Asia: SouthMarch Interviews
Awesome, garamchai. I look forward to reading a detailed interview review.

I have to ask--what did you submit to VFS?

Congratulations, once again! :)
sachinkyFemaleIndia3/2/2010 11:47
Asia: SouthMarch Interviews
Good luck, guys. :)
sachinkyFemaleIndia2/10/2010 22:34
Asia: SouthSubmission of documents to VFS before the interview? Or ok to submit on date of inteview?
Thanks for sharing.

So it's definitely NOT mandatory. Good to know.
sachinkyFemaleIndia3/18/2010 9:49
Asia: SouthSubmission of documents to VFS before the interview? Or ok to submit on date of inteview?
I say do it, because it gives the consulate some additional time to review the documents.

Edited by sachinky, 03 February 2010 - 02:10 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia2/3/2010 2:10
Asia: SouthMailing documents directly to Consulate
Thanks for replying.

I called and asked Mumbai IV unit this question earlier. They said no as well. No email or fax either.

They said if any additional documents are required, I will be issued a slip and then I can mail those documents with the slip directly. Doesn't make sense to me, but whatever.

My joint sponsor is unwilling to give his documents to me. Unless he does, I can't give it to VFS to forward it to the Consulate. He said he will only give it if there is some official link or confirmation that such a thing is required/recommended. Because we went through NVC, he thinks the Consulate will not ask for anything else and that I'm being overly paranoid and asking for unnecessary paperwork.

I'm stressing now. GAH. :devil:

Edited by sachinky, 30 March 2010 - 11:39 AM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia3/30/2010 11:36
Asia: SouthMailing documents directly to Consulate
Question--Is it possible to mail documents directly to the Consulate from the U.S.A?

My joint sponsor is refusing to send me a copy of his AOS package citing privacy concerns. He is however, willing to mail it directly to the Consulate. Is this possible? My interview is on May 12 at the Mumbai consulate.

While I assume the Consulate will have the rest of his documents as we went through NVC and our case was successfully processed by them, I'm concerned about the 2009 taxes. I understand that post-April 15, consulates will most definitely be asking for them. I really don't to leave anything to chance at this late hour.

Could he email/fax it to them at least? Anybody have any advice/opinion regarding this?
sachinkyFemaleIndia3/29/2010 13:20
Asia: SouthIR1/CRI interviews for May in Chennai?
Oops. Double post.

Edited by sachinky, 30 March 2010 - 12:48 PM.

sachinkyFemaleIndia3/30/2010 12:45
Asia: SouthIR1/CRI interviews for May in Chennai?
A K-1 guy just got his scheduled for April 27, so maybe Chennai is still free?
sachinkyFemaleIndia3/30/2010 12:43
Asia: SouthSubmission of documents to VFS before the interview? Or ok to submit on date of inteview?
i agree with everyone previously posted. it is most beneficial to submit before the interview to give the consular time to review the documents. would save from getting the 221g as a lot of COs will not look at additional documentation presented at the interview itself.
Twisted KFemaleIndia2/2/2010 23:17
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
Sorry I'm not from India, but I found this. Have you ever read this information?

Renewal of Passport or New Passport
Yurika & JimFemaleJapan3/13/2010 15:55
Asia: SouthI have some questions regarding getting married
There are a few things to look for before you get married in another country.

--Marrying in Morocco means, your husband's interview for k-3 will be done in Morocco, given you do apply for k-3
--You can apply for CR-1 in which interview would be in Pakistan.
--According to Pakistani culture and norms CO might have his/her suspicion about you NOT meeting with the family of your husband, unless they are also going to travel with him to Morocco. If not then be ready for added scrutiny.

I personally would suggest you going to Pakistan and meeting with his family, that will show family approval and also you will get a first hand idea about the life in Pakistan. You don't have to marry in Pakistan, you can do the engagement ceremony and file for k-1.
trinketFemaleIndia1/13/2010 10:31
Asia: SouthMailing documents directly to Consulate
I doubt mailing to the consulate will be successful. Consulate doesn't take anything directly, they however do go through VFS. So your best bet is to call VFS Calcutta or Mumbai and ask them if they can accept a mailing package on behalf of your case number.
trinketFemaleIndia3/30/2010 11:13
Asia: SouthFrustrated - K3 Interview this Friday, and still no Passport Clearance!
How long have they had the passport so far? Sounds terrible, I'm so sorry. :crying: I hope she gets it soon. Since she went with her uncle and already offered financial incentives, I don't see what else can be done. :(

My husband lived in Hyd for two years but because he did not have proof of residence, they refused to give him a PCC. He got one from the passport office in Visakhapatnam (where his passport was issued, though he never lived there!) and one from local police station in his village in E.G Dist. Both places only kept his passport for less than 24 hours (after paying a "processing fee" bribe to some officer there). Luckily the Consulate didn't ask him about a Hyd PCC even though he lived there - they sound like real !!!#%!! :ranting:
ELWFemaleIndia1/25/2010 22:14
Asia: SouthFrustrated - K3 Interview this Friday, and still no Passport Clearance!
As sachinky said, I would email the Chennai Consulate giving your case number details and asking them to confirm your interview date and time.

