IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTheory: Where is my file located? (NBC or Local Field Office).

my only saving grace at this point is that I am an April filer.  Maybe ..... hopefully the first to be processed at the new center. ( at least one of the first)  March, April and May.   although I think the newer files are already being transferred to Kansas.. 


The system is so broken


Do you get the impression from April filers that they're at NBC-Missouri? Has anyone reported a move to a field office on that thread? I'm pretty curious, because you're right, we Q3 (April-June) filers are really up in the air. It feels like we could end up anywhere, which is awful. I'm hoping hard that my letter from Kansas means Boston will never touch my case, because I'm sure it's a bottomless pit there. It is absolutely crazy to me that they can't offer this most basic level of transparency in telling us where our files are located. As a USC I'm actually ashamed of my government, and I can't help but think what a fantastic impression it must be making on my husband, who is changing his life to be here with me. Is this really the best our country can do? I can't believe we have any immigrants left after they see what kind of bureaucratic nightmare the process is. 

I agree...  Ashammed is being nice..   Embarrassed is more like it.. and THAT is even  being nice.   Have you checked out how fast the K-1's are getting approved?  Wouldln't you think the married couples would have a priority?    Its all so frustrating.


I have an immigration lawyer.  When I asked him where my file might be, his answer was that they WERE sending files to the field offices if they needed more info or if they wanted an interview. He said I need to hold tight. He doesn't think my file is going to the field office. ( my guess is that we are already in 4.5 months) He insists that the USCIS will stay on track and he swears by the 6 month time frame. Now... if I didn't know about VJ I would have no choice but to agree and believe... BUT everyone here on this site knows that is a bunch of boloney. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-22 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTheory: Where is my file located? (NBC or Local Field Office).

I'm an April filer..  and of course April is one of the months that is caught right in the middle of this mess.  I think what is posted above makes sense.  I just hope they get a move on and process their little asses off in September. 


How annoying !

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-22 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsoh yeah!!! We got our NOA BAY-BEE

CONGRATS ! ! ! !   kicking.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-21 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC


Well that's nice of them.

The thing with me is - i hate it when people try to jump the queue without any serious reason to do so.

Well, I hope you don't think I was tryiing to jump the line... I just want to know where my file is..... NBC or Philly field office  and I am worried about an issue that may need more info.   I actually made it very clear that I wasn't trying to say " me first , me first"   The advocate actually told me I have a right to know the status.   


I know it is what it is....  and more than likely, if you happen to get approved shortly after the senator makes in inquiry, its probably because your file was on someones desk.


I don't have much patience, so for me, it was just to "know"   Not that I owe anyone an explanation

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-23 06:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC


I don't think they'll do anything if you're within 'normal' timeframe when you contact them (senators). Do you have any reason for doing it earlier except missing your husband? We all miss our loved ones but only cases that can be expedited are expedited.

I made an inquiry and I received the same form letter as the earlier filers.  My PD is April 12th.    I was informed that the senators office would inquire for me every 30 days  if that is what I would like.... I responded  " yes please, that would be fantastic"    So we will see.  I don't expect much but it passes the time. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-23 05:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC

Any March/April filers contacted their Senators?


A link to another post regarding recent AILA meeting.



Yes, I received the FORM LETTER saying 12 months... I am sure its the same letter everybody is getting.   SEE BELOW



A review of our systems shows that Case MSCXXXXXXXXXX, Form I-130 filed by XOXOXOX on behalf of XOXOXOXOXOX was received in our office on 04/12/2013 and is currently pending. At this time, the stand-alone Immediate Relative Form I-130 petitions are being sent to the NBC for transition to the local field office of jurisdiction for adjudication. Due to the current workload at the field offices, our current processing time for I-130 applications is approximately 12 months.


NBC will review and adjudicate I-130 Immediate Relative requests for expedite if the file is located at the NBC. If you request to have this case expedited it needs to meet USCIS expedite criteria. Documentation supporting the expedite request must also be submitted at the time of the request. Information regarding the expedite criteria can be found at the link below.


I hope this information is helpful.


Thank you,


Congressional Immigration Services Officer

National Benefits Center, USCIS, DHS

Agree 100% !

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT SUBJECT....Your ears would be tired after listening to me rant ... It makes me so stressed out and angry.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-22 21:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC

My NOA1  date is April 12th but the last date I see is April 16th.  





