CanadaIs this revised plan workable? So many issues!
I think your husband will have a hard time showing that his principal residence is in the USA (to meet the terms of the affidavit of support). On the surface, renting a room and not having a job and never having had a previous residence or US employment would be questionable. Add that to the fact that he has always lived in Canada and the only property you guys have will be in Canada. Doesn't make me think he's living in the USA so I don't know why USCIS would buy it.

IMO, you would have an easier time if he actually lived in the USA, got whatever work he could get, and use the value of your assets to make up the difference.

The one part I might do would be to build the cabin on the land, but then I would look at selling everything and seeing if that would be enough cash. But if I already had enough assets, I wouldn't even bother with that. Life is already too short.

Edited by Dakine10, 13 March 2010 - 12:09 AM.

Dakine10MaleRussia2010-03-13 00:08:00
yeah... what craziness on the canadian forum!?!? :blink:

It was an awesome, awesome game.
Crosby killed it! I had to see a bunch of replyas before I understood how that last goal came about Great frigging shot!!

I had to hold back my tears cuz I was watching it with my brother and he would have made too much fun of me... but I was choking up! :blush:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-28 22:34:00
Congratulations!! :dance:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-09 17:10:00
CanadaGot my Passport Back!

Congratulations and welcome. Remind your mom that it's only a few hours away by plane, you haven't moved to New Zealand. And have a safe---and maybe even fun---trip!

I was just thinking that! A few years ago, I wanted to move to Australia and I know my parents are thankful I'll only be a short flight away instead.

Wyatt, Im sure your mom is also really happy for you. I'm sure she is glad you found a good woman who is worth moving for.

Have a safe trip!!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-09 16:51:00
CanadaMontreal review
Congratulations to both of you!!

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-11 11:11:00
CanadaCR1 Interview Montreal 3/11
Congratulations! :)
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-11 13:04:00
CanadaEducation vs Employment
My dad has been a university teacher for over 40 years, and every year he has students that are in their 50s, 60s, or even 70s, at the graduate level and the bachelor level.

What Ive noticed in students that go back to school after being on the job market is that they are not there just to get credits and a piece of paper, but to learn, and expect a lot from the teachers. They are not there to waste their time and are very motivated.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-10 13:08:00
CanadaEducation vs Employment
Here is the link. I wish they would go more in depth about each person but it still interesting.

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-10 00:33:00
CanadaEducation vs Employment

That's actually pretty inspiring Kizza. Everyone has made me believe that since I didn't jump into my MA right after graduation that I will never have the motivation to go back to school. That isn't necessarily true right? Just because I'm not interested today, doesn't mean that the door is completely closed. Ultimately I'd like to go back and further my education, just not sure when or how. I just figure that I should decide what I really want to do first.

I dont know why people would say that... When I think of the people who were studying with me, many if not most were a lot older than me and wanted a new career. I think you are more motivated if you are studying something after finding out what it is you really want. I mean... there are no recipes and some people have a clear path in their head and follow it and are successful and happy. But it's not like that for everybody... life experience is important too and can bring you towards a career you would have never thought of before.

I have a friend who is about 10 years younger than me and he spent a couple of years partying and living it up in Vail... just being a ski bum and doing odd jobs. He is now doing a master's in Denver in environmental studies. And I just know he will be brilliant. I wouldnt be surprised if he was elected president one day! lol

I actually got an interesting link today about celebrities who didnt know what they wanted to do until at leat 30... I'll send it to you on fb cuz Im not sure i can post it here... I'll try.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-10 00:29:00
CanadaEducation vs Employment

Well, my degree is pretty useless to me right now, but for different reasons. I have a 4 year bachelor's in Political Science, which I loved and still do love, but using that knowledge and passion and actually applying it to a practical career is not exactly easy.

My bachelors is a lot like yours, Hugglebuggles, it was in Anthropology, so although I loved doing it, there arent many clearly defined jobs in that field.
I took about a year off after graduating, and decided to do a Masters in translation so I could have a job that would pay decent money and that I could do part time while I kept searching for something that I would love. Turned out I really like translating. I specialised in the medical field, so although part of the job can be a little boring, it actually remains challenging and I learn new things all the time.
But what I like best is the freedom I get from being my own boss.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-10 00:04:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Postal Code
No... I wouldnt call them lazy...
that would be the pot calling the kettle black anyway. lol

I guess I just got lucky and OP5 has been answering emails today. It did take a few days to get an answer, mind you.

