CanadaGood luck trailmix!!!
many many congratulations! smile.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
CassieFemaleCanada2008-02-19 12:24:00
CanadaWe are under contract! We're buying a house!
Congrats Karen
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-09-03 19:42:00
CanadaK2 (soon to be 18 yrs) wants to emancipate
My 16 year old son was saying the same thing before moving day. One day he wanted to move,one day he didnt. In the end he decided to be with me here in the USA. Which I am happy about. Good luck in your decision.

Where is he going to stay when you leave?

I would have not moved here with out my 16 year old son. My oldest son was 20 when we moved and he was happy for both of us.

Its a hard decision to make.
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-06 14:23:00
CanadaDoug is Officially APPROVED!!!
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-08 15:29:00
CanadaVisa Arrived
Congrats. Have a safe trip
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-13 12:40:00
CanadaVisa didn't come today

Time to pack. good.gif
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-16 13:35:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
I hope that things work out for you. rose.gif

It would be a shame if you have to pack up and leave after all the hard work that goes into getting a K-1/K-2.

I do understand about putting your son first thou. He does not need to be threatened by a 23 year old. I would have to do something about that. That guy needs a cop in his face for saying that to your son.

I hope you get a place soon so that you all can be happy. Take anything you can get until you can afford something more. Just try your best not to be seperated again.
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-21 13:24:00
CanadaMoving today...
Congrats Karen and Joel
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-11-28 15:36:00
CanadaIR5forMumsie - Good luck tomorrow in Montreal
Best of luck today
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-12-19 13:43:00
CanadaSharing Christmas Pictures
Glad your little girl was with you for Christmas.

She is a pretty girl Lily. smile.gif

Bet you can not wait for Feb so she can finally move to be with you.

Have a great 2008
PeggyFemaleCanada2007-12-31 10:36:00
CanadaHusband's landing at Sarnia POE
PeggyFemaleCanada2008-01-03 13:31:00
CanadaTons of Best Wishes bradcanuck!
PeggyFemaleCanada2008-01-11 16:02:00
CanadaGeorgia Snow 2008.....
It snowed today in South East Alabama. Started at 10 am and snowed off and on for a few hours.

We took advantage of the snow and made some video's and a redneck snowman.

We had fun. It was fun watching them being so excited over it snowing.
PeggyFemaleCanada2008-01-19 19:17:00
CanadaMontreal said.........
PeggyFemaleCanada2008-01-26 21:46:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?
On one hand, I grinch a little bit about going through the process legally and they don't, blah blah. On the other hand, I honestly get more cross with US companies perpetuating the historical cycle of employing illegals under the table. Breaking the cycle would help.
CassieFemaleCanada2007-06-15 09:35:00
CanadaPeople can be so horribly insensitive sometimes

It's interesting how there can be such common misconceptions from people in a country so close to ours.

On the flip side I lived in New Zealand for a while and pretty much everyone I met had heard of or knew of Calgary - in fact when I moved back here 2 people I knew in NZ visited Calgary. The older ones remembered serving with Canadians in WWII and had only nice things to say.


It's what I call the Commonwealth phenomenon -- I've always gotten along better with UK'ers, Aussies, etc etc --- same sense of humour or something, dunno :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-07 13:15:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!

flying out of Saint Louis Friday morning for ten days home!! Family wedding, hugging the niece and nephew, inhaling salt air, sand between my toes, here we come!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Cassie, you might not remember me and my wife Danette (from NS as well) from the other side of Oklahoma, but, I know you and her had messaged a couple years back. Anyhow, She headed out to NS today to attend a wedding on the 10th. Her cousin named Jodi is gettin hitched. Just wondering if you might be going to the same wedding. Its down in the valley.

I definitely remember you guys!! :) But nope, we're not going to the same wedding, my cousin that is getting married is named Louise. Wouldn't that have been hysterical if we were going to the same one??? :)

Ok, it's 10:30pm and I should be packing and I'm procrastinating! :whistle:

I knew the odds were small. But that really would have been a riot. It's still kind of an odd coincidence. Have a good trip back home.

Hehe fun coincidence indeed! :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-09 08:45:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!

flying out of Saint Louis Friday morning for ten days home!! Family wedding, hugging the niece and nephew, inhaling salt air, sand between my toes, here we come!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Cassie, you might not remember me and my wife Danette (from NS as well) from the other side of Oklahoma, but, I know you and her had messaged a couple years back. Anyhow, She headed out to NS today to attend a wedding on the 10th. Her cousin named Jodi is gettin hitched. Just wondering if you might be going to the same wedding. Its down in the valley.

