Congratulations!!! star_smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 22:44:00
CanadaFor TheATeam
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Apr 24 2008, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope, NO drinking involved! tongue.gif I didn't have access to a computer until now. I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my plane back to snowy Edmonton. I'm working on the review! It'll be a long one! I guess you'll have to read it if you wanna know! tongue.gif

AMY!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 22:59:00
CanadaFor TheATeam
Haven't heard from you, I know your interview in Vancouver was on the 22nd...just wondering how it went?
Please come back and let us know!!!!

I'm sure it went well!!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 08:24:00
Canadayes! have an interview tomorrow morning !!!
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 25 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UPDATE - 21 April
I finally didn't get it (I believe t was because i wasn't available fot the shole time) i felt a little sad and at the same time quite happy because that will mean we will be able to move together in June instead of the end of July.

UPDATE - 25 April
I have been contacted for another job (a contract till early June)
Some compositing on a puppet show (hiding the wires etc)
We are still talking about it and i am not sure if i will have it but it would be cool anyway ! some $ and still able to move in june !

What's meant to be will be sweetie.
Keep your chin up.
Hope the second job comes through for you.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 08:53:00
Canadayes! have an interview tomorrow morning !!!
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 18 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2nd Interview yesterday went really really well !
Answer today and start monday if i have it !

I'm sure you'll get it!! star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-18 09:20:00
Canadayes! have an interview tomorrow morning !!!
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Apr 16 2008, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Apr 16 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, wanna know how blonde I am?
I've seen this thread many times but for some reason when I read it just now my heart jumped into my throat, I thought you got an interview!!! ha!
I'm a goober star_smile.gif

Then shouldn't this be your picture? tongue.gif

tongue.gif hahaha so funny wink.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-16 17:27:00
Canadayes! have an interview tomorrow morning !!!
Okay, wanna know how blonde I am?
I've seen this thread many times but for some reason when I read it just now my heart jumped into my throat, I thought you got an interview!!! ha!
I'm a goober star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-16 14:40:00
Canadayes! have an interview tomorrow morning !!!
that's awesome!
Congrats hon!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-10 20:00:00
CanadaVancouver Interview Review!
Congratulations my dear friend!
I've enjoyed talking on MSN all throughout your journey and I'm so proud and happy for you and Andrew.

Have a safe trip home.

Thanks for being here during my journey too, you've helped me so much.

Love you girl

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 23:10:00
CanadaUpdate about my license exam
Send you a PM sweetie.
Love you rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 21:18:00
CanadaCanada birth cert. HELP!!
QUOTE (CBR @ Apr 1 2008, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's all good now. Thanks so much for all that. We feel better lol.

*whew* glad you got it all figured out sweets!!! star_smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-01 18:27:00
CanadaCanada birth cert. HELP!!
and also, When he hands over his long form birth certificate at the interview, I don't think they will be keeping it, they more than likely will give that back to him right at the you can use it for other things....
Don't stress hon.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 01 April 2008 - 04:56 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-01 16:54:00
CanadaCanada birth cert. HELP!!
Remember CBR, you don't have to mail any copies of the stuff on the check list into Montreal.
He takes them with him to the interview. There is no mailing copies in.

As per package 3 instructions:

STEP ONE: Mail them the DS230 Part 1, Two copies of the Electronically filled in DS156 and the completed check list, showing that he has all the documents ready with him to take to the interview.

He DOES NOT mail in the copies of all the required documents on the check list into Montreal...he simply checks them off on the check list, showing them he is ready.

Getting the long form birth certificate is so easy in Ontario, love.
He should get it in like 3 to 5 business days. Mine came in 2 days!

Click Here
He can order it online.
He should order a replacement one, long form.

Best of luck hon!! smile.gif

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 01 April 2008 - 04:52 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-01 16:49:00
Sweet!!! good.gif
Congratulations hon.
You are in for an exciting, nerve wracking and wonderful ride!!!
I wish you a speedy and stress-free journey (as possible) wink.gif
Laura star_smile.gif

QUOTE (CanadiCAN @ Apr 25 2008, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Luckily for us we managed to geographically situate ourselves in the worst parts of our countries possible, resulting in CSC, and MTL consulate lol

That does suck but you'll get through it!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 20:32:00
CanadaGood luck with your interview tomorrow kcmetzy!!
Rock on!!!
Have a great one!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-21 10:40:00
CanadaIs it better for me to move to Canada??
You are *always* welcome RJ!!!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-28 08:37:00
CanadaI have arrived!
Congrats Amy rose.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-27 18:18:00
Canadawhat do i say at the border ?
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ Apr 27 2008, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always say boyfriend b/c I don't yet have an engagement ring and technically haven't been proposed to yet. (I know, late in the game, laughing.gif ). If you have a shiny diamond on your left hand I'd suggest saying fiance but most importantly, as others have said, tell the truth. Ultimately though, I think it's not terribly important, and you shouldn't stress about it.