Then, I would go in person to the Hyderabad passport office with the interview letter, requesting them to expedite the process and give your passport back (perhaps with the encouragement of a "fee"?).

If you don't get the passport back, I guess I would try going in to the interview with just a passport copy. Did you get a paper from the passport office saying they have your passport? You could show that, too.

Good Luck! :thumbs:
ELWFemaleIndia1/18/2010 11:58
Asia: SouthSubmission of documents to VFS before the interview? Or ok to submit on date of inteview?
We went through Chennai, you really need to submit everything before the interview. It will only help you to do so, because they review the paperwork beforehand. I know it is a bother but it is WORTH IT. :yes:
ELWFemaleIndia2/2/2010 22:00
Asia: SouthApril Interviews
I would also recommend getting in whatever documents you have ready to VFS 10 days before the interview as suggested by the Consulate. We gave practically everything to VFS, including the medical, and got approved immediately. :yes:
ELWFemaleIndia3/31/2010 11:48
you better not be a packer's fan
rsnMaleThailand2/3/2010 22:13
Asia: Southa bit of help please
:) Voted
DanielParulNot Telling03/8/2010 13:04
Asia: SouthNeed Urgent feedback please - Should I be present for the interview with the beneficiary?
Daniel and I went for my interview together since we did not want to take any chances and we were right, they tried to force a 221g on us and had to take it back when they found out he was there and their reason for giving me one was rediculous. I asked the Consulate if he will be allowed at the interview, they said exactly the same thing they told you. However, since it is the US Consulate and you are a Citizen, they cannot stop you from entering as long as you show them your passport. They will most probably not allow you at the interview and you will be waiting in the waiting area. Just being there in case any thing goes wrong is a big enough reason to go IMO. If she gets the visa, then taking her family's blessings together before she comes here with you is another biggie. All the best.
DanielParulNot Telling03/8/2010 11:15
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
You will renew your passport and they will send you a new one with a new passport number. You will attach you new passport to the back of the old one and keep both of them together. Thats how my old expired passport was renewed. I still carry both of them attached together.
DanielParulNot Telling03/15/2010 12:23
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Confusion-India,Pleas help

Edited by DanielParul, 24 March 2010 - 12:43 PM.

DanielParulNot Telling03/24/2010 12:43
Asia: SouthI have some questions regarding getting married
I married my husband at his home in Pakistan. It was very easy to get married in Pakistan. Everything was in Urdu and I didn't understand a word but it was beautiful to me just the same. As soon as possible we had the marriage papers translated into English. Make sure you hire someone to take pictures no matter where you marry to show at the Embassy.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan1/12/2010 19:10
Asia: SouthTax question related to IRS and interest earned from a Bank in India

Generally, if you earn interest in a savings bank in India (e.g an NRO account), we have to include that interest as income in our US tax return - that is a given.
However, if you have already paid tax on that interest in Inida (i.e. deducted at source by the Indian Bank), do we have to still include that as icome in our IRS return? My guess is yes, but I just want to make sure.

Any suggestions, pointers.

Yes, as long as your a USC I would include the interest as far as what I know from experience.

Starlight95Not TellingIndia3/7/2010 15:21
Asia: SouthNeed Urgent feedback please - Should I be present for the interview with the beneficiary?

My fiancee has received her interview date end of this month at New Delhi. Ours is a second-time (refiled) K-1 petition. The first K-1 was refused last year (after being in AP for several months) as the CO was not convinced about our relationship. Since then I had visited India and spent several weeks with my fiancee and her family. We have addressed and made up for any deficiencies that may have been there in our first petition -- our refiled I-129F petition was over 3.5 pounds with tons of photos and documents, bills, affidavits etc. etc.

My question is:
Since New Delhi is a high risk (high fraud) consulate, I had emailed the embassy about my willingness to travel to Delhi and be present for the interview along with the beneficiary. Their reply says that due to a large volume of visa applications they receive, they will not be able to meet with any one else other than the beneficiary.
What should I do?
Many have suggested the importance of being there for the interview with your beneficiary especially at New Delhi consulate, but how does it help if they do not let me in or don't talk to me.
Any suggestions please?

