Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
I think madness is setting in. Ok so i always was a little nuts but now I'm just beyond a little.

tick, tock, tick, tock...................................................................

:blink: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-29 11:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Oh no you don't. ....................this is your week to get the news. Your week to be Queen Bee. I'll wait for my turn but the spotlight is on you for this week. :thumbs:

You all just better not desert me and leave me here by myself. I'll throw myself on the floor and kick my feet and thrash around, whine and cry if you do. :D I sure don't want to be the lone ranger here whoo hooing or sobbing by myself. :lol: Won't you guys feel bad for deserting me and leaving me in here to talk to myself. :lol: Just think how guilt ridden you will be for leaving me here to go mad. :lol: Just teasing you guys.
You know once this is over and done with we should have a little cerimony and christen this thread dead. Nobody seemed to want to join us so bury it and let it die i guess. ;)

Yep i'm on the verge of nutsville.

Later taters,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-20 13:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hello Misty.

Well it might feel anti-climatic to you now but it's not for us right now. We would do anything to have that little piece of plastic in our hands. Just remember what it was like before you had yours and how much you worried and stressed. That's where we are now. :yes:
It seems like London has tightened up since you and nigel went through. Seems like they are denying a lot more lately. I don't think London will be the same as they used to be. Now that they added more people doing the waivers and they are doing waivers from more countries. You guys might think I'm nuts.......but after over a year of watching it sure does seem to be different now. Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling anymore. I'm starting to doubt our chances now. Yeah I know it might be nerves since ours should be coming up in the next 4 weeks or so. But I just don't feel as confident as I used to. Guess this goes along with the whole process. Oh and did i mention it .......................I HATE THIS. :lol:
Just have to laugh to keep from crying and throwing up. It just really seems like there should be a better less stressful way of getting through this. I sure don't know what it would be but I know there are people out there who are wayyyyyyyyyy more smart that I am.

Beetee I hope this is your week. You have been waiting and tortured enough. Keep strong and keep positive.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-20 11:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:thumbs: Looooooking good Mary.
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 10:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
just a bump up. this one is getting lost

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-13 14:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:o Oh geez we better straigten up here or they might think we have both snapped. :lol:

oh and I was thinking more in the line of Donna Summer.......Last Dance. :P

Edited by Baileyj96, 27 July 2006 - 08:24 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-27 20:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:dance: oooh can we have glitter balls and strobe lights. Can I wear polyester bell bottom pants and 6 inche heals? Oooh now that's a picture I didn't need in my head. and it's all your fault.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-27 14:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi beetee,

Yeah I saw that. They posted this morning and I replied. Kind of a late bloomer but maybe they will join us for a little while. I just don't understand why nobody wants to join our club :lol: I swear we are all leaning toward the normal side. Well most of us are. :lol: We are not all a bunch of axe murderers. :lol: We might get a little wacko going through this but I think we are almost as sane as the rest of them on here. :wacko:

Hey maybe if we charged a fee to join we would have a stampede trying to get in. :P

Yes we are melting away here. Not as bad as some places in the US but still nasty. I think Paul is getting it worse than we are on the other side of the US. I was wondering if he was sitting in the bathtub with ice cubes yet. It sounds very bad in California.
I was wondering if you had your fingers chewed off by now and was working on your elbows? Hang in there woman. Just a few more days. Probably next week sometime. :thumbs:

Hey have you thought about calling Copenhagen next week maybe and seeing if they would call London for you? Just a thought but I'm sure you have already thought of all that.

Hold on just a little longer,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-27 13:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Paul,

Glad to hear your doing well and that your checking in on us once in a while. Beetee is under review so she should be hearing something soon. I have a few more weeks to go but that's ok.

Oh I noticed that Nigel is doing the CR-1/IR-1. I'm not sure he has to file for the AOS. Think maybe that was done before he came???? Not sure about that one.

