United KingdomList of Docs sent TO beneficiary to take to interview

Don't forget that stuff printed and sent from the US will be letter size and won't fit nicely into A4 pockets here. BTDTGTTS.


Good luck with your journey.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 06:26:00
United KingdomList of Docs sent TO beneficiary to take to interview

I got my K1 yesterday in London. They want the documents they ask for (and copies thereof) . The key issue for them in terms of additional documentation is the paperwork to support your affidavit. I took one photo of us together earlier this year and one from when we were in a college relationship 30 years ago. I showed the latter because I thought it would amuse the CO (it did) but never got asked for any proof.


We all like a blanket so I took copies of the documents I did in the UK post Packet 3 and had a copy of the I-29F but referred to none of it


I would also make sure it's easy to present. You realllyyyy don't want to faff around when they go ask for your docs. Have 'em ready to go.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 01:35:00
United KingdomPassport condition


I had my interview last week and they actually gave me a blue slip saying I had been refused due to the condition of my passport. They are pretty strict about passport conditions. My passport was in good enough condition to be allowed in and out of the states for the past 18months but not good enough for a visa.


Looking at the photo you have you do wonder how many people will get caught out. I was expecting your passport to look dog eared and machine washed....


I suspect they wonder if it's been tampered under the laminate layer otherwise like you say - if it's been used for US entry repeatedly - someone in London is being *really* picky.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 06:41:00
United KingdomMRV fee help??!

And me.... it's easy *once* you've done that.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 16:56:00
United KingdomWhen would you start to be concerned....

It won't help you but I also interviewed last Tuesday (K1). Approved on the day and status switched to issued 48 hours later and visa due to arrive tomorrow.


Not much help - hopefully someone else will have some input - check your spam bucket for the email notification too.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 17:00:00
United KingdomA little confused...medical vs interview

I could be wrong (it's been known) but London don't issue an interview date until they've got the medical results and your readiness to interview form. I sent my readiness letter in a day or so before my medical on the basis it would arrive at pretty much the same time.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 14:36:00
United KingdomPhoto ID Needed for delivery of passport/visa package

In the end - naff all. Just the usual scrawled signature on the usual courier handheld terminal that looks nothing like my usual signature.


Oh and this time it really is a packet. Bigger than A4 and make sure you retrieve your passport with the K1 visa in from the bottom of the outer envelope (plastic courier bag)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-09 00:48:00
United KingdomPhoto ID Needed for delivery of passport/visa package

This just in (as mine is being delivered at work tomorrow)


From the link in the email - https://ais.usvisa-i...rmation/courier

"Home or Office Delivery Service
  1. The Courier will attempt to deliver your package up to 3 times to the requested address. If the courier is unable to make a successful delivery, the courier will return your package to the originating consular section.
  2. When delivering to a home address, the courier will only release the parcel to an adult who is willing to sign for the documents.
  3. When delivering to a business address, the courier will release the parcel to the personnel authorized to sign for packages."

No mention of any ID but will take my old passport in.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 14:16:00
United KingdomPhoto ID Needed for delivery of passport/visa package

Sounds like I'll be covered - the suggestion of an old passport will cover it.


Having only just recently been at the Embassy I appear to have quite a collection of documents with my name on it :-) Come to think of it I have my police record !


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-05 07:42:00
United KingdomPhoto ID Needed for delivery of passport/visa package

Did I imagine it or did I read somewhere that you need a photo ID to sign for the passport/visa when it gets delivered to my work address ?


That could be a challenge as the only photo ID I have is my passport :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-05 01:20:00
United Kingdombisto and oxo cubes,

I still take over tea bags for my USC/British partner - and have been doing for nearly 20 years :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 16:53:00
United Kingdombisto and oxo cubes,

I'm just looking forward to being able to to relax a little after the stress of a house move, sorting out business, the freeking visa process and of course emigrating. No stress there then....



rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 11:48:00
United KingdomAm I ready for my interview?

Looks good to me although as I self sponsored didn't have any supporting docs for that. Did not need any medical docs. Did not need an relationship stuff. Used what they asked for on the website.


See my thread earlier about size of head. Mine was too big - they didn't seem at all fazed by it :-) There's a photobooth there in the unlikely event someone is being really picky.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 14:46:00
United Kingdomso excited i could scream!!!!

If you stand in front of the embassy with the eagle over your head Gould's pharmacy is on the street to your right. You can almost see if from the front desk. Check it out on Streetview that's what I did.


Re - Paying MRV - following the link posted above and make sure you select K1 Visa FIRST - if you don't you won't be able to pay the MRV fee.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 16:08:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

However, it does appear that I have lost my best friend.  She is only 9 months older than me (I'm 50) and has settled for her single life with 2 cats.  When she saw what was happening to my life, I think she became quite jealous of it.  That I could meet someone at my time of life that I was willing to relocate 4000 miles to be with.  I have tried to keep up the communication.  I've talked to her about Skyping but she says she can't remember what she did with her webcam.