I definately had that when I went across! laughing.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-27 21:04:00
Canadawhat do i say at the border ?
I said Fiance was fine.
They will probably ask you when you plan to get married, how far in the K1 process you are, etc. etc. etc.
Just be calm and honest and you should be just fine.

I was star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-27 18:09:00
CanadaCR-1 Approved
Many congratulations!!!! star_smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-28 13:56:00
CanadaInterview date confirmation from Montreal
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Apr 29 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, I'm "Liz" =)
if you fill out your timeline, I can add you to the Montreal spreadsheet..

good.gif laughing.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-29 10:10:00
CanadaInterview date confirmation from Montreal
Hey smile.gif
They should inform you by mail. Montreal hasn't reached the electronic age yet (like Vancouver has) They do not inform through e-mail.
You will get what is called package 4.

Some have called the Department of State at 202-663-1225 and found out their dates over the phone.

If you are moving, yes it could be a will have to inform Montreal that you have a new address. You can email them (they do at least do that) Click Here for the Montreal embassy page.

BTW...please PM Liz and have her add you to the MTL waiting list here

Hugs rose.gif

oh and also timeline.gif

LOL I'm bossy!!! tongue.gif

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 28 April 2008 - 11:40 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-28 23:15:00
CanadaK1 Visa
Many congratulations to you! What an exciting time!!! smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-29 08:07:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 29 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Apr 29 2008, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks so much guys.
I'm kind of glad I didn't get it either.

I was very close to the other girl I was up against but she had slightly more experience than I.

What is meant to be will be. star_smile.gif

The future's not ours to see.

sing it girl good.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-29 11:06:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
Thanks so much guys.
I'm kind of glad I didn't get it either.

I was very close to the other girl I was up against but she had slightly more experience than I.

What is meant to be will be. star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-29 10:43:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 29 2008, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good. Now you can move forward instead of looking backward. Congratulations! smile.gif

YAY! I'm not backwards anymore! whistling.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-29 10:42:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Apr 28 2008, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Things sorted themselves as they are usually wont to do.

Welcome to America....soon.

Thanks RJ, you made me smile so much by saying that. star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-28 21:48:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
I didn't get the promotion.

Guess the universe doesn't want to confuse me more than needed.
I'm definately going and I'm excited about it.

Now it's just house hunting.

Thanks for all the support.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-28 20:43:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (rupa @ Apr 25 2008, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Laura!!! my heart goes out to you!!

This thread has been moving so fast I've not been able to get a word in.

Anyway if it helps, I'm going through this this week too. I just received a nominal raise at work last week. It was more than I was expecting and I was shocked since my boss already knows I'm going. It's T-minus 18 days to my interview in Vancouver and I had to stop and think for a minute, because it suddenly occurred to me that I'll probably never see that figure on my paycheque again once I move to the states. I work in the oil industry now and my hubby just started with the Navy, he makes good money too but for the first time in my life I'll have to rely on someone else for my financial security and that scares me a bit. (I also want to be a stay at home mom when we have kids) Also, for the next 20 years we are going to be hopping from base to base every three years. Chances are if I ever make it back to Canada it won't be for another 20 years or so. I have a nice place here and am trying to sell it, but will be moving to the hood in Florida where we will be renting. I am really going to miss my beautiful Rocky Mountains too!

This all came crashing down on me two days ago and I had a bit of a meltdown, the reality of what I was giving up finally hit me.

I cried A LOT at told my hubbie about how I was feeling. He listened and let me vent and cry and by the end of it he was encouraging me to set some goals that I can work on no matter where we live.

Today, I am reminded of the reason I filled out those immigration forms to begin with. Yes I have a nice job, but I'm tired of comming home to an empty home. Yes I LOVE Canada (we have the best country on the planet!), but I have an adventurous spirit and also want to see and experience new things with the man I love. Yes I Love my family and friends, but my heart is with my fiance. Yes, I am financially secure here, but I value his Love, companionship and support and the chance to be a better half to a great man AND be a mother, than I do my job and my career here.

