IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I did open it already, but I just reopened it 'just in case' and you were right.
Ugh, I've been beating myself up for hours now and it was so simple.. thank you Saylin, youre a lifesaver.


Haha, you're welcome! Maybe you have to open it each time when you go on that page, so if you move away to another location, then you may have to re-open it before being able to sign/submit.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I have a question that might proof to be rather complicated. Sorry in advance if it has already been asked, but I didn't want to go through 120+ pages and I don't know what search-term to use in the search engine.



Okay, I'm trying to get the DS-260 done, after filling in everything it tells me to review it. While reviewing I notice that in the top left of the page suddenly  is an extra portion called 'location' which wasn't there while I was completing the DS-260. So I try to review it, but it will not let me select it, clicking it does nothing. Going back to the 'complete' page will not show said 'location' tab, and logging out & in wont do anything either. When I go to the 'e-sign' page, it will let me fill everything out but it won't let me click the 'Sign and Submit Application' button. I'm assuming this is because the location tab isn't review -or filled out for that matter-


Of course I'm trying to get through to the NVC to ask them, although I doubt a simple rep is going to be able to help me and so far I never got a supervisor on the line even after asking for one.


So far I tried switching browsers and computers. I started out on Internet explorer because as far as I know, the NVC prefers that for some reason. Firefox and chrome don't do much, swtiching to linux doesn't do anything either.


I included a couple screenshots, in the spoiler below in case my explanation isn't all that clear.


Does anyone have any idea what to do, is there a simple fix for this or am I perhaps being very very dumb and overlooking something obvious?


Thank you in advance for reading this.. quite long question and taking the time to answer it.




Hmm, not sure about that location portion, but to be able to sign and submit, you need to read that PDF in the middle of the last screen, in the red box, about Selective Service. Have you done that already?

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 21:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Thanks so much Saylin! Is it okay to estimate dates? or do i need to order my school transcripts?


If there's no easy way for you to find out, then yes, estimating is alright.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hey guys! I am currently filling out the Ds-260 and need a little help.

1. I have seen someone ask this, but never caught the answer to it back in August I believe. I did co-op in high school sorta like an internship, do I add that as employment?

2. The ds-260 asks me to list all secondary institutions and above that I attended. I did not graduate from high school, but did go to college for medical office admin. And received a diploma. Should I just state the college institution (post secondary) or secondary and post secondary?

Your help is appreciated.


1. If you were paid, I'd say yes. If you weren't, I'd say no. Just my opinion though.


2. Hmm, probably best to include high school, as well as college. Then just mention you didn't actually receive any degree from high school.



Is this your husband?


Haha, that's funny, cause both my husband and I had been making that joke every night he wore his sunglasses at night. He even posted a picture to Facebook wearing his sunglasses at night  :jest:


I think PRK is supposed to be safer than LASIK.   :idea:   I've also heard of "No Touch".    :reading:  But how do you perform surgery if you don't touch?   :rofl:


$3,000+!?   :wow:  I used to see a LASIK ad of $499 (CAD) per eye in Vancouver.  It looks like they went under.  Maybe it was too cheap and people didn't trust them.   :rofl:


PRK and LASIK both have their pros and cons. My husband ended up going with PRK. Never heard of No Touch though  :blink:


And yeah, think it was about $3400 something (for both eyes). Includes like a two year guarantee  :lol: Yeah, not sure I'd trust the company just charging $1k in total.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014




Eyeballs...... ewwwwwwww


:rofl: And that's why I'll happily stick with my eyeglasses (until they make an eye drop that fixes everything ;) )

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



LASIK!?   :wow:   I've heard so many LASIK horror stories, but I've also heard tons of success stories!   :wacko:


I hope his LASIK surgery went well and he now has 20/20 vision.    :whistle:


Technically, the eye surgery he had done is called PRK, but I said LASIK since before a few months ago, I had never heard of PRK (versus knowing of LASIK). Anyways, it's gone well. He has a high pain tolerance, so he didn't have much pain. Just some irritation (like an eyelash in his eye, as he described it). Worst for him I think was the extreme light sensitivity (he had to wear sunglasses pretty much all the time for a few days). As of yesterday, his vision was 20/50 (his eyes are still healing). He said he woke up today seeing extremely well though, so probably closer to 20/20 now. And if anything goes wrong in the next two years, he can go back and get it corrected for free, since he paid for the highest package (little over $3k) which covers that, just in case.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


I saw that video posted and I just cannot watch it!!!


