Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
your “change your tune remark” made me laugh as I recalled a unrelated issue that happened to me this year. I owed some money for my 2005 taxes. So in 2006 I get a letter for a amount I owe, send in a check and pay it done deal right,--- they send the money back, I pay again, the third time they send the money back I get on the phone because buy this time there already sending me penalty notices. I have them launch an investigation that department then sends me papers to sign and tell’s me irregardless of what I receive do not pay anything until investigation is complete! One day I get a notice of levy, so I call in, hey what's going on, they say that they have conducted there investigation and the letter is on it’s way, don't worry! A few days latter I open the letter it says we sent this money back for theses reasons ------- followed buy it was there fault and then they apologize for any inconvenience, but the last sentence is what made me laugh when reading your post "although we regret any inconvenience this matter may of caused you, the penalties accrued are law and can not be removed, you must pay all accrued penalties and interest as we cannot be held accountable or liable for Our mistakes IRS."
I quoted the best I could as I am at home and that letter is hanging framed on the wall were I work and I encourage all to read especially the ones who don’t like my tone at times
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 19:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Apr 30 2008, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bryan&nicole @ Apr 29 2008, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was in the united states last in 04/2003. I was ordered removed because I had no papers. This was only because of my attempted entry in 1996. In 1996 I arrived at the border with proper passport and visa, but based solely on my looks, a officer tore my passport up and through me in jail! Once out, I was faced with the fact, that in California where my husband and my four month old daughter. My husband had no money for day care, or time, or even experience to tend to our baby. I had no money for layers, with fear, anger and indescribable worry about my daughter; as any mother would, I did not think to seek help at the Mexican embassy! I thought only of my daughter, and I went for her! It was the most traumatic experience of my life! I latter retuned to Mexico on my own. In 2003 I was single with two kids, and I made a mistake. Fueled from desperation, and a dream to better my life, I chose to return to the United States, and I regret it! It cost me dearly, I received sever penalties, but I was penalized for something that was not a mistake, something that was not my fault . Mexico would not give me a new passport as they did not believe what had happened, and you could imagine what I thought of American immigration! So in 2003 a combination of being young and ignorant, I tried to return with out papers and I was caught. In 1996 the United States made a mistake, but all they can say now, is their sorry! I have no recourse for that, as immigration law is above the law, it cannot be taken to court! Now I not only pay for my mistakes in 2003, I pay for a mistake the United States made in 1996!

While I can *feel* for your dilemma, assigning blame to CBP or the Immigration Service for your situation is not only improper, but will get you nowhere. Every tourist entering this country is presumed to have immigrant intent. That is the law. The fact that you were not able to overcome that is not a fault of the border agents, it is your issue. You had a husband and child in the USA at the time. Entering the country with a tourist visa in hand, yet your immediate family already in California shifts the burden of proof to you to demonstrate that you were not using a visa inappropriately. However, I do wonder if there would not have been a way for you to appeal their actions after you were released and get your documentation back. But, I suppose that is water under the bridge. The problem is that after such an unsuccessfuly attempt, you chose to circumvent the law and enter again in 2003. Once again you were unsuccessful.

Immigration law is not above the law. There are ways and means for aliens to hold the Service to task. I think in view of the fact that the USA is the palce your family chooses to reside, you might wish to change your tune as to how you perceive American immigration law, and the manner in which you allege the United States is inclined to evade facing mistakes made on its part! Good luck.

The Supreme Court has stated that the Bill of Rights
does not apply to immigration cases. So, the right
against self-incrimination does not apply.

In regard to the false imprisonment, while the guard's
behavior may have been inappropriate, there's no false
imprisonment charge as he has the authority to hold
aliens for several months on the allegations he had
against your wife. There is no standard of proof that
he has to meet. His personal suspicion that she was
intending to enter on fraudulent documents was
sufficient. He should not have torn up her Mexican
passport, which is property of the Mexican government.
You have a valid complaint for the destruction of

All of these issues are problems with the law that I
recommend you bring up to your Congressman.

