VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
My fiancee lives in Hanoi, which is far far north of HCMC, and she needs to fly to HCMC for her medical as well as her interview. The site says that she should get her medical at least one week before her interview. THis would mean that she would have to fly to HCMC for her medical then return to Hanoi, and then fly back to HCMC for her interview, and then she may have to stay for a few days to wait for her visa? Does anyone have any suggestions that would enable her to just make one trip? I know that she could stay for like two weeks, but I don't think she would be able to do that. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-29 22:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

SHE GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just talked with Lan (my fiance). She just got the K1 visa!!!!!!!! YAH YAH YAH!!!!

The interview was 5 minutes long. Very shortl.... just a few questions. Details to follow tomorrow, ok???

:thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:

I am so happy for both of you!!!!

I know you probably couldn't sleep after her call.

I wish the best for you both on your future together. You gave us all hope!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-29 06:01:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
[quote name='Landy' date='Mar 28 2006, 09:52 PM' post='99391']
Thanks for the kind thoughts!!!
I am sitting at home right now. Lan called me just before she entered the consulate.... apppointment is for 10 am. I will be waiting for her call!!!!


I know you must be nervous and excited at the same time. I only wish the best for you and your fiancee. I hope she calls you and you can tell from her voice that she passed. Good Luck!!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-28 22:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Well folks.... tomorrow (March 29) is our K1 interview at the consulate in HCMC.

Lan and I are all set to go. Wish us luck. We're very well prepared (thanks to VJ) and I can't imagine doing this without the help of this group of people.

I'll post an update as soon as Lan calls me after the interview. I will also have her post her experiences with the consulate first-hand for the benefit of you all.

I wish you both the very best of luck!!!!!
I hope that your dreams will come true!!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 21:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK-1 RFE for IMBRA SENT!

It doesn't look like Nebraska/CSC has sent any RFEs. CSC has touched several people several days in a row but that's it. So much for the concept of processing RFEs in order of NOA1 - people from Vermont who filed in May are getting them sent out while Nebraska March filers are still waiting. :(

Don't feel too bad, I am going thru Vermont and have an NOA1 of March 13, and I have no touches or any action on our case. I just find it rediculous how they have screwed up so bad and now they are screwing up even more.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-16 22:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHas anyone had an IMBRA recall AFTER they've interviewed

Wow. We are in the same category. I got the exact message on June 22nd, 2006 and was touched on June 23rd, 2006. I later called the USCIS on the same day and was told the processing will be completed within 30 days. But they did not say anything about RFE. Hopefully they will just do an IMBRA Criminal background check and send them back to the Embassy. Please keep us informed. This is significant progress. Did you send a request to expedite? I did.

I sent in the request for expedite service in the mail. I have not received anything from them, but it usually takes a week to get something in the mail from them.

IMHO, we have two separate circumstances. Recalled petitions that have already been approved, and petitions not approved yet, getting the RFE. They may handle these 2 different ways, since some have already been approved, and some haven't. Are we not compliant with IMBRA if we have no criminal history, no previous filings, and not used a marriage broker? We singed off on how we met, and they can do the background check themselves. If we have no criminal history, and no previous filings, then why would we not be compliant? The way in which they worded there email makes me believe that maybe they will only send RFE's to those who have a criminal background, or previous filing, and suspisous of a marriage broker. I don't know why they recalled them all, your guess as good as mine. They could have done the RFE's while our case was at the embassy, but you know how organized they are :no: . So in the next week or so we shall see how they will handle us. We are all guessing here, and hopefully that will end this week.

Good Luck to us all!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-25 13:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHas anyone had an IMBRA recall AFTER they've interviewed
Our petition was recalled from the consulate, and yesterday received 2 case status updates online, as well as 3 emails for each one. I was also touched today with no change to my case status. Here is the email they sent me:

Current Status:

On June 23, 2006, this case was reopened on a USCIS motion, and the
case is now in process. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing
is complete
. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this
case will be done. Follow the the link below for current processing

I am not sure if we will be receiving RFE's or not. IMHO the email they sent sounds more like they may just do the checks themselves, and if nothing pops up, then they may send them back. We are all just guessing here, so I am just trying to interpret what they say in their email.

Whatever they need to do, is fine by me, just getting doing it.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-24 20:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
So basically, we would be better off starting from scratch with the new I-129F.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-18 12:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I hate the fact they don´t update my status since my petition was recalled!

