K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Richard-Joanna @ Aug 7 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Holy Hot Sauce, Fireman!

I just got lunch off a street vendor out front.... some sort of Indian Chicken and Rice... OMG is it HOT!! my face is on fire!!! But its yummy devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif

Richard, I am growing 7 varieties of chile peppers this summer (sometimes it is as much as 12 varieties), so I *like* it HOT. If my lips are swollen, my nose is running and I am sweating, I am pretty happy. Only one time have I had a serious problem. That was with the "flatliner" boneless wings at Buffalo Wing Factory (in Chantilly, VA). The morning *after* eating a whole order (of 10), I woke up, and it was literally like there was a nuclear meltdown in my stomach. I literally was emanating heat from my stomach!
Dave & JennyMalePhilippines2009-08-07 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Richard-Joanna @ Aug 7 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dave & Jenny @ Aug 7 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yipee! I talked to Jenny this morning - she finished her medical and passed! good.gif I'm not surprise, but relieved to have one more potential hurdle behind us!

Now it is waiting for Monday...

DAVE!!! wonderful news.... and yes, it is nice to get things behind you so you can go forward!!

When do you think she will be stateside?

I have my plane ticket on hold...if all goes well, she will arrive with me into Hawaii on Sept 13... smile.gif

Dave & JennyMalePhilippines2009-08-07 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
Yipee! I talked to Jenny this morning - she finished her medical and passed! good.gif I'm not surprise, but relieved to have one more potential hurdle behind us!

Now it is waiting for Monday...
Dave & JennyMalePhilippines2009-08-07 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (IgorK @ Aug 6 2009, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lee b @ Aug 6 2009, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love IKEA as well. I got my bedroom set there and a lot of the knick knacks in my hose are from there too. I don't have many pictures on the walls though and apparently thats what makes my house look empty according to Oksana. I told her that is going to be her job when she first gets here. That way she'll have something to do while we wait for work authorization. Since I have directv w I am going to get the Russian channels for her to avoid homesickness. WHat are you guys doing to combat homesickness for your SO?

Lee, take my word for it: avoid RU tv at all costs. It is disgusting rubbish that is made in the US under "RU TV" idea. Has little to do with actual RU tv and it is just pathetic! If I were you, get her some spectacular channels like Discovery and likes.

QUOTE (gatoula_tou @ Aug 6 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lizandpat @ Aug 6 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gatoula_tou @ Aug 6 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm actually starting to feel fortunate that we don't have any household items or things of our own yet! We each have a laptop to our name and loads of cds.. that's about it! It will be great to look for the apartment together and pick out little household things like couches and dishware.. It's so exciting to think about! I think Craigslist will be a wonderful investment of our time for the first few months.. hehe.

Craigslist is a great resource!!! And I've heard IKEA is a good place as well!

Ooo IKEA is nice too, lots of fun and affordable furniture. IKEA from craigslist would be ideal.. happy.gif Seattle is a big college and to be honest... tree hugger environment.. there will be lots of things to choose from on used-but-new-to-me furniture.

Do not get anything from IKEA! Their stuff is JUNK! Hit your local craigslist and keep your eyes open for yard sales/estate sales. You can scoop out really good furniture for best to nothing. My family's friends got all of their antique furniture from yard sales. It will last and outlast your kids, but do not buy stuff from ikea!!!

Well, I would not agree with that entirely. *Some of their most basic stuff is pretty much junk, but some of their stuff is rock solid too...
Dave & JennyMalePhilippines2009-08-06 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
QUOTE (Maire @ Aug 6 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (D_n_M @ Aug 6 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have not talked about the details...we will talk tonight on skype. I will get the scoop for you then!

please do...and let me know what questions did they ask..i wanna prepare myself ...


Here are a couple links with interview questions:

The second link has a list of questions that is crazy long and some very unlikely to be asked...
Dave & JennyMalePhilippines2009-08-06 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 - I'm so excited!
good.gif CONGRATS!! WHooooooo HOOO! wow.gif
Cool_TogetherFemalePakistan2009-07-28 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgot the email 10 minutes ago...approved
WHOOO HOOO! luv.gif How wonderful!!! biggrin.gif
Cool_TogetherFemalePakistan2009-09-04 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Michele, what you view as hostility is nothing of the sort. I pretty much told everyone how my battle with Immigration turned out and I was basically told to screw off. I could actually give you some avenues to go down to assist you, but I have seen that it will not help. So now I am merely amusing myself by the way some people on this thread have chosen to ignore those with experience rather than question them on why they feel it is a waste of time. If you don't like it I honestly don't care, but I am still waiting to see if someone has something to say that will actually work. So far nothing. But I will stay as long as I desire, so you will have to deal with it.

Now rather than waste your time worrying about me why don't you write some letters and get the government fixed?

QUOTE (usagroom @ Jul 24 2009, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Michele R @ Jul 24 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
come and put your stinky little turds and wet blankets on the table and then circle the table on your moral high horse, snorting and whining in a "nana nana boo boo" sort of way.

