United KingdomThings to take care of before the move
A few financial things

1) Depending on age/your circumstances it may be worth him continuing paying NI contributions. Certainly for me it means a cheap way of getting the pension benefits.

2) Make absolutely sure that all credit card and other financial agreements are completely cancelled (assuming he doesn't want them) and not just dormant.

3) Make sure the revenue knows of the change in status
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-03 15:03:00
United KingdomHow Long is London Embassy taking?

I think you get a perception of how long it will take and you think yours will surely come early because you did such an awesome application.

You must have seen our application :-)

Yerrs - I rarely check with USCIS but admit to having a small problem with checking the CSC approvals threads on here following the recent problem in seeing *any* approvals. The recent spate of activity including approvals for filers one month ahead of me has caused some signs of VJ addiction though. Given that I think they'll carry on doing 2012 filers I think I'm still "good" for another few months but hey who knows...
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-21 09:12:00
United KingdomHow Long is London Embassy taking?

(Can you even imagine that I thought 50 days was an eternity of waiting?)

There is something about interacting with USCIS that alters one's perception of time. We are already ready past the half way stage in the NOA1-NOA2 journey ( well I hope we're past half way...) and that's gone pretty quick. I suspect when you get an NOA2 time becomes inversely proportional to how much you didn't get done that you really really should have done earlier :blush:
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-21 01:58:00
United KingdomBooking the medical

Not seen much for sale in the bay area and when it was it was also seriously expensivo...



rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-04 17:58:00
United KingdomBooking the medical

Oh I'm tagging everything. I'm a few months off the NOA2 but intend being fully prepped for it's arrival. All advice gratefully received. Future plans include working out how much marmite I can get in the plane hold.


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-04 00:52:00
United KingdomBooking the medical

I knew it would be something blindingly obvious rofl.gif  tvm

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 14:25:00
United KingdomBooking the medical

DOS ? I know it's an acronym for disc operating system but thus far this one has eluded me on my visa journey (sic)


And yes I know it will be blindingly obvious :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 11:59:00
United KingdomPolice Records - Authorised Picture Signers

I went for my business partner and co-director. That should cover all bases. The nephew suggestion wasn't completely serious :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 01:02:00
United KingdomPolice Records - Authorised Picture Signers

Thanks guys - I think I'll get a couple adopting my usual kitchen sink approach to the emmigration process

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 02 May 2013 - 01:16 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 01:15:00
United KingdomPolice Records - Authorised Picture Signers

Am I the only person who has marvelled at the idiocy of the list of "professions" who are on the approved signers list. I'm trying to remember if I know any museum curators or "executives". There again perhaps I'll go for my young nephew who is an "IT specialist" - on the X-Box anyway. Oh or  perhaps the vetinarary nurse who looks after my dog.


Serious question - is there any need to order multiple copies ?  Oh and am I right in thinking a few points for a speeding ticket is not a criminal offence for the purposes of this form ?

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 01 May 2013 - 04:52 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-01 16:50:00

If you were a student at the time abusing traffic cones is somewhat de rigeur isn't it ?  I suspect it is more like to raise a knowing smile than an objection dancin5hr.gif

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 06:44:00
United KingdomBringing financial assets to the US

I certainly won't be carrying much - rather safer to do a fund transfer. I really must ring up XE and find out if you can forward buy at fixed rates.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-26 15:28:00
United KingdomBringing financial assets to the US

Yersss - sounds like fun.  Guess it'll be compounded(sic) by the fact that I have a final salary pension scheme (pot unidentifiable) , AVC fund - (value known and thanks to the man from the fsking Pru , falling in value) and even a full state pension (pot value as unknown as unknown can be). My USC thinks her tax advisor will be able to sort it all out. Me - I'm not so confident that someone doing personal tax in a US 'burb is going to be that up on expat pension schemes.

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 24 May 2013 - 01:39 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 13:39:00
United KingdomBringing financial assets to the US

 So how confusing is that? "Yes, I have more than $100k in my private pension fund with XYZ at [address]. The amount is zero."


So good to know that I'll be giving up (at least in the main) one government bureacracy and replacing it with another. I have pension funds which will take me over that limit so I guess I can use my 90 days to get up to speed with tax forms. Not quite what I'd planned....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 10:58:00
United KingdomBringing financial assets to the US

Hi - I'm going to be transferring a reasonable amount (equity from house sale). I'll be maintaining an account in the UK and transferring it in chunks as and when the exchange rate makes it worth the risk (that I'm not buying at the bottom ) or I need it . That said as I don't want it to look like UK income and as such taxable I suspect I may not take too long to transfer it.


I'll be using a currency specialist like to do it. Not going to rely on the bank's largesse and customer service ethics to make sure I get the best rate / costs. I work on the basis that banks will always try to screw you. Bitter me ?

