CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
In this mornings news:

Detox product claims are 'legalized lying,' scientists warn consumers
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Tue Jan 6, 8:39 AM


What's this
SASKATCHEWAN (CBC) - Some detoxification products touted as a means of cleansing toxins from the body are largely a waste of money, according to British researchers who say the best remedies remain keeping a balanced diet and ensuring a good night's sleep.

The London-based The Voice of Young Science, a team of early-career scientists, set out to explore detox claims attached to a wide range of consumer products.

The informal study examined 15 consumer items including hair-care products, vitamins, beverages, detox patches, a body brush and soap. None of the manufacturers contacted was able to provide evidence that the products actually had a detoxification effect, according to the study.

Researcher Tom Sheldon said he was tasked with examining claims for one shampoo product targeted to busy city dwellers.

"It became clear very quickly that really all this shampoo did was clean your hair and didn't put what they called harmful chemicals back into your hair," Sheldon told CBC Radio's As It Happens on Monday.

"It will clean your hair, I have no doubt. And if you want to call whatever's on your hair that you clean off toxins, then feel free to call them toxins. But really this is soap to remove dirt. We've been doing that for a long time; this isn't anything special."

Sheldon said the study aimed to shed light on how many companies use "detox" as a method of marketing products, though they are in fact no different from other products on the market.

"That's legalized lying really," he said. "I think that if we allow the companies to just get away with making any claims that they like, not only do they cost the paying public — the trusting public — a great deal of money on products that don't work, but they also have a further reaching effect which is to tell people scientific untruths, and I think the public deserves more than that."

The British retailer Boots defended its detox program, saying it encouraged consumers to drink more water, according to the BBC. Similarly, the manufacturer Garnier said it stood behind claims made for its face wash — which was included in the study.

"All Garnier products undergo rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure that our claims are accurate and noticeable by our consumers," a spokesman told the BBC.

Sheldon noted the best advice for people seeking healthier lifestyles is to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of liquids, stop smoking, drink alcohol in moderation, ensure a good night's sleep and exercise regularly.

"It's straightforward, it hasn't changed," he said. "You will not add anything of value to that process by going on some magic 15-day detox plan with fasting and smoothies; it won't get you anywhere."

Just in case anyone was wondering about detox plans.

ATeam, I've been thinking about some classes for nutrition as well, but would have to find a programme that isn't all upsidedown. I'm not sure if the Atkins Centre has course or not, or if a Naturopathic school would be better. I may need something to fall back on, in case this receptionist gig at the furniture factory crashes wink.gif
RebaFemale02009-01-08 07:24:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jan 7 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Reba! Yes, not good that I was diagnosed, but nothing can change that now except how I accept the challenge! My Dr. has not been very supportive, actually she's a B*tch with a capital B. I see a new Dr. next Tuesday that I hope will be supportive and helpful. I'm driving this manageability, not the Dr.'s. I did enjoy the article you linked to. I've met with a dietician though, and I think I'm on the right track. No one I have spoken to has suggested no carbs at all. I know when I have a day of very very low carbs, it impacts on my mental functioning, but I do believe we all have to and can eat less of them. Good wholesome food is the way to go...with occassional treats of course. wink.gif

Who said anything about "no" carbs? Certainly not me, and not the article either. Carbs are essential to health, just as protien and fats are. Just in moderation, and in significantly lower portions and servings than the current Western diet includes, and in significantly lower portions and servings than even the USDA and Health Canada food pyramid suggests. The pyramid is upsidedown basically. If you eat fat and protien, you have fat and protien to burn, you lose weight, and you lower your blood sugars. If you eat more carbs than fat and protien, (which is the most common Western diet, and most often recommended by doctors wacko.gif ) you only have sugar to burn. You store what little fat is consumed, and your blood sugars rise and you end up with diabetes and on meds and overweight. And probably with high cholesterol and triglycerides to boot.

