CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
What many do that are worried, is list all the documents they are taking to the interview, that way if ur missing something, someone may catch it! Not much else one can do! Will the age difference play a part in their decision? in a perfect world, no. In an immigration world, hard to say, it shouldn't, but he should be prepared to have a strong rebuttal if it is brought up at the interview.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-09 18:32:00
CanadaRenewing passport for Canadian citizen holding a US Green Card
oh i have lost things in the mail, guess to me its just a piece of paper,lol It can be replaced

Edited by Flames9_RN, 11 April 2010 - 03:29 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-11 15:27:00
CanadaRenewing passport for Canadian citizen holding a US Green Card
i can see ur point in not wanting to hand over a piece of paperwork in the mail,lol but that is your decision. I would think the majority have no problems what so ever mailing the Naturalization cert in and getting it back, but of course I imagine some do! Majority of people cross the street without getting hit by a car, but some do, guess one should just stay home,lol only kidding.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-11 14:59:00
CanadaRenewing passport for Canadian citizen holding a US Green Card
for the USA passport: they mail back the naturalization certificate separate from the passport. They say 3-6 weeks, I think I had mien back in like 10 days. Not a big deal!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-11 14:09:00
CanadaRenewing passport for Canadian citizen holding a US Green Card
I submitted the paperwork for my Cdn passport from the USA last spring. Think I had it back in like 19 days,and I just sent it to Canada via snail mail, many courier the paperwork to canada.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-10 17:01:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Yes stents are fairly routine! Usually gone home the next day. Its a real eye awakener by many, time to change ur diet, stop smoking, etc etc. Hope u is doing well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-09 08:39:00
CanadaNeed prayers
I work on a cardiac floor and men are stubborn! How long have u had chest pain" oh only a few days, or about a week! lol And yes a lo tof times an upset stomach can feel like chest pain, but always safe to check it out! They will do cardiac enzymes (draw blood) and stress test quite often! Hope this doesn't cause problems down the road, especially with heart problems in the family--oh its just an upset stomach, why bother going to the ER!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-08 12:18:00
CanadaIs this normal?

Yeah, I have heard that ROC isn't so bad.

Got my second welcome to the US letter today! Those guys is funneh!


Most get 2 or 3 of them, and then VERY soon after,the greencard arrives!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-13 15:31:00
CanadaIs this normal?
ROC is very very easy!!! Don't need that much stuff to send in. Its not about quantity, its all about quality of the evidence
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-13 08:30:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
I dont think its that long of a walk! I have walked a lot of downtown Vancouver, and that doesn't look too bad.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-14 20:59:00
Canadaemployment insurance claim


I called again, and got much better news this time around. Apparently I can collect the duration of my EI from the US as I am now able to work in the US. I can file against Canada from the US, as i've paid into it! Great I thought I was going to have to just give up!!

the benefit of being a cr-1 or
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-16 18:34:00
Canadaemployment insurance claim
WHOLE thread on EI at the top. if ur a k1'er you wont get EI until you have the EAD--but you still apply right away!! If your a Cr-1/IR-1, your already "work authorized" thus you can get EI right away!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-14 09:43:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
Nah, just its stupidity in not saying something,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-17 21:04:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
I believe, depending it was done, it can be reversed. One could google the answer,lol,but hockey is on, 4-4 caps/Mtl!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-17 20:19:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
Oh yes, he was in sooo much pain! The Dr was like, why didn't you say anything??? He didn't want to be a wuss and just expected it to hurt,as he has never had any other type of surgery,so had no idea how painless it should have been!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-17 19:53:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
Funny story--well not if ur a guy,lol. My cousins husband went in a few yrs back to get snipped after their 3rd child was born! Procedure took place right at the DR office. DR told him that he may feel some "discomfort" during the procedure. So the DR (so he thought) freezed the one side and snips snips! Guess he wasn't paying attention to the patients face as he was grimacing in pain!!! DR then freezes the 2nd side and NO PROBLEMS!!!! Patient asks when he was going to snip snip the 2nd side, and DR stated the procedure was complete!! lol Turns out the Freezing on the first side didn't happen,lol so he was in extreme pain, but didn't want to say anything,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-17 19:28:00
CanadaQuestion on Custom House
I even talked hockey with 1 guy last year for a bit,lol They start off giving you a "low" limit, but it can easily be increased by a simple phone call. And even if you only plan to use it once, it is still worth it--as you just never know when one needs it! And if ya do, its set up and ready to go, and its free to do so!