this was sent to me from a very very very highly recommended immigration lawyer frequently referred to or quoted on this website
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
I was in the united states last in 04/2003. I was ordered removed because I had no papers. This was only because of my attempted entry in 1996. In 1996 I arrived at the border with proper passport and visa, but based solely on my looks, a officer tore my passport up and through me in jail! Once out, I was faced with the fact, that in California where my husband and my four month old daughter. My husband had no money for day care, or time, or even experience to tend to our baby. I had no money for layers, with fear, anger and indescribable worry about my daughter; as any mother would, I did not think to seek help at the Mexican embassy! I thought only of my daughter, and I went for her! It was the most traumatic experience of my life! I latter retuned to Mexico on my own. In 2003 I was single with two kids, and I made a mistake. Fueled from desperation, and a dream to better my life, I chose to return to the United States, and I regret it! It cost me dearly, I received sever penalties, but I was penalized for something that was not a mistake, something that was not my fault . Mexico would not give me a new passport as they did not believe what had happened, and you could imagine what I thought of American immigration! So in 2003 a combination of being young and ignorant, I tried to return with out papers and I was caught. In 1996 the United States made a mistake, but all they can say now, is their sorry! I have no recourse for that, as immigration law is above the law, it cannot be taken to court! Now I not only pay for my mistakes in 2003, I pay for a mistake the United States made in 1996!
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-29 20:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
oh you must be talking about the American immigration officer who tore up my wife's passport and visa then threw her in jail yes those where poor choices also when the united states decided that immigration laws can not be tried argued or challenged that was a poor choice I doubt there is a moron alive who would say they would abandoned their husband and four month old daughter just because some dumb idiot immigration guard broke the law
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-25 05:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
poor choices you must not of read the post?
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-23 17:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
it was 96 then in 2002

riceved 5 year ban in 96 and lived those five years in usa in 2002 only here a few minutes
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-22 18:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
first deportation was in 96 received 5 year ban same day she entered us and lived there from 96 to 2000

second deportation was in 2002 she was only in the us for a few minutes
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-22 17:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 22 2008, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you need to go to and read about 601 waivers and the hardship letters.

You do have to go to Juarez and interview. I would not lie to USCIS but be edjucated in the INA laws so you know what to expect. If I were you I would at least have a consultation with Laura Scott who you should be able to find information on the other website before you do anything else. You may want to know what risks are involved once she leaves the US.

leaves the us??? she lives in mexico???
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-22 17:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
I am a all American guy born and raised in Indiana just to get post back on track I was expecting to have my wife and family here in a month or so this post comes as a quite a shock I have posted about this question before was told just tell the truth and every thing would be ok more than likely

in the early 90's my wife was returning to California with her husband right before she left her mom got very sick she stayed behind for a few days her 4 month old daughter went with her father, so a few days latter at the border Mexican passport in hand stamped and all ready the American immigration officer took her passport looked at her a few times then tore it in two through it on the ground told her she want 23 and no way she as kids [my wife is very tiny after her third child last year she now at 30 still where's sz 12 jeans that's four sizes smaller than 0} he said she must have stolen this passport and that she was probably from south America or something she started crying said she needed to get to her daughter he laughed called back up and threw her in jail after being in jail for 6 days they gave her papers to sign she would not sign them the name on there was different than hers she had all her papers birth doc etc. but they would not listen after four more days in jail she signed what ever they wanted just to get out she received a 5 year ban once out she ran down the road under the fence and back to her home and daughter in California she lived there five years then her mom fell ill again she went back to Mexico now with two kids her mom passed a way two years latter by this time her husband add abandon her and out of desperation a year latter she wanted to return to the us to make better money however Mexico would no issue her a new passport because they did not believe that the united states had tore up the old one and you can guess what she thinks about American immigration system so she snuck across but only made it a few feet before she was picked up then she received a 20 year ban

also can i file this 601 now or will i have to go through the expense of going to mexico for the interview file there and retun with out my wife?

Edited by bryan&nicole, 21 April 2008 - 06:25 PM.

bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-21 18:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
at thew interview when they ask about that somtimes if they the explamation is resoabl they will go ahead and approve the visa or is it alway always deined????????? when should i fill a 601 if i hAVE TWO? THEY MAILED VISA DOCOMENT LAST WEEK SO OUR INTERVIEW COULD BE SOON?
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-20 22:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-130 Blue Paper
Well it’s been a couple of years since I have been on here. The last time I was on here I was a lot younger in the heart and mind, I was so interested in trying to learn how to get my wife and newborn children out of Mexico and unite my family. Now it just so depressing it literally makes me sick just to think about my life and my torn family and the absolute mess that the United States is. My newborns are now pushing 6 and 7 are marriage has been nonexistent my children do not know who I am and it’s a life I would wish on no one. That said I have a few questions that I really have not been able to find an answer to.
I think our I-130 was approved in 2008 but we never went to the interview because many lawyers, (including one that is often praised on the website) told that just going to the interview could be a violation of her 20 year bar, thus resulting in a lifetime bar. Well I can tell you now that this is not true, and anyone may go to the embassy that has an interview without fear of any ramifications. It’s a moot point now but I thought it was worth mentioning because it impacted our life until I finally thought to have my congressman ask the officers at the embassy, and I received an official letter stating there were no ramifications. I guess if we would of went in 2008 and not been scared off by misinformation, I would have had a better understanding of what I am in for now, by now, and thus the questions I have which are already a day after I was supposed to mail in the 212 & 601 waivers .
My wife had a few children and one was about to age out so I filed an I-130 for my step daughter and her appointment was 12-18-2012. Since we had to go to the place we had feared for so long anyways ( "Juarez", and I must admit, It wasn't bad, we met nice people and walked to the store every day no problems no issues), I had my state congressman make my wife’s I-130 appointment on the same day and time, just to go and see what would happen, she had given up on any hope of ever getting into the USA and did not want to go but I talked her into it. Turned out to be good news and my wife was jumping for joy. My daughter got her visa, she was mad she did not want to go to the US. (Teenagers?), then they said to my wife, and I quote, The Embassy officer said, “ that he had good news and bad news, the bad news is that you’re not eligible to receive your visa today, but we have looked at your situation, and the good news is that as of march 11th 2013 you will have been outside the USA for ten years, and when you file your pardon, the (I-212) we are going to approve it, mail it in one week after the day you were deported in 2003, call us before you mail it,- congratulations “. He instructed me to mail my application on March 18th this date reflects me being outside the USA for 10 years and 1 week" .
Well I wish the excitement of that day was still going but it’s not. I called Juarez Embassy last Monday on the eleventh, but had already had my congressman trying to get ahold of them to see what they wanted us to call for, I had not thought about it until a week prior, and then thought to myself “ call the Juarez embassy and have someone actually answer the phone, then tell them I had an interview on DEC. 18th and was told to call, I did not even know what I was calling for, my wife did not think to ask, “ why do we have to call, and what do we ask”, she was too busy jumping up and down according to my daughter. Well to try and shorten the story which you can tell by now I am not very good at, I actually got through, told them I had to call, and I did not know why. They took my wife’s info. And, bam punched in the gut. They said my wife had to file an I-601, yikes we were not expecting that, those are hard to get approved, this is not good news. My wife was under the impression at the interview she would have to file the I-212 and welcome to the US.
They went on to say, do not do anything yet, were going to send you and instruction packet you will get it in two or three days. I jumped in, mad, shocked, upset, is it instructions on how to fill out the I-212 and I-601, I said, I have that, the forms are filled out and ready to send. She would not say, she repeated herself please wait for the instructions. Well what’s another few days I thought; it’s already pushing a decade. So I and my wife are checking our mail boxes ten times a day and then OH MY GOD I cannot believe this email I get. I get an email one week later that says “Our records indicate that Ms. #### may proceed with the filing of her waiver applications. Instructions have been sent to the DHL office that Ms. #### selected. Please advise her to monitor her DHL registry at: in the next few days."
Some of you may know where this is going, I am still in shock. When we made her I-130 appointment we had to select a DHL location, we done a little research, we knew our daughter was going to get her visa so we selected DHL in Juarez. My daughter got her packet; my wife did not, done deal on with your life, right? Oh know I have found out, and believe I have been on the phone with everyone you can think of and a few you can’t. When my wife’s interview was over, and we were given a blue paper that was checked with all the laws she broke and on the bottom is said cant apply till march 2013. We thought that chapter of our lives was over, and we will see what happens in March. Wrong! I live in northern Indiana, my wife, southern Mexico, Now we have to fly to Juarez just to get are mail, and then again, every single time we have mail, for however for as long as this ordeal is going to last we will have to fly to Juarez just to get our mail, am I stupid, maybe, dose the government have a million legal ways to make it just absolutely and purposely difficult to prevent one more immigrant from making it to the USA, I think yes, they are brilliant, hats off to them.
1 what is this instruction packet there sending me, anyone know, do I really need it. If it’s a generic letter, couldn’t I just mail the 212 and 601 in?
2 I have been told since I am the petitioner I can fly to Juarez and get the mail at the DHL center with proof of relation to the applicant “my wife “, but if I had a nickel left, I would bet when I get down their, there is a problem and they will not give it to me, then I have to buy another round trip ticket to fly my wife there!
3 I sure there plenty of people who have been in my shoes, my wife had a 20 year bar I-212(a)(9)© as of 3-11-2013 she had been outside of the USA for ten years and the I-212 takes care of that, The I-601 will be for violations of course, The immigration officer told my wife congratulations were going to approve your visa when you file your pardon, as anyone ever been told this, is it normal to hear that. Has anyone herd that, then not been approved. Without getting into details of the 601 approval, because it will either be approved or it won’t so theirs no sense talking about it. What are our next steps in the process, is there a topic or forum already written for me to read. Right now I do not know what transition period I am in, I do not even know what these instruction I am going to be receiving at the DHL center are commonly referred to, thus I do not know what to start looking for, or what to start reading.
Thanks for the help
I Think there should be a big sign on the moon that everyone could see from the earth that says “ IF YOUR GOING TO JUAREZ AND YOU DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE IF YOU WILL BE GETTING YOUR VISA, DO NOT CHOSE JUAREZ AS YOUR DHL CENTER”
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2013-03-19 18:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every one can track his Application here.
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2013-03-19 20:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HOT URGENT!!Husband visa denied after 2 interviews and i was questioned.Papers not back to USCIS

