Bienvenidos sandraycorne y Patto! B-) Exitos en sus procesos.

FELICIDADES DIERATHY, qué chevere que ya tenemos la primera cita para Junio. :thumbs:
moonlight7FemaleColombia2010-04-23 12:22:00
Hola a todos,
Me uno a la bienvenida para los nuevos foristas, todo el exito en sus procesos.
Tambien desde aca le enviamos energia positiva a MALUBETO y le desamos le vaya bien en su entrevista. Esperamos el post de visa aprobada!!!! :thumbs:
Un saludo especial a todos.
moonlight7FemaleColombia2010-04-22 09:43:00
United KingdomNOA2/I-797 expires day before our interview date
I've read too that they extend it automatically. It seems it might depend on the consulate but for England i'd say they extend it automatically.
bruno.MaleFrance2010-10-29 04:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRecord Migratorio

Buenas Noches para todos

Hemos visto en los comentarios de muchas personas especialmente en cuyas parejas donde el fiancee es colombiano que uno de los requisitos es el record migratorio Nuestra pregunta es Yo soy colombiana pero actualmente resido en Costa Rica no se si las solicitudes que se hicieron en este pais tambien les fue solicitado este documento o es un requisito unicamente para Colombianos ; o si solamente es el pasado judicial tanto de Colombia como de Costa rica y para este ultimo cuanto es el tiempo de validez que exige la embajada en el momento de la entrevista.

Brant & Paulina

English please in the forums. This way more people an answer your question.
bruno.MaleFrance2010-05-31 01:04:00
United KingdomWe got our LND number
ok I see now, thanks. I am going to fed-ex the package back to my parents in the UK (it went to them in the first place), and ask them to send it regular first class mail to the embassy. I should probably enclose two copies of everything, just in case that fails us and they have to send it again!

katej0203FemaleEngland2008-08-22 16:07:00
United KingdomWe got our LND number
I am not too sure what you mean by the LDN number. Is it the case number? I have received packet 3, and will get it here in the US by courier on Monday... I was thinking of Fed-exing it straight back to the embassy that night, after calling to make my medical appointment. Is that not a good idea then? Am I supposed to wait for something else?

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-08-22 00:12:00
United KingdomHow do I know embassy has packet 3?
I sent my packet 3 by regular first class a good few days ago, and am wondering how they let me know they received it? Or do they not let you know at all? I need to find out for piece of mind.... I didnt want to send it signed for, as I heard that it sits in the PO Box for ages if you do. Does anyone know a number you can call? Thanks!!
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-08-31 13:37:00
United KingdomQuick packet 3 question...
yep, mine just came by regular post
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-09-08 16:43:00
United KingdomInterview date in two months...DOS estimate!?
Good news for us... my packet 4 came today, and my interview is on the 24th of September!

I have learnt not to really trust the DOS... she really made it sound like she new what she was talking about, and she was not in any position to give me that information if she didnt know her facts. Did I mention that even though she told me I was "enrolled", when I called the embassy later that day, they said I wasnt even in the system? How confusing... but it doesnt matter now!

Thanks to all for your replys, and thanks again nich... as usual, for your help. My thoughts are with you at the moment.
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-09-13 17:34:00
United KingdomInterview date in two months...DOS estimate!?
I put 2nd October for travel date... havent booked flights or anything, but read here that if you put an early date then you get an earlier interview. I really hope it will be ok.
thanks to those who replied
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-09-11 11:36:00
United KingdomInterview date in two months...DOS estimate!?
I posted this in the embassy forum, but haven't had much help.

I sent packet 3 to London about 3 weeks ago, and have called the DOS twice since. Today, the lady said that my packet had been opened and "enrolled" yesterday. She said that she "believes they have already scheduled this month's applications for interviews next month, so I will have to wait until they start scheduling in October, for an Interview in November"....!!!

Every UK timeline I have looked at, people have been scheduled interviews within about 5-6 weeks of sending back packet 3. Why has this not happened to them? Do you think she has given me wrong information? Do they really only schedule interviews once a month, and the others have to wait?

I really hope I dont have to wait that long.. did anyone else have to?
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-09-11 08:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe Did It!
Great news!! I am very happy for both of you!

Natalia's interview is tomorrow and I hope we have the same results!

