Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmy daughter was born!
Congratulations :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-02 22:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes this have a name ?

:lol: See, I know it is a all an act!

I probably ruined Alla's whole USA experience. I made the mistake of bringing them out to her and saying "here, try these" I should have just said nothing. She would ask "What are those?" (still pretending not to know what a tacquito is, she is a grown woman!) And I could say "they are MY tacquitos" She would then just take them and eat them. She would probably still think they are trash but she would eat them.

She has this compulsion to take things off my plate and eat them since it makes her feel like a "spoiled daughter".

Vika says that everything on my plate just tastes better. The problem is, any time I try to order extra because I assume she will eat it, she won't touch that particular thing. Like radar. If the food is really tasty, she always takes a portion of mine before I have a bite. If I give her the yellow eye, she just sticks her tongue out at me and tells me "don't be a grouch".
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-08 08:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes this have a name ?

I thought that liquor, or more commonly large quantities of beer, were prerequisites for White Castles.

Watch out the next day!

:rofl: Like eating a box of ex-lax laced with rat poison. Just the alcohol please.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-06 18:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes this have a name ?

So does White Castle.

I prefer liquor
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-02 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes this have a name ?

All I know is I'm not touching the stuff.

Copy that. :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-02 21:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusITIN ?????????? ? ???
Dima - the quick answer is no. You will not need a TIN (tax ID number) for yourself, but you will need the estate ID number I think. The easy way to handle this is to have the estate attorney cut you a check. That should come with all the relevant tax information, and aviod electronic transfer fees. If the amount is over the annual gift limit you may have to pay tax on it, depending on the amount and your relationship to the deceased. Again, the estate attorney should be able to answer this question by email or letter.

I hope this helps. If some one here with a better command of Russian than mine could translate this response, I would appreciate it.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-10 21:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWear Your Lead Underwear On Your Next Trip to Russia
I wonder where he got it. I mean, do you just pick it up while on a trek somewhere (oooh, look at all the glowy stuff on the ground!)? Do you buy it from somebody at a curio stand? :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-17 08:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady

One last piece of advice that should prove it to your friend. Just google some of the text from her emails to him and most likely they will come up with a match as scammers use the same emails over and over again...much too much effort to write them by hand. If he looks at the emails closely, especially the earlier emails, he should also notice that "her" emails don't really answer the questions he asked. This is because the scammers typically are not even reading the emails in the's basically one way communication only from scammer to your friend...sometimes for realism they may answer 1 or 2 things your friend asked, but that's takes too much time for a legitimate response. Only once they have identified your friend as a potential sucker will they start spending more time. got sued a while back by the way over not policing the Russian scammers that were using their site. One other thing to tell your friend...if this girl was really so out in the middle of nowhere without phone/computer/etc., just how exactly is she paying for her account? Kind of makes you go hmmmm....doesn't it? Advise your friend to lead the scammer on for some nude photos if he really likes the girls looks cause that's the best he's gonna get. Once he's through with that, have him go find a real woman if he's really interested. It's well worth it if he can think with his big head instead of the little one.

This is what I was talking about in my earlier post. You did a much better job explaining than I did, thanks. The fill-in-the-gent's-name-here email are a dead giveaway, according to people who post here about meeting online. As is ANY conversation about money.

Only about 900 more confirmations and pieces of advice to go :lol: I will say that this topic has a rather impressive number of posts that are on topic (for RUB).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-15 17:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady

Funny thing is, I just called him and read to him all the replies and he still makes excuses. He just doesn't want to hear the truth.

Thank you for your response.

And there you have it. Not that that will stop members here from giving 1,000 more pieces of advice and confirmation. It does mean your friend may have to lose some money before he figures this out.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-14 14:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady
This does look like a classic scam to me as well. Another clue to the scams seems to be canned or prewritten email with the victims name filled in. It doesn't seem like that is going on here, but I agree with the other members that are pointing up most of the usual scam indicators. The biggest flag is hinting around for money. If he continues contact and refuses to pay for travel or a visa, he can expect requests for medical expenses, rent money, and all sorts of smaller items. Is he paying to have the email translated? If so, the "contact" could go on indefinitely.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-14 10:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBelarus KGB gets new powers amid growing anger
Posts containing web content in violation of TOS removed
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-10-20 18:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus

I'm not sure what the name of the park is, but once you go past that Victory monument you cross a bridge over the river and there is a park on the left side and the river is to the right with paved walking paths on both sides of the river with lots of tree's, etc..