Okay but do the stinky little turds go on top of, underneath, or in between the wet blankets? rofl.gif

Can't they be all of the above? innocent.gif

Gotta love the visuals - we've got the stinky little turds everywhere :-), everytime the table is cleared we get a fresh new pile.

Back to morocco forever - I will repeat the questions I put on the table:

Do you have any facts (not opinions) as to why inequitieis between the CSC and VSC develop from time to time and what may be done to improve the service?
Do you know of other people that have tried to deal with this particular issue in the past? If so, what happened or didn't happen?
Did anyone in your support group submit a FOIA to get information about this issue - did it actually result in any information pertinent to this topic?
Do you know of ways to approcah our Senators that are particulalry effective regarding this inequity?

I have alrady written my first round of letters and am trying to put together an approach that might get more attention, using my personal political connections. However to do this, I need to deal with facts and constructive solutions (not a long list of bad stories). So far you have not offered any regarding the CSC/VSC issue.

As far as "so you will have to deal with it" please understand that I love your meaningless replies - my favorite movie is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - and so to me this back and forth is sheer comedy. I still wonder, however, why someone who has already gone through this nightmare would come back and get in pissing matches with newbies? One of life's little mysteries I suppose.

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (estadia @ Jul 24 2009, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
from what i have seen in two years, the ombudsmen does not have the power to do anything he can inquire about a case but he holds no real power

if u have aggressive congressman or senators they seem to be able to get more done than ombudsmen.

the point is really it is not in the best interest of any servicer center to fix a broken system.

they are accountable only to them self.

u can think they are much like the FBI and CIA above the law and only accountable with in its own agency.

just my opinion after fighting this system for two years


hi sara - thanks for the input, in your experience, at what point will the senator take on your case/issue?
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (EasternDE @ Jul 24 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not going to read through this entire thread. But I would like to take a moment to address that there are some that feel that we can actually make a difference. Let me give you a brief story of our journey.

I married in Morocco in Oct of 04. We filed for the CR1 in December of 04. My husbands interview was in Aug of 05. Sounds good so far, right? He was denied, as were many others here on VJ from the same consulate. We fought like He!!. Wrote letters, phone calls, emails, you name it we did it. Did anything in the process change? No. Do we wish this He!! on anyone else? No. Bottom line is you're banging your head against the wall. The system sucks, but we wasted our time and effort on methods that didn't work. The people that have the ability to change it, and that isn't us the little people, see this process in a different light that we do. They are trying to weed out the fraud. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to us, but they see the entire picture that we don't.

My husband finally got his visa in Dec of 06. And that was considered speedy for a returned petition. I know someone that had their interview a month before ours and her husband just got here last month. So I guess I get a little annoyed that there are those that are whining about their normal process taking a few extra months when I see that there are those that waited years with less complaints.

This is the process that is set in place. You have 2 choices here. Follow the process as is laid out by the USCIS/DOS or move to your fiance/spouse's country. I guess you will call me heartless because I have my husband here now. But the truth is that my spirit is broken because of this system. Post back here after you have fought the same battle that we have. Let's see if you have the same high hopes that you can make a difference.

That's the typical "journey" if you want to bring your foreign spouse to France.
Actually 2 years and only 2 applications would even be lucky. Your visa request is usually denied 2 or 3 times before it -may- be approved. It's very common that one single visa process lasts more than 2 years.
Whoever takes care of your file has the entire right to deny your case without any reason. They usually say "secret government reason". You can't appeal. You can only try again, and spend the fee again, and I think there's even a delay before you can!
And after you get approved, you'll have to deal with the immigration services more than 10 years before you get a permanent residency card... Residency card that you'll have to renew after one year at first, then 3 years then 5, and so on. It's a neverending story.
Emmigration process in France are nothing like in the US, no nice site with online updates. You have to go to their office for real and do hours and hours of queues...
There's no clear rules, any agent can ask you any document any time and ask you to come back.
It's so broken and so slow that many times, people can get a one year visa that will expire in two weeks. (I've seen it through my own eyes)
And for sure, no nice brochure "Welcome to France"...

Whoever said that immigration procedures are much easier in Europe is very wrong...
Most of Europe is totally closed to any kind of immigration. France is "fighting" against family immigration because it represents 80% of our immigration right now...!

Unfortunatly, I know what you've been through. And I really know how it can break your spirit as you said.
I did fight against my own system for 3 years, and I finally gave up. It broke our couple. During those 3 years, I never had any justification, no explanation, just denial of everything we could try.
I actually never thought I could do this again... but when I see USCIS rules and process, it conforts me. It's nothing like what I've seen in my own country.

Of course, it has little failures like any system, but for the most cases, everything just go fine.

The entire world is into a "closing walls" process, I highly doubt this is going to get better anytime soon.
For now, I just feel VERY lucky I can hope to be with my american monkey within a year.


QUOTE (Michele R @ Jul 24 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As far as wisdom and guidance - Moroccoforever didn't even fill out a K-1 or provide any insight as to why there is a major discrepancy between the centers - which is what this thread is about. She seems to have had a bad experience with a consulate, which is unfortunate, but also off topic.

You base this on one paragraph of my experience? I did file the I-129F. They lost it. I went rounds with the USCIS with that one as well. Not to mention that a returned petition goes back to the USCIS for review. So to say that my bad experience was only with the consulate is not only erroneous, but shows how little you know about this process.

