Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Misty,

Yes I kind of feel that they don't like for people to know about the waiver. The information that you can find is burried very deep and takes a lot of search to find anything. The second time I replied and ask again for the information, the person wrote back and ask for my case number and if I had been denied. Then they would answer my question. I just let it drop. For some reason it creeped me out why they needed this information just to answer a simple question.

Hi Nigel,

Yes I saw this post on the other site. I don't know how she got the approval so quick but it did sound like she might have had a little help somehow or she had a slam dunk letter. Would be interesting to see her letter just to see what was so convencing that it only took a short time to get approved. But hey, good for anyone who gets through this quick!

Have a great day


Morning Paul

Yeah I think we will be using the debit card. A bit of a sheltered child here and I wasn't sure how that would work. :lol:

Hummm that's interesting that they ask you how you knew about the I-601. Hope you didn't let the cat out of the bag :P I've seen on here that some of the staff at some of the embassies read this forum. Kind of makes you feel like "big brother" is watching us. lol

Thanks for the info,


Edited by Baileyj96, 08 February 2006 - 05:39 AM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-08 05:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Nigel. Yeah I posted my letter on the other site. I saw there was a post today but I try not to post much when I'm at work. I'll send a thank you tonight Oh and thank you for saying it was a nice letter. I think I will try to beef it up a bit more and then leave it alone. Not sure my poor little pea brain can do much more with it. :P

thanks for the reply cmltdg. I wanted to reach through the email and smack whoever was sending those emails. I mean really, what is the big deal about answering my question? There is like NO chance they won't be denying the visa so please just answer my simple question so we can be prepared. Anyway enough about that.

Found out Northern Ireland has a postal strike going on right now. Just in time for us to be receiving packet 3. :crying: Oh well we have been pretty lucky so far. Things have been going steady since we filed at the end of November.

Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone.

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 18:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Thanks Paul C

Neither one of us are using credit cards at the moment, so we were just trying to figure out the best way. Plus I was under the impression the fee had to be paid with US dollars. We both have visa debit cards so that should work out ok. (sorry if i sound like a hick) lol

Thanks again,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 08:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Can someone tell me what other payment methods are accepted in London for the waiver fees? (besides credit card) Will they take money order or cashier check? If so who is it made out to?
I emailed the embassy but all they did was inform me of the procedure for the I-601. Told me to wait for the interview to see if we were denied and then we would be instructed on how to pay. I emailed back and they still wouldn't tell me. They just ask me to provide information on my visa and if we had been denied. It this top secrect information? jeez....... We just want to have this all prepared so we can turn this in when he has his interview.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 05:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Don't mean to butt in here ......................just wanted to say congrats for getting your waiver sent in.
Hope the time goes by quick for you. (as quick as possible)

Best Wishes
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 18:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Misty.

Sorry to hear your still waiting. I'm sure it won't be long now. (and i know that doesn't help) The only new news we have is that our paperwork is on its way to London. Probably more than likely there by now. Just waiting on them to send the packet. I've done some more work on the waiver letter but it's just so stinking hard. :wacko: At least for me it is. I'm hoping it will help that his record is over 24 years old but who knows. I saw the post on immigrate2us that knight posted where he was trying to say that waivers were automatically approved if it has been over 15 years but I have never seen anyone ever say they were approved for that. Oh well ........... hope your having a good weekend. Hope you do hear something next week.


Oh Hi cmltdg. you snuck in there on me. Just want to wish you good luck on filing your waiver. Will be watching for your approval too. Everyone gets to go before us. lol

Edited by Baileyj96, 28 January 2006 - 04:55 PM.

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-28 16:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601 waiver approved
:dance: :dance: :dance: Congrats to you and your family. Have a great time celebrating and have a safe trip home. :thumbs:

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-29 04:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Wow thanks so much for all the info. My fiance will be going for his Medical in April. I thought this post would be helpful to him so I emailed it to him.

Great job and thanks for taking the time to do this,

Oh and congrats on getting this part done and over with. :thumbs:

Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-22 19:57:00
United Kingdom18th October interview anyone
Hello Munchkins,

Just wanted to stick my nose in here and say congrats for getting your medical done. Sounds like it went fine except for the taxi driver. :P

Best wishes,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-26 05:57:00
United KingdomLondon Interview/Medical Exam in Scotland or London?

