Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa interveiw date
Congrats for'll get the interview date in packet 4.....check the Moscow Embassy to see how long it takes....Good luck :thumbs:
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-06-21 12:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
I am so sorry things not going well in your life (F) .
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-05-30 12:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion about Russian (internal) Passport

My fiancee has her interview in Moscow on May 21st, and we had assumed that if everything was fine at the interview and she gets the visa that she would be ready to travel here in early June. Now she is telling me of a new delay that she just found out about. Her 20th birthday is June 18, and she says she has to remain in Russia to renew her Russian passport after her birthday, and then wait an additional month to get the new passport. She won't be able to come to America until the end of July.

Is all of this true, or do we have any other options? Does she really have to stay there for the additional month to get her internal passport, or for example could her Mom go to pick it up when it's ready? Or could all of this be handled through the Russian Embassy in America after she is here? I'm just dissappointed that way have to wait almost 2 additional months for a passport that she will never use in America.

Once she has her visa in her passport she is ready to go to the States.And she can change her passport in the States, to the Russian Embassy. Why to wait in Russia? Even if she wants to wait in Russia for the passport, it is not an urgent way to make her passport in a couple of days? Most of the countries have this emergency way to obtain a passport for a certain fee.

And good luck with that interview, hope you guys are together soon.
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-04-29 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaINTERVIEW IN KINGSTON
You have our prayers, everything will be alright! :thumbs:
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-04-27 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to VJ
Welcome to VJ, it is a great help this web site...good luck on your journey! :thumbs:
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-04-26 08:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAmerica, Here I Come!!!!!!!!
Congrats :thumbs:
MaydayDasFemaleRomania2007-05-15 18:46:00
Vietnamwife left
sorry about your situation!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2009-05-04 14:36:00
VietnamShe's finally here
congratulations and welcome to the US.
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2010-04-23 08:26:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA

Whew ! what a relief, eh? Good luck !

I am really confused now. What is the deadline when the new forms has to be used?
When we filed our petition 1st week of june (receipt june 21st) we used the old form without imbra questions. Now my fiance said that we only have the new form when the mailing date is after june 30th.
What is right? :(
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-08-24 07:08:00

i am still waiting for imbra want to know if i am alone

:o holy #######! you've been waiting a long time. have you tried contacting them? maybe it got permanently lost in the mail. you're very patient....I think I would've called a month ago!

I filed in mid june and i noticed that everyone who got the rfe wrote that it was sent on june 23 my noa 1 date is 6/26 so i think i missed the mass send out but now i am starting to worry that something is wrong i got touched on 7/6 and 7/11 but since then nothing so i started this topic to see if i am alone

my fiance filed our k1-petition. We received the noa june 21st. We used the old form which means that we are need to file the imbra rfe. but we did not receive any mail so far. And this is now more than 2 months!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-08-28 13:25:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFinally got IMBRA RFE

At this point it's a good thing 'cus it means your petition is moving foward, being reviewed and all. After you send the RFE back with what's requested you should get your approval soon.

How long will it take after sending back the RFE until the package get to the embassy in Germany.
I am planning on visiting my fiance in the states for Thanksgiving.
So should I start to collect the paperworks for the embassy already?
Not sure if I got enough time or what will happen if the package get to the embassy and I am in the States?
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-09-14 15:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFinally got IMBRA RFE
Hello everyone.
Finally I received an email that CSC has sent an RFE to us on september 13th. Since we used the old form I guess this can only be the IMBRA RFE.
Does anyone know if we have to start the waiting all over again? Or how will they handle our case?
Will we get a new NOA1 or do they "just" put our case on pause until they receive our RFE?

Thanks and congratulations to everyone that got approved the past few days.
And all those that are still waiting for their case being approve or their RFE respectively, never loose hope.
I did not our IMBRA RFE this months but this was a nice supprise! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-09-14 14:38:00
USCIS Service CentersChange of address online

I should note, we're just moving within the same city.