Few yrs back I was transferring a few thousand dollars--so I got my dad to phone bank of Montreal and another bank to see what their exchange rate was going to be, and then i logged onto CH to see their rate. CH was better! Of course that can change. Its just soo easy to do. When I head back to the Free world (canada) I Tx $$$ to my Cdn bank. When Im back in the USA,just Tx back the $$$ to my USA acct. I leave less than a $1 in Cdn acct, for tax purposes!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-18 17:40:00
CanadaQuestion on Custom House
I have used CH since 2005 with NO problems. Most of my transaction shave been under $1000, but have had a few in the big buck range,lol thats how much I trust them! I used them for the first time since being acquired by Western Union a few weeks back prior to heading back to Canada on a short visit. Still the exact same process, but i thought (maybe) the exchange rate was a tad less than what it had been in the past!!

There are NO fees if you do it Electronically (EFT), takes around 4-7 BUSINESS days for the transaction to take place. Thays from the time you initiate the exchange, until its in the desired bank account. On average for me, i would say 4 days, but that depends on both of ur banks.

Very easy to set up, it doesn take a bit of time to initially set up the account, as you have to provide them some info that requires verifying, such as ur ID and ur bank info. You can get that info to them by a few different methods 1)snail mail 2)fax or 3)scan and email it in thru their secure email! I scanned/emailed it in. For ID I believe you can use ur passport, drivers license and birth cert. Not sure, but u may have to provide 2 sources. If u can email or fax it, you can have the acct set up pretty quick, same day or next. As well they call you (at ur desired time) to verify the info! At least they did back in 2005!!

I have always found them extremely friendly, but trailmix did find 1 grumpy guy,lol I ran by their head office in Victoria BC many times when I resided there!

As wel they offer a wire service for same day $$$ transactions, but they do charge a fee AND i believe your bank MAY charge a fee as well! Good for emergency cases!

But so far so good under Western union, in short no fees if ya do it EFT.

They will walk you step by step thru the trades, its very easy! You see the exchange rate, so its not a suprise. You can almost make it a casino game as you can either 1)accept the exchange rate 2)just cancel the transaction or 3) hit the refresh button by the exchange rate and try ur luck, it may go up, down or stay the same!! Of course the rate doesn't jump a whole lot, but if ur dealing with big $$$$,it can make a difference.

I did have 1 minor problem, but it wasn't with CH, it was when I added a new bank to my account. CH had sent the bank a fax, but the bank didn't respond. So CH initiated a 3 way call between me, my bank and them, and within minutes the problem was solved, excellent service!