Don't watch it! I barely even looked at it, I was just watching every few seconds, over my glasses, to see if the frame was shot. But from those glances, I got very warm and hot. One of the assistants noticed, and took the camera from me as I took not only my sweater off, but my shirt as well (I was wearing a thin tank top underneath). Another assistant brought me a bottle of water. So nice, haha. The guy doing the actual surgery said it's completely normal and lots of people don't feel well after watching. He even mentioned one guy, who had been standing, completely fell on him while he was doing the surgery  :blink: So yeah, suffice to say, after watching the surgery and hearing everything my husband is going through (irritation and such), I'm never doing eye surgery. I can't even touch my eye (tried getting contacts once and nearly passed out)  :lol:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hi guys!
My husband just called up NVC and got our case number after just a week.
So confused though. Our number starts with KEV. But I'm from the United Kingdom.
Isn't Kev for Ukraine or something?
I'm confused haha.

Thank you!


Uh, yes, KEV is for the Ukraine. I'd get back on the phone and explain the situation. You'll need to get a new case number.



My husband came with me to my migraine clinic a couple days ago. I have to get blood work at each visit (just once a month) and then the injection of the actual medicine. My hubby refused to even look in my direction for both!!


I had to break some news to him, if this experimental medication hits the market, he's going to have to give me the shot every month because I can't give myself one!! :rofl:


Oh my... I feel SOOOO sorry for your husband  :rofl: I'd be the same way!


Funny story, my husband just had a form of LASIK eye surgery done last Thursday. He's been making video blogs about it. He asked me to film the eye surgery. Let's just say, half way through his first eye (with all the scrapping and clamps and such) and I nearly passed out. For the rest of the surgery, everyone in the room was asking if I was alright  :rofl:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 14:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

If you wanna get over a fear of needles... do what I did and get deep vein thrombosis. You get blood work done every day for a while :D then every three days, then every week, every two weeks etc etc etc


I used to pass out at the sight of a needle, but now I'm just like "you need 20 bottles? Ok *lifts up sleeve and donates 100% blood volume*"


Disclaimer: I don't really recommend getting DVT. Drink tons of water on flights, walk around, research your birth control etc etc :D


:blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


Too much blood work... *dead*


I've only ever had ONE blood test done and that was for the dang immigration medical more than 3 years ago.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

And done :)

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Saylin, I was wondering if we should add more info on how to answer this question on your Wiki at "Step 7 - DS-260".   :idea:


It's also one of the most FAQs.  I've seen this question at least 30 times for the last 4 months.    :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


Haha, I was thinking the same thing earlier. I'll go add it now ;)

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


The good news is, as you grow older you'll leave most of your phobias behind. In my case,

fear of darkness... gone,

fear of needles... gone,

fear of flying... gone (flying 50,000-70,000 miles a year took care of that),

fear of the dentist... gone (9 gum surgeries in the span of two years took care of that)

fear of my wife's short fuse... pending.



My Panel physician asked me to go to the public clinic to get the shots free of charge and bring a confirmation.


I don't think my fear of needles will ever go away  :no:  :lol:


And wow, that's an awesome panel physician! Most would just administer the vaccines at the medical and charge up the behind to get them done.

You made me laugh :)


Tell my wife that you get over phobias when you get older.. :P I'm sure she will disagree! LOL. 



Right, if you know it's going to be the same amount of hours and pay each week, it should be by the x52 (Don't hit me if I'm wrong Saylin! :P). What you can do- is see if the employer will give him a letter stating what his salary is, and how many hours a week he starts etc. They should accept that at interview! 