Edited by LoveMyTico, 02 August 2013 - 04:18 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-02 04:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC

One word!  Unbelievable!!!  I have written my congresswomen on everybody's behalf.  I am an April filer, and told her I do not wish to circumvent the system (until 6 months), but also slipped my case number into the release form.  I really hope enough people write their conress/senate. The system needs to be overhauled!  Although us present "waiters" will never see it, in the future perhaps others will appreciate that they don't have to be separated by their loved ones sooo long.  I'll keep you tuned in when/if I hear something from my congressional efforts.

I did the same 2 days ago. I was told that since there is such confusion with where the files are, I have a right to know where my file is and she would do her best to track it down.  I told her I wasn't trying to be bumped to first in line, I just wanted details.  She said it has been crazy lately and she thinks I should at least know where it is.  I suggest everyone makes an inquiry and tell the congressional office that zero information is being given on the customer service line. After all, isn't that what its for?  Information.


We paid a fee.. We  deserve to AT LEAST know the location.  The advocator I spoke to was sooooo nice and she has worked with my Immigration Attorney before. 


I joked with her and asked if my file will be put at the bottom of the pile for making an inquiry.. She laughed and said NO, that's not how it works.  I won't lose my place...  





 figure it like this.......  It can't hurt to ask...  That is what those people are there for.



I read online somewhere today something about the adjudicators being unionized and are only allowed to process 10 files a day.  That number was set by evaluating all processors and using the lowest number of cases as to not make anyone feel bad...   NOW,  I don't really believe all that  but it has stuck in my head all day....   How can that possibly be true?    I wish I bookmarked the site.  I wasn't able to copy the link at work. My job doesn't allow us to do that...   trust me, I tried...  Did anyone else hear that?   I was googling " why is the USCIS so slow"    ranting33va.gif  

Edited by LoveMyTico, 31 July 2013 - 06:32 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-31 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC

A solution would be to pay this people per files they process smile.png
Then they will work hard and not fool us around.

Agreed !  its obvious that the people making the policies have never been separated from a  spouse because of slow governent workers or regulations that make no sense.  It makes me so mad just thinking of our files just sitting there when we know it only takes 15 minutes to adjudicate. GRR  They collected the fee.... If there is an increase in filings ... THEN HIRE MORE PEOPLE OR ADD OVERTIME   #######????

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-31 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC



   100% AGREE.....  why charge a fee??  When I pay a fee for a sevice, I expect the service to be carried out in a timely manner.. Am I the only one?     

We filed my I-130 in July 2012. It has been over a year now. I live in Los Angeles. However, I am filing under the F2A (spouse of a resident) category and I am currently in the US on a H1B. Maybe that changes things?

at least you are here with your spouse....

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-31 07:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny i-130 approvals lately from NBC

it is stuck in march as well because i am a march filer and alot of people are waiting from jenuary and feb filers and even some of nev and oct and even sept here it is the link to check for yourself daily to see any approvals


don't forget to account for all the people who never come back to fill in their timelines...  That throws off the stats on VJ ..


Also,  so many people are stating that the files get transferred to local offices.....  Nobody knows for sure... several people on the April filers thread called and were all told they don't get transferred  unless there is additional info needed or they want an interview....  Now I know the people who answer the phone are scripted and they say whatever they can to get off the line  but here has to be something to that if everyone is getting the same answer....  

Edited by LoveMyTico, 30 July 2013 - 12:27 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-30 12:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial phase forever?!!!?!?!

I wouldn't rely on the online status updates.  Some people can't even sign in to get status and others have reported being in INITIAL REVIEW even after they made it through the NVC.    It states that it is a pilot program...  Many will report it is not reliable.  


Many are reporting being told that the processing time is 12 months now.   Its very frustrating.  I check VJ often and I check the USCIS site often.   My lawyer keeps telling me he is confident that the USCIS is on track with 6 month approvals....  Its hard to believe anyone these days..   With only 2 approvals for the I-130 last week... I don't know what to think.   I am glad to have VJ to help pass the time. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-18 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuestion RE Infopass appt

Katie, I feel your pain.. we have the same timeline  but   instead of wasting your time going all the way to the Immigration office  be a thorn in your senators side.   The senators office can get the same info and you don't have to drive anywhere.  My senators office told me after the first inquiry that they would check every 30 days for me.  I'm about to send another email this week.     I am not interested in jumping the line either, I only wanted some info so I could sleep at night..  star_smile.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-03 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 RECEIVED, YES!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by LoveMyTico, 10 July 2013 - 12:42 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-10 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 RECEIVED, YES!!!!!!!!!!