I´ll never know when the RFE was sent.
I honestly don´t think the recalled cases will be expedited.
It sucks to be in this situation.

I´m calling them tomorrow.

I know it really gives you a feeling of uncertainty. I called today after I saw a few people were told there RFE's were either being sent or are baing prepared now. So I called and the woman said that they haven't accessed my file yet for the RFE. SO I asked about these being expedited and she said she doesn't know anything about that. I told her that isn't it in their rules that if our cases were due to USCIS error our cases are then expedited,a nd she said I guess so. What kills me is the fact that the people I saw that were told their RFE's are being sent, have a later Receipt date than me. I am assuming they have no order. Believe me I am happy for those getting their RFE's and those who can file now with the new form. It just stinks that their is no order based on Receipt date.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-15 20:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Here is my opinion on the answers you received from the service center today. They always like to give you the worst case scenario, because they don't want to be liable for giving you the wron information. Just like the timelines they list. Things always get done before the actual number of days they state. SO when you called them today, they don't want to tell you, yes you will get your RFE this week or next week, because if they told you this and for some reason you don't receive it then you got major beef with them. The other problem is they need to send out 10,000 of these, and who knows how thye are handling this issue. So they really can't say when each of us will receive ours, because I am sure they can't send them all out at once. They probably have some system set up. Maybe they will send all those with petition dates in March there RFE's the first week, and so on and so on. I don't think they want to send 10,000 out at once, and then receive 10,000 in the same week. They may stagger them. I am just very optimistic about them saying IMMEDIATELY, because they always give you the worst case scenario.

Wait until the first person gets their RFE and posts it. This will cause major stress for those who don't receive their RFE's that same day. Where is our RFE? Why did he get his and we didn't get ours? I feel just like the rest of you on this, my nerves are shot, all I think about all day at work is, when am I going to get my RFE, what are they going to request? I just can't wait for this to be all over, and our cases are on their way. We are owed an apology, and the consulates and embassies better expedite our cases back to the original postition without further delay.

Good Luck Everyone!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-14 18:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok everyone, some news at last. I also called the Vermont service center and they have a message stating that no operators are on duty to answer calls. I am hoping they are giving them instruction on this. Last night I commented on the pending information collection, and told them we need to be informed of what is going on and what will be needed from us, and today we get the news. I doubt if they acted that fast, but it does make me feel alot better knowing they are finally releasing information to us, and have an idea of what we will need to do.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-13 10:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Has anyone else contacted Vermont or their service center for any updates??? I am going to call again tomorrow, but with different questions, that maybe will help us. Here is how you contact vermont directly:

Then press 1-2-6-1
Enter Receipt Number
Then press 3-2-1

First I will ask to speak with a supervisor this time. Here are the questions I will ask:

Has my petition been thru the additional security checks now required?
Has the new I-129F Form been approved?
If not, what is the is the deadline for this form to be approved?
Has the emergency collection of information been approved?
If not, what is the deadline for this to be approved?
How will they be requestion the information from me?
Are they close to having a system set up for collecting this information?
Will the petitions be processed by earliest Receipt date to the present?

I suggest everyone needs to call, and get some answers.