I have been fortunate that none of my friends have reacted in this way. One friend took a week or so to get used to it and for the first few days was really upset by it. Not because he was unhappy for me - he has known me and my partner for nearly 30 years but because it threw a spotlight on dissatisfaction with aspects of his own life. We actually spent some time talking these through and he has a new "life plan" which is actually a really positive outcome. Looking back I really dropped it on him (and other friends) and with the benefit of 20/20 I would have handled it differently.


Some people may well react with jealousy and I do think a chunk of it has to do with their view on their own life and where it's going. Real friends will be put "out of sorts" by a close friend emigrating but over time will get used to it . They wouldn't be your friends if they didn't.


Underneath it all I as the departee am also going to miss them. I'm  going to miss the regular get togethers.  watching their kids grow up , the trips to France we did every half term, the pre-Christmas get together.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-12 01:50:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

Did anyone get fed up with constantly explaining that the process takes a while and has no fixed timeline? Every time I see a friend/ family member I get asked "how's the visa going?" or "when do you leave" or some indistinguishable variant.


We've been asked that a lot more by US friends who seem to believe getting a US visa is either not required by EU citizens or easy to get...

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-09 16:31:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

My experience is slightly different to many I suspect. I've known my partner for 30 years. We had a relationship at college and all my close friends are actually from that time and have continued to see me and my partner over that entire period so she is not some unknown to them. Makes the wedding guest list a lot easier !


With the exception of the reaction I mentioned in the original post - everyone has been very pleased for us (and for those people they were still pleased for us but took some time to get used to it). I have genuinely not had a negative comment. The most regret I have is leaving my elderly and infirm mother. She has always wanted me to marry my partner (even when she was still married!) and was and remains pleased for us both. Sadly in a way I suspect her deteriorating condition will take her mind of my absence. I could not have made this move if it wasn't for the fact that my sister who lives close to her manages her care and looks after her. One thing I will owe to my sister at some point in the future is an all-in holiday in California.


I have to say friends who express jealousy and make negative comments are either not handling it themselves well or are not really the friends we thought they were. I would say though that while we are swept up in the excitement of the move we would do well  to recognise what this can mean for family and friends. As we adjust to the the new norm so will they.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 13:49:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

I have told people of my plans over a relatively short period of time. Initially because we wanted my partners children to get used to our relationship and then it was more of a case of waiting until we could tell them when we knew what the plan/time-scale was. This was true both for friends and in my case employees (my business partner has known for years). My immediate family have known for longer of course.


It is interesting (if that's the right word) how differing people's reaction is to the news that you are getting married *and* emigrating.  Family and friends have been pleased , sad to see me go but are only now realising that what has been talked about for the last 18 months is about to happen in weeks.


One employee and one friend have expressed reaction in the same way. They were surprised, shocked even. One friend was completely side swiped and the reason - expressed by both, was that my "major life change" focussed their minds on their own dissatisfaction with their own lives. I am making no judgement in either case but it was a response I certainly wasn't expecting. Thinking back I really wish I had broken the news to one friend in a different way but I wonder how. Once you say you're getting married to a USC the emigration part is generally a given so I don't see how I could have drip fed the news.


I would say though that after the initial shock and awe given time people do get used to the idea. No doubt in six months time when I'm feeling homesick for family, friends and proper bread I will not be too troubled by these thoughts.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 17:20:00
United KingdomQuick question regarding the London interview.

I took various copies of the original petition and the docs I submitted but they were really a comfort blanket. Never so much as glanced at that. I took one photo of us together and that was of us when we dated at college 30 years ago. Caused some amusement but not needed. They will ask about the relationship but it's really *how* you answer the questions rather than what you say imho.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 16:03:00
United KingdomA couple of quick questions

Note sure I'd want to mention hydrogen peroxide to someone security checking . I think I'd stick it in checked baggage too.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 15:31:00
United KingdomA week today since London received my new passport and birth certificate....

Yeh - congratulations. Expect a surprisingly large packet (yes a real packet) and make sure your passport with visa doesn't drop out of the bottom of the outer envelope when you open it. Mine did :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 16:12:00
United KingdomLondon I-134 Self Co-Sponsor

Yep - it was pretty easy in my case. I was well documented in terms of my house sale in the UK (which has now fallen through...) at which point they weren't interested in anything else. I'd taken one over the counter bank statement as that was the most upto date and they seemed pretty happy with that until they saw the house stuff and just used that.


I would say the key thing is to make it easy for them - have a clear summary document with appropriate supporting evidence. Huge amounts of stuff does not make it easy and imho they just want to make sure you (and they) are covered until the real affidavit with AOS - they just about said that to me.


