CanadaMarrying a Canadian in Canada
Depends on if they allow her back into the country after the wedding or not. They can deny her entry based on her marriage to you, and then you'll have to do the CR1/K3 and live apart for a year.
RebaFemale02009-03-10 18:05:00
If the forms are at the consulate in Manila, contact them. Processing times vary by consulate, and by which mode of application you used, inside, or outside Canada.

Also, see the forums at Road To Canada (posted above by wowswift) they're for Canadian immigration. This site here is for US immigration.
RebaFemale02009-03-11 06:13:00
CanadaWhat could be better than 14 babies?
The thing is, this TV interview she gave doesn't match up with psych interviews she has had previously with clinic doctors and her employer's doctors where she said she had a perfectly happy childhood and yadda yadda yadda hugs and puppies.

Nothing adds up to anything with this woman. Apparently she *was* married for a few years to some guy, but he's not the father of any of her 14 children, all the sperm was donated by "a friend". Every next article about this family contradicts that last one printed. None of it makes sense.
RebaFemale02009-02-07 10:44:00
CanadaWhat could be better than 14 babies?
I read an article yesterday that the woman is surprised she hasn't had offers yet of a free home, cars, clothes etc etc etc because a bunch of other mulitples families have been given such things.

Most people it seems think this woman is a nutbar and she shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce.

What is not often reported is that her other 6 children were also born by artificial means, she has never had a man in her life, all of them are from donor sperm. And not a single fertility clinic has claimed responsibility for her brood. The hospital and doctors who delivered her had nothing to do with her IVF. And they all think that hte doctor who implanted that many embryos is just as much a nutbar as the mother. tongue.gif

As an infertile woman myself who has no option for conceiving my own babies except for IVF (and now I'm too old), I gotta say, women like her and the ones over 60 who decide to have more babies give us all a bad name. And the doctors who implant women with so many embryos, when they've already got a baseball team at home, or they're already a grandmother, they need to be shut down. And pronto. tongue.gif

This whole story just makes me sick on so many levels.
RebaFemale02009-02-05 07:33:00
CanadaPOE--Pearson International, right?
EVERY Canadian aiport that has US preclearance can process K1 visas. That includes Pearson.
RebaFemale02009-03-15 11:03:00
CanadaI'm a bad spouse
good.gif awesome pic though!
RebaFemale02009-03-14 16:20:00
CanadaThey lost our petition!
Did they cash your first cheque? There should be your file number on the back of the check, if you have a copy of it, you've got proof that they at least started to do something with it, and you'd have something to take to your Senators' offices to get assistance.

I was just saying elsewhere in the forums, we had to get the help from Senator Dole's office 3 times from start to finish of our immigration ordeal. They lost our I-129F petition, then they lost the I-130 petition, then they lost my medical file when I sent in my AOS....The Senator's office was wonderfully helpful, and in most cases it was just a couple of weeks to get results. Senator Edwards on the other hand, who at the time was running for VP, and was on the Immigration Reform whatchamacallit, couldn't be arsed to return my husband's calls. eejit. He had a habit of not bothering to call back anyone who was not a registered Democrat. Probably not a smart thing to do when you're running for Veep. No wonder they lost tongue.gif

RebaFemale02009-03-17 18:25:00
CanadaMarriage in Canada
I'm planning when my husband comes to the US that we will remarry and then I will take his last name here.

Not sure you'd need to get married again in the US to do that. I think you'd be hard pressed to find an officient to do a legal ceremony if you've already had one.
RebaFemale02009-03-17 18:33:00
CanadaWill the references I have from Canadian employers do me any good?
My current employer called my Canadian references, so yeah, I'd say put them on there most definitely. Both employment and character references. It's up the employer to check them, but they can't if they're not there.
RebaFemale02009-03-20 06:29:00
CanadaFor all the hockey fans here
That's it, get him hooked early! When will he get his first pair of skates? smile.gif

My husband doesn't believe me that Canadian kids get skates on their feet almost as soon as they learn to walk. The poor man has never ever learned to skate! Poor deprived child...
RebaFemale02009-03-21 07:51:00
CanadaExtending Stay
I'm afraid to say as well that Canadians are very rarely given extensions of stay anyway, because we're already allowed 6 months. The only reason they usually extend a stay for Canadians is if you're hosptialized and can't be moved or similar.

