end of this week, if he had time.

kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-14 22:51:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
You're welcome Jess!

For the consent I think that a signed statement from him should be sufficient, you may need to get a JP to sign/witness it to make it all official. I did enquire when I was going for my visa a few years back, my situation was very complicated at the time and my son and I decided he'd stay to finish high school, now he's old enough that I didn't need to get consent from his father (who I have no clue how to find). I suggest that you email the consulate and check with them what kind of proof they need. They're really helpful and I'm sure will get back to you with something quickly.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-06-29 01:50:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi Jess, welcome to the NZ part of the forums.

Yes you can do your medical in Christchurch, here is the link to the document that the consulate will send to you once they have received your information. http://travel.state....L-0002-1001.pdf

There are a couple of options there. Unfortunately you will have to pay for yourself and your daughter. My son has just gone through the process for his visa, the medical cost us a total of $360 once the xrays were factored in. I believe that the price can differ depending on the doctor so you may want to enquire with both options.

You usually have about a month between the consulate receiving your package and the interview. It should be plenty of time to get things back to them. I don't recommend sending anything to them till you know that they have received your package. For my son I tracked the package according to the thread in the NVC forum and once it had been received had the police form sent in and the medical scheduled for a day or two later.

Here is the link to the police certificateform http://travel.state....L-0002-0903.pdf the consulate will of course send you this info but you can send it in to them earlier. Make sure that you send it back to the consulate, you cannot apply for this yourself, they must do it. Don't worry too much, they have a pretty streamlined process and you should be fine with everything. If there is anything you are concerned about I suggest that you email the consulate directly, I have several times for both mine and my sons visas and they have been very helpful and prompt in responding. Their email address is

Good luck with everything, if you have any more questions let us know and we'll try and answer what we can. Also make sure to check back and let us know how everything goes!

kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-06-29 00:18:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-06-04 14:56:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
I hear you Dave, it seems like this process goes on forever. Hope the package gets delivered asap!
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-06-02 21:52:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hey all,

Long time no chat! :)

I got my 10 year green card last year, it was all pretty simple, I sent in tax returns, copies of car insurance that we have in both our names, medical insurance and itineraries from a couple of trips we'd taken. No interview, just a biometrics appointment then approval.

My son's IR2 is in process and he has an appt at Auckland consulate in June, I'm a little worried as I can't be there with him, he's 17 so he should be fine, but here's hoping they don't ask him anything tricky! Next month I'm also going to be sending in my citizenship application so by the end of this year I should be all done with this process, forever! Yippee :)

Hope everyone is doing well.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2011-05-26 18:38:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Congrats Emma!

I'm also in California, hope you find some kiwis close by. I was at work last month when I heard a familiar accent and I had to get up and go and ask the startled lady where she was from. Turns out she was from Auckland :) (I work in a public library).

Zeddess it took me a year to find a job, and even then I only have a 20 hour a week job, and I pick up extra hours as I can. Admittedly for a large part of that my search was narrow, I was only applying for librarian jobs as that is what I do, but there wasn't much out there. I started applying for a variety of clerical, receptionist etc and didn't have much luck there, a couple of interviews, but no job. For the first year I relied on temp jobs. I was very lucky that my neighbour was the HR person for the local county and got me on the temp list so I got to work as a receptionist, a tax collector and a PA to the city attorney at various times.

It's tough, but don't lose hope, I started to feel that it must be just me but finding a job is tough for everyone. The best thing I can recommend is trying to get some job experience, no matter what. Failing that try volunteering. I volunteered at the local library, and then they gave me some temp work. I think if I hadn't got that US experience under my belt I wouldn't have got the job I have now.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2010-09-21 13:52:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
In other news, got the email today to say that my removing conditions has gone through and my new greencard is in production.

Was all very simple, I was waiting for an RFE as I didn't think I'd sent in enough evidence but didnt' get that or even a request for an interview.

I sent in copies of the first pages of our tax returns, copies of travel itineraries for trips we'd taken since I moved here, copies of mail sent to me at our home address, envelopes sent to both of us (cards etc), and that's it. We don't have joint bank accounts, I'm not on any of the bills or mortgage. All in all I'm pretty pleased it went so well.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2010-09-14 17:35:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi Carebear,

I can't really recall how long it took, I know that I got the information sheet from them in June and had my interview early July, by which time they'd already got the police cert, so I'd say a couple of weeks. The Auckland Consulate is really good at answering emails and giving you info. If you go to their website there is an email address there, I suggest emailing them directly to ask about timeframe for that.

kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2010-09-14 17:33:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
So I recently emailed the NZ passport office (thanks for the link Kiwiana!) to ask about my expiring passport. The answer was that as far as they are concerned it's valid up to the date of expiry but that the airline who check me in and the border agents can reject at their discretion. So now my dilemma is... 4 months to go, do I try and do it via post, or take the risk that it'll all go smoothly.
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2010-07-29 01:02:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Amaciar - Congrats on the pregnancy! Hope it's a smooth one.

