CanadaMy view of Canada
QUOTE (xtinab @ Nov 20 2008, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow! I think BB and I are almost the opposite. Columbus is very car heavy and our location here, its not pedestrian oriented at all, but the roads are SO much calmer! Driving in TO is soo much more stressful. I can see what BB was complaining about after I had been to Columbus. The driving in TO was so much crazier. My apartment was midtown, Eglinton and Avenue, and when he came, Obviously I took him downtown. The roads and the streetcar tracks drove him crazy, not to mention the busses all over the place. Nothing like that in his town.

One of the busiest intersections in Toronto is at Yonge and Eglinton. I've sat at the corner trying to turn right onto Young from Eglinton for nearly half an hour sometimes! If you're in that neighbourhood during rush hours, better hope you went potty before you left home whistling.gif

My Gramma used to live on Avenue Rd not far from there, my sister lived just off of Eglinton and Rohampton (??? IIRC somewhere around there) and I used to work up Yonge a couple of blocks. Still have an Aunt and a Cousin who live just up Yonge St. too, its crazy traffic around there, both car and pedestrian. I prefer to walk around there than drive.

I try to avoid downtown with all the streetcar tracks as much as possible, but I lived at Coxwell & Girard for a couple of years, with a streetcar stop right outside my door. I didn't need to drive much when I lived there, except to work, because it was quicker to drive than to take transit. But if we were going anywhere downtown, we'd take the streetcar. Plus the bus ran 24/7, so all-nighters weren't much of a problem. wink.gif

Where I live now, we don't even have Greyhound tongue.gif
RebaFemale02008-11-20 20:19:00
CanadaMy view of Canada
I visited Boston once for a day, and found that pedestrians rule the roads there too. I think it was even in a tourist brochure or something we had read about the city. Wear comfy shoes (because the cobbles are not very good for dress shoes/heals) and just walk, doesn't matter what the traffic light says. So we walked. And cars always stopped even if they had the green.

That was 1991 though I think, so it may well have changed since.

I think the major difference between Canada though is as DPX mentioned, just the sheer volume of pedestrians in general is different from that of the States. The US is definitely a car centric culture, whereas Canada's towns and cities are still set up where one can walk from your home to the local grocery or pub without having to drive. And quite a lot of people will choose to walk even 10 blocks to the store rather than drive. Here however (where I'm currently living, I can't speak for the entire population of the US of course) people will drive across the freakin' street!
RebaFemale02008-11-20 07:32:00
CanadaFirst Doctors visit
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 21 2008, 04:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My doctor is cute, she carries a little pocket dictionary with medical terms and she's always looking at it and then diagnosing my issues. It makes me feel soooo secure. wink.gif

Have you checked her diplomas on the wall? Did she draw them herself with crayon? ohmy.gif
RebaFemale02008-11-22 09:37:00
CanadaOrdering a gift from the USA and having it delivered to Canada...
I've never had problems mailing gifts home ever. I just send them USPS and they get delivered.... weirdness.

There's also ample websites for shopping in Canada. If the company you usually buy from is a multi-nationa or bi-national, they'll have a Canadian website with the suffix .ca rather than .com (as mentioned above, use rather than; rather than .com etc etc etc...) Plus I'm sure plenty of stores in Montreal that Rejean used to shop at when he lived there also have websites that you can order from and have them ship to your nephew. The Web is World Wide. wink.gif
RebaFemale02008-11-25 07:31:00
CanadaVisiting US and length of stay
Considering that in the next few months passports are required for ALL travel to and from the US and Canada, and that CBP will be required to scan passports each way, its going to be a lot more difficult, if not impossible, to work the system anymore.
RebaFemale02008-11-13 19:25:00
CanadaVisiting US and length of stay
Yes, they are sharing info on entrance and exits. They have full sharing of files, everything from your travel habits to your last parking ticket.
RebaFemale02008-11-06 19:03:00
CanadaVisiting US and length of stay
They are starting to *have* to stamp more and more often now I think. They want to have more in/out records of us wayward Canucks wandering aimlessly around the US. And they'll be keeping records of our comings and goings for several years.
RebaFemale02008-11-05 18:56:00
Canadapassport expires in june
RebaFemale02008-11-04 18:48:00
CanadaWhy is the Canadian consulate for VSC in Montreal?
Then they'd have to raise the fees again to pay the extra staff.
RebaFemale02008-12-01 07:24:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
ok, now I'm craving rhubarb tongue.gif