You can try of course, but have a plan B.
RebaFemale02009-03-25 19:19:00
Canadaliving part time in Canada
Your husband can visit Canada for up to 6 months per year. So if he doesn't want to get immigrant status in Canada, he doesn't need to, if you plan on living the summer up there, and winter down here.
RebaFemale02009-03-25 19:22:00
CanadaHas your weiner consumption increased? Condiments yes or no?
I used to eat more hot dogs up home. Every Saturday night, Toronto Street meat! Yum smile.gif

I miss Shopsey's sad.gif

I bought some organic hot dogs last week here though. They're YUMMY!
RebaFemale02009-03-26 17:41:00
CanadaEarth Hour
Would be nice if I lived in a city that actually gave a damn, so that I could have seen the stars. But nope, I'm stuck here tongue.gif

I remember when the HUGE blackout a few years ago happened, and the power was off for over 20 hours. When I was on my way to bed and had blown out all the candles and turned off my flashlight, I noticed how incredibly bright it was outside. So I went out to the parking lot for about an hour just to look at the stars. It was awesome.

I think they should do *that* once a year. Just turn off everything at the source. Get everyone outside star gazing. biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-29 09:13:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
I remember Smarties being called Smarties from when I was a little kid. Before 1977 tongue.gif

And oddly enough, the US "smarties" are made in Canada tongue.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-30 18:16:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
They're's NOthing good about HFCS at all.
RebaFemale02009-03-29 09:09:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
QUOTE (eyoa @ Mar 27 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I found a store on that does sell certain things like Coffee Crisp, Smarties, and Tim Hortons coffee. It's extremely pricey compared to what we'd pay in Canada, but I may just have to order sometime when I'm homesick or desperate:


Also, according to the Tim Hortons website, "U.S. and International shipping [is] coming soon"!

Canadian Favourites likely has a larger selection than Amazon.

My Mummy is bringing me some bacon next week! kicking.gif Woo Hoo! kicking.gif

And GUK too! biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-28 08:10:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
Carla, here in the US Tetley's has a version called "British tea" er sumthin like. It is pretty much the same as Canadian Tetley's, and completely un-like the US Tetley's for making iced tea. Check your local grocery stores, it is in a purpleish box.

They must have relaxed the allowable foods again, because I've always been told that meats are not allowed to cross, only pre-packaged foods. I wonder if Mum will bring me some bacon next week...
RebaFemale02009-03-26 06:27:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
Well, if I was still eating junk foods, I would add high fructose corn syrup free Heinz ketchup. And some KD. And Campbell's tomato soup.

I've really been missing back bacon lately. But you can't bring that over the border. Meats not allowed. sad.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-25 19:10:00
CanadaCanadian High School education vs. US High School education
Wow, hard to believe they'd not consider a Canadian high school diploma equivalent to US. What are they, new? wacko.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-17 06:29:00
CanadaGhost Hunters
because the photog gets sceered and is shaky? wink.gif

I want to go to Gettysburg, but I haven't convinced hubby to go.
RebaFemale02009-03-29 09:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
Thanks Krikit, just sucks it is that old adage so close yet so far away lol. But your right he is working most of the time he is there and if he isn't during the tournament he will be watching
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-06-05 08:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
Spirit if only it were that easy. I already have a car but gas from one coast to the other no thanks, priceline would be better I am sure lol. Unfortunately it is not to be right now, but I will call him and see how he is liking it there, and who knows if I win the lottery on Friday night I will definately fly over there for a few days.

QUOTE (flames9 @ Jun 5 2008, 07:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
More storms forecasted for this afternoon!! My beer is gettign warmer by the minute! SAVE MY BEER!!! damn u dominion electric!!

Yes I see that. Hubby was supposed to work his 2nd job outside working on a fence tonight and I was going to help him, but I am really hoping it does rain before 3:30 because it is too damn hot to be working outside.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-06-05 06:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
I am suprised we didn't lose power with that storm, I am guessing it got worse (bad enough here) as it went north.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-06-05 06:32:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ok here is my vent, why am not rich instead of good looking ha ha ha. I wish I could fly to San Diego this weekend as my oldest son is going to be there for the US Open (he is working it). Damn it all I can't afford to go there oh well another time perhaps GRRRRRR.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-06-04 15:46:00
CanadaThe Vent
Delicia I am very sorry to hear how things are going. I know we were all pulling for you. I hope that things turn out the way you want them to. I know that this process is very difficult, but know that we are here for you if you want to vent please feel free, and maybe someone else can give some words of wisdom. rose.gif
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-30 11:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
Flames that is great, I do have insurance and it is like 200 miles away but I am sure it can help out a lot of people. Liz I sure hope you get it fixed, I know what it is like I had an allergic reaction many years ago on a holiday weekend and had to go to the hospital my hands and feet were on fire and I had to itch and that only made it more itchy and burn more, they gave me a shot of Benedryl and some pills to get me through the weekend and that worked, sorry that it isn't working for you. I don't even know of any allergy medicines that work other than the 2 you mentioned would be the best I have taken. And I never did know what caused the reaction.