Aww what beautiful pictures. You two make a very lovely couple. Looks like it was a perfect day for the wedding. (except for the temperature maybe?) I see where it is VERY HOT there. Hope your hanging in there. It can't stay that way forever. :no: Congrats on getting your SS #. At least that part is over with. Good luck with the rest of the AOS. Hope that goes quick for you.

Thanks for sharing with us,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-27 09:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Tiff,
Glad to here from you. We were all very worried but knew you needed some time. Happy to hear your at peace with things. I'm sure you guys will work though whatever you decide to do.

Thanks for saying you guys will check on me and beetee every once in a while. I'm sure as the weeks go by we will be ranting and raving. Not to mention the nail biting and worrying. I think it's going to be quite a while before I hear something but beetee's should be coming up in the next few weeks.

Check in often and let us know how things are going.

(F) Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-24 19:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
I am sure it is tough Mary. 30 years in one house raising 3 kids. There is no doubt in my mind you have a very difficult time. Not to mention the amount of things you have accumulated over the years but going through every little piece and the memories that go along with them. I've actually moved a few times and the house that I have now doesn't have much storrage space so I can't really keep much. I've been counting my chickens before they hatch and trying to make some room for my fiance's things. It won't be long until I'm stuffing things under the bed. :lol:
If i was a little closer Mary, I would be happy to help you. I'm not sure how much work vs talking we would do but I'm sure it would be a lot more fun than you doing it by yourself. Besides I would be stopping every 3 minutes to ask you if it's a keeper or what. :P Once you get through the bulk of it maybe it will go faster than you think.

I'm worried about Tiff too. I hope she can get through this ok. I never know what to say when something like this happens. I'm not very good with words but i hope she knows how we all feel for her. Would do anything to take the pain away and make everything ok for her. Maybe after some time she can figure out what she is going to do and work through things. I'm sure she needs time to get over the sock and hurt of it all. I just really wish her the best.

Well I need to go for tonight.
See ya soon,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 19:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
[quote name='Baileyj96' date='Jul 23 2006, 03:45 PM' post='326573']
[waiver dates..London (DHS) waivers list

MistyB........130......I-601.............CIMT............Sep/12/05.........................APPROVED 30th Jan 06
Nigel..........I-130....I-601............O/stay..........Oct 12th 05........................APPROVED Dec 30th 05
Liam/lisa.....K1........I-601...........CIMT..............Nov/8th/05.......................APPROVED Dec 20th05
Mary&Tom...K1.......I-601............CIMT.............Dec 1st, 05.......................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim.....K1.......I-601............O/Stay...........Dec/2nd/05......................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob....K3.......I-601.............CIMT..............Jan 5th, 06......................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C.........K1.......I-601............CIMT..............Feb 2, 06.........................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd........K1.......I-601............CIMT ..............March 6, 06.....................DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........K3.......I-601............O/Stay...........March 23, 06.....................Pending
Baileyj96......K1.......I-601...........CIMT...............May 6th, 06......................pending

Well I tried to clean it up again. I went by submit date Mary. That seems fine to me.

I hope things start working out for you Mary. I'm not a saver so I wouldn't have much to go through. Hopefully in the next few weeks you will start seeing some progress. I know you want to get back to Tom as soon as possible but don't give in and start giving things away. I'm sure you would regret it after some time. Just do baby steps and soon I'm sure you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm OLD too so I get where your coming from. I hate to even think about what will happen if we get denied. The way london is going there seems to be a good chance of that happening. All I can do is hope for the best. I don't know what we will do if that happens. I can't see any way that I could move over there.
Hang in there woman. It has to get easier for you soon. You have already been through so much, your due for some good luck

