CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I have been searching for jobs in Craigslist and I came upon this one... :lol:

:lol: I didnt know such a job existed!
I love how they say great eyesight is required!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-03 17:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Hmm, I was at Micheals earlier. The one closest to us doesn't seem to have too many books.
I'll have to take a look again later. I need something to keep me busy that doesnt' cost very much money!

I think even Walmart could have some books on knitting, crocheting etc.
It's probably a small selection, but depending on what else is around, it might be a place to check out.

I took on crocheting last year too. It's fun.
I made a blanket for my friend's baby. It's an easy first project.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-02 17:14:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
For poutines... here are a few suggestions:

La Belle Province
705, Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest (on McGill I think)... so a few blocks West of of the consulate.
(514) 845-4113
La Belle Province are franchises so the quality can vary from one to the other. But in general I like them. Cant say Ive been to that one in particular.

Foufounes électriques has a wide variety of poutines, and it is a Montreal Institution as a music venue etc. My 74-yr-old anthropology teacher used to love hanging out there for people watching.

La Banquise is a little further away (short cab ride though). It is supposed to be excellent.
994, Rue Rachel Est
(514) 525-2415

There are a few greasy spoons on St-Laurent below Ste-Catherine that serve good poutine but I cant recall the names now... I'll try to find them.

Do not eat KFC (or PFK as we call it here) poutine. I tried it the other day and it was gross. The gravy was grey :wacko:

Edited by kizza, 01 March 2010 - 04:22 PM.

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-01 16:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Are there any good places to get poutine around the consulate??? Can't come to Quebec and not get one.

I dont think all poutines are made equal lol Some are made with curd cheese, other with grated cheese etc.

Do you want to try the real thing or a fancy one? Nowadays they make all kinds of poutines... with pepper sauce, blue cheese, and all kinds of stuff.
I like the good old La belle Province poutine. There has to be tons of poutine places around the consulate... Will you be walking?
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-01 14:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

lol poutine is pretty much the same everywhere.

so like..why do so many americans say "gal"...i mean..i say girl, chick, women..but gal? it just sounds old fashioned or something. Davids parents use it alot..and it just bugs me for some reason lol

My fiancé says "gal" all the time. It used to crack me up but now Im used to it.
He's not an oldster lol he's just 33... but he's from Nebraska so maybe that explains it! ;)

After years of using the ones in the basement of my apartment building, having a W/D at home was the ultimate luxury!!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-03-01 14:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

All safe so far here. :thumbs: Apparently, the water is quickly receding in Hilo Bay, haven't seen any videos or pictures yet though.

Got a voicemail from VJ member Spirit too, she's safe too. :star:

Good to hear! :thumbs:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-27 17:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Is MrsCat in Hawaii?

Im thinking of people in Hawaii, Australia, NZ etc. and possible tsunamis...
It's scary. I hope everybody is ok.

Krikit I hope your mom is doing better (F)
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-27 14:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

They counter offered our offer but are willing to negotiate. We could for sure afford the asking price as it was within our budget, and we'd be paying less than we right now for rent with our down payment. So we're going to try to go a little less and ask for a one year home warranty too.

This is becoming more real. I am so scared/excited.

That is exciting!!

Good luck!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-22 13:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Yea it was probably something. It's easy for us to try to explain things like that with logic.

Omg did i ever tell you my Chad Kroeger story????

I was standing outside of the horseshoe in Toronto, and this was when they just started to get big and he walked out and I excitedly said: "Omg! Aren't you the guy from nickelback???" and he looked over and smiled and said: "Ya" and started to walk over and then I yelled: "YOU GUYS SUCK!"

And he stopped in his tracks, gave me the finger, called me a "punk a$$ kid" and got into a van. :lol:

HA! I love it! :lol:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-21 19:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Congrats minnew!

I hope you do get the job you really want!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-03 16:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Interview went okay. Not great. Not terrible.

There were three interviewers, two ladies and a man. The man looked so unimpressed to be there. He just had this empty expression the whole time. The two ladies were furious note takers, and he just stared at me blankly while they were scribbling. It was very uncomfortable. He did write something down once, I took that as either a sign that what came out of my mouth was sheer brilliance or utter ####### and he wanted to recall what the 100% wrong answer sounded like. :lol:

That, or he remember he needed to get milk on his way home!

According to the Georgia weather prognosticator of the groundhog variety, General Beauregard Lee, we're in for an early Spring. He failed to see his shadow this morning.

I sure hope Beauregard is right. It sure is cold out here these days.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-02 21:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Oh and we bought a house here in Calgary and we move in 3 weeks.


That's a quick move!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-02-02 12:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Neocitron with some honey and rum. It's awesome, try it!

that does sound pretty good actually!

neocitron knocks me out
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-01-22 15:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Well, I consulted with my wife and decided to go for it. :D

Some folks will see this as foolish, but...meh. I'd pay $300 for five days with my wife ANY time.