There's two bridges you cross before getting into Nemega and I believe this is the second one you cross down below. That church steeple in the background is from one of those two big churches you see on the hill from Hotel Belarus, Planeta, etc... one is Catholic and the other Orthodox.
Posted Image

Yep, that's the one. There used to be a bunch of pizza parlors and a brew pub over there. I recognize the lake with the pedal boats. There is a statue or fountain there that has girls taking flowers from the water - some sort of folk story.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-12 08:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus
With Gorky Park near where you are standing, and the Botanical Garden behind the flame? Just checking my orientation.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-12 00:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus

I couldn't even imagine trying to keep up with those people in regards to drinking and trying to do business. It's hard enough just to maintain when drinking over there let alone have to think about anything other than where you plan on waking up tomorrow, and even that is a hit and miss.

The Princess Casino is in Nemega across the street from the Hotel Planeta and next to a wannabe American joint called the "Saloon". They put a strip bar inside that casino last time I was there.

OK that street corner I was telling you about that's has the Sushi bar on it and the subway can see Victory Square from that corner looking towards downtown Minsk. That monument in the background with the star on it...if you keep on that road it takes you right into Nemega, the Presidential Palace, etc... where all the action is....Hotel Belarus, casino's, Hotel Planeta, etc... it's the main drag for Minsk. The Swislich river runs along side of that road for a decent distance.
Posted Image

I think they renamed the street since I was there last. That last pic does look familiar though (the background I mean :lol: )

Is that star the eternal flame monument?

Edited by Brad and Vika, 11 December 2011 - 10:07 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-11 22:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus

With the documents not reaching her yet I am very concerned also about 10 days being not enough time, and She has said something about the big holiday there, next month cutting our 6 weeks to 4
I want to tell her if we have to we can wait to spring to comfort her, but I don't want to come off like our marriage doesn't matter or I am not serious, you know, we ask a lot of our women, to leave everything behind and come to live with us
I will keep everyone posted

Thanks, there are probably some people at the same stage as you reading this, but not posting.

From the Sushi Corner...the resteraunt right across from the subway station near Victory square, it's around the corner and about a 1/4 mile down that's the same road that takes you to the football stadium. The joint is owned by Georgians and it's connected if you catch my drift. It looks like a dive from the outside, but has an upscale look to it on the inside and you can get just about anything there...and I'm not talking just about food and drink. You want a redhead, give them a few hours or less (enough time to die some hair) and they will find you a redhead. Just don't give them your addy to where your staying at...tell them you will be back in an hour or two or have whoever dropped off at another joint instead of having a cab drop them off to your place. Do that and your taking a chance of getting fleeced when your out and about.

Kip - I don't recognize anything in the pictures, but I haven't been to Minsk in years. Spanish Corner was definitely owned by a Russian company though. After the restaurant moved, I only went at night. My ex was the BFF of the mistress of the area manager, so we normally went in his car. It was somewhere close to the Princess Casino I think, but not in the University District. The details are WAY fuzzy at this point. I was starting a business and foolishly trying to drink like they do :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-11 20:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus

10 days is cutting it close to the bone. I sent my wife the paper work a few months in advance and I know that after we went to the ZAGS office to sign some paperwork, we had to get some more paperwork translated and there was a few waiting days for it to be prepared.

As far as a reception...if you plan on having it in Minsk, I know a great resteraunt that rents for cheap. "Paris Corner" near Victory Square. Otherwise go for a private residence and plan on buying a ####### load of vodka...they drink it like fish over there during those things. Her family can do the food, and you can have a wedding cake made up at any bakery. And bribe money. It always pays to grease the people you need something from and need it fast. US dollars are appreciated there...skip the rubles.

Watching this conversation with interest. Ten days seems close for any country honestly.

Kip - is Paris corner in any way related to Spanish Corner? SC used to be on the main drag in Minsk (I forget what they are calling it now). The same company (Russian) owned Planeta Sushi and TGI Fridays. Great food, not too pricey as I recall.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-10 20:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married In Belarus
If you don't get responses to this post, look for VJ members that got a K-3 visa with a Belarussian flag in their profile. PM them. I would bet they can help. Good Luck.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 24 November 2011 - 09:57 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-11-24 21:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs being 'hard headed' a RUB chick trait ?

Yesterday I got a surprise when I got home from work. It was 60 degrees here so she decided to scrape the paint off of the garage. After dinner we went to Lowes and bought the paint and one of those multi-position super ladders. Today she will paint the garage. Amazing...I am a lucky man it seems... :whistle:

Indeed :lol: No way Vika is going to do that sort of dirty "man job".
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-02 16:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs being 'hard headed' a RUB chick trait ?

To answer the original question: yes. My wife has a softer disposition than most RUB women. But, it is still very difficult for her to admit that she is wrong. Also, Russian norms almost always trump American norms...especially in the beginning. My wife is Russian but she was born and raised in Kazakhstan. She moved to Ukraine when she was in her late teens. Not to stir the pot but she always came across as a little more "traditional" (whatever that means) and a little less materialistic than the women I met who had lived their entire lives in Ukraine. Just my experience--no flaming intended...

