K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsquick question
You do not receive an automatic email when your file is scanned/touched.

The date on the uscis website will change like this...

...if your petition is touched. It could mean they are working on your file..or it could mean they are simply moving it. Some couples go the entire process without a 'touch' as each adjuticator is different. If you are more curious about the process you can read a post from a former adjuticator here.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-13 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow can my timeline dates change so drastically in one day????
The dates fluctuate all the time. The timelines are based off of vj data....which means, vj users mistakes as well.

I know it's hard to see, been there - done that, but you must remember that it has nothing at all to do with uscis so it really has no bearing on your own personal petition. You will make yourself crazy if you put too much faith in the database numbers.

p.s. in the future, please refrain from personal attacks. Just because someone made a mistake does not necessarly make them an idiot. Besides, it is against the TOS. wink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-13 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
QUOTE (villaspurs @ Aug 23 2008, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate how moody and emotionally unstable I'm becoming during this process. Some days it feels like this is never, ever, ever going to be done and we are never going to be together. I am miserable being apart from Spurs, and I just want this to be over. Occasionally I think I should stop coming to VJ and checking out Igor's list, since seeing the lack of approvals really gets me down. I find myself wanting to send snappy emails to people who have posted about being approved but not updated their VJ timelines (thus keeping us down one spot on Igor's List--one spot!), even though I know that it makes no difference to when we'll actually be approved. Other times, I just figure misery loves company and, when I see approvals, I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I just wish CSC would start approving May filers already--then at least we'd be next!!!

Sorry for coming on and ranting, especially since I don't post too often, but I just had to vent...

Everything you're feeling is something I think most of us have gone through. sad.gif You just got back from a long visit with your love, no? That makes it harder! You're also so close to an approval...that is always the hardest time.

When I used to see people who filed before us getting approved or thought back to January when people were being approved in just a months time and here we are waiting 4, I would often get discouraged. I am the strongest person I know but I did get a bit... wacko.gif at times while awaiting the approval for sure!

Perspective is very important for you right now. Keep in mind that VJ is such a small percentage of filers so when we're not seeing approvals coming through here chances are there was really quite a few. wink.gif Remembering that and reminding myself of it always seemed to help me get through those extra tough days. wink.gif

You are in the homestretch now and your approval is right around the corner. I know every moment that goes by is one too many but trust me when I say that when it comes .... all of that will melt away and you will ride the rest of the way on a cloud of happiness knowing it wont be much longer at all. smile.gif

Edited by KimandRuss, 24 August 2008 - 10:40 AM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-24 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
QUOTE (BubbleTea2008 @ Aug 19 2008, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys, here is the my situation. My fiance's mom has been sponsor by her daughter (fiance's sister) to lived in the states. She just got here a fews weeks ago. so on the application that I submit in June it still has her foreign address. My fiance is still live in Cambodia in the same address. My question was does it necessary to report to uscis or report to them when the packet 3 come?

Where your fiances' mother lives is not that big a deal to the DOS. I wouldn't worry about it at all. If asked in later stages of the process just inform them. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-24 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
Some people can go the entire time with no touches and still be approved in the same time so those of you worrying about being / not being 'touched'..don't. wink.gif

You'll all probably find this thread by a former USCIS adjuticator quite helpful as you wait.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-07-12 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
In recent months many people in Vermont have received consecutive touches a short time into the process. Ours were on May 22 & 23.

No worries... just waiting. wink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-07-11 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
Well if you have the last 4 numbers, and are quite anxious about getting it wink.gif , you can always figure it out. Here's how it breaks down...

Example - WAC 08 143 5 1234

WAC - California Service Center (formerly Western Adjudication Center)

08 - The fiscal year of USCIS, from October 1 to September 30. (Cases filed from 10/01/2006 to 09/30/2007 will have xx = 07)
143 - The working day of the fiscal year when your case is received. 10/01 = 001
5 or 0 - Either 5 (in database) or 0 (paper files) ... K1's are put into database
1234 - A serial number assigned to your case based on the number of cases received, starting from 0001
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-07-01 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
You register with the USCIS and login you will see the following page.

When the date changes you have been 'touched'. It doesn't necessarily mean anything but it still feels good. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-07-01 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
You don't sound like an airhead. We all asked the question once. wink.gif

Because of the Adam Walsh Act, enacted last year, DCF has changed a lot. In most of the places where DCF is now allowed it is only under certain circumstances. Usually it requires the USC to have resided in that country legally for at least 6 months.

