CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-06 09:35:00
CanadaLong Term Visiting and Marriage/Visa Process
Dont feel bad! People on here ask the same question over and over and over and over again,lol At the top of each forum, k1, k3, cr-1 , are stickies/guides. Take some time and read them and feel free to ask all the questions you want! Its free,lol

http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=300;page=compare COMPARES the visas + and - points


The "compare" link is a good start, gives u down/dirty overview! each visa has its positives and negatives! K3 is pretty much gone the way of the dodo bird as it takes about the same amount of time as the CR-1, but costs more and does not come with work authorization. k1 is normally the fastest but as u can see from that chart it to has negative points!

Most common question: Can i visit the USA while undergoing the visa process?" YES but it is up to the POE officer. Have available ties to Canada to show proof to POE officer that u plan to return! Keep in mind you can have great proof that u will be returning and still be denied entry to the USA. Many of of did visit and had no problems. See my advice below in my signature. I visitited monthly never had a problem,nor had to show any evidence, but my stays were short. The longer ur stay, possibly the more eyebrows may be raised?????

It can be a frustrating process, as nothing is laid out in stone. 2 different couples can file at the same time, yet finish months apart. All the steps to carry out ur application can be found on VJ. If ya look at the top pf the page u see EXAMPLE FORMS--pics of forms already filled out to help ur cause.

And some of us did goto the USA, get married, then headed back to canada and start the paperwork for the CR-1 visa. Nothign wrong with that. Now did I tel the POE officer I was doing that? NO, but he didnt ask me neither,lol Its not wrong to do that, again, may just raise the POE officers eyebrows! Never lie to the POE officers, simple as that! Off for a run, +15C in DC is to great of a day to miss,especially since I'm back at work tonight. Best of luck
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-07 15:22:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review -- CR-1 Visa Approval
One doesnt have to buy ur return ticket at the airport--u just save a few $$ that way---, you can hop on the shuttle at ur hotel (one has to phone to be picked up by small shuttle) then pay for shuttle at that bus terminal prior to jumping on the L'aerobus to airport
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-07 14:33:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review -- CR-1 Visa Approval
I used L'aerobus! Worked out great! Like Wyatt stated, u go from Airport, to the bus terminal, get on the smaller shuttle to ur hotel! On the way back I got my hotel front desk to arrange pick up by the smaller shuttle at the hotel, they take u to the bus terminal, and then u hop back on the L'aerobus back to the airport. Exact opposite on how one arrived. I bought the return ticket at the airport, saves you a few $$$. I just work up--the beauty of working nights,lol so I may not have made any sense here, sorry! lol

congrats on ur interview!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-07 14:18:00
No one can say if you will be stuck in Canada. It is up to the Port of Entry (POE) officer. They are the ones that make that decision! Ensure you have ties to Canada with you, they may or may not ask to see them. If a POE officer thinks ur "living" in the USA, very good chance he may deny you entry. So the more u visit, and how long u visit,may set off warning bells to the POE officer. I traveled monthly to DC, never had a problem, but my visits were only 3-5 days in duration for the most part, plus i had a Cdn military leave pass.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-01 16:02:00
CanadaCanada EI HELP
Yep, like the others stated, one has to be LEGALLY able to work, and with the k1,k3, ur not until u get the EAD. Cr-1/IR-1, are legally able to work from the start, thus they can claim EI right from the get-go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-08 17:00:00
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-03 11:55:00

I think flyers are going to trade Emery... which is funny because most flyers fans were sooo happy when he came to their team and he has hardly even played because of his injury. :lol:

Won't be trading him as he is set for hip surgery and done for the season!! I think he only signed a 1 yr contract
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-03 11:22:00
Never was a Chelios fan, but why not keep playing, sure beats getting a regular job,lol He most likely doesnt need the $$$, but prob enjoy the hockey player lifestyle. Well maybe he does need the $$$, maybe still paying off the hotel damage from the Nagano Olympics,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-02 17:58:00
Wait to come to DC--So ANTI-Crosby here,lol Hard to say if oen was a GM who you would want on ur team if ya had to choose 1--OV or crosby! Can't really go wrong with either one, a true pleasure watching them both play. One may have to give the Kid a slight edge, as hi splay isn't quite as reckless, so may be less injury prone, but Sid has had a few groin issues. I could really care less who is better, just happy to watch them both play. 1 radio announcer here on 106.7 the fan (sports radio stn in DC, can listen online) stated he hated Crosby, but admitted he was the better player of the two, BUT was going to Nuke Canada,lol