As well I think you can put in a rate your looking for, and if the rate ever gets that good, it will send you an email, but I have tried it that way!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-18 14:28:00
CanadaCanadian degrees?
Once you move here, you will soon realize their is no "UNITED" in United States!! A lot differs from State to State, so one truly can't expect something to transfer from Canada to the USA,lol A simple drivers license in a lot of cases does not transfer!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-18 21:42:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson Airport
They prob wont care, but it can't hurt o have some sort of itemized list! Easier to do at home in a peaceful manner then be rushed at the airport!! But many cross at land POE's without any type of list just fine!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-18 22:48:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
Hospital secret--visiting hrs may be posted say from 0900 to 2000--but if ur quite and not too many people in the room, we let it slide!! At least we do at our hospital. Then again each patient has private rooms!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-21 20:03:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
Safe trip and hope ur mom is doing well!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-21 14:33:00
Canadapicked up medical results now interview tomorrow anything i need to know
36 hrs on a bus with two kids!! Not sure I would end my journey with 2 kids still in tow! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-21 16:46:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
Make sure ur reporting ur RRSP to the IRS on form 8891
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-22 11:54:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
Been using CH since 2005 and NEVER A FEE! Transferred a few large sums of $$$$ EFT and never a fee. If you use their wire service,there is a fee, but you get the $$ that day I think, where as if you do it EFT, it takes 3-7 business days. And of course the rate CH gives you is going to be less than what the market is offering--as thats where they make their $$$, no different than a bank, but their rate is usually better. Soem banks charge a fee plus give a sub-standard exchange rate,other banks may not charge a fee either, BUT again, their exchnage rate is sub-standard when one compares it to CH. Few hundred $$$ doesnt make a huge difference, but if you tx larger sums, then it is! AS well, if u are tx larger sums with CH, call them, they can maybe even get u a better rate than what u can by doing it online!

Yes check with ur bank!! But Presidents choice wanted to CLOSE my acct when i told them I was moving to the USA. So I just gave them my parents addy in SK. I was getting a new card last year in a Saskatoon branch, and made a slip of the tongue about living in the USA, and that rep stated he would have to close the acct, had to back-track,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-21 14:32:00
CanadaGreen Card Qu...
I dont believe one has to change their name when they get married, not everyone takes their husbands name. I was actually surprised my wife took mine, lol as she is a huge womens rights supporter,lol And I fully support that too, I'm all for women making more $$$$,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-25 11:08:00
CanadaBleach in the usa
Could be a water issue as well
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-26 09:46:00
What the "L" their is no crying during POE'ing!! lol congrats
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-27 14:23:00
CanadaTravel to US while application pending

So here's yet another question:
I understand the uncertainty of crossing the border. Having said that, does anyone know what's the maximum length of time one could enter the US for while the IV is pending? I seem to think it's 3 months but not totally sure. My husband is starting his job in June and I'm just waiting for interview date to be assigned. I would obviously rather be with husband than here on my own. I have very strong ties to Canada and will have a return ticket.

Any thoughts?

A Cdn can spend with POE APPROVAL 6 months in the USA! Longer u stay, the harder it MAY be able to convince the POE officer that ur only visiting. Return ticket is "nice" but we all know its usually cheaper to buy a round trip!! Check ur PM's
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-28 19:07:00
CanadaTravel to US while application pending

I think its normal for people to get nervous when they're planning on visiting during the process. No matter how many prior experiences and FAQ's you read, you still want reassurance from others. I think most of these threads are made by people who are looking for someone to tell them they're going to be successful and everything will be ok.