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 17:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
[waiver dates..London (DHS) waivers list
Liam/lisa....K1........I-601...........CIMT..............Nov/8th/05...................APPROVED Dec 20th05
Nigel..........I-130....I-601..........O/stay..........Oct 12th 05......................APPROVED Dec 30th 05
MistyB........130......I-601.............CIMT............Sep/12/05.........................APPROVED 30th Jan 06
Mary&Tom.K1......I-601...............CIMT.............1st Dec/05.......................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim....k1.......I-601.............O/Stay...........Dec/2nd/05....................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob...K3.......I-601.............CIMT..............5th/Jan/06.......................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C........K1.........I-601............CIMT..............2/FEB/06.........................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.......K1.......I-601.............CIMT ..........3/6/06............................DENIED July 19, 06

Try that again. got the wrong date on yours Mary but I think i got it right this time. I tried to put them in order too.


Edited by Baileyj96, 23 July 2006 - 03:48 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 15:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Nigel,
We had a tough week last week. Cmltdg was denied after soooooooooo many weeks of waiting. We are all feeling bad for her right now.
We never hear from Bostongirl so I might take her off the list? Any thought anyone? Just me and Beetee waiting right now. We haven't got any new people wanting on our list.

Hope things are going great for you. Paul should be back this week sometime. He's on his honeymoon right now. :thumbs:


waiver dates..London (DHS) waivers list
Nigel..........I-130....I-601..........O/stay..........Oct 12th 05......................APPROVED Dec 30th 05
Cmltgd.......K1.......I-601.............CIMT ..........3/6/06............................DENIED July 19, 06
MistyB........130......I-601.............CIMT............Sep/12/05.........................APPROVED 30th Jan 06
jpkeswim....k1.......I-601.............O/Stay...........Dec/2nd/05....................DENIED March 16, 06
Liam/lisa....K1........I-601...........CIMT..............Nov/8th/05...................APPROVED Dec 20th05
Paul C........K1.........I-601............CIMT..............2/FEB/06.........................APPROVED May 23, 06
Mary&Tom.K1......I-601...............CIMT.............1st Dec/05.......................DENIED

Did I miss anyone?
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 13:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:dance: Oh Mary that is go great. Finally some good news for you and something actually came easy!!! Talk about breaking the sound barrier. :lol: Yeah If only the US was that efficient. Could you imagine? All of us wouldn't have anything to whine about. lol

I was just going to reply to your other post. Good to hear that your looking forward to going back to the UK. I can't imagine how difficult it is trying to figure out what to take and what not too. I think I would let everyone know who has things in your house, that they have a certain amount of time to get it out. How about one big huge moving sale? Just for the things you really don't want to keep. That might actually help pay for shipping the things over that you want to keep. Maybe you have a relative who might keep a few things for you? Then you could have them sent over later maybe.

I'm sure once you get through all this moving stuff you will have lots to smile about. Hey you will have a wedding to plan for next............... :thumbs:

Really happy for you Mary,

Best wishes,

Edited by Baileyj96, 27 June 2006 - 06:22 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-27 18:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
NO no no Paul your not at all being smug. We will all eventually have to do the AOS so I've been having a look in there myself. Nothing wrong with planning ahead and getting an idea of how things work on that part of the process.
Wow working with the public is a hard job. I never knew that until years ago when I worked at a grocery store. Some people are just born to be nasty I guess. I think I would have a hard time doing that now. The older I get the more mouthy I seem to be. :blush: Hope you don't get too many of those Paul. Keep peeking in on us and tell us how things are going for you Oh wow I just will be here for the 4th. Are you planning on going anywhere o watch the fireworks?

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 18:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
YO HO my fellow men and women in waiting. :D I just noticed this thread was slipping down the tubes so I thought I would give it a boost back up.

Did everyone survive the weekend? Not much exciting on this end. We did go to the drive inn again last night and see Cars. It was pretty cute but I'm almost getting tired of seeing kiddie movies. :blink: Think I might need to go see a "adult" movie. (and not that kind either :lol: ) Today has been the big bum day. I've not accomplished much of anything. Just doing the non exciting laundry and cleaned out some cabnets. whoo hoo.

