United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+

Can you imagine to trying to understand this if you *weren't* on VJ - yeucchhhhhh.


I'm waiting on an interview date (medical on Monday) so hopefully it will have settled down by then.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-02 01:11:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

thanks for the response it has really helped ease my nerves. I won't be flying on same flight as Simba but I may ask petair to pass on photo to pilot!


I took the photo on board with me and asked one of the stewards to pass it on.


I have been flying to SFO since the 1996 and this was the first time *ever* I got a seat upstairs on a 747. I didn't realise that when I booked. The additional upside(sic) was that that is where the flight deck is so it was only a short walk for the crew to hand over my photo. Certainly caused much discussion and made it more fun.


Willow is just about over the jet lag and is getting used to her new home. Next up is more extended walks so she can get used to the area.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-20 12:01:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Well we are *finally* in California. Willow (large lurcher) flew on the same VA flight as me. I paid Petair to organise everything and although expensive it was worth making it a hassle free experience. I was moving out of my house the day before my flight - something I really do not recommend.

I printed up a postcard with Willow's photo on it and asked one of the crew to hand to the Captain (it asked him/her to check the heating was on). I then had visits from most of the crew confirming that Willow (and the other dog on board) were fine. I even got a visit mid flight by the First Officer to chat about the dog. She said they rarely get to see the actual animals and were amused and chuffed to get the photo. They were particularly interested to know how I knew that they controlled the heating. Internet research was my answer :-)


Following immigration (which tool nearly and hour due to queues) we had to drive over to the VA freight terminal, collect customs documents , take them to customs who stamped them and then return to terminal to pick up hound.

Willow was veryyyyyy pleased to get out of the crate but was otherwise fine and clean. Skittish for 24hrs after arrival but now settling in.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 14:57:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Well my hound is doing the VA trip to San Francisco the week after next. She will need a crate built for her because she ain't a small dog and I'm getting Petair to do the whole process. Not what I would call cheap but having someone else manage the whole process is one less thing to worry about. I will of course worry for the entire flight about her....


As I am currently clearing my house she already knows something is up of course but moving to a warmer climate should extend her latter years. Given that she greets me from a weekend in the kennels as though I've been away for months , the greeting when she comes off the plane will be something else :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-07 01:59:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Fleeeeppin 'eck.


VA want £1400 for shipping my lurcher LHR-SFO. Plus another £250 for a crate. That's more than premium economy and she won't get any food !

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-17 11:34:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

General advice indeed requirement is not to feed prior to flights. I'm hoping that will be the biggest discomfort my hound has to deal with.



rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-17 07:33:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

You guys with cats - you think it's costing you a lot ? Trying shipping a tall lurcher. I've had quotes so far ranging from just over £2200 to £3300 - buying a big enough crate will be £250 !


I'm sure I can get a club class ticket for about this  and we can both then fly in style :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 14:24:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Aren't the animal import rules state dependant anyway ? I need to revise those myself.


I see you finally got your NOA2 - congrats  !

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 14:13:00
United KingdomLondon Interview - Birth Certificate

If you have time I can't see why anyone would do anything other than order official copies (not photocopies) from the GRO.


The instructions seemed quite specific to me. Long form officially issued copies. I wouldn't have risked the inevitable delays in going with anything other than those

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-20 14:10:00
United KingdomLondon Interview

Take some evidence of relationship , take some bits of earlier forms. You won't get asked for them but they'll help you relax :-)


I took one photo of us together in 1980 as it kinda summed it all up. I showed it to the " friendly young African American ladytm " when she asked how we met which made her laugh and me relax .

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-26 02:26:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Bummer of a day but like everyone else has said - it'll be a minor setback especially as you've now invoked mum power.  Best of luck.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 14:28:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

It took 48hr to switch to issued for me this week.


Best of luck and will see you in the AOS forum next  I guess :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-04 01:02:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I think I read somewhere in a review that they have lockers in a store across the street so he can leave his personal items... not sure. 

Goulds Pharmacy

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 01:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Its not as easy as that lol, from another worrier/stresser its not a conscious thing you have any control over unsure.png


Speaking as someone who woke up on Friday morning at 03:40am having had a nightmare about my house sale I certainly understand stress.


I just don't stress over things I can't change and yes I know it's easier said than done but where's the logic in worrying about something you can't changes when there's plenty of other worry options available  secret7vf.gif <---- probably not relevant smiley

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 19 August 2013 - 12:10 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 12:10:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Is stressing going to change anything? Will it undo your trip to Egypt? Will it erase the visa that is required to go there? Is Cairo not a common tourist destination?

