IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I also went thru the Vermont center, and I just called the Consulate in Vietnam. Right now we just received packet 3, so I just had her access our file, and asked some questions. Are file must still be there because she answered my questions, and didn't say anything about our petition being recalled. That is a relief. I really feel for all of those being affected by this, and I hope that the service centers will attend to these petitions first, and get them back where they belong quickly.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-22 20:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Gary I am on your list, my fiancee just received her packet 3, which was mailed on May 2. I am wondering if those of you who have been affected and petitions were sent back, if your online case status at the USCIS website has been updated saying something different than Approved. Can someone let us know as it may help the rest of us, if the do update the status on their site, so we can at least know if the cases are being touched, or reapproved.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-19 15:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
For those of you that have been affected by this new law, my prayers are with you. For those of us who don't know if we will be affected, what shall one do? How do you find out if your case was shipped back? Does one just hope that their petition won't be affected, or should we contact someone to see if we have been affecter or will be? If you are to call and bring attention to this, maybe they will ship it back. Just like everyone else, I just want to know what is going to happen with our case. How has others dealt with this nonsense? Can't they just do the criminal check without returning the petition?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-18 17:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok, I am not sure if any of you have done a timeline search for all petitions getting an NOA1 date after March 6, 2006. I know there isn't much time between March 6 to now, but the results showed one person getting their Visa Approval and entering the US. I think the filed in person or something. I am going to try to keep track to see if any more get thru.

Here is a link to the one that I found:

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-17 19:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok, I am starting to get worried now, because my case came thru Vermont and got my NOA1 after March 6. This is totally ignorant of our government. If the law was in place on March 6, and we didn't have our NOA1, then why wouldn't they do it before approving it. It makes no sense. They install a law before they even know how to put it into effect.

We need to get this issue into the public eye, just like the illegal immigrants in the US. This is totally unfair to us as US citizens. We need to take action, instead of sitting here taking every punch they throw at us. I guess they rather us do it illegally than legally. Look at all the money they are wasting on just this new law they have. To recall all the petitions is absolutely criminal.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-17 14:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I hope everything thing goes well for us all. I just don't understand why they need to return the petition to the US. Don't they have our information on record at the NVC or USCIS, that they could just run name checks, and if something pops up with your name, then they can recall it, but if your name doesn't get hits then no problem. They should begin with names with the closest interview dates, and move down the line, therefore they would not have to cancel interviews, if your name doesn't get hits. It just amazes me how unorganized and how unproffesional our government is working. I would have assumed that they did a criminal backround check before approving the petition.

Good Luck to us all on our long Journeys!!! Wish we were all as lucky as those who enter illegally, but we are law abiding citizens, and we get the shaft usually.

Sorry had to Vent!!!!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-16 11:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I don't know how well this information will help, but I just spoke with the company that filed our petition for us. I talked to him for fifteen minutes and he said the new law effects those who met each other thru a marriage broker. He said that the petitions that are getting returned, probably have to do with their answer they gave in how they met. If the answer given doesn't exclude the possibility of a marriage broker, then yours may be effected. When we filed ours, I stated we met while visiting Vietnam, because this is actually where we met, and they are not asking you how can you meet in Vietnam, just where did you meet. There are two questions usually at the interview. One is how can you two meet, which would be on a dating site, or thru friends. The other question is where did you two meet, which is the same question as on the I-129F, and your answer would be where you actually met each other. I did not use a broker so I think I am in the clear.

So for those cases that have been returned or interviews cancelled, if you would be willing to say, can you tells us your answer to the question on I-129. If you just said met online, that leaves the door open. I think this information would be the most useful in figuring this out.