Over 100 years of anthropological, nutrition and food research proves this, and yet doctors and the USDA et al are still for some reason stuck on high-carb, low fat diets. And the populace keeps getting fatter and fatter on their "diets".

All last year I tried everything. I tried the grapefruit diet, I tried counting points with Weight Watchers, I tried low fat, Lean Cuisine, packaged Nutrisystem mixes and etc etc etc...I just kept getting fatter. Then one day when my jeans nearly snapped me in half, and litterally bruised my thighs, I said "that's it, all that's left is Atkins". And I must say, it's the only thing that's worked. There's a guy on the Atkins message forum who started out over 400 pounds, server diabetes and after 2 weeks he's down 24.5 pounds and has been able to reduce his meds. In 2 weeks!


RebaFemale02009-01-07 19:56:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jan 6 2009, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic on October 1st of last year. I'm on medication and a low carb diet. I've lost 23 pounds, my blood sugars are wonderful now, and I'm finally not starving all of the time. I've been walking every day about 2 miles. I'm taking Tai Chi now, I take an aerobic water fitness class on Fridays. Gene bought me a bike last fall, and I was riding 3 times a week for a total of 12 miles. A local church about 2 miles from me has a fitness centre, and you don't have to be a member to use it. It's free. Indoor track, cardio equipment etc. so I'm going to check them out this week. We geocache, so in the nice weather when we're caching, we're hiking about 2-3 miles at a time. I got an MP3 player for Christmas, so I'm really enjoying the walking with music. I just uploaded an audiobook onto my player as well, so I'm looking forward to that.

In the past 25 years, I've tried WW, not NutriSystem( too expensive), the Grapefruit diet, you name it, I did it. I always lost weight quickly, which was a real motivator, but it never stayed off because most of the diets I tried weren't lifestyle changes, it was a lifestyle change only as long as I was on the diet. A really important thing for me, is that how I'm eating now, doesn't preclude me from enjoying anything I really love. I just can't eat it all the time, and I only have a taste. I'm like a child in that if someone tells me I can't eat something, it only makes me want to eat it more. I rebel. Of course the only person I hurt is myself then. However, my diet now, allows me to have the occassional sweet (I'm not a huge fan of sweets), or an extra portion of something if I'm really craving it. It's about moderation, smaller portions, and it HAS to include my exercise.

So now I'm changing so many things about my life. Increasing fibre, exercising, eating smaller portions, watching carbs, and the weight is coming off, slowly. I'm not so anxious now about how fast it's coming off. That's the only way it's going to stay off, slowly but surely. I'm living and eating like I will be able to for many many years to come, not just to "take off some weight".

I've a long way to go, but I've never been more positive than I have been in the last three months. It was a horrible wake-up call to do something to have been diagnosed with Type2, but I'm looking at it as an opportunity to use this call as the beginning to a whole new way of living.

WOW, good for you Carla! That's awesome. Rotten though that you had to be diagnosed DT2 sad.gif If you stick with the low carbin' though, you should be able to stear clear of meds, and for good!

That link I posted earlier you and anyone else with diabetes would be especially interested in. I'm serious, that book really is an eye opener about the Western diet and how its killing us all slowly, and how the health departments for decades have been telling us to eat the wrong stuff!

I cut the carbs out just before thanksgiving, and I tell ya, I have not felt better since I was in highschool or before probably! (which was some time ago tongue.gif ) And I'm never hungry. I like that part especially! Dieting sux. Eating good wholesome healthy foods is so much better!
RebaFemale02009-01-06 20:04:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
May I suggest some reading material for everyone trying to lose weight and get healthy? Go check out a book called Good Calories, Bad Calories

its an eye opener for sure.
RebaFemale02009-01-05 19:14:00
CanadaTim Hortons Has Done It Again!
I don't think they have the 20 minute limit on the coffee in the US. But they serve the exact same used in Canada. If you can get there when it's freshly made, it should be the same. I lucked out one time in Ohio somewhere, with a fresh pot smile.gif

Of course, water quality will also differ greatly from store to store, regardless of which country you're in. I imagine they use filters for the coffee makers, but even then sometimes weird tastes will get thru.