So far I've had my NOA back from USCIS but am now just waiting for a biometrics appt letter. It seems from other posts that they're on a go slow with these. I've also just filled out the I-130 for my son, he's got one year of high school left and I'm hoping I can get him approved for residency then go for my citizenship before he's 18. Hoping to transfer citizenship to him that way. It may not go through in time, and there may be some issues with him being out of the county for school, but I figure I may as well try.

In other news - I'm hoping to go back to NZ for Christmas this year and realised that my passport expires in April 2011. To get a new one now it seems I have to mail a bunch of things to Wellington. I'm considering just trying to fly back with only the 3-4 months left on the passport and then renew while there. Anyone know if there'll be any issues flying out with a nearly expired passport?
kelzmFemaleNew Zealand2010-07-14 10:38:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Hey, been a long time since I popped in here. Hope everyone is well! Sorry to hear about the Father in Law CDNEH.
Been married nearly 2 years now, heading up to the slightly nerve wracking Removal of Conditions filing this year. (Is Genna not having a US job going to effect this in any way?)

I have another question I am hoping someone can answer. Genna's brother is getting married this April, so we are heading back to NZ for a 2 week visit. We never got around to updating Genna's Passport with her married name however. Is this going to cause any problems with her getting back into the USA?

Hi's been an age since I've been on here but thought I might make a start on the next lot of paperwork which is due to be filed in May.....Lifting of Conditions!!

Dave_n_Genna: My passport is still in my before married name too. You just have to make sure your airline ticket is made out to the exact name in your passport and then take the appropriate paperwork with you for re-entry to the, your US marriage certificate and maybe your birth certificate or whatever proves you had the name on the passsport previously. My passport doesn't run out till May 2012. I won't be renewing it till I have to.

For those on here still looking for work....hang on in there. I applied for so many jobs, and I think the bottom line was the fact that I had no US experience, I mean who wants to verify references if you have to contact people out of the country.

Well I'm off to dig out forms and information.....quite a feat for the procrastinator from hell :star:
Kim & ChrisFemaleNew Zealand2011-02-23 15:44:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Paperwork. *ack* You don't suppose if I told them I am over it they'd let me off doing any more??? :lol:

I have a job. Had a second interview the other day, so as of August 2nd I am working for 911. (Not 111...not 111...lather rinse repeat...) It would seem I am too young to bored even my teeth are asleep.

To get that I needed a drivers license. I went and did the written last week, not expecting to have to do the road test. Wrong.
He sent me to the DMV to get a 30 day waiver, and I did the road test this afternoon. Not even around the block..up a side street, around a traffic circle and right back. Meh.

And no one asked me for my NZ license, so ..don't ask don't tell :P

It was kind of funny, I had the Mother in law's brand new Prius..and he was more interested in that then what I was up to :P I am still car shopping :)

Well done on the job!!!! You mentioned it when I saw you but I wasn't sure if it was all go and whether you'd started it or not. :dance: Lemme know which EMS you're working for in case hubby has a turn in the middle of the

And yaaay on the license :star: :thumbs: ....LOL...........did you sit it at the Carmichael Centre? That's where I went. Sat the written, (ie poke...sorry touch screen), and when I went up to get the paperwork from the State Trooper, he said, well done, you passed them all. I said I was pretty nervous as I hadn't had to sit a license test since 1982. He laughed and said I didn't have to do the drive, (something about I'd been driving long enough), and to go to the DMV and get the paperwork sorted. He didn't have to tell me twice.....I high tailed it outta
Kim & ChrisFemaleNew Zealand2010-07-25 12:55:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Kelzm and Amaciar: Keep us all posted on your progress with the removing of conditions.At least three of us will be going through that around May onwards of next year...:huh:

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th July!!:star:

Oh god, the thought of having to dig out the box of bits and start all the paperwork again.....not to mention more $$$$$$........#######!!!! :crying: :wacko: :o

That aside, I hope everyone's 4th was a good one. :star:
Kim & ChrisFemaleNew Zealand2010-07-05 20:59:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Woohoo!! I have my appointment for my biometrics.