Well I'm all buckled in ready for another week of waiting. (yeah, yeah ....I know ....I have no right) :whistle: but for some reason I'm having a few whiney days. :lol:

Oh and cmltdg...........i've gave up on the cheerleading thing. I think it's time we get some BIG sticks and go whoop someone. :o This had better be the week or I'm whipping out the big mean Flyswatter.

See you guys soon,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 17:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey cmltdg,
Glad you emailed them and they answered you. At least you know something is going on with it. I hope you know how much we are all pulling for you guys. I can't imagine the torture of know you are that close and each day wanting so much to see something. I think I'm going to cry for you guys when you finally get the word. I hope I'm not at work when that happens. They might think I've lost my mind completely. :yes:

Hey Paul.
Shame on you for flying over my house and never waiving on your way by. :lol: I'm sure your so very excited. I can just imagine that big grin on your face when you finally arrived. So nice to hear that everything went smooth. Lets hope that the rest of this immigration stuff (AOS) is a little more easy than the beginning of this. (oh I get a feeling I'm going to pay for that) Anyway you enjoy every minute. Have fun getting things ready for the wedding.

Hey I got a little good news........ I think we found the wedding bands we want. I might even order then by the end of this month. Oh unless I change my mind. lol

Take care guys,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 18:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey great job reviving our list cmltdg. I was looking through the thread the other day thinking about it but never got to it. Think you got everyone but I think we have lost a few people. Just us die hards left I think. :lol:

Got a million things to do this week but I'll be peeking in. As usual I'm waiting until the last minute to get my dad his fathers day present. At least I do have something figured out. Nothing exciting but something he needs. He likes to do wood crafts and he needs a new shop vac. Like I said,,,,, at least he needs it. lol

Have a good week guys and gals. Well mostly gals now. :P

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-13 19:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Paul,

I think you will be glad you waited instead of stressing when it will get here. I'm sure it won't take long for you to book those tickets as soon as you have it in your hands.

As far as using JFK as your point of entry, I don't think it matters if you have a connecting flight as long as JFK is your first POE. I'm sure you have done your homework on the temp ead stamp, but I thought I would tell you from what I understand most people don't bother with it. From what I understand it is only good until the day you get married. As soon as you get married it is no longer valid and you have to file again for the temp ead. There is usually a few months between when the temp ead that jfk gives you and the next temp ead so it's not really worth it unless you just want to find a short term job for a few weeks. At least that how I understand it. I'm sure someone will correct me if i"m wrong. :D

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-04 09:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi guys and gals.

Sounds like everyone is having a good Saturday. I've been out mowing and it's a great day as far as temps go. We finally got rid of the 90's for a bit. I was so proud. I actually changed my lawn mower blades all by myself but then I hit something in the yard and bent something on the deck. lol I thought I would come in and think about what I was going to do to fix it. :help: I'm pretty handy at fixing things. Depending on what it was but I usually loose my patience. :wacko: It will be so good to have another pair of hands around here. Poor guy is going to have a honey do list before he even gets here. :o

Well Paul I'm going to go the opposite direction than beetee (no offence) I've seen so many people on here who have bought their tickets ahead of time and then they are chewing their nails and pulling their hair wondering where their visa's were. I don't think it was as much a problem with the embassy but I think there has been problems with the delivery service. Even as tempted as I would be, I think I would wait until you had the darn thing in your hands. Might save you some money and heartache if you could find it in you to wait just a few more days. But I"m sure not matter what you decide everything will work out. If you don't mind me asking? Where will your POE be?


Edited by Baileyj96, 03 June 2006 - 12:12 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-03 12:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Tiff.