There are I think almost 200 stores in the US now, but they have no plans to expand into more states than they already are. So if you're not in the North East US, you're SOL.
RebaFemale02009-02-19 08:00:00
CanadaWhy does it have to hurt so much?
crying.gif crying.gif I'm so sorry you had to be so far away. You'll see him again over the Rainbow bridge.

RebaFemale02009-02-19 08:03:00
CanadaDitching/Abandoning Canadian Debt while living is U.S.
QUOTE (Texanadian @ Nov 7 2008, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
..., and rings anytime day or night ...

they do have an OFF button you know.

RebaFemale02008-11-07 18:11:00
CanadaDitching/Abandoning Canadian Debt while living is U.S.
see the thing is that US banks and credit card companies CAN access our Canadian credit history, Its as simple as going to rather than They use the same credit bureaus in Canada as they do in the US. Some banks and credit companies can't be arsed to check Canadian credit history, and they won't give you a loan or credit card because you have NO credit in the US. Others will happily check your rating in Canada, and then will tell you 'No, we can't give you a credit card/car loan/mortgage because your credit rating sucks". And then as soon as you apply for credit in the US and they check your Canadian credit rating, the Canadian creditors know where to find you.

You say you want to buy a farm in Virginia? How will you do that if you have no credit? Does your future spouse have a few tens of thousands of dollars in savings already, just waiting for you to move down here to spend it? What if the farm doesn't work out? Farming is NOT easy, especially here in the southeast with incredibly inconsisent weather and not always very fertile soil. How do you plan to buy seed and equipment if you have no cash money?

The days of getting a no money down mortgage in the US are over. Now we've got minimum downpayments and higher interest rates because of this year's mortgage fiasco. No bank anywhere in this country is going to take on risky lending anymore. They can't afford to do it. And I'm quite sure that more and more, they'll be checking Canadian credit ratings, because it is pretty easy to do.
RebaFemale02008-08-31 09:01:00
CanadaDitching/Abandoning Canadian Debt while living is U.S.
What if things don't work out in the US and you have to move back to Canada for some reason? Then you're screwed if you've just bailed on your debt.

Get a consolidated loan with smaller monthly payments and lower interest and cut up all your cards. (they'll do it for you when you sign the loan anyhow).
RebaFemale02008-08-29 18:50:00
CanadaWorking and expenses in the U.S.
I am making significantly less than I was back home, and making less than I would with a similar job even. I make about the same now as I did in 1986 at my first office job. tongue.gif Talk about demeaning.

My rate of income taxes is about the same as it would be for my pay level in Ontario. North Carolina likes to tax people to death.

Cost of living isn't much cheaper here in WNC than it would be in Southern Ontario really, except winter-time vegetables obviously, which for Ontario have to be trucked in much further, and adds to the cost.

Medical expenses and insurance are one of our biggest chunks of cash out the window every month. I pay $400 per month premiums for just me and hubby, plus our deductibles were more than doubled for this year's plan, and prescriptions are now subject to the deductible. James' monthly medications now cost us more than $300 per month. I don't know if we'll even reach our maximum out of pocket this year, its so high!

I really do wanna go home.
RebaFemale02009-02-10 07:26:00
CanadaLiving Together
If you get married and it doesn't work out you do the same as ever other couple whose marriage didn't work. You get a divorce and go your separate ways.