Good advice (as ever). Stress about the things you can change and influence and forget the ones that you can't. There is enough stress in this process as there is.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 06:59:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Given that I have a business and house to sell in the UK and a visa to get and my partner has a new job to secure having graduated this summer, we've barely thought about wedding plans beyond a quick one for the legals and then a proper do back in the UK next year.


Well I can say *I've* not given it much thought rofl.gif

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 02:55:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

My pet hate is "I've been waiting so long for my NOA2 - now it's arrived what do I need to do now ?"


To which I think "you need to wonder why you didn't spend the last five months reading up on what you need to do after the NOA2 arrives"

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 07:08:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

You are supposed to send in all the requested forms immediately and then send the cover letter and DS-2001 when you are ready for an interview i.e you've got your interview documents ready and are either ready for or have had the medical.


Some do / some don't. I decided to do it in the order requested i.e wait until my medical was both scheduled  and imminent i.e in a few days , before sending on the the DS-2001 form. My logic was that as London have their procedure I'm going to follow it exactly. So in an ideal world my medical results arrive one day and get slotted into my file so that when the 2001 arrives they see it's there and process my interview date. The arrival of the 2001 prompting them to check the file as that's how they work their procedures.


Others do it other ways but my departure date is being determined by other factors so I'm not in the rush others may be.


P.S Surprised to see it's over two months since my NOA2 - I can remember watching the timer switch from 2 to 3 months since NOA1 - how time flies (eventually)

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 08 August 2013 - 12:35 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 00:33:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Also I know there is the form with the barcode DS-156. We should type it in press continue and this will upload all the information of my Fiance and I to their system with that barcode? Correct I didn't want to type everything in print it out and then find out none of the information stated in the system to generate code... lol 


Thank you and sorry if I sound 0_o with all my questions... 


Read this page several times -


Re: DS-156   When you fill in this form online and follow the instructions a barcode is added to the form and you then print out however many copies of the form you want and mail them (as instructed in the link above). Sames goes for 157 (if you need to) and 156K. But these forms MUST be mailed in and make sure you send two copies where it requests it. Do not presume it uploads it anywhere. These days you don't know what's being nabbed but in this case you are using it to generate paper copies.


I saved a PDF copy of the forms as well.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 01:06:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Well I hope it's right as that is what I am going send later today....


But I'm going to delay sending the DS-2001 until the week of my medical. I'm not in a complete rush for various reasons.


I spent last night checking all my docs for consistency having noticed that I said sales director in one and sales manager in another. Chief cook and bottle washer was also considered.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 06:52:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Nahh - it's working fine - even comes up OK in FF which might suggest the comments on oh about pp 2 of this thread are out of date. Cross browser compatibility no less...

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 07:15:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Is it me or is DS-156 (bar code form) a complete pig to connect to ? I've been trying for the last hour and can't even get a connection to the form and yes I've tried FF  and IE

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 02:07:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Filling these "packet 3" forms out is a bit of a pain. I'm sure I'm being asked the same questions three different ways. I've just worked out that since '92 I've been to the US 36 times. Quite surprised me ....


Next time I go it won't be with an ESTA hopefully.


What I'm finding a little odd is that this point seemed a very long way off when we filled the forms out in December. Mind you even then I knew it would come around soon enough and the time I had to get everything done would suddenly compress near the end of the process. And it has........

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 10 July 2013 - 02:05 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 14:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Nope I was a VSC to TSC transfer and we still haven't gotten to the NVC. Approved on June 18 and now we're being told it can take up to 8 WEEKS for NVC to get our file!!!!!! Ready to get started on this next part with the embassy.


What the heck are they going to do with it - send it by sempahore ? It has taken four weeks , ok perhaps 1 month to go from NOA2 e-mail notice to a letter landing on my doorstep here in the UK from the embassy. I was a January CSC filer but we're taking about NOA2 to "packet 3" not a VSC style NOA1 to NOA2 round trip of  the States.


I did nothing to speed mine along - got a house, car and business to sell first.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 06:55:00
United KingdomFor the Brits--fun tips for playing up your Britishness in America

I'm confusing the locals by letting them out of junctions and giving them a wave on the rare occasions they do the same for me.....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 13:24:00
United KingdomFor the Brits--fun tips for playing up your Britishness in America

I went into the my local dollar store here in Novato California - north side of the Bay area.


*I* clocked the accent of the woman working the checkout. She's from Macclesfield and I'm from Stockport. Small world certainly....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-16 14:27:00
United KingdomDoing your drivers permit test in America!