But by all means don't listen to those that have been through this process. I am just so excited to hear how all of you are going to show the government how it is done. rofl.gif So far I haven't seen much.

I really don't understand your hostility - or the other people like you in this thread. It is actually a very amusing to see you all come and put your stinky little turds (as one person wrote earlier) and wet blankets on the table and then circle the table on your moral high horse, snorting and whining.

Question - If there are newbies that want to try and take action what difference is it to you - why continue to comment without actually saying anything pertinent to this topic? BTW - the topic is the current inequity between the CSC and the VSC. I have seen nonething constructive in what you are postiing and am not quite sure what the point of your involvement in this thread is, other than to get attention.

Right now, what would be helpful is facts (not opinions) as to why these inequitieis develop from time to time and what may be done to improve the service. Do you have any facts? Do you know of other people that have tried to deal with this particular issue in the past? If so, what happened or didn't happen? Did anyone in your support group submit a FOIA to get information about this issue - did it actually result in any information pertinent to this topic? Do you know of ways to approcah our Senators that are particulalry effective regarding this inequity?

If you don't have any real input, however, please continue to air your grievences and hostilities towards us or the system, we are certainly a captive audience and I find all of your responses childishly amusing in a "nana nana boo boo" sort of way.

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (Tinkerbell TX @ Jul 24 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think it's entirely necessary to file an FOIA to understand why the only 2 processing centers go at different speeds. Seems quite straight forward to center is currently receiving more items to process than the other or those items being processed need more hands-on than normal (for example perhaps more RFE's are being sent out). At any rate, I still haven't seen anyone post their suggestions about how to make the system work more efficiently.......except for those who have added their experiences here. They give us tons of guidance on how to file the forms, what information is required, they answer our stupid questions, all so that our Visa experience goes smoother and quicker than theirs did. So, how about a little respect for those "old VJ'ers and some respect for the (I'm sure) overworked USCIS processors.

I have never bashed the USCIS workers - nor do I intend to. As far as wisdom and guidance - Moroccoforever didn't even fill out a K-1 or provide any insight as to why there is a major discrepancy between the centers - which is what this thread is about. She seems to have had a bad experience with a consulate, which is unfortunate, but also off topic.

RE the FOIA, hopefully things are as straightforward as you suspect regarding these centers - but if it were, this is a problem that isn't too difficult to solve (send some files over the the less inundated center when the discrepancy gets to be more than two months different) and I am not sure why it persists year after year. The reason I am asking about the FOIA is to avoid filing one if someone already has the answer from them. I think it may be possible to get farther with the Ombudsman if one's letter included some real solutions on how things could work better. I am going to approach my old MBA operations professor with the facts (if I can find them, not the "facts" that Moroccoforever refers to or the collection of bad experiences everyone posts here) and see what he has to say. My grad school, which was international, dealt with this issue all of the time and may be interested in working on coming up with a constructive solution for evening out workloads.
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (daboyz @ Jul 24 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Jul 24 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not going to read through this entire thread. But I would like to take a moment to address that there are some that feel that we can actually make a difference. Let me give you a brief story of our journey.

I married in Morocco in Oct of 04. We filed for the CR1 in December of 04. My husbands interview was in Aug of 05. Sounds good so far, right? He was denied, as were many others here on VJ from the same consulate. We fought like He!!. Wrote letters, phone calls, emails, you name it we did it. Did anything in the process change? No. Do we wish this He!! on anyone else? No. Bottom line is you're banging your head against the wall. The system sucks, but we wasted our time and effort on methods that didn't work. The people that have the ability to change it, and that isn't us the little people, see this process in a different light that we do. They are trying to weed out the fraud. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to us, but they see the entire picture that we don't.

My husband finally got his visa in Dec of 06. And that was considered speedy for a returned petition. I know someone that had their interview a month before ours and her husband just got here last month. So I guess I get a little annoyed that there are those that are whining about their normal process taking a few extra months when I see that there are those that waited years with less complaints.

This is the process that is set in place. You have 2 choices here. Follow the process as is laid out by the USCIS/DOS or move to your fiance/spouse's country. I guess you will call me heartless because I have my husband here now. But the truth is that my spirit is broken because of this system. Post back here after you have fought the same battle that we have. Let's see if you have the same high hopes that you can make a difference.

I'm very sorry that the process failed you the way it did, and glad that in the end you came through and are together.

That being said, you really haven't contributed anything here. All you've really done is thrown turds on the table.

Perhaps nothing will come of people's efforts to change the system. Change is difficult and slow. But certainly nothing will change if everyone just resigns themselves to bending over and grabbing their ankles as you suggest.

Nobody's hurting you by trying to make things better. So why do you act so offended when others don't accept your advice to just bend over and take it?

You may view them as "turds on the table", but they are facts. Okay, you think you can make a difference then read through this entire thread.