We went through Ho Chi Minh Vietnam consulate (also suspected of high fraud). I was present but could not go in either, but I gave my finacee my passport and told her to carry it in her hand and keep it visible. During the interview the CO saw it and asked who's it was. She replied "it's my fiance". The CO replied - OH he is here, may I see it. He then took my passport and looked at it and smiled. (It happened to be that this was my 4th visit in 2009). Not sure that it had any bearing on the decision (the pink slip was already visible under the CO's folder). It certainly cannot hurt to be there. Plus it was a great vacation and wonderful to spend the time with her and her family and friends (I was very lucky to have been able to be there for 6 weeks).

The fact that you have addressed the previous deficiencies and visited again goes a long way (even though they are not deficiencies in our eyes, its the CO who has to be satisfied). The more visits the better.

Bernie CMaleVietnam3/5/2010 8:18
Asia: Southa bit of help please
Parul.. YOU ROCK.. thanks for the VOTE.. they are now only 5 votes from a tie.. they have a week left of voting... if you can remember to go on each day and cast a vote.. it would help alot thanks..

WOW.. the baby is sooooo grown up... dang.. where did the time go... .. It has been 9 months since I left Janak... still think of my friends here on VJ often....... Hugs to you and your family...
JanaknJanetFemaleIndia3/8/2010 13:37
Asia: Southa bit of help please
Hi All.. many of those that are here may not remember me.. but those who do.. I am requesting a bit of help..
I figured . where else can I get some strong willed people to jump in..
Here is the thing.
My daughters friend is in this contest.. to win based on ACTUAL Honeymoon trips.. when she was tied in the lead the Site dumped all peoples Points EXCEPT for the one that is in current lead... This couple isnt even MARRIED... and that is what the contest is based on..

LONG STORY SHORT... family and friends have rallied.. gotten her points back to where they should be.. .. she is currently in second place.. with less than 50 points from top....

CAN YOU PLEASE DO A SIMPLE.. TWO CLICK... first on to click the site.. Tahoe honeymoon and then second click.. just below the photo of the map is where you vote...
THIS IS NOT SCAM.. just simply two wonderful kids in a contest that got shafted... and .. of course.. Martha Stewart is heading it.. and wont stand by the error... so .. to do one for the little guy.... please VOTE... .

thanks.. everyone..
JanaknJanetFemaleIndia3/8/2010 12:25
Asia: SouthI have some questions regarding getting married

I would say either get married in Pakistan or USA. The best thing to do is get married in the country , from where the person is going to immigrate to the USA.... Pak to USA visa is tough but if u can marry in Pakistan and then apply for CR/IR visa it would be the best. It will take more than a year but its good.

Just my personal thought

JigiMaleIndia2/23/2010 19:00
Asia: SouthPolice Clearance Mumbai
hi Johnny,

Its better you apply for stuff by yourself rather than handling your important stuff to some creepy agent... and its not that tough job when we can read and write... we just have to fill out a Misc form no. 2 and mention PCC for USA .... on the top ... attach the documents listen on the website . The thanne passport office is open from 10 am to 12 noon... just for 2 hours from monday to friday. You have to submit your original passport with it. When I had gone...... agents who were applying were thrown out .. and they are really severe.... best of luck... once you apply.. you get receipt from them mentioning what you applied fr ... and you have to pay 300 Rs. cash........ You can download the form.. fill out .. attach the documents... and keep ur passport with ready... with the fees and just stand thier in line at 9 am sharp.... so your number will be first.... as soon as the open.. you will be done in 5 minutes....

I hope this helps

The passport with a PCC will be back to your home in 7 working days

JigiMaleIndia2/12/2008 11:06
Asia: SouthPolice Clearance Mumbai

Below is my MEDICAL EXPERIENCE link in Mumbai.


As for the PCC.... from the passport office....... you can apply it straight away..... its valid for 6 months.

As for the PCC from the Local police station or commissioner's office you can give them a written application... with your 3 photos plus ... your light bill, pan card copy... passsport copy...... driving license copy{optional}. I was not asked if i had the interview leter with me. I just mentioned I need it for USA visa.

Request them for a PCC in english... in alll the expenses take 1000. and the process takes 10 days to complete.