I certainly didn't provide the incredible detail they ask for on the website.


As always YMMV - I had a chunk of change in my house equity and I'm that's what did it. Certainly cleared any thresholds.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-15 13:59:00
United KingdomRegistering for return of documents

Took a week to get mine at the beginning of October.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-15 13:51:00
United KingdomTaking my fire service pension to the USA
My specific questions are...


i will have a lump sum paid into a UK bank account and a monthly income paid into the same UK bank from my fire service pension.

What are the USA tax issues?


Are you saying that you are already receiving the pension or is that what you will get when you reach pensionable age/ choose to take your pension.


My understanding is that you can't transfer your pension *fund* to a US provider. If you're already in receipt then my understanding is that the monthly is taxable as overseas income as far as the IRS is concerned but you can probably transfer the lump sum if you already have it when you move here (and transfer it then)


For most of us who will claim lump sum and monthlies at a later date the lump sump is irritatingly taxable even though it isn't in the UK.


There will be others along shortly who know a lot more about this but they'll need that first question answering


Edited by rjm_cmyk, 18 August 2013 - 06:50 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 06:49:00
United KingdomApprox. time to complete interview (in and out)

I had a London K1 at 08:30 - in about 07:45 and out by 10. I suspect as others have commented that later interviews will take longer.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-19 07:50:00
United Kingdomlondon medical

And make sure they give you the Pertussis version of tdap not the polio one.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 05:50:00
United KingdomPassport delivery after interview

K1 London Tues 1st Oct - Visa in hand following Wednesday at work.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-26 02:28:00
United KingdomGould Pharmacy

Ring them and ask. I wouldn't want to get there and find out they don't.


Most people I saw were dropping off phones , tabs and other small items. I think it cost me £3 to leave a key fob.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 02:15:00
United KingdomInterview 4th Nov - Q's

I got there at 07:30 for 8:30 appt and had no issues with being early. People were already there so if I were you I would get there by 07:30 and get it over with asap. The worst thing that can happen is you go and have a cuppa and wait but I dont think that will happen.


Well as the first appoints are 08:30 logic would suggest they would have to let you in if they are processing people out front ! Turning up at 7:30 for a let's say a midday appointment offends my British obsession with the etiquette of queuing protest6wz.gif 




But hey I'm turning more into Victor Meldrew as each days passes

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-02 02:30:00
United KingdomShould I email about interview date?

Comment aimed at no-one in particular.


Call me a crazy defeatist but I'd rather they spent all their time actually issuing visas rather than answering questions about *when* they were going to issue the aforementioned visas. I came to the conclusion fairly early on that this process was going to take as long as it took and there really was little I (as one of 10's of thousands of applicants) could do about it. Consequently the process ran along pretty much the time-scale I expected on day one. I certainly didn't plan flights/weddings on any expectation that I could divine or influence the process of something as kafkaesque as a government bureaucracy.



rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-26 02:37:00
QUOTE (Empress of Groovy @ Jun 11 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Zoe and Hal @ Jun 11 2009, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have just applied for AOS and i just had my EAD card ordered. Does anyone know if I can send away now for a new passport or do I need to wait? It's supposed to take around 6 weeks....

You can apply up to 9 months before your passport is due to expire. As far as I know, where you are in the US immigration process has no bearing on UK passport renewal.

Thank you! Just wanted to be sure I don't need my passport for any part of the process as I won't have it...
Zoe and HalFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 11:52:00
We have just applied for AOS and i just had my EAD card ordered. Does anyone know if I can send away now for a new passport or do I need to wait? It's supposed to take around 6 weeks....

Zoe and HalFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 07:30:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Questions?


No. London doesn't publish it's interview slots because London does not allow you to book your own appointment (it is assigned for you).



its just becuz some one from india told me that she use to go on website and check all the interview appoinments with their case number ,so then she could guess that if it is closer to her number or no !!!  this would be greattttt :(

summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 11:39:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Questions?

dose any knows if we can check all the interview dates that already have reserved by london consulate  in their official website >>?????? some one told me that it is possible !!

summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 11:20:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
Well I hope she is the one we are going to meet that day :) then I will remember you guys :) thank youuuuuuu :)
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 16:51:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
Wowww I wish I could be as relax as you were :( I should really work on my self :D
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 15:43:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
What do you mean that you had a good read of the interviewer?! How ?! I have heard that some of the CO in London consular are not nice :(
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 15:25:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
Hahaha that's funny :) I can't even imagin how I can everrrrrr joke with a US officer :D they are very strict and make me nerves :D
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 09:16:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
Hey thanks again for advise :) hubby called and got a code and emailed them andddddd got respond back to tell him it's ok and bring your passport with you :))))))))) can't wait :) miss my hubby so much
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 09:06:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical
Thank you so much he is calling today to get the code ;) thxx
summer777FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 02:01:00