It can take up to 18 months after denial before the USCIS contacts you about the matter. Forget what happened, and do what's necessary to start over by a different route, as suggested. Good luck.

If the age difference is large enough (let's say 40 years, as sometimes it is) it may still be difficult to obtain the visa. You don't share how long you had known each other before marrying; a short courtship could be a negative.

As to the religious issue, I suspect it only leads the consulate to look more closely at the kinds of people he is involved with -- to be sure there is no evidence of Muslim extremism among his friends, family, and associates.

my husband and i knew one another 6 months before i went to get married. I was able to stay two weeks.
also we only have 24 yr difference. Look at our page our pic is there. When you see us we look about the same age because I look very young for my age. Also for his religon everything came back good the lawyer said and that our case looked very good according to these kind of concerns.
I am looking to all the options at this point. We may have to start again with cr1 visa.
loveforeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-17 15:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HOT URGENT!!Husband visa denied after 2 interviews and i was questioned.Papers not back to USCIS
We filed K3 visa got all approvals interview set. Go to interview December 1,2009 and i was also questioned same day. Denied. Second interview December 10,2009 also denied. Consulate emailed me after i ask about Jawads papers said they were sent back December 17. Papers are not in USCIS. I have had the senator assistant check with NVC and USCIS the papers are not there. They are telling us just to wait. Plz can any one help us to make this fast and what suggestions do you have for us. We truely believe we were denied because of age difference. Have fired the lawyer because she would not do any thing at all but wanted more money. Plz we are lost and need your help. We just want to be together.
(Plz read our story of what happen below for all details.)