We used to eat it raw as well. Its a great source of fiber yes.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-01 07:26:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
My hubby hadn't ever had it either. I did find some either last year or year before that, and I made a strawberry rhubarb pie and he loooooooooved it! Now I can't find it sad.gif It should be easy enough to grow in the early season or later down here I'd think.

I wonder if I could order it frozen from somewhere on-line...?

Edited by Reba, 30 November 2008 - 09:30 AM.

RebaFemale02008-11-30 09:29:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
Yeah, I've never been able to figure out why the selection of fruits and veggies is so much less around here than back home. I mean really, the growing season is nearly double that of most of Canada, and yet I can't for the life of me find parsnips or rhubarb on a regular basis around here! And usually whenever I *have* found parsnips, they're old and wobbly. I don't think I saw any rhubarb this year at all. We couldn't even find any seeds or plants to put in our garden for crimeny! It grows like a weed up home, and can't find it here to save a life! sad.gif
RebaFemale02008-11-29 19:30:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
There are all sorts of ways to keep your grocery bills down and eat healthfully. My husband is a junk food carb junky, and I have not been able to change that, however, I still put fresh veggies in front of him when I cook and he'll bother to eat (his new arthritis medication has his stomach in knots and he says the only thing that'll settle it is crackers and anything else makes him sick right now. He managed to eat almost the entire apple pie himself at thanksgiving though tongue.gif ). He'll at least eat a banana every day though. wacko.gif

I don't have a Whole Foods anywhere near me, (closest is over an hour away) so I shop around town for the best deals. My grocery trips usually take well over an hour, and I go to probably 3 stores most every week. Ingles has the most selection of organics, but that can be expensive, so I usually just get a few items there. They have an AWESOME organic cheddar cheese that is cheaper than the imported English and Irish cheddar I had been buying! Sometimes they'll have sales on the organics and they end up cheaper than the "traditionally" grown. Aldi's is *very* cheap for veggies and salad stuff. A bag of romaine lettuce is about $1.50 or less than Ingles, a bag of "American Mix" salad greens (iceburg lettuce, shredded carrot etc ) is only .99, and at other stores it's at least $1 more. Green and coloured peppers are at minimum $1 less at Aldi than Ingles, and cucumbers are also less than half price. The only thing that bugs me about buying veggies at Aldi is that for some reason they shrink wrap and use those horrible styrofoam plate things. Why do they need to shrink wrap broccoli or squash? wacko.gif Bugs me...but its more than a $1 cheaper for broccoli there than elsewhere in town. We also have a BiLo that is good for a few sale items at least every other week.

Just check the weeklies (they'll be put in your mailbox every Tuesday, there's no getting away from them!) and plan your shopping trips accordingly.
RebaFemale02008-11-29 09:05:00
CanadaPuppy dogs and degenerative disk disease
Could be arthritis in her neck. Any sort of pain can throw a dog (heck, even a human) off their food. Even Bruno didn't eat too much when he was in pain before he was diagnosed with arthritis. Now he's on meds and is doing much better. Some days are worse than others of course, just like us, when its raining or cold and damp, their arthritis can flare up too.

Only an x-ray can give you a definitive diagnosis though. But a diagnosis leads to treatment, and treatment leads to pain free days. For both of you! Yes, vet visits are expensive, but that's the price you have to pay to have furkids. If it was a human baby who was in pain, would you hesitate to go to a doctor?