Just wanted to put my two cents in here. My finace is flying over for his medical in April. As soon as we got the date from them we emailed london and (very nicely) requested his interview for the same day. They seemed like they were going to try to accomodate us but we decided it would be too much to try to do in one day. We eventually ask for a date in May and they gave us May5th.

Anyhoo what I'm trying to say is after you book your medical date you might try emailing london and tell them that you finace will need to fly over for the medical and ask if if would be possible to have his interview the day after (or whatever works for you). It will delay you getting your visa because they will have to wait for the medical results but if you don't mind waiting it might save you some money for plane tickets.

We didn't mind waiting because we know we will be filing a waiver and wouldn't receive the visa for several weeks anyway.

Just a thought,
Baileyj96FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-13 22:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

I think that, if the spouse of the beneficiary is a US born citizen it will be more scrutinized at the interview just because (my opinion) an (Albanian) US citizen has a more understandable reason to be married in Albania.
but thats just an opinion. Also all the Albanian members here at VJ when they describe the interview day it seems like there are a lot of people applying for visa there, and for a small country like Albania that may rise flags.
We all are very frustrated about whats going on at the US embassy in Tirana and hopefully it ends soon!!!!!!

keep in mind though in Aug -Sept alot of those are student visa's and all countries have a lot at that time , even England, France etc students wanting to study in USA..they are not necessarily family visas..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-09-20 15:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

I understand your frustration as I'm very stressed my self. Our interview it's on 31 of October and the closer it gets the harder it is.
Sometimes the less you know about something the easer it is.
thats what i tell my self: I wish i never knew about this forum and just did the things that nvc asked for.....but more i read about other people stories more worried I become
with what i have understood with the visa process in general is that, Yes its a very complicated process but that's also because a lot of people abuse it!
Every couple it's a story in its self.
A lot of people that go through this process make decisions that it will effect the rest of their lives.
And at the end of the day I just want my wife to be with me ASAP and if CO gives her the visa on the day of the first interview than this process for me its worth it!!!

yeah this is happening to me too, after knowing about AP im worried..and i agree maybe the less i knew..:)..i dont know if its effecting younger people or not but good point..i know my husbands cousin was approved in Jan and she was 22 she just had to show more proof of relationship(via skype and photos) i thank God got a rfe and they got sent like 3 lbs of proof for I130 plus we have more for Im USA born and not Albanian either.
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-09-20 15:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

Thanks for the info.
I wish that you and your love one reunite soon.

I don't know anything about AP and I am glad for you that 221g is betetr that 221a but checkin a box with a single word " other" is more like saying anything goes....

Anyone has any knowledge as to why is Albania throwing AP's at people for no apparent reason? To the best of my knowledge APs just surfaced this year at the Tirana Embassy

Anyone correct me if I am wrong

yeah it just started like the last 4-5 months been speculation its the american ambassadors doing to the problems with the elections ..but who knows all speculation husband is up for interview Oct 13th, hoping the best , fearing the worst..someone said its more likely to get ap if spouse in USA Albanian also anyone heard this? Good luck to all here..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-09-18 14:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)
Yes i will be there for my husbands i said if approved great if not living there with him, it wasn't like we settled on this as our last option or anything its just when we got married i had family obligations and couldnt live there at that moment..either way im happy as long as we are together...i am praying for everyone to get approvals and everything to go smoothly..,
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-07 21:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)


Speaking of appropriate comments…..

Where do you base your statement of Albania being a high fraud country?
Do you have any specific data?

AS far as my "inappropriate" statements about Mexican goes here is the data

This data is from 1996...i can only imagine what the real number is today?

Here is the data about food stamps as of may 2011.This is an article from Wall Street Journal

From the link you provided Albania was not mentioned anywhere that I could see it

This discussion is between Albanians and/or people that are dealing with the Albanian Embassy and the change in policy. No need to police and through links and statements at people when there isn’t any political or geographical knowledge of the region.

Please help us with the data that shows that Albania is a high fraud country and AP is standard procedure.