As I posted earlier, my wife has serious issues with taking responsibility for anything negative. She is smart as hell though, and great with money issues (mostly). I find that simply taking a leadership role with most issues relating to "man jobs", making a decision, then dealing with any reaction with a sense of humor works for us. She mostly has strong opinions about what is a mans job. A woman's job is what she wants it to be right now :lol: When we agree it is her area, I generally stay out of it. She asks what I want for dinner, makes decisions, and I eat whatever she cooks (mostly). She says the car has a funny noise, I take it, get it fixed, oil change, whatever, and bring it back. I wish it all worked that way.

For example, when we paint the house or get plumbing fixed or upgraded, we discuss the color, etc., and she picks it. Then I get it done by hiring somebody bonded, who specializes in that work. Sounds simple, right? Until her girlfriend at the Russian Store goes through her rolodex of this-russian-guy-I-know who is a paralegal, but also installs carpet, and would paint the whole house for 50%. I absolutely won't hire the guy her friend knows, and we have a lively discussion about why. She generally says "OK, you are the man" (or if she is still upset, "my husband's word is law for me"). I don't react to the snarkiness and hire the bonded contractor. That's it. She is always OK after the work is done on time for the price set. She totally tunes in to the fact that the amature has a much higher probability of blowing the job somehow, and will certainly share what he sees and hears in the Russian Community.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-01 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs being 'hard headed' a RUB chick trait ?
I will never show that engineering diagram to Vika. I have this nightmare vision of her taping broken crockery and spraying WD on the sprayer arm of the dishwasher after she blocked it.:lol:

Can't say I have any of the other problems listed here. No orders, little yelling (it does happen), she is much more frugal than I am.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-12-22 16:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

definitely.. that's why i was kinda turned off by that whole Nat Geo special.. the woman that came here, never been here before and like i said, they didn't even really love each other and it might be a K-1 visa wasted ahah.. after she realizes what's up.
wouldn't it be something, if that guy is a forum member? ooppsie

I don't think it would be the first time a relevelation like that "oopsie" happened on VJ :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-04 11:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussending money to russia (moscow) bitcoin?

I was able to add my fiancee to my wells fargo account and she now has a card of her own as an authorized user on my account and WF only charges $5 international transaction fee. So 300 is pretty cheap to get to her. We used moneygram for a long time, and im glad we did since it gives us a trail we can show later if needed.

Good choices. As I said above, we use both of those. It really depends on the bank though for debit cards, as fees do vary. The account with debit card is also not attached to any other account, so arguably it is safe even if some one gets hold of it.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-09 10:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussending money to russia (moscow) bitcoin?
As you see from the posts here, there are several options that work well. Relative cost will depend on how the account is set up, how it is used, and how much money you run through it.

We do both, sending money with MoneyGram whenever we need to. MIL also has a debit card for an account set up just for transfer. My wife's name is on it, and we were careful not to connect it to anything else.

The math is cost of transfers through MoneyGram, versus ATM fees, Foreign ATM fees, and currency conversion fees to get the money out of a machine or bank. The fees are all different, so shop around. We usually send MoneyGrams since MIL can always get USD.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-01 22:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCan we write off K-1 and other expense (ie airline tickets) on taxes?

So I was sitting here doing my taxes today, and had a thought. Some of you may know my situation, but last March I brought my now ex-fiancee here to the US. She was here for 2 months, and we both decided it was in our best interest not to get married. We got along great, but I know it was a tough adjustment for her and saw it was not going to work. Although I respect the hell out of her saying something before we got married, and wish nothing but the best. We still remain friends, and that's good for me. :)

At any rate, I never thought about asking to claim the K-1 fee on my taxes in 2010. Not really sure why I didn't think of it before, but I'm thinking about it now. Also in 2011 would I be able to claim any flight purchases to get her here to the US, and back again to Russia. As we all know those are not cheap either. What else could we look at as well? What would we file these under using Turbo Tax or Tax Act software?

So for myself, and everyone else on here during tax season, what can, and can we not claim on taxes?

Thanks all.


:ot2: Er.... no
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 20:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHello All!
Welcome aboard!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-11 12:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFor the RUB hunters out there.. neighbor whack a wolf

Awhile back I knew this guy who had two wolf dogs. They got into it with another guy's dog and the dog's owner tried to break up the fight (very bad idea) and got bitten on his arm very deeply. He ended up getting a nasty infection that was hard to treat. He was bedridden for quite awhile and it looked like he might not recover but finally did. The same two wolf dogs killed a neighbor's cat. Usually a cat can discourage a dog attack by clawing on the snout or running away...but those wolf dogs took him out. They were some bad news pets.

When you say wolf dog, do you mean half wolf, half dog, or just a domesticated wolf?