That's why we dont see it happen too often now.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-06-26 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
You're very welcome.

This link will explain the estimated dates in your timeline. It's a relatively new change.

much luck to you. I hope it starts to speed up and that we start seeing the 4 week approvals again! Probably right after we go through! laughing.gif

edit; to add that I saw you were going through Peru. Quick Consulate from what i've seen here! More good news! wink.gif

Edited by KimandRuss, 24 June 2008 - 10:21 PM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-06-24 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
The date they list on the uscis website is the date of the earliest petition they have on hand. It means very little.
Right now VSC is processing files sent at the end of March. The average seems to be 2 1/2 - 3 months right now but keep in mind that last fall it was twice that time and at the beginning of the year it took just one month. So you never know. You will find that as the months pass things will change.

Your timeline shows adjutication dates of August 30, 2008 and September 5, 2008. These numbers indicate when your case might be processed and it is based on VJ'ers only. We are a very small percentage of actual filers here. wink.gif These dates are also assuming you are not stuck in security/name checks and/or do not receive an RFE. You can use the dates as an indication of when you might expect a decision by the USCIS.

Each Consualte is different in how they process a case and how long it takes to interview so you're best to check with others who are going through the same consulate to see what is required and how long it will take. You can use the 'portal' link at the top of the forum or perhaps you can find help in the Regional threads.

good luck
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-06-24 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers
leochick, your fiance can travel into the US while the k1 is in progress. There is always a chance of being turned away at the POE but with proof of ties to the UK, he should be fine. Lots of people do it. wink.gif He will only be turned away if the border offical suspects he intends to immigrate. If they even find out about your K1 (which they wont unless you tell them) they will probably see that you are going about this properly and wouldn't risk abandoning your petition. There are literally thousands of post on VJ regarding travel while waiting. Maybe you want to wait... but you don't have to. wink.gif

Pay no attention to my fiance getting 'das boot' in September ...we played with fire! wink.gif

As far as the time it will take... I wish somebody knew! Last September it was taking 6-8 months at both centers because of the fee increase and influx of petitions. In January VSC was averaging a one month approval time while CSC was still taking 5. Right now it appears VSC is at an average of 3 months and CSC looks to be about 4. What the future holds... nobody really knows. They both seem better at getting the petitions to the NVC now and off to the consulates (one good sign) but each consulate varies greatly on the amount of time it takes for interview. All the links at the top of the boards will help you a lot!

Good luck to all of you. It's a long road...but one worth travelling wink.gif ... I wish you patience.

Edited by KimandRuss, 19 June 2008 - 08:35 PM.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-06-19 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Suggested timeline on VJ
The estimated adjutication dates on VJ are subject to the data put in by it's users. Because not every user updates and because not every user updates properly, these dates will often show a very large change in dates.

While these estimated timelines can be very helpful, it's best they are used as reference and not as definitive source for when your petition will be adjuticated.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-18 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for NOA1
The hardcopy I-797 (NOA1) isn't quite as important as the NOA2, which you will need when filing for adjustment. It's common enough for people not to receive them... but it is nice to have. smile.gif

welcome and good luck on your journey.

moving this to filing and progress reports
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-30 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportslate fiance visa approval
There are security checks at every stage of this process. Any one of which can hold your case up for any amount of time. There is a thread in the forum I am moving this to that was started by those who are 6+ months into processing. It often helps to know you're not alone and to have the support of others going through the same thing. smile.gif

If you are past the processing dates listed on the uscis website then you can contact your congressperson and/or the uscis ombudsman for assistance...or hopefully an answer at the very least.

p.s. Unfortunately, a lawyer hardly ensures your paperwork is done properly. You have only to do a search around this site to know that. wink.gif

good luck. hope you hear something soon.

moving this to filing and progress reports....
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-30 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe BIG Interview in Montreal!!!!!!!!!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-07-02 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRequest for Aditional Evidence
It could be, and often is, something as simple as a missed checked box. Did you send passport stamps proving your travels or just copies of your itinerary? They need clear and evident proof that you have met in person within the last two years. Pictures are only secondary evidence as I could put you with anyone at anytime with photoshop. wink.gif

You have no choice but to wait for it but hopefully, once you send back what it is they are asking for, an approval will be just around the corner. smile.gif good luck!