You knowledge backed up by data will be appreciated
Your assumptions will be considered as such

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-06 22:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

The comments regarding Mexico are not appropriate nor relevant to this I601/I212 221g forum or discussion.

Nor is the discussion of the Federal Governments social safety net. If you want to start on thread on this try the OT section.

AP is very common for Albania and so are frequent denials as it is a relatively high fraud location.

Everyone has a different case, different name and different life and job history which results in different reasons for AP. This doesn't make it any easier to be away from family members. Here is some info on VISA security checks;

Good Luck


actually ap was not very common for Albania and Actually I have ask the embassy plus USCIS and they DONOT have Albania listed as any higher country than any other country...yes there is countries with lower fraud, Australia, England, etc but that doesn't make Albania high fraud, why does everyone say Albania is when the US government doesn't think so..and when I pay to have my husband here and I live with thousands of illegal immigrants that doesnt pay to come and doesnt have to go thru what I have i think it isnt inappropriate to say so..the people from mexico in love and on here that is going thru what i am GOD BLESS THEM, but they even know illegals have made it harder on them. *sorry for being off topic...

I hope we all get thru this okay..uscis was the hardest for me because we knew at the beginning if not approved i was moving there so it just put us apart longer...i had family issues is why i just didnt move there in first place and we started this...I think all of this is just a bump in the road, and it to shall pass i hope so..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-06 08:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

i havev over 4 month that i ask every albanian that comes out without a visa and ask what is their forms after they get out, all said it is 221 g , is been over 4 month every single of them had a 221g , some of them took one month and half and they got the visa , i know one other spouse took 6 month for the visa , my husband is over 4 month now with a 221g , i dont know when they start but it is not fair what their are doing to people that are under family petition. i am contacting any agency possible here to see what they can do for me . Some will say want to see the marriage , i have been over 5 years married with him . and this interview thing is being very frustrating why should we wait more when we did all the papers right and followed all the rules why ??

oh okay..didnt realize it was a newer thing either...well if my husband gets ap and its going to last months i will see what he wants to do then...if he gets denied im just staying. the hardest part for us was uscis and going thru nvc now..we waited 7 months for just the noa 2 was going to give up and just as i was looking into flights we got we just went on with process and your right if you follow the rules why dont they help they sure are willing to take our money and keep letting illegals cross from Mexico :angry:
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-05 12:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

Hi Grenxa

Sorry to hear you are in AP and wish you good luck and a speedy approval

Could you please confirm where did you get the info that Albania is widely using AP. I never heard of anyone from Albania being in AP before. When was the last time you heard or spoke to someone that was in AP in Albania and what was the reason for the AP.( besides you)

Any info would be appreciated

yes i never heard before either, i was wondering same thing..
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-02 16:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

yes the are using AP widely in Albania and return people back for not really strong reason . and let them wait for long long time . so be ready for a long waiting after the interview

wish u gd luck

thank you so much for response they just start this , my friend come here with no problem but that over 6 months ago..i will be with him Aug 9th until whatever happens(i can move to Albania, but if gonna be months of waiting, need to do decisions here:( u think they doing this to weed out fraud and see if marriage lasts??
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-02 12:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g ( Administrave processing)

I hope i find some more info about this situation in this forum , my hub had interview in April , they told him he needed tax transcripts , after a month the called him again for an interview and did not explain him anything but gave him a paper that says 221g( administrative processing ) , usually this form takes 60 days , in my case is over 70 days , i dont know what to do , i call the embassy no one gives info , i emailed no one gives info . Does any one knows ,any one who had this type of situation , if yes how long it took . this long waiting without knowing when it ends is causing a lot of stress in my life .

Every Answer is truly appreciated.