So two guys were going hiking in Alaska and one was putting on running shoes and put a can of pepper spray in his pocket. "What is that for?" his friend asked. "Grizzly bears" was his friend's reply.

So off they go on their walk and soon enough they come across some sh*t in the trail. His friend says "This is black bear sh*t" How do you know? asked his one with pepper spray. "It is round and smooth and has bits of berries in it"

A little while later they came upon another pile of sh*t, this one a considerably larger pile of sh*t. "this is grizzly sh*t" said the one. How do you know? asked Pepper spray Guy. "It is large and lumpy it has bits of running shoe it and smells of pepper spray!"

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-01 15:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTransit Visa in Amsterdam?

Do NOT try to make a connection in Copenhagen with only a Russian (? also Ukrainian) passport unless you also have the Schengen visa. You will not be allowed to transit through Copenhagen even if you don't plan on leaving the terminal. My BIL and his wife had to re-book their return flights on SAS because they were refused connecting in Copenhagen.

I have never heard that, and thought that transit through any airport was ok without a visa. The only problem I have ever read about is transit in a country that requires moving from one airport to another in the country of transit.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 20:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 fiance petition - proof of divorce

Thanks. I found it.

You're welcome. For the record, I asked my wife about your papers. Since I am her first rodeo (so to speak), she didn't really know what a final decree would even look like. Good luck to you though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-16 21:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 fiance petition - proof of divorce

What are my PMs?

It means your personal messages. There should be a small number in a box - next to your screen name at the top right hand corner. Click the number. Let us know if you can't see it or open it. Sometimes newer profiles have issues.

Edited to say that if clicking the box opens your message center, there should be a list of PMs (maybe just one). From what Gary wrote, he presumably sent his email via message to you.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 16 February 2012 - 09:08 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-16 21:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine DS156 DS156K Help
We put N/A on every line that was N/A on all paperwork, and had no questions or issues.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-17 22:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHide your wives
(insert MOB snide remark here)
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 20:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI thought this was Great!

Why? She is beautiful and a great singer. You didn't think that was good?

Right. Carry on. :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-17 20:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI thought this was Great!

I mean - why?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-17 20:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved
Two posts containing language baiting another member deleted, and two others quoting deleted. Baiting is a TOS violation, and may result in thread banning or other administrative action.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 26 February 2012 - 11:29 AM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-26 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved
Thanks! Now on to the MIL visa drama.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-23 10:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved
Vika got her card in the mail today - no muss, no fuss :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-22 20:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved

We have had good luck with family and friends from Russia getting tourist visas. Had best friends visiting us the last couple of weeks. They were the first ones that had a little trouble with getting visas, but it probably had something to do with him originally being Algerian with a typical sounding Muslim name. At the interview they were not told if they would get the visa and were offered the option to keep their passports or leave them at the embassy. They let the embassy hold on to the passports, and a little more than a month and a half later they got their passports back with their visas.

This is more good news.

Was at the airport in Miami this past weekend sending our guests back to Russia on the Russian airline Transaero. I laughed as I waited for our friends to check in, and watched how many people arrived and when asked to show their passport produced both a red and blue passport. Of course the guy checking passports always pointed to the red passport and said "let me see that one".

And this is exactly what I was afraid of :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 18:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved
Thanks everybody who responded so far. We will be checking the mailbox!

For TB - yes, I meant lifting of conditions.

It has also been encouraging to hear about all the B-2 visas being approved for relatives.

Vika is still conflicted about citizenship. She is sure that it will goof up the eventual transfer of parents/grandparents property. Does any one know of a way to handle that in Ukraine other than fraud?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-08 10:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved

Congrats!! :star: We apply also the end of the month to remove conditions. Definately let us know how visa attempt goes, we also are interested in bring MIL over.

Will do. I think the process for MIL is easier now than it was a year ago. We used to hear stories about multiple B-2 applications turned down. I just talked to a guy the other day who has been married for three years to a Ukrainian, and has 2 kids (well, one on the way). He brought both of her parents here for a month and a half, at the same time. Neither in-law had ever traveled out of Ukraine, and both travel passports were new, with no other visas.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 07 February 2012 - 11:28 AM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLOC approved
We received the approval letter in the mail today, dated February 1. No interview required apparently. GC scheduled within 60 days.

It feels like the end of a very long trip, and the start of another. More on that later, but we still are doing our best to navigate the various bumps we find in the road. The next thing is to get my MIL a visa to come visit. MIL finds out today if she and her SIL will get Schengen visas. They are taking a trip to Prague in March or April, and then we start the US visa process for MIL.

I have enjoyed getting to know the people on this forum over the past few years, and do plan to stick around awhile. VJ has been a great resource for me as I waded through the paperwork and my wife and I tried to plan our future together.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 10:12:00