This is what came from mine and a few others research on how to fix a broken system. Kiyah, Chi and I, along with many others have worked very hard just to come to the realization that there is not much one can do to change the system. It is like an ant throwing pebbles at the feet of giants. They are just brushed away. What we did accomplish, that we didn't have, was a support group that was able to provide guidance through the process. Something we didn't have. Were we pissed off? Yes, but rather than blow it out of our a$$e$ on how we can make changes we researched and found out the normal process so that we could help others going through similar situations. We didn't change the system, we just understand it better now than we did when we started.

And please when you are done "changing the system", please come back and post your "I told you so" thread. If by chance you are able to make changes I will gladly say I was wrong.


These last few exchanges have been inspiring - maybe all of us insolent, whining, optimists should form a new thread called "turds on the table" or "we blow it out of our a$$e$ support group" so that we can stop attracting so much pious rage from other members who are intrigued by the name of this thread but have no interest in providing constructive input. Speaking of new ideas - has anyone tried submitting a FOIA in the past to understand more about why these different centers can go at such different speeds from time to time?
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 24 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not going to read through this entire thread. But I would like to take a moment to address that there are some that feel that we can actually make a difference. Let me give you a brief story of our journey.

I married in Morocco in Oct of 04. We filed for the CR1 in December of 04. My husbands interview was in Aug of 05. Sounds good so far, right? He was denied, as were many others here on VJ from the same consulate. We fought like He!!. Wrote letters, phone calls, emails, you name it we did it. Did anything in the process change? No. Do we wish this He!! on anyone else? No. Bottom line is you're banging your head against the wall. The system sucks, but we wasted our time and effort on methods that didn't work. The people that have the ability to change it, and that isn't us the little people, see this process in a different light that we do. They are trying to weed out the fraud. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to us, but they see the entire picture that we don't.

My husband finally got his visa in Dec of 06. And that was considered speedy for a returned petition. I know someone that had their interview a month before ours and her husband just got here last month. So I guess I get a little annoyed that there are those that are whining about their normal process taking a few extra months when I see that there are those that waited years with less complaints.

This is the process that is set in place. You have 2 choices here. Follow the process as is laid out by the USCIS/DOS or move to your fiance/spouse's country. I guess you will call me heartless because I have my husband here now. But the truth is that my spirit is broken because of this system. Post back here after you have fought the same battle that we have. Let's see if you have the same high hopes that you can make a difference.

Thanks for the sermon. Despite being called a whiner by many members that are farther through their journey, I am taking action. As a result of reading all of the posts from people like you on this thread, I have promised myself that later down the road if I am embittered and pessimistic about the process, I will keep my opinions and sad story to myself and make an effort not to judge people who have come here for support or to express their frustration. There is always going to be someone somewhere out there that has a sadder story than your own (that had to walk ten miles in snow in winter to schoool), but this does not mean it is futile to take whatever actions you feel might help your cause and the broader cause if you are so inclined. Why don't we all just try to "live and let live" a little more in this thread.
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-24 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (CTRL+ALT+DEL @ Jul 22 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The more you know, the more you want to do something about it. pretend VJ doesn't exist. now look at your situation. what will you do? you'll have no idea what the 'normal' time frame is. so just take a chill pill and relax. mine took 7+ months for NAO2, others took 2 months. Its just how it is. its not a race to get here - and once the person gets here, no garaunty they'll love this place and no garaunty you'll both be in utopia.

I am starting my efforts by working within the system - posting it for others who are interested in taking action to use.

The Letter I Sumitted to the USCIS Ombudsman today:

To Whom It May Concern:

In April of this year I applied for a K1 visa for my finance. Because I am a resident of Virginia I was required to submit my application to the USCIS center in Vermont. Since I have applied for this visa, the processing times at the VSC have slowed dramatically (to over 180 days).

When I contacted the USCIS today, they said that the VSC was processing applications from December 30, 2008 and that my application would not be reviewed until October 22 of this year in the best-case scenario (more than 180 days after I submitted my application). Meanwhile, residents of states that feed into the USCIS servicing center in California are being processed within 66 to 100 days.

I find this inequity unacceptable, given that all applicants pay the same application fee. After having researched this issue, I do not think that it is caused by a difference in the efficiency of VSC employees versus CSC employees, but more likely by a misallocation of workloads vis a vis resources by either the USCIS or its subcontractor Northrop Grumman. Furthermore, I do not understand why processing times are increasing while the volume of applications is decreasing (as your office itself noted in its June 2009 report to Congress).

Unless steps are taken to remedy this inequity immediately, which is unlikely given my conversation with USCIS today, I will be forced to cancel my wedding in November of this year. My parents will incur significant financial losses, as well as my family and friends who have already purchased tickets to attend the ceremony and reception. As I am sure you are aware, these misfortunes pale in comparison to some other people standing in line at the VSC under far worse circumstances, while May and June filers begin to be approved at the CSC.

I realize that my application is currently within the USCIS' “normal” processing time. Nonetheless, today when I called for the first time I was told that my application will be adjudicated around October 22, more than 180 days after my submission. Further, it is not "normal" for residents of one state, like Virginia, to arbitrarily receive such significantly inferior service from the USCIS than residents of California or Oregon. Why isn't the I-129F workload distributed more evenly among these centers and why can't files be sent from one center to another when one center falls significantly behind another?