Thanks for the Yahoo. I was relieved to see it finally on there but for some reason I wasn't as excited about it as I thought I would be. Think it's starting to sink in what you were saying. How one person has so much control over your life and how you only have a few pages to beg and plead that they are really a good person who made some stupid mistake years ago when they were young and inexperienced. It's like airing your dirty laundry in front of the whole world. It also doesn't matter how long you work at it and how stressful and aggravating it was, you never feel like your few pages of begging will be enough. All the doubts start running through your mind and the nasty thought of WHAT IF it wasn't good enough. All I can say is you just have to shake it off, dust yourself off and dig down deep and get that POSITIVE attitude back.
We all have our good days and bad and I hope you can get a good night sleep and wake up tomorrow feeling a bit better about things. I know how hard it is and I think you are at the worse stage of this. I know it's cruel to have waited all this time. To know that you will hear something very soon and each and everyday expecting it to be THE DAY. I wish there was something me or anyone else could say to help you but I know the only thing that would do that is for you to finally get some news. Boy don't we all wish we had a magic wand to make all of this go away? ;) Try your hardest not to speculate or second guess anything with this process. If I've learned anything at all in the past year is that there is no rhyme or reason for why or how they do things. We can all wonder and speculate until the cows come home but I don't think it will do much good.
Well I'm not very good at giving pep talks but I hope your feeling better tomorrow and not so blue. I know I sound like a broken record but keep those chins (ha ha, yeah i caught that plural) up lady. You have to get some good new soon.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: again.......... Hang in there lady. Your in the home stretch now.

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 20:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Yep finally made it on the "LIST" Hey maybe we should think of something else to call it. Maybe we can give it a name and call it the "FRED" Aww I could have been the first to say........" we made the FRED" :lol: We never have got the postcard they said we would get. He will probably email me when he gets home from work and tell me it was in the post.

I don't know why this stupid computer at work doesn't update it. It eventually does but it's usually about a week after it changes. I must have just missed it before I left home. Oh well at least I know we are on there now.

Now we all have to concentrate really hard and get some good news for Tiff. I can't imagine how hard it is for you knowing it could be any day and getting so close. I'm sending positive Mojo and vibes for you. Hang in there just a tiny bit longer.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 09:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Well I finally got to see it. Yes we are on the list.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 08:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

I don't know if ours is on there or not. I checked before I left for work but there wasn't an update. For whatever reason I can not check it from work.

Can someone tell me what the lateest numbers are? :lol: :lol: :lol: Or would someone check for me If I pm'd our case number? Curiosity is killing me.

p.s. i hate this computer at work. :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 07:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Hey guys, I'm new to this site and filing from the London embassy.

My questions are:
1) What is the process and time-line from the time the NVC sends your approved I-130/Visa number to the London embassy?

2) After they receive it, does anyone know how long it takes to receive the packet3 and the full process and time-line with the handling of it.

3) At the time of the Initial Interview and they determine my ineligibility, can I file the I-601 right there on the spot, or do I require an appointment?

I know I will need an I-601 and I'm trying to assess the total time frame up to the point of application of the I-601 which should take 12-15 weeks.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Knight.
Boy it's kind of hard to answer your timeline questions. It changes off and on during the year but you can try this link to a thread http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=120 If this doesn't work go the the embassy forum and there is a UK thread with several timelines on there. Everything should work the same as far as your timeline, up until you file the waiver.

As Mary said, yes you can file right there on the spot. After they tell you that you are ineligible you can tell them that you are prepared and have the I-601 and hardship letter ready. They will tell you to have a seat then call you back up while they go over all your paperwork to make sure everything is in order. If they determine that you have all the paperwork required you pay the fee. They will explain to that they will not keep your passport at that time. If you visa is approved you will be sent a note to post your passport back to them and they will post your visa back as well. They will also keep your waiver there for a few weeks to review it and make their recommendations before they send it on to the the sub office. They will probably tell you it takes about 2 weeks but we have been waiting almost 4 week. When the sub office receives it they will send you a postcard and hopefully you will be added to the online tracking of the waiver. The time they are giving right now is between 12 and 15 weeks but that doesn't start until after you receive your postcard.

