CanadaMoving your stuff prior to K1 Approval
As others have said, unfortunately you can't move the majority of your stuff before you get your K1. Not only woudl it trigger you to be searched and denied entry, but before you get your visa, it is not duty free. AFTER you get your visa, you can move all of your personal belongings duty and tax free, but in order to not be charged duties, you must show evidence of legal entry. Which would be your valid K1.
RebaFemale02009-05-08 06:18:00
CanadaPaying off debt/loans after immigrating to the U.S.- legal?
yep, most folks around here use Custom House to transfer funds to Canada to pay bills and loans.
RebaFemale02009-05-06 06:30:00
CanadaOk, my very smart Canadian peeps!
K3s are pretty much a waste of time and paper these days, especially if she lives in the eastern part of Canada and would interview in Montreal anyhow. Even for potential Vancouver interviewees, I'd suggest CR1, simply because it's still only about a month slower, and costs $1010 less than the K3 and is a lot less headache. Which I'm sure they've already had enough of!
RebaFemale02009-05-08 18:54:00
CanadaI passed!!!
YaY! good.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-05 06:28:00
CanadaMy vent
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author Unknown

RebaFemale02009-05-08 18:56:00
CanadaMy vent
you're not a cat.

Bermy, I'm sorry about Magic. It is a very tough decision to make, and one that no one looks forward to in their pet's life. sad.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-08 06:15:00
CanadaMy vent
aw, poor Magic! But she is at least getting better, even if it is going slow. That's good smile.gif

Hang in there smile.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-05 06:31:00
CanadaMy vent
I'm sorry about your kitty. It's never fun when your pet is sick. I know this all too well this month. sad.gif

RebaFemale02009-05-01 06:18:00
CanadaBaby of Canadian mother born in Canada; can Portuguese father get citizenship?
See for discussion forums about immigrating to Canada

They may actually want to consider an out-land application for her partner, rather than an in-land application. Yes, he can physically remain in Canada during processing, but an in-land application takes 3 times as long to process, and he may not be able to get a work permit during that time (which can be up to 18 months). An outland application generally only takes about 6 months, and he could just drive across the US border to come back and "land" when the time comes. He would not likely need to return to Europe for an interview. (though it is not unheard of).

Again, Road To Canada has lots of info and members with experience with Canadian immigrations.
RebaFemale02009-05-12 06:21:00
QUOTE (JillA @ May 11 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So once you have your GC US customs doesn't care to see your passport any longer? That's good to know, I'm going home in a few weeks for the first time with my GC as well.

I have been asked on more than one occasion to produce both passport and green card, so now I just hand 'em both over and let them pick which one they want to scan.
RebaFemale02009-05-12 06:30:00
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 12 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So now you have me interested - what would be the maximum point scores you could get with the word 'divorce' on a scrabble board allowing for maximizing double letter and triple word scores?

But where do I put the Q? blink.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-13 19:44:00
CanadaCanadian marrying an American
Why not check out the website Road to Canada (linked above) which is for Canadian Immigration specifically. Lots of helpful people over there with info specifically about Canadian immigration.
RebaFemale02009-05-14 06:22:00
CanadaCanadian marrying an American
for more detailed info regarding Canadian immigration and visiting see
RebaFemale02009-04-04 09:45:00
Exactly. All she has to do is include copies of ID with the petition just like any other US citizen. It doesn't matter that on the marriage certificate she "appears" as Mexican. What matters is that since your marriage she has gained US citizenship and she is now eligible to petition to move you to the US with her.

The lawyer is a git, get rid of it and do the paperwork yourselves.
RebaFemale02009-05-12 06:24:00
CanadaMy little Can-Am bambino is ONE today!!!

RebaFemale02009-05-17 10:44:00
CanadaMy little Can-Am bambino is ONE today!!!
We want to see pics of First Birthday Cake In Face!

Those are my favourites biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-08 18:51:00
CanadaMissing CBC Reporter Found after she digs herself out of snowbank
I also used to keep a couple packets of cookies or granola bars in my glove box, for when I got stuck in 401 traffic on Friday evenings.
RebaFemale02009-05-17 10:42:00
Canadapassport renewal issue
Once the K visa has expired, there's no real purpose to keep it other than for sentimental value.
RebaFemale02009-05-16 10:13:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
You're both stressed out right now, and lashing out at each other because you have no one or nothing else to lash out at. You're stressed out because of the break in and attack, so is your husband, and your husband has the added stress of homesickness and misisng friends and family. THAT part I totally understand. When we have something stressful happen in our lives, who do we turn to? Friends and family. But when we're so far away from them, it just piles up higher and higher because we are completely out of our comfort zone. And an international border divides us from our comfort zone. Homesickness is a very real thing, and if he was especially close with the people he left behind, stresses here in the US will be that much more difficult to deal with.