It is infuriating to see large numbers of people who filed their petitions in May and June being approved by the CSC before all of us who filed our applications in January, February, March, and April at the VSC. While I know that the memebership of the primary tracking site for I129F petitions (VisaJourney) does not comprise the entire pool of I129F applicants, its membership pool does represent a statistically valid number of applicants and it is therefore possible to ascertain broad trends in visa processing extracted from its data. On top of this, USCIS' own bulletins display the existing inequity, albeit on a more publicly digestible magnitude.

Ironically, my fiancé is more peaceful about this issue, noting that the USCIS seems to me no more equitable or effective than its counterpart agency in his largely corrupt country of the former Soviet Union. In fact he advised me to not to send this letter, for fear of the type of retribution one would encounter in his country for voicing concerns about a what seems to be a systemic problem that no one has an interest in or incentive to correct.

As a patriot and former federal government employee, however, I assured my fiancé that things were different in America. I sincerely hope that your office will propose and implement a long term solution to this problem, rather than simply add my letter as a tally mark on a count of "Top Ten Complaints in the Ombudsman E-Mail Box" for inclusion in an annual propaganda piece, like they would in the former Soviet Union. It is hard enough to wait six months plus for adjudication. Adding the knowledge that people in different states are waiting half the time you are for no apparent good reason is like adding salt to an open wound. I hope that future customers do not have to suffer from an inequality that does not seem too complex to solve.
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-22 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (John & Nan @ Jul 21 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I post this a other location but if you want to share your comments, thoughts, and suggestions as well as any issues that concerns the USCIS.

How Is It Working For You? The CIS Ombudsman’s Community Call-In Teleconference Series

Thanks for posting this!
Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (Tinkerbell TX @ Jul 21 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cjblack @ Jul 21 2009, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Matt & Bing @ Jul 21 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To the OP: If you were not ready to wait six months for your approval (which the USCIS states is the normal processing time) then you shouldn't have submitted a petition. There is no "right" to a speedy immigration process. Yes, its not fun waiting, but it is what it is.

Trust me, after you are united with your loved one, the bad feelings will quickly fade. I was stuck at the NVC for 50 days just a few monts ago ... Simply a distant memory now.

Again, you're missing the point. The process CAN be faster, more expeditious, more efficient. It just isn't because USCIS doesn't NEED to make it that way, mostly because most people just DEAL with it. Why would any of you want to discourage someone from trying to make a positive change in this process? It almost seems spiteful to be so discouraging, especially if you've already completed the process.

Man this thread is frustrating to read! I think I'll stop now! smile.gif

just how many applications do you think they're sitting on? How many cases do you think you could clear in a day and not compromise our national security? May I remind you that there are many other types of visas that are also adjudicated at these same 2 centers. it's not just K1's. We all get in the same line and right now that line is long. Let them do their jobs. If you have some valid ways in which they could improve efficiencies in the process, please post them and let USCIS know about them.

Hi Ovi/OP - I get what you are saying and have been surprised/amused by some of the hostility your suggestion evoked. I guess now you know that people who challenge the status quo ohmy.gif - on VJ are outrageous, unpatriotic, unconfident, whiners trying to undermine our nation's security! (you know that I am kidding, I hope) Anyway, it looks like there is not much support for this on VJ (meaning no big wave of letters) and it seems like "a letter here, a letter there" doesn't work based on the advice of people that have already written and called. One of my parents worked for a Senator for many years - I am going to ask her if there is another effective/constructive approach to try. The thing that you brought up that I also want to understand/fix is the discrepancy between the centers - is this your big issue too? Let me know if it isn't. Hang in there!

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (Chris & Mara @ Jul 21 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ButterBoy @ Jul 22 2009, 07:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AmyStan @ Jul 21 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ButterBoy @ Jul 21 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My god man, you have been waiting for 3 months and your outraged? My wife and I have been waiting since April 2008 for our NOA2. I have wrote letters to both Bush and Obama. I also contacted my old boss Michael Hayden for help. I have called the USCIS so many times I think I own stock in Verizon now. I have contacted my local Congressman on many occasions and all I ever hear is I am stuck in a FBI background check and as soon as I am cleared then we may proceed to the next phase. I guess this is what I get for 30 years of service to the US Goverment. Get a grip.

I must say, you sound pretty "outraged" to me, and deservedly so. Is there a time-limit as to when you can feel this way - a mark in the sand that once you cross, you're no longer walking in sunlight and are now in the dark? If so, please list this in the user guide so the rest of us will know when we've earned the right to be indignant.

I am outraged, this person is 3 months into the visa process and he has the nerve to be outraged? I put 30 years of my life working for the the goverment, retired and want nothing more then to spend the rest of my life with my wife only to get stuck in a FBI background check for 15 months because of my service spent in the Middle East...I am pissed off at the OP. Am I pissed off about the process? Yes I am but as someone who dedicated my life to serving the United States I understand the process has to run it's course.