You can ad my name to the list using my signature if you like, but I haven't been told that ours has been sent back. We are still expecting for our to go smoothly.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-15 18:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpoke to Vermont Today

Ok, I just got off of the phone with Vermont
Bad news for NOA2 people. The officer told me the RFE'S for NOA2's wont be going out for 30 to 60 days. And they still do not have my Petition from the Embassy that was sent to them on June 2nd. This is bad. Also told me they can't expedite on there end. And do anything to expedite on the Embassy end either. Really screwed up

I am not sure that you should take the words of this officer to the bank. I called yesterday, and the woman told me that I will receive the RFE in the mail within the next 2 weeks, and at the end she said several days. I also sent a request for expedited service thru the mail last week and haven't heard anything yet. What you have to realize is the fact when we sent in our original package, it wasn't opened immediately and worked on. So who knows when the 72 hours starts. I also asked the woman I spoke with about my request for expedite, and she told me that there was no way to tell me because that is a totally different department. It is so hard to trust anything they say, so don't give up hope yet.

So all dating sites are classified as marriage brokers? I don't understand this, because where I met my wonderful fiancee, yahoo personals, just doesn't supply someone with a dating service. It also supplies people with penpals and such. There are exceptions to the rule, and that is where I thought the normal dating sites fell under. If this is true then why is it ok to meet someone from the US on a dating site without this check? Aren't they in the same danger? We need to find out if these truly do classify as a broker. If so how do you find their location?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-29 22:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsExpedite Request
As you can see in another thread, people who have received the RFE and returned it are already getting approved. The Receipt date don't mean Sh*t. How can they have time to do the RFE's when they have all of our cases sitting their waiting for RFE's to be sent out?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-03 22:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsExpedite Request


If your petition had been approved already and had to be recalled (because the VSC got ahead of itself) then you have a Notice Date that puts you at the head of the line.

What's to expedite? Who is there to move you ahead of?


I just Received a letter in the mail today from DHS and it was thicker than the one I received on Friday, with the notice of action. I was getting so excited as I thought it was finally the RFE. Well when I opened it, it is from Mr. Paul Novak. He states that our recalled petition does NOT meet the criteria for special handling.

THIS IS A DISGRACE TO EVERYONE WHO WAS RECALLED!!!! I have never been so disappointed in my government in my entire life.


I usually enjoy your posts, but I am not sure if you understand how USCIS is handling this at all. Petitions that were never approved with a much later date are already getting their RFE's before any of us with a previous approval. Those that have received the RFE have already sent it back in and all of us that has already been approved but recalled, have not even received the RFE. I am not even sure they know how they will handle the order. ALl of the new petitions that are being filed now are using the new form and won't receive the RFE. SO where does it leave us recalled petitions????
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-03 15:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsExpedite Request
I just Received a letter in the mail today from DHS and it was thicker than the one I received on Friday, with the notice of action. I was getting so excited as I thought it was finally the RFE. Well when I opened it, it is from Mr. Paul Novak. He states that our recalled petition does NOT meet the criteria for special handling.

THIS IS A DISGRACE TO EVERYONE WHO WAS RECALLED!!!! I have never been so disappointed in my government in my entire life.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-03 14:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAfter IMBRA RFE anyone got approved?
I am happy for those that are now getting approved, but don't get me wrong, I am PO'd. Not at you guys but at the system. Right now, it may just be best to move there and will probably get approved faster than our papers.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-03 21:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRecalled NOA2 people
FINALLLYYYY!!! I woke up this morning to a nice suprise. THey emailed me last night at 10:22 saying that they are sending me the RFE. RLT and all others, I know how you feel, but you will get yours.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-06 05:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRecalled NOA2 people

(And I'm sure you know this but whatever you do, don't mention any ceremonies, unofficial though they may be, to any immigration officials; this has been grounds to deny fiance visas in the past! Have a great trip.)

Thanks! I didn't know that and might have tripped up. Proves once again how valuable it is when we get together like this to share information.

And do NOT provide any pictures from your ceremony as evidence of your relationship... anything that even LOOKS like a wedding celebration will cause you great heartache....

Is this just your opinion, or do you have solid evidence of this. They can't denie a petition because your pictures look like a wedding. They would have to prove that you are legally married. All you have to do is get a single status paper, which proves you are not married. My fiancee wore a wedding dress we bought in her country, at her parents request for the engagement ceremony. In my fiancee's country they have a traditional engagement ceremony which is damn close to wedding.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-20 15:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRecalled NOA2 people
For those of you that cannot connect to Vermont, and are having difficulties, after you enter your case number you need to listen until close to the end before entering the next few digits. If you don't it does not work. So be patient.