Now I have a decision to make, I visited my fiancee this past December and January for 3 weeks. It has been 6 months now since I have seen her and it is killing us, because we thought her interview would be in July or at the latest August. Now we have no idea when she will interview. I will be flying there for her interview for another 3 weeks, but I hope that thee consular doesn't question why I haven't returned to see her since January. The truth, because the US government royal screwed up, but they will fail her if she would say that. I want to go back to see her so badly now, and suprise her, but it will put a financial burden on us if I fly there now and again when she has her interview. By the way she lives in Vietnam, and the plane tickets are above $1000. I wish us all luck by the end of this week.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-12 17:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well, I just called. I told her that Our petition was returned do to the new IMBRA law, and asked if there were any new developments with the new form and the emergency information request. She asked for our receipt number and comes back on the phone and says, ok you wanted to know if your case has been recalled. I so no, I wanted to know when they were going to begin requesting the new information required, and how they will request it. She said, ummm we are waiting for instruction on that, and WE ARE WAITING TO. I just wanted say to her, well you are just waiting so you can continue your work, our lives are on hold. She had no timeframe. From her responses, I think she knows something, but they don't want to tell you a timeframe, because then they will be held to it. I HATE WAITING!!!!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-12 08:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I noticed that the request was not just for the new form, but also a request for emergency information collection. This is only good for 180 days. Therefore, I don't think they are going to take their time, because they only got 180 days to collect all the information. I will be calling later today and I hope to hear something new, and good. B)
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-12 06:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
After reading everyone's replies, I am still thinking that the new form was approved, and now they are getting an extension on it. It makes total sense. Tell me, how can you get an extension of an existing form with new information? YOU CAN'T. You must first get an approval for the revisions to the form. Ok, now let's think about it. If this new law had never been introduced, they would be still processing with the old form while they are trying to get an extension on it. Which means now that they have the new form, they can use it while they are going for the extension. I called today to Vermont and she said they were waiting for instruction on how they were going to collect the information. I don't know how long before we get any word from them, because first they will have to make sure they have a very good system in place, also they must inform how many petitioners? They are not going to sit on this, because it is only making a wharehouse of backlog. I am hoping Monday is the day.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-09 17:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Ok, I think I may have figured this out. The draft on their website is the new form. If you actually open the draft, it contains the new questions, but the man hours are now back to 100,000. So this is how I see it. The requested the emergency approval. They must have gotten the approval, but since the I-129F expires 6-30-06, they now need to extend it's usage. So Either one of two things. One, they were denied and were told just to add it to the extension, or two they got approved and now need the extension, but means they can begin processing.

I think it is the second, which means they have an approval and why would they go for the emergency if they weren't going to start using it immmediately. Why wouldn't they wait for the extension. But, how can they extend something that doesn't have the correct questions????

I believe we will be getting great news either today or Monday.


I wonder why they sent a draft to be approved with an expiration date of 06-30...

The I-129F for review and approval on the OMB site is the new I-129F. They are applying for an extension of this form since it expires on 6-30-06. They could not get an extension on a form that adds questions to it, because the questions need approved first. So they had to get a revised I-129F approved before they could extend it with the new questions. So the new form is Approved, and now they need to apply for it's extension.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-09 07:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok, I think I may have figured this out. The draft on their website is the new form. If you actually open the draft, it contains the new questions, but the man hours are now back to 100,000. So this is how I see it. The requested the emergency approval. They must have gotten the approval, but since the I-129F expires 6-30-06, they now need to extend it's usage. So Either one of two things. One, they were denied and were told just to add it to the extension, or two they got approved and now need the extension, but means they can begin processing.

I think it is the second, which means they have an approval and why would they go for the emergency if they weren't going to start using it immmediately. Why wouldn't they wait for the extension. But, how can they extend something that doesn't have the correct questions????

I believe we will be getting great news either today or Monday.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-09 06:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

sigh... I just wish it would all end!!

:( Ditto... im having a two month long headache... :wacko: :blink: i hope we hear something from them really soon, like tomorrow if indeed they have figured out what to do with our petitions...

I am sure that they had to have a plan in place before getting this approved, so they could also get that approved simultaneously. From the link that was posted it does seem it was approved, and with the deadline tomorrow, I believe that only supports it as well. Also I recall someone posting something about they were in meetings all week this week, so I believe that is all supporting evidence that they should have everything in place and a plan ready. Now they just need to send out roughly 2,000 or 3,000 RFE's. 1,100 returned petitions and the ones received since. As for the man hours Yodrak was talking about, I believe this is the burden on us. The dollar amount may have something to do with mail costs they must pay for.

Like I said we need to contact the service centers tomorrow. Have questions prepared, and make sure you greet them friendly, because this usually helps open them up :yes:

I forgot to add, we should start a new post now, because this thread is way to long, and we should now be going on know, or close to know information.

What do ya say Gary?????
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-08 19:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Thanks everyone for all the updates. When I was reading these at work, I was so confused, but now I can read all the research you all have done. Well we can all only guess. This is my opinion, the approved new form I would assume is going to be used for the 180 days, to rush us back out to where we belong, during this time I am guessing that they must also get and approval for the new procedures that will be used after the they clean house. So the new form is approved for us that have been royaly screwed and the new petition that will be used for the next couple years is under review. Now we just nee to find out when this will happen. I think we should be calling our service centers tomorrow for any news. Now that it has been approved they must have a system in order, or it would not have been approved, because part of the review had to do with the burden on us and how they were going to collect the information.