Hope that helps a little and you can see my timeline but I'm doing the K-1 fiance visa so i'm not sure how accurate that would be. Also I think things have slowed down a bit since we first started. I kind of planned ours by allowing 3 months for the I-129, 3 months for the medical and interview, 16 weeks for the waiver and then tack on a couple more months for good measure. Sorry that's the best I could come up with. lol

Hope that helps and good luck,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 18:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Would gladly send you some warm weather beetee. It was almost 90 here today and it's suppose to be that way the rest of next week. :crying: It's usually not this warm until July and August. Hope this doesn't mean it's going to be this way for the rest of the summer.

:D Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-28 21:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:( Wow I hope that last email didn't sound snotty. That's not how I meant it. I just emailed a couple of questions and they did answer me. That's all I meant.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 09:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Well I did just email them with a question and I got a response back within 30 minutes.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 09:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:dance: :dance: :dance: Happy Birthday Paul.

Have you thought about emailing them? Just wondered if that would give them a little nudge or maybe you would get a bit of info from them. Just a thought. I know there was one person on here that used to email them quite frequently. Not sure if it helped or not.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 06:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey guys.

Sounds like everyone is doing well. Congrats to you Paul. That's one hurdle you have leaped over with flying colors. Now it's time to get through the other one. Just how much good news can you handle in one week? I hope so much that you get to find out.

Jpkeswim. How excited you must be. I know you so much wanted for him to join you here but think of everything you will get to experience over there. You will have that to keep in your memories forever. As they say........something to tell the grandkids. lol Have fun while your out exploring. Soak it all in so when you guys do get to come back to the states you will have lots of stories to tell your friends and family. Oh and you might like hearing this. When my fiance filed his waiver the people at London said that they prefer that you write your own letter instead of using a lawyer. I guess they would rather hear it from your own words. Well at least I hope they weren't just trying to make us feel better since we didn't use a lawyer. lol
Anyway...........good luck and best wishes on your move. And you keep in touch also. Let us know how it's going with you both.

Well we still haven't got our postcard from London. Hoping it will come this week. I don't know why but I think I'm ok with the wait, I just want to know that they have everything and I want to see our number on the list. After that I think I'll be able to just sit back and let things take their course. (Ok that's what I'm saying for now) I will still check the list everyday no matter what. It's just a habbit now. :yes:

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: COME ON LONDON................GIVE US SOME GOOD NEWS SOON.......I'm still waiting on those Whoo Hooo's from you guys.

:yes: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-16 20:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Aww hang in there Tiff,

Just when you don't think you can take any more.............well that seems to be when the news finally comes. Dig down deep and find some way to keep going. I know it's sooooooooooooo hard but don't give up. Your so close now and I'm sure it will be any day now. See if you can find something to keep you from thinking about how bad you are both missing each other. Concentrate on how good it will be to finally get this part over with. Wish I could help somehow ....but I know there is nothing anyone can say or do right now.

Chin up (F) (F) (F)

I would get my cheerleading outfit (short skirt, bobby socks.....) on but I'm not sure I could stomach that left alone eveyone else. :no: did i get a smile out of that one? lol


Edited by Baileyj96, 15 May 2006 - 05:31 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-15 17:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Courtney,

Yeah I think I figured out the reason I couldn't view the updates on Friday. I was checking it at work and for whatever reason it was still showing May 3rd. When I got home I saw the update showing May 20th. Seems to to me the only thing the waiver list is good for, is to show you your case is on the list. It doesn't seem to be very reliable as far as showing which cases are being worked on and I kind of think that they probably don't put completed on there until the person is already notified of the results. I guess it's just to keep us busy looking and maybe keep us from calling and bugging them. lol

Misty, Thanks for the congrats on filing our waiver. Sounds like things are going well for you guys. Hope you like your new job and that your husband finds one soon so he won't be driving you nuts. :lol: I'm sure it's a little stressful for him moving over here and living apart from you guys and now having to look for another job. It's sounds like your making progress and I'm sure you both will be working in no time.