Hard to say who would win between USA/Canada in a best of 7 series, could go either way, i think they were two evenly matched teams. Vancouver Canucks best hope Loungo gets rid of his "shakes" he just did not look comfortable out there the whole game
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-02 16:19:00
I'm just glad they scored when they did, as in 5 min I had to leave for work!! Wasnt agreat goal, but wasnt a bad goal either, but Miller played superbly! Can't really say that for loungo, he looked really nervous.

Dont worry about that 1 poster, every thing he writes is negative, that gets old pretty quickly. yes, many like to hate on Sid, sure a lot of hate on him in DC. But no denying he is a super player! as super player with a Stanley Cup and a Gold Olympic medal!! Hopefully OV or Iginla can win the Cup this yr,lol PARTY ON CANADA!!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-03-01 00:43:00
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! tears in my eyes!! And i was just about to leave for work!!!! Whewwwwwwww Hell YAAA!!!!! Nice job Canucks and great game USA.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-28 17:55:00
He has had problems all game catching pucks! Off to work I go!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-28 17:33:00
Ya, I thought the Cdn play wasn't quite on!! Nerves!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-28 16:06:00
I'm lucky that my wife is away till May,lol But my co-workers have been on me! And i have been very polite, no bragging about Team canada at all, oh well,lol They best win!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-28 12:26:00
I'll miss the ending!! Leave for work right around 1745!!! Tempted to call in sick!! But best not!! lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-28 10:51:00
ya, holy moley!! I may have to change my cats name, he is pretty embarrassed to be called "kipper" at the moment! Sure made a nice pass to malone on the first goal,lol

Curling on in a bit,then hockey!! good night to be at home
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-26 17:11:00

I think the rivalry between the two teams is simply too intense and bitter, for them to be able to act fair outside of the game.

Oh God she actually said it sucks to win the silver. On national TV.

ya,lol. Soo true though
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 21:17:00

That's Cami Granato, she was the team USA captain for many year, and retired a couple of years ago.

She is better that Cassie Campbell though, can not stand her!

I belive broadcasters should be somewhat neutral when calling the game-she soo isn't!! Its very obvious she is pro-American,lol During the intermission, sure give ur opnion, but during the game, broadcast the game, not ur opinion. Sucks to be her--CANADA GOLDEN!!!

Edited by Flames9_RN, 25 February 2010 - 08:40 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 20:40:00
they really got to get rid of the USA chick announcer,lol She is SOOOOOO terrible! and annoying!

Edited by Flames9_RN, 25 February 2010 - 07:46 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 19:44:00

Dude, the Canadian curlers (both men AND women) are sooo good. I expect them to go to the finals and win!!!!

I wonder why they havent called it quits yet... the Canada is leading by 5!

One cant give up, when ur gunning for a place in the gold game!

Norway could be martins opponent in the Gold medal game! It was Norway who martin faced in the 2002 Olympics final, in which he threw last rock and came up just inches short for the Gold medal!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 19:06:00
canada men up 6-1 in the 7th end over sweden!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 18:46:00
SWEETTTTTTTTTTTT hockey on CNBC and on MSNBC its CURLING!!!! Canada (mens) up 4-1 on sweden in 6th end!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 18:36:00
better be on tv, or on
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 18:27:00
Cool!! I'm off then, can chill and watch the game!! being the superstitious person that I can be at times--I went out and bought MOLSON XXX beer tonight before work! When I had molson in my fridge, Team Canada won! Prior to the USA game, the store was out of Molsson, so I just bought Miller lite---they lost! So I made sure I stopped and picked up Molsons before work!! So I shal have molsons for the gals game tomorrow and for Friday!! back to work!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-25 02:34:00
Swiss put up a decent fight against the USA. if it wasn't for Hillier,they would have been blown out!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-24 17:16:00

hit the PLAY symbol on the left side

Edited by Flames9_RN, 24 February 2010 - 04:52 PM.

Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-24 16:51:00
I'm watching it on my normal NBC channel
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-24 16:26:00
Have to work again toniith!! Was suppose to have it off, but switched with another person, ouch!! Hopefully it is on NBC, as I know 1 of my pts will watch it,lol

Lot of times in these tournaments, its not the team with the best players that wins, its the team that comes together the quickest. I'm rooting for Canada 100%, but I have said all along the Russians are the team to beat.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-24 15:02:00

according to yahoo sports, loungo gets the start
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-22 16:25:00
yes, in now way can they compare that game to the USA "Miracle on ice'!! Thats a slap in the face of that American team! That team was truly up against a mountain! College players vs the Russian Pros!
The current American team is full of NHL players, so no comparison! Canada now has a bit harder route to travel, germany on Tuesday, and if they beat them--its not a given----they most likely play the Russians after that! Even if they get bumped out, still lots of great hockey to be watched!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-22 10:06:00

Completely agree. :thumbs:

I actually thought Canada was going to kick US as$ and was ready to take some good natured heckling as an American watching the game at the Canadian Embassy. Instead, some upset Canadian asked me why any f@cking Americans were even at the Embassy and why didn't we go to our own embassy to watch the game. :blink: Um, ok.

That was pretty rude!! Not a true hockey fan their, just a complete moron!! Quite often in these types of tournaments,its not the team with the best players that win, its the team that comes together the quickest and has great team chemistry! Plain and simple, the USA got better goaltending, thus deserved to win! Suck it up, and move on,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-22 09:57:00

I completely disagree.

The first two goals he let in were pretty horrible. The third one was marginal. The fourth was a good goal, plain and simple. I'll be nice and won't even blame him for the fifth!

Brodeur let in 4 goals on 22 shots. That's inexcusable in the NHL, let alone on the world stage in such a statement game.

They were deflections. And u can't say just because the USA only had 22 shots on net 4 were goals that its poor goaltending! Its not the # of shots that count--its the QUALITY of shots that truly count. As a goalie, I know first hand how hard it is stop defections,ur set up for the sot, and whammo chg of direction and now ur pretty much hooped,lol

Sure Brodeur may be an elite goalie,but Loungo is playing in front of his normal Vancouver crowd, ok maybe not the normal Vancouver crowd, but familiar with the rink/surroundings!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-22 07:55:00
in all fairness brodeur did not play that bad, he made some big stops. at least 3 of the goals were by deflection, and our D were a bit sloppy at times! Miller was huge.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-21 22:47:00
Goaltending won that game!! Cya Brodeur, sit ur #### on the bench where it should have been in the 1st place!

Canada at times just seemed to take that extra second to shoot, wanted to make that perfect shot--of course when the other team has a great goalie, one tends to do that. USA deserved to win.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-21 22:25:00
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-20 16:01:00
Wow!! Walked into my patients room last nifght and asked about the hockey game, blew my mind when he said Canada had won ina shoot out!!!! a shoout out, what the ^^%&&^ lol Memories from the last Olympics flashed back when they lost!! Oh well, a wins a win.
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-19 15:22:00
13-0 for Canada over Sweden thus far late in the 3rd period! Just end the game!!
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 19:31:00
My wife came up to Winnipeg yrs ago and the Brier was on. She fell in love with it then! But didnt realize how difficult it was until bac here. Up at laurel curling rink they had a open house, so we went!! She fell on her butt right away and I think the rock went like 20 feet on her first throw,lol She had a new appreciation for the sport,lol
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:31:00

You just totally contradicted yourself in your two statements above. :P

I've always thought of it as "shuffleboard on ice". NTTAWWT...

To fully respect curling, one has to go and give it a try! They pros make it looks soo easy,but in reality it isnt! and to be a good sweeper, 1 has to be in shape, but yes the skip can be a fat bum,lol Well thats not totally true. But their was a huge uproaring yrs ago when Eddie the wrench Werenick was a bit too chubby,lol http://en.wikipedia....iki/Ed_Werenich
Flames9_RNMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:20:00