I sent in my RFE today, because this goes to a totally different department than the RFE, so why wait for the RFE.

I just booked my flight to go see my love I am so excited right now, because I can't wait another 4 or 5 months for all of this processing.

Good Luck to us all, I can't wait for one of us to at least get an RFE from the recalled petitions. I have a feeling that the reason those with just NOA1's are getting them first is due to the fact that their petitions are still active there and accesible. Ours are probably in a huge stack somewhere. The faster they get the NOA1's out of the way the faster they get to us. I know it really frustrates me to see another RFE with a Receipt date months after mine, but we have no choice but to cheer them on and keep coming.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-19 19:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRecalled NOA2 people
We didn't receive a call, email, or mail. They sent my fiancee packet 3 on May 10, and during the time she was filling it out, I emailed the consulate to question them. Go figure on 6-6-06 she sent DS-230 back, and hours after I received an email saying they sent our petition back to the US on May 12. They also said that the DS-230 was mistakenly sent and she will have to fill out a new one. Tell me about being pissed.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-16 18:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRecalled NOA2 people
I'm on this list too:

NOA1 - March 13
NOA2 - March 25
Petition Returned to US - May 12

NVC stated they sent it to USCIS
USCIS said they received it

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-16 17:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFinally got my RFE July 10 but one question
Kitkat, every page of our RFE had our case number at the top left corner, under the heading.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-11 06:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsExpiration of Approval
I just got off the phone with Vermont. I told her that our petition was affected by IMBRA and now our Approval Expiration was approaching. I asked what I needed to do in order to get the approval extension. She told me that When they Reaffirm their approval they will also take your expiration into considerationand extend it.

She then asked me for my Receipt number and name for some reason. I have never had theat happen before.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-12 08:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsExpiration of Approval
Since those of us with already approved petitions have been thru the ringer once, and now are just getting back on track, what have you done about the Approval Expiration? My approval is about to expire in 2 weeks, and I wasn't sure if I should write to them for an extension, or will they automatically extend the approval?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-11 18:14:00
IMBRA Special Topicsvermont imbra processing times

ok so I just looked at the email that was dated july 10 stating that my petition was being recalled. so what is a good estimate on how much time it will take until my case is back down at the US Embassy and waiting once agian on packet number 3 to arrive.

Well, I am sorry to say none of the recalled petitions have been reapproved, and sent back. I am in the same boat as you. My fiancee actually received packet 3 and returned it. They returned the petition to the US before they received packet 3 back, so she will have to receive it again. There is a thread for all recalled petitions. you should enter your info, and check out the timelines in the thread.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-13 06:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFirst RFE approval for a recall?
Rene, I am sorry for giving any doubt to you. It surely sounds like an approval to me now. CONGRATS!!!!!!

I am really happy for you, and is good news for the rest of us!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-18 06:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFirst RFE approval for a recall?
Rene, I really hope this is the case, but I have been thinking about this. When does your previous Approval Expire? IT seems like it would have expired on July 7 or 8, and maybe they have just gave you the extension of the first approval. I think they would update the case online, and you would get an email saying that the approval was reaffirmed. I really hope I am wrong, but I think this might be the case.

Sorry if I am the bearer of bad news. I was so excited for you.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-17 20:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsProtest on Capital Hill?
I just visited my congesswomans web site and found this. Maybe this is who we should be sending it on to. I think this is a great idea. We can all forward this to all of our friends and family members. I am sure we would get a bigger turn out for this.

Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas is the chairman of the House Judiciary's subcommittee on Immigration. His webpage includes some useful information about immigration issues before Congress. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims is also available on-line.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-20 18:30:00
IMBRA Special TopicsProtest on Capital Hill?
I do believe something should be done, but I don't think we have enough people just from this site. I have no idea how many people there is on this site that are affected first, and then how many would show up. I think it would be a great idea if we had the numbers to attract the attention we deserve. You also don't want to pull this off and only have 30 people show up, and there reaction would be "Only 30 people turned out, we have nothing to worry about". I really don't know what we could do to really help our cause. Is any action going to make them work faster? Is any action going to repeal the new law?

I am just as frustrated as all of you. My fiancee should be having her interview this month, and we are back to square one. It is so frustrating, and has really caused a great deal of stress and sadness to all of us. I just wished we knew how long this will take. For those of you that have no word on your file, you have my deepest sympathy. I can't believe how pathetic our system is, and how they get away with it.

Good luck to all of us, and I hope things will get better for all of us.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-20 18:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSuggestion for media coverage
Sounds like a great idea!!!! Count me in. Let me know what you would like to do.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-21 23:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS Director in "Ask the White House" on-line forum today!
I was wondering the same. I asked some questions but can't see anything live.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-24 15:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPLEASE HELP!!!
I can;t contact them until Monday, because it is Friday night there now!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-28 08:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPLEASE HELP!!!
As you all of you know we were affected by IMBRA, and are awaiting our approval to be reaffirmed. Well, my fiancee Huong just called me and she just received Packet 4 in the mail with her interview date of August 14. What do we do, not say anything and hope they won't realize it. I just don't know what to do. I have all her evidence here and I want to fly there for her interview. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-28 08:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsNew IMBRA Restrictions on Petitions Make Sense

I am sorry but you have taken for granted that your ancestors had to immigrate to the US at some point. Our fiancees have the same right to live on this land that we do. Almost all of us have to thank our ancestors who moved here at some point. If the immigration system was set up the same way it is now, when they came to the US, how many of us actually would be living here now?

I am not against this law, I am against how it was implemented. As far as what your trying to say about previous K-1 petitions. All of us as US Citizens have the right to determine when we fall in love, and when to get married. If the government starts controlling the feelign of US citizens then our freedom is gone completely. We should not be treated any different than a normal couple in the US. Is it fair to an individual that was recently divorced, or just ended a relationship to receive a letter telling them they cannot marry for 2 years, because they need to make better decisions? I don't think so. Do you like your freedom? Then don't take away ours.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-14 23:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
I was approved on 8-02-06, and also touched on 8-06-06.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-09 06:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCompiled NOA2 RFE info- Add yours!
MEW, I received the email notice that they received my RFE return, please add it to the list.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-13 14:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCompiled NOA2 RFE info- Add yours!


reop'd .. case reopened
RFE u/d.. RFE update through USCIS online case status/email
RFE m.. Actual receipt of RFE through postal mail
RFE b .. RFE received at the SC update (through USCIS online case status/email)
RFE app .. RFE approved (through USCIS online case status/email)
MB - marriage broker: yes or no?
S/C.. Service center used by petitioner
F/C.. Fiance(e)’s home country

VJ member..........NOA1.....NOA2....reop'd.....RFE u/d....RFE m....RFE b.....RFE a.....MB.....S/C..F/C

Sleepless in OR...03/06......03/31......06/20…..06/26.....07/05........07/11.........................CSC..France
Mad Man............03/31......04/07.......none......none......none.............................................VS
Erol ...................04/06.......04/21......06/22......none......none...........................................VSC..Germany

Edited by mike1972e, 11 July 2006 - 07:01 PM.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-11 19:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCompiled NOA2 RFE info- Add yours!


reop'd .. case reopened
RFE u/d.. RFE update through USCIS online case status/email
RFE m.. Actual receipt of RFE through postal mail
RFE b .. RFE received at the SC update (through USCIS online case status/email)
RFE app .. RFE approved (through USCIS online case status/email)
S/C.. Service center used by petitioner
F/C.. Fiance(e)’s home country

VJ member..........NOA1.....NOA2....reop'd.....RFE u/d....RFE m....RFE b...RFE a.....S/C..F/C

Sleepless in OR...03/06......03/31......06/20…..06/26.....07/05........07/11................CSC..France
Mad Man............03/31......04/07.......none......none......none.....................................VSC..Phili
Erol ...................04/06.......04/21......06/22......none......none...................................VSC..Germany

For some reason my RFE m disappeared and I fixed it. I have ne other suggestion for this table that I am not sure everyone would be wiling to do. It might help if we also put a column in for MB(Marriage Broker) and you can put a Y for yes or a N for No, if you used one. This will aslo help determine if those who answered No are moving quicker than those who answered Yes.