It seems like uscis is sporadic in approving noa. This past week theres approvals from December, March, January. It really depends on the local office and the persons desk its sitting on unfortunately. Im an April 1 NOA1 and Im sure this doesnt mean I will get a noa2 in 2 weeks. If it arrives in September I will be satisfied. If it actually arrives in July I would be happy. Good luck to all

I will be satisfied with late Aug or Sept also...  I still have a waiver to file, so that is another journey. 


I am happy to finally see some approvals on our thread though...

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-09 16:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 RECEIVED, YES!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATS ! ! !! !   Good to hear they are working on March.   Call and call and call the NVC.   I hope your ride is a fast one !!  Keep us posted please !!


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-07-08 21:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsexpedite




are you talking USCIS or NVC stage? What senator's office? Do you think it helps to contact ours?


I don't agree with the part where you say we should not be surprised if we never hear anything.

If a request is submitted, the least thing a public service should be required to provide is a response.

Yes or No, that simple. Even if with a comprehensible delay.

from all that has been posted on here, and from my personal experience,  when you submit an expedite, they tell you to wait up to 60 days for a decision.  by that time, you might already  be in the normal que or the baby might already be born.     you can try whatever you want....  but I remember having to bug them back in 09 and finally they told me it was denied. I never got a notice in the mail and if I didn't bug them, I'm sure I would have never knew they denied it.

Edited by LoveMyTico, 12 September 2013 - 05:21 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-12 05:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsexpedite

the birth of a child is not a reason for expedite.... there are many posts regarding this subject.   c-sections are not considered non-routine.


I'm not trying to  be nasty... I just read another thread about this....  there are so many posters on VJ that think their case is out of the ordinary.   Don't be surprised if you never hear anything. I was told by the senators office that expedites are SUPER hard to come by and she only ever saw one get approved.


Maybe by the grace of God you will get a sympathetic adjudicator... and I hope you do.... 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-11 19:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDoes anyone think filing I130 thru Immigration lawyer speed up the process of approval

We have a lawyer but we don't have a simple case.  Nothing illegal, we just need a waiver and I am not very good at writing letters etc, so its worth it to us.  We are paying a flat fee and at a discount.    A lawyer does NOT move you through faster.  You still have to wait, just like everyone else.   We just wanted our paperwork done by someone with experience....  If you have a simple case,  follow the guides here and save your money.



BTW,  my PD is 4-12 and we are still waiting

Edited by LoveMyTico, 16 September 2013 - 09:26 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-16 21:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG NOA2 baby!! :)


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-18 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience


I totally agree with this post.  I also have a lawyer due to mitigating circumstances that I personally would rather have a lawyer deal with.  However this does not mean one should not double check everything the lawyer submits on your behalf such as forms or question the process.  I verified the entire I-130 package before the lawyer submitted it and I caught an error; they are human.  My lawyer didn't take it personally and was impressed that I am taking such an active role in the process.


This is my and my husband's future on line so I better be actively involved.

I read up on all the requirements for each stage and ensure we submit everything properly to avoid any potential RFE's.  So could I have done this on my own without a lawyer?  You bet!  But when your case isn't a straightforward one and your visa approval hinges on a waiver approval, I will pay money to hire someone who is successful with those types of cases.


No lawyer should promise any client that they can guarantee a faster processing...that is highly irresponsible of them!

Also, don't just hire the first lawyer you consult with.  Research them, see if they have been sanctioned or even disbarred, and consult with at least two or three before selecting your lawyer.

I also found a few typos and date mistakes.  They( my lawyer and his office assistant)  were happy to be corrected.  That is why there are several sets of eyes looking at the paperwork.  Nobody knows the personal information like I do, so of course I was proofreading.   I didn't want any RFE's and I didn't want any questions.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-21 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience

GUYS.... Lawyers don't have any special "in" with the USCIS. What you are paying for is the document prep.  Having an attorney doesn't put you in a priority bin. The attorney won't sit on the phone and get your NVC number. They wait for everything in the mail. 


I have an attorney.  I have a special circumstance and I definitely need him for the document prep but not until after our interview.  He sent me an email last week with a checklist of things I will need for the NVC. I am an April filer.  I'm not approved yet.  He is on top of things.   In the begining, I was also told the approval would be about 6 months. I have it in a few emails... but I was also told that nobody has any control over the approvals. He told me he was going by his experience.  After being on this site for years, I know that the USCIS does what it wants. There are lots of threads on this site about having a lawyer.