You know I started off writing this for you, but I think it has helped me too to write this for myself. Love is a crazy adventure. It's life's highest pursuit. It's why we choose to go through what we go through. Now I'm babbling and forgot what my point was.

Anyway, There are things in life like jobs, houses, cities, places we like being, places we dont, but in the end, they can not compare to sharing love with another human being. All those other things will sort themselves out in time.

Thank you!

I'm so glad that writing all of this out helped you the way it did. You provided yourself some clarity and that's awesome. I'm so happy for you!
You are making a hard decision but the right for you. Congrats on the raise at work as well!

I know exactly what you are saying and that's why I've decided no matter what happens with my work, I'm going.

I need to be where Nick is and this is the best way. We can come back to Canada in a few years if we feel like it, but by that time we may have a home and jobs that we both adore. Life is funny. All I know is that I feel I am on the right path and wherever he is, is where I need and want to be.

Thanks for the support hon.

Best of luck to you always!!! Have a great interview!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 10:04:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 25 2008, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
awesome !
And you know... if you move will be a good reason for your parents to travel a little bit tongue.gif not bad either !

And that :
We want a home and a family and we want to begin now. If I do get that promo, it will be a huge accomplishment for me but it's not like I can't get another one when I move to the States, who knows what's in store...the future is wide open.

Is just so true....
See you soon in montreal !! (r u gonna call today ?)

My parents travel enough as it is. They are leaving for Ireland for 3 weeks in a couple of days. They travel at least 3 to 4 times a year...big's insane. lol Lucky bastids. LOL

I'm not going to call, no. It costs to call so I'll just wait. Don't they have an automated system or something after 11pm or something that I can call and just check my status really quick? I may do that. Are you going to call?

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 08:55:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
Thanks guys smile.gif

Nick and I have had many many many MANY conversations about this. Either way, he's fine with it and we just want to be together. After thinking a lot about this and reading all of your responses, I think what I will do is promo or not, I'm still going.

We have come so far, we are almost at the end and thinking about it, we'll have to start all over again and that's something I just can't do.

Since we began dating, I've felt like our lives are on hold, waiting just to be together.

We want a home and a family and we want to begin now. If I do get that promo, it will be a huge accomplishment for me but it's not like I can't get another one when I move to the States, who knows what's in store...the future is wide open.

As many of you said, we can always come back to Canada but going to the U.S. within the next few months is the best and fastest (if you can call the last 5 months fast tongue.gif) way for us to be together.

I guess I've felt pressure from my family to stay here, they want me to be happy but at the same time, I'm their only daughter and I know they are going to miss me badly. My parents are very family oriented. They like their kids to stay close to home, have all holidays together like they did with my grandparents, etc. etc. It won't be like that now and sometimes they make me feel guilty.

They have finally begun to accept it I think, not making the comments they have been. I feel in my gut that moving there is the right thing to do for me so I'm going to follow that.

Thanks again for being here for me. rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 08:26:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
You guys are all so wonderful, I'm sitting here in tears crying.gif
Happy ones though.

Didn't find anything out at work, My manager said the decision is being made this weekend so, we'll see.

Whatever the outcome is, Nick and I will be just fine and we will work it out together.

I'll let you guys all know what we decide.

Love you all star_smile.gif

P.S. I'm gonna miss the moose

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 22:41:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 11:36:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Apr 24 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Laura,

You've given so many of us prayers and encouragement during this very stressful process. Now, it's time for you to have faith and believe if what you've shared with so many of us. Things will work itself out. I'll keep you and Nick in my prayers.

Girl, if you need to VENT...let it out. Don't hold it in. That's what friends are for.

One Love ---

Thanks hon star_smile.gif
Big hugs to you! smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 11:29:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 24 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, of course. Drinking is the solution! Why didn't I think of that?

laughing.gif You are right again Krikit!
Screw work today, I'm going to go get bombed!!!! devil.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 11:28:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 24 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Screw it! Call the whole thing off! Who needs men anyway? Moving sux! Immigration sux! Possible children with the man you love sux! Jobs are WAY more important! Get a cat!


laughing.gif LMAO
I have two cats already!

You are funny thanks for the laugh.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 11:28:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ Apr 24 2008, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As others and yourself have said, you are so close to the end of the US process. One good thing is that if you guys did decide at that point to go back to Canada, he could apply for Canadian Permanent Residency while the two of your are living and working in the US. Then once you get it, you can both move back there together. No being apart and no waiting for one person to be able to work.