We used K3 visa suggested by the lawyer I hired. So not knowing anything of this I started the process. All seemed to be going well. We filed the I-130 and had approvel fast. As soon as we had notice they recieved we sent the I-129 and had approval fast. Then was a small problem in confusion on sponser but i made enough to be his sponser. Attorney gave me much problem of this but we finally work past this. We send the papers and while we was wait Jawad gets a letter from the consulate of his appointment for his interview. The attorney was shocked because she kept telling me that it wasnt even approved yet through the visa center. We find that for Morocco we dont have to do that. The interview is set and i didnt have to pay the $477.00 to file. Why if an immigration lawyer for 18 years was she shocked by this. This made me start to be afraid of my own lawyer. At this time we have already waited 7 months for the process.
Finally the day comes for interview and I have flown to Morocco to be with Jawad. December 1, 2009. Now the wait for process is 9 months. Jawad arrives early for his interview and I wait in the cafe. He was made to wait until last and then the officer finally calls him up. Jawad said the officer seemed to be nice. He asked him many questions of course of our relationship and of my life here and children my x. He asked of my work asked for many dates of birthdays of children and when I started work. Jawad had all proofs that the consulate asked for and of course all the papers the lawyer prepared. They officer made Jawad sit down then in the middle of his interview and kept watching him. I geuss trying to make him afraid. But we know one another so much this didnt bother him at all. So the officer called him up again and continued to question him. After 45 min of questions he had Jawad come and get me from the cafe. I was so happy thinking we were getting his visa. Now this officer when he saw us come in together his face changed he was mad. He could not prove his point cause he wanted me to be some old woman and I am not. We walked in smiling and arm in arm. He told Jawad he had to go out so he could ask me questions. He starts by saying,"These young men they bring all these proofs and they marry with an older woman and think we are going to give them a visa. Do you understand what I am saying to you!!" I said," I understand what you are trying to say and this is not the situation!" He then starts to ask me questions of Jawad and what we have in common and of his family and where they live and where they were born and I am answering all questions fine. But when I do he keeps cutting me off. Then in the middle of the interview he clicks off the mic and asks his fellow employee where do they want to go for lunch. How rude I can hear every thing he is saying. And I am an American in the American Embassy questioned by and American officer. What is this????? He clicks the mic back on and asks a few more questions and cutting me off when i try and anwer. Then says well we may give him a visa we may do a second interview we dont know. Just go back if you need to go back. Come to find out that he had made sure to ask Jawad when I would go back and asked me the same thing. So I had and idea of what was to happen next.
I was right we wait and they call Jawad and set his second interview for the day after i was supposed to fly back. So I changed my ticket and stayed. Interview December 10,2009 Again Jawad is there early and again they make him wait until last. And the first question out of this officers mouth was," Well did you wife go back?" Jawad said no she waits me in the cafe. This officer was mad. He said WELL HOW MUCH DID THAT COST HER!!!!!!!!!
How is this any of business!!! So he asks Jawad the same questions again. Also he keeps interupting the questions with lets go to money. Jawad answered all this fine becasue we know all of one another. This officer said 4 times during interview lets go back to money. Then one of these times he said What if you find your wife lied for you about money? Jawad said My wife doesnt lie for me we love one another so much and she tells me all she has. Then the officer said to Jawad Well what do you want me to do for you today. Jawad said Give me a visa so I can go live with my wife. The officer said No I dont think so. He said a lot of large words and Jawad said One minute I want to understand what you are saying. You are saying that I lie and I just marry my wife for papers. The officer said Yes that is what I am saying. He denied his visa again and gave him a paper folded in his passport and sent him out the door.
When Jawad and I get back we see he has given us the wrong paper it has some one else name on it and the wrong visa. We emailed this to the lawyer and had to go back the next day. I went to the Embassy and I said this is the wrong papers and there has been some mistake and I want my husbands visa granted. The Morrocan man said he will speak with his suppervisor. He comes back with a paper this same just changed the name and visa. I said i want an explanation of what part of the law is being used to deny my husbands visa. He says I cant explain that for you. I said then I want to talk to this officer. He leaves and comes back and says he says he already denied the visa and the papers are already go back he cant explain for you. Again how they treat people in the American Embassy in Morocco. And this officer used his opion to deny a visa and is trying to use law 221g for his reason.
I came back to US December 13 and we have contacted the lawyer and Consulate and all we have as an answer is Oh you just have to wait. The papers are not in the NVC or USCIS and i want to do some thing now if I can i dont want to wait more. The lawyer said at last phone call that we have to wait and then file an appeal after we get what the denial says. I dont believe this because as soon as i questioned her of how long and how much money this is going to take she didnt want to answer any more quesitons and then asked for more money even though she is not doing any thing with the case at this time. So I let her go and have another lawyer ready to take over. But i want to know if we can do some thing now and may be his papers are still in the consulate. They have lied and done this to others we know.

loveforeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-14 22:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)emergancy help consulate does it again
we just had interview and this is our second case we haveee been file K3 2009 and we got revoke then on July 5 we file IR1cus we have been married for more than 3yrs and we had interview today the strange part that the officer asked few question about my wife then its said that our case is illegel cus there is K3 and CR1 matched up togther the officer said that is not right ihave been asked her if its not right then why USCIS approved it she said idont know that why ineed to send the case back to USCIS and she have been give me 221g selection 221(g) and selection 212(a)(6)©(1) plz any one have any idea what we can do now its have been more than 3yrs of married now and if the case back to USCIS it will take long time there is any advice can help us and my wife is here with me and she get appointment online to go to the consulate so she can try to understand whats going on any one can help ill be happy to get ur advice guys
loveforeverFemaleMorocco2012-05-15 10:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After the I-601 has been denied
Thanks Jaqui! The denial letter was very informative and gave me the same information you cited. I was just wondering if we should even do the appeal since there is the 5 year ban. He has 2 years left of that ban. I go to see the lawyer on Wednesday to see what they say. BTW -- I just registered for the immigrate2us site. Thanks!

I'm sorry to hear this. The reason he was granted TPS is because he had not incurred the 5 year ban yet. The ban does not come into effect until he tries to apply for a visa:

Department of State - Skipped an immigration court hearing in the US. INA 212(a)(6)(B) - 5-year ban with no waiver
"(B) Failure to attend removal proceeding.-Any alien who without reasonable cause fails or refuses to attend or remain in attendance at a proceeding to determine the alien's inadmissibility or deportability and who seeks admission to the United States within 5 years of such alien's subsequent departure or removal is inadmissible."

