K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
psiprez.. you must have some good pics in there! laughing.gif

I bet your time is coming very soon! tongue.gif

p.s. saff... i said it in the other thread but CONGRATULATIONS! good.gif

Edited by KimandRuss, 26 March 2008 - 04:36 PM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-26 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
i hope all you 'touchy' folks will find your approvals soon. wink.gif I'm sure the rfe's slowed it down a bit but now that it's back under review it should be no time at all! Fingers crossed you're on a speedy adjuticator's desk now and that you see your approvals before the end of the week. go VSC!

Dawn.. best of luck on your boards tonight! good.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-26 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
QUOTE (KitEEgirl @ Mar 25 2008, 12:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got our interview date! It is April 17th!!

wow! Just 3 weeks away! good.gif how exciting for you!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-25 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
laughing.gif Thank you guys. I appreciate it.

Edited by KimandRuss, 25 March 2008 - 09:37 AM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-25 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next? of luck on your nat boards! And have a WONDERFUL trip! How exciting for you both just knowing you wont have to wait long for your 'forever'. smile.gif

Gaye, always so nice to read your posts. You bring light to us all. smile.gif

To all those still waiting. I know it's so hard but you have to believe that it's coming...and coming soon! wink.gif Keep your heads up and try to stay strong.

3 weeks from today we file! We know it's just the start of the process but it's been such a long...loooooong...wait for us already that we will truly celebrate this 'new beginning'! Of course you all will be long gone and enjoying life with your SO and loving life while we wait for our turn tongue.gif ..but that's ok. I'm truly happy for each of you and wish you a lifetime of happiness.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-25 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-24 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
All of you waiting must be getting so anxious. I'm in your corner cheering for you! Cmon VSC!!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-19 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
wow, seems a strange request when they already have the copies of your birth and marriage certificates. I wonder if it is because of the NJ Birth Certificate problems as you described. Picky adjuticator perhpas? Well, ti's good you have it all ready to go again on Monday! Hope your approval is soon after that.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-15 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Have a wonderful visit! smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-15 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Mar 14 2008, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, what a fantastic achievement, Kim!

You look fabulous!

Your tips are really good, too...especially about not skipping breakfast/lunch (skipping breakfast was my downfall in my teens - how I wish I hadn't done it) and drinking plenty of water and staying positive - three things a lot of people forget to do. I love seeing sensible weight loss!

Thank you. I appreciate it. I still struggle with the fact that I need to eat in order to lose. My mother, who is also on the site as a success story, tells everyone how I never eat but still gain weight. It's a hard lesson to learn. Water is just part of my life now. If I have it with me, I drink it. It's that simple. Thanks again.

QUOTE (psiprez @ Mar 14 2008, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You deserve awsome congrats for what you've achieved, and for keeping it off all these years! I read the flyer there about your brother, too. I hope you've since received good news in regards to him. VJers always say how tough you need to be to survive the visa process, and after all you've already gone through, I'd say you fit the bill.

I've been through a lot myself, and by comparison 'just waiting' isn't all that hard. But getting a part-time job is what has made the days fly by the quickest.

Thank you for your kind words psiprez and especially for taking the time to view my brother's flyer. Unfortunately, it's been 5 years now and still no word of his whereabouts. He is an absoultely beautiful man, a harvard graduate...has(d) so much going for him. But he suffers from depression and was on the opposite coast from his large close family here in MA and just feeling lost. We were extremely close but he felt as though his illness was a burden. sad.gif We still hold much hope that he will come home to us someday soon. I've started a book about his life so hopefully that will help.

our father passed away in 1999 at just 51 of a massive heart attack. My xhusband and I found him and tried to bring him back. He died instantly. This is a man who ran 12 miles a day and worked out as well. So it was a huge shock to our family...especially hard on my brother.

In 1994, I lost a child who was born with a congenital heart defect. Anything else this life brings me will pale in comparison to that pain.

This is a difficult process. The worst part being the distance from the ones we love so much while other people are in control of our destiny. But it is what it is. Life is always going to hand you difficulties... getting through them, learning from them, it all makes you stronger. It makes you treasure what is truly important. This process, if you let it, will help teach you to never take each other for granted and to cherish your love even more.

QUOTE (Sal and Jay @ Mar 14 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats an amazing achievement well done.

