Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey jpkeswim,

Aww sorry to hear about your delay. I kind of wondered about that but I don't know enough about how your filing to say anything about it. I do know that if you go to the page where you can track the waiver list. There is a link to I-130's. Over to the right side it says what dates they are processing.

Try this link


Again I don't know anything about this part. Just noticed it one day when I was stalking the waiver list.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-31 15:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Val,

No I've never heard of anyone not getting the post card. Except for REALLYWORRIED and I think something is terribly wrong with his. I do hope he comes back and tells us what is going on with him. He had me worried and I couldn't think of anything to help him. I'm sure you will get yours. More than likely you will show up on the list before you get it in the mail. Especially since they seem to be zooming right along updating that list. :thumbs:

Hey jpkeswim,

Wow your on your way. Hope things go smooth this time around. Maybe since your together now it will make things pass by a little quicker. I still think things speed up in the winter time. I don't think as many people file this time of year so hopefully that will be good for you and everyone else. :thumbs:

thanks for the congrats. hope i get to return those wishes to everyone else on here very soon!!!! :yes:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-30 19:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:dance: :dance: :dance: Yeah.......... we got the visa Friday. He said it looked just like the travel visa except it said K-1 :lol: I told him to put it in a plastic bag and duct tape it to his body. :P I don't think he was up for that idea. 19 days and I'll be picking him up at the airport then I'm duct taping myself to him. :yes: Poor guy! ;)

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-29 18:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Val,

I looked at it again today. I know.......i need a spankin. :lol: I was just curious. I was wondering if you had made it on there yet. Sorry to hear you had not. I don't think you can believe much of what they say at those interviews. I think they just tell you what they think you want to hear so they don't have to listen to what you say.
One good thing I did notice. They seem to be moving a little bit faster getting the waiver completed. Looked like there were several more completed since ours was and more under review. The more they get done before you get on there the less you have in front of you. I do think the filings slow down in the winter so hopefully that will mean a quicker time for you. :thumbs:

Talk to you later,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-27 18:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Paul

Boy it's about time something went quick for you. Maybe they were making up for the long wait on the waiver.
I'm sure I'll have lots of questions but probably not for a couple of months. I have a peek once in a while but I haven't really took a good look at the paper work.

:thumbs: Congrats on your approval. You two just sit back and enjoy each other and life now. At least for a couple of years.

It's been a pleasure sharing this and the other treads with you.

I'll send you a pm when I get suck on the AOS paperwork. :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 11:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Chin up there Val,

I'm still looking in here. Can't help myself. After so long I can't seem to stop. :D As soon as someone gets here i'm sure I will be busy for a while. :lol: I know your disappointed they didn't get you on the list but they updated the list late. They had been updating it on Fridays but they didn't do it until Monday this week. I also noticed they completed several more cases and put several more under review. Our case even rolled off the bottom of the list because so many new ones were completed. So they must be picking up some speed now. I know what they guy said to you at London but I would give them a couple of weeks before they put you on the list. It really does go by faster than you think. Except for the last few weeks. That drove me nuts. :yes:

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 04:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
You might try over at I think she is more involved with that site. She only pops in here once in a while.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 12:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:P Well how rude. :lol: :lol: I get kicked out of a thread and get called SIR all at the same time. Nigel if you call me sir again we are going to have a rumble out back somewhere. :lol: :lol: I is a Madam not a SIR. :lol: :lol: :lol: And after all these months of being on here. :o Yikes maybe I should just say I'm a SHE. Madam sounds like I run a brothel. :D

Ok I will turn this thread over to you guys. But don't scold me if i check in once in a while. Someone has to keep you guys in line and I hate to miss a good party. I'm sure there will be lots of celebrations in here soon and who can turn down a good reason to have a drink. :P

Have fun guys and gals, stay strong and keep the chin up.