I am a little worried about receiving our Visa in time for her flight on the 25th. As I said before she will return to Moscow on the 24th and go to DHL and receive her Visa, I was sure 8 days would be enough but now I have been told the Embassy will not have courier service 22, 23, and 24th because of Russian holidays. And I also realized Monday is a US holiday. So, unless they go to DHL on Tuesday I am not sure if it can be processed that quickly, I am not sure what the Embassy does after the Visa has been approved.

Worst case is I will move her ticket to the right. The important thing is she receives approval tomorrow.

I will also post her questions.

Thanks, Warren
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-15 18:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne way Tickets

OK so this has been discussed, but as you know the old threads are a mess. I am sending Natasha to get the cash for the ticket. So where to get them, one way or round trip, etc. If you have any links to the old threads it would help. I can't search now here at work but will later tonight. Just wanted to see if anyone has anymore relevant info at this time. Thanks

I went with the round trip only because it was cheaper than one-way for the exact flight I wanted for Natalia (Delta Moscow to Atlanta non-stop for $800.00) because I will drive and meet her there.

I am sure I could have found a cheaper one-way to JFK but then I would still need a connecting flight to Atlanta etc. I also did not want her to have to deal with a connecting flight.

When I spoke to the Delta rep on the phone I explained the K-1 Visa situation one-way vs. round trip legalities but she was not exactly sure how the USCIS looked at this but I know if I would have found a cheaper one-way ticket to Atlanta I would have taken it.

Not sure if this helps but I have never seen a requirement for someone traveling on a K-1 to have a return flight and I do not see this in the VJ guides either.

Good luck,
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-14 18:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)

Is the I-134 even required?

I pulled this from the American Embassy Moscow webite on interview requirements......

This is number 10.

Financial documentation from the petitioner may include but is not limited to employment letter for the petitioner with salary information and/or a copy of tax returns (Form 1040) for the last year, bank statement, W-2s. I-134 Affidavit of Support is not required but may be requested by a consular officer.

I provided I-134, 2004 Form 1040 tax return, last 3 years of W-2's, bank statement of last 12 months on bank letterhead, and my salary on employer letterhead.

Natalia said they did take it but it was not discussed.

I know it seems every Embassy does it different but this is straight from Moscow's website. You can always call or e-mail the Embassy too.

golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-16 20:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

Natalia is here!!!!!, I will give details of Atlanta experience tomorrow. But her customs took 2 hours 30 minutes from the time she landed. But what is a few hours whe when have waited so long already.

golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-26 22:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum
Yes, I will post an e-mail of how the POE process went for both of us. The Atlanta Hartsfield Airport has a great web-site with information (video and maps) for international arrivals:


This site should get you close but it is in the Customer Service area and then click International Passengers. Chose your language (Russian is not a choice yet) and you can watch a Flash video. It does help a little.

But the main point is she will receive her luggage at the immigration point and then re-check it and it will be sent through the airport to the normal baggage claim for all flights. So, worst case if you know her Flight number you can be at baggage claim waiting for her. I plan to intercept her before that point if possible.

I also e-mailed her an AT&T pre-paid phone card codes so she can go to any pay phone and dial the numbers and my cell phone so first I will know she is in the airport and if necessary. I explained in detail how to use it. This should help too.

I smiled when she said "I had no problem finding you at SVO II airport in Moscow and it was very large, we will find each other at Atlanta" I told her wait until you see Atlanta's airport and you must walk a mile or take a 5 minute underground train to baggage claim from Concourse E. Plus there are 10 times the amount of people. And I am sure I stuck out like every other American at SVO II (also at St. Petersburg's airport) so I was easy to find. Somehow they know I was American even when I try not to look American. Natalia said I smiled too much!

I also remember at SVO II she went to the cafe and ordered 2 coffees and we somehow paid $14.00 for 2 very small cups of coffee (there was no menu or prices listed anywhere) I thought Starbucks was high. I will never complain about a 3 dollar cup (large) of coffee again at the airport.

Until next time, Warren
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-24 10:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum
Hello everyone,

Just an update to pass on good news,

Natalia is in Moscow today and has received her K-1 Visa at DHL. It was delivered from the Embassy on Tuesday and we had arranged for DHL to hold it until she travelled back through Moscow, we didn't want to take a chance it would be lost in route to her city.

She will fly tomorrow to Atlanta. The most difficult part of this journey is almost over. Now the AOS journey begins but at least she will be here.

It seems all are having success as well and I am sure it is because of the experiences and advice posted. Can you imagine doing this without an Internet. (I suppose it is because of Al Gore :lol: )

Good luck to all,
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-24 06:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

I just received phone call from Natalia, she was successful at her interview!!!!!!!!