Don't you have local friends and family you can turn to for an ear and a shoulder? Someone who could maybe stay with you a couple of nights until your husband gets home? A girlfriend, cousin, sister, your Mom maybe?

I also will suggest a therapist, both one-on-one and marriage counselling. Perhaps you could both benefit from time spent with a mediator to figure out where your stresses are coming from, and why you're lashing out at each other.

And the dog idea may not be such a bad one if you have the time and space for one. Dogs are a wonderful deterrant to break-ins, and also wonderful companions when the other side of the bed is empty. Saint Bernards particularly are great, as they're about human size, and as I read in a Saint Bernard enthusiasts magazine once "there are no monsters under the bed when you sleep with a Saint Bernard" wink.gif Plus, most people think twice when a 190 pound dog is barking at them.

But, even yapping poodles will deter most break ins. Ask your insurance agent.
RebaFemale02009-05-10 09:19:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
I never said she entered without inspection, I said she can't prove that she DID enter with inspection. The thing is with your friend even if he loses his Canadian passport, there's a paper trail somewhere within USCIS that gave him his student visa. Right? However, if he cannot prove that he entered the country legally, and ICE doesn't feel like looking up his claims that he is a dual national with a visa granted by USCIS, they can (have before to others, and will again) deport him back to his birth country, if the only ID he has on him is an Iranian passport. According to the law, they can hold you indefinitely, without legal counsel, and without having to notify anyone that they're holding you. And they can send you back from whereever it is they think you came from.

I also suggested she leave voluntarily. A couple of times IIRC. By land even, so as not to have to use her British passport to get on a plane and arouse suspicion on herself.

Read into it what you will, but the point is, the only citizenship she can currently prove to US authorities is British. And because she cannot prove that she entered the country legally and with inspection, it is very likely that she could/would be deported. To Britain.

Edited by Reba, 18 May 2009 - 09:44 PM.

RebaFemale02009-05-18 21:43:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
No, a driver's license is not proof of citizenship, only proof of residency.

Once again, if her only FEDERAL ID that she has is a British passport, as far as ICE is concerned, she is BRITISH, not Canadian. And therefore will be treated as a BRIT. Because she entered with a driver's license and not a passport, there is no proof of the day she entered or even that she entered with inspection, and because she of course won't have an I-94W in her passport, she will be considered here illegally, and will be sent packing. To Britain.

Unless of course she leaves now without fanfare and goes back to Canada. I'd highly suggest she go by land, because if she tries to go by air, the airline will be looking for the I-94W to take from her passport, which she doesn't have and she'll have to explain why. Possibly to ICE at the airport.
RebaFemale02009-05-18 06:28:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
RebaFemale02009-05-17 10:46:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
At the moment, the OP is in the US as a BRIT NOT a Canadian. If she is asked for federal ID, she doesn't have her Canadian passport any longer, she said she lost it. So, as far as any ICE or USCIS person is concerned at the moment, because she is carrying a UK passport, she is a BRITISH subject, NOT a Canadian citizen. And therefore would be treated according to the laws for visiting Brits, which would include the Visa Waiver Programme, which allows visits only up to 90 days. Which she has obviously well overstayed!

I will add to the others who have already said it. You're screwed. Go home. Get your life sorted out and get a new Canadian passport.

RebaFemale02009-05-16 10:09:00
CanadaPassporte Renewal?
Quite a lot of US passport photo shops can't/won't do Canadian size passport photos, but Sears Portraits can and should know the standards. I just had mine done there a few weeks ago with no problem at all. Everyone else around here looked at me like I was an alien when I asked if they could do Canadian passport photos. wink.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-13 19:41:00
CanadaHow do you get married? Can you just go down to courthouse??
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ May 22 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im not sure how you were able to have a ceremony without it being legal. We were thinking of having a church ceremony in Toronto in August 2009 (without the legal signing of the pastor). However, our plans fell through when the pastor said that it's illegal for pastors or officiators to do minister a wedding without it being legal. He said that he would only be able to do it if we got married legally before the wedding or do the legal signing at the wedding ceremony.

