Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLast name changed after marriage
Good - sorry if I added extra confusion. :blush:
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-19 15:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLast name changed after marriage
I didn't list my family (by this, I assume you mean maiden) name anywhere on my husband's I 751. I used my married name everywhere, including how I signed the form.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 12:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLast name changed after marriage
Sorry for being asleep at the wheel, all! (Literally :lol: )

To the OP - I am the USC and I put my family name on that form as my married last name, and signed accordingly. It is a confusing term - I wish they'd just put last name.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 09:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLast name changed after marriage

I belive the wife has to sign in married name if thats the name she uses to sign documents anywhere,
reguardless if she is the USC it is her legal name
you just sign with your name since there was no name change for you after marriage( since your male )

It's early and I've not had caffeine :lol: but I'm not sure I'm following your point.

Has to sign what in her married name - the I 751? I agree if she is using her married name elsewhere, she'd want her 10 year green card to also be in that name.

The OP was specifically talking about his wife so I'm not sure where the info about being a male comes into play.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 08:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLast name changed after marriage
I agree with second stage about the intent of the question.

Her 2 year green card is in her maiden name? You could have changed it at the time of AOS, but at any rate - I'd fill out the I 751 with her married name. Then include documentation to prove the reason for the change (certified marriage certificate) and a letter from her explaining that she would like her 10 year GC to reflect her married name.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 07:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIs this enough?

Thanks for your input - so quick!.

TracyTN - no not sour grapes , I just thought that might help to prove that I came here, not to better my life, but to be with my husband. I knew I would have a lower standard of living here and accepted that without question as it was far more important to be with my love. I thought this might alleviate any queries they might have about marriage fraud.

Yeah, I knew you didn't mean it as sour grapes; I guess I was just thinking more 'traditionally' of how others before you have proven they did not marry for immigration benefit. The other items you list seem to cover that pretty well so I just wasn't sure how those particular items added anything to the mix.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 14:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIs this enough?
I think it looks like a good list. I'm not sure about items listed in #17 though. Those aren't something people normally include and I'm just not sure how they'll be viewed by USCIS. I can't say exactly why - it just sounds a little like sour grapes to me, but maybe I'm just in a weird mood at the moment. :lol:
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 13:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhelp my husband doesnt want to file taxes!!
There is nothing stopping you from filing your own return as married filing separately. If he wants to still dodge filing, that's up to him - but in my opinion, you shouldn't screw yourself with the IRS just because of his stubbornness.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-25 10:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAbsolutely Ridiculous..happended to anybody else?
In my opinion, it isn't ridiculous for them to ask you for more evidence given what you originally sent.

I concur with meauxna's suggestions below.

However, they can both send in copies of their bank statements, showing that they have the same permanent address. There are lots of other types of evidence that show they reside in the same place etc, share social ties together (we sent copies of our Costco cards) and have other kinds of commitments to each other.
If they don't have the financial evidence, manufacturing it at this time might have the opposite effect as intended. However, there's a lot more they could show that people who do NOT live in relationship together wouldn't be able to pull together.
OP, you should probably also re-send everything you've already sent. There was a post recently from someone with the same RFE here:

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 09:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionremoval of conditions-i751 form
At this point in the process, you're proving that you have a legitimate marriage - one way to do that is by submitting copies of tax returns. So long as the alien has not become a public charge, there is no reason to worry about the amount shown on the tax return.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 12:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDeath of USC spouse...I'm lost
I hope meauxna's post clarified things for you. I echo the sentiments of others - sorry for your loss. (F)

Edited to add - there's no reason to think you'll DEFINITELY be interviewed because of the death of your spouse. You might - you might not. But being interviewed doesn't mean anything bad - it's just that some people are and some aren't - even those who are jointly filing with their spouses. It's kind of a ####### shoot anymore.

Edited by TracyTN, 29 March 2010 - 02:56 PM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 14:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat exactly is CRI89?
Dunno why it's 'renamed' that but everyone's certainly is. I assume CR is for conditional resident, but I have no idea where the rest of it comes from.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 07:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNot file I-751 but will get 10 yrs CG
QUOTE (payxibka @ Dec 3 2009, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The problem I see is what possible "status" is the alien adjusting from? You have to have some sort of non-immigrant status. In my mind she has no status and most likely is in "removal"....