You could- in theory have a co-sponsor in mind just in case your embassy is picky. I've seen that happened before, but it's unlikely :)


You're right, so no hitting ;)


To the OP: that question is asking for CURRENT annual income, so, it's not based on how much is left of the year, but rather how much they're currently earning per year. I know it may be a little tricky to understand, but just calculate how much he'll be earning per week, then multiple by 52.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Thanks for the reply Saylin, was kinda worried since she doesn't have her shot records that i will mean more delays. but now im relieved...


No delays at all  :no:  A lot of people don't have shots and/or records, so in those cases, most people just get the vaccines done at the medical. If you know which shots you need, and if it's allowed by the panel physician, you might want to consider getting them done earlier at a clinic as they're typically cheaper than getting them done at a medical. But, this may vary by country, so.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


I'm not sure it's really worth going for the trouble of titer testing, unless pregnancy is involved or expected as the MMR vaccine would be an issue.


Although yes, you can just have the vaccines done over again, if it were me, I'd rather take one titer test (so one shot) instead of taking a few shots. Although if the titer test comes back with no results, then it'd be a waste of a shot, sooo  :lol: Up to the OP though, was just giving one possible answer ;)


P.S. I do NOT like shots whatsoever. It may be teeny tiny to you, but it's a day full of anxiety and not feeling well for me :P

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



First off, turn the caps lock key off. All caps on forums = yelling. And no one likes to be yelled at  :no:


And did you mean she does NOT have shot records? If so, then I'd suggest getting an anti-bodies titer test done. They test the blood for anti-bodies for the required vaccines. You can then bring those results to the medical. But if some vaccines don't show up (which happens since it's likely been awhile since she's received the vaccines), then she'll need to get those vaccines again.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hi guys, congrats to everyone who got CC! I want to share my short update. My wife had interview on 8th August, visa was approved and we got passport in about 8 business days.


I accompanied my wife for visa interview and I think it was useful to go together.Specially if you are in one of those countries where additional processing is a concern, I think it is definitely a plus to go together to make a stronger case. We came to US just this past weekend!


Another thing that has changed since my last travel was US immigration now takes place at the departing airports in mideast - in my case at Abu dabhi airport. I didn't know that and I was late to go the gate but thankfully flight was late and they processed it. This just happens at the departing gate, no need to go looking for US immigration. So the flight to New York was domestic flight!


I hope all this helps! Best of luck! :)


That's what's called a preclearance location. Only a FEW locations have it worldwide. You can find the list here: If you are NOT going through one of those listed locations, then you'll go through US customs once you land in the US.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 07:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Oh, I see it now. Thank you.

I thought it is only for those who send their documents through the post office, not e-mail.


You're right. EP doesn't need to use the cover sheets. It's explained in my EP wiki ;)

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-11 07:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I'm happy to see the support from everyone regarding the other thread used for the ranting (and emotion-maddness!)


As a note, here is the site: http://www.visajourn...ranting-thread/


I'm hoping that Saylin can add this to the first monthly posts so people can be re-directed to it.


Good luck to everyone and I'm happy to hear that there has been movement in the last week!


Thanks for the reminder! Forgot to do that, haha. All done :)


Now, just to get people to read the first post...  :whistle:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014




I noticed on the cover sheet under Financial Documents that it asks for IRS transcripts (which I have) and Federal Income Taxes and W2 (I was planning to send in only the IRS transcripts).  Do I check N/A for Federal Income Taxes/W2? 


As for Proof of Relationship, not sure what type of proof I can send. Can you guide me?  My husband appears on the Tax transcripts with me since he has an ITIN # (to file taxes jointly).


Proof of U.S. status? I sent in a copy of my passport to USCIS to show I am a USC. Do I need to send this to them for the AOS as well?


I'm not at this stage of the process yet, just trying to plan ahead. Thanks!


Remember, not EVERYTHING is required for each person. For tax information, it's either tax transcripts OR 1040s, W2s, schedules, worksheets, etc. So, if you're sending in tax transcripts, then yes, check off N/A for the tax returns and W2s.


Proof of relationship and proof of US status isn't what you're thinking. It's for specific circumstances. It's written in my wiki, but you can also read this page, right from NVC's website: http://travel.state...._Documents.html (click on the 'Obtain Financial Evidence' to see everything listed).