We moved during our AOS processing time as well.
I sent off the form via mail 1 week before I moved out of the old apartment and 1 week later I changed my adress online.
1 week after I got to the new house I received a confirmation letter that they received the change of adress.
Do not even try to call USCIS if they have your new adress on file because they have no clue. They can only tell you that it will take up to 45 days for them to enter the new adress to the system.

Good luck!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-22 17:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)good news
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2008-04-08 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAOS Interview yesterday
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2008-09-30 14:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Kann ich schon anfangen die Unterlagen fuer die Botschaft zu sammeln?

Schau mal in den Thread: ->->-> German people...rührt euch!!

Von Packet 3 bis zum Interview hat es bei mir genau 33 Tage gedauert. Bei mir gings aber auch extrem schnell

Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-01 13:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Kann ich schon anfangen die Unterlagen fuer die Botschaft zu sammeln?
Hallo alle miteinander,

wir haben endlich unsere NOA2 erhalten. Ich nehme an, dass die Unterlagen nun zur NVC geschickt werden, und anschliessend nach Frankfurt. Kann mir jemand sagen, welche Unterlagen ich zur Botschaft nach Frankfurt schicken muss, sobald sie das Paket bekommen haben? Ich wuerde gerne schon mal die Unterlagen zusammen zusuchen, damit wir nicht weiter Zeit verlieren. Desweiteren, kann mir jemand einen Erfahrenswert nennen, wie lange es gedauert hat von NOA2 bis zum Interview?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-01 12:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)wie lange dauert es in der regel nachdem man Package 3 erhaelt bis zum Interview?

Bei uns ging alles recht zuegig. Wir wurden approved und schon etwa eine Woche spaeter hatte ich mein Pack 3 und dann vier Wochen spaeter mein Interview. Wenn es ganz dringend mit dem Interview ist kannst du in Frankfurt fragen, ob die dir nen Termin zwischenschieben koennen. Es ist nicht garantiert, dass es schnell geht aber manchmal sind sie ganz human und rufen einen sogar an um zu fragen, ob man an dem und dem Tag kommen kann. Du kannst auch eine email ans NVC schreiben und nach dem Stand der Dinge fragen, das hab ich damals gemacht. Ich such mal grad die Email, hoffentlich hab ich die noch.

Hab sie noch. ICh hab damals das hier an geschickt.

To Whom it May Concern:

This note is to inquire whether or not the NVC has received our approved petition from Vermont Service Center.
Petitioner: Dennis Eric Andrews; date of birth: August 25, 1976
Beneficiary: Eveline Ines Damm; date of birth: February 20, 1982
VSC case #: EAC-05-156-52999

Yours sincerely....

Kannst ja noch fragen, an welchem Tag sie es nach Frankfurt weitergeschickt haben so you can take further steps preparing for your interview.


Hallo Eveline,

vielen Dank fuer das posting. Wir haben unser NOA2 am 27.09. erhalten und erst letzte Woche 18.10. haben wir von NVC die email erhalten, dass sie unser petition erhalten haben.
Ich habe nur meine Bedenken, dass es bis zu 4 Wochen dauern wird, bis es nach Frankfurt geschickt wird.
Aber es erscheint mir so wirr, da viele Antraege noch am gleichen Tag, an dem NVC es erhalten hat zur embassy weitergeleitet wird. Wieso nicht auch bei uns? :(
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-24 14:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)wie lange dauert es in der regel nachdem man Package 3 erhaelt bis zum Interview?

Hallo nochmal,
Ich hatte den Post erst anders verstanden, wollte dann noch editen, aber bei mir spinnt manchmal der internet explorer und das Programm hat mich rausgeworfen. "Edit" klappt nun nicht mehr.

Wir hatten nie eine Email erhalten, wann die Petition beim NVC eintraf. Von Erhalt der NOA2 bis Erhalt des Packet 3 hat es 30 Tage gedauert. Auf mein Medical musste ich 4 Wochen warten (In Leipzig war ich. Die Aerztin nimmt immer nur dienstags einen Antragsteller dran.) und ich habe mir daher auch etwas ZEit mit dem Zurueckschicken gelassen. Vom Senden des Packet 3 an die Botschaft bis erhalt des Interviewtermins vergingen dann nur 10 Tage.