I hate to sound like a ###### but I agree with Butterboy here, we have gone as far as taking USCIS to court (which we won) and their answer after 11 months was, we will have it to you in 30 days. Chris works for a government agency, I am a Australian school teacher, never of us have ever done anything illegal in our lives, and yet we will have a NOA2 received in about 365 days of waiting, and someone waiting what 3 months is complaining, I am so sick of seeing people bitching about the immigration system on this site!

News flash, the USA doesn't want any more people they don't want to put money into their immigration system and they won't doesn't matter how many letters or emails or protests you do, even with say 2 million americans petitioning relatives every year that is still a very very small percentage of the three hundred million american, more of half which couldn't give a damn about the Immigration system.

Hey Mara - Congratulations to you on winning in court.

The way I took this discussion today is that the frustration/anger is caused more by the fact that people who feed into the CSC get a much faster turnaround (barring situations like yours, of course) than people standing in line at the VSC. I have always been interested to know why this is so and it turns out that there may be some very real reasons behind this - Senator Bernie Sanders' above letter states many of these. Personally, I don't begrudge anyone living on the west coast or the better service they seem to be getting. I would, however, like for there to be a little more consistency/fairness between jurisdictions if possible. Personally, I am going to wait until the initial six month waiting period is up - until that point I don't think I have much room to complain, given how many stories like yours and Butterboy's there seem to be.

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (Michele R @ Jul 21 2009, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Jul 21 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (R&AINC @ Jul 21 2009, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (R&AINC @ Jul 21 2009, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Write a Letter, Call, or Visit

Washington office
433 Russell Senate Office Bldg
(at Constitution and Delaware)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4242

Burlington office
199 Main Street, 4th Floor
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 863-2525
Montpelier office
P.O. Box 933
87 State Street, Room 338
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 229-0569

I have checked for the proposed Budget requests at and there is no mention of any Vermont Service Center. He does have a section on foreign policy but not on immigration.

I have also found the following link:

Bernie Sanders can be another one to contact.

One interesting information is :

Another name to write is: Michael Aytes, the National
Acting Deputy Director of USCIS,

It seems that the VSC being so slow is only related to contractual negotiations and the fact that they may be closing down in the future or at least will loose many jobs.

If we are in this site is because we decided to take matters in our own hand. So I think we can do this as well. ( they are the employeer fot the VSC workers)

The following letter was sent to Northrop by senator Sanders: http://justiceatusci.....ald Sugar.pdf

Writting the DD of USCIS Michael Aytes does NOT help. I did, and got pushed off to another person. One VJer posted after he emailed Mr. Aytes, in the email was Mr. Aytes asking "How are these people getting my email?" DUH, a governemnt email is easy, first name.last
No brainer.

Here is a draft letter - it could be easily adjusted to send to Bernie Sanders. Interesting information posted above - particulary about the discrepancy in wages between the VSC and CSC. I will look for a fax number - if you send this stuff via snail mail it gets stuck in the x-ray machines for a month.

Ok - here is the fax number: 202-224-3470
One word of caution - when bureaucrats feel attacked they circle the wagons and sometimes find ways to get even - most often by stalling, spewing red tape, etc.

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (baron555 @ Jul 21 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ovi @ Jul 20 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello fellow VJers!

I am outraged at the fact that VSC is operating at such a slow pace. In the last few months they have slowed in aproving petitions drasticaly. Our lives are tied in this, our finances, our jobs, future, even our health. I myself I am putting off buying a home and loosing a lot of money in finance charges and the $8000 goverment stimulus because they are moving so slow. CSC is working on petitions from May while VSC is still November and December. This is not acceptable and unless we bring this to their attention nothing will happen.

I know that we are at their mercy but we can stir the waters and write some letters to USCIS ombudsman, to senators, congressmen, even to the white house. I believe that if they get enough letters maybe someone might take a look at this problem and try to do something about it. One: it is our right as US citizens to pursue hapiness and two: it is a service we paid for. If we do nothing about it nothing will happen but if we draw some attention to this problem, maybe something might happen and have them hire more, train more, or at least try to do something to rectify the situation. If we don't write, call, complain they will not act on anything.

Mr. President spoke about "change" lets ask for change in this department!

The Immigration Timelines show VSC is working on March petitions. Don't know where you get your information. What is so hard to understand? This is the system we have to work with and work through. Your life is not on hold. Buy the house, what is stopping you? Are you still not corresponding with your SO? Why not? My SO and I are working through the process and yes we just crested and are on the downward slide. Soon we will be together. We never stopped loving each other and still continued our relationship; actually it gets stronger every day.

You should have know that being involved in an international relatiionship takes great courage and conviction. Most people do not have that to endure the process.

Do you have the courage and conviction? Maybe this is not for you, if it makes you so emotional.

Yes, I agree trying to change the process will be a good thing but in the meantime suck it up. You will survive. You will be happy.

Everything will be OK.

please spare us the lectures, moral platitudes/rhetorical questions, and instructions to "suck it up" - we are simply trying to figure out how to move the process along in a more constructive manner than sending hate mail to Congressmen and bashing fed government employees

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Jul 21 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (R&AINC @ Jul 21 2009, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (R&AINC @ Jul 21 2009, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Write a Letter, Call, or Visit

Washington office
433 Russell Senate Office Bldg
(at Constitution and Delaware)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4242

Burlington office
199 Main Street, 4th Floor
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 863-2525
Montpelier office
P.O. Box 933
87 State Street, Room 338
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 229-0569

I have checked for the proposed Budget requests at and there is no mention of any Vermont Service Center. He does have a section on foreign policy but not on immigration.