That's the part I don't understand with this route.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-03 13:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNot file I-751 but will get 10 yrs CG
I'm just surprised by the I 130/I 485 route. To me, that's the route to getting a green card initially. But when you already have one - one which has now expired - I guess I'm confused as to how this does anything for you. Then again, I'm sure a family based immigration attorney knows a lot more than I do, so...!
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-03 08:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNot file I-751 but will get 10 yrs CG
So did she marry a new guy or not? If not, I don't think what the lawyer suggested will fly. She should have filed the I 751 late with an explanation as to why it was late.

Even if she did marry someone new, I'm skeptical of that approach, but would hope an attorney would know what they were doing.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 16:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchanging my last name..
Fill out the form with your married name, but you'll also have to include proof of the reason for the change. So enclose a certified copy of your marriage certificate. I think a letter would also be prudent explaining the situation, and that you'd like your 10 year GC to now reflect your married name.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 12:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMORE EVIDENCE NEEDED???
Just browsing what you sent, I can sort of see why. SSN cards don't show they live together - all that shows is they each have a SS number. What about his driver's license along with her permit to show they are at the same address? Same goes for utility bills (some in her name, some in his)? All her paycheck stub shows is she works and where she lives - doesn't say much for him. Was the JCP card statement in both their names or just his/hers?

Use the checklist on VJ as a guide.


Edited by TracyTN, 30 March 2010 - 02:43 PM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 14:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot an RFE yesterday as well
There shouldn't be any reason you can't get a 2009 tax transcript - whether you paid in or got a refund is of no consequence for ordering one.

You didn't say, but I presume the RFE was asking for more evidence of a legit marriage?
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-05 07:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling For Removal Of Conditions After Spouse's Death
I concur with RJ's advice - and I am truly sorry for your loss.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-22 09:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion10 Year Perm Resident Card Received...but...



And people wonder why we need immigration reform.

FWIW I don't believe immigration reform will 'fix' things like this. That's never been part of what I understood reform to mean. Moreso how to handle the issue of undocumented aliens, fixing or changing work visa rules and quotas, etc.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 08:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 Abuse Excuse

Has anyone out there going through a divorce from your wife or husband and they filed a I751 to get conditions removed? My attorneys contacted INS enforcement who informed them that most marriages that end before conditions are removed, that the recipient will, a lot of times file an I751 claiming abuse, it's what the agent called the "Abuse Excuse" (their words not mine). I am in no way stating that some cases are very legitimate and the respondent did not come to this country with good intentions because some do. But what the INS enforcemnt will do is pull everything that you and your respondent has filed and go through it with a fine tooth comb and that includes going to the respondant's country of orgin and do another extensive records check to see if something was either missed or something new has materialized. Good Luck All

As was previously noted, it hasn't been the INS for YEARS. It's now USCIS. Also, USCIS is not the 'enforcement' arm of the Dept. of Homeland Security. That would be ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). It helps to have at least a basic understanding of the system that's in place, regardless of whether or not you have legal representation.

Regardless, I think whomever the 'agent' is happens to be talking out of their #######. While there is rightfully a mechanism in place for abused spouses to still remove conditions, that is by no means the norm. In those cases, yes, I'm quite confident there is scrutiny of the facts in play - both the abuse and any involvement of local law enforcement, etc. as well as the state of and circumstances surrounding the marriage itself. This may/may not include the alien's country of origin. It's taken on a case by case basis.

People remove conditions all the time after a divorce. If you'd done a thread search, you'd see that there are threads opened on nearly a daily basis asking about removing conditions after a divorce. The fact that your attorneys didn't seem to know this, either, wouldn't give me much confidence in their abilities.

Does your post have a point or a question in it? I can't really seem to find one of either.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 07:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNeed Some Help Confused
Quite normal.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 12:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Receipt letter
There is a 'March filers' thread in this forum - check it out and compare your cases to others who filed around the same time. That's really the only way to know if you're still within current wait times.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 14:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Married with newborn

No need to send hospital bills - simply the birth certificate is sufficient since it shows the full names of each parent. And YES, it needs to be sent in with the I-751 package. Otherwise, USCIS may send you an RFE (Request for Further Evidence) which delays adjudication.


Though I have to disagree with your initial statement (about babies being the 'best evidence' a legit relationship). Having a baby together doesn't ensure the couple will stay together, unfortunately; nor does it prove the stability of the relationship. Accidents can happen.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-07 07:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of condition on permanent residency
First, read the handy guide about removing conditions. The earliest you can send it in is 90 days prior to the expiry date of your 2 year GC.