Having an attorney doesn't mean you can sit back and do nothing. I have made 3 inquiries through my local senators office and I call tier 2 pretty often. I don't expect that from a lawyer. I want to know, so I get busy with phone calls.



LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-21 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhy is that take so long in NBC

me and wife avin been waiting now for 5months and 22 days since we recevice our Noa 1 for i130 we fill in April, it's realy sad and hard for me and my wife at this moment, I keep praying to the lord for strength for me and my wife bcos no one knows how long they intend to use b4 they get us approved

We filed in April too....  it is heartbreaking...


  We talk everyday about all the things we used to do together... ... Like breakfast at the local diner on Sunday Mornings, day trips to Atlantic City for shopping and walking on the boardwalk, Motocross on the beach in NJ, Amusement parks, the Local Chinese Buffet.. I could go on.... It is killing me to be here without him.  


We talk about the things we are going to do...... Disney World, Niagara Falls, Miami Beach.....    I can't wait to be with him again. 


I really feel like the flood of approvals will come very soon.  I don't believe the 16 month tmeline they posted.  All the posts talk about September 25th being the day that Division 8 will start working.. This is the week we have all been waiting for....  I can't wait to see all the posts for APRROVALS !!!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-23 06:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOverland Park Processing

It's a relief seeing someone receiving an NOA coming from that office. We filed last march up until now we haven't really received anything coming from USCIS. Hopefully soon will be able to see our NOA2 or just any updates coming from USCIS. There is still a lot of february and march filers who havent really gotten approved just yet.

I believe  OP was talking about the NOA1.. Filers May and after were sent to Overland Park. April and before were sent to MSC.  Not all files got transfererd.  I am an April filer and my file is still at NBC in Missouri.  I had that confirmed by my local congressional office ( 3 times)  


My assumption is that we ( april and earlier) will stay at the NBC in Missouri and that  they plan on catching up with the files they already have.  Division 8 in Kansas will start processing May and later.


ONLY my assumption. 


This Immigration system is broken. It gets more annoying by the day watching Zero approvals come through here even though VJ only represents a tiny percentage of filers.  But I will stick around here because it does get exciting and it is comforting when you start to see the approvals come through. 


That's not really saying anything - they could've expedited, could've been military, etc.

yup yup..... and that is a small handful of files

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-20 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOverland Park Processing


I found this a few days ago. Haven't had time to read it all yet... But it might have some of the answers. It's old, but it's something tongue.png


I was just about to post this. It is from 2007 but it will give you a good standard idea of the process.   

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-19 16:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 apply April 23, 2013


     i want to know somebody have same may case I-130 apply April 23, 2013 have hear from uscis or approve, please tell me. i'm still waiting

thank you so much

Join the april thread... 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-23 20:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCitizen from Spain and her US husband and daughters want to go back to the US!!

Well, let's hope the government doesn't shut down. It could be a longer wait for all of us !! 




I came across this on the March thread.   

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-19 16:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsis this means my expedite request approved ?

It is not approved, it is just telling you that the expedite team is reviewing it to decide whether they will grant an expedite or not.  If they approve it, they will send you another notice saying you have been approved.  



LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-02 04:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 at National benefits center for processing

it is a very frustrating process and you will need patience

take your frustrations and redirect them to reading posts for several hours ... your answers are all there

is your file at nbc?? maybe and maybe not

was it transferred?  is it going to be processed at the new facilty? 

lots of questions that will give you a better understanding of where you are

also, not to say that you are lying but there is NO WAY an LPR (green card holder) can file a 130 and get approved before a citizen unless they are on a work visa and did a thingy to get their wife here, but that too is questionable

there is no way a greencard holder can get their spouse approved before  a USCs spouse. (unless they are already in the US and the spouse adjusts their status)   Look at the chart posted by the USCIS.   Then add time to what they posted.. (LOL)  The processing times are longer than the posted estimates right now.  

Edited by LoveMyTico, 14 September 2013 - 06:44 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-14 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 at National benefits center for processing

Hello everyone,

I got married 3rd Feb, 2013 and my wife submitted her I-130 (US citizen filing for spouse) on 2nd April, 2013. I received a text and email confirming the case has been accepted on 4th April, 2013. E-mail says that :

"Your case has been accepted and routed to the USCIS National Benefits Center for processing"

Its already 6th month going on and still USCIS website shows that my application is under 'initial review'. I am tired of checking status updates daily (as it remains same and pissing me off crying.gif ).