GOOD Thoughts everyone, Good Thoughts!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-08 19:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Here is the link I used.

Where did you here it was approved???/

They would be great if it was.

I don't have time to read to see if it is the same or not. Let me know. I am swamped at work.

Just found this from the link posted above. Does this mean it was approved, and why is the expiration date June 30

Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
OMB NO: 1615-0001 EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/2006
RESPS:200,000 HOURS:100,000 COSTS(000):$1,900
Petition for Alien Fiance(e)
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-08 14:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well, I found the OMB site, and placed the link here. If you click on Homeland Security, and then find the scroll to find Petition for alien Fiance(e) this is what you will find. It was received yesterday, so maybe we are on the right track.


DHS-BCIS OMB NO.: 1615-0001
Petition for Alien Fiance(e)
** RECEIVED: 06/07/2006
Responses: Hours: Costs (000):
Previous: 200,000 100,000 1,900
Requested: 200,000 300,000 34,000
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-08 06:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok, the previous notice was the second notice (30 day). Here is the 60 day notice, which states they wanted all comments before May 1, 2006. Then the 30 day notice would take effect, which would put it at June 1, 2006. The next process is the one I posted earlier today which ask for the approval by June 9, 2006. So the picture seems to becoming clearer. They are finished with the comment stage and now they are trying for the approval, which we all hope comes before Friday the 9th. My friends, everything looks like we should know something by the end of this week. So keep calling the service centers, and checking the forms section.

I hope we all have good news on tomorrow!!!!

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 18:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Everyone should read this notice that is included with the I-129F Draft. It looks like we can Email them with our comments for the new form, in regards to the burden it puts on us. It also talks about Electronic filing.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 18:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Update----or not really, Called USCIS again, they do not have a direct number or email to contact Vermont, she said that I can write to them via snail mail :angry:
She wasnt very helpful at all really. She said there is no way to check, sometimes the system online does not get updated (this is the opposite of what they told me last time I called) I've lost all patience, something better happen soon!!!!

Call this number 1-800-375-5283
press 1 pause 2 pause 6 pause 1
Enter Receipt #
press 3 pause 2 pause 1

You will be connected to Vermont
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 14:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

My email from the NVC:

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry.  When the petition is received at the NVC from the U.S. Embassy, it will immediately be forwarded to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS - formerly known as INS) for processing. All inquiries and submissions of additional documentation should be directed to the CIS office that originally approved the petition.  

National Visa Center

Not very helpful. I'm assuming that means the NVC hasn't got it back from the Embassy yet. This is really starting to piss me off. Someone has to have the damn file.

YEAH ME TOO!! I wonder if they are even tracking the damn things!! so far rlt seems to be the only one who got a definite answer from NVC about them receiving his petition. Well I am going to raise hell soon, its going to be a month this Monday since the embassy sent it back to the USA!!! :devil:

I contacted Vermont directly yesterday and the woman told me that our petition was there and undergoing security checks. You should try to contact the service center you went thru, and ask a live person. The automated system said nothing about my petition being returned.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 11:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I am not sure if this was posted in this thread or not, and I am sorry if they already did, because I am not going to brows thru 60 pages. This actually gives me hope. It seems that they are requesting the approval of the new form by June 9, 2006. It also sounds like it might be done by e-file. Tell me what you think???

This was a GREAT find. Where did you see something about possible e-file? I guess if the approval is by June 9, the next question is how/when will they provide it to us? It's seems unlikely the person whose name is at the end would know this (since she is the internal contact for the approval of the form) but I hope someone calls her and tries to find out more!

Here is where I saw something about E-file. It is on page 2 #3.