So true sweetheart.
Thanks for being here star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 11:11:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Apr 24 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Laura, if it's any help to you, I'm going through the immigration process to Canada right now, as opposed to my wife coming here to the United States. We're not doing this because we think Canada is a better country (neither of us believe that; we view both on a equal playing field), but because the immigration process to Canada is somewhat easier and faster than the process to the United States. Our situation is also unique in many ways, given some interesting work scenarios.

However, we only plan to be in Canada for several years -- around five or so at the most. After that, the objective is coming down here to the U.S. and living here. We're looking at someplace in the pacific northwest (Washington state, Oregon, or northern California) since that would still be relatively close to Canada and her family, but within the U.S. as well. Texas has actually grown on her too and she likes it a lot now, but it's a long (and somewhat expensive) trip to BC, so that's her main opposition to it.

Overall, the Canadian immigration process asks for many of the same things as the U.S. one does and is just as full of red tape. The reason it might go a little faster is because there are generally fewer people immigrating to Canada on any given day. Canada, as a whole, has a much smaller population than the U.S., so it's probably not as difficult to work some of this out. It also lacks the problems with as many illegal immigrations coming into the country, since the only border it shares is with the U.S. and very few Americans are heading into Canada illegally.

Thanks so much for the info Deadpool.
I'll figure it out.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 10:50:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Apr 24 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This may be hard to hear but there is the chance that you will get passed up for the promotion if your bosses know you're planning to move to the US........

Oh completely Liz.
They don't know though. No one knows that I am planning on leaving.

Ashley, who is the HR manager is a friend of mine so she wrote me the letter when I visited, but she doesn't even know why I needed it.

If I get passed by, I get passed by. I'll figure it out.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 10:23:00
CanadaGuys, I need a hug
QUOTE (carslo @ Apr 24 2008, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Laura,

Wow, you have a truck lot of troubles weighing on your mind. A virtual hugs is better than nothing - { heart.gif } haven't we all experienced those telepathic hugs via the internet. Immigrating to Canada is not as easy as some people might imagine:
1) No fiance visas - you must be married to sponsor your beloved.
2) It can take a long time - lots of folks here at VJ have given upon the coming to Canada immigration and decided that the K1 route is faster - go figure.
3) What part of NJ are you going to, I lived in NJ during junior and senior high and really liked the feel of the "Garden State."
4) You are a bright and bubbly person from all your posts, and I am sure you will have no difficulties forming new friendships in NJ. Generally speaking, men have more difficult forming strong male to male bonds (I said generally there are exceptions to the rule).
5) Do everything you can to be together in the near future - a job promotion is a wonderful experience , but there are advantages to living in the USA over Canada.
6) I wish people would realize that our health system is not free - most of us have to pay a monthly premium; either through our benefits at work, or directly to the province we live in. My fiance works for the IRS and was floored when he say how much I am taxed in relationship to US taxes. We Canadians pay for that "free" health care with our tax dollars, and highly also.
7) You are so close to the goal you and Nick have been preparing for - if you get the promotion stash away the extra cash to make your move to the USA the best possible.

These are only my 2 cents worth! I wish I was young like so many VJ's are and could look forward to many, many years together.

Janet aka Carslo

Thanks hon! smile.gif
We researched moving to Canada before we researched moving to the States, so I know we'd have to be married first before he can come here, but he can live with me while we wait for his PR....which could take a LONG time, hence the need for me to have a good job because he can't work.

I've read of the people who have turned around and forgotten Canadian immigration, that sucks...just tells me it's probably more frustrating than moving to the U.S.

I love Jersey, I do. Parts of it are crazy, the traffic, the huge malls where it's like.."WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" LOL Currently Nick lives in Bergen County. We are looking at Essex and Passaic because it's a tad cheaper than Bergen.
I do love the thought of being there.

This job, like Krikit mentioned, isn't anything omg amazing. It's still in retail. It's just the most responsibility I've ever had in a job and would be a very big accomplishment for me. At the same time...I don't know if it's something I want to do for a very long time.

I think you are right. If I get it, I get it...I'll just keep saving as I have been saving.
I'd have to start all over again and we are so close to the end.

If I find out today about the job, I'll just go with it and see how I feel.

You guys are the best!!!
Thanks so much...honestly, thank you.

QUOTE (liz_legend @ Apr 24 2008, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 24 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(I actually put move 'here', then remembered i'm not in Canada anymore)

I do that ALL THE TIME

laughing.gif tongue.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 10:17:00