I have also found the following link:

Bernie Sanders can be another one to contact.

One interesting information is :

Another name to write is: Michael Aytes, the National
Acting Deputy Director of USCIS,

It seems that the VSC being so slow is only related to contractual negotiations and the fact that they may be closing down in the future or at least will loose many jobs.

If we are in this site is because we decided to take matters in our own hand. So I think we can do this as well. ( they are the employeer fot the VSC workers)

The following letter was sent to Northrop by senator Sanders: http://justiceatusci.....ald Sugar.pdf

Writting the DD of USCIS Michael Aytes does NOT help. I did, and got pushed off to another person. One VJer posted after he emailed Mr. Aytes, in the email was Mr. Aytes asking "How are these people getting my email?" DUH, a governemnt email is easy, first name.last
No brainer.

Here is a draft letter - it could be easily adjusted to send to Bernie Sanders. Interesting information posted above - particulary about the discrepancy in wages between the VSC and CSC. I will look for a fax number - if you send this stuff via snail mail it gets stuck in the x-ray machines for a month.

Attached Files

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am outraged!
QUOTE (ButterBoy @ Jul 21 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My god man, you have been waiting for 3 months and your outraged? My wife and I have been waiting since April 2008 for our NOA2. I have wrote letters to both Bush and Obama. I also contacted my old boss Michael Hayden for help. I have called the USCIS so many times I think I own stock in Verizon now. I have contacted my local Congressman on many occasions and all I ever hear is I am stuck in a FBI background check and as soon as I am cleared then we may proceed to the next phase. I guess this is what I get for 30 years of service to the US Goverment. Get a grip.

A suggestion -

As we have read on this post today, many people that have been around or been waiting a long time have testified that writing letters of complaint seem to have been ineffective in the past. A slightly different way to approach this would be to write letters to one Senator that has a significant stake in the Vermont Service Center - Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont. He has fought hard in the past to get the UCSIS to assign more people to the VSC (which is in his district) and to ensure that their wages are decent (thereby maintaining morale) and the center operates efficiently. I suggest that letters sent to Sen. Leahy be constructive, rather than negative. As a former federal government employee, I can't tell you how sick government workers get of being characterized as lazy or inefficient. It often is not the case, and when you are hammered with those stereotypes, it makes you angry and demoralized (which won't help our cause at ll). Further, the truth is that we don't know why the VSC is slower than the other centers. My guess is that they have a higher per capita case load than the other centers - given the high population density of the states they cover versus the other service centers. I am just brainstorming here, but I suggest that letters to him include the following points

- we see dramatic differences in processing times between the VSC and other centers
- inordinately long processing times impact our lives in real ways (tell your story)
- as fellow easterners, we do not assume that the VSC is less efficient than its peers, but rather that there are imbalances in the allocation of UCSIS resources among centers
- we are writing to request that he lobby for additional employees for the VSC - both temporary (to eliminate the current problem) and permanent (to ensure that future applicants are treated fairly) - from the Stimulus funds
- why are we doing this? we do not think that a citizen's geographic residence (east versus west) should result in such major discrepancies and personal hardship - we paid the same fees as people living in California and for these fees we are requesting the same level of service

I think letters like this would get his attention. If the problem really is resources (which I suspect is the case) then we are offering to help him create more jobs in his district (which is good for him). He will be able to walk over to UCSIS and dump a stack of letters on their desk and ask what is going on. If there is another kind of problem - he has the most interest in fixing it, as he would not want to see his center's reputation suffer vis a vis the other center.

Michele RFemaleRussia2009-07-21 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober -2008 K1 filers waiting for NVC
Raj and Monica,

I don't mean to be rude but you create a new topic almost daily with a title something like "October 08 filers VSC" when numerous times you have been directed to the October 08 K1 Filers Vermont Service Centre topic: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=155783

All of us in that forum have similar timeline to you and if you post a question in there it will be answered. Save yourself some trouble and save the site from a million new topics.

CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-09 05:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsigors list
This is the original:

This is the "newer" one but in my opinion a little more accurate:

This is not called the Igor's list but is interesting in comparing CSC & VSC per week:

All that I linked will take you to VSC, if you need CSC just change the drop down box at the top or click the link.
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-09 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter 7 months 5 days we are finally approved
dancin5hr.gif good.gif kicking.gif FELICIDADES kicking.gif good.gif dancin5hr.gif

Karen, estoy tan feliz por ti! Yo se que este tiempo de esperar te ha costado mucho y ahora solo me imagino la felicidad que te sentis despues de tanto tiempo!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Josue tambien te manda sus felicitaciones!!!!