A fellow HCMC journey member provided me with these links, so all the thanks goes to him, his name is Tony. I just printed them out this morning and read them and when I saw the June 9th, and e-file, I got such great hope.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 08:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I am not sure if this was posted in this thread or not, and I am sorry if they already did, because I am not going to brows thru 60 pages. This actually gives me hope. It seems that they are requesting the approval of the new form by June 9, 2006. It also sounds like it might be done by e-file. Tell me what you think???
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-07 06:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Hopefully they will send it out ASAP. THis is the way I look at it. The longer they take with this, the backlog is just growing and growing. SO I am sure that they want to get this out ASAP so they can get back on track.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 18:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I also used the instructions above, and spoke directly with Vermont. I believe that they are figuring out how they are going to procede with our petitions. Here are my thoughts, and this is only an opinion. I think they are running all of our petitions thru this security check. In the meantime they are developing the new I-129F and Pamphlets, and developing a system they will need to use for this emergency. Once the petitions clear the security checck, and they have the new I-129F and pamphlet developed, things will begin rolling again. The apporvals for these should go quite fast seeing they already approved our petitions once, and they are only approving the newly acquired info. So we just need to keep on them, and hope something happens soon.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 14:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well, this morning I check my case status on the automated system, and said nothing about it being returned. So I just called, and the woman took my information and said to give her a couple minutes while she accesses my case. Two minutes go by and she comes back on the phone, and said her records show that they have received our case and is under review. I asked is this regarding the IMBRA law, and she said yes. I asked her how long, and she told me that she has no timeline at this point, and to call back in 30 days.

At least I know my petition is in their hands, and not lost or misplaced.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 10:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
So I should call NVC to check to see if they have received our case back from the consulate??? The number I should call is (603)334-0700???

Lately there has been some pretty ignoratn comments flying around. That is not what this thread or forum is for. It is to ask questions and receive answers and support. I would not even respond to their comments, because that is all they want is attention. JUST IGNORE THEM!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 08:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Only getting worse. I emailed them over 2 weeks ago. My Fiancee received her packet 3 a few days before that, and just finished filling out the papers last night at 1:00 in the morning. She sent them fast mail this morning, and a few hours later I receive the email saying that our case was returned. They also stated that they sent out packet 3 on May 10, and Returned our petition on May 12. They stated that she should not take any action at this time, meantime she mailed packet 3 a few hours before the email.

I just called the case status line, and there was no information regarding our case being returned. I can only hope that it is still on it's way and they will receive it very soon. I aslo hope the Consulate will file the papers returned from packet 3, and when they receive our petition back, they can then process the DS-230. Why does this have to be so difficult.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 07:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well, I woke up this morning with some sad news. I have have to be notified that our case was send back to the US. I emailed the consulate about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and they finally responded this morning.


Our case went thru Vermont, who do I contact to make sure they have received it?

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-06 05:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

A response i just got from Rick Santorum

Dear Ms. R.....

Thank you for contacting me regarding immigration reform. I appreciate hearing
from you and having the benefit of your views.
As you may know, the Senate passed S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Act of 2006, on May 25, 2006. I voted against this legislation because I do not
believe this is the right way to reform our immigration system.
As the son of an Italian immigrant who came to the United States in 1930, I
understand the important and valuable contributions legal immigrants have made
and continue to make to our country. I have great respect for those who have
legally come to our nation seeking a better life for their families.
However, I firmly believe that the safety and security of our country must be
our first priority. Who is traveling across our borders and why they are doing
so is as important as any issue we currently face. It is a complicated issue
with far reaching implications that will impact our national security, our
economy, and our culture.

Securing our border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. An
immigration policy that does not control who is entering our nation is not an
immigration policy at all. The best way to do this is by strengthening and
supporting our Border Patrol, both through greater numbers and technological
advancements. To this end, I cosponsored and voted for a successful amendment
introduced by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama that authorizes the Department of
Homeland Security to construct 370 miles of triple-layer fence and 500 miles of
vehicle barriers at strategic locations along our southern border.

I also cosponsored an amendment offered by John Ensign of Nevada that provides
reimbursement for the temporary use of the National Guard to secure the borders
of the United States. With the approval of the Secretary of Defense, the
governor of any state may order the use of the National Guard to provide
"command, control and continuity of support" such as ground and airborne
reconnaissance, logistical, tactical and administrative support, communications
services and emergency medical services. I was pleased to see both of these
amendments pass as they are solid first steps towards border security.

However, the main reason that I voted against S. 2611 is that this bill gives
amnesty to the immigrants who came to this country illegally. I believe those
who have entered this country illegally must return to their native land and
move through the legal process just like everyone else. The idea that those who
have been here illegally for an arbitrary number of years should be able to stay
in America simply by paying back taxes is an insult to all those who have waited
patiently and lawfully for their chance to come here and pursue the American

There were many opportunities to improve this legislation throughout Senate
debate, and I was disappointed that the majority of my colleagues did not truly
hear the call of their constituents to oppose amnesty. I cannot support an
amnesty proposal now because amnesty has failed in the past. In 1986, Congress
attempted to address this same issue, though on a much smaller scale. Estimates
of the size of the illegal-immigrant population in the U.S. in 1986 placed the
total number close to 1 million; today we are dealing with around 12 million.
Providing amnesty to one million illegal immigrants yielded 12 million over the
course of 20 years. Amnesty simply fails the test of history.