JigiMaleIndia2/6/2008 12:02
Asia: SouthMarch Interviews
Congrulations to all.... :dance: :dance:
BaniFemaleIndia3/11/2010 10:34
Asia: SouthAny nice mild climate honeymoon spots in India?
Yes, Munnar in Kerala is very beautiful... My husband's friend went for their honeymoon.... I saw the pictures... Really good... Check it out..
BaniFemaleIndia3/26/2010 10:35

You should try a group called Married to India..... They have ppl from all around...
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2/3/2010 22:22
Asia: Southco-sponsorship Question for Mumbai Consulate

I don't know for certain, but I do know an immediate relative such as parents or brother/sisters are preferred for the joint sponsor on the I134.

Oh hey thanks Sachinky for your answer.I think I will double-check and wait for some more VJers to reply,if not I will check with the consulate,
But his father being our co-sponsor should keep us in the safer side I think.

JohnAnweshaFemaleIndia3/9/2010 3:54
Asia: Southco-sponsorship Question for Mumbai Consulate
Hi everyone,
We just got our NOA2,about a week back for our K-1 fiance process.I will be going through the Mumbai consulate in hopefully a month or two.
My fiance lost his job recently and has since then not had luck finding one.His father is our co-sponsor.We did send a mail to the Mumbai consulate asking if they accepted co-sponsors and they said yes,but can someone with any experience tell me if they also accept co-sponsorship for I-134?or is just the other I-864 something?(sorry if I have the name of the form wrong)

Help will be greatly appreciated.(I did try calling,but havent got through,so thought of asking on here as well)

JohnAnweshaFemaleIndia3/9/2010 2:06
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Confusion-India,Pleas help
I had a question about the packet 3 that Mumbai consulate sends.So they asked me to go ahead download the forms and scan and send them the paper-work,since I have been waiting for a long time for it to reach me.

I had a question about the checklist which we need to send back right away.
Do we check against all those forms,which we we will only taking to the interview stage also?Or just against those that make sense at this point?Like do I need to check against 'Medical report'?Even though I do not have it now,I will eventually get it fixed before the interview ,so what should I do now?
And towards the end of the checklist,it says enclosed are the following:
DS-230 part-1
Photo Instructions
Affidavit of Support-I-134

But I thought I needed to only send them back the DS-2001 and the checklist right away?Am I wrong?
Also, I do sign the DS-2001 right?Or do I do it on the day of the interview?Has anyone sent their forms in advance of receiving the packet 3(with their due permission)?
Please help me guys!

JohnAnweshaFemaleIndia3/24/2010 1:20
Asia: SouthAverage time between packet 3 and Interview
Hi ,
I had a question for everyone who were going to Mumbai for their K-1 visa interviews.Currently am waiting on packet 4 and on an interview date being assigned.I turned in my packet 3 on 24th.So what is the average time of wait between sending in packet 3 and getting an interview date?

Thanks !

JohnAnweshaFemaleIndia3/29/2010 4:55
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
DanielParul ? anyone ? I am hurrying as my passport shd be expiring mid april. Thanks.
christera22FemaleIndia3/17/2010 11:39
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
Thanks DanielParul for the reply. I have some queries if you can help me in this regard :
a)Did you combine the $40 fee + $20 for Express Mail or $10 for Priority mail together ?
b) I saw that amongst the requirements there is a Nationality Status Verification Form to be filled. Did you fill it ?
c) If yes, then we dnt want my spouse`s name to be in my passport ? so shd i write N/A in the verification form ?
d) what kind of proofs did you show as proof of residence ?
e) on the online application form what did you choose 'Reissue of passport' ?
f)What about the appointment date ? I am in way i can go to NY now...any idea ?
g) On the passport form , what should be the 'Address to be Printed in Passport' ? Obviously it should be my India address...right ? and whats other address ?

I wd appreciate of you can throw some light on my queries. Thanks
christera22FemaleIndia3/16/2010 2:03
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
in this link
indian passport renewal

it says
"Application for a new passport has to be made when the applicant's old passport has completed 10 years (Final or F). The Application for a new passport can be made within 12 months before the expiry of the passport."

so if i apply now will it be ok as my passport expires mid of april ?

any clues ? i am trying to contact the embassy without any results.

christera22FemaleIndia3/15/2010 1:27
Asia: SouthPassport Renewal or New passport
Hi all,
i dnt know this is the right forum to post or not. As my topic heading says i am looking for some answers to my passport enquiry. I am here in USA and my passport is expiring on last week of april,10. Now i contacted Indian Embassy , New york and no one ever called me back. I am confused that should i go for renewal of passport or new passport.

all helps would be much appreciated. Thanks. :huh: :huh:
christera22FemaleIndia3/13/2010 14:26