Thank you. smile.gif

QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 14 2008, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Absolutely total weight loss (after losing this last 50) will only be 130...

You are a true inspiration!!!

Thank you. So, you've lost 70 pounds already? Good for you!!! I thought your pictures looked much different. wink.gif You should send me your before/now/after pictures for our success stories and perhaps join us on the getting2goal message board. wink.gif It really does help keep you accountable and the people there are just awesome. Congratulations to you...keep it up!

QUOTE (Saffyre @ Mar 14 2008, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My total loss to date is 70 pounds and I want to lose another 40. It is inspirational to see those who have done so well

Wow Saffyre, 70 pounds is great! I think you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for! Congratulations!

QUOTE (KitEEgirl @ Mar 14 2008, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations though. That's a huge accomplishment. How many sizes did u go down?

When you're as big as I was you just find the biggest, stretchiest clothes you can find. I think that 'before' shirt & pants was a 30/32 but extremly stretchy and I never would have fit into jeans that size at my heaviest weight so I really don't know. My lowest is about a size 12 jeans. I'm still a DD cup up top so I tend to wear bigger shirts. wink.gif

Good morning greeneyedgirl smile.gif

Was hoping to see more approvals from VSC this week although it was nice to see CSC catching up a bit! Good luck to you all this week. I hope some hard working adjuticator has taken all your files home to approve and that you'll have your notices early next week! smile.gif Have a good day folks and thanks again for the kind words.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-15 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Constant dieting, huh? About 10 years ago I lost close to 200 pounds. Getting2Goal <--- my personal web site. It's almost 10 years old now too! wink.gif

I guess what you do with your time depends very much on what you like. Exercise is very therapudic to me now and I think I do it more to keep my sanity than to lose weight! Maybe a new physical activity like hiking or swimming? Some people like crafts too... maybe scrapbooking or it's not even too early to think about Christmas ideas. I love photography so taking pictures and working in photoshop is fun for me. Because I work for myself and have to communicate with Russ via the internet, i'm always on the computer my free time is often spent as far away from the computer as possible! There aren't enough hours in the day for me to get done what I need to so i'm rarely looking for things to do. Another job should help you to stay busy. Tending bar should be fun for you! My mom(57) is retired but tends bar for fun and loves it!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-14 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Oh, I know how you feel! I had my man here with me for a year and a half and now it just seems like a piece of me is living on the other side of the world. And i've not even filed yet! I know it's hard. Thank goodness I have my kids and my business to keep me busy and my days usually fly by. Perhaps it's time to think of a new activity/hobby you can do? Maybe another p/t job? Perhaps something you can do as a surprise for your SO when you are finally together? I guess what i'm saying is try to use the energy you're building up towards positive things. Afterall... you wouldn't be in so much pain about all of this if you weren't so in love with him! wink.gif And love... is the greatest power and gift there is. Of course, tequila is good medicine now and then too! :lol Just be safe about it! Too bad you're not in Massachusetts! laughing.gif

Edited by KimandRuss, 14 March 2008 - 12:36 PM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-14 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Saffyre... I'm sorry you're so down. When we left each other last month after three weeks together in NZ it was just tragic! sad.gif I'm very strong but it took me quite a while to get out of that funk. We've had to come and go from each other for years and this was absolutely the worst time. sad.gif I finally got back to focusing on the fact that we are headed in the right direction and soon he will be back in my arms where he belongs.... never having to leave again! I hope you get back there soon too!

Very soon your petition will be approved and you'll be well on your way to that day! Keep your chin up and count the blessing you have. Your love will grow only stronger through this! Stay strong... it's coming. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-14 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
QUOTE (Liam and Sam @ Mar 10 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww dbears you are too too sweet! heart.gif The good news was that the RFE was over something minor. I forgot to check a tiny "yes" or "no" box on the I-129F. I couldn't believe it and felt like such moron considering I had gone over all of the documents several times before submitting. Oh well - I'm only human. wacko.gif I signed the paper immediately and sent it next day air. It was received on Saturday (Thank you to the mail room for being open there!) It was very comforting to hear you say that people responding to RFE's get back on track - I was curious and worried about how much this would slow down our process.

I just wish they could have sent me an email or something explaining why all the touches (my case status online never said they were requesting more info). When I got the RFE it all made sense.

