United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I think a combined curry house / tea shop is the way to go. Never had a night at a curry house in the style of  Brit High Street one in the US. Had some fairly good Indian sub-continent food but never quite the same atmosphere as it's served up as an "international cuisine" rather than the place you go after the pub chucks out....


I have tried to explain to various furriners how the curry-out fits in with British culcha but don't think they've ever got it. At work I once took a Belgian, two Finns, a German and two Dutch guys out for their first curry . Sounds like the lead in to a joke and I suppose it had it's funny side.


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 04:21:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Also, to the people mentioning clotted cream, I was curious about that earlier this week so I googled it and its ridiculously easy to make - you literally just get heavy whipping cream, put it in the overn at 180F (whatever that is) and leave is 18 hours! I can't wait to try smile.png


That's about 17 hours longer than the scones you bake at the same time will last :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 02:54:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?


Hah, I was thinking the same. Although I hope you're not moving to San Francisco proper like us, where it is pretty much chilly and overcast most days (there's a reason everyone wears hoodies 24/7)! biggrin.png At least in the Bay Area, you're never more than a few minutes drive from ACTUAL decent warm, sunny weather.  


Nope - Novato - still get some fog on the hills but it burns off pretty quick. I remember chatting to someone who could afford a house so close to the GGB that he reckoned he spent more time staring at fog than someone in London - he was right. As he said - looks like a great place to live when the sun us shining !

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 15 June 2013 - 03:08 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 15:08:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Can I just add that as someone moving to the Bay Area but currently sitting in Watford listening to the rain hammer down as we start our <cough> summer I really won't miss the weather. Yes I will miss the sunny spring days in the UK and yes I know all about the rain and fog in SF during the  <cough> winter.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 09:01:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I think technological developments have changed the transition conditions for many coming from say Europe. If I compare how it will be for me in 2013 (hopefully) and 1996 when my partner first moved to the the US .


1) Internet provision is now generally inexpensive and widely available.


2) Internet speeds and bandwidth provide he means for VOIP and video. ( I can remember having to rely on IRC and trying video on 64K IDSN links )


3) Phone charges (certainly UK to US) are can be so cheap that you're not counting the minutes when calling and VOIP has changed the landscape completely


4) It is easy to buy many of the UK/Euro brands albeit at inflated prices


5) Getting back to Europe while not cheap is easy if you need or want to.


6) I can get all the UK tv I need , OK by the use of proxy companies but it's not rocket science


Like most Brits what I am going to miss first and foremost is the NHS. I'm not a great user of it fortunately but it's good to have it there.


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 02:34:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

The stuff I have to take over with me includes Chunky Kit Kats, Branston Pickle , PG Tips and Curly Wurlys and for me Marmite of course. That said it's not difficult to get some of this on the West Coast.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-14 18:18:00
United KingdomWhat can i take with me ?

This might be a helpful link to read through

I found this as I'm not sure I can live without some proper cheese! It does say 'generally' admissible though, so I'm sure there is still some risk/might be worth getting clarification from them before you fly. 




Re: Cheese - looks like you can bring over pretty much any cheese ... Not sure I'd bring any dried mushrooms though even though you can - kinda inviting attention

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 14:16:00
United KingdomWhat can i take with me ?

I thought dairy was a complete no-no ?


<Visions of bringing in complete stilton round as hand baggage or even a rocquefort but pondering the smell after 11hr flight into SFO>

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 00:55:00
United KingdomThings to see/do before you leave

Well whatever you plan on doing get a move on. Time compresses the closer you get to the interview stage. Pre- NOA2 time crawls. Post NOA2 and suddenly heck - I have soooo much to do....


When you sit down and work out how many weekends you have left - well that focusses the mind. I'm trying to do stuff that I won't/can't do/have time to do when I visit the UK in the future


  1. Visit for one last time the places I lived and hung out as a kid growing up oop north
  2. Visit the National Railway Museum
  3. See a bit more of my friends
  4. See a lot more of my elderly mum
  5. A quick weekend in Helsinki to see the place for the last time having visited it regularly through work for nearly 15 years


All this while getting the house on the market , extricating myself from my business and all my personal affairs in the UK, and planning then doing the move (including large dog) and selling various cars.


Oh and at some point planning a wedding in the US and a followup in the the UK next year.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-15 11:40:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

Do you think that is AnnaGrant's birth certificate? Go Anna--newlywed at 165 years old!

Doh ! Probably more at risk of being used by undercover cops in the UK then :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-03 00:49:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

Call me paranoid but I really wouldn't post my birth certificates online. No I don't know how they might get used but they strike me as useful documents to prove identity. And yes you can call me Marvin :-)


And to the OP - "short pinky" is the one I had - I ordered "long orangy"  the one I need  from Somerset House I think it was. The short form is not acceptable......