Es kommt also darauf an, wie schnell du Packet 3 zurueck schickst und auch, welchen Ausreiseterminwunsch du angibst. Ich weiss nicht, ob die sich daran halten, aber vielleicht klappt es ja. Ich drueck dir auf jeden Fall die Daumen.


Vielen Dank fuer die Info. Mir bleibt wohl nur abzuwarten und zu hoffen, dass ich jetzt bald das package 3 bekomme. Mein Verlobter hat mir von seiner Seite die Unterlagen schon geschickt (I-134 Form) so dass ich das package gleich zurueckschicken kann.

Hast du eine Benachrichtigung per email bekommen, dass dein Antrag NVC verlassen hat und auf dem Weg zur Botschaft ist oder war der Erhalt des package 3 "ueberraschend" fuer dich?
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-24 07:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)wie lange dauert es in der regel nachdem man Package 3 erhaelt bis zum Interview?
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe mal eine ganz "doofe" und so typisch "ungeduldige" Frage.
Wir haben letzte Woche 18.Oktober vom NVC eine email bekommen, dass unser Antrag dort angekommen ist.
Seitdem habe ich aber leider nichts mehr gehoert.
Ich hatte so sehr gehofft, dass ich Weihnachten mit meinen Verlobten feiern kann, aber von Tag zu Tag
schwindet meine Hoffnung.
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie lange es in der Regel so etwa dauert, vom NVC bis zum Interview bzw.
wie lange die Botschaft braucht um das Package 3 zu bearbeiten?

Vielen Dank!!! :(
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-23 16:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)send back ds-1076 with package 3?
I received the package 3 today. Now I am getting it ready to send back to them.
I just wonder if I have to send back the ds-1076 as well or only the required forms
ds-156 (with one potograph)
ds-230 (part 1)

Thanks for the help!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-27 07:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)appointment for medical before sending back package 3?
According to DS 1076 it says that there will be no interview appointment until I send back this form.
But the form ask if you obtain the medical yet or not.
Does it mean that I have to go to the medical first before sending back the package 3?
I will send back DS 1076 with the other required forms and marked that I do not have the medical yet but
I will get it asap. Is it ok?
So confused now.
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-27 07:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Parkmoeglichkeiten beim Konsulat in Frankfurt

Hey und? Wie wars beim medical?

Also, wir waren früh beim Konsulat (aber nicht crazy früh)- und hatten kein Problem direkt davor an der Strasse einen Parkplatz zu bekommen. Es waren noch weitere frei. Und die Parkuhren sind glaub ich für 3 Stunden... (will mich aber nicht festlegen, es war auf jeden Fall länger als üblich)

Anderer Vorschlag (je nachdem wie gut du dich in FfM auskennst): es ist ganz einfach mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zur Botschaft zu kommen, wenn du also das Auto zB in einem Parkhaus lassen willst, dass ein bisschen länger als 1h hat...


vielen Dank fuer die Info. Ich muss leider sagen, dass ich mich ueberhaupt nicht in FfM auskenne.
Es war schon die reine Tortur fuer mich zum Medical zu fahren.
Meinst du, dass wenn ich frueh genug hinfahre eine Parkmoeglichkeit kriege? Ich bin am ueberlegen, ob ich nicht noch jemand finden kann, der mit faehrt und im Auto bleibt, damit er mir einen Parkschein nachzieht.

Das Medical war eigentlich ganz easy. Urinprobe genommen und etwas Blut abgezapft und geroent.
Als ich auf halber Strecke nach Hause war, war ich mir gar nicht mehr sicher, ob ich nicht eventuell mehr mitbekommen sollte ausser mein Roentgenbild. :unsure: :unsure:
Ich war ueberrascht, dass es so problemlos ging, denn meine Vorgaenger waren irgendwie noch ewig in der Nachbehandlung (nach Blutprobe etc.) Bei mir hat es ganze 8 Minuten gedauert(!) und das ohne Scherze.
Vielleicht liegt es auch daran, dass ich alle Impfungen (bis auf Pneumokokken und 3.Hepatitis) durch hatte.

