CanadaGot copy of medical back yesterday...
Thank you Trailmix for the links. It is nice to know that someone else had to go through the same thing, and came out all right.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have to wait that long for clearance. I have already given my notice for my apartment, and my landlord already has someone else lined up to move in!!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-10-29 12:50:00
CanadaGot copy of medical back yesterday...
Thank you for your prayers. They mean a lot to me. Thank you.
MandEFemaleCanada2007-10-29 12:24:00
CanadaGot copy of medical back yesterday...

I met with my doctor this morning, and the follow up x-rays revealed that I do have a dark spot that is not a shadow.

I now need to have a CT Scan completed. It can be anything from scar tissue to a tumor sad.gif

Needless to say, I am freaking out. I know my concern needs to be about my health, and it is, but I can't help be concerned about my interview. It's less than 2 weeks away, and I have to have a cat scan!! It seems so surreal. I am sure that if I don't have a clean bill of health by the time of my interview, they will not give me my visa.

I don't have anything communicable, so I expect they will delay my visa approval, rather than deny me outright. Does anyone have any POSITIVE experiences to share about a similar situation.

Please, refrain from telling me anything that is going to stress me out even more at the moment unsure.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-10-29 11:54:00
CanadaGot copy of medical back yesterday...
Wow, thanks everyone for you encouraging words. You guys ROCK!! I certainly wasn't expecting that, I just wanted to vent, haha.

To answer a couple questions...

I should know by this Friday the results of my follow-up x-rays.

I did call the Panel Physcian, and asked if I needed to come back to his office, or take any supplemental paperwork with me to the interview. He said that everything the consulate needed was in his packet (which I have a copy of, and there is nothing in there, other than a lot of "Abnormal X-ray, f/u required" remarks). He told me to visit my own doctor, and that I didn't need to bring any additional medical info with me.

Regardless, my family doctor has agreed to provide me with a copy of the follow up x-ray report, along with a letter from him, that I can take with me... just in case.

Assuming that my f/u x-rays come out ok, I'm not too worried about the interview part. Like someone mentioned earlier on here... I think they are more concerned with communicable diseases (I hope anyways!).

Thanks again everyone for your kind words.

If anyone has any similiar experiences, I would still love to hear them smile.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-10-24 07:22:00
CanadaGot copy of medical back yesterday...
So, for anyone who has seen my posts in the last little while, you know that I have been very stressed about my medical.

Well, I got my results yesterday, and as promised, there was a copy for me to review.

The good news is that the doctor did leave out the medical history stuff that I was hoping he woud leave out... which is what had me so stressed in the first place.

The bad news... there was a dark spot on my x-ray. Could be nothing, could be something. So I have gone to my family doctor today to have more x-ray's taken.. gulp sad.gif (It's not TB).

Anyways, the doctor who did my medical said that it shouldn't delay my visa process, and that I did not need to bring follow up documents with me, but he wrote in 3 places on my medical report that my x-ray came back with an abnormality. Wouldn't this set off a red flag during my interview? I've asked my family doctor to provide me with some paperwork once this additional testing is done, assuming everything comes out ok. Just in case the Consulate wants to see more info (which I'm sure they will).
MandEFemaleCanada2007-10-23 15:49:00
CanadaLiz's Day in Montreal
Congratulations Liz!!

(you make it sound so easy, haha)
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-03 15:13:00
CanadaXpresspost Mailer

Has anyone recently purchased the xpresspost mailer while at their interview in Montreal? Or do we have to purchase one ourselves, and bring it with us?

The interveiw letter says we can buy one there with a credit card, but I thought I read elsewhere on VJ that this option is not available anymore.

MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-07 11:46:00
CanadaIts a busy week in Montreal, Nov 8th interviews
Great tips Lona! haha

Good luck everyone. You are all going to do great!!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-07 08:26:00
CanadaGood luck to MandE (Misty & Eric)
Thanks everyone!!!

I'm sorry for my slow reply sad.gif I don't have my own computer haha.