Bruno & George are both on anti-inflamatory/pain killers, plus a glucosamine supplement, and fish oil supplement. We order them all from PetMeds, (except the fish oil, you can get that anywhere) and only the anti-inflammatory requires a veterinary prescription. George will likely need a complete hip replacement if her joints continue to degenerate, but she's doing really well and hasn't had any major setbacks since diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Bruno just has regular ol' arthritis in his knee and back. If he could lose about 25 pounds he'd probably feel better wink.gif

I know how horrible it is to have your pet in pain and not be able to afford treatment, but a lot of vets will arrange a payment plan if you need to. I also know how horrible it is when you realize you just can't do anything to fix them, and you have to have them euthanized. sad.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-03 19:27:00
CanadaAny one talking about the almost political crises in Canada?
QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 4 2008, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MASS CHAOS TO INSUE! laughing.gif

You're Canadian, the word is Ensue wink.gif

Main Entry: en·sue
Pronunciation: \in-?sü, en-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): en·sued; en·su·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ensivre (3d singular ensiut), from en- + sivre to follow — more at sue
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
: to strive to attain : pursue <I wander, seeking peace, and ensuing it — Rupert Brooke>
intransitive verb
: to take place afterward or as a result

I'm reminded of a trip to England I made in 2000, I was teaching a class for work, and the Brits asked me if the Americans still spelled "ensure" incorrectly with an "I". Two completely different words btw, ensure and insure. And even according to Merriam Webster, (an American English dictionary) "insue" isn't a word.

you may now return to your regularly scheduled programme. Thank you for watching this Education Minute. wink.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-06 10:46:00
CanadaAny one talking about the almost political crises in Canada?
I like maple syrup.
RebaFemale02008-12-03 18:48:00
CanadaMarried in in steps...
QUOTE (zyggy @ Dec 3 2008, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You could use the Canadian marriage license to file, but it is FAR more risky as the bar of evidence to prove non-immigrant intent at entry would be more difficult to gather. The conventional wisdom is that those who are married to USC's have immigrant intent, i.e they will eventually wish to be together at some point in time. The challenge is to show that the intent did not exist at that entry.

How would the OP handle questioning from a AO along the lines of what was said at the border during the AOS interview. Did the OP exclude any pertinent information that would change a CBP officer's determination of the eligibility for entry. Did the OP commit a material misrepresentation by either deliberately giving misleading information or by wilfully concealing information. It's a high stakes situation with a very bad result if you happen to roll snake eyes by getting the AO that wants to probe into the legality of the entry. Losing that game results in immediate removal with a permanent ban on entering the US with no option for a waiver.

I know that is a situation I wouldn't want to put myself in if I could help it. But I'm not the OP.


I've seen in other forums where a Canadian married to an American entered the US on vacation with their US wife to visit family for the holidays, whose parent then fell terminally ill and they decided to stay. The applied for AOS and it was granted. HOWEVER, he was easily able to PROVE non-intent at his interview. They still had their home and jobs back in Canada when they entered, their employers expected them back after the holidays, but they decided to stay to care for the ailing US parent.

The OP here however obviously has intent, and to misrepresent yourself and then apply for AOS is not a recipe for a happy outcome. Unless the desired outcome is possible deportation and permanent banning. Which is why I would never recommend that ANYone come to the US with intent to marry and stay. The risks are just too great.
RebaFemale02008-12-06 10:58:00
CanadaMarried in in steps...
And because you're already married, and the wedding took place in Canada, you have no legal basis to stay and adjust status. Had you gone to the US for a visit, and then decided spontaneously to get married, and then stay to adjust status, that is legal. However, already being married, entering the country as a visitor with intent to immigrate is Not legal. You will have to return to Canada and wait out the process, or risk being deported and banned from the country.
RebaFemale02008-12-02 19:18:00
CanadaMarried in in steps...
(1) As a Canadian, do I not have the privilege of entering the U.S. and staying for up to six months without a visa? Yes

(2) I did make a return back to Canada, before my six months were up, and then returned back to the States, was this alright? Not entirely

(3) Now that I am in the U.S. may my husband go ahead and apply for the I-130 simultaneously with the I-485, I-131, and I-765? no, you were married in Canada, you will have to return to Canada and petition and apply for CR1 visa. If you wanted to stay and adjust status based on marriage, you should have had your ceremony in the US instead. At this point, you now are a visitor with immigrant intent, which is grounds for denial of AOS and deportation. If your AOS is denied, you have NO basis for appeal. None, nada zip zilch.