Yes - our local DMV sounds just the same. I'm going to do it next week when I can summon up the enthusiasm for the joining the queue.


What about the Social Security office though ? My local one was like a blast from my UK past. 1980's Thatcher's Britain with a few updated twists.


1) Being asked to leave all guns and knives in the car

2) Armed guard directing punters

3) The DOSS or whatever it's called has it's own Pinterest board - go figure

4) The usual nutter who wants to talk to everyone while everyone prays he's not going to sit next to them

5) The usual mixture of unfortunates and n'er do wells discussing their latest benefit scams.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-16 14:24:00
United KingdomTo all our VisaJourney friends.

Once it was six months and longer - you tell these young whippersnappers and they don't believe you crying.gif


Congrats - I'm sitting here doing my AOS stuff now - this time last year I was sitting impatiently wondering when my NOA2 would arrive. Now I'm here and that time went surprisingly quickly (and faster and faster as the time to leave approached)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 11:58:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

We can get Lindt chocolate here but friends know my partner needs her fix of real Cadbury's chocolate whenever they come over. That and Branston Pickle.


The food "issues" I have here are the sugar in bread (so I make our own  now) , the need to hunt out real bakers rather then the supermarkets for cake stuff and of course the overbearing desire of food manufactures to stuff every product imaginable (and some un-imaginable) with sodding HFCS.


Speaking as a fat git it feels like there is a conspiracy to pack every food with fat, sugar and salt.


<dismounts from high horse>

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-06 12:41:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

I was happy to find Marmite over there.




I will also miss the proper BBC. BBC with adverts just feels wrong! Oh, and by extension, David Attenborough. I know the Discovery Channel changes the voiceovers on his documentaries to other people, and that's a crime if you ask me... Not that I can't get them from iPlayer of course, it's just more difficult.


It is a requirement that anyone who visits brings Marmite. No marmite , yer no staying....


BBC is no problem (well apart from my other half who watches East Enders) - you just need to sign up for a <cough>VPN service<cough> and use that before switching to the BBC website. Makes living here so much more civilised.  A quick Google search will find you any number of ways to watch the BBC.....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 12:36:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?


Yes. Concur.


I've found one in San Francisco that I really like, and actually makes their curries hot, that actually matches the experience back home (there's a couple other ones that are actually okay, but not that UK Indian authentic).  If you come up this way ever, Indian Oven on Fillmore St.. They even deliver (which seems to be rare here, too).


Well I'm only up the road in Marin so it's not that much of a trip. Having had an Indian (well Himalyan) meal cooked by hispanics in a restaurant in Petaluma I think I'm getting this fusion cooking thing too. Fave place to eat so far is Millenium in SF. Best meal here evuhhhhhhh.


And yes there is a distinctly British Indian food experience. The remains of empire , indian food developed for British tastes and as much part of British culcha as pubs - with the two often sharing the same evening timeline :-) I have tried explaining to furniners why it's more than just a food type.


Oh and I cook my own bread. Can't stand the HFCS stuff.

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 03 March 2014 - 11:17 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-03 23:12:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Having been a here for a few months I now understand why a Brit friend on the east coast always goes for an Indian as soon as he gets back to the UK.  I'll be doing the same when I go back sometime this summer. The curry experience (and food) is just not the same....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-02 22:22:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

I'm going to be there (there being Novato CA) in a couple of weeks so I'm getting ready  for withdrawal symptoms). Unlike when my partner moved here from the Belgium in 1996 I will have access to iPlayer , Neflix, fast internet and cheap(ish) phone calls. And that does make some difference.


Will still miss pubs , being able to mention that yes I do like a drink without any suggestion of guilt , the great choice of multi-ethnic veggie food, proper bread and frankly proper butter. I Can't Believe it's Not Butter is for people who have never had butter.


I will not be missing USCIS, DOS, packing boxes and paperwork. And yes I know the paperwork trail starts as soon as I land. POEing just before Christmas does mean I will take a short break to rest and recover. And that will be then I will feel like going to the pub and meeting up with friends for our annual holiday get together. Boo-Hoo not this year

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-07 13:39:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?

Check the POE reviews for your POE destination.