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-21 07:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:D Well ok fine. You all want on as soon as mine gets approved. Beetee was on here a few months ago campaigning for new members to add and we couldn't find anyone. :lol: :lol: Just teasing you guys. I know you would rather not be in here but at least there will be some company. I'm not sure if Angela is still here but hopefully she will check in again. There was a gentleman on here the other day pming me from N. Ireland but he hasn't ask to be put on this list so I'll wait and see if he would like to be added.
Welcome aboard dwar49. Your waiver and munchkins are very very close. You both should hear something about the same time. I bet there will be a big party in here then. :dance: Hope you get through the first part of this quick jpkeswim. Get this waiver filed so you can cruise through this for an approval this time. :thumbs:
Ok ladies and gents. If i'm missing in action once in a while just paste and copy this onto a new thread and keep it going. I'm not leaving but might take a break for a little bit. Ooooh I think around November 17th. We booked the ticket tonight and that gives us 4 weeks for the visa to get there so I think we are fine. Whoo hooo! lol
You guys hang in there. It's no fun to be in here but once in a while we can make each other smile, a big pat on the back or big hugs. :yes:

(F) Vicky

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED...............LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05.................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05.................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05.................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06..................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06..................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06..............DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06............APPROVED Aug 21,06
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06..............APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06.................APPROVED Oct 13,06
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF..........................pending
Munchkins... IR-5.......I-601...........CMIT...........Oct 18,2006..............pending.
dwar49.........K1.........I-601...........O/Stay.........Oct 20,2006..............pending
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 18:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

thanks Vicky you really are a star, and if you think you are the princess of whine :lol: you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait till I have been in here for a few months, I'll probably be like a raving lunatic :lol: :lol:

:thumbs: You will fit right in with the rest of us then. We might be a bit nuts but hey all in all we are pretty good bunch to be stuck with. We are kind of like that gang that nobody wants to join but once you get to know us. Well we kind of grow on you. :lol: :lol:

star? not so sure about that one. It may explain why they call me the big dipper. :lol:
(F) Vicky

Edited by Baileyj96, 20 October 2006 - 11:11 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 11:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))) Val,

We will be coming in to check on you. It's a habbit now :D Maybe we will even get a few new people who will help keep this tread going. (not that i wish this for anyone) If any time you need to rant, rave, cheer or whatever and we haven't checked in. Well we are just a pm away. :thumbs: Just give us a holler any time. I might take a little time off from the middle of November thru December but I'm just like Arnold. I'll be back! :lol:

Oh and no trying to take my title away.............remember I'm the princess of whine. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hang in there and hopefully the time will fly by.

(F) Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 05:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED...............LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05.................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05.................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05.................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06..................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06..................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06..............DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06............APPROVED Aug 21,06
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06..............APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06.................APPROVED Oct 13,06
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF..........................pending
Munchkins... IR-5.......I-601...........CMIT...........Oct 18,2006..............pending.

Ok I think I have this all straight now. :yes:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 04:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED...............LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05.................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05.................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05.................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06..................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06..................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06..............DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06............APPROVED Aug 21,06
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06..............APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06.................APPROVED Oct 13,06
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF..........................pending
Munchkins... .......I-601...........CMIT...........Oct 18,2006..............pending.
let me know which visa you were filing for and I'll fill that back in. I wasn't sure. lol


Edited by Baileyj96, 19 October 2006 - 11:06 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-19 11:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Just moving our list up. In case someone is interested.

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED.................LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05..................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05..................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05...................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05...................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05...................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06....................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06....................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06................DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06...............APPROVED Aug 21,2006
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06.................APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06...................pending
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF............................pending

If anyone want's to add their case. Feel free or I can for you.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-15 16:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help! visa denied under section 212(a)(2)(a)(1)
QUOTE (English Muffin @ May 24 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you do decide to hire a lawyer make sure they are a member of AILA.

jenny, here's the lady that i know...and according to that website, she does waivers...

laura819FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-24 15:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Fiancee overstayed on B1 Visa and now has 5 year ban
netsatwork, i have looked over your posts so sorry to hear this happened. like many have stated you have to put yourself in the shoes of the consul or uscis. they will take the comment she made while returning to the us, that we hope or plan to marry as a big problem. im sure the statement was made out of desparation, I just had a k1 visa approved for my fiancee im going to get her in 5 days in ph. before she got the visa, i had told myself that if she does not get the visa. that i would in fact sell all my belongings and move to her, i also have a 13 year old son. i know it would be hard. If you can not do this i would really look for a great attorney to help you, just be carefull and ask for references as there are many scammers out there.