we nominate u huggles as the "Everything is going to be ok" person, lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-26 22:23:00
CanadaTravel to US while application pending
Not to be rude, or anything negative, BUT you may not get a whole lot of replies, why u ask?? As this is probably the #1 questions asked in the Cdn forum,lol Probably gets asked a few times each week, Not a big deal as we are all free to ask questions and encouraged to do so. My advice is in my signature. It all pretty much boils down to the POE officer and how YOU conduct urself. They are trained to find people lying or hiding information (some better than others,lol) Good word to live by KISS: Keep it simple stupid (stupid can be replaced with other "s" words,lol) Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-26 22:01:00
CanadaMoving Company Recommendations
I believe Uhaul is the only 1 that does cross border driving. I ued U-hauld back in 2004 on my move and all went well! You might want to check what the price from canada to Indiana is with U-haul, it doesnt hurt to get an estimate and can do it online at their website!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-28 21:42:00
CanadaApplying EI from US
Yep, many of us got EI in the USA! Moving to be with a spouse in the USA is a valid reason!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-02 00:48:00
CanadaHow did you establish credit?
I agree with u trailmix,lol!! NEVER been in debt in the USA, except for the mortgage and had excellent credit before the mortgage. Credit cards have always been paid in full and our scion was paid in cash.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 05:47:00
CanadaHow did you establish credit?
Many many topics on this, just saying,lol. Never paid a bill late here, always pay our credit cards in full each month and have excellent credit.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-30 14:24:00
CanadaNeed help from Canadians and Ameicans regarding honeymoon
Shouldn't be a problem! NO one can say yes 100% for sure,just like visiting the USA it is all up to the POE officer! But one would think it would be fine as when she gets up to the desk, they will ask her destination,and she will say the bahamas (or wherever) and going on vacation! and of course she will have the tickets to back that up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-05-03 05:50:00
CanadaNeed help from Canadians and Ameicans regarding honeymoon
If u just got married back in Dec--will be the CR-1--same process, just that the greencard is good for 2 yrs,where as the Ir-1 is 10 yrs---its based on how long one is married.

She can visit the USA, many of did while going thru the visa process
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-04-22 17:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Not all hospitals, nursing home, nursing/medical schools make it mandatory for people to get the flu vaccine. As well they don't know how much of a supply of the Swine flu vaccine will be available!! People (including myself) can be very, for lack of a better word--lazy--when it comes to this kind of stuff. They figure it wont happen to them, oh its just the flu! People have stated, oh I have had the flu before, it wasn't that bad! Well guess what, you probably did NOT have the flu!! Same goes for terrorism and high gas prices------people have a SHORT memory!! Few yrs back when gas was around or over $4 usd a gallon, people were giving away SUV's! Now that gas is a lot cheaper, SUV sales are back up!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-03 16:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (JillA @ Sep 3 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't catch swine flu now Flames!

Our infection control officer is pretty concerned about the swine flu!! They really have no clue on how hard it is going to hit! I think the CDC is estimating 90,000 people in the USA will DIE from it, and millions sickened by it!! Unlike other flu's the major group affected by it will be the younger people!!! If ur noty crazy about getting the Swine flu vaccine (may not be enough for everyone anyway) at least WASH ur hands over and over!! And just don't quickly wet ur hands, that is not doing any good! Lather up with soap, use warm water and with an effort, really wash ur hands, the friction is what ya need 9dont go overboard though,lol) one should do this for 15-20 seconds!!! As well when u cough, cough into ur elbow!!

We were told at my hospital, that if we don't get the "normal" yearly flu vaccine,we have to wear a mask in the hospital from October to end of march (flu season) Lot of unhappy co-workers, as many don't like to get vaccine! No problem for me, I have always gotten them.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-03 16:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 3 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Flames, how is the new job?

First week was all just general orientation! Stressed over and over about patient satisfaction,lol Which is a high priority, since it is a "for profit" hospital (not all in the USA are) My 2 shifts earlier this week were on my actual floor, which is a cardiac floor. I just followed my preceptor around the first day,then the tech, secretary, the 2nd day. Tomorrow I should have 1 or 2 or my very own patients, which is cool. Still lots to learn. The days go by soooo fast as one has no time to relax, its go, go go!! The patients we have are 1 step down from the critical care unit, so they are not super ill, but some are close to that line, so still require a lot of care. Normal patient load is 4 or 5 patients. Lot of ones time is taken up with documenting!! If its not documented, it didn't happen!! and when it comes to charging the people for the services that they received, and you did NOT document it, guess what, they don't get charged,lol so the hospital doesn't like that,lol

Its enjoyable, majority of the patients are very nice, but there are always a few that seem to cause one a bit more trouble,lol I'm doing a months of days,then I switch over to Nights!!! Usually much quieter at night, BUT that is def not always the case! people tend to get "crazy"" or code more often at night. Fun Stuff,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2009-09-03 13:38:00