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 06:38:00
United KingdomHow does medical condition affect visa

(When he had the stroke, we were actually skyping and I knew immediately what was dad was a stroke victim and you become well versed in signs and symptoms.  I was able to call his son via cell phone and he called the paramedic's.   We were blessed to have gotten help there within minutes)


Flippin heck - that was fortunate. Reminds me of a work colleague who had heart attack while visiting his mother in hospital. Best place to have one - he was seen and transferred to the angio unit within 30 mins - made a good (fingers still crossed) recovery. Fate sometimes smiles on you.


Hope all goes well with your visa.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-09 16:14:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

I can only go by the requirements i.e born in 57 or later you need proof of  MMR vaccination. If I can't prove it I don't meet the AOS requirements. Seems pretty simple to me.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 12:50:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

Yerss - as a '57 baby I'm expecting to get it - possibly because I never had it or more likely because there's no record of it.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 00:56:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

Well just got back from my GP (practice nurse). She gave me the appropriate tdap but wouldn't give me an MMR before she'd checked my paper records which (to my surprise) they actually do have in the basement. So she's going to call me. Now I just need to double check if there's a time expiry on MMR because if I did have it , it was a long time ago being born in '57.


And there was no charge - I will sooo miss the NHS.


It helped that the nurse may well be moving to Seattle with her partner.

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 18 June 2013 - 03:26 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 03:26:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

Bacille de Calmette?Guérin - still remember that from school which was a fair few years ago. Quite an involved vaccination as I remember

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 06:58:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

One last thing on vaccinations .....


I expect to have my medical sometime over the summer (i.e non flu season) but will probably be travelling after October 1st which I reckon is in the new flu season. Is this likely to present any sort of issue when I AOS ? I'll have the official record for my other other vaccinations as part of the medical exam but won't have any "official" record of flu vaccination. I'm aware that I can get a flu jab easily (and cheaply) enough in the US but was just checking there were no gotchas.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-31 01:04:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records


I presumed that the majority of records would be on a computer data base? Obviously some surgery's still have it in paper format...




Nahhh - this is NHS IT we're talking about here. I'm just going to go ahead and get MMR and adult DTAP done. Won't need flu and have had chickenpox as a kid

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-23 15:37:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

My GP practice has sweetbuggerall in terms of my records. I asked again today. You kinda get the impression that my historic record is in a brown folder somewhere they have no plans to go to unless they really need to get them. So I will redo the essentials many of which may well be too long ago to keep everyone happy anyway. Moved many times - some places never registered with a GP either.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-14 13:42:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records
I'm seeing the practice nurse next week so will ask her then.
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 06:55:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records
As a baby boomer Brit my parents made sure I got every vaccination going right up to the full monty BCG TB jabs. No Hampstead Heath bleeding heart liberals my parents.

As an adult I've had the occasional Hep and booster when I've been visiting far away countries.

Having asked my GP this morning for my vaccination record I discover it goes back all of 10 years and so although I'm good to go to say India or Mexico I don't appear so good for the US. Is this normal for the NHS ?

I suppose I could go back and have them all again (those that I need) but will further digging find more ? I'm not exactly a regular flier at my GP's - I average about one visit every three years (I see this as a good thing) so don't have a detailed record with any GP.

What's everyone else done ?

<just spotted this thread>

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 24 April 2013 - 02:47 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 02:44:00
United KingdomI-129f

I bet you're feeling a bit different to how you were on the 20th ! Congratulations :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-25 01:06:00
United KingdomGoing to self certify re: income

There's a copy of the letter in post#18. As many times as it's been discussed, did you really think you were getting a packet? Or are you just pulling my leg?


British humour I'm afraid. I have spent the last six months reading everything here and on other places and I've read the whole thread - probably more than once :-) I just thought it might look a bit less, well ####### than it did .


I was expecting something sorta hand crafted on parchment  signed by the Ambassador not 75gsm copier paper printed on someone's home inkjet :-) But heck - it's the letter I've been waiting for ....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 00:50:00
United KingdomGoing to self certify re: income

Thanks  - I'd read that but I wasn't clear in my question. On the presupposition that most people are sponsored am I likely to get asked for a I-134 or will they be unfazed by me saying "Don't have one here's my bank statements". I suspect the answer is no they won't be....


By odd coincidence I got my letter from the consulate this morning. It really is not a "packet" any more. Quite the flimsiest "important life changing document" ever :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 14:50:00
United KingdomGoing to self certify re: income
As I understand it as a UKC doing K1 via London I can self cert. I intend using cash from the sale of my UK property to demonstrate liquid assets.

I have two questions.

1) Do I still need to take an affidavit of support I-394 form (?) to my interview

2) Will the same approach work at AOS?