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 19:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


For sure, you can def use it




Thanks!  :thumbs:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

:rofl:  :rofl:  What is a wiki? o.O




This is why I like you  :jest:



See attached imagines, it was a 3 page email. I just blurred out my personal info.


Oooo, very interesting. Bookmarked. Might use it in the future when I update the wiki (if you don't mind, I'll credit you!).


Looks like they're going to want documents in a certain order  :blink:



We could start a pool on how long it takes for a mod to move it to the NVC forum.


Technically, I can move it as an organizer  :devil:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Saylin, my case says it's process of termination... OMG WHAT DO I DO? ;) < Questions like that?


:rofl:  :rofl:  Yes, EXACTLY questions like that! Haven't seen that one in awhile. But I've still seen, and continue to see, questions that are clearly answered not only in my wiki but as well as in the official form instructions and on USCIS and NVC's websites.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I just got another email telling me I paid my AOS fee but this one includes a document cover sheet. It lists everything needed for AOS package and supporting documents (IV package)

Did everyone get this?

Seems like a sheet telling us to send everything together or is this an email everything got before as well?


That sounds new to me. Would you be willing to post a copy? I'd really love to see it.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014




Silverjetplane's idea is a GREAT one. I REALLY wish this thread were only questions, answers and progress. It would be nice if we didn't have to sift through so much dirt to get to the gold. I agree that this forum is great for moral support because no one understands this process except those going through it, but this is the first day I've had time to look at the NVC thread all month and there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to skim 100+ pages today. I've kind of given up on this thread being a resource for me and only plan to return if I'm desperate for some sort of answer to a problem. It's just too much and I simply do not have enough time in the day to devote to it. It sucks though, because now I feel out of the loop. 


Here's an example of why it's a bit frustrating: I sent the e-mail about my husband's embassy change back to Bogotá on August 5. The last time we did this, they sent an e-mail after about three weeks saying that it had been read and they were going to review our request. We haven't gotten that e-mail yet this time around, and it's been more than a month. It would be great if I could quickly read through a much shorter thread and look for information about how long they're taking at this point to respond to e-mails, and then ask the question if it hasn't been addressed. I don't want to contribute to the epidemic of repeated questions. The way things are now, I'll probably just call for the 11 millionth time. Which is not that big of a deal, although I have a feeling they'll just feed me some line instead of an actual answer. I feel really bad for people who really need help whose problems/questions get buried under meaningless posts. And I do like reading the case updates that do get posted--they are often very helpful and at times even reassuring. But the way things are now, it's just impossible to keep up unless you have a desk job that lets you sit on the internet all day or are willing to devote an hour or more every night to reading just this thread. 


Long story short, VJ has my very enthusiastic vote for a separate venting thread. Saylin, do you have the power to make one? It would be more work in terms of moderation, but maybe there's another mod that would be willing to keep an eye on it if you can't or don't want to. I'll keep updating my spreadsheet form when things happen of course, but I can't see myself coming here much anymore. Another idea: Put in the first post of next month's thread that it's for questions, answers and progress ONLY (big, bold, underlined, etc.) and see if that does anything. 


Anyone can make a thread ;) So, if someone wants to spearhead a new thread for just venting about wait times or talking about how draining the process is, etc etc, then by all means, someone start one! (Call it something like The NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread) Then this thread can get back to its original intention of questions and progress only (and probably reduce the number of pages by a lot, especially if people start reading what's available).


It's funny to me, cause when I was going through the process, the NVC threads would typically average around 40 pages by the end of the month. Even less sometimes. But as the wait times go up, (obviously) more people talk about it and complain. Which is fine, but I think it should be in a separate thread, as I've discussed before and brought up again above.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

have a question.

I have a police certificate from a third country that was issued in November 2013 (i requested it as soon as i got my I-130 approved, but I did not expect it would take sooo long to get NVC)/

there is no expiration date on it, so i assume it is valid for one year since the date of issue.


I have actually requested a new one several weeks ago but it can take another 4 weeks to get it. So, here is a question. Should I send my IV package with soon expiring Police certificate and then mail the renewed one. Or its better to wait a little and send the complete package?