Needless to say, we were both bummed and had to change our plans and marry after I enter the U.S. We'll likely do the courthouse marriage first and then hopefully hold the actual ceremony in December 2009.


It's just the way the marriage laws are written in Canada. Any licensed officiator cannot perform a marriage ceremony without there being paperwork involved. However, you CAN have someone who is NOT licensed "officiate" for you. Like a friend or relative or complete stranger, and have it not legal.

RebaFemale02009-05-23 09:00:00
CanadaHow do you get married? Can you just go down to courthouse??
And an official cannot give you a marriage certificate unless an actual ceremony of some sort takes place in his/her presence. They cannot just take your wordfor it that you were already married. Which you're not, if it was not a legal ceremony and you rec'd no documentation. (surprising for Canada, unless an unlicensed friend did it for you, marriage laws are fairly specific about by whom and how in Canada.)
RebaFemale02009-04-27 06:24:00
CanadaEvidence of returning to Canada from the States
The fact that you're standing in a US consulate in Canada is kinda proof that you left the US isn't it? wink.gif

Honestly, in all the years that I've been around immigration forums (which is many moons), I have *never* seen any Canadian say that they were asked for proof of when they left the US from any trip.

Both US consulates that do K visa interviews are well aware that the majority of Canadians live within driving distance of the US border and travel frequently for day trips and for extended vacations. The honestly do not get into detail at the interview and ask you about each and every trip. You don't even have to list each and every trip on your application forums, most of us have just written on a supplemental sheet "and various visits ranging in length of one day to two weeks" after listing just the most recent visits. That's all I did, and the only thing she asked me about was how I managed to fund my 5 month stay the winter before my interview. She never asked for proof of any of my trips, coming or going.
RebaFemale02009-05-23 09:06:00
CanadaDinner Dress - Ladies which one would you choose?
#2, it would show off all my tattoos quite nicely wink.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-21 06:30:00
CanadaProud To Be Canadian...
Born Canadian, Always Canadian. No matter how long you're gone! and even if you get US citizenship in a few years.

I'm going Home for Canada Day. smile.gif It's been 2 years and waaaaaaaaay too fracken long! I'm gonna have me some proper bacon, and whatever else Canadian delicacies I can muster up during my stay. And maybe a few beers too! wink.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-20 06:21:00
CanadaHouse Sitters
Check the Yellow Pages for licensed house sitting/pet sitting services. They're bonded, and insured. You can arrange with them wheter you just want someone to visit the house once or twice a day to feed and walk your pets, or have someone stay at your house for the entire week.
RebaFemale02009-05-24 10:21:00
CanadaPOE by land with no I-94
QUOTE (JulieG @ May 23 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, thanks for replying. I did not register my childs birth abroad with the US consolate. Now that I am here can I register her birth in the US? It states on the website that in lieu of going to a consolate abroad that I can go to a US passport office and file for her passport, but you need an SSN to apply for a passport and you need a passport or some form of US ID to apply for a SSN. Do you know anything about this?

Nope, sorry I don't know anything about it, I don't have children. AFAIK, you would still have to register her birth abroad at the US consulate closest to where she was born. But that would require you leaving the US, which is not a good idea because it is unlikely they'll let you back in! You have to prove somehow that she was born to at least one US citizen parent, and at the moment, her only form of ID is her Canadian birth certificate. Which only proves she's Canadian.

The only thing I could suggest is to either just go down to the SSA office to find out what documentation they would need in order to give her a SSN, but you may have to sit there the entire day.

RebaFemale02009-05-24 10:26:00
CanadaPOE by land with no I-94
The usual route to proving non-intent is to show that you hadn't quit your job, sold all your stuff and headed to the border. However, since you were not working, and had not belongings to start our your marriage, that part will be difficult for you to do obviously.

You could use affidavits from family and friends who knew of your plans to have your husband immigrate to Canada as evidence of non-intent. Also, if his employer transported him to his/your home in Canada, they could also attest to where he was living up until December of '08. If you still have active bank accounts in Canada, or other financial obligations, that is also secondary proof of non-intent (though with the internet and ABMs, bank accounts are not really geographically binding anymore)

You can either stay to apply for adjustment of status (AOS) or you can return to Canada and wait out the process for a CR1.