(4) If we should not apply is my only option to return back to Canada, have my husband apply for the I-130, and then once approved apply for the I-129F (K3) visa? I wouldn't bother with the K3 these days. CR1 is taking about the same amount of time, and is the cheaper superior visa when all said and done
RebaFemale02008-12-02 07:22:00
CanadaDriver's License
NC did not require me to do a road test, but their policy is actually "at the discretion of the examiner". Everyone has to do the written and eye test, then I handed over my driver abstract from Ontario with a clean record and he said I didn't need the road test.

However, I would strongly advise you to steer clear of (most if not all) North Carolina. The jobless rate is one of the highest in the country, and its pretty dang depressing.
RebaFemale02008-11-20 20:07:00
Canadarenewing canadian passport?
Passport Canada
RebaFemale02008-12-07 09:40:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
Kathryn and Amanda, according to the Dr. Atkins book, the Atkins lifestyle can help with both of your problems. People with diabetes who do Atkins have actually been able to get off medications and totally normalize their blood sugars, and women with PCOS have actually had symptoms aleviated and fertility returns (alas for me, it won't grow back organs that have been removed...but that would be cool wouldn't it? wink.gif ) Lots of people on the Atkins forum with experience with both these conditions.

Kathryn, there's a book out for diabetics called (I think) Dr. Atkins New Diabetic Revolution (something like that). Maybe you can find it on Amazon (recently a lot of Dr. A books were on sale for 1 cent, plus shipping. I paid a whopping $4 for my copy!), or in a used bookstore. I know they have new copies at full price, so I guess it depends on your cash flow.
RebaFemale02008-12-08 07:32:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
Its actually bugging the ####### outta me. Too sweet and crazy lately (I mean really? Sex with a freakin' halucination? Its supposed to be a drama, not a fantasy show tongue.gif wacko.gif ). Too much sugar is not good for anyone, and is not allowed at all on Atkins. wink.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-06 11:01:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 4 2008, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah I agree Reba, I think it really does work and i'm glad it works so well for you good.gif - I bought one of the older books.

I think that we really started out too far in the protein extreme and it wasn't really sustainable. I also think it's wonderful that you are feeling so much better.

The "best edition" according to the forums and website is the 2002 edition. They've added a couple of rungs to phase 2, and the maintenance phases are easier to follow. Plus, with a few more years of scientific study to back it up, more veggies and foods have been added to phase one.

I finally got my book yesterday. Got up to chapter 9 I think before Grey's Anatomy started whistling.gif wink.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-05 07:35:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
I've found Atkins is actually pretty easy. And you do get to eat lots and lots of veggies, just not starchy or carb loaded ones. I've had as many as 3 salads a day. Its all about balance really. And no bread or pasta. After about 3 days, my carb cravings were pretty much gone. I can even say no to ice cream when James is waving it under my nose tongue.gif

So far I've just been using the website for info and help, I ordered the book thru a used seller on Amazon, and it hasn't got to me yet sad.gif Here's their website Forums and everything.

Its a life long lifestyle change, not just a diet. As I said before, just the benefits of my IBS being gone alone is reason enough for me to keep on it. I feel great!
RebaFemale02008-12-04 07:33:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
I gained over 25 pounds since I moved here, despite what I thought was an attempt at healthy eating and moderate exercise. Found out a couple of years ago that I have Graves' Disease, which is an auto-immune that knocks the thyroid into hyperdrive. Trying to lose weight while the thyroid is out of whack, your resting heart rate is about 95 all the time, you're constantly sweating for no reason, and the meds also cause weight gain...not so much fun. Its in remission now though, but I need to go for follow-up blood work sometime soon. If I can get a doctor appointment tongue.gif