He had to seek admission (apply for visa) and depart/be removed from the US.

You will find many other wives in this situation on the website for wives petitionining through El Salvador.

beckybFemaleEl Salvador2011-09-12 02:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After the I-601 has been denied
We received my husbands I-601 denial letter on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The part of the immigration act cited for the denial said that since he failed to appear at his deportation hearing after he was arrested for illegally entering the country that he was ineligible for a waiver for 5 years. He was deported 3 years ago so we have another 2 years of waiting. Along with the denial letter, however, came the paperwork for the 212 appeal. What do we do? Do I keep the case alive by appealing the decision spending Lord knows how much more money or do we wait until 2013? Do I try to find another lawyer? I don't know what to do. I feel like this is a bogus reason for denying his waiver application.

My reason for thinking it's bogus: During the time my husband was in the US (illegally) he applied for and received TPS (temporary protective status) and a work visa. Both of these approvals came after he missed the deportation hearing. Do we have any grounds for appeal based on that? Or are we just beating our heads against a bureaucratic brick wall? :bonk:
beckybFemaleEl Salvador2011-09-08 00:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After the I-601 has been turned in...
This is my question:
So, I haven't heard anything about the status of my husband's case for quite a long time. Actually we haven't heard anything since his interviews at the US embassy in El Salvador last May (2010). Very soon after (in June 2010) we turned in his I601. I tried to be patient, but then called and asked our lawyer for an update. She said she called the embassy and was told his case had been transferred in June of 2010 to the Dept of Homeland Security. What?! What does this mean? Is this bad? According to the embassy site they are processing applications submitted prior to April 2010. We're getting closer, but I'm getting really nervous? Is there anyone out there with a similar situation to ours?

PS--I know I have to update my timeline if I want good feedback, I just don't know that I've kept as good a track on the info as I should have.
beckybFemaleEl Salvador2011-07-01 01:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Nigel.

Sounds like you have your hands full and busy there working on your home. Gosh it seems just like yesterday you were on here waiting. It's been several months and that seems impossible. :lol:

Yeah I guess we filed just a tiny bit later than we should. Not sure why things came to a hault over there. You know sometimes It would be nice if they would just give you a straight answer. Tell you they are just back logged and running behind because of vacations, busy doing other things. Anything is better than getting a canned response to an email.

Oh well after a couple of weeks of feeling flustrated and devistated, well I think I'm at peace now. Well at least I don't feel like I'm having a panic attack all the time. :D

Come back soon and let us know how things are going with you.

Thanks for checking in and the good wishes,

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 20:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
No problem KTM.

Hey it was just a few items and it was on the web. I just told you where to find it and that's what we are all here for. To help each other and to support each other. I don't see a problem with people using the same information if it applies to their situation. Many people on the other site do it and the majority of them file at the same embassy.

London did the same to us. They said some of our documentation wasn't necessary and removed it from the package. We just mailed it in to the sub office a couple of days later. Kind of makes you wonder how much of it they throw away after you leave. I doubt now that we will receive an RFE for more information. We have been under review for almost 4 weeks but nothing would surprise me. :no:

I'm just disappointed because London was doing pretty good about sticking to their 12 to 15 week time frame until our case come up. At least for the cases of people on here. Now they have slowed way down and I'm just getting a little anxious. It makes me feel bad for whining when so many others have to wait much longer than I do. It's just that I've been watching for over a year and expected things to be done by now. I should have known better. :yes:

I hope things go a little quicker for you than what seems to be the normal for Canada. It's strange why they all can't be close to the same timeline. I can't imagine the stress it causes for people who have to wait much longer than I have. I guess if your expecting it, well that might help a little.

Hang in there and keep at them. Stay strong most of all

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 04:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

You hang in there sweetie!!!! :yes: :thumbs: (F)

Not much else to do --- I get frustrated with spinning my wheels too Vicky --- We have been waiting since April 7th about 1 month beyond you --- we knew that Vermont moved extremely slow --- but we were hoping something --- I thought with you going through London you would have gotten yours before us --- and you still might ---

Let us hope that we both hear something soon. :thumbs:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-08 20:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Gosh thanks guys. You made me cry. It doesn't take much to do that these days. :blush: I have a million people asking me everyday if we have heard anything yet. I feel bad because I actually snapped at one person the other day and I know they mean no harm. I told them not to worry. When we hear something they will know it. (if it's good news) I guess they just don't understand that this is do or die for us. This one part will decide if we get to live the life we dream about. They just don't understand how important this is. There is no way to make them understand. I'm so glad I don't have to try to explain it to you guys. Don't get me wrong. I don't wish this on anyone but it's nice to know that there is someone who knows how this twist you all up on the inside and outside.