Did you register your child's birth abroad with the US consulate before you left? Does your child have any form of US ID? If not, you should apply for it asap.

RebaFemale02009-05-23 08:49:00
CanadaA Happy Ending
Find a comic book store, there's usually geeks at a table in the back playing RPGs of some sort. If not, ask the shop owner/manager/geek behind the counter, they'll probably know of a few gamers and how/where to get involved.

At the very least, he can pick up a few comics smile.gif
RebaFemale02009-05-24 10:15:00
CanadaMemorial Day
Yeap, one's for dead, one's for the living.

What kinda bugs me (and my husband if he's being honest about it) is most of the time it is for "veterans of foreign wars" only for when war was actually declared.

Doesn't make his friends any less dead just because they happened to serve during a non-war but still got shot at and blown up. sad.gif

RebaFemale02009-05-26 17:26:00
CanadaHow did YOU find out about VJ?
I've been here since before the Ewok even.

My husband's friend Jason was getting married to a psycho Belgian woman, and she found the site and when James and I found ourselves having to give up on Canadian immigration, she sent me the link.

Then she married Jason and duped him for a green card. Left him as soon as they had their intrerview.
RebaFemale02009-05-26 06:32:00
Canada5 month US visit, Re: Montreal Interview questions
I stayed for 5 months the winter before my interview. If I recall, I think she asked me how I managed to have that much time off work and how I paid for it. I said I'd just been laid off from my job where I had worked 13 years, deserved a break, and got a rather handsome severance package. That was the end of that.
RebaFemale02009-05-28 19:21:00
CanadaHurricane Season starts
We've had rain the past month or so nearly every day, and there have been quite a lot of mud slides, sink holes, and flooded basements. Parts of mountain highways are closed, probably for the summer, because they've washed away. Happens quite a lot up there really. It's pretty up in the mountains, but a pain in the ####### if the highway washes out! I wouldn't want to live there.
RebaFemale02009-05-31 09:06:00
CanadaHurricane Season starts
Shortly before I moved down here to NC in 2004 there were several hurricanes one on top of another, and it rained for about a month straight. Up here near the mountains, far far away from the coast, we still get the effects. The Catawba River flooded it's banks by about 20+ feet! and half the town was underwater for a few days. I missed seeing it, but by the time I moved here a month afterward, you could still see the mud-line on the trees.

James was working at Domino's pizza at the time, and can you believe that people who were stuck in their homes on the *other* side of the flood would get angry with him when he said they couldn't deliver there because there's a bloody great river in the way? wacko.gif

Not his fault there's no pizza shop on their side of the river tongue.gif

The chiropractor that I see now has his offices along the river, and you can still see the damage line on the walls where the repairs were made. And his offices sit more than 20 feet above the river. A restaurant in the same strip mall was closed for over a year afterward, the owners ended up selling it to someone else because they didn't have the money to renovate and re-open.

Here's a website that shows some photos of the flood. IT's from Judges restaurant (different than above mentioned) here in town

Down at the bottom on that link there's a photo of Linville Falls when it was raging. Here's a photo of Linville with "normal" water levels. http://www.greatcaro...ville-Falls.htm

I'm almost sorry I missed the flood. Almost. wink.gif The company where I currently work was also flooded, it took them about a week to clear out the water, and they lost a lot of furniture inventory.

Where our house sits though is higher up a hill, and the water didn't (and never has, knock wood) got this high up.
RebaFemale02009-05-30 08:12:00
Canadamarriage license
It will most definitely take you a whole lot longer if you get married in Ontario than if you get married in probably any of the 50 US states! Ontario takes forever to process marriage certificates for some reason, and you can't apply for any marriage based immigration benefit (in either country) without the marriage certificate.

If the plan is to get married first then apply for immigration benefits, then you will have to return to Canada after the wedding for about a year to wait for a CR1 or K3 to be processed.

OR start the K1 fiancee visa process now, and wait almost a year for that to process, then move to the US, get married, apply to adjust status and live happily ever after. Or whatever. Your choice. Read the Guides to decide which route is best for you.
RebaFemale02009-06-02 19:51:00
CanadaUSC Husband and Canadian Citizenship for him?
Our postal carrier just drops stuff on the carport and runs. Never rings the bell. Same as UPS. Drives me crazy because my husband is home all day, and he never knows there's a package out there to pick up, and I nearly drive over it when I get home from work tongue.gif
RebaFemale02009-06-02 06:20:00