Your in AP, i didnt think that standard for Albania, ive never heard anyone get that before, i would call DOS atleast once a week, to see if they can update you, i called nvc everyday until i got case number, might even look better because they see you are concerned about your case, and look like a worried wife;-) theyre used to ppl calling..good luck:D
marjus's girlFemaleAlbania2011-08-01 10:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

I had been unemployed for close to 5 years and supported by my husband. When he went to Algeria for visa and waiver processing, I was the sole sponsor. I had just graduated and worked at my job for well less than a year. We used his income because he was employed with an EAD. I submitted a salary verification letter from my employer with my hire date, three years of previous tax returns(with his income), and 3 months of pay stubs at current pay rate. It was accepted without a co-sponsor.

thank you for shaaring your experience. i wish i could incude my husbands income but i cant as it will not continue once he arrives in the u.s. and also it is low because he is a student and only permitted to work so many hours.
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-03 23:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

The last 11 months is not consistent enough, they want three years to show longevity. They will probably just take your info wqithout a co-sponsor after another year or two. Did you file for 2011 yet?

yes i have filed already....but a few years no way i am waiting a few years we are at the final stage he has already had his visa interview we dont have a few years to wait if i wait that long we will have to start the process over
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-03 23:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

For a family of two, you need to make a minimum of around $18,500 per year and convince USCIS that your income is somewhat stable. That is the requirement. If you, for example, are currently making above the minimum but you've only been in your job for a month or two, they might require a sponsor. Or, if it becomes obvious that your contract is temporary, they might request a co-sponsor.

In that case i currently make above the 125% poverty and have for the last 11 months and have a 2011 tax transcript to prove it. so that being said i feel i dont need a co-sponsor? or how does everyone see it? i really need your feedback waiting on the embassy this far in the process is killing me!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-03 08:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

Can a moderator merge 3 posts into one please.
Thank you

Can you get an employment letter from you job that indicates you are an employee in good standing and this is a full time position?

yes i can get one of those at anytime and i actually had one in my previous AOS
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-03 08:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!
What exactly are the necessary requirements not to need a cosponsor? I know my current income must be 125% above poverty line for my household size. Also is good to have been at your job atleast 6 - 12 months. But what else is there that is absolutely required in most cases not to need a co-sponsor??

As always thank you for all the answers and suggestions you have to offer, God Bless
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 23:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

I believe those are before taxes (gross) income guidlines, but I am not sure.....

Do you know what exactly are the necessary requirements not to need a cosponsor? I know my current income must be 125% above poverty. Also is good to have been at your job atleast 6 - 12 months. But what else?
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 23:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

Before taxes. Total gross amount.

Thank you very much also for your quick response. Do you know what exactly are the necessary requirements not to need a cosponsor? I know my current income must be 125% above poverty. Also is good to have been at your job atleast 6 - 12 months. But what else?
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 23:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!

Hope this link helps.....

Thank you for your quick response! So according to the chart you sent me.... for a household of 2(me and my husband) I have to make 18,387 right? Is this amount before or after taxes?
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 23:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!
Just to catch those of you up who dont know....We ar now in AP. At the conclusion of my husbands interview on jan 13 2011 he was told our case needed further processing. The lady who done his interview basically treated him like a criminal tore or lives apart and made it clear to him she thought our marriage was a fake, even after presenting all the strong evidence we had. So we were assuming they would be requesting more evidence or just flat out give us a denial. Now a few weeks after, I have finally been notified by the frankfurt embassy and they are telling us it has been determined we need a cosponsor. Apparently the sponsor we gave was not acceptable to them becasue too much of his carpenters income was unemployment? So I am working on the sponsor issue....but that leads me to my real question. Although my husband is in germany he was born in cameroon. All africans unfortunately are considered high fraud. So, I am begining to think her being so harsh was just to see if he would change his answers to already asked questions or make himself look suspicious. Do you think they would really request another cosponsor if she really thought our marriage was fake? Is this just one of the many requests I will be recieving while in AP? Maybe someone who has found themsleves in a similar case may have a few suggestions?