At San Francisco I waited an eternity to get to the front of the queue clutching my white envelope. The actual "interview" was probably quicker than when I was on an ESTA/VWP - "you've got 90 days and congratulations and welcome to the US" just about sums up the K1 bit :-)


It was much more convoluted process collecting my dog from the freight agents !


rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 11:49:00
United KingdomFlying a dog in cargo with British Airways from UK to US

My dog flew VA from LHR to SFO and had a very good trip (well she arrived healthy). I used a pet shipper as I was moving out of my house the day before I was flying out and really couldn't face the additional hassles connected with the dog shipping (forms/vets/booking her in). I did look at self ship with VA but the cost differential (after I'd factored in the crate costs) was close enough for me to pay the extra


I took a photo of my dog on the plane with me. I'd edited it and added some text - "Dear Captain - please check the heating is on in the pet hold". For the first time in 16 years of flying to SFO I actually got to sit upstairs on the a 747 which is where the flight deck is. I gave the photo to cabin staff and asked them to pass it on to the flight deck. During the flight I think everyone on the flight deck came back and spoke to me about my dog. Apparently they never usually see any of the animals in cargo and they were amused enough to pin her photo on the control deck :-)


In the end it took longer for me to clear my dog than it did for me to enter on my K1. First you go to the freight terminal. Pick up her docs. Go to back to customs and get them stamped. Back to freight and get hound. We left the (not very cheap) crate with them as we couldn't get it in the car. My dog is a pretty tall and long lurcher (greyhound cross)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 12:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur visa journey is finally over.
Yes, please keep the good news coming. None of us have signed up for an easy path in life when we chose to marry/fell in love with an international partner, but I really hope people continue posting their success stories on this gives the rest of us hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Congrats to you both!!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 21:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any French/French-speaking fellow VJers out there?
Voila, un moment que je n'avais pas ecrit sur ce lien!
Felicitations pour ton mariage (marrant, on s'est maries civilement le 5 novembre 04!)

Pour repondre a ta question, oui je me suis inscrite au consulat des mon arrivee aux US. j'ai obtenu une carte d'immatriculation provisoire que j'ai du renouveler apres plusieurs mois. Apres notre mariage civil, j'ai envoye une copie du certificat ainsi que le formulaire de retranscription de mariage et j'ai obtenu un livret de famille, assez rapidement.
Voila j'espere que ca repond a ta question!

Satisfaction, bienvenue sur ce forum!

bon dimanche!
lolo2358Not Telling02006-02-26 10:44:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanin Preparation for NVC
Thanks for for input. I have made enquiries and i have sent off my old police certificate for renewal. Thanks Mozeze for the hint on the bank certificate. I stumbled upon some information on Naira land which was quite helpful. I wish all the other members of this forum Gods favor on their quest to join their loved ones......

Thanks for for input. I have made enquiries and i have sent off my old police certificate for renewal. Thanks Mozeze for the hint on the bank certificate. I stumbled upon some information on Naira land which was quite helpful. I wish all the other members of this forum Gods favor on their quest to join their loved ones......
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-04-16 20:18:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanin Preparation for NVC
Hi Guys,

I have been following your threads and it has been very useful to me. I met my wife, last year through mutual friends and we decided to get married on our first meeting, we did not even think of the whole visa process or any red flags before tying the knots.I am a Nigerian, leaving abroad and the plan after marriage was for her to join me at my location. After 6 months of being married , i realized, i could not stay here anymore, due to reasons we could not control, so on her second visit, we decided to file for the i-130. We are 3 months plus into the process and i have a few questions:

1)Do u think the fact that we have met only 3 times and we got married on our first meeting might be an issue?
2) I am 10 years older than my fiancee and her parents are Nigerians, though she is a USC. Will this be a plus or minus on the red flag?

In preparing for the NVC stage , i have some questions:

1) I have been abroad for 5 years and i have only been back to Nigeria 2 times (first time for 2 weeks and second time for 2 months) I lived in Nigeria till i was 34 and when i relocated i did a police report which is 5 years now. I have since applied for a police report where i am currently based.
My thinking is that since i already did a police report 5 years ago in Nigeria and my visits to Nigeria were for less than 6 months, i will not be needing a new Nigerian police report.

2) I lost my birth certificate since 1995 and all i have been using since then has been an affidavit from a court in Lagos. Are sworn affidavits accepted or as indicated in the guidelines, do i get a secondary evidence , like an affidavit from my mum stating my date of birth, where i was born, etc?

Your inputs are highly welcome.

IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-04-16 08:05:00
Hi, I am currently residence abroad, but my sista is doing it for me. I will help u enquire about the price. The question i have is about birth certificate. I want to know if the American consulate accepts Birth attestations, which they give in place of original birth certificates. Mine went missing many years ago. Cheers
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-05-29 07:35:00