moving to filing and progress reports....
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-12-31 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter the noa2 question
You can call NVC to find out if/when your approved petition was sent out. If you have a day you can track it to AUK using DHL and know when it arrives. Do a search here to find out how.

fyi... AUK will send your packet 3 VERY quickly after receiving the package and interview is usually in less than a months time after you get it back to them. Be sure to read through the NZ regional thread for more info.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS site updates
the uscis website is updated several times a day/night. Some people never even see an update that it was approved. It's a luxury at best.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMISTAKES! HELP!
Do not wait until it expires. Call the Embassy (if possible) and try to schedule an interview before that date. Have him send what he has.

Use the time to look for a co-sponsor and/or a new job. btw... the I-134 is not legally binding like the I-864 and the person agreeing to help does not need to be a relative or living with you...just a USC.

good luck whatever happens.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMISTAKES! HELP!
You need to file for an extension with the Embassy because your I-797 (noa2) has a validity of only 4 months.

An Embassy will often extend it automatically if the delay is their doing but in this case they are requesting you simply send a letter stating that you are requesting one. I'm not sure that 'until I can afford to bring him here' is a valid argument tho. sad.gif

Is it possible that he can be interviewed within the time frame and the visa put on hold until you can provide what they are asking?
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI129F case approved
moving to K-1 filing and progress .... oh and Congratulations! smile.gif

You can tell them at the NVC when you call to see if your file has been sent out or notifiy DOS as soon as you know it's on it's way to Pakistan.

We had much luck with the NZ Embassy getting us in there asap but I believe they are the exception.

If there was a way to expedite an interview in Pakistan i'm sure we would have heard of it but all you can do is ask, right?
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE with lawyer??!!
No, it's not because of where you live and most likely not because of the dates...I think many people put the dates in that format. wink.gif

For some it's because they need proof of having met in the last two years, proof of legal name change (previous marriage license), proof of dissolution of previous marriage (divorce decree), proof of US Citizenship...etc...etc. I merely pointed out that box because it's a common...yet simple... reason for rfe. We can speculate all we want but until you get that letter it's anyone's guess. There is an rfe sticky thread at the top of the K-1 forum that you can read through if you are curious as to others experiences.

The good news is they have reached your file and hopefully that means the approval is right around the corner. smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-14 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE with lawyer??!!
Not due to the fact that you hired him/her.... but many times we simply trust the person to get it all right because we're paying them... like a Doctor, you know? We just expect them to do things right. Often, they have a liason they appoint to do the work and many times they just aren't familiar enough with the process to be certain everything is done right.

It could be something as simple as a missed check box (Q2 on part C of the I-129f is a common missed box)... I hope so! It shouldn't hold you up too long.

good luck.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-14 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE with lawyer??!!
Unfortunately, very common. sad.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-14 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsE-mail receoved from USCIS

moving to K1 filing and progress
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-14 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Request for additional information
Did you actually see the RFE from USCIS or is this what your lawyer is telling you that you need? I've not ever heard of on-going relationship evidence (like pics) being rejected or requested by USCIS. Pictures are secondary evidence and really, with Photoshop I could put you with anyone at any time. Perhaps your lawyer is just trying to cover his/her @ss?

It sounds like they want more concrete proof of having met in person in the last two years. A very common reason for RFE. Passport stamps, itinerary, anything that proves without a doubt that you were together.

good luck...

moving from general to K-1 filing and progress

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-15 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTime line - USCIS still hasnt cashed the check??

but it does you no good without your EAC/WAC number from the back of your check.

KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2008 K1
QUOTE (mady_dam @ Aug 20 2008, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everyone! I decided to join VJ to learn more about my new journey.

i have a question what is NOA1 and what you mean by Touched!

july 31,2007 know my fiance thru my aunt from vegas
aug 7, 2007 serious relationship start (internet is our way of communicating)
nov 27, 2007 got engaged send ring to my aunt
july 8, 2008 visit me in phil
aug 15 2008 sent i-129F via USPs certified mail
aug 18, 2008 delivered in CSC


You will see a link for definitions and acronyms at the bottom of that page but I would recommend reading the rest as well as going through the other links/tabs at the top of the forums...mostly the GUIDES and flowchart so that you can understand the process. Not getting it right can cause you even more delays... and none of us need any of that! wink.gif

NOA1 and NOA2 are both USCIS forms I-797

Once your check is cashed you can usually get your EAC (vermont) or WAC (california) number off the back. Register with with that number and you can track your case. You have been touched when your 'last updated' date changes... like this.