As always thanks for all the help and suggestions you have to offer, God Bless
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 23:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP SUCKS! Co-sponsor needed...PLEASE HELP!!
After a few weeks in AP I was contacted by e-mail and informed it was determined we need a co-sponsor. Apparently the sponsor we gave was not acceptable to them becasue too much of his carpenters income was unemployment? Now after time has passed since submitting my AOS I feel it may be strong eneough now to not need a cosponsor..if updated and resubmitted? So given our situation what is your opinion on our chances of not needing one?....It will be just me and my husband in our home. We have no other dependants or children. I have been at my current job for 11 months. I make 20,800 a year before taxes. I just filed my 2011 taxes and my adjusted gross income for 2011 was 15,840. For 2010 it was only 3,232 and for 2009 it was 14,060.(I have already emailed the frankfurt embassy on this issue and realize the ultimate decision is up to them. However, I am curious to know the opion of my fellow vj'ers)

As always thank you in advance for everyhting you have to offer, God Bless
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-02 22:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Knowledge of Frankfurt Embassy Needed...?
Is there a better way to contact the frankfurt embassy other than email...? Or quicker way to get answers i should say? the suspense is killing me waiting a week or more between emails. At this rate it will be next year before i know the next step to take, and he has already had his visa interview!
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-05 20:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Confused again! Please help!
I finally got a response back from Frankfurt Embassy and they told me:

"In regard to your question about qualifying for an affidavit of support, if your 2011 W-2 and IRS 1040 show that you earned at least $18,387 at the same job that you had in October, 2011, you can scan and email, or fax, it to us. That would qualify. Your joint sponsor did not qualify because part of his income was from unemployment benefits, which cannot be used in this context."

So with that being said, I do have the same job as I did in October 2011. However, the highest amount reflected on my taxes is obviously the adjusted gross income which is 15,840. I would assume from what they wrote to me that the $18,387 that is required of me would be before taxes...right?

Another question if I may....Once in AP is additional proof of a bonifide marriage ever allowed if the marriage is under investigation or is though to possibly be a fraud?

As always thank you in advance for all your suggestions and help you offer, God Bless
amazngraceFemaleGermany2012-02-08 22:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is there a compassionate visa so I can get back to my husband in Texas?
compassion and the law , do not mix. maybe in canada but not supposed to here. thats why this country is so screwed up now. sorry for your plight anyhow
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-07-04 00:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record

<!--quoteo(post=1804349:date=May 1 2008, 09:03 AM:name=Gaby&Talbert)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ May 1 2008, 09:03 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1804349"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->So we understand clearly, has your wife gone back to Mexico yet? If the lawyer has told you her chances of getting a waiver are slim then why even try at this time?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
my wife and kids live in mexico not sure how you thought she lived here i am applying to bring her here

she always was in mexico I met her there and I marrired her there
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2011-11-14 17:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ May 1 2008, 09:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So we understand clearly, has your wife gone back to Mexico yet? If the lawyer has told you her chances of getting a waiver are slim then why even try at this time?

my wife and kids live in mexico not sure how you thought she lived here i am applying to bring her here
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-05-01 22:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (Boiler @ Apr 30 2008, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Never ever determine a major life descion based on what is said on a bulletin board.

You have been recommended at least one very good lawyer who is very familiar with this sort of issue.

I have met many Americans and Canadians who live and work in Mexico. It's not a third world hell hole.

i know that i have a house and family there i just add long term investments here like my farm and bussines ill have to cash out when i move there it is a life changing descion i dont live in town with a two car garage i have thirty years woth ot tools and machinery i have to sell everythying i was told by laywers and the goverment was this day would never happen well it happened in the last 8 day ive learned my lifew will take a different path
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 22:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
P.S. As to your retelling of the matter that involved the IRS, I believe that this could be fought. There are services available to make an "Offer of Compromise" to the agency, if and when a taxpayer can demonstrate that a penalty and interest have been mounting due to an error made by IRS!
thank you ill look into that tomarrow

ps. I just learned today that I have to nvc numbers one for k3 one for I 130 I called the nvc they said chose the one you want and don't pay the other that said and you obviously being very educated what are your thought on choosing--- copied from another forum...