I definitely remember you guys!! :) But nope, we're not going to the same wedding, my cousin that is getting married is named Louise. Wouldn't that have been hysterical if we were going to the same one??? :)

Ok, it's 10:30pm and I should be packing and I'm procrastinating! :whistle:
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-08 22:34:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!
I'll wave in your direction as we lift off, Carla!! :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-07 13:00:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!

Oh Cassie....I'm so jealous! :) Hope you and Jerry have a fabulous time back home. Drink in some sea air and dig those toes in the sand a time or two for us, eh? So happy for you both! :dance:

hehehe I have orders to bring back some sea glass, shells, and some sand for people, which cracks me up. :lol:

I am really looking forward to this trip. We get to see lots of family at the wedding, hug on the kidlets, and be with my mom as she goes through *hopefully* the last round of chemo for a while. It's going to be good. :)

*pinches flames* ;)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-06 23:39:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!

Hey Cassie enjoy your time back home on the Cape


Thanks Allie, I wish I was going to have some time on the Island too!
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-06 11:59:00
Canada4 more sleeps!!!
flying out of Saint Louis Friday morning for ten days home!! Family wedding, hugging the niece and nephew, inhaling salt air, sand between my toes, here we come!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-06 11:52:00
CanadaHow did you guys meet?
Ok, I'll elaborate on my previous 3 word answer. :P

We met online on a Christian website's chatroom. During the course of the public chat (we were talking about how fun it would be to go on a trip to meet all the members in person), the conversation went something like this:

him: Oh, Nova Scotia, that's near Germany, isn't it?
me: Oh lord, another dumb yankee that didn't pay attention in geography class! :P (east coast of canada, BTW)
him: LOL
me: LOL

About 5 minutes later, I got a PM from him apologising to me if he offended me, to which I replied that maybe I should be the one to apologize for calling him a dumb yankee! ;) We've been inseparable ever since. :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-02 11:04:00
CanadaHow did you guys meet?
We met online. :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-06-10 20:43:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son, cutiepurg. :( You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-01 11:43:00
CanadaA good day at the Vancouver consulate
Congratulations!!!!!!! :) :thumbs:
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-09 08:39:00
CanadaI want to go back

We're in the process of trying to figure out exactly what we want to do. Do I get citizenship? Do we want property in both countries? Would it be better to move closer to NS but stay in the US? We're confused, but Jerry loves Nova Scotia and my family, so he is certainly not opposed to living there. He's mentioned looking at property prices while we are home a number of times, so we shall see.

This is something we've thought about too...seriously. Joel definately wants citizenship...won't have to deal with USCIS anymore. I have no family here...friends, but that's it. Joel's family is my family now. We've talked about finding a small piece of land there, just to have something. Probably close to or in Tusket. Of course this will all be in a few years, but doesn't hurt to plan ahead. I love Nova Scotia and I know Joel would love to go home again. As for property in both countries...I dunno. Taxes on two properties...I suppose it would depend on how often we'd be coming back to the States to visit. We're thinking about a small vacation spot in NC, if we wind up with that then we'd sell our primary residence in the States, have primary residence in NS and keep (if affordable) the vacation spot.

*sigh* I wish so much we could go home now though.....

BTW...I think the federally mandated vacation time for Canadians is awesome!

I hear you, Karen. It's a lot of information to digest. We have friends that have property in NS, and we are going to pick their brains for info about what to expect r/t taxes, etc etc. We are also thinking about the possibilities of adopting kids too, which adds yet another layer of paperwork to things. *sigh*
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-06 23:44:00
CanadaI want to go back
We're in the process of trying to figure out exactly what we want to do. Do I get citizenship? Do we want property in both countries? Would it be better to move closer to NS but stay in the US? We're confused, but Jerry loves Nova Scotia and my family, so he is certainly not opposed to living there. He's mentioned looking at property prices while we are home a number of times, so we shall see.
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-05 23:54:00
CanadaThe 3 VJ stooges!....
that's hysterical -- how did I miss that all three of you guys had the same interview day!! :blink:

COngratulations to all of you!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-09 08:38:00
CanadaHow do you know which POE's you can use to activate a visa?
I've never heard of any POE unable to activate a visa. I have, however, heard of POE's not used to processing a visa and having to consult manuals and such. ;)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-03 18:44:00
CanadaCareer change at 33.

I hate to give the shortest reply here but I need to say it:

You only live once.

