BoilerMaleWales2011-10-26 00:39:00
No such thing.
BoilerMaleWales2011-10-26 00:11:00
PhilippinesHelp! A good Filipino friend (Visa)
That makes more sense.

He is on a temporary work visa. It does not really matter that much what it is.

His visa is dependent on being employed by his current employer.

So either he stays with that employer or finds another employer prepared to sponsor him for a work visa. The E2 is very specific, unlikely to be another E2.

I would have thought it is going to be a very big ask in the current economy.
BoilerMaleWales2011-10-26 12:38:00
PhilippinesHelp! A good Filipino friend (Visa)
E2's can be renewed indefinitely. so all his Employer would need to do is put him in for another 5 years.

Sounds like the I 94 was just for 2 years to take him up to his visa period.

It is always very difficult when info is second hand to comment.
BoilerMaleWales2011-10-26 10:10:00
PhilippinesHelp! A good Filipino friend (Visa)
Why did he only get a 2 year renewal?
BoilerMaleWales2011-10-26 00:08:00
PhilippinesAny possibility of a tourist visa for a Filipina while an I-130 is pending?
She needs to show that she does not intend to immigrate on this visit.

I do not know the details of your case but it looks a minus, also Philippines is high fraud, so what does she have to offset that?
BoilerMaleWales2011-12-06 00:23:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US
What is she going to get anyway with such a short marriage?

But I would wait until she has gone, presumably she will not have the dosh to cough up for a lawyer.
BoilerMaleWales2012-01-25 22:51:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US
That is not correct.

But if I read it correctly she never divorced he first husband, anywhere.

Edited by Boiler, 24 January 2012 - 09:07 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2012-01-24 21:07:00
PhilippinesIs it safe to stay in US with expired passport?
If you do not have a Green Card it is a legal requirement.
BoilerMaleWales2012-01-29 17:11:00
PhilippinesAffidavit of Support I-134 only needs 100%

SOME consulates allow this, MOST do not but I understand you offer it as an example of their discretion.

Itwould be a terrible dis-service to state to VJ members that the "requirement" is 0%

If was posting on the UK forum I would have left out in my case

It all depends.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-09 16:13:00
PhilippinesAffidavit of Support I-134 only needs 100%
I self sponsored, so in my case it was 0%

The amount they were looking for was nominal.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-09 10:35:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?
If the Mother provide fraudulent documentation that would be another issue. Bearing in mind the level of fraud at this Consulate I would be surprised if they let one pass.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-12 13:14:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?
So he voluntarily handed over the child. You did not mention that initially.

He would still have whatever legal rites he had under Philippine Law that he had before.

As he is there and the child is here and it seems that there was no legal issue in moving the child to the US, the legal rights etc seem moot.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-12 11:16:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?
Begs the question as to how the Mother obtained custody of the child.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-12 01:34:00
PhilippinesSevere arm bruising a week after medical
There was a thread a few weeks back by somebody with the same issue.

There was a thread a few weeks back by somebody with the same issue.
BoilerMaleWales2012-02-18 13:07:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice
I see an airline ticket in your future.

BoilerMaleWales2012-03-09 11:37:00
PhilippinesOver stay in the Phils.
BoilerMaleWales2012-05-30 23:13:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
I am talking about the Sister on a Student visa, she could get a visa through work as their father did, through family, well it takes decades and I doubt she could string out her studies that long and pay for the tuition, following her sister's route would be the obvious one, as it would for John.

Edited by Boiler, 10 June 2012 - 11:27 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 23:27:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

The plan is that they will get their citizenship through one of those routes since they have been able to maintain legal status. They are a few years off from finishing their studies. Not to mention one of his sisters is a legal permanent resident and her husband and his family are here. She is very unlikely to be leaving. His younger brother is a citizen and has no reason to leave unless John is deported.

That makes no sense for the Sister, I guess the Mother might be able to drag it out. When did the Sister become a PR?

I would expect the Brother would go with the Mother wherever that might be at that age.

I assumed that they have legal advice, do they?
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 23:14:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

They will not be leaving.