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 02 August 2013 - 07:25 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-02 07:23:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.

They should do them in order I think , doesn't seem fair the way they do it


General point.....


If they did this part of the process in any sort of order it would be a break with established practice rofl.gif 


The NOA2 process appeared utterly random and grossly unfair. In comparison the UK Consulate seems the model of process by comparison. The fact that they will make an attempt to accommodate peoples plans seems a plus point to me. The fact that some may choose to "abuse" it by making up wedding and travel plans is what could be construed as unfair.  That said as everyone gets a shot at bending the process to their timetables you could argue it is actually fair enough.


In my ever so humble opinion this whole problem comes about because people set fixed dates and then try to bend the visa process (if you can call it a process) to meet their fixed dates. I for one never thought it would be like that. I planned on going to the US in the Autumn, sorry Fall and consequently whilst I've slavishly followed any news of fellow January filers I've just sat back and done what was required by the stated process when I needed to. And so far it's pretty much gone to plan albeit I might have an interview a few weeks earlier than planned.


I've been in a long distance relationship for over four years now (scary....) so I can wait a bit longer - others ? well YMMV.


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 05:04:00
United KingdomGP refused my request for vaccinations


Comment on nobbie's post "The jabs I just got done at knightsbridge doctors, (weds 7 Aug.) tetanus diptheria polio was one, "
Tdap is tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough). Polio is not on the adult list.


But be prepared to stand your ground. The female doctor I saw said my TDAP (which I knew was with polio) was sound and had been signed off by the nurse doing the vaccs check. She even suggested that the version with Pertussis was primarily for women of child bearing age ?


The Tdap line is ticked with "next due in 10 years ) and the polio line is unchecked/ age inappropriate. So who knows - perhaps the nurse just read mine wrong.


And of course the price list includes them both...

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 09 August 2013 - 01:47 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 13:44:00
United KingdomGP refused my request for vaccinations

Lie about the reason for needing an appointment (not that you should need to !) and get in front of the Doctor and tell him what you need (the letter) and would like (vaccines). Some receptionists need reminding that they are there to help doctors not get in the way.


I was pleasantly surprised that with the assistance of the practice nurse I got all my jabs and got them for free. Just make sure you get the right TDAP i.e the one with pertussis and not polio. I didn't but seemed to have luckily dodged that one :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 13:57:00
United KingdomMedical Insurance...SO Confused!

 But you'll wait months for those expensive treatments, the hospitals are old and the equipment is not top of the line. Every system has its pluses and minuses.


The problem is one of demand/capacity and the cost of providing it rather than facilities, skill or equipment.  Most UK hospitals are up to date in terms of buildings and kit but the endless growth in demand for more care and a wider range of medical services possible means rationing - much as it does in other healthcare models .

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 12:57:00
United KingdomMedical Insurance...SO Confused!

UK travel insurance clearly says you have to start in the UK and come back to the UK other wise its not valid .


From arriving in the States to when you get married and then put on your partners insurance is probably a month or two as in my case a months insurance is all we need .


Found this link that 1 month starts from $60 ish ... i think its best to have some thing legal as its less stress and hassle if something, (god forbid), goes wrong .....




Thanks for this and for those that might not know it is really important to understand how American healthcare insurance works. (and I am only just learning myself)


a) Coverage does not equal no big bills - you really really need to understand what is covered and how much is covered. Just look at the examples of the different bills a patient might get between fixed and comprehensive plans on that site


b) You really do need to make sure that *anyone* you see in a medical context is covered by your insurance(in network) otherwise a bill will arrive one day and it may well not be covered by your insurer.


I particularly love the attempts (often illegal) to bill for the difference between what your insurer pays the provider and the going rate from the provider. Balance billing

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 01:39:00
United KingdomMedical Insurance...SO Confused!

I'm not TOO concerned about having medical issues in the interim between arrival and marriage,


Errmmm - you are aware of the costs of even the simplest medical care in the US ?  A simple trip to A&E can cost thousands and you really don't want emergency dental care.


I've seen how much it costs first hand and I'll be getting some cover for any interim between arrival and marriage as I think it unsafe to rely on UK travel insurance.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-17 11:44:00
United KingdomHelp please

And be advised "packet 3" is not a packet. It's not even close to a packet. It's not even close to a high quality document printed on some good paper and despatched in secure envelope. It is in fact some cheap crappy paper printed on someone's out of toner laser printer and shoved in a cheap envelope where the glue has dried out.


It is however very welcome wherever it lands dancin5hr.gif

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 14:21:00
United KingdomProblems with pay MRV fee online

This has been my experience of it if you find you can't see any way to pay the MRV fee.


a) If it's not working for you have to start again


b) You must select the K1 visa option FIRST before you do anything else


c) You will need to register as applicant again for which you may well need another email address


d) If you do this it will lead you through the process which is basically applicant details / courier details (depot despatch)/ pay MRV and then pay for local delivery


You will even see a little process chart to help you.