Good luck to everyone else too!!!

And here I was sure you were about to get lucky! Well, at least you know they're working on it and now that they've got it back it shouldn't be long now!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-10 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
kitegirl, thanks so much.

We've waited many years sad.gif least during these last few months we can see a light at the end of the tunnel!

I'm glad the VSC is moving along so quick again. Too bad CSC isn't doing the same.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-09 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Having lived in New England my entire life, I can't imagine a winter without snow! We've had feet on the ground for months now! It's beautiful but this is the time of year it all starts to melt and the mushy grass and empty gardens start showing through. That's not so nice.

I dont think that is going to happen, hardly any approvals coming out now

VSC had 28 approvals last week. ..and that figure is based on just those who actually updated their timlines here at VJ.

Hoping to see LOTS of approvals in the next week too!

We file in 5 weeks and 2 days! I hope you all don't mind me living vicariously through you as we wait. laughing.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-09 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
QUOTE (Grandoner @ Mar 5 2008, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anyone explain this remarkable rebound in NOA2 time approvals?

Well, they hired more staff and caught up with the backlog from last year.

If you research back a few years even, you'll see that they are just getting back to what has been 'normal' processing times for VSC. wink.gif I agree, it's a lot less daunting than it was last year!

Hope you have a speedy journey.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-05 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Liam and Sam...somebody sure seems to like you! laughing.gif I wouldn't worry about it or bother calling. I'd be cautiously optomistic that you're turn is coming!

I did reply to that thread you all are talking about.

VSC has always been faster. It has nothing to do with you...just someone else's frustration with the process and with CSC.

Don't let anyone take your happiness from you.

Congratulations to all
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-05 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Congratulations to the new January approvals!!!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-05 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
Congratulations to all you January approvals! I'm sure the rest of you are coming soon!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-03-03 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Feb 29 2008, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
theres another!!! Moi!!! smile.gifsmile.gif

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-02-29 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone familiar with Igors List and timelines
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Nov 10 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh my!! mad.gif

Uh huh. blink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-10 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone familiar with Igors List and timelines
Historically, the timelines are all over the place...and with good reason. Last year there was a big fee increase which brought with it a huge influx of petitions...those trying to beat the new $455 filing fee. Because immigration is funded by our tax dollars, new staff was put in place only after the increase. Therefore, fall of last year it was taking much, much longer to go through this process.

Around the same time last year, service centers processing K1's were cut down to the two that we use now... CSC, VSC. VSC has always been the fastest to process petitions. January 2008 VSC filers were taking under a month to be adjuticated while CSC was still taking 5 or 6.

The disparity in the process has caused quite a bit of 'conversation and controversy' over the time i've been here.

Igor's list is simply a database created from VJ users. I remember a while back that when compared to the USCIS published data, VJ looked to be about 5% of the total number of petitions actually sent in.

You must understand that there are security checks at every stage of this process and any one of them can hold you up...even if there is nothing in your past that you feel might (happened to us). The truth is that nobody can tell you how long it will take for your petition to be adjuticated or how long it will take before you are interviewed for your visa. There are far too many variables.

Igor's list is a great tool but one must keep all variables in perspective when trying to judge their own timeline.

The wait does seem like forever and it is heartbreaking and painful...especially the closer you get to what you feel should be your approval time... but keep strong, it will come. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-10 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECEIVED USCIS SHOWS STILL PENDING
Congratulations again sweetheart! So happy for you both!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-08 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgrrrrrrrrrrr i cant do this anymore
As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man objected
and no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. ~Clarence Darrow

I am not a religious woman..but AMEN to that!

The ACLU is a great idea! I'm not sure they have anything to do with immigration as it's not considered a 'right' but a 'priveledge' but I know there is injustice here and it must be addressed with anyone who will listen.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-10-07 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgrrrrrrrrrrr i cant do this anymore
im at the office working right now and we meet with the JP later tonight but email me to catch me up and we'll have to plan a time to chat.

So a couple news agencies aren't interested... we'll just need to find a few that are. wink.gif

The attorney owes you a refund now!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-10-06 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgrrrrrrrrrrr i cant do this anymore
Yes, very happy. It's as though he never left. smile.gif We've been very busy trying to get the gardens ready for what was suppose to be a small ceremony next Saturday. Should be fun. Wish you could come... with perviz! wink.gif

So, the media's next I suppose. Right by your side girl. wink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-10-06 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgrrrrrrrrrrr i cant do this anymore
What can I say? sad.gif It was worth the shot!