I'd pay that in a heartbeat too!

It comes to only 60$ a day ;) hehehe
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-01-21 21:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

It's been a welcome break, yes. Sigh. Tough though, I partied since I was 15 (so, for 25 years) and then had to quit cold turkey. It's tough on a person! Especially since I still go to the bar with hubby, everyone else is getting lubricated, and I am bored. Did you know we are actually quite stoopid when inebriated? :blink: I had no idea!

So true lol. I get really bored hanging with drunk people when Im sober.
I think "How lame. How can I find us funny when Im partaking?"
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-01-08 16:02:00

I was approved!!!! Yééé!!! Posted Image

Good Luck to all the others with interviews in June, i'll post a review shortly for you guys to help you with the interview!!

Félicitations! Posted Image

and good luck to all of you having their interview this week! Posted Image
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-06 11:43:00

Hey guys anyone know if there is a storage locker or something were i can put my purse and cell phone while im having my interview. I am staying at by friends place the night before then walkin to the embassy in the morning of the interview but she will be at work when im done and i really don't have a way to get back into her apt. GOOOD LUCK EVERYONE

I dont know about storage nearby, but I know that the security will keep stuff like that for you , like a coatcheck (like for people with electronic car keys etc.).
I think the only drawback is that it takes a few more minutes downstairs.
You can take your purse up with you unless it is super big....

Yeah! Good luck people!!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-05-21 05:54:00

May interviews are done, we're next!! June is coming very fast, only 12 days left until the first June interviews!!

Crazyg49 - June 1st
AandB - June 1st

Beaudof - June 4th

Star Shine - June 9th

Julesrose - June 10th

Goldenstate - June 11th

Kizza - June 14th
dd4ever - June 14th

Beantown79 - June 23rd

Here's what we have for June, is there anybody else?
Better get everything ready and in order for the interviews now!! Posted Image

Holy cow. Already!?! Finally!?
Ive been doing my best not to think about it too much in the past few weeks but reading this post, I just got this huge pang of anxiety.
Cant wait for the interview to be done. I dream about it almost every night.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-05-20 10:45:00
Crazyg49 - June 1st
AandB - June 1st

Star Shine - June 9th

Julesrose - June 10th

Goldenstate - June 11th

Kizza - June 14th

Beantown79 - June 23rd
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-20 11:11:00

Congrats on the interviews everyone! Posted Image

Kizza, Colorado is waiting for you Posted Image

I can hardly wait!! Posted Image

And a little bit of Colorado is coming to me... Matt is arriving on Wednesday!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-19 21:21:00

I got mine too!!!!

JUNE 1ST!!!!!

Finally we can start planning the wedding, POE, and all the stuff that goes with it!! Thanks MTL!!! Posted Image

Congratulations AandB!! Posted Image

Crazyg49 - June 1st
AandB - June 1st

Julesrose - June 10th

Goldenstate - June 11th

Kizza - June 14th

Beantown79 - June 23rd
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-19 14:38:00
let's see what we've got...

Crazyg49 - June 1st

Julesrose - June 10th

Goldenstate - June 11th

Kizza - June 14th

Beantown79 - June 23rd

Please add yourself if I forgot you!

Edited by kizza, 19 April 2010 - 01:59 PM.

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-19 13:57:00

YAY! Finally. Now you know you will be able to make your friends wedding.

Thanks everybody! :)

Yeah! I should be able to make it to my best friend's wedding and I can start my planning my own wedding in August!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-19 08:55:00
I got my interview date... June 14th.

Posted Image
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-19 08:18:00

WoW. I really hope this means Montreal has caught up!

Good luck kizza! I got my toes crossed for you.

There is still hope that it might be May for some people!

Thanks Bevie!
yeah, May would be great! Id take one interview for my birthday at the end of May please!
Matt is coming to visit and it would be great if we didnt have to change his flight or anything for him to be here for it.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-16 22:27:00
Wow!! Congrats! That's awesome!! Posted Image

I was getting a feeling I should call back today but thought it would be useless.
This is going to be another long weekend waiting to call DOS!!
I am scared to get excited right now. I tell you what though, if we dont have an interview date ourselves on Monday, my fiancé will be marching in that Consulate next Thursday when he arrives! Posted Image
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-04-16 17:03:00

Would you have the complete address and phone number please?

I was there yesterday to pick up my results...

500 Sherbrooke West, suite 1100
514-499-2777 ext. 3500
1-800-499-1394 ext. 3500
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-09 18:14:00
Canadae-mail notifcations from
that's just because they don't send email notifications for touches, just the decision and I think RFEs.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-15 12:46:00
Thank you! :) It's waking up this morning that it started sinking in that I'm approved! Phew. A huge weight has been lifted!