gl luck on your journey.
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2009-07-13 23:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ap but did not get 221g
My fiance has his interview on sept 29, 2009 in new delhi. He was given a paper stating they will contact him in 30 days. They didn't ask for any other documents. How can we find out what is going on?
cfagh1FemaleIndia2009-11-06 23:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Another preparing to file waiver question
We did not have anything notorized for the waiver when we filed ours.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-11 12:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)USC or UKC
You can do it either way. Some people replace it with USC/UKC before they post it on a public site to protect their identity.

Good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-06 07:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved!
:dance: Congrats to you. It's always nice when someone doesn't have to go through this part of the process.

:thumbs: Baileyj
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-12 06:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)NO NOTICE RECEIVED
Hi dwar49,

Send an email to this address. They are the ones who have your waiver and would have sent you the postcard.

They should answer you. They did all of my emails.

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 06:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave
Aww you take care Val. Sorry i haven't been on here much. Just been so busy since he's been here trying to get things done. I still peek in here and check up on you guys once in a while. I know it seems like forever but at least your at the peak of the hill now. You have made it to the's all downhill from here.
Not too much longer and I'm sure you will be getting some good news.
Best wishes and take care,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 10:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)212 (a) (7) (A) (i) (I)
I'm sorry I can't answer your questions. I'm not familiar with I-212 but if you go to there are several people there who might be able to answer your questions. Go to the forum section and there is an area for I-601 and I-212 I'm sure there are several more people there who could answer your questions better than i ever could.

Please don't panic. Take a deep breath and read as much as you can. People will help you along the way but don't panic. It might take some time to learn what you need to do. Every consulate is somewhat different on how they do things so it helps if you can find someone who has the experience from where you will be filing at.

I will tell you that If you do need to file a waiver. The United States Citizen will have to write a hardship letter telling why it is impossible for them to move to the other country. (several hardship letters posted at the other site) You will be told the day of your interview if you are ineligible for the visa and that you will need to file the waiver. Some consulates allow you to file that day and some don't. If they allow you to file that day you would turn in the waiver and pay the fees. I really don't know the timeline for your country but it usually does take several months.

Please try a post on the other site. I'm sure you would get much more help there.

Hang in there.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-15 09:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)212 (a) (7) (A) (i) (I)
I googled the section your wrote. Try looking here

scroll down to # 7 and you can read what it says.

Good luck to you,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-15 08:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG,OMG,OMG
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

WAY TO GO YOU GUYS. Hang in there. I remember well how hard it is to wait on that letter. I tried emailing and was told that email was NOT the appropriate way to receive the news. Yeah i wanted to smack someone. :lol: Waiting all these weeks and then having to wait a few more days. It's just torture but you guys will be fine.
Anyhoo you two hang in there and I will be waiting to read the GREAT news.

Sending positive vibes your way

:yes: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 18:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG,OMG,OMG
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 18:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved
:dance: Congrats to you both.

Best Wishes

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-27 10:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Not quite sure if my problem falls under this category but I'll ask anyways
:dance: Congrats and happy reunion

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 09:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)going to file waiver
Best wishes to you. Hope things work out. We did our own waiver but I do understand if you would rather use a lawyer. I might have used a lawyer but we just didn't have the money to do it. It did work out and we were approved but it was very nerve wrecking.

Hope your journey is a smooth one.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 06:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Filed Waiver in Montreal
Surprised you were required to file for a waiver. By what this states they don't count overstay until after then turn 18.


(i) In general.-Any alien (other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence) who-

(I) was unlawfully present in the United States for a period of more than 180 days but less than 1 year, voluntarily departed the United States (whether or not pursuant to section 244(e)) prior to the commencement of proceedings under section 235(B)(1) or section 240, and again seeks admission within 3 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal, or

(II) has been unlawfully present in the United States for one year or more, and who again seeks admission within 10 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal from the United States,is inadmissible.