She called me at 2:30 a.m. (10:30 a.m. Moscow time) and I could tell by her voice she was very happy.

She said she was first in line this morning. When they let her in the embassy she went through security similar to an airport process but they kept some of her items especially cell phone until her departure.

Then she took a number (number 1) and waited. When she was called she went to a window and gave a man documents (her DS-156, medical etc, my I-134 with 2004 taxes and 3 previous W-2's, bank and work statements, and he asked for only one photo of us together). Then she sat again.

She was called again and begain her interview, she said she had a nice younger woman that was very pleasant. Natalia said she had the interview primarily in English but sometimes in Russian when the ConOff needed to explain something precisely. She was asked:

Are you married?
Do you have children?
Tell me about your fiance' (Natalia said this led to a few other general questions as if two qirlfriends were talking together so I suppose as Natalia explained our past, present and future she answered the standard questions about how we met and trips together and our future, but it was not so formal and ridgid.
She said they also discussed my divorce, my child, my job, when she plans to travel to America and when and where we plan to marry. She said they never asked for phone records, ticket stubs, more photos, or anything out of the ordinary.

Natalia said it was very easy and she felt at ease after if began. She said the ConOff told her she would have the Visa by February 22 and DHL Moscow. She said the woman was very, very nice. She asked me if American people were always this friendly and helpful, I smiled and said no unfortunately not always.

She also said she did not notice if any other women were successful or not since she was first. But when she was finished and walked back to the waiting area she said the other women were very interested in her experience with the ConOff.

In all I think she was in the embassy about 2 hours. She said now she needs to sit and relax over a coffee.

Looking back this seems very easy and anti-climatic but I know it is because of this website and all of you helping each of us with your experiences. I doubt I could have done this as quickly or error free. I think if I had to just read the directions on the USCIS forms we would have made some mistakes and forgot something. And as we begin the next phase of the paperwork I will continue to read the forum postings.

I smile now because I remember when I started this process I would be in the K-1 forum every few hours to analyze other's timelines (from CA Service Center via TSC) to try and predict when I would receive the NOA2. And I am sure if I returned I would see the typical e-mails of people complaining about the slow processing time of CSC. It was only a few months ago but seems like forever.

Thanks to all of you for your help,
Warren and Natalia
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-16 03:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

I was wondering if someone can tell me what Natalia can expect at the airport when she arrives. I know she will have a sealed packet to give to the customs officer. I wanted to prepare her as much as possible. Her POE will be Atlanta.

Thanks, Warren
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-13 13:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

I am not sure if she will receive her Visa through DHL that quickly but it possible based on some VJ experiences I have read.

Natalia is going to tell DHL to hold her Visa until she returns to Moscow Friday Feb 24. This gives them 8 days to receive it. Then she will depart to Atlanta on the following day.

Does Ksenia plan to fly through Moscow again prior to her flight to US? If so, does she have time to go to DHL if she asks them to hold it. But if you plan to have it sent to her city by the 26th I think it will make it but I do not know if you can intercept it at the Moscow DHL office unless you ask them the possibilty when you pay the fee.

Medical was very easy, I am not sure which hospital Natalia went to but I was with her and I remember we walked by the Moscow Zoo and then later by a DHL office. The hospital was very nice, clean, and modern. She had no problems receiving her results the next day about 2 p.m. Her fee was 100 dollars. She did not feel degraded in any way. Natalia is also a doctor and felt very comfortable. I have read of other women having a problem at some exams.

I believe there are 2 DHL offices (maybe more) but this particular one had great hours (late) and was also open on Saturday.

We have not planned our wedding date yet, we know it will most likely be in April and in Las Vegas. We decided to do it this way because she would not have family here and she wants to eventually visit famous american cities, so might as well start now. We also have plan to visit Universal Studios Orlando March 1st. She said she likes roller coasters, we will see. :help:

I hope I did not forget something too, the only thing I worry about is that the embassy will want something in original that I do not have in original (divorce paper, only certified copy). I provided the I-134, letter from my work on letterhead, bank history on letterhead, 2004 taxes, last 3 years of W-2's, phone records, etc, etc. (Also a full copy of I what I sent to CSC and I even updated my letter of intent to marry). But luckily it is not a Monday interview date so maybe the interviewer will be in a pleasant mood.