Ich glaube/hoffe, dass ich mich nun entspannt zuruecklehnen kann und auf das Interview warten darf ?!?
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-30 15:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Parkmoeglichkeiten beim Konsulat in Frankfurt
Bei meinem Medical heute habe ich feststellen muessen, wie schlecht die Parksituation in Frankfurt ist.
Max. Parklaenge ist 1 Std!!!!!! (Das muss ein uebler Witz sein!)
Auf jedem Fall hatte ich ein anderes Paar dort getroffen, die vom Konsulat kamen und mir gesagt hatten,
dass sie sogar ein Hotel genommen habe um ihr Auto einigermassen sicher abstellen zu koennen.
Kann mir daher jemand einen Tip geben, wo ich am naechsten parken kann, ohne dass ich alle 60 Minuten einen Parkschein nachloesen muss???

Vielen Dank fuer die Ratschlaege!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2006-10-30 15:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDid not meet through IMB, but attorney checked box, "yes"!!!
QUOTE (MARM @ Dec 6 2008, 07:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to the definition of IMB, one must pay for the services.
We have filed I-129F for K-1 visa.
But my fiance and I did NOT pay for any services, we met through an online website chat-room, and it was culturally associated, not religiously associated, and we DID NOT pay for any service whatsoever, no membership fees, nothing at all.
But to my horror, now when I go back and review the forms, I see that my attorney has check marked the box for "yes" where it asks about meeting through an IMB on form I-129F.
Will this have a big affect on my case?
Will my fiance be put on AP/AR when the case gets to NVC? I read somewhere on this site that those that checked "yes" for IMB usually have a big chance of the beneficiary being put on AP/AR at the NVC stage.
I don't know what to do, maybe I am stressing for no reason?
Someone with knowledge about this please let me know, I need some direction!

fire your lawyer and call USCIS.
sorry that this happened to you.

just one more story where the lawyer screwed it up.
tucson_chickFemaleGermany2008-12-06 20:51:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
let me guess - all the brits were at alys party last night and everybody is hungover?????


happy sunday!!!!
tucson_chickFemaleGermany2008-11-02 13:36:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Sep 2 2008, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aly's party makes my little Bacardi Breezer Mojito and ongoing game of Monopoly with Nicky seem very, very boring.

yeah, and the next time we will ignore the "closed" sign on the pool!

tucson_chickFemaleGermany2008-09-01 18:01:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
headache - yep smile.gif
i had the whole bottle of bubble all by myself smile.gif


can't wait for halloween!!!
eric already planned out what we will dress up like smile.gif
tucson_chickFemaleGermany2008-09-01 13:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Questions concerning RFE
Do you have any friends/neighbours who know both of you and have (possibly) been around when you lived together who could write a statement about your marriage?Or family?

Letters/ cards to you that mention him? Mail addressed to both of you?

Even a shared membership to a videostore might help.

Also, could he not add you to your accounts even though you're in Canada?

Or open a new (shared) one with both your names on it?

As for the police certificates- I guess you can request one from where you've lived and they'll send it to you. That's how it is in Germany at least :)
Someone else will know.
sophyieFemaleGermany2007-04-10 00:40:00
United KingdomConcerns about contents of Police Certificate
Why don't you just get a police certificate, then you'll know :)

I don't think you have to worry too much though.
sophyieFemaleGermany2006-10-04 16:20:00
United Kingdombuying clothes in the USA
I like Express for business. And Target.

High waist jeans scare me. :hehe: Not on everyone- on me.
sophyieFemaleGermany2006-11-18 14:49:00
United KingdomEver had a package to UK lost?
Did you send it via airmail or boat?