It was dead easy once I started the process again. Didn't even barf when I entered the same applicant details again.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 14:28:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

My update


Medical - 5th August , ready for interview letter sent in at about the same time

Most recent CEAC update 19th August

Letter received today 29th August

Interview 1st October


I specifically didn't push them and even said would prefer early October so I've got 08:30 on the first day of the month. A rather literal view on my request then dancin5hr.gif

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 29 August 2013 - 11:50 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 11:49:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

When I sent off my readiness form I said I'd prefer an interview date in October as I'd really like my house sales to be well underway by then. It'll be interesting to see if they honour my unusual request (compared with most who want it asap).

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 12:58:00
United KingdomSimple question about the MRV receipt

Sounds like I'll be covered one way or another...


TVM all.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 01:04:00
United KingdomSimple question about the MRV receipt

I paid for my visa fee and booked the courier using the new system. Am I right in thinking that the MRV receipt they'll ask for is the email (of which there were a few) which has the applicant details and all the stuff about the interview (and which says you should print it).


Not long now so starting to obsess.....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 14:31:00
United KingdomAnyone drive down to their interview??

Just check out how long it is going to take you to get in from the 'burbs especially on the underground. Why not drive to Watford Junction where there is a car park and get a direct train to Euston and then tube or taxi it. I''ve got an 08:30 appointment and will drive in as it's easy to find parking albeit not cheap parking in town. Mind you I do live in Watford and know that part of London well.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 13:58:00
United KingdomTaking Old Passports to K1 Interviews ?

Indeed my older ones have quite a variety - the more recent it's pretty much all USA. Thirty odd trips istr.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 14:36:00
United KingdomTaking Old Passports to K1 Interviews ?

I notice in the MRV fee acknowledgement letter I got emailed it has a list of documents needed for visa interviews. In this it includes both current and any old passports that show evidence of visits to the US. Anyone done this and been asked to see them ?

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 16:14:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

Well I am pleased to report back that my head is the perfect size for a US K1 visa. I will post a review later today in the er, reviews section so see there for more detail. I will also respond to the recent thread about self sponsoring as that was a doddle.


Things I learnt today - it's a pretty good process at the Embassy if you prepare properly and are a "genuine" applicant. If you meet those criteria then it seemed as easy and painless as everyone else who has already done said it would be. You won't be believe them in advance of course but that's the way it is.


Dumbest thing I saw ? Someone in front of me asking if it would be ok to take a knife in (with her packed lunch). Really ?


Like I say - more in the reviews section and the self sponsorship thread later. Ironically I now have to shoot to the airport to pick up the inlaws to be who have been visiting their daughter.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 06:11:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

Hey - US government meltdown due to non-agreement on budget - bet no-one planned on worrying about that oops8rh.gif


Let's see if Embassy visa services are affected. Off to London I go....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 00:10:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

My top tips for the day.


1) Don't leave documents that you are copying on your printer/scanner/copier thing. You will remember just as they ask you for the document why you've only got the copy.


2) The packet 3 letter looks just like the packet 4 one. Big difference is that only one of them will get you past first base so to speak with the embassy when you arrive so don't put the wrong one in your folder


3) Letter size documents are a PITA to get in A4 document pockets...


4) When you've got a range of professional cutting kit at work trim your photos when you're there and not at home with some crappy scissors.


5) There really is no limit to the number of times you can check your document folder against the checklist...



Man With Big Head

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 10:18:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

We used a Photo-Me booth at Sainsbury's, and the US visa photo seemed a bit large to me as well! Surely it'll be good though, right?? Fingers crossed!!


I'll report back tomorrow if it turns out that my head is sub-optimally sized :-)


Mind you - I'm having my interview on US Government budget melt down day and that ain't no laughing matter........

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 07:43:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

In case anyone is worrying about me worrying then there's nothing to worry about. Well there might be but you just can't put your finger on it...devil.gif

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 04:50:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

Yep - when you thought you'd sorted everything else out there's the small matter of the size of your head. I did some photos last week in a Photo-Me booth which handily does various countries visa photographs including the likes of the US Australia and India. Like everyone else involved in the visa process they feel the need to extract more money by charging more for 4 visa photos than for 4 normal one....


Yesterday I was double checking them against the published specs from the DOS/USCIS/Embassy. Seems my head might be a bit too big. Photos are the right size and technical specs but there's actually a spec for the size of your head and I think mine is too big despite being in the target area you see on the screen when the photo is taken.


I think I am just going to have to live with it. Perhaps I just do have a big head :-)


Fair to say I can feel my stress levels rising and have even taken a day off work to do my final prep. Really weird looking at my sig below - for those just submitting their K1 petitions - time accelerates the closer you get to the interview. Time since"packet 4" has gone in the blink of an eye. NOA2 seems a very long time ago now.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 01:31:00
United KingdomUS Government Shutdown - affect on visa interviews and visa issuance?