If there's no expiration date, you should be fine. Especially since most police certificates are good for one year. Just bring the updated one to the interview, in case they want an updated one.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Yeah, that's what we did. Phew! (not that we've sent it yet but would be a bloody pain if he had to do it, especially considering he first filled it out with me next to him. I'd be worried to let him do it on his own haha)


So for the past 3 years tax information? We just put the amount that was on his w2's? Is that right?


I think about all this stuff 24 hours a day! Driving me mad! 


No, from the tax transcripts. Please read the form instructions carefully.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


So, Saylin, we just put what my husbands annual income is BEFORE tax?  That previous post confused me.


What have people been slipping up on when it comes to the income part? 


Yes. If he's salary, put that. If he's paid by the hour, calculate what his current annual income would be by: hourly wage x hours worked per week x weeks worked per year (typically 52).


The question most people have problems with are for the three previous years' tax information (even though it's written right in the question what amount to use :bonk: ). 

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

It depends on which form you file your taxes on. Be very careful with this one I got a checklist for putting in the wrong amounts. Take the time to get it right it trips up a lot of people.


Current annual income isn't based on tax forms  :no:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hi guys,


I know this has been said before in this thread but theres 100+ pages and my computer is SO slow.


Annual income on the I-864. Is that after tax or before?


Thanks in advance


Before taxes.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hi Everyone,


I hope that we can get some constructive feedback on a proposal I'd like to make. Firstly, I'm very happy that VJ has provided a lot of support for all of us - both emotionally and also practically in terms of asking and answering questions.


However, I am having some difficulties following this thread. I check this forum everyday and sometimes I even spend more than an hour reading everyone's comments. I understand that many of us use this form as a way to keep our spirits up and to feel some sense of belonging in what is increasingly becoming an insane process. We are at a rate of 10 new pages per day (it's 9 Sept 2014 and we already have 100 pages). I try to limit my comments to only questions or answers that I am sure about.


I suggest that in order to clarify things a bit more, we could create at least two-three forums each month. I would envision something along the lines of:


NVC Filers October 2014 - Q/A

I've certainly had a lot of questions and often asking them in this thread is difficult because of the rate at which the thread moves - not everyone sees the question and it's hard to see other's questions. This could be a general Q/A form about the NVC process or it could be refined to only talk about questions post-submission to NVC. I have asked questions in this thread when I read something new (ex. I realized I sent my documents in with the AGI instead of Gross Income and am now resubmitting AOS) but it's hard to see all the questions or doubts others have written - it gets lost in all of the pages.


NVC Filers October 2014 - NVC Communication Updates

This could be the main forum where we can catalog the communication we have with NVC, ex. information we receive after calling NVC, information received by email/text from NVC (60 days notification, CC, information abou the "new process," etc), advice about when/how to call NVC, etc. Then main idea here is that we give updates about what we've heard about our case from NVC. We wouldn't need to have any questions about the NVC process here - just updates about where our case is and if we've learned anything new. I imagine this thread could be the "main thread" where we can see what's new with NVC processing.


(and maybe even)

NVC Filers October 2014 - Moral Support

This could be the thread where we can go to vent a little and try to find some moral support among our peers. I don't envision this thread having much content regarding the communication with NVC or having any questions about whether to re-submit, how to correctly address the packages, etc. This would purely be therapy for all of us!


Let me know what you think about this idea and about how the thread is progressing overall.


Take care and best of luck to all of us!


As I mentioned in a previous month, more than half the posts here seem to fit into that third category of 'moral support' (and venting). I've suggested a separate thread in the past.


The whole intention of these monthly threads is to post questions and progress. And if people actually READ what was provided, it'd cut down at least half the amount of questions (this includes the questions asking for scan dates when it's right in the person's signature!).


But alas, I don't think anything will change...

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-10 07:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I get my passport delivered tomorrow! Not bad!




Now get your flight tickets booked so we can meet up in Orlando while I'm there! :D :D

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-09 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Ok, so since it seems like there's a lot of confusion on the "new process" and what to do, here's my two cents.