12/28/2011 in Charlotte :)
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-12 18:59:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

I've had mail. Not an RFE, but I have to go all the way back to TN for more fingerprints. They say the ones they took last week cannot be processed. :/

Why on earth do you have to go to TN?
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-12 18:31:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Nope, not a word. I still can't stop smiling though :D
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-04 19:21:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

It almost feels too good to be true. It's very strange how things work out. Just last Sunday when we took her to the airport I was inconsolable because I didn't know when I'd see her again. If the little minx had told me then what was going on maybe I wouldn't have needed so many tissues. :blush:
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-04 17:05:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Thanks Guys

I'm ridiculously excited. I thought that's how it might be so I'll go ahead and tell them to start the k1 process.

As you say, we've already been through it so it will be a lot easier, less stressful anyway :)
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-04 12:27:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Ok let's see if this works :whistle:

Hey Guys,

I have a very different type of question. My daughter came over for a 2 month visit from Auckland and met the guy next door, fell in love and now wants to come back as they want to get married (Trying not to smile like a cheshire cat :D )

So my question is this, would it be quicker for me to apply for her as an unmarried daughter over 21 or for her fiance to apply for her k1 visa?

Or can we do both at once and see which one is quicker. It's just that I've been reading that the wait time for unmarried children over 21 can be over a year and sometimes a lot longer, while the k1 for me was quicker, about 7 months.
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-03 19:47:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Well, you can apply early, like I did, but you'll be put under more scrutiny. If you're thinking about applying after 3 years make sure that you have things like joint utility bills or name on the renal/mortgage. Also make sure that you can show a bill for each year you are here. My name isn't on any of the bills and simply getting my name put on one wouldn't be enough, I had to show the three years worth.

ok, thanks, my name's not on the utility bills simply because I was at work when Rob went to have them turned on, but both our names are on the apartment lease.
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-22 04:39:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

If you're thinking of going for citizenship I highly recommend waiting till 5 years is up, rather than using the 3 year marriage rule. If it wasn't for my son I wouldn't have done this as early as I have.

Why wait?
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-21 16:41:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

It costs about $660 if I recall.

I just got a case status update today of a request for evidence. I'm very frustrated right now. The rest of this process has been so simple.

It seems kinda crazy to me to be questioning it all so much now, you'd think they'd ask they hard questions at the beginning of the process, not the end.
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-15 19:25:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

And then if you decide to become a citizen - guess what? You have to get those biometrics done again!

I applied for mine 90 days before my 3 year anniversary of being a permanent resident. Had to pay another fistful of dollars, get biometrics done again, submit proof of marriage AGAIN. I had my citizenship interview last week. I passed my civics test and english test no problem. The problems were that my interview was a week before my 3 years were up so he couldn't make a decision then. But the icing on the cake was that after flipping through my file and muttering things like 'Can't use that', 'Nope', 'Sigh', he told me that he did not have time to review my proof of marriage and he very likely would not approve my application and would ask for more evidence. He didn't know what he would need so I'd have to wait for a letter, which he wouldn't get around to till the end of this week, if he had time.


Geez,that all sounds kinda stupid. How much does citizenship cost?
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-15 04:35:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi Guys,

Yes i'm back here for the same reason, ROC.

I'm confused, I thought we couldn't send in our paperwork until 3 months before our green cards expired.

And I'm sure I had my fingerprints taken when we did the AOS paperwork, do we have to have them taken again?.

And, do they really want $590, I was so sure I had read somewhere that it was $185 but of course last time I looked was probably over a year ago

Thanks for your help again, I know I can get the right answers here :)

Michelle Kauffman (Saunders)
Michelle KauffmanFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-10 08:26:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
the letter just asked for all the same stuff as the initial petition - proof on an ongoing relationship, in the form of shared address and shared assets. my husband managed to get pg&e to put my name on our power bill, and also on our credit card bill (we have joint credit cards but my name doesn't show up on the bill). we're also thinking about taking out a cheap life insurance policy.

i don't know what more we can prove that we didn't already prove in our initial petition.
rubyredMaleNew Zealand2011-11-26 12:42:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
well, i had my biometrics appointment early october, so i assumed my petition was fine and i was just waiting for the new GC, but today i received an RFI :(

i'm worried because we don't have much in both our names, apart from our lease and bank account/credit cards - all the utilities are in my husband's name. i don't understand why they would send me for biometrics first???
rubyredMaleNew Zealand2011-11-25 19:57:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
it really is $590 and we do have get our biometrics done again (no idea why - probably an excuse to charge more money). you can get organised early, but you're not allowed to send in your paperwork till you are within 90 days of your GC expiration date. if you haven't looked at the forms already, they are super easy and quick to fill out, and then you just have to supply a bunch of evidence (joint lease, bank accounts, photos, affidavits).