RebaFemale02009-02-17 19:44:00
CanadaGot a job
Wow, awesome good news! Do you get employee discount? smile.gif
RebaFemale02009-02-10 07:15:00
CanadaCharlotte NC expat group
Hubby & I went to a couple of events with the Charlotte CanSouth a couple of years ago. But we're so far from Charlotte its just too difficult to get to most of them. No idea if they're still active or not, but I imagine most of them still live in and around Charlotte, most of the folks we met were either LPRs or dual citizens.
RebaFemale02009-02-25 20:24:00
CanadaCharlotte NC expat group
Raleigh & Charlotte groups
RebaFemale02009-02-24 19:43:00
CanadaCanadian marrying US military
If you're going to stay and do AOS, you can have your parents ship some of your clothes down. If you are going to stay and do AOS, DO NOT LEAVE the US until you have your green card in your hot little hands!

If your fiance lives on base, there should be a lawyer there who may be able to help out some.
RebaFemale02009-02-02 19:35:00
CanadaCanadian marrying US military
If you get married now and stay to adjust status you can do that, because you had no intent when you entered. You cannot however collect your EI until you get employment authorization, because you must be willing and able to work in order to collect. You are not currently able to work in the US.

If you return to Canada, you would have to do K1 or K3/CR1, which will take about a year.
RebaFemale02009-02-02 07:30:00
CanadaMy First of Many, Many Questions
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Feb 27 2009, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Touched - is a term used when your petition is at the Vermont or Cali processing centre, and your account updates (the date chagnes when you log-in) - I think it's just for K1 Fiance Visas

Packet 3 - is refering to a packet from the Consulate that K1's have to fill out. Doesn't mean anything to a K3 spousal visa.

Hope that helps

Also pertinent to K3 or any other process at USCIS service centres. It just means that your petition has been looked at by someone and they had to update the on-line status. Over the years, I and several others highly suspect that it means nothing more than an adjudicator sneezed or spilled coffee on their IN tray and had to move stuff about to clean up. I wouldn't put much stock into the on-line updates.

Packet 3 is also sent out to K3 beneficiaries. They get much the same applications as K1 do.

It sounds however like the OP is in the CR1 process at NVC, and not K3 however, and will not be receiving a package 3. The CR1 process is entirely different than K3 or K1.
RebaFemale02009-02-28 11:54:00
CanadaCanadian Police Certificate
RebaFemale02009-02-28 11:44:00
I honestly don't think they care at your interview what your current profession is, because once you get your visa and cross the border, you won't be working for a few months anyway.
RebaFemale02009-02-28 20:24:00
CanadaTrain to montreal?
There's a hotel directly across the street from the consulate on Rue Rene Levesque, lots of VJers have stayed there when in Montreal for their interviews. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called, but check out the Hotels review thread in this forum, I"m sure you'll find it there.

The train station is a 15 minute walk (tops!) from the consulate, no need for a taxi or shuttle at all. There's a Sheraton Hotel directly across the street from the station, it's quite nice, but also quite pricey. I used to stay there when I would go to Montreal for business, as our office was right there on the same side of the street as the train station.
RebaFemale02009-02-28 11:50:00
CanadaWhat to do??
Problem is, if he shows up at the border with all his worldly goods, and wife and kids in tow, and if he doesn't have his visa yet, he is likely to be denied entry and will have to take a bus back across the border. Even if he's got an interview letter in hand as proof that he'd be returning, they could still deny him entry.

It really is a ####### shoot. They're unlikely to just wave you thru under the circumstances.

RebaFemale02009-03-02 18:55:00
CanadaNew to the board
Yes, permanent residents can petition to sponsor spouses, but it currently takes a few years to process (currently about 4). Once the LPR is eligible to apply for citizenship they can do that, then upgrade their petition to citizen, and it'll shave a few years off the process.

RebaFemale02009-03-02 07:27:00
CanadaGeneral Consensus on Interviews and approvals in Canada
QUOTE (rexalite @ Mar 2 2009, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do they track overstays from Canada when passports aren't stamped on entry to the US? Do they ask questions about stays and lengths of stays?

If you use your passport as ID when you come and go, they scan it and it keeps a record of it. They know when your last entry was, but they may not know when you left again, so if you're going back and forth every week, its pretty easy for them to figure out how long you've stayed.