S. 2611 also threatens the health of our nation's social safety net-Social
Security-by adding millions of new beneficiaries to an already burdened program.
I cosponsored an amendment offered by Senator John Ensign that would have
prevented illegal immigrants from getting Social Security benefits based on
their illegal work history, often with an invalid number. Unfortunately, a
majority of my colleagues voted to kill this amendment. By doing so, the Senate
has rewarded illegal immigrants by putting our current elderly beneficiaries,
who paid into the Social Security system for decades in order to collect the
benefits they receive today, further at risk in an already stretched system.

America is a nation of immigrants, a nation that derives much of our strength
from those who come here to live the American Dream. However, the immigrants
who have contributed so much to the character of our nation came here legally.
We devalue their sacrifices and hardships if we fail to ask the same of today's
immigrants. I will continue to oppose any legislation that provides amnesty for
illegal immigrants.

Thank you again for contacting me. If I can be of further assistance on this or
any other matter, please do not hesitate to call on me again.


Rick Santorum
United States Senate

This e-mail, a copy of which has been archived in the United States Senate, is
an official Senate communication intended for the individual or entity named
above. Any improper alteration or fraudulent misuse of the contents of this
e-mail may constitute a violation of federal law (18 USC 1030; 18 USC 2511; 18
USC 2701), and/or state laws governing defamation and misattribution. If the
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You know what is funny, I emailed him about 1 or 2 weeks ago, and I got the same exact response.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-02 22:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I think this law is godd for those invloved, but why is the US citizen not given the same right. AS far as I know we are not informed of any criminal backround.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-02 08:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Ok guys I just reread the email and noticed something.

On June 1, 2006, we transferred your I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to an
office in CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER for processing. That office has
jurisdiction over the case. They will send you a written decision as soon
as processing is complete. You should receive a notice informing you
that your case has been transferred to a local office.

This sounds like it is going to our local offices. What does everybody else think? :huh:

Well, I don't understand why you would think that, but maybe I am misinformed. Your location says Ohio, and your petition is being sent to California. I think we are all overthinking this. As an earlier post said, they should be sending the new forms out on June 6 as is their deadline. We can guess a million things, and it does no good. Believe me, I want to know just as bad as everyone else, and I haven't even received notice that our petition was returned. Our petition has a NOA1 date after March 6 and I don't even know if ours was recalled. I am waiting for the Consulate to respond to my email. All we are doing here is just taking wild guesses and confusing all the newbies.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-01 21:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I really don't think signing that petition against the IMBRA law is a good idea. I have no problem with the law, just the way they are handling it and the timeframe. If you guys make a big enough uproar, then it is only going to prolong them figuring out what they need to do to start processing again. So if you want to add more wasted time to everyones petitions, sign the petition.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-31 15:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Ok, I don't want to be negative, but I can't stop thinking about this, because it is our lives we are talking about here. I was driving home from work today, and of course this is the best time to get some serious thinking done. I am wondering if all of the illegals have something to do with the reason they are not giving up any information. They have millions of illegals already in the US, and they are trying to figure out what they are going to do with them all. MY GREATEST FEAR is that they would put all of our petitions, the legal ones, on hold, while they have to process all the illegals, because they are already in the US. Maybe they are trying to figure out how they are going to handle 12 million illegals petitions and 1,100 returned petitions, as well as all the ones that have been filed since. I hope that this is not the reason!!!!

God help us All!!!!

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-25 15:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
As we are aware, there are a few cases getting approvals thru Nebraska these last few days. SO have they figured out this new law, and implemented the necessary steps to abide by the new law? IF so we have not heard from any of them saying they received and RFE's, so maybe they are just doing the checks, without any paperwork on our part. I wish some of them would let us know.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-24 10:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I also went thru the Vermont center, and I just called the Consulate in Vietnam. Right now we just received packet 3, so I just had her access our file, and asked some questions. Are file must still be there because she answered my questions, and didn't say anything about our petition being recalled. That is a relief. I really feel for all of those being affected by this, and I hope that the service centers will attend to these petitions first, and get them back where they belong quickly.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-22 20:35:00