Natalia is also worried about her English, she asked me what language to use at the interview. I told her she speaks English very well (about 7 out of 10) but if she feels more comfortable ask to speak in Russian but I am sure she will use both languages.

Good luck, I know you will do fine, keep in touch, Warren
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-12 18:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

Natalia's interview is Next Thursday (Feb 16) and she is extremely nervous, I tried to calm her but she goes to Russian forums similar to this but mainly populated with other women applying for K-Visas. But in these forums they are mostly negative from women who were denied a Visa. And in this forum she says the questions the women were asked during were sometimes personal in nature for example....

How do you know you are in love with him?
How do you know you are the correct woman for him?
How do you know he is correct for you?
Why was he divorced before?

etc, etc

I told here to answer correctly and how she feels and that the interviewers only want to determine if you know the person you are marrying and you have a true relationship. I told her we have tons of photos from three separate meetings, phone records of calling 2 times each day for the past 15 months, and about 400 e-mails each to chose from. And of course the required documents (I hope).

I also told her the people that are usually denied a Visa are the ones that do not have the proper documents asked for in the instructions and checklist. For example, in all the places (during driving school in her small city) she met a girl that was also appying for a K-1 and has an interview in February, so Natalia thought what a great opportunity to compare notes to make sure they were preparing the same, etc. etc. But she soon found out that her new friend was far from ready. Her friend had not applied for her police report nor did she really understand the medical exam process. And she learned her new friend's fiance' was using lawyers to assit them through this process. Natalia was shocked to learn this and helped her and now she believes her friend will be ready for her Feb 15 interview.

I told Natalia these are the exact people who you read the sad stories about, they are denied because the they were not ready for some reason. The did not follow directions or their high paid lawyers did not set them up for success. I told there is always a chance we will not receive our K-1 Visa but I think we have prepared very well and I believe it from reading helpful e-mails from positive people on VJ and VJ's guides.

I told her to be organized, answer correctly and honestly and that is the best I can ask from her. I told her it is 6 months on pain for a 10-15 minute interview (no pressure). I told her she will be successful and celebrating that afternoon with her new favorite drink a "Margarita".

I want to thank everyone who has posted their experiences on VJ, I know we would not have gotten this far without it. I will post our interview experiences and questions asked during the interviw.

Good luck to all, Warren
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-02-12 16:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOur POE

Thanks everyone. I thought about complaining but didn't know who to complain to and didn't want to make things worse while we were waiting. After that I just wanted to make our next connection.

A friend came in through Chicago bringing in his girl on a K-1 about a month ago and he said it was great there. Took him a half an hour from the time they got to the customs officer 'till they were in the parking lot ready to go home. If you can do it that sounds like the place to enter.

Sorry to hear you had a terrible experience with Atlanta as your POE. As I wrote before, Natalia took about 2 and half hours from the time she landed. Since I was not with her I am not certain if her delay was based on the number of people in line or laziness of the Customs personnel. But based on your e-mail I am sure it was the latter. But for us Atlanta was the best POE for our situation since I was driving from Florida.

Sorry I have not written much more on our experiences but since she has been her I seldom even log on to the computer. Before her arrival I was on Visa Journey 2 or 3 hours a day reading as much as possible to make the process easier. Now I find myself on the AOS forum more often. But I will check this forum more often to see if I can offer others any advice. Usually many others have already offered advice.

But I will say this experience has been well worth the effort and we are very happy.

golfnut63MaleRussia2006-04-03 13:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
We met in Dominican Republic and had a great time with no problems, the all-inclusive resorts are worth the money if you like to drink. The beaches are great too.
golfnut63MaleRussia2006-05-11 14:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGreen Card Received today and some advice
Natalia received her Green Card today finally. It took a few phone calls and a letter to USCIS to help keep it on track. She had her biometrics last July and interview in September. It seems she has two A #'s and the USCIS was confused. But now it is settled. Now we wait two years and start again.

golfnut63MaleRussia2007-04-02 14:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice Before She Arrives
I wanted to offer some advice to others since my wife has been here a little over a year now, this may or may apply to all but hope it helps some.

1. They need to learn English a much as possible before arriving. Use the time waiting to arrive to take formal classes. My wife can speak English but is not fluent. She regrets not taking her English lasses more seriously and using the time to do learn. This is important for many reasons because after then newness and excitment of moving to America wears off the reality of life moves in and your spouse will want to fit in and become part of normal life. Also, if they plan to attend college there will be TOFEL to test their level of English, it must be more than conversational to get in to college. English is also important if they plan to work anytime in the future.