You already know how much I care for you and all that you've gone through. Just know that I am here for you to help in any way I can.

One day I will celebrate with you... that I promise!

Stay strong my friend.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-10-06 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWith My Honey for Christmas!
After 11 years of communication this will be our first Christmas together!!! We've done new year's and just about every other holiday but never Christmas. Looking forward to it very much!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-13 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
congratulations jeraly! Good to see you guys finally get to this point. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-06-28 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgot approved
Your approved petition has probably already been through NVC and I would bet it is at the Embassy in Cairo. You can call DOS to confirm this.

Normally the Embassy will send you out a packet 3 (information packet) containing forms (most of which you can find online) that you will send back and then await packet 4 (interview packet) which will include an interview date. However, every Embassy is different in how they handle the process so you will want to check the portals link, Embassy info/reviews to find out exactly how things are handled in Cairo and how long it should take.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the process.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-20 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEdit: I-129F Petition Approved....but still no hardcopy?!?
You will need to contact USCIS as you will need a copy of the approved petition (I-797/NOA2) for AOS.

topics merged btw wink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-15 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED !!!!!!
That's so cute! I started screaming and crying when we finally got our approval too and my daughter came running out of her room to ask what happened and started giggling at me too. laughing.gif I'll never forget it....had to go outside to get fresh air cuz I felt like I couldn't breathe! It only gets better from here sweetheart... enjoy it!!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-20 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED !!!!!!
Congratulations Chelle, it's a great feeling isn't it??? Good luck with the rest of it!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-11-20 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI 129F Approval notice!!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-27 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot NOA2 atlast, Yeheeyyyyyy.God be the Glory
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-08 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 08 CSC filers
Angel, your best bet would be to go to the Regional forums here on VJ and check out the Philipines thread. Make sure you read the sticky topics at the very top and look for a Philipine guide from Sheriff Uling. He spells it all out for you very simply. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-09-08 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 08 CSC filers
Hi folks. smile.gif

As you know, after your approval, the petition is sent to the NVC. There is often a touch after you are approved but all that is is a scan of your petition...doesn't mean anything more. To find out if you have reached the NVC or if they have sent it out and to get your new case number you need to call NVC at 603-334-0700, 1, 5 to talk to someone and they can tell you. Do not use the automated system as our K1 petitions are not entered into the system. wink.gif

For some reason, some from California are taking longer than others from California to reach the NVC. But, once it's there, it's usually sent out to the Embassy within 2-3 days. The only thing you'll (the petitioner) get from the NVC is a letter stating they received it and that they are going to send it off. I got two.... both with different dates... and both we were actually held up in AP for 3 weeks at the NVC. Anyway, most people fly right through there and are at the Consulate by the time they even check. wink.gif

The next thing the beneficiary will receive is packet 3... at some Consulates it's more prudent to download the forms yourself and have them ready to send just as soon as you get that checklist from p3.

good luck folks... you're almost there. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-09-07 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
cake tasting ..yum! lol paul is feeling better we went to the ER he has a virus they took lots of blood and are running other tests though and will call if he has something severe but the dr said in 2 more days he should be better hope everyones having a nice summer smile.gif
SusieLuvsPaulNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-07-14 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary filers VSC lottery, who gets the jackpot next?
hey guys sory i havent been around much busy with lots of things and just got back from the cape, paul became really badly dehydrated though and has heat exhaustion, his temp went up to 103.5 and every time it went down with the use of meds and ice packs it would go back up again :S he's been feeling pretty bad since friday today hes starting to get better. It's a scary thing, we didn't know what else to do to get his temp down and didn't know how long his temp would last 3 days is a long time for a temp like that! and without insurance it would be lots of money to go to the ER but as of right now hes feeling lil better *fingers crossed* I'm going to get our pics from the litle wedding and post them shortly .
congratz to everyone who has met their sweety and or married them since I was last on

now bring on the AOS tongue.gif hehe
1 quick question before i go..
do you have to wait for a social security number to file?? cause it will take 6 weeks to get him one he applied a few days ago thanks u guys smile.gif
SusieLuvsPaulNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-07-13 12:49:00