Oh I wish you the best of luck on your exam and hope you hear something soon about your waiver. Wow with all this going on can you imagine the thrill of getting positive results on both about the same time? :thumbs: You will have about a weeks worth of celebrating to do. :yes:

Oh glad you finally figured out something with the phone number that would have been driving me nuts. We were so hoping that it was them trying to get hold of you for an approval. I'm sure that will be coming soon though. Yeah..... not much flower planting here this year. I think I'll leave that to him for next summer. He does love doing that and I'm not much good at it so I don't see the point in planting when he will probably move and change things around next summer. :yes: Guess I can't help planning on him being here this fall. I have to keep a positive attitude and go ahead and plan on him being here. It's so hard to think that they would not approve him and to think of what we would do then. We haven't even discussed a plan B so I have no idea what we would do it that happened. Guess all any of us can do is keep a positive attitude and continue with our plans.

Hope things are going well for everyone and hopefully someone will hear something soon. Whaaaaa.... :crying: I want to see our case number on the list. Even if it does sit there for months and months. :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-14 08:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey you have a direct line or something? Mine still says May 3rd. :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-12 13:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:D Thanks becca.

We are ok with how things went. Now just the waiting game. I figure about July I'll be on here ranting and raving. :lol: Naw I think we will be ok. It's not like we weren't expecting it. At least we knew what was going to happen instead of getting to the interview and finding out.


Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-09 07:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Oh wow beetee, two more phone calls. I even got curious and tried google with the number. I'm sure you have already tried that. Nothing come up but all i could figure out was that is was definitely a London number. Hopefully they will send out a letter if they can't get hold of you. In the mean time .....glue that phone to your body somewhere. :D

I'm still watching the list too. I was thinking they might update it on Monday but a week from the last time it was updated is Wednesday. Maybe they will do it then. ????

Have fun picking out those flowers cmltdg, I love planting flowers but I'm not doing much this year. My fiance used to do landscaping so I'm waiting on him to get here. I have an acre so he should have a ball. :lol:

Have a good day,


Edited by Baileyj96, 09 May 2006 - 06:17 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-09 06:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
well i meant to say that he "is" a little concerned about them not keeping the supporting documents. He thinks he might post them over this week sometime. I told him it was his call on that one. They did read through the waiver letters but I really doubt the reason they didn't need the documents was because it was sooooo good. :lol:

I'm not too worried about anything at the moment. Maybe I'm being nieve but I think we have a pretty good chance. Have to have that postive attitude. :thumbs:

See ya,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-06 15:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hello again.

Yeah I think I'm ok with the waiting. (or so i think) I think I've had lots of practice so far. We usually end up only seeing each other every 6 months or so anyway. I went over in March to see him so hopefully that will keep us going over the summer. We look at it as giving us a little more time to get situated and save some more $$$ up before he comes. I've been buying his coffee and things and putting them up in the cabinet. If there is ever a coffee shortage this summer you guys know where to come. :lol: I can't stand it so I won't be needing it. I'm going to look for some more space to put his things too. Cleaning out closets and getting rid of a few things. Good luck with that cmltdg. You might even find a few things to have a yard sale. ;) Oh and I also have to figure out where and when we are getting married when he comes so that should keep me busy also. I want someting small and itimate but I want a few friends and family too. Where do you draw the line though. You ask one person and then worry about making someone else mad for not asking them. Might just elope and do it the easy way. At least I have some time to figure that one out. My other "BIG" project is going on a diet again. :o At least I have a few months to work on that too. I'm going to give weight watchers another try. I've done it before and had some luck with it. It seems to be easier for me to follow that other ones. Have a few people at work who are gonig to have a go at it with me. That will help some too I'm sure.