Thanks for listening and thanks for not making me feel like a blooming idiot. :whistle:

Wish I could help you out with the paperwork but I don't know anything about the I-130 or the K-3. You might try posting that in another thread to get a quicker response. Sorry wish I could help. I hope they get all the bugs worked out and things go smoother for you when you guys get to this point. Maybe something will happen before you guys have to go through this again. Wouldn't it be sooooooooo nice? :yes:

Thanks again,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-04 18:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Thanks Val,

I need all the support and prayers I can get right now. I appreciate them so much. I seem to be turning into a flaming basket case right now. I think the ladies I work with are ready to shoot me with a traquilizer gun. :yes: They aren't brave enough to get close to do it so they thought the gun would work. :lol:

Think I'm going to give up thinking it will be any time. Think I would be better off thinking of sometime in January. :whistle: I'm trying my hardest not to whine but sometimes I feel like exploiding if I don't rant.
Jeez I hate feeling like I'm not in control of anything. I hate that because I always have a plan or a way to figure things out. This time it's out of my hands. Just wait and worry. :( Oh well I guess one of these days it will be over with and I'll be ashamed and embarrased for being such a big baby. :D

Thanks again,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-04 06:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Well London did a big overhaul earlier this year. They are doing more waivers from other countries and I think they have changed or added some personel. It seems to be a little different now that it used to be.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-02 11:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Misty,

Not so well right now. All the doubts and worrying is so mind blowing. Not sure I can take much more of this but what choice do I have? :lol: Week 1 thru 12 wasn't so bad but week 12 thru 18 and still counting just sux!

Thanks for checking in.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-02 09:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Thanks mary.

Yeah it's so hard just not knowing. Can't make any plans and If you do you get it in your mind your going to jinx the out come. Sort of like dam if you do and dam if you don't. (i know how to spell it, just trying to be nice) :lol: You just keep second guessing everything. Wondering if your hardship letter was good enough. If you did the best you could on it or if you could have done better. Just a million things go through your mind and I guess you just have to stop. But it's sooooooo hard not wondering. I guess you just have to hope for the best and keep your fingers crossed. You know I think the last few weeks are the hardest. It's been 38 weeks since I filed for the K-1 and I'm so ready to hear something. I'm just tired of wondering.

Anyhoo ..........Just got to smile and keep going.................on and on and on and on and on and on. :thumbs:


:D Geez I was all worked up about my whining I forgot to ask Mary........ so are you getting all settled in now? Feeling somewhat relazed and rested yet?

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-07 12:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Munkins,

Naww I'm just trying to sneak by so they don't notice me. :innocent: You can't piss them off or it will be "off with your head" :yes: It does say 12 to 15 weeks and today is our official 14 weeks so they still have one more week to torture us. :lol: Unless they update the list and change it to 15 to 20 weeks. Wouldn't that just be my luck. :whistle:

I'm sure we will hear something soon. Hope you guys get good news at the interview and don't need to go through this.

Happy Thursday,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-07 10:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Ok I think I got everyone fixed back up. If Anyone else would like to be added, just let us know.

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED.................LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05..................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05..................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05...................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05...................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05...................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06....................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06....................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06................DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06...............APPROVED Aug 21,2006
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06.................APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06...................pending
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF............................pending

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 07:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Angela

Welcome aboard. Sorry to hear that you will be filing a waiver. We all know how hard that is and don't wish this on anyone. Good luck with everything and Best wishes to you. I'll add you to our list and when you get everything filed let us know and we can update you. We hope the list helps others that need to file a waiver. Kind of helps being able to see how long things seem to take. Your our first doing the CR-1 visa. Might help some other people who will be doing the same.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm sure someone here can help you out or at least try their best.