I sent a paket from Germany to the US via "land/boat" in the beginning of November and it got there just before Christmas. The guy at the postoffice had told me it was going to take 2 to 3 weeks...

If it is really lost, you can actually search for it even if you lost the tracking number (at least with DHL you can) - go to the postoffice and ask about it, they might be able to help. Especially if you know the date you sent it. (I was about to have them search for it when it finally arrived.)

Good luck- hope it'll turn up.
sophyieFemaleGermany2007-01-17 18:26:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk
Worldmarket does the trick for me- they have a great selection of European chocolates.
sophyieFemaleGermany2007-02-03 05:32:00
United KingdomPosession of cannabis on police record

isn't cannabis eating dead people or something? :unsure:

that is cannibalism :D
sophyieFemaleGermany2007-01-19 15:22:00
United KingdomBest Fish'n'chips in the US?
when you're in the pacific northwest, try Spud's on Alki in Seattle.

sophyieFemaleGermany2006-10-26 13:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage problemsd

My fience can speak some English but of course is self-concous about it and also worried.

HOw did you complete the education in english? Was it just learn as you go or were you able to obtain a tutor? I have been looking in my area for someone to teach it but have been unsuccessful todate

She should try and have as much contact to English speaking people as possible once she's in the US. Even though it takes a lot of curage in the beginning, but she should go shopping by herself, order food in restaurants, go to the bank by herself ...
The best and fastest way to learn a language is to live in the country and use the language each and every day.

While she's still in Russia: maybe she could read English books and magazines, watch English movies- all that helps, too.

Last idea: maybe you could get started on learning a little Russian. I know it's not an easy language- but it might be very worth the effort.
sophyieFemaleGermany2006-11-27 16:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Parkmoeglichkeiten beim Konsulat in Frankfurt
Hey und? Wie wars beim medical?

Also, wir waren früh beim Konsulat (aber nicht crazy früh)- und hatten kein Problem direkt davor an der Strasse einen Parkplatz zu bekommen. Es waren noch weitere frei. Und die Parkuhren sind glaub ich für 3 Stunden... (will mich aber nicht festlegen, es war auf jeden Fall länger als üblich)

Anderer Vorschlag (je nachdem wie gut du dich in FfM auskennst): es ist ganz einfach mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zur Botschaft zu kommen, wenn du also das Auto zB in einem Parkhaus lassen willst, dass ein bisschen länger als 1h hat...


Edited by sophyie, 30 October 2006 - 03:17 PM.

sophyieFemaleGermany2006-10-30 15:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Beglaubigung der Geburtsurkunde

Hi Steffi,

Eine Geburtsurkunde kriegst Du beim Standesamt in der Stadt, in der Du geboren wurdest. Auch in der Ex-DDR (weiss das denn bin aus Thueringen). Beglaubigen machen die da auch, und es ist auch gar nicht so teuer.
Beim gleichen Standesamt lass Dir doch gleich die internationale Geburtsurkunde geben (um die 7 Kroeten derzeit). :)

Viel Spass beim Amtsstuben besuchen ;)

Lg Anna

Siehste Anna, und ich hab extra nicht Ex DDR geschrieben weil ich nicht wusste ob es politisch korrekt ist :)

sophyieFemaleGermany2006-11-29 08:05:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaulasue you will be missed!!!
RIP paula. My thoughts are with your husband and family.
FranziskaSFemaleGermany2009-06-28 15:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Electronically sent to Washington for AP after interview/approval????
It's hard not knowing why I am put into AP, USC and DOS won't say why. All I can think of is my lost passport with a US tourist visa on it, hope no one used it and enter the US, other than that none. Plus my husband is in the military and were living inside a US army base here in Germany so if it's security checks and whatnot I am clearly not a threat. Ugh I am starting to get obssessed about this AP thing...been reading about it online eversince I found out I'm on AP.

Thank you for the reply guys, appreciate it :-)
PinayArmyWifeFemalePhilippines2011-02-26 17:56:00