Ahora podemos ayudarnos uno al otro preparandonos para la entrevista en la embajada!!!!!!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-07 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT THE VISA!
Congrats!!! kicking.gif
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-11 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWoot -- K-1 approved.
Wow fast approval! Congrats! kicking.gif
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-12 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview Finally!!!
Awesome, congrats!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-16 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot Approved at the Consulate
That's exciting!!!!! kicking.gif

Interesting concept switching up the language there for ya!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-18 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshoneymoon!!!!
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Mar 19 2009, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you'll need to apply for Advance Parole before leaving the Country or you will not be able to enter again...

Not necessarily true - US Virgin Islands is a territory of the US, so technically yes, but you have to be very careful!!

See FAQ here:

5.12)...Is it okay for us to go to the US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico on our honeymoon without Advance Parole?
A...Maybe not a wise thing to do. Even though these islands are US territories or possessions, you may have to deal with Immigration and Customs to get back to the United States. You might have trouble getting back home if you encounter an insane USCIS (INS) inspector, plus, there are too many opportunities to "technically" leave US jurisdiction (by visiting the adjacent islands, for example). Best to take the honeymoon somewhere in the 50 States, where there is plenty to see and do.

A..Let me make it as clear as it was explained to me and which the regulation bears out: So long as the K-1'er does not depart ("depart" is also defined in the reg.) the US after making a legal entry s/he can travel to any other location which includes the USVI, PR, Guam, Hawaii, and Alaska.
The inspector I spoke to gave clear examples. (My alien fiancée) can enter the US and we can fly directly from the mainland to the USVI. We can go wherever we want on the islands so long as we don't "touch" ground or water not under US jurisdiction. When we leave she shows her K-1 and I-94 to immigration (which shows she legally entered the US) and off we fly directly to the mainland. However, if while we are there (USVI) we decided to take a trip to the British islands then she would be denied re-entry. I know I used "directly" in this example but we could fly "outbound" mainland-PR-USVI and "inbound" USVI-PR-mainland without fear because in this case she never "departs" the US.
Inspectors (both mainland and USVI) told me that this is not an unusual occurrence. They see K-1'ers all the time.


Edited by DavChels, 19 March 2009 - 03:49 PM.

CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-19 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsyessssssssssssssssssssssss 6 months to the day
Get ready for Packet 3/4 and interview documents!;page=k1guide
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-23 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC NOA2 in 31 days???
It should look something like this:


Wow, that was fast! Congrats! kicking.gif
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-23 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Received!!!!! 43 DAYS!!!
Wow that was fast! Congrats! kicking.gif

For others who are waiting, don't count on getting approved that quick. Sit back, try to relax, and enjoy the waiting game. I have read that occasionally they will pick up petitions and adjudicate them for training purposes, so that may have been what happened.
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-18 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 APPROVED!!!!!
Congrats! kicking.gif
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-25 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOK I-134
Be careful, this is consulate-specific. Guatemala asked for 2 years tax returns including 1040 & W-2s, so you should get details in Packet 4 of what you need.
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-26 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot a Touch Today
JeroenAndMichelle is right. We all wish fast approvals for everyone, but don't get your hopes up too early in your game. If you do, your hopes will be shattered by the time most people get approved - at least 3-4 months down the road!

Best wishes!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-24 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThanks to God!!
QUOTE (cutedolphinn @ Apr 15 2009, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you Sara, lovica_l, and HelloWorld08.

Congrats! My fiance picked his up today too!!!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-04-14 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsone year or + waiting
Have any of you waiting for so long looked into refiling? How long is too long before you say Forget it, we're starting over!?!?

Sara, whatever happened to "we found your petition"???? I thought they were going to expedite your case and that was back in early Feb!!!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-03-10 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Interview Passed
So exciting isn't it! Does he speak English? The POE wasn't bad at all...a guy in front of us from Nigeria got grilled because he said the purpose of him coming to the US on his immigrant visa was to visit...WRONG ANSWER!!! The officer who talked to us didn't even ask us anything, just did our paperwork on the computer and then handed him his passport with the I-94 stapled in it and told us to get married within 90 days. Already done with that part smile.gif

CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-04-23 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa denied!
QUOTE (julis82 @ May 10 2009, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My interview is May 12 and i´m very nervous.
I have all documents, all forms, the medical exam and the visa fee...i´m trying to find a reason in my head that the CO can use to deny my visa.
My only concern now is his divorce certificate, he don´t have the original one, just the copy.
I´m going to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow and i know that God will provide the blessing.

Thx a lot people!

Our interview (in Guatemala) required a Certified Copy - you should have at least that not just a plain copy. Other than that, just go over the list they require a couple times to make sure you have everything!
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-05-11 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsletter of intent
QUOTE (Michey and Odessa @ May 26 2009, 04:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my fiance and i hired an immigration specialist and we sent all our papers to them but i don't remember having written a letter of intent, should i be worried? they ddn't ask us to anyway... sad.gif

Don't be too worried - we didn't have any and we got approved. As always, depends on the adjudicator, but I would go ahead and write them, get them together (it takes time to mail stuff like that) in case you get an RFE.

We had updated ones for the interview but we weren't asked for them. One of the forms that Josue had to fill out had that on it (that he was going to marry me within 90 days) and he had to sign it in front of the officer.
CacerezFemaleGuatemala2009-05-26 10:18:00