I've been here a lot of years and I've seen probably half a dozen Canadians either be denied outright for various reasons (more than 2 that I can recall for admitted drug use, at least one maybe more for insufficient income on affidavit of support, another for criminal inadmissability) or had to endure extra paperwork for months on end (waivers for overstays, DUI etc).

**That's why you answer that question on the medical form "no" wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif It's an automatic denial, no matter where you're from. Some countries (Jamaica comes to mind) they sometimes do blood tests at the exam for tox screens. **

I didn't tell you that. whistling.gif

RebaFemale02009-03-02 18:51:00
CanadaHey Canucks.....
He's not K1 though, he's adjusting from visitor status, which even if he had AP, it is usually strongly suggested to NOT leave the country, even with AP.

I'd say (and posted in his thread) that he likely does have a problem, and risks being deported and banned. However, if he really *was* totally upfront with USCIS upon his last entry (which I somehow doubt, but he says he was) the interviewer may overlook his ignorance and be nice to him. Maybe. Or not.
RebaFemale02009-03-03 07:28:00
CanadaI-130 to US consulate in Calgary
The US citizen half of the couple *must* be a legal permanent resident of Canada, or a dual citizen in order to qualify for DCF petitions. If she is not an LPR and is only visiting for a few months, she'll have to send the petition to a USCIS service centre in the US.
RebaFemale02009-03-04 07:28:00
CanadaCanadians in the Atlanta area
I was just looking at my expiration date on mine. It expires in June, so I'm going to have to send it soon for renewal. I'm just not sure when I can do it. I was thinking about a trip home for Easter. I haven't been home for about a year and a half tongue.gif

I will also have to light a fire under my entire family to get their passports. I've only been bugging them about it for oh...5 years or so. wacko.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-04 19:54:00
CanadaIf all else fails...
I wanna be a pirate on the River Saskatchewan biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-04 19:46:00
CanadaMoving this weekend
Speed limits in BC are lower, and mostly 80km/h. Every other province its 100 or higher.

So, hows the weather in Texas? Got a tan yet? biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-04 19:51:00
CanadaMoving this weekend
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Feb 27 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Damn unsure.gif I never heard of anyone abusing Murphy's law before. I can hardly wait for the next update.

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

RebaFemale02009-02-28 12:01:00
CanadaStudent upcoming marriage and honeymoon
I will add that if you try to apply for both LPRs at the same time, the USCIS can and will deny your application based on the concurrent Canadian application because they'll say you do not have intent to live permanently in the US. And they don't like that. There was another couple a few years ago on another Can/Am forum that this happened to. She was in the AOS process in the US (from K1), travelled home with her AP, went to go back to the US, and it somehow came up that they were also waiting on LPR paperwork for her hubby to move to Canada. They cancelled her AOS application there on the spot, and she was stuck in Canada for a year and a half waiting on hubby's paperwork to go thru so he could move, while he was here in the US waiting.

I'd suggest you pick one and go with it.

For info on Canadian immigration see
RebaFemale02009-03-08 10:50:00
Canadawhat did you all do today?
Yesterday afternoon, we went to see Watchmen, then after that went to the comic book store to buy the book and pick up a few of our subscriptions that we hadn't picked up since like Christmas. Then we went to Big Lots and put a big ol' cuddler reclincer chair on lay-away (they were out of stock tongue.gif ) then came home to eat my pork shoulder that had been cooking all day in the crock pot while we were out.

Today my friend came over while our hubbies are out D&Ding together, and we watched Nights in Rodanthe (*sob*). After she left, I raked the front yard for a while, then pulled weeds out of the front flower bed. Then the dogs and I played "box" out in the backyard for a while (i give them a cardboard box and they chase each other around with it until it's shredded, it's one of their favourite games) and then I came in and had something to eat.