(ii) Construction of unlawful presence.-For purposes of this paragraph, an alien is deemed to be unlawfully present in the United States if the alien is present in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General or is present in the United States without being admitted or paroled.

(iii) Exceptions.-

(I) Minors.-No period of time in which an alien is under 18 years of age shall be taken into account in determining the period of unlawful presence in the United States under clause (I).

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-09 19:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Filed Waiver in Montreal

You might look for post on here from ktmmansgal. She filed in Canada and her waiver was approved at Vermont. I'm not sure she is on here much since she just got approved a few weeks ago. You might try sending her a PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-08 19:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED
Hi reallyworried

I hope you don't mind if i jump in here and answer a few of your questions for you. I think munchkins is probably busy getting things ready to ship over.

Once you see you have been completed on the waiver list you end up having to wait until you receive a letter from them telling you if you have been approved or denied. My husbands was in Northern Ireland and it took about 5 days. I think we were completed on a friday and we got the letter on Wednesday the next week. No matter who or how you try to contact them, they won't give out the information any other way than the letter through the mail. Kind of nerve wrecking. lol
The letter you receive will tell you what service to use to ship your passport back to the embassy. I think that cost about $20 to ship it over and back. It then takes about 7 to 10 days for your visa to come back. You might want to ask them when they come to pick up the passport if you need to be there or if you can leave your information with someone else for them to pick up for you.

Best wishes and glad to see your finally making progress. your case had me worried. lol

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-02 15:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED
Got a bit smile on my face because I know how you feel. :yes:

So very happy for you both.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-27 20:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver Timelines
ha ha ha

That's because nobody wants to hang around this forum after there waiver is done. :jest: After spending over 20 weeks waiting on our waiver, I find it hard to come back in here but I do once in a while.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 10:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver Timelines
This is what is left of our thread. No one joined to keep it going so it's kind of burried.
http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=110 Look on page 51. I think that was the last time it was updated.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 10:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 help: Looking for studies re separation of mother and child
I take it your ex won't let your children relocate to where your fiance is. Get him to write a letter stating this. If he won't write it then you write it and hand it to him to sign. Other than that google the affects of a child being seperated from their mother/father. I'm sure you can find something out there.

good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 20:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
If you filed in London you would look here.


You might want to fill out your timeline and profile information. Might help people answer your questions if they can see what embassy you filed at. :thumbs:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 11:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)overstaying visa problems in k1 procces
This might help you


(i) In general.-Any alien (other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence) who-

(I) was unlawfully present in the United States for a period of more than 180 days but less than 1 year, voluntarily departed the United States (whether or not pursuant to section 244(e)) prior to the commencement of proceedings under section 235(B)(1) or section 240, and again seeks admission within 3 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal, or

(II) has been unlawfully present in the United States for one year or more, and who again seeks admission within 10 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal from the United States,is inadmissible.

(ii) Construction of unlawful presence.-For purposes of this paragraph, an alien is deemed to be unlawfully present in the United States if the alien is present in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General or is present in the United States without being admitted or paroled.

(iii) Exceptions.-

(I) Minors.-No period of time in which an alien is under 18 years of age shall be taken into account in determining the period of unlawful presence in the United States under clause (I).

(II) Asylees.-No period of time in which an alien has a bona fide application for asylum pending under section 208 shall be taken into account in determining the period of unlawful presence in the United States under clause (i) unless the alien during such period was employed without authorization in the United States.

(III) Family unity.-No period of time in which the alien is a beneficiary of family unity protection pursuant to section 301 of the Immigration Act of 1990 shall be taken into account in determining the period of unlawful presence in the United States under clause (I).

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 10:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Approval in London!
:dance: :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS TO YOUR AND YOUR HUSBAND!! It's a wonderful feeling. Enjoy every minute.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 08:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)removing criminal record U.K.
Wow it sounds like you have a very complicated case. We filed for a waiver and was approved for multiple crimes that were over 25 years ago. We are now in the middle of our AOS. I thought it was very rare that once your waiver was approved that you could be denied your AOS? I guess anything is possible with immigration.

I hope things work out for you.

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 11:05:00