Hopefully it will help out other people in the future b/c when I realised it late at night after battling the ds-160 form for hours, I was pulling my hair to be honest.
Probably overreacting, but you know how it is... you don't want to take chances with anything at this point.

thanks trailmix!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-12 14:07:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Postal Code

you actually got a reply from montreal about something like that?? and yet most of us can't get a reply about worth jack..for anything..just WOW...

and ya we know about the postal code..someone else asked / mentioned it last week i think?

ah... I missed that.
weird because I thought I searched the forums to see if it had been mentioned.

I imagine they answer a question like that because it would take them 15 seconds to do so.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-12 12:33:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Postal Code
There seems to be an error with the postal code for courier deliveries to the Montreal consulate. The postal code that appears on the consulate website and in the embassy info here on VJ (H3B 1Z1) isn't recognised by Canada Post.

I sent an email to the consulate and got this reply:

Our postal code for courier service is: H3B 3Z1.


I ended up sending it to the P.O. Box anyway, but thought maybe it needed to be changed in the embassy info...
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-12 12:23:00
CanadaI'm Home!
Glad to hear you made it there safe! :thumbs:

Sounds like an epic drive.
ah... the things we'll go through to be with our loved ones! :)

Edited by kizza, 13 March 2010 - 10:13 AM.

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-13 10:13:00
Canadano PMs
aww, Im sorry Lgg. (F)

I cant offer much help as Im still home, but this is what Im most scared of in this process.
I hope you get into a new routine you love very soon.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-14 16:00:00
CanadaCanadian medical vision test

It may just be me, but helping people by answering questions can bring a little joy to my day. Thinking that you've helped someone out and eased their stress and anxiety just a little big is pretty great! I'm thankful for all the people that answered my ridiculous questions when I was going through the process, so I'd like to think that I give back and keep the circle of VJ life going :lol:

There are some questions that can be easily answered by reading the guides a bit. The one question that seems to bother me sometimes is the: "I'm engaged to a (insert foreign citizenship here) how do I get him/her to the US? Can she just come here and stay?" But questions like this? I don't mind answering this at all. This is one of those questions that can best be answered by describing personal experiences, not by reading a guide that says, "Montreal and Vancouver do vision tests. The end."

I completely agree with you. :) Ive gotten so much from VJ that it makes me happy if I can help people however I can.

The posts that annoy me are the "Got my NOA2! Now what?" lol
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 13:09:00
CanadaCanadian medical vision test
... well, people are free to skip the simple questions that are easily answered and focus on more important and valid questions.
Maybe those important questions go unanswered because people dont know the answer, not because they are busy answering simple ones?

I also like to do my own research, but as it has been said, the search engine in VJ isnt that great.

In the case of this particular question, obviously, judging from the answers, experience varied a lot from person to person, and now the OP will have a chance to be prepared, whatever happens at the medical.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 10:16:00
CanadaAffidavit of Support Question!!

giving this a little shove. The interview is in 9 days and I DON'T want to mess up over something so simple. The support will be our only hurdle to cross, we have all the other evidence.

Kayla, did you get any answers to your questions?

I dont have any answers to offer, I would just be guessing, but you might get more help on this subject in the Embassy & Consulate forum.

Good luck!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 08:36:00

That's awesome! :lol:

I was just thinking... That would probably work well here in CO Kizza, with all our powdery snow... We have a year to find an old couch and some skiis :whistle:

:lol: I can find old skis no problem!! We just need the couch!

I also have friends with quads.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 13:15:00
Too funny! :lol:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 09:51:00
CanadaDouble Checking Everything!
I dont think you need a new one.

Im pretty sure the consulate considers it valid for 1 year.

Oct. 29 th ... that makes it less than 6 months old anyway, so you are definitely fine.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-16 12:04:00
CanadaDouble Checking Everything!

Good luck :thumbs: :thumbs:

While in Montreal Schwartzs Delecatessen up on St. Laurent BLVD. is a must place to go to.
If you have the time drop in for the best smoked meat sandwich you can ever get.

:thumbs: + 1
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-15 17:28:00
CanadaDouble Checking Everything!

Is there anything you suggest I see in Montreal? And a gooood poutine place. :lol:

On another note, my husbands finally back in the USA. :lol:

Nice! good news about your husband.

How long are you in town for? What do you like to do?