Now I'm here, procrastinating. I really should be organizing my receipts to we can get our taxes filed. wacko.gif huh.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-08 18:20:00
CanadaMy brother in the military?
Best of luck to your brother DX. Semper Fi smile.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-10 06:33:00
CanadaHometown Canada
I haven't been to Midland in quite literally decades, has it been built up like the rest of the province? Or has it tried to stay pretty much a small town?
RebaFemale02009-03-04 07:33:00
CanadaHometown Canada
I like Midland and Saint Marie Among the Hurons, and the Wye Marsh. Very pretty area. I've been a few times. smile.gif

And I quite like your description of how the country was confederated E! Nobody down here will believe me! tongue.gif laughing.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-02 18:40:00
CanadaHometown Canada
Born in Scarborough, ON, grew up at Mussleman's Lake, a small community in Whitchurch Stouffville, about 30 min. north of the Scarberia line.

It's a small lake, I could swim across it from one beach to the other, and I'm not a very strong swimmer!

Mussleman's Lake is "famous" for bunch of gangsters who hid out there in the 30s or 40s (timeline escapes me at the mo).

The population of the community more than doubled in the summer because of the part-time residentianl trailer parks up at Cedar Beach. When I was 13 & 14, I worked at Glendale Beach, where my friend and manager of the beach was later murdered. sad.gif

The village of Stouffville, 5 miles from the Lake, is where I went to school and hang out. Home town of Keith Acton, (NHLer) and The Big Flea Market. Which when I was a kid, we called it The Sales Barns, because they had livestock auctions every weekend. A developer wants to demolish the Market and put up more McMansions. :mad:

I always hated the Lake and Stouffville when I was growing up (mostly during teen years) because it was rather boring. However, I moved back for a couple of years before I moved down to NC, and felt quite at home in town. I had 3 pubs within walking distance, plus 2 grocery stores, a Canadian Tire, several burger joints/fast food places, and a park, Rec Centre with pool, library, and the GO Train to get me into the city whenever I wanted etc etc etc...Every Canada Day weekend they have a Strawberry Festival, and shut down Main Street for market and have a big 3 day party. I quite miss it now.
RebaFemale02009-03-02 07:47:00
Canadahow do they know?
90 days limit is for visa waiver countries, not Canada.

Yes, they honestly do care at the border. Ask anyone here who's been interogated by them just how much they do care!
RebaFemale02009-03-10 06:29:00
Canadahow do they know?
I'm just going by what US CBP has actually told me when I was being interrogated...erm...questioned.... 6 months per calendar year or per trip if you're on an extended stay.
RebaFemale02009-03-08 18:22:00
Canadahow do they know?
It would only be from the first day he entered if he was planning to stay 6 straight months. If he's going back and forth, it is 6 months per calendar year, and it starts over on Jan 1.

...still trying to locate that's starting to bug me tongue.gif
RebaFemale02009-03-08 10:35:00
Canadahow do they know?
If they scan your passport they keep the record of your entries for up to 75 years (will find recent news article to back this up). They however don't know when you exited, becase as of yet, Canadian Immigration and US immigration computers are not linked to share this info. They will be able to guestimate however if/when you left just by looking at all your entry records.

If you drive across and they don't scan your passport, they have no record of your entry AFAIK. They will probably have a security photo/video of your car and license plate when you cross, but other than that, no.

You're allowed 6 months per calendar year, if you're backing and forthing on a regular basis, OR 6 months per visit, if you decide to spend the winter down south. So if your boyfriend was visiting regularly last year and his first visit was in June, the slate was wiped clean on Jan 1 basically, and a new 6 month allowance starts. If however he arrived in June and stayed, he should have left in November.
RebaFemale02009-03-07 11:11:00
CanadaMarrying a Canadian in Canada
Depends on if they allow her back into the country after the wedding or not. They can deny her entry based on her marriage to you, and then you'll have to do the CR1/K3 and live apart for a year.
RebaFemale02009-03-10 18:05:00