3 weeks ago I had on a pair of jeans that had gotten so tight my legs were going numb as I sat at my desk. I even got a bruise on my thigh from them. ohmy.gif So I started Atkins. I'm very pleased with my results so far, and the pair of pants I have on now are almost falling down tongue.gif I haven't tried the jeans yet though... In all, I need to lose about 40 pounds or so to get to my once comfortable weight somewhere around 125 (when I met my hubby I was waaaaaaaay too skinny, about 105 - 110 maybe, which we later discovered was the beginning of my Graves's Disease, and had caused massive and dangerous weight LOSS. I put it all, plus a lot more, back on). I have also not had any problems with my IBS since about day 2 on Atkins, which to me is a blessing, because I've been in pain and constipated with it for over 4 years! ohmy.gif I'm tellin' ya, that alone will keep me eating the Atkins way, the weight loss is just a bonus! Last I checked I was down about 7 pounds after just 2 weeks, and have lost more since. On to the next phase for me, and maybe by Christmas time I can have a wee bite of chocolate biggrin.gif Which is probably the only thing that I've really been missing. That, and after a rotten day at work, a nice glass of wine.
RebaFemale02008-12-03 19:07:00
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 6 2008, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, i'm confused - in fact everytime someone writes about this topic I find it confusing, but maybe i'm not reading it correctly?

Reba - you state that a Canadian can stay for 6 months each calendar year - so from Jan to Dec obviously, but then you say it can cross the new year - which would then put it out of the calendar year - so you mean you would count Nov and Dec in the 2008 calendar year and Jan-April in the 2009 calendar year but still be required to leave the U.S. for 6 months? But - in effect, since you only used 4 months in 2009, you could stay 2 more months in 2009?

Right, so if a Canadian was to come to the US to spend the winter out of the snow and cold, and arrive in Fort Lauderdale in November and then leave in April, then if they were to cross back into Candaa, do their laundry and then head back to the border the following day, they may be denied entry, because then they would be, most probably, determined to be spending more time in the US than Canada.

IF that same Canadian however, was to come to the US say in April, spend 4 months backpacking the Grand Canyon, then return to Canada for a month or two, then decides to go back to the US say to gamble away their life savings in Vegas, they could stay for 2 months, if they have enough money. For a total of 6 months in that year.

This is just how it was explained to me by a CBP officer years ago, so that's pretty much what I've stuck to. As each officer interprets this rule differently (further confusing our poor frozen brains), take it as you will.
RebaFemale02008-12-07 09:52:00
The rules for Canadians is entirely different than for the rest of the world. Canadians are allowed to visit the US for up to 6 months per calendar year/per trip. This can be for a total of 6 months at a time, or spread out over the whole year, doens't matter. It can also cross the New Year, ie: if you arrive in November, you can stay til April etc. The general rule also means that if you spend a 6 month span in the US, you should be OUT of the US for the same time (example, if you stay from Nov. to April, your next trip should be 6 months later. Hence the reason Snow Birds can spend every winter in the Florida or Arizona, and summers in Canada).

However, having a US citizen partner makes visiting for any length of time more difficult than for those who do not have family in the US. Ties to home country must prove that there is no intent to stay and attempt to immigrate from a visitor status. If there are no ties to home country, then possibility of denial is greater. And for those who intend to stay for up to 6 months, likely don't have a job in Canada to return to, or means to fund their stay. The longer you intend to stay, the harder it is to prove non-intent. Its not impossible though.
RebaFemale02008-12-06 11:39:00
CanadaWhos going Home for Christmas?
not me sad.gif
RebaFemale02008-11-25 07:25:00
Canadafrom canada to rhode island??
QUOTE (wowswift @ Dec 5 2008, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Can I get that on a t-shirt? biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-06 10:37:00
Canadadoes it take an act of Congress to get an update?
aha, now the shoe is on the other foot eh?

Yeap, sometimes the status doesn't update at all. Heck, I already had my green card in hand after AOS and our I-130 status never changed to approved. Ever.

Don't get too obsessive about the on-line status. It'll happen when it happens. It's government and there are holidays coming.
RebaFemale02008-12-09 07:32:00
CanadaCanadian Visiting boyfriend in the U.S
I haven't read every post in this thread, but I have a bit of experience with the Canadian Rehabilitation process because my hubby has a record too, so if you need some help I'd be glad to point you in the right direction and whatnot. There's not many folks (maybe 3, and I'm one of 'em) on Road To Canada with experience with the Rehab stuff.