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED.................LATEST INFO...
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05..................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05..................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05...................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05...................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05...................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06....................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06....................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06.................DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........K3.........I-601...........O/Stay.........March 23, 06...............APPROVED Aug 21,2006
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT............????????.....................APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT............May 6, 06...................pending
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT............ NYF...........................pending

:thumbs: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 06:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Ooooooh lookie what I got to do. I got to put APPROVED by Beetee's name. :dancing: Oh and I thought I might change this to the "VICKY" thread now since I'm the last man standing. ........... ok woman.......... :lol:

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED.................LATEST INFO...
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05..................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05..................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05...................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05...................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05...................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06....................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06....................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06.................DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........K3.........I-601...........O/Stay.........March 23, 06...............APPROVED Aug 21,2006
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT............May 6, 06...................pending
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT............????????.....................APPROVED July 24, 06

:thumbs: Vicky

Edited by Baileyj96, 04 September 2006 - 05:31 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-04 17:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Gosh Irish I'm sorry I missed your post. Duh!!!! Ok I not only don't have a memory, can't hear or remember my name..............I can't read either. Just think all that and my honey still loves me. :lol:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Sooooooooooooooo glad you didn't need a waiver. Wow that means you will be together soon.

Congrats to you both.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 16:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hello cmltdg

Hey how was your trip? You never said or did I get that wrong and you haven't been yet? :lol: I can't keep anything straight anymore. I can't remember my name most days. Think that's just old age though. :D
Well today is our 13th week. We filed the waiver on May 5th but it took them 4 weeks to put us on the list. I think we were put on there June 1st. That's where i'm counting from anyway. I think we at least have a couple more weeks to go. I've been studying that stupid waiver list and from what I can tell we should be around the 4th one in line now. They keep moving us around but I printed out the last 8 or 9 updates. Yes I know I'm so sad. :lol: We will get there soon enough. Just keep puttering a little at a time. Beetee and I pm each other a few times a day. Do our regular ranting and whining. But we are doing fine. Just wish she could get someone to tell her something so she doesn't have to wait any longer. So cruel.

Thanks for keeping an eye on us. :thumbs:
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 11:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Munchkins,

Thanks for the well wishes. I know where you are coming from. We are kind of in the same situation as you two. Ours was over 24 years ago and was when he was young and stupid. It stinks having to go through this but at least it was expected. I think I would have had heart failure if he had went to the interview and they denied him and I knew nothing at all about the waiver process. I spent all last summer reading and researching and we waited to file in the late fall. Tried to figure out how long everything was going to take. I figured October so I'm doing ok even though it's bugging me now waiting knowing we are getting close to hearing something. It actually scares the ####### out of me now. Knowing that soon we will learn our fate. Just have to keep your chin up and have a positive attitude. Gets hard sometime but you have good days where you are very hopeful then once in a while you have those nasty days where your mind starts to think ........what if.

geez i'm blabbing again..................

Keep your positive attitude and good luck on your interview. I hope that you don't need to go through this. But if you do you WILL be fine. :yes:

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 19:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Dang New Orleans I thought I had read that Canada takes a pretty long time for waivers. Kind of puts us in our place for whining about 12 to 15 weeks. A few went slightly over that but still it's a lot better than waiting over 7 months. I do think there is one or two who post on here that are going through Canada and from what I remember they are having the same problems. Makes you wonder why it's so different between embassy's. You would think in this day and age, with technology things would be more standardized. Guess we will never figure out how things work. Guess we have to remember it is the government. Not that it should make a difference.

I wish you the best and I do hope you hear something before the ban is actually lifted. Don't mean to make light of your situation but I don't think I will take you up on that bet. :no: (just trying to make you smile)

Oh and we do have spell check here. Just over from the font and size. (abc and check) I usually forget to use it. :P You will get the hang of it.

Have a good evening,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 19:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Paul.

Thanks everyone for checking in. They didn't do anything with ours this time except move us back down to the bottom of the list. Hey that considered movement? :lol:

So excited for Beetee. Hope she gets something fast.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 11:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
:D You get on that phone woman...........don't make me come over there!!!! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 11:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
We had some movement on the waiver list.....................beetee..................go have a look.................................... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:D Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 10:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Thanks Irish, We are keeping our fingers crossed. Guess that's about all we can do. Just keep thinking any day now........................... but the clock keeps ticking away. :D

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 08:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Good morning,

Hi New Orleans. Stop in anytime. There seems to be only two of us waiting now. Doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to join in with us to keep the thread going. Your more than welcome to join in with us anytime. Do you have any information on how long it takes in Canada? I think I've seen a few people who have filed waivers in Canada. Do those go through Vermont? Hope it doesn't take too long for you. I know no matter how long it is, it seems like forever.

Best wishes to you,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 05:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
I think madness is setting in. Ok so i always was a little nuts but now I'm just beyond a little.

tick, tock, tick, tock...................................................................

:blink: Vicky
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-29 11:03:00