Do you like shopping? I love to walk on St-Denis street... there are tons of little boutiques and cafes. La Banquise is a restaurant in that area that is renowned for their poutines. They have all kinds.
St-Laurent boulevard is cool too.
You can also walk around the Old Port... It's in Old Montreal, which is really cool too, with cobble-stone streets and old buildings.

Do you like things that have to do with nature & ecology?
One thing we have planned for next time Matt is in town is a visit to the Biodome. Its a really unique nature "museum"...

It's raining today but the weather is supposed to be great all week.
let me know what you like and I'll give you more details if you want.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-14 13:25:00
CanadaDouble Checking Everything!
Good luck Bern! :thumbs:

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the town while you are in Montreal.
I know you'll have your MIL with you, but Im here and will be happy to help if I can.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-14 13:10:00
Awesome news!! Congratulations!

:dance: :dance:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-16 16:07:00
CanadaHappy St. Patrick's Day!


i am making potato soup in honour of St. Patrick's Day!

happy st-patricks day!

Lgg, I guess somebody's not a fan of potato soup! :blink: :lol:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 09:39:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

Red Xs are next to posts that have been deleted. The light blue with a gray square is a post that has been read. The yellow square is a new post that hasn't been read.

I found it interesting that I have some red Xs as well although I haven't deleted any posts since the changeover. It looks like some of the 'deleted' posts were included in with the ones that were transferred, which is interesting because it means that when you delete they were not necessarily fully deleted.

Captain Ewok is still working on transferring over the PMs from the last 6 months - I think he said earlier he was about half way done. After that, he is willing to retrieve further back on a request basis so you might want to keep that in mind for those 'missing' earlier posts.

And yes- I have my regular Avatar back - her name is Yuna and I have grown attached to her, although it was nice to have Lion and Bear join me here for a while :) .

I like Yuna too :)
And Bear and Lion are really gorgeous. Lion sure wears his name well!

thanks for the clarification regarding the Xs. That is interesting to know that PMs dont get fully deleted...
that also means most of the retrieved PMs I have so far had been deleted. Hmmm.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 18:32:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

I may be pulling my chair up to dinner a little late with this..but I noticed that the "reputation" thing in the profiles is gone. Mine is anyways..any one else notice that?

Oh and Kathryn...nice to see your face again!! ( although Lion and Bear were cute too!)

Yes that was changed this afternoon... so you can still rank a post, but not the poster.
The votes wont be associated with your reputation on your profile anymore.

I think it's better this way.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 16:40:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

Not sure about the x/square thing, but as for PMs being deleted, there is discussion of that in the site discussion thread on this subject, ewok said something about not restoring all of them - someone had requested today that they want all of theirs back. I believe he did mention something about restoring them if requested, in that same thread.

thanks trailmix. I hadnt looked at that thread at all.

I'll be patient and see if the PMs I wanted to hold on to are part of the older PMs that will be repopulated in the next few days. Ewok said we would get back the last 6 months worth, so I guess there is more to come.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 10:42:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

Wasn't there a fast reply option in the other forum setup?

Here is another thing, but it could just be something i'm missing. If I go to search the forums for a specific item, I use that google search in the top right hand corner (there used to be an option to just search the forum you were viewing) - so the results come up, I click on in and i'm taken back to the main forum list, rather than the result ie: thread I was looking for.

That's odd! Ive been curious to see if the advanced search works better than before.

I just realised that my older PMs have been deleted... not a big deal except that there were a few I had been saving for months because I wanted to hold on to some info in there. :( Hopefully I had already copied and pasted some of that in word docs or emails to Matt.

Does anyone know why some PMs have a red X next to them and others some sort of light blue square?
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 09:18:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

OMG!!! I was just venting on the vent thread about that negative/positive rating. One of my post was ranked negatively... I feel like we're back in high school again!

I agree that you should have to be accountable about rating post! And I do see its uses for rating immigration advice but maybe not for OT posts, and theres a lot of them in this particular forum!

That's retarded!

I agree too that our name should appear if we want to rate posts.
If I read a post and thought the advice was bad enough to compel me to vote it down, I would be happy to justify my point of view.