Also, for the first 3 years of our marriage I was easily able to travel back and forth to the US and he was unable to visit Canada. All I ever had to say was that the intent was for him to move to Canada, we're just waiting on paperwork, and they'd waive me thru. When that didn't work out, (CIC kept losing shi t) we started the process for me to move to the US, and here I am.
RebaFemale02008-12-06 11:31:00
CanadaITIN -- W-7 procedure...
We did mine while I was down here on a trip and just went directly to the local IRS office and they did it all there.
RebaFemale02008-12-11 18:30:00
CanadaWe Need a Christmas Miracle
The guy is a dumbas s, plain and simple. He's feigning innocense just to try and dupe the public and probably get donations pouring in a la George Bailey so he and his wife can buy a McMansion in the suburbs of Toronto. wacko.gif

There is NO WAY he didn't know what he was doing was illegal. When he got the first visa he would have been made well aware at the POE that it expires in one year and he'd have to either get a new one, or leave the country. He chose to ignore that fact, now he's paying the consequences. Fricken idiot gives Canadians a bad name tongue.gif And boo hoo for his wife who will now have to move to a country with universal healthcare to help her with her post-pregnancy health issues whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

dumbas s...
RebaFemale02008-12-12 07:26:00
CanadaI think I might be crazy
QUOTE (TayL @ Dec 11 2008, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think we're all crazy! Leaving behind our country for another? Moving to a place with a different style of government, a different healthcare system, different foods, even (depending on where you go) different culture?

We're nuts!

Seriously, though, I think you'd be insane NOT to be scared!

Yeah, what Tay said! good.gif

RebaFemale02008-12-11 18:24:00
CanadaCheap Notarization in Ontario?
Find a family member or friend who has a family member who is a Notary. My Uncle did mine for free biggrin.gif wink.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-13 10:00:00
CanadaBringing food
You can't bring meat or dairy products into the US, nor fresh fruits or vegetables. Most pre-packaged and canned foods are ok to bring, unless they contain meat by-products.

I used to just bring myself a supply of chocolates whenever I came back down, and one time my Mum brought me a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of Lick's GUK, and she said the guy who inspected her luggage gave her a really weird look when she said she had some GUK laughing.gif

Anything that you send via MAIL to the US MAY be confiscated, or it may not. FDA mail inspectors seem to be about as consistent as border POE officials wink.gif Of course they've relaxed the rules a little bit again. Directly after the anthrax mailers I tried to mail my father-in-law some Timmy's hot chocolate mix, and the Post Office wouldn't take it unless I had got preclearance from the FDA to do so wacko.gif

If you don't want the hassle of possible inspection when you get to the POE though, just order off the internet from the myriad of Canadian food sellers who have warehouses in the US now.
RebaFemale02008-12-13 10:15:00
CanadaMedical question
QUOTE (chris-lei @ Dec 12 2008, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regarding your heart murmur, it is not contagious, however, they want to make sure that sure illness will not make to a public charge to the US government. They might think that you want to migrate to the US to get free medical attention.

laughing.gif Move from CANADA to the US to get free medical attention!? That's a larf and a half laughing.gif

RebaFemale02008-12-13 10:07:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
Good for you Sapphire! good.gif

I used to drink like 6 cans of Pepsi a day (about 2 decades ago mind you) but I had to give it up because the sugars and caffeine was making me shaky. I dropped down to a splurge of 1 can per day for years, until I moved down here and just couldn't stomach the difference in tastes in pop here. I switched pretty much entirely to water since then, and I maybe "splurge" with a diet pop once a week, if that even. Mostly now its just the bubbles I want, not so much the pop.

I drink about 3 litres of water per day, and one cup of coffee, and maybe a cup of tea sometimes.

RebaFemale02008-12-13 10:20:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
Just because its there doesn't mean you have to drink it. Get yourself a Nalgene bottle and fill it up with water and drink that instead. Easy peasy biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02008-12-12 07:30:00