Not sure about the POE... Matt is here and would like to get going rather quiclky, whereas I'd be happy to stay a while (with him!) and take the time to say goodbye to friends and enjoy Montreal and all the festivals going on.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-15 10:45:00
I was approved this morning! Yay! Posted Image Posted Image

Everything went very smoothly, thanks to all the great advice I got here. The gal who took all my paperwork even made it a point of saying how organised I was, which is cracking up everybody who knows me here because organisation isnt really my forte. :) I wouldnt have been if it wasnt for all the info I found on VJ.

Thank you to everybody who answered my questions in the past or offered support! :)

I dont know what to do with myself now... I should go sleep but Im way too wired.
I will post a review once I can think straight.

kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-14 09:25:00

I had the confirmation page with me, they did not even ask for it, and I suspect this is the case with most people.

yes, same for me. I had the confirmation page and the forms but they didn't ask for any of it.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-16 12:28:00
Wow! Awesome news!

Congratulations! :dance:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-16 12:17:00
CanadaRegarding AOS

My k1 was approved last month. I POE'ed on the 5th of June. We're getting married on the 28th of June. My fiancée has a sabbatical from work every 7 years and this is the year. He gets 8 weeks off to do whatever he so chooses to do. This year we're going on a road trip from roughly August 1st - early September.

I have no answer for you but just wanted to say that sounds awesome and I hope you guys get to go!!

Come by Colorado? :P
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-18 09:51:00
CanadaBorder Crossing Question

Yes actually - that's exactly what I was wondering, thanks Kizza.

I think I may have overstayed a few years back, but was never officially "reprimanded" on it, crossed several times after that without any incidents at the border at all (not even called into secondary) then last year (2009) when I tried to cross, I got put into secondary, was verbally told that I had overstayed in 2009 by 40 days and that my trip that day, unfortunately would not proceed. They wrote me up this document (sorry don't have it right here in front of me) and on it, the Application for entry into the US is withdrawn was checked. In the explanation, it didn't say anything about the overstay, just that I had failed to show solvency to Canada.

The guard told me that next time I tried to cross, I had to bring VERY strong proof that I had ties to Canada. Of course, since we are smack in the middle of my CR-1 process, I've never tried to cross again (and don't plan to either, until I have visa in hand)

That sounds very much like what happened to me. I was given a 1-month visa a few years ago, but wasnt told, so I presumed I was getting the usual 6 months, and stayed 5. I re-entered the states with no problem a couple of times and in 2009, when I was pulled into secondary because they wanted me to show ties to Canada, and that's when we all found out I had overstayed the year before. I was denied entry, probably got the same stamp you did, and they did mention in the report I had overstayed. I havent gone back since.
I cant tell you how much I stressed about all this in the past year, and it was hardly brought up at the interview. The only advice I can give you is to tell the truth. I was absolutely honest when filling the forms, and all the officer did was ask me yes or no questions at the interview.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-18 18:07:00
CanadaBorder Crossing Question
They can't add up the time that you have overstayed over the years to say, make it over 180 days so that you would incur a ban, if that's what you are asking.

I overstayed unknowingly (sounds weird but it's true), and later got denied entry because I couldnt show strong ties to Canada as I was entering from a different country.

I was asked about it at the interview, and was expecting to be probed about it, but it wasnt the case at all. I think the officer asked about it just to see if I would answer truthfully.
I was approved with no problem at all.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-18 17:31:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting

Me too. I see your interview is next week, how you feeling about it? Posted Image

Pretty damn nervous! Posted Image but eager to get it over with. I hope it goes well!!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-09 19:54:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting

Okay spoke too soon, Kevin got home from work and had a letter from his senator, they have put in the inquiry for us to see what is going on. Posted Image

Good! I hope this gets things moving for you!
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-09 18:16:00
CanadaGot my Green Card Today!!!!
Congratulations! :thumbs:
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-18 10:52:00
CanadaJune 14th Interview Review

Actually I was the one who got in trouble and chastised by the teller for not "cutting" the line because I was holding the other CO's up. Oops. I hadn't read in any other recent reviews about what side of the line to stand on so Kizza your review is awesome to point out exactly where to go! I don't want anyone else chastised like I was. So humiliating. But all worked out in the end and my fiance' will POE in 10 days! I can't wait to get on with the rest of my life with HIM!

Thanks everyone!

:) congrats lilac! That is coming up quick! I think I'll be POEing around that time too.

I asked Matt tonight if people were looking at him funny for cutting the line and he said there was some sort of sign there (14A/14B), but also that when the person in the right queue went to walk up to the window, the teller stop him/her and told Matt to come and pay.
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-20 21:12:00
CanadaJune 14th Interview Review

Congratulations Kizza,
I really enjoyed reading your detailed review.
Wish you both the best and a safe and pleasant POE!

oh good! I was afraid I was getting too specific, but I appreciated the details myself before my interview. I like to know what to expect in situations like that.

Thank you for your good wishes! :)
kizzaFemaleCanada2010-06-18 17:17:00