This post by a former adjuticator explains 'touches' best. Basically they scan our petitions (or they're suppose to anyway wink.gif ) when the file is moved or opened or 'whatever'. Judging by the past year, this does not happen very much in California so don't get too nervous if you don't find that date changing. wink.gif

Nice to see you folks moving along! smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-20 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2008 K1
for those of you with missing numbers or for those just curious here is a breakdown of your uscis case number....

Example - WAC 08 143 5 1234

WAC - California Service Center (formerly Western Adjudication Center)
EAC - Eastern Service Center (formerly Eastern Adjudication Center)

08 - The fiscal year of USCIS, from October 1 to September 30. (Cases filed from 10/01/2006 to 09/30/2007 will have xx = 07)
143 - The working day of the fiscal year when your case is received. 10/01 = 001
5 or 0 - Either 5 (in database) or 0 (paper files) ... K1's are put into database
1234 - A serial number assigned to your case based on the number of cases received, starting from 0001
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-14 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2008 K1
Welcome August. smile.gif It will do you much good to read through all of the tabs and links at the top of the forums here as you wait and perhaps venture through a few threads while you're at it. I do hope the process speeds up for you all. good luck.

soontobe.. your NOA1 is the date which is on the notice.. you should receive your hardcopy soon.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-07 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly K-1 Filers, VERMONT Only Plz....
Yes, you can travel with VWP for up to 90 days but even with a valid visa it is at the discretion of the POE officer to 'let you in' and allow you to visit. Don't mention the K1 unless asked... bring plenty of ties to AUS and hope for the best. Many can and do travel with no problems as they wait. It's in the FAQ's and there are posts everywhere about it just search for it. wink.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-24 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly K-1 Filers, VERMONT Only Plz....
so what to do now after receiving noa1 just wait till noa2 or what ???

yup wink.gif

Vermont has been taking their time cashing checks lately so I wouldn't worry too much if you're left waiting a bit. You wont be able to get your EAC/WAC number off of a bank check. You should receive your hardcopy NoA1 (I-797) Grab a chair and big ole cup of patience. wink.gif Welcome to the waiting room.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-13 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfile still not at NVC!!!
You can try DOS, they will have any information the Embassy has. (202) 663-1225 Press 1, then Press 0. The robot that answers the call talks forever, so just press 0 to bypass him. Same for the second robot that comes on...skip him with a 0 and the next answer is a live person.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfile still not at NVC!!!
Used to be a very common scenario for those going through California as they used to wait until they filled a pallet to ship approved petitions accross the Country to NVC in NH, but I haven't seen much of it these days. The ones I have seen delayed lately were caused by USCIS error filing the case somewhere it wasn't suppose to be so do stay on top of it and keep us posted. I'm sure you'll be able to find some of those posts if you do a search.

good luck. I hope it gets there soon!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-08 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGreat News!!!!!
congrats... moving to K1 filing and progress reports
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-15 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months of waiting & STILL no NOA2...
All I can say is that from a psychological aspect ...this is the most difficult time for you. You're getting closer and closer every day. As others have said, 5 months of waiting is the norm.

Do what you can to take care of yourself, keep yourself sane and to keep your blood pressure down! wink.gif

I know it seems like forever but it really is coming.... and when it does.... all this saddness will be replaced with such joy!

It's a feeling I re-live every time I see someone approved! smile.gif
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-12 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 :(
You are well within the time frame. There are many with your filing date still waiting. If you call you will get a standard repsonse simply telling you that you are within their processing times.

Because of the way petitions are adjuticated, you will find many who filed after you getting approved. I know it's painful...this is the hardest time... but it is coming. wink.gif

moving to progress reports.
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2009-01-30 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
(202) 663-1225 Press 1, then Press 0 <==== DOS
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-06 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
whew! caught you! laughing.gif

What's up with CSC not getting these petitions to NVC again as of late??? It seems sporadic so I guess it's not that they're holding pallets like they were a few months back. Just a few here and there???? I hope those of you waiting and lighting a fire under someone's @ss! As if this process isn't hard enough. wacko.gif Good luck to you folks!
KimandRussFemaleNew Zealand2008-08-02 12:01:00