Edited by Leafgal, 30 May 2008 - 08:36 AM.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-30 08:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
Delicia I am so sorry to hear that, I am so wishing you hear something SOON.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-27 12:08:00
CanadaThe Vent
Oh Marilyn and Necrotica I sure feel your pain. With me not working yet and only 1 person working (2 jobs, but has done that for years) and trying to keep up here with our bills and still send money home to my account to pay off my car loan and money owed there (till about March of next year if I get a job that I bring home at least 1200 a month not asking much I don't think, but does seem to be proving difficult). I can't wait till this year is over and we will be in a better position financially, knocking on wood as we have no savings and things keep coming up that bump you right back down. Like it was said we will all survive this and look back and see how great we did in the pressure of it all (a few years from now).

I hope the job front looks up for both of you and your spouses very soon.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-23 11:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ron very sorry to hear about Sharon's plight and her bout with Shingles. I fell bad for her as my hubby get them as well and in fact is thinking he is about to have a bout with them in the next week or so and I just feel so bad for him when he does since there is nothing I can do but watch him be in pain (he of course is a man, no offense, but he won't go to the doctor anymore) he just likes to suffer through it. Luckily it only seems to last a few weeks usually but terrible to watch. I hope Sharon gets to feeling better soon, best to you both.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-20 06:31:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Delicia @ May 13 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Held Hostage: Day 197

I agree and wish there was something that could be done.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-13 12:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
Hope all is going well Spirit.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-10 15:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
Flames is a closet Leaf fan. And yes he does roam the VA contryside shouting it from the rooftops, I have heard him whistling.gif
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-10 15:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ May 9 2008, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maintenance guy came up b/c obviously our Bldg manager doesn't know anything and he got it working!!!

So awesome!!!

It being our AC

Congrats on the AC lol
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-05-09 14:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (cattattude @ Apr 29 2008, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I work for WCB and Friday night we had a social event at a bar near our office. Our social club puts these events on every few months. They provide cab vouchers (which say WCB - employee on them), so that people do not drive home drunk. You just give them to the cab driver and once you get home you fill out the total bill. A cab ride home for me is like $50, so I was happy to get one.

So I am quite intoxicated after tying a few on, and get a cab home. The cabbie looks at the voucher and gives me a very strange look.

So we're half way home and the cabbie looks in the rearview mirror and says "So what's your disability?"

Confused and drunk I say "Ummmmmm . . . I'm drunk?"

He continues "No, no, what's wrong with you? What's your disability?"

I am still confused, and I say "I'm just drunk." Thinking to myself what a professional cab driver - what's my disability - what's your disability jacka$$?!

He mumbles something and we continue home.

It occurred to me today that he thought I was ON WCB not working for WCB.

What's my disability?! as if he had 6 hours to hear my limitations.

That is too funny.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-30 06:57:00
CanadaThe Vent
Spirit very sorry to hear things are going so awful right now, this too will pass. My hubby and I had a few good ones about 6 months after I got here and I too said I was thinking it was best I move back home (problems originated with step son's gf who was living here and she didn't seem to be liking me much). Hang in there as I am sure things can really only get better again for the two of you once this current crisis is over. And of course we are all here to listen if you need to vent.

Krikit and Liz so cool on the trips home, I wish I could have partaken but alas can't travel yet besides saving for a trip with my family at Christmas. It really is too bad that you two won't be at the airport at the same time that would be so cool for sure.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-29 15:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
Sorry about the job Laura, but remember everything happens for a reason and you are going to be moving so you will get a better job here. Hope Nick finds you guys a great house.

Flames good luck with your house hunting too.

We have a slum landlord who lives 3 houses up from us and his tenant who lives across the street from us is going to moving this summer as he bought a house so the owner (the slum landlord) is likely going to be moving to across from us. He is not well liked on our street, has confrontations with all the neighbours so we have already discussed if it gets bad we will sell and move. Praying he decides to stay 3 doors up so we don't have to move cause it is such a pain.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-29 06:22:00
CanadaThe Vent
Hey trailmix that isn't so bad sounds like a nice way to start your Sunday morning. Flames your right it is a good workout and I was desperate to get it cut else my neighbour 2 doors up sends someone down to cut it and I feel guilty lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-27 11:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (flames9 @ Apr 27 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Leafgal @ Apr 27 2008, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Up had coffee, cut the lawn and did the dishes already how sad is that for a Sunday morning. Soon off to starting the laundry and such.

Whats ur husbands email?? I need to know his secrets. I hope you didnt awaken him as you puttered around outside,lol

Actually he is off working his 2nd job today. Hey I can't work I figure I should contribute something lol. And you'd be interested to know since the lawnmower is broken we have an old manual push one which is not the sharpest but that is what I used. Do ya think that qualifies as a workout YES I do good.gif
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-27 08:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
Up had coffee, cut the lawn and did the dishes already how sad is that for a Sunday morning. Soon off to starting the laundry and such.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2008-04-27 08:18:00