Which visa do I want I would pay someone to figure that out! as you may know if you read some of my other post, excited as I was, as I figured that my wife would be here in a month or two per my k3 visa I always figured that I would fail the interview but it was the advice of all the people I'm about to mention that I go through the process once denied file 601 hardship and 97% of the time you win it was here only a week ago I learned on visa journey after a 3 year quest seeking help from consulates, senators, governors, immigration lawyers and embassies that my wife will not be able to come here at all! I will not be eligible to apply for the 601! my baby boy now 10 month's will have no father unless I move there and I will not be able to return here to my country ever unless I choose for him to be fatherless at some point in time! where I would need to come home and earn an income for a year or two to meet the poverty line restrictions, as living there I would have no income here, I guess, unless some how I got a job at an American company over there which is highly unlikely as I am not a top ceo here, no one here would want to send me there lol, they have plenty of labor there already. since my wife as two deportations and will not legally be able to apply until 2013 I'm told that said dose one of these visas the 130 or the k3 provide a greater chance for a loop hole or a greater chance for a one in million long shot of going through the system and getting passed I will appreciate help in determining the answer to this thank you Bryan
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 20:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
In the end, had it been me, I would have gone the legal route to have my children returned to me, and lived in my home country.

These are just my opinions, not meant to offend anyone.

*steps off soapbox and returns to the work she SHOULD have been doing in the first place*

hindsight is 20/20

i appreciate your response and you certainly have not offended any one nor am i ever offended by any ones comments i welcome the onions of all and learn something from someone here or there everyday

Edited by bryan&nicole, 30 April 2008 - 07:50 PM.

bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 19:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
QUOTE (emt103c @ Apr 30 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Apr 30 2008, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That might be true occasionally, of course, but in the instant case, (notwithstanding the needless days in jail, mind you) were the CBP agents really all that wrong? They, rightly or wrongly, determined that the OP's wife was/had intentions to remain in the USA beyond the duration of status as indicated in her first visa. In point of fact, the CBP agents were right. For whatever reason, for admirable reasona or not, she chose to break the law and get here at all costs!

According to the story, the officer claimed it was not she in the passport and ripped it up. . .that is wrong on any level. I do agree with you that she cannot blame the officer for the actions she took afterwards. Those were definitely illegal and she knew it.

Border Patrol DOES believe itself to be above the law, more often than any of us want to believe. I have been in the situation where my husband was denied entry and it was not done according to the border patrols own rules--which were conveniently posted on the wall only to be disregarded by the officer on duty.

The other "above the law" that they are referring to is the fact that there is NO judicial review for that officer's decision. While most CBP officers, I am sure, are extremely level-headed and fair-minded, their decision should not be above judicial review, and neither should that of the consulate. The system is purposefully beaurocratical and difficult to navigate, which is illustrated by the fanatical addiction to reasearch about these laws, that I and other forumers have adopted over the last few years.

There are well educated attorneys, consular officers, USCIS employees, and border patrol agents for whom it is their life's work, and THEY can't all seem to understand it either. I don't think it is fair to assume that someone in a state of emotional crisis--separated from their children, without passport or any means, in their estimation, of legal reprise, to be able to figure out or afford, all of the channels they would have to go through in order to reverse such a decision.

In the end, had it been me, I would have gone the legal route to have my children returned to me, and lived in my home country.

These are just my opinions, not meant to offend anyone.

*steps off soapbox and returns to the work she SHOULD have been doing in the first place*

bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 19:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)my wife was deported twice to mexico she as a deport record
your “change your tune remark” made me laugh as I recalled a unrelated issue that happened to me this year. I owed some money for my 2005 taxes. So in 2006 I get a letter for a amount I owe, send in a check and pay it done deal right,--- they send the money back, I pay again, the third time they send the money back I get on the phone because buy this time there already sending me penalty notices. I have them launch an investigation that department then sends me papers to sign and tell’s me irregardless of what I receive do not pay anything until investigation is complete! One day I get a notice of levy, so I call in, hey what's going on, they say that they have conducted there investigation and the letter is on it’s way, don't worry! A few days latter I open the letter it says we sent this money back for theses reasons ------- followed buy it was there fault and then they apologize for any inconvenience, but the last sentence is what made me laugh when reading your post "although we regret any inconvenience this matter may of caused you, the penalties accrued are law and can not be removed, you must pay all accrued penalties and interest as we cannot be held accountable or liable for Our mistakes IRS."
I quoted the best I could as I am at home and that letter is hanging framed on the wall were I work and I encourage all to read especially the ones who don’t like my tone at times
bryan&nicoleMaleMexico2008-04-30 19:37:00