2. Driving...if your future spouse does not drive then have them take local driving lessons before they arrive. If you think teaching a 15 year old is difficult try teaching someone who does not speak perfect English and most likely did not grow up as a passenger as you did. My wife took driving lessons before she arrived and I know it has saved our marriage and possibly our and other lives. I cannot imagine how this would have been had she never been behind the wheel. Another great reason to learn perfect English as well, the driving test is in English, the driving evaluator expects her to speak and understand English.

3. Academic evaluation. We had to have her documents professionally translated and also had a company evaluate her degree to an America equivelancy for her to enter school. She has a medical degree but it is difficult to get a medical license without extensive re-training. So she is going to change medical fields in order to work in America.

4. When we applied for AOS we also applied for Advance Parole (ability to leave/re-enter US without Green Card). At the time we applied for the AOS we were planning to go on a cruise for Christmas, since that was March we thought she would have a green Card by then but went ahead and spent the $170 just in case, well the Green Card did not happen and thankfully we had the AP. It would also be helpful if she had a family emergency we would have the AP in hand.

5. We use a lot of phone cards for her to call home at any time. I think this helps her deal with the family separation and major change. She never experienced depression that I could tell but I think it is because she is in her 30's and lived away from home for 6 years when she went to school. We are in the process of getting her mother to visit late this summer if we can get her a tourist visit. One thing that has help as well is we have Direct TV Russian channels so she still has a link to her culture and can hear her language daily. We also rent Russian movies through the Internet and go to an international market that sells Russian food and Baltica beer.

I will try to add more later but hope this helps.
golfnut63MaleRussia2007-04-02 15:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia with 2 passports
it really doesnt matter you can travel with either one of your passport as long as you are not staying for more than 30 days but for me i will use my US passport it is the fastest way to check in and check out to any countries
KillerMachineUSMCMalePhilippines2010-02-03 20:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americatravel

You mean my Philippine Passport? Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. :-)

yup your Philippine Passport thats all you need some countries will allow you to stay without a visa for a certain days but if you think that you will staying more than that period of time you will need their visa, visit the countries website that your are going and find out how many days for you are allowed to stay. if Philippines is not included in the list you will need a visitors visa you can apply it to their embassy here in US.
KillerMachineUSMCMalePhilippines2010-02-03 20:25:00
United KingdomWhen did you leave your job in the UK?
How long is your notice period? I would at least wait until your interview is scheduled (they give you 4-6 wks notice). We sent our final packet in just 2 days after another vj'er in the exact same situation, and got an interview a couple of weeks later, so it really is luck of the draw/which mail stack you're in! I am on 3 months notice, so have already handed in my resignation (also, we can comfortably live on DH's salary), with a view to finishing 3 July. DH is only on 4 weeks, so will resign in early June to finish the same date. We have a mate's wedding to attend here in the UK at the end of June, so knew even if we are approved tomorrow (*fingers crossed*), we won't move until at least July. Our flat is already under contract, and we have told the buyer we intend to move mid-July. That'll give us 12 days to do the last of our packing/loading up the shipping container, but we have already started selling/donating things we don't want to move and don't use often, and will slowly be selling/donating other things as July approaches. To be fair, even with a 2 br flat, we don't have a lot of stuff, and also don't plan to take a huge amount with us.
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 10:43:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
Yes, we paid there ($230). We got called to the first window, she looked at DH's letter, got his file, and then asked us to pay (at he neighbouring window), then carried on checking documents.

We're aiming to move mid-July. We're finishing work 3 July, as we already had a holiday and a friend's wedding booked for June, so that'll give us a week or two to do the final packing, have a leaving do, etc. Our flat is under offer, and the buyer knows our planned move date, so now it's just a matter of crossing fingers that there are no delays in completing on that.
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 09:52:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
We were approved! We were definitely over-prepared (though I'd prefer it that way, just in case!), and didn't need anything to substantiate our ongoing relationship. We have been married nearly 3 yrs, and I have lived here for 5, so I wasn't really surprised, to be honest. I would still suggest erring on the side of caution and bringing along the few pics, cards, and your joint bank statements and bills just to put your own mind at ease.

Good luck!!
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 08:03:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?

Just curious, did they ever ask you for proof your relationship is real? Ive just been looking at a checklist you posted for the DS-2001 and it doesnt mention anything there either. So just wondering if its not required or if they just dont put it there. :wacko:

So far, we haven't been asked for anything, but we have prepared a selection of photos, cards and boarding passes from holidays to show we are legit :) I doubt we will need it, particularly as we have been married nearly 3 yrs, but will let you know if they do ask for it.
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 14:30:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?