I was there today (Tuesday 1st) - all working fine. I actually heard the comment on R4 about passport offices being close as I was driving down through Swiss Cottage...


Rather pleased to see the queue when I got there.


Which reminds me - I need to update my timeline :-)

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 01 October 2013 - 11:23 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 11:22:00
United KingdomSelf-Sponsoring Success

Yehhhaaa- I didn't.


Quick summary. My partner has only just graduated so I didn't think there would be a convincing affidavit and therefore planned to self sponsor based on a primary asset of house equity and the secondary (if needed) of cash in da bank.


We did complete an I-134 as I didn't want a hold up during the first stage of the interview process but also compiled a document stating my assets .


In the case of the house I had the following documents


1) Letter from estate agent confirming valuation and sale price

2) Letter from estate agent confirming my acceptance of an offer to buy the house

3) A simple but clear breakdown of house value , loans secured on it and the balance which would be owing to me on completion.

4) Bank and mortgage statements confirming the loans

5) Document from land registry confirming ownership and loans secured on property


In the case of the bank account I had a print out from the bank done yesterday - not exactly the high level of detail they ask for but clear enough. I also in the covering letter confirmed the source of recent large deposits (sale of car and loan from mother). I also confirmed how I would be transferring the money (via


So how did it go ?


At the document collection stage when asked for the affidavit I said I had one but wanted to self sponsor. Fine - what documents do you have to support this ? I first offered the bank statement which he seemed happy to take. I then offered the house details and as that was the bigger sum that's actually all he kept. He didn't take my covering letter and he didn't take the bank details. If I'm honest I'm not sure how the consular officer worked the figures out in the end :-)


Either way - in the second interview it was barely mentioned so what do I think ?


1) A house sold (even if STC)  with a chunk of equity headed your way is enough to make them comfortable

2) That on it's own for me seems to have been enough - the bank cash was barely looked at

3) I got the *very* distinct impression that as long as they felt you'd survive 90 days you're good to go. The CO did mention the need for tighter requirements at AOS but it was very much in passing.

4) No-one blinked at self sponsoring - they seem very comfortable and used to it. Just make sure you make it easy for them to assess.


Now what about numbers ? I could demonstrate nearly £200K in equity heading my way and I think that made any other discussion superfluous . In the bank I had £20K but I don't think that was even looked at.


Difficult to offer advice as to minimums - I suspect they look at the whole "package" and take a view  but I think I might have done it on the bank alone. It might be because we are an older couple too (50's) so I'm offering up my experience for what's it worth rather than gospel.


Full review later under the consulate review section.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 11:18:00
United KingdomSelf-Sponsoring Success

Well I'll be reporting back next week after my interview on the same basis . Mind you it won't be so easy as the interview will be about two weeks earlier than I'd have liked for the following reason.


By way of another er, data point I will have something in the region of $35K in cash and house equity assets of c.$300K which won't reach me until mid-October hence my current nerves. I'm half expecting them to put me on hold until the house sale completes.


So we'll see. In theory I meet the requirements as per the embassy website but we'll see how it pans and will report back.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-23 13:52:00
United KingdomFeeling nervous!!

Mine is now showing as issued - interview was on Tuesday.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-03 14:45:00
United KingdomFeeling nervous!!

I had a look today (well you would wouldn't you !)


It actually says wait two business days for the update. So I guess I'll be checking back at midnight :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 11:32:00
United KingdomFeeling nervous!!

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!!! I am so happy to say we've been approved!! Can't believe this part is finally over.. So crazy!


Great news - best of luck with the move !

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 06:22:00
United KingdomFeeling nervous!!

The embassy is a rite of passage on this journey and it doesn't matter how many times those of us who have done it (and me only yesterday) say "it was a breeze" - no-one will believe that until they've done it. Why would you ? It's probably one of the most important interviews anyone will have .


My tip is simple - prepare well and don't take too much stuff to the embassy. As has been said(repeatedly) - London really, really don't want mountains of stuff at this stage. I had a small document folder with the vitals at the front (and which I checked a gazillion times) and a few bits of the "well I can't just take the essentials". Once I started handing over the vitals in the first part I really chilled out making the second stage the fun bit it should be.


P.S How anyone can eat and drink while waiting for the first stage escapes me especially those waiting on IV's and once you've done the first interview you just stare at the screen counting down your numbers.


Best of luck..

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 02 October 2013 - 01:24 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 01:23:00
United KingdomList of Docs sent TO beneficiary to take to interview

Don't forget that stuff printed and sent from the US will be letter size and won't fit nicely into A4 pockets here. BTDTGTTS.


Good luck with your journey.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 06:26:00