Anyways, I'm back and the review is posted. I warn you, it's long... and rambly haha.
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 17:28:00
CanadaOur Montreal Experience
That's awesome news.... makes me wish I had remembered to write down the tracking number haha...

You guys must be so freakin' excited!!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 20:02:00
CanadaOur Montreal Experience
Congrats Mary and Trev... great review smile.gif

Keep us posted on when you get your visa in hand. My interviewer also told me it would take 2-3 weeks (though most people seem to be told they will get theirs in a week), so I'm anxious to see how long it will actually take smile.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 19:26:00
CanadaApproved and review!
Congratulations Jeremy and Kristy. I'm sorry that I missed you sad.gif

I got there early, maybe 7:15, and there was on other couple already waiting outside the consulate. I said "Are you Jeremy and Kristy??!"... they both looked at me a little funny and then told me "no" hahaha. I just assumed that you guys would have been there as early as me. I think I left the consulate by 9:30. I was the one with the very unstylish, bright blue puffy jacket haha. I thought it was going to be very cold in Montreal, so I brought the warmest thing I had.

Anyways, I'm glad that everything went well.

I also had the same interviewer as you. He was really nice, except he told me that I should have my visa in 2-3 weeks!! What's up with that?? I even had to drag it out of him that I was approved. His original comment to me was "I don't see any reason right now why we shouldn't continue with the issuance of the visa". I said "Um, does that mean I'm approved?". He said "Yes" and the quickly added "unless something comes up while we process your paperwork. Like we find out you really have been married before, or have a criminal record". What the?? huh.gif

Keep us posted, and let us all know how the move goes smile.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 16:45:00
CanadaWhere's MandE, Jeremy/Kristi?
haha, you guys are very cute.

I am back and I have written a review. I noticed that Jeremy and Kristy have, too.

I'll add here that I don't have my own pc, and I use the one at work, so I am not always able to post right away. I have to be discreet haha. Today, I am at my mom's and using her computer... just wanted you guys to know I'm not a slacker haha no0pb.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 17:24:00
CanadaMedical Check & Police Clearance Before hand
hmm, not sure on the AOS procedure, but I do know that the police check is good for one year, so you could get that now.

the medical is also good for one year, but the doctor will want to see your case number first, which you most likely don't have yet, so you will need to wait.
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 10:16:00
CanadaMontreal Approved
Congratulations Charles and Sue.

I'm glad all went well kicking.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 09:38:00
CanadaCustoms Form 3299
Hey folks,

Has anyone had any experience filling out the 2nd page of the 3299 form?

How detailed do I need to get with my items?

Can I just put things like "linens", "clothes", "books", "pots and pans", and then list an approximate value next to each?

Do I need to label my boxes in a specific way?

Is there a process for estimating value?

Thanks everyone!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 12:45:00
CanadaHEY YOU!!!
Happy Birthday Karen

I'll do a little birthday dance just for you kicking.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 12:03:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
Thanks Mary for the update. I am glad to know I am not the only one who got told that, and that Trev's will have his in hand soon. You guys must be so excited!!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-13 08:33:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
oh really?? that's too bad. They came in the same time as me. I thought they would have been quick to leave.

I couldn't sleep, was wide awake at 5am that morning, decided I would hit the pavement and get there early.
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 11:30:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
I was the brunette... in the blue puffy jacket. There was another brunette girl there, darker skin tone. You may not have seen me, I was the first to interview and leave. I did see some people sitting in front of the LED, but they were a family with 2 or 3 kids, haha.

Edited by MandE, 12 November 2007 - 11:22 AM.

MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 11:22:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
QUOTE (MandE @ Nov 12 2007, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Jeremy or Amanda good.gif

AGHHH, I meant "Jeremy or Kristy"!!! Geez, I'm at work, and not paying attention!! haha Sorry wacko.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 11:14:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
Ah, that makes total sense now. I had no idea they would do a follow up fingerprint check, but if they do, that totally makes sense. I guess that was why he seemed hesitant to just say "YOUR APPROVED!!!" haha.

ok, I can breathe a little better now.