Thanks for the advice :) Im working on getting the rest of the forms sorted out now. Ive had to get a few extras for the appointment to get my daughters US passport too (she was born a dual citizen anyway). So we're well on the way :D

It went very fast for you! I'll be happy with that kind of time frame too if we're lucky :dance: Good luck for your interview tomorrow and i hope the move goes smoothly. Have you read any of the reviews of the embassy? It seems to be pretty straight forward from what ive read.

Thanks! Initially we estimated we would be done with the process in August/September, and are delighted it has progressed so quickly!

DH and I have poured through lots of the reviews, and feel we're sufficiently prepared. Doesn't look like too painful a process if everything is order, so I think I will breathe a huge sigh of relief once we have gotten through the document verification ... I have no issues about DH's ability to answer the questions :)

Crossing my fingers you see the same swiftness and luck we have so far! I read they anticipate some delays to passport processing as a result of the Olympics, but hopefully it doesn't create too much hassle for immigrant visas, too.
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 11:13:00
United KingdomAnybody else filed in London?
We have also filed DCF in London. I posted the I-130 on 30 November, but it was not marked received/NOA1 until 12 December. DH's interview is tomorrow, and while we've reviewed our stack of paperwork several times now, I'm still anxious about all the boxes being ticked, just in case :) All being well, we aim to move mid-July, once the current sale on our flat is complete and we have worked our respective notice periods, etc.

Gathering the documents for the DS-2001 (http://london.usemba..._documents.html) while you await your NOA2 will be immensely helpful. We had gathered birth certs, located original wedding cert, ordered the police cert, tax transcripts (these took over a month to receive, possibly because it was over the Christmas period), etc., so when DH received the letter from the Embassy saying he was free to file his visa application, we scheduled his medical and had the DS-2001 (notice of readiness) posted the following day.

The Embassy's website and letters have been very comprehensive and helpful, IMO. I had a moment of confusion reading on here about whether or not to send all the documents along with the DS-2001, but the letter from the embassy said explicitly to hold on to the documents and bring originals to the interview. I did have to do a little digging about the I-864. We are using assets to cover the requirement (since I will be leaving my job here in the UK and re-establishing domicile in the USA); I initially printed off the most recent month's bank statements and thought I was ready to go on the I-864 (as the directions on the USCIS made no mention of anything more extensive. However, the FAQ on the Embassy website indicate we need 12 months worth of statements, so we had to omit some of the accounts we previously planned to include, as we wouldn't be able to get historic statements before the interview.
Chrissy&MarkFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 08:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaThank you NVC!!!!
Thanks all for the support... hopefully im one of the lucky ones that receives the packet soon.
renejon320MaleMexico2008-11-05 02:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaThank you NVC!!!!
I can't believe it!!! Exactly after 1 week of getting my I-129F approval from USCIS, the NVC sent me a letter dated 10/29/08 that they have forwarded the information to the consulate in Mexico and we should expect to hear word in about a week!!! That is quick!!! I am shocked! Our government actually works sometime!!!! blink.gif star_smile.gif good.gif
renejon320MaleMexico2008-11-03 23:39:00
USCIS Service CentersOPT problem- never received the EAD card
Sorry to hear about that. The first thing I would tell someone in a situation like this is to make an infopass appointment but you already went that a next step I would talk to your school's DSO. Maybe he has some advice for you. Good luck!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-08-09 14:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Website Down?
I just tried and couldn't access the site either...
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-06-14 09:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFelony Conviction
It is my understanding that the purpose of the new law is to inform the foreign fiance of the USC's criminal background(if one exists)--NOT to prevent a USC from getting married.

Has your friend told this "good woman" of his past?
If he has and she is OK with his criminal record, then I don't see a problem.
pnd629FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 13:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHelp! New K1 requirement-Need waiver if more than 2 petitions!!

Thank you all so far for your support. I am thinking of contacting my Senator but I am not sure if he can do anything. Perhaps I should wait a few weeks and let the dust settle so that USCIS can iron out their proceedures and prevent my application from being delayed any longer than necessary.

I don't believe your senator can help you--but a lawyer might.
pnd629FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-22 14:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRFE Sent back to Vermont
Hopefully your approval will be soon!
pnd629FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-21 13:05:00