Do what it is you want to do with the time you have and don't worry about the rest. It will all fall in line.


I'm in the same boat. I loved my former career (museums/heritage preservation), but not having any luck finding anything here in that field. Currently working in a cross-stitch and knitting specialty store, which are two of my favourite things to do, but working retail is...well...working retail. ;) Being surrounded by creative things all day is inspiring me, I must say, and I am seriously toying with the idea of designing my own patterns and stuff -- maybe with historically-based themes?? Mixing two passions into one maybe.....or taking watercolour classes....or photography.....we'll see! :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-14 17:02:00
CanadaI went to a bridal shower yesterday...
My bridal shower was at my church, both men and women were there, and it took me lots of time to open our presents too. :blush: But everyone wanted to be there to see my face when Jerry showed up as a surprise! :)

Oh, and my mom, grandmom, etc still use their china on a regular basis. I didn't ask for any myself (yet another thing to ship!), I figure Mom will leave hers to me. :)
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-14 07:43:00
CanadaI thought I was going to melt.
Neiks -- I have two words: air conditioning. Seriously. If we didn't have central heat/air in our house, I'd be moving back to Canada. I hate the hot weather, we miss the joy of most of the summer when you move from a/c house to a/c car (which you have to sit lightly in for the first ten minutes because the steering wheel is so hot you can make handprints in it) to a/c wherever you are going. You can't have any fun outside when all it takes is 20 minutes to get heatstroke.

Ok, maybe I am being a bit of a drama queen, but it is horrible!
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-14 07:48:00
CanadaI had an Iced Cappucino yesterday....
....and it was heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

*waves from Nova Scotia*

Edited by Cassie, 16 August 2007 - 03:00 PM.

CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-16 15:00:00
CanadaGoing the spendy way
Mine cost about $3300 US, from southern Nova Scotia to Tulsa, OK. The cost of gas at the time, the distance, and the books jacked up the price a bit more, but for us, it was worth it.

I might add that I had everything packed up, except for the furniture that my parents kept in their home.

Edited by Cassie, 20 August 2007 - 11:56 AM.

CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-20 11:55:00
CanadaGoing the spendy way
The moving company I dealt with were fantastic -- they emailed me all the forms and instructions, they were able to work with me and my situation, and not a thing got broken. It was a bit pricey, because I had a lot of weight due to my book collection, but completely worth it in my mind.
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-20 11:46:00
Canadavacation time
Have a great trip!!
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-21 13:06:00
CanadaCareer advise...
I didn't start working until about a year after moving (long story), and I still haven't gotten a job relating to my training and former career. I would humbly suggest temp agencies as a place to start and get some US experience. smile.gif
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-20 15:19:00
Canadaso we're back....
So far, so good for my mom. The transplant happened yesterday and now it is a waiting game until the signs appear that the donor cells are starting to work. *crosses fingers* I just hope that it is successful. I will keep you all updated. smile.gif

Onward with the research!
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-22 21:49:00
Canadaso we're back....
QUOTE (KarenCee @ Aug 21 2007, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassie @ Aug 20 2007, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, we're back from our trip to Nova Scotia and methinks after this trip a lot of things have become clearer....

I'm going for naturalization when I am eligible.
Meanwhile, I will be doing my research about sponsoring J to become a permanent resident / citizen of Canada.

That's right, we're going to move back to Nova Scotia sooner (ie. in about 5 years) rather than later.

We haven't told his family yet! tongue.gif

There's still some things to work out, but we do have a master plan for the next 5 years or so. Of course, life has a funny way of working itself out, so this may all be pipe dreams, but they are our pipe dreams for now!

(The trip was great, the wedding was beautiful, and the Iced Cappucino was fantastic!)

I'm wondering how we'll feel once we go back home again. I'm thinking we'll be feeling the same way. I know for a fact that we're definitely moving home to NS. When it will be is the question. I have a feeling once we do go back home the desire to move back will be much stronger...and it *will* be harder to leave. Joel says the quality of life is better there, at least it would be for us. Joel is definitely going to naturalise more USCIS and travel will be easier methinks.

For me, leaving was the same as always -- hard. Perhaps even more hard knowing that my mom was to have her transplant yesterday and knowing that they could use my help. This trip really focused things down for Jerry and his timeline to move back has now sped up considerably. tongue.gif So yeah, the more time he spends there, the more he wants to stay. So now I am set with the task of researching Canadian immigration -- yeehaw!
CassieFemaleCanada2007-08-22 09:09:00