I'm not sure I'm following the second part of your post. What do you mean you're 'trapped into this conditional green card'? And what legal advice do you want - to help you file for divorce? Legal aid society may be able to help you - google it in your area.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 08:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionis it really a must to file a tax jointly?
Well yeah - I just ASSumed as much. ;)
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 10:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionis it really a must to file a tax jointly?
No - there's no requirement for that. File either married filing jointly or married filing separately - whichever benefits you the most financially.

Edited to add - its a good idea to send proof of their tax filings (usually via IRS tax transcript) in with your ROC application, but the filing status itself doesn't really matter so long as it's under one of the 'married' categories. I think USCIS understands that one option or the other can help taxpayers out a bit.

Edited by TracyTN, 08 April 2010 - 10:04 AM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 10:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAddress changes - serious or not?
It may not have been a problem, but it IS a requirement to inform USCIS of address changes (at least until you're a US citizen).
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-12 08:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLifting of Conditional Status
Moving thread from AOS forum to removing conditions forum.

Edited by TracyTN, 13 April 2010 - 11:45 AM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 11:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Biometrics AGAIN? WHY?
Wow - I've NEVER heard of that, Damian. I agree, it was likely due to your extenuating circumstances (SO sorry to hear, btw). It certainly doesn't appear to be the norm, though. :( Maybe one day they'll change that 'norm' though - stranger things have happened!
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 14:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Biometrics AGAIN? WHY?
Yes you can reschedule. It says so right on the letter and gives you instructions on how to do so. If you'll be away when the notice arrives, ask someone you trust to look for the letter and call you once it arrives.

Edited to add: it may be annoying to have to reschedule, but they didn't force you to be away, either! LOL

Edited by TracyTN, 13 April 2010 - 07:29 AM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 07:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Biometrics AGAIN? WHY?
Well, your fingerprints have not changed, but your criminal record may have! How are they to know that without a new appointment to 'trigger' the check? You'll have to have another one if you decide to naturalize so be prepared to be offended again. LOL

I don't see the big deal about it. I suppose I consider it a small imposition to keep hubby here legally.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-12 13:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce and name change for ROC
Fill the form in using whatever name you want to have on your 10 year GC.

Quoting myself from post #3 in this thread, "Just fill in the I 751 with your maiden name as well. If you don't have the divorce decree in hand before you send the I 751, I'd include a letter stating that your divorce is forthcoming and you'd like to have your 10 year GC in your maiden name."
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-15 06:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce and name change for ROC
Nah. If you have the divorce decree which states you're restoring your maiden name, USCIS will comply. Just fill in the I 751 with your maiden name as well. If you don't have the divorce decree in hand before you send the I 751, I'd include a letter stating that your divorce is forthcoming and you'd like to have your 10 year GC in your maiden name.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 08:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow many copies of the application package to make?
I must be naughty because I only kept 1 extra copy of the K1 petition/visa packets!

It's always recommended to have at least an extra copy for yourself, in the event they misplace something and need you to resend it - or if you are interviewed, then both you and the officer will have a copy of your full file. Just makes it easier on you. Plus if you plan to apply for natz, then this will come in handy too.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-16 14:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNO UPDATE YET
While you don't actually ask a question in your post, I presume you wonder what is taking so long.

I would too - though there isn't much you can do until you're beyond their normal processing time of 6 months. At that time, I would call USCIS and make a formal inquiry. It also may not hurt to contact your congressional representative and see if they can help too.

If you do that and get no joy from them, apply for citizenship (if you were planning to) whenever you are eligible. It will force adjudication of the I 751.

*edited for typo*

Edited by TracyTN, 16 April 2010 - 01:26 PM.

TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-16 13:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPost decision activity? after being aproved and card production ordered?
You're right - sorry.

But I guess I find the search function on this website to be just as easy as stepping away from the keyboard.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-19 15:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPost decision activity? after being aproved and card production ordered?
Quite normal. Same question has been asked ad nauseum.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-19 15:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow much more patient can i be?
Oh sorry - I did scan through the entire thread but maybe I missed that. Too bad you don't want to naturalize - that could be about the only way to break this free. :(
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-20 06:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow much more patient can i be?
I don't know about being 'required' to have current biometrics on file, but they may well want a new one from you if it's been over a year since your last one when they FINALLY get around to adjudicating your case.

I'd be inclined to contact the USCIS ombudsman's office too. Can't hurt at this point.
TracyTNFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-19 15:25:00