Thanks Jeremy or Amanda good.gif
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-12 11:05:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Nov 10 2007, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MandE @ Nov 10 2007, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Like you have had 2 husbands, and were arrested for selling drugs".

Get caught selling drugs and I guarantee that you'll end up with at least one husband. smile.gif

I'm greatly relieved that you made it, congratulations. good.gif I just can't help but wonder if there was something that piqued the interviewer's interest. It might prove to be useful (edifying?) to the rest of us. Those questions he asked when you were about to leave are a bit disturbing but you made it through the process, that's all that matters. Doncha just hate it when they smile, frequently it's just before they stick it to ya. crying.gif That you kept your cool under the pressure is laudable. Grrrl power indeed. laughing.gif good.gif good.gif

If I find anything out, you know I'll share it. And thanks for the congrats.

It wasn't so much his questions that puzzled me, they are the same kind of questions that others get... it was the disclaimer he kept adding when talking about approving my visa "... if nothing comes up, we'll send it to you in 2-3 weeks". I don't know, maybe he was trying to be funny, like I said, he was smiling the whole time, but not in a malicious sort of way, more of in jovial type of way haha. I am pretty sure that if they had any suspicions about something, or needed more proof about something, they would have brought it up at the interview. Right? wacko.gif I think I'm just tired... and when I'm tired, I tend to over think things.

I did find one other person who had an interview recently, who was told they would get their visa in 2-3 weeks, so maybe it's just the usual inconsistency that I should expect from Montreal. Kinda like the whole timeline to interview thing... one day they tell you it's a 6 month wait, the next day someone else says 4 months. I don't think they realize how literally we take what they tell us, and how much we scrutinize every word haha. Well, at least that is what I do. I'll feel a lot better once I have visa in hand, that is for sure.

Edited by MandE, 10 November 2007 - 07:04 PM.

MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 19:04:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
awww yeah... giddy up!
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 17:34:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 10 2007, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations sister - and indeed, those skills are super coveted: specially if you can add Project Management and other language to your skill set!!!!

haha, thank's girl. hmmm, does pig latin count?
MandEFemaleCanada2007-11-10 17:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - JANUARY 2014 FILERS

we are filing for  citizenship this month but do have to have certified copies of IRS records I have copies from my accountant can anyone help with this?

DaleBMalePhilippines2014-04-11 18:29:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
This is depressing news to me... so if we have to wait until he is a Canadian citizen, then we can't even begin the filing process so we can be married and for him to live here until that goes thru? A year and a half possibly?

Thanks for all your help... we need to know... still it is depressing....
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-26 17:41:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
oh, sorry... yes... I meant Canadian citizenship....
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-25 22:08:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
Can he apply for Canadian residency at the same time that we apply for either K-1 or K-3?

Thanks so much... we need to decide... want to get the ball rolling!
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-25 21:15:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
So what is the best route to go? The goal is to be married with the ability to go back and forth to Canada to work if desired, even to keep a small apartment there if possible. Of course we want to be married ASAP and to not be separated... but we have to think about his job... he's doing pretty well and the opportunities for working are going to be way better in Canada I'm sure... but I have a decent job here and family ties too.... plus, we really love the weather here... sorry.. but I don't know if I could take those Canadian winters!!
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-25 14:43:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
He is a permanent resident of Canada... not a citizen... but could apply to be a citizen- he's been there for over 16 years. I wonder if the K3 wouldn't be the way for us to go... Yes, the K1 would be too limiting... he wouldn't have a job here then and wouldn't be able to work in Canada until Advance Parole came thru or Adjustment of Status... doesn't look like the way to go for us...