For those just getting to NVC, then the process will likely be (by the sounds of the updated NVC website):

-fill out DS-261 (once case number is assigned)

-have both bills invoiced around the same time, once the DS-261 is reviewed

-fill out the DS-260 once it's available

-once both fees are showing as PAID, send ONE package containing both the AOS and IV paperwork

-respond to any checklists

-case complete


For those already currently at NVC and halfway through the process, nothing is going to change. Still finish NVC as normal. If you want to send the IV package, do so at your own risk. Use the AOS cover sheet. (And for those doing this, please stop freaking out so much what address is used for the IV package, it will get routed to the correct department if you use the wrong one).

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-09 08:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Please read what I quoted from seanimo, this is a new thing and Saylin will be updating her wiki later this week. You can use the barcode sheet of AOS, just change Attn: CMR AOS to Attn: CMR/DR. Some people say it's DR, that's what the NVC reps are telling but on the barcode sheet for IV it's Attn: CMR. To send both packages together, put all your AOS stuff in one envelope, IV in another and put both of these in a larger manila envelope.


Uh, no  :no: I won't be updating until AT LEAST the 22nd. Not only because I'll be busy planning this week and be on vacation next week, but I also want to see how the process is with others before doing a major overhaul on the wiki, so it might even be later as it depends how many people here are at the start of the NVC process and actually update on how the new path goes.


Guess I'm gonna have to make a new flowchart as well  :jest:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-09 07:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



OK!  I'm going to have to stop you guys right here before another rumor of NVC working on Saturdays starts!  LOL   :rofl:


Please check Saylin's Wiki.  Actually, I just copied and pasted "Work Hours" below:  http://www.visajourn...php/NVC_Process


Work Hours

NVC only works Mondays to Fridays. They do NOT work on Saturdays, Sundays, or US National Holidays. And despite what you may see or hear, they unlikely work any overtime.

And keep in mind, emails are automated and delayed. So, if you receive an email on the weekend, it does NOT mean they are actually working on the weekend. It's normal for it to take awhile to receive emails from NVC.


Here's a gold star (or five) for being awesome and reading the wiki and not falling for the "we are working on weekends" line ;)


:star:  :star:  :star:  :star:  :star:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



Or maybe they're trying to get down with the kids and get rid of long, complicated words like "inquiry". 


:rofl:  :rofl:


Regardless, updated the wiki to reflect the new replacement email address ;)

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 15:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Seems NVC has a new email address called I just got an email from it in reply to one I sent to on July 26th asking for my IV invoice. The email stated they've received my documents and to wait 60 days. No scan date though so I'll still need to call. Though I'm so very sleepy xD


Ah, yes, just looked it up: http://travel.state....nformation.html


Maybe they were getting too many emails at the old one and it imploded or something  :rofl:

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



I think China and expedites are the exception, but I could be wrong.


Yes, obviously, expedites are an exception.


And I believe there's a country or two where the embassy/consulate gets the case first and schedules the interview themselves, but I can't think of which one(s) at the moment. I don't think it's China though.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I sent in my original marriage record to NVC and it's an irreplaceable booklet as it has the signature of my late father. God forbid NVC misplace it. I was under the impression that an interview is scheduled once the embassy has the case, isn't it so?


No. NVC schedules the interview date first, then they ship the case out to the embassy/consulate.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Did you guys know there was a $165 immigrant fee to pay before you can come to the US after the visa or is this new?


That fee has been around since February 2013. Perhaps you should read my wiki as well as USCIS's website? I've mentioned it in my wiki...

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


And Saylin... I guess the wiki will have to be reworked for the new process of paying the fees together and sending the packages together. 

You are an ANGEL of IMMIGRATION! Have a blast in Orlando!


Yes, last night I went onto the NVC website and saw the new bits about sending just one package. I'm going to wait and see how the changes come before spending a lot of time updating the wiki. Not to mention I've got last-minute planning to do and then my vacation starts this Saturday :P So, I'll update the wiki once I get back, after the 21st.


As to those wondering if your case will be delayed cause you sent (or will send) in 2 packages, don't worry. It'll probably take a couple of weeks before NVC switches over to this new system of processing, so you're fine. Take a deep breath in and let it out.

SaylinFemaleCanada2014-09-08 07:08:00