My partner who graduated this summer should have a suitable job to cover me by November but not by August / September when I expect to interview

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 07:42:00
United KingdomYour British humour for the day...
all true as well.
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 07:23:00
United KingdomSelf Cert Income - Proof of Housing Equity

I'm just going by what the embassy state here



Applicants Own Funds

An applicant who expects to be able to meet the public charge provisions of the law through personal financial resources may submit to the consular officer evidence of funds or income from one or more of the following sources:

  • bank statement showing present balance of applicant's account, date account was opened, the number and amount of deposits and withdrawals during the past 12 months, and the average balance during the year. If there have been recent unusually large deposits, an explanation thereof should be given;
  • proof of ownership of property or real estate, in the form of a title deed or the equivalent and a letter from a lawyer, or real estate agent showing its present valuation (any mortgages or loans against the property must be stated);
  • letter or letters verifying ownership of stocks and bonds, with present market value or expected earnings indicated;
  • statement from insurance company showing policies held and present case surrender value;
  • proof of income from business investments or other sources.

But yes I'd prefer to have the cash in the bank at time of interview and may delay it if it looks iffy otherwise

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-09 13:27:00
United KingdomSelf Cert Income - Proof of Housing Equity

It's highly likely that my fiancée will not be in full time employment by the time of my interview in London. She's only just graduated so hopefully some time in the Autumn......


I will have a nice pile of house equity once the sales goes through and am expecting to use in lieu of the affadavit at K1 visa stage. Thing is depending on when the interview is I might not have the cash in the bank. London says that other evidence of house ownership and loans outstanding will be sufficient.


If anyone has done this - what specific documents did they use to keep the CO happy ?

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-08 17:06:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

As I was walking the hound today I pondered on a few of the more subtle British things I will miss.


a) A spring day with fluffy white clouds and a rich blue sky and the converse in Autumn (sorry - Fall)


b) A proper British pub - sadly an endangered species dahnnn saarrfff


c) Small car spaces where (as a bloke) I can demonstrate my male ego by reverse parking


d) Being an easy hop to France


e) Easy access to over 2000 years of European art, history and culture


f) Living in such a diverse mix of cultures for the most part pretty well integrated and tolerant


I know the last one is open to discussion but living in the London where there are something like 250 recognised languages spoken I'd call that pretty diverse...


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 15:22:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Whilst the British accent (do we have one ? ) can be a problem at times for me in the US it's often the use of seemingly obvious idiomatic English that causes problems. Simple (to me anyway) phrases like "spot on" will often cause a blank look. I don't seem to have any problems understanding American language because the differences tend to be about different names for things rather than the bits we stick in our British conversation.


My partner's US born kids love taking the mickey (does that translate?) out of my accent and their rendition of "spot on" is er, spot on....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-27 01:03:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I carried a large jar of Branston Pickle all the way to Washington where I met my fiance for a brief holiday . She flew in from San Fran and I from London.


Having made sure it got all the way there I was somewhat disappointed to find out that she'd packed it in her carry on for the flight back to SFO and then had it confiscated where I'm sure it went down a treat with other foods that had been confiscated because of "security issues".

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-23 17:11:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

But they are the biggest retail bakers in the UK. I agree I only use them when I want a fat/sugar/salt hit . I'm a veggie so wouldn't touch any of their "meat" products. As business though they have a brilliant business model proving a product in a highly cost effective way.  But yes - baking in a industrial sense only.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-22 01:33:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

What American chocolates/ candy brands do people go for? I know they have Galaxy (Dove) and Lindt etc but the US Hershey made Cadbury's tastes like they aimed the taste at what British Cadbury's would taste like as you are throwing it up! Most Hershey stuff is awful too. I must admit an addiction to all forms of Reeses, especially the peanut butter cups they do in kingsize. 

I can't remember any of the names but avoid Hershey chocolate - I've had better cheap cooking chocolate. My UK/USC partner prefers Belgian or Swiss chocolate having lived and worked in both countries so tends to go for Lindt.


I quite a like Marathon/Snickers product over there but I find Reeses just too sweet and for me that saying something. I'm just surprised to have not seen the mega confectionery bars that are now proliferating in the UK.


What am I going to miss ? UK bread and butter and no I don't mean the ####### mass produced soggy white bread. Heinz Beanz and the large choice of veggie(quorn) foods I can get in the UK but have to pay huge amount for at the local WholePayCheck store in the US

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 20 June 2013 - 01:07 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-20 01:06:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I loved it too - when I was a kid in the 70's ! Quite fancy trying my hand again at a Birds Trifle too. All we need now is a bottle of Mateus Rose or Blue Nun and it would be Sunday lunch followed by the Onedin Line later.


I can understand some (OK most) of the food things but if anyone feels the need to import their brand of  deodorant then I don't think they're quite "living the dream" in their new life :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 14:16:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Yes I am soooooo not going to be shipping in Angel Delight....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 14:07:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I think a combined curry house / tea shop is the way to go. Never had a night at a curry house in the style of  Brit High Street one in the US. Had some fairly good Indian sub-continent food but never quite the same atmosphere as it's served up as an "international cuisine" rather than the place you go after the pub chucks out....


I have tried to explain to various furriners how the curry-out fits in with British culcha but don't think they've ever got it. At work I once took a Belgian, two Finns, a German and two Dutch guys out for their first curry . Sounds like the lead in to a joke and I suppose it had it's funny side.


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 04:21:00