What do you guys think? K3?
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-23 12:58:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
Thanks! He is exploring opportunities in the US for sure... that would be ideal... but we will be living in KY, not exactly the need for french interpretation here LOL. Although, he can travel anywhere there is a job. I just am so unclear about what is really legal. Is it legal to work in 2 different countries? What about me? Can I come back and forth to Canada as much as I want? Can we have a small apartment there? He's making pretty good money there, and we are going to need it especially starting out. I swear I need an "Immigration for dummies book" LOL

Thanks so much for your reply and suggestions! So nice to "meet" you!

lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-22 07:25:00
CanadaNew here and full of questions...
Hi all!

New to the forum... met my fiancee in Canada... he is French, but has been living there for over 16 years... We have been seeing eachother and talking via the internet and phone for a year now, and we really want to be together. We have decided that we want to get married and for him to live here, since I already am settled with a house and a steady job and family.

The thing is, he is an interpreter/translator, so it makes sense for him to still work in Canada. Is it possible for us to live both in Canada and the US? How would we do this?

Also, how often can he come to the US to see me without problems? He has a flexible job (for the most part, he is self-employed) and my job is a regular 40 hour week. Is there anything we need to know to avoid problems? He has said that the border crossing can be a humiliating and just generally bad experience.

I'm pretty niave when it comes to these matters... never thought that it would be that much trouble to be with someone you love with only borders of the country standing in your way. :huh:

Any insight into what we need to do or any pitfalls to look out for would be appreciated!

lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-21 19:18:00
CanadaNOA2 Issued
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-29 21:17:00
CanadaDual Citizenship...
yes... we're not planning on spending that much time in Canada... pretty much just conferences and maybe some vacation time... thanks

Still, we may seek the advice of an immigration lawyer... we are still not sure if it's ok to apply for these simultaneously... just want to be really careful and do this perfectly legally....
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-30 15:22:00
CanadaDual Citizenship...
Thanks... I'm glad that you did clear that up for us... we need all the help we can get... but I was asking if it were possible to apply for the Candian citizenship and to go ahead with the getting married whether its the K-1, K-3 or whatever we decide... Is it okay to have those applications going at the same time?

Thanks so much for your help!

Oh, my fiancé ran into an immigration lawyer in a pub last night who told him it was OK to have them going at the same time... still... don't know the guy, would like to know for sure...

Edited by lilykouki, 28 March 2006 - 09:53 PM.

lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-28 21:58:00
CanadaDual Citizenship...
but can he apply for Canadian citizenship at the same time that we are applying to marry and have him live here? We just want for him to live here, but to still be able to travel to Canada for conferences.. he can do translations here in the US... we want to keep a small room apartment in Canada for traveling there often for conferences and visits, but we would live here in the house that I already own in the US.
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-27 22:15:00
CanadaDual Citizenship...
Posted earlier about my situation... thanks for all the information everyone... still loads of questions!

The goal here is to get him here to marry me... live here with a green card, and still be able to work in Canada and for us to spend some time there together also. He works as a french/english interpreter/translator and it really makes sense to work there for that reason.

Right now, he is a permanent resident of Canada and he was born in (hold a passport of) France.

He is going to apply for citizenship in Canada (now that we know it is important; he has lived there for 18 years). I'm understanding that if he is a citizen of Canada and marries me (US citizen) then he can retain his residency in Canada and still be a resident of the US? Is that possible and can it stay like that?

What if he were to become a dual citizen? If it is NOT possible to have residency in Canada and the US for an extended time... would dual citizenship be the answer here?

Sorry to bombard you guys with so many questions... but we were really bummed to hear that we might have to wait as long as 15 months... if we have to we will.. but it's hard to hear... still we want to know what direction we need to go in. :o

Any ideas on how we can work this out would be greatly appreciated. (L)
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-27 18:42:00
CanadaTim Horton's
OK... I'm going to have to have my sweetie bring me some of this coffee, if it's that good! Never tried it, but I love good coffee...
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-29 21:18:00
CanadaNew Canuck Member :)
Welcome! We are still working on deciding which route to take... who knows? maybe we'll be working on this at the same time! Good luck to you!
lilykoukiFemaleCanada2006-03-28 16:04:00