when they receive your application, they send a notice as a receipt that also grants you a one year extension on your GC, so don't stress if you haven't been approved or don't get your biometrics appointment by the time your conditional GC expires.

rubyredMaleNew Zealand2011-09-10 11:05:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
hi guys, long time no see! i was so fed up with the whole stressful situation over residency that i kind of avoided this place once i got my conditional GC. i was just happy to be done with it! but now it's time for removal of conditions...

so: i just found out today that i was supposed to advise USCIS of any change of address. i had no effing idea!!! there was nothing about that in the paperwork i received with my GC - i knew that prior to receiving the GC i had to keep my current address updated, but i specifically went looking for info regarding this once i had the GC in hand. NOW i get a letter reminding me removal of conditions is coming up - but of course it was sent to my old address, then returned to sender, then sent out to my current address. so i tried to change it online, and whaddayaknow, the stupid USCIS site is useless (surprise!!) - i filled the form out and hit 'signature' and nothing happened. i've tried it a bunch of times, and still nothing. ugh now i have to do it the snail mail way.

ANYWAY we're just beginning to get our RoC packet together - not feeling too stressed, since we have a british friend who just went through it, and they were fine.

we were in canada recently and on the way back into the US the customs officer gave me the HUGEST (and unsolicited) lecture on getting my ###### together and filing for RoC!!! he noticed the expiry date on my GC and felt it his duty to tell me how i should have already got the forms together and sent them off... my GC expires in november, and this was back in may (hello!! you can't file outside of 6 months before the expiry date!!). i mean, for all he knew i COULD have already sent the stuff, but he didn't actually ASK me, he just started lecturing me. what a #######.

ok, end of ranting. hope everyone here is doing well, and my two pieces of advice for those of you just starting out:
1. read these forums like crazy: just spend 30 mins every day browsing different threads. you'll be amazed at how much you pick up. all the stuff you need to know seems overwhelming but it's NOT, you just have to read read read.
2. DON'T BE STRESSED that you won't get your GC: YOU WILL. seriously, if you relationship is genuine, you won't have any problems getting in here. just fill out all the forms carefully, double check everything (twice).
rubyredMaleNew Zealand2011-07-26 23:01:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
if he has his permanent residency card - even if it's conditional - he can still leave the country and reenter no problems.

the only catch is that there is a time limit to how long he can be out of the US. i'm not sure how long it is, you'll have to check, but it's probably something like 180 days. if he's just out of the country for a few weeks, you have nothing to worry about.
rubyredMaleNew Zealand2010-11-18 10:28:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

hi guys, long time no see! i was so fed up with the whole stressful situation over residency that i kind of avoided this place once i got my conditional GC. i was just happy to be done with it! but now it's time for removal of conditions...

so: i just found out today that i was supposed to advise USCIS of any change of address. i had no effing idea!!! there was nothing about that in the paperwork i received with my GC - i knew that prior to receiving the GC i had to keep my current address updated, but i specifically went looking for info regarding this once i had the GC in hand. NOW i get a letter reminding me removal of conditions is coming up - but of course it was sent to my old address, then returned to sender, then sent out to my current address. so i tried to change it online, and whaddayaknow, the stupid USCIS site is useless (surprise!!) - i filled the form out and hit 'signature' and nothing happened. i've tried it a bunch of times, and still nothing. ugh now i have to do it the snail mail way.

ANYWAY we're just beginning to get our RoC packet together - not feeling too stressed, since we have a british friend who just went through it, and they were fine.

we were in canada recently and on the way back into the US the customs officer gave me the HUGEST (and unsolicited) lecture on getting my ###### together and filing for RoC!!! he noticed the expiry date on my GC and felt it his duty to tell me how i should have already got the forms together and sent them off... my GC expires in november, and this was back in may (hello!! you can't file outside of 6 months before the expiry date!!). i mean, for all he knew i COULD have already sent the stuff, but he didn't actually ASK me, he just started lecturing me. what a #######.

ok, end of ranting. hope everyone here is doing well, and my two pieces of advice for those of you just starting out:
1. read these forums like crazy: just spend 30 mins every day browsing different threads. you'll be amazed at how much you pick up. all the stuff you need to know seems overwhelming but it's NOT, you just have to read read read.
2. DON'T BE STRESSED that you won't get your GC: YOU WILL. seriously, if you relationship is genuine, you won't have any problems getting in here. just fill out all the forms carefully, double check everything (twice).