It sounds like they were a lot more busy when you were there Paul. I think he would have went crazy if he had to wait for 4 hours . jeez I would have had my fingers chewed to the bone by then. That seems like cruel and unusual punishment. He must have just hit them on a slow day. He said there were not very many there getting immigrant visa's . More getting travel visa's . He did say that the poor guy who's paperwork was messed up was going for an immigrant visa. Hope he didn't have to travel too far since he has to go back. He must have not know about VJ. :thumbs:

Oh I did want to ask one question. For some reason I was under the impression that they issued a new number when you filed for a waiver. (don't know where I got that idea) Is you original LDN number the one they use on the waiver list? I think I misread or confused myself and thought that they issued another number when they sent the post card. :wacko: He's not wondering about the supporting documents that they would not take. It was mostly just the articles I had printed off the internet supporting some of the facts that I wrote in my letter. He wants to mail them back in to them but I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not. What do you guys think?

Well I need to get busy. Talk to you guys real soon and have a good weekend,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-06 10:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi everyone.

Well it was late but I finally got to talk with him. Oh my he was so very tired so I tried not to keep him on too long. Well he said it was ok with him if i passed on his experience so I'll try my best to pass along how he explained it to me.

First off he said he went in about 10 am. He did say he saw the ZZ top guy outside. He said he kind of snickered when he saw him. He pulled his number and was called up in about 10 minutes to turn in his paperwork. He said they only took the affidavit of support and none of the supporting documents. No pay stubs or tax forms. They told him they were not needed. He was told to sit again and he said it took about 30 minutes for them to call him back up to the window. He said she looked over all the paperwork and just said that he was going to need a waiver. She did say it was good that he had already been approved for the travel visa waiver. She told him to go sit down again and wait for someone to go over the waiver procedure with him. He said this was the longest wait. Took about an hour then finally they called him back up to the window. There were two working together. One man and one woman. One was going through the paperwork and the other was asking him questions. He did say they were very nice and put him at ease. He said the woman ask him how we met at first and when we met in person for the first time. He told her we met online and she ask him what chat room because she was making her own personal list of the chat rooms. (she was making a funny). lol
They said they liked the way we had done our own waiver. (now people using lawyers for this ....don't get shook up but ) they said that the USCIS doesn't like when people use lawyers to write their letters and they much prefer it when people write their own. They didn't take all of our documentation. They took the Doctor letters and other attachments but did not want the articles I had printed off the internet. She told him they were not necessary. (kind of worried me a bit) Said it was very good that it had been almost 25 years since his crimes and that they thought he had a very good chance.
They did not keep his passport/visa. They said they did not keep these anymore if it was going to be any length of time before the K-1 visa was issued. They did not want to take the chance of it getting lost. They said if the K-1 visa was approved they would send a courier to pick it up and deliver it back to London and then send the new visa back the same way.

He said they made him feel very much at ease. Everyone he dealt with was very nice. (not rude like belfast) They told him he would get a post card from the sub office with our waiver info on it. They didn't know how long that would take. Said that the waiver usually takes about 8 weeks but probably longer. (we already knew this) lol

He also said that they were not very busy today. There were only about 10 people there and most of them were getting travel visa. Mentioned he did over hear one man had not filled out some of his paperwork correct so they told him when he sorted it out to come back another time. All in all he was there about 2 1/2 hours.

So sorry if this is messed up. I'm sooooooooooooo tired.

Thanks again everyone for all the well wishes. Everything seemed to be positive and we are just glad to get this over with. Now the waiting begins.........................scoot over fellow wavier filers........we are joining the troops. :thumbs:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-05 21:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
hi beetee,

You can call me either one. It just seems so silly using baileyj when my name is Vicky. lol Didn't think much of it when i picked out a user name on here.
Well I'm not getting too excited about the 8 week thing. I think it's still saying 12 to 15 on the list so I'm thinking that will closer to reality.

Now I'm going to be obsessing on when we make the waiver list. :lol:

See ya,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-05 12:06:00