1. Does anyone know what are the processing dates for NBC for i130?


2. When i am checking USCIS website, in the table for timeframe there is no listing of i130 at all. So i don't know why my case is at NBC. Also, the website was updated in June .


3. Its already 6 months and i came to know that this petition takes around total of 9 months. Is there something fishy in my case.


4. I have a brother-in-law (US green card holder), he applied for his wife on 12th April, and already got approval and got his NVC case number too. He is in process of filing AOS. It is really disappointing for me that my wife is a US citizen and we are still waiting. Called USCIS call centre 3 times but same answer - WAITTTTTTTTTTTTT......... 


Join the Feb filer thread and read through Feb, March and April.   Lots of info in them about processing times and info pass appts and senator responses

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-09-13 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 for spouse of USC - 8 months and still "initial review"

Check the USCIS website processing times.

The processing times posted are as of MAY 31, 2013.... even though they are posted monthly ( or suppposed to be monthly)  And they conveniently don't post processing times for I-130's at the NBC...


Lots of Feb filers are getting letters stating the processing time is being extended... 6 months longer.


There is a posting on the USCIS website about the workload is getting redistributed   but mentions nothing about the NBC.  


Its like they want us to go in circles...

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-10 18:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsit has been 6 months since we filed

I can only assume it is because they are training all the new adjudicators for the Kansas service center.  They are supposed to start processing cases by the end of the fiscal year....  I don't believe they include the I-130s filed by USC's though.   WHO FRIGGIN KNOWS?    


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-19 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsit has been 6 months since we filed

If you read other threads...  Alot of people are reporting that they got a letter stating extended processing times.  Also people are reporting being told that processing times are now 12 months when they call tier 2... I'm not saying I believe it.. I'm just suggesting that people read other threads. 


My lawyer is pretty confident that the USCIS is on track with 6 months... but that is not what I am reading on this forum...   The processing times are all over the place.



LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-08-14 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConfused about my wife's I-130 status

if the K-3 is already approved and at the embassy, then why not just go with that?  you don't need the I-130 to go the K3 route. 

by the time they sort out the lost file, you could already be together....  Check into it... I'd insist on the K3 if I were in your situation.  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-20 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi-130 Approved!

Ok I am not trying to steal your show but i got approved same day too (10/21/2013) kicking.gif . Mine took 42 days and I am still very flabbergasted right


Oops...before i forget, Congrats to us! And of course for the babywink.png

great..   smh   no0pb.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-22 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews from AILA (?) conference.
isn't this what we are all doing..... waiting at the supermarket?

Attached Files

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-17 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews from AILA (?) conference.



The letter is done.  Please spread the word about this campaign.  We have Blackburn's email address, so let's not shoot this silver bullet until we have everything in place.  Here you go:

Let's get this done!!



Great leatter  but one point....  The adjudications have slowed from about February... February, March and April are stuck in LIMBO LAND... from May on were sent to Overland Park

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-13 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews from AILA (?) conference.


quitepainful what is the dashboard information? How do you read it?


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-12 18:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews from AILA (?) conference.


No way Jose.  I filed from abroad.  In March.




Let us know when you get more info from her.  The thing I wonder is people are saying it'll take a year for those who filed before May, but it will take 6 months or less who filed after August.  I mean that means EVERYONE who filed this entire year will be approved in Feb/March.  How is that possible?  If I filed in March, I expect to be approved BEFORE people who filed six months after me.

yea, I agree.. What happened to first come, first serve?      ... That is why this site is a bunch of #######.... all this talk and rumor ####### when nobody really knows.....  They can't possibly approve August before all the Feb-April files... it really doesn't make one bit of sense.  



It is easy to convince yourself that things will go your way and then post your OPINION on VJ... the problem is.... people run with it and then all of a sudden  it turns into the latest news... We all have high hopes that our petition will be next... Nothing is for sure until the NOA2 is in your hands


And I am not saying its you Lucybelle.no0pb.gif no0pb.gif . I mean in general...


So much information going back and forth... headbonk.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-12 08:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews from AILA (?) conference.

Did your husband filed also i 130?

you can't file the K-3 unless you already filed the I-130. You need the NOA1 when filing the K-3.



K-3's weren't really being processed a little while back ( they were joinung them with the I-130) because the I-130's were only taking 6 months, but NOW... the processing times for the I-130 are posted at 12 months or more ( 16.6 months)  so my lawyer advised me to file the K-3 the other day.  The K-3 was introduced years back to shorten the wait while the I-130's were taking a very long time....   I think it applies now

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-10-12 08:30:00