Hey Ruby, You can call the USCIS to notify them of an address change. That may be the best way to go for you.
We sent in our RoC and went for the Biometrics (had to miss a day of work and so lost like $200, and then the woman had such trouble taking the fingerprints that it really makes me wonder how she does it for a living!)
Now just waiting for them to remove the conditions already so we can get on with our happy lives together. I can't wait for this stage to be over, and just stop thinking about immigration.

Do we have to continue to contact the USCIS with our new addresses even after receiving the 10 year GC?

Edited by Dave_n_Genna, 27 July 2011 - 12:44 AM.

Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-07-27 00:42:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

I hear you Dave, it seems like this process goes on forever. Hope the package gets delivered asap!

It Arrived there today! All the tracking was updated at once.
Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-06-02 22:48:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

I'm sorry you are going through this nerve wracking time of not knowing what has happened to your package. When you paid for delivery confirmation did you have to fill out a green card and put your name and address etc on it? If you did, then they will mail the card back to you when the package is delivered and signed for.. so you may not get the card back until maybe three days after the package was signed for... How many days ago did you send the package? It says on their website that it can take up to three days for the package to arrive via priority mail.

I hope you get an update on your package soon.

We mailed it last Friday. The USPS website lets me check on the status of the Confirmation by inputing the number. So far it just says it passed through a sort facility and is heading to the destination. Its very frustrating. I'm sure it will all work out, but I paid for the confirmation to not have stress, and instead its causing more stress.

I really can't wait till this last bit of immigration business is over and Genna and I can just be left alone to live happy together.
Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-06-02 00:30:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
I'm pretty frustrated with the US Postal Service right now. We sent away our RoC via Priority Mail. Paid extra for Delivery Confirmation. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, and the Tracking still says it "on route to destination." Which means either some loser didnt do his job and scan the package when it arrived for the delivery confirmation, OR it actually hasnt arrived yet despite the fact I sent it Priority. Its fairly nerve-wracking.
Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-06-01 22:10:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Just checking in ..again...I am thinking with lifting conditions coming up for a group of us..somebody will come a lookin :yes:

Genna and I are sending in her Lifting Conditions package this week. It really didn't take us long to put together.
We are sending 2 Friend Affidavits, 1 rental Affidavit instead of a lease, 2 years tax returns, mutual credit cards, 2 years joint checking account statements, 2 years of Health, Life, and Dental insurance records, some dental bills for Genna paid by our insurance, and about 8 pictures spanning 2 years.
Hopefully this is enough! :)
Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-05-23 07:07:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Has anyone gone through the Removing Conditions process?
We are married and have nothing to hide, so I am not too worried about it. Should I be?
It looks straightforward and easy. We don't have a ton of evidence, but we have Tax Returns, Wedding Photos, Insurance, Credit Cards, Bank Account, Dental bills with Address, and Life Insurance. Will these be enough?
Any advice or help is appreciated.
Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-03-15 22:46:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hey, been a long time since I popped in here. Hope everyone is well! Sorry to hear about the Father in Law CDNEH.
Been married nearly 2 years now, heading up to the slightly nerve wracking Removal of Conditions filing this year. (Is Genna not having a US job going to effect this in any way?)

I have another question I am hoping someone can answer. Genna's brother is getting married this April, so we are heading back to NZ for a 2 week visit. We never got around to updating Genna's Passport with her married name however. Is this going to cause any problems with her getting back into the USA?

Edited by Dave_n_Genna, 08 January 2011 - 05:05 PM.

Dave_n_GennaNot TellingNew Zealand2011-01-08 17:01:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hello to anyone on this board I am in DESPERATE NEED OF HELP! My husband left the country and I don't know if he will be allowed back in. He has a green card and we are supposed to get the conditions removed next year, 2 years from when we were married. WILL HE BE ALLOWED BACK IN? PLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO

Thanks kelzm and kiwiana, it's such a relief to know that it's not just me! I started looking early August just to get a head-start and I swear I must have replied to about 50 postings by now and have only heard back from two, I'm thinking it's probably not having any US work experience. Something I've noticed is that the US is fairly intense about the application/interview process here. I used to be a legal secretary for about 5 years without a degree so I'm just applying for any sort of office clerk job, even applying for jobs at the mall. My husband's still in college so I need to find something asap, I'll see how I go with volunteering somewhere or trying a temping agency. Thanks for the advice!

LisaandtimNot TellingNew Zealand2010-11-18 02:18:00