I feel like in other forums online you often see peoples names with features like that... like for instance, Josephine gave this post a thumbs up or thumbs down, no?
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-16 20:24:00
CanadaNot digging the new look

So, I already hate the reputation option on posts. Had to go back and view my posts made to see where I got negative reviews. Honestly? I almost think it should show publicly who clicked where, to make people second-guess whether or not they wish to click a review on that particular post.

you got a negative review? :blink:

here's a positive vote, to balance it out. ;)
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-16 12:20:00
CanadaCheap calls to Canada and USA

I got my fiancé an invite to Google Voice and he deleted it because he doesnt listen to what I say! :no: :bonk: :lol:

I buy my phonecards from
They have a lot of choice. From the US to Canada, I believe we use the Sapphire, and from Canada to the U.S., Globetrotter.

Rates are really low (2c a minute I think) and if you pick your card right, there are no connection or maintenance fees.
Only drawback is I cant get a call log... although they keep promising it to me.

Also... from the U.S., Matt uses something called Magic Jack to call me. I think it is $40/year for unlimited calls, and this might work for calls around the world, because the friends who recommended it have a lot of friends & family in Brazil.
It works through your computer.

So if he is home I'll call him with my phonecard and he calls right back with Magic Jack.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 21:41:00
CanadaCheap calls to Canada and USA

Google Voice, if you can get an invite, has a setup where you log on to the website to place a call. Google calls you actual phone, then connects the call to your party. Your call is then (within the US and Canada) free, outside of whatever you pay to receive phone calls (probably just use of minutes on a cell phone, and often free on landlines).

The trick is getting to the front of the line for an invite. :P

I got my fiancé an invite to Google Voice and he deleted it because he doesnt listen to what I say! :no: :bonk: :lol:

I buy my phonecards from
They have a lot of choice. From the US to Canada, I believe we use the Sapphire, and from Canada to the U.S., Globetrotter.

Rates are really low (2c a minute I think) and if you pick your card right, there are no connection or maintenance fees.
Only drawback is I cant get a call log... although they keep promising it to me.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 21:36:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate

I called the DOS lastnight and they told me that it left the 11 and arrived the 12 as per what they see. i looked on the DHL website too and used the tracking info and saw that a my file left DOS on 11 for MTL and was delived and signed for at 2:23 on march 12. I will just be patient I guess

202 663 1225

that is the right number. My guess would be that they will send you packet 3 around the end of next week.

You can take a look at the forms and even fill some of them. They'll ask you about job history, education, previous trips, so you might want to start gathering info now.

No harm in calling DOS in the mean time...
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-18 12:24:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate

Hi All, so MTL got my file March 12,I tracked it on the DHL site. I am trying to contact them to see if they know when my P3 will be sent. The 514# is just a recording foroptions for visa apts. Does anyone have a number for them I can use? thanks all

You cant reach the consulate by phone.

The DOS will be able to tell you when Packet 3 is sent.

In my case it took 2 weeks for them to put together packet 3 (after the date I presumed my file was received at the consulate), but it was actually sent 5 days after the date quoted by DOS.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-18 11:56:00
CanadaGot My Visa
Congratulations :)
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 17:05:00
CanadaPacket 3

It took 21 days from Montreal receiving my fiance's packet from NVC to him receiving his packet 3 via Canada Post. We had all the forms ready and had it mailed back the next mailing day after he received it. Took from Tuesday to Friday for it to be deposited into the mailbox in Montreal (thanks to tracking on the Expresspost Regional Mailer that we used). Then it took 10 days for them to put in the computer but the DOS didn't "see it" in the computer for another week. Now the waiting for the interview date continues.

That's good to know... I'll try not to stress too much over it.

I'll add that when they say it is sent, it means it is sent to the mailroom.
I was told Packet 3 was sent on March 1st but the post stamp shows it was actually sent on the 5th.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 15:17:00
CanadaPacket 3

once it gets to MTL, you get the packet soon-ish, send the packet back and then you play the waiting game... I had to wait 5 months, I think.. (it's in my signature)
some couples have had to wait much more than that......

you basically pull out a bottle of wine and get on the phone to talk to your loved one every night :)

5 months... geezus. that's a lot of bottles of wine! :lol:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-17 10:48:00
CanadaPauley and Yvonne's Montreal Adventure!

Yaye, they approved Yvonne's visa! :D *happydance* :dance:

They said I had to move to Swaziland, though; not sure what was up with that... :blink: (j/k)

Now to burn off the rest of the weekend just hanging around and touristing. :D

Awesome news! Congratulations to both of you! :dance:

Enjoy the rest of your stay!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-18 10:40:00