Sorry to be such a pain, but you are doing a great job MEW. Thanks for doing this, it really gives us all an idea of timeframes, and such.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-11 18:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCompiled NOA2 RFE info- Add yours!
VJ member-----------NOA1-----NOA2-----reopened----RFE u/d------RFE m----S/C-F/C

Sleepless in OR-----03/06------03/31--------06/20-------06/26------07/05------CSC-France
Mad Man------------03/31------04/07-------none-----------none--------none------VSC-Philippines
Erol -----------------04/06-----04/21--------06/22---------none--------none------VSC-Germany

I received the RFE in the mail yesterday and sent it back immediately, and they will receive it today. Before sending it back I called USCIS and spoke to a woman named Darlene. I told her we met on Yahoo personals, and she said so you met online. I said yes. She said hold on while I check. She came back on the phone an advised me to check the NO box. I said thans, can I get your name and officer number, and she gladly provided it to me. They are not allowed to give their last names. On my attachment I stated when I called USCIS and who i spoke to and advised me that Yahoo personals was not an International Marriage Broker.

I think we should add 2 more columns to this chart now. First, when we are notified they received the RFE back, and second, when it gets reapproved. What do you think?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-11 06:14:00
Got the Blue Slip. Not due to any IMBRA related issues.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-28 13:24:00
Someone in the NVC Forum said to use the Non-Immigrant. When I went to the consulates website it is listed under the Imigrant Visa section, and says it is technically a Non-Immigrant Visa, but requires the same paper work as the Immigrants, since they will become permanant residents. The best thing to do is call NVC and ask them is the K-1 sent out as a Non-Immigrant or Immigrant Visa. Then you know which one to use.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-25 12:11:00
VietnamMy wife passed the interview!!
; Congrats!!!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-04-29 09:41:00
VietnamVisa Approved, but must wait 1 more year?
; Every case is unique, SOME requires more attention from the Consulate/Embassy (AP) when they think some things are kinda fishy. Not saying it is, but they have to be strict to know that this case is 100% based on a true and genuine relationship.

Make sure, especially in a high-fraud country, that you collect as many evidence as you have. This way you will go with lot's of confident to an interview and less of a chance they'll put you in AP.

Good luck on your journey :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-03 12:45:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend
; The "R" ratings you just mentioned, OP, are tons of RED FLAGS!

The fact that she had, so to speak, her "X-BF's" shirts in her closet after she said she moved on a long time ago and still have these in her "new" house.. Although, everyone keeps a little thing from their former GF/BF, right :rolleyes:

Anyways, the fact that she hides so many things incl. contact with other guys from all around the World, sexy clothing, etc. Maybe she gets her money thru an online, you-know-what.

And also that she had contact with this guy she said she missed him and visa versa while she sent a picture, that you took, to him and yadee yadee yadee..

I mean, are you that blind to actually see what is going on?

& you don't have to tell each other all about your past, but the head lines from your past are more important. Detailed information ain't neccessary. And if you have a heart-to-heart conversation, maybe she'll make up things to cover her past.

All I'm saying, since she hasn't been honest from the very start, it's hard to believe what comes out of her mouth now

If I were you, I wouldn't file the K1 yet, or cancel it, until you both are ready to do so.

She lives way above from what she can afford, and there might be a big chance that other guys pay her as well (webcam sex, or whatever), SINCE she only get paid +/- 350-500 dollars a month, like you mentioned before.

GOOD LUCK, and listen to your guts!!

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-18 09:02:00