Of course they will, are they going to be Students until they die?

Not to mention that his brother is a US Citizen and one of his sisters is a legal permanent resident working towards citizenship.

Citizens can petition for Parents at age 21, and siblings. Siblings for PI the wait is 20 ish years.

I am unsure of whether you're telling the truth about the deadline. It's my understanding a deadline was missed somewhere- it may not have been for the visa itself but rather it was not processed in time for him not to lose his legal status.

I have no reason to lie, or mislead. If you are saying he was out of status and incurred a ban, well that is a possibility. Certainly not something that has been mentioned before. If he overstayed longer than 6 months after the age 18 he would have a 3 year ban, but that would have been self inflicted.

I am not being economical with the truth. I am posting my full extent of knowledge about the situation. I am also not a lawyer or specialized in immigration in any sense.

Sorry I should have made it clear that I was not pointing that finger at anybody on this thread, I have a feeling they have been accidentally or deliberately not given the full facts.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 22:35:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

However, the lawyers for his company felt released from any such obligation to finish that paperwork since his father was no longer employed by the company.

I am assuming that you do know something more than has been posted. If he was no longer employed by the Company he was no longer eligible for sponsorship.

He didn't get a student visa due to his lawyers missing a deadline.

There are no deadlines for Student Visa's

His mother and sister are here legally and they work on campus as is permitted by their visa types. They have every right to be here and they are doing so legally and have done so every step of the process. They will not be leaving if John is deported.

They will be leaving when there Student Visa's are up, they have been here 4 years so presumably soon?

Also, I would like to say that if you do not support the petition that is fine. No one is here to make you sign anything. Please just disregard it if it displeases you.

If you ask for people's support it might help if you are not economical with the truth.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 22:11:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
He didn't?

But no 11 year old would be anyway.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 18:54:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
1 is a USC through birth

1 is a Permanent Resident through marriage

The other 2 are on temporary Student Visa's

Most of this thread has been about ascertaining facts which were not originally evident.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 18:22:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
I guess we could re write the petition with some facts that have come out of this thread, but I am not sure there would be any point.

NigeriaorBust never said that he had breached the criminal code btw, as you pointed out the crime in this case is a civil infraction most likely as far as Immigration is concerned.

There are certainly Immigration infractions that are criminal as well as civil. And there are many criminal issues that could arise where those undocumented are involved, identity theft being perhaps the most common.

Nobody mentioned what courses his Sister and Mother are doing, but they seem to have last 4 years so far so there can not be too much time left. If all these actions were just to delay his eventual deportation until his Sister and Mother have completed their courses so they can all go together then I can see their point even if it is a terrible waste of limited public resources.

But then as has been said in this thread, we are dealing with a broken system.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 18:01:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
Both the Mother and Sister are paying International Student rates at a US college. And supporting his brother and presumably him.

Plus the married sister.

So no shortage of resources.

Plus of course hecan use his US education and strong resume to get a job.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 15:31:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

Even if his mother and sister were moving back soon after he left, what the hell is he going to do when he arrives at the Manila airport? He will immediately be a HAB (Homeless and Broke to EMS Folks). Its not as simple as your saying. Were talking about human beings, not a turtle you move off the highway.

It is a damaging situation for someone who has lived here as long as he has, who has grown up int he country to be shipped out to a foreign place. He may have lived there as a child, but he has no idea how to live there as an adult.

It was mentioned earlier that they received a good layout from his fathers life assurance. Also that he has strong family ties so I am not sure where you get HAB from
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 14:50:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
His Mother and Sister will be moving back soon anyway.

I was born and grew up in my country and knew nothing else, but I moved to the US.

Most who move to the US Legally or Illegally are in a similar position.

So what's the problem here?

His Mother and Sister will be moving back soon anyway.

Edited by Boiler, 10 June 2012 - 12:21 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 12:12:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
My father recently passed away, he was a senior executive with Fords, and was offered a job years back with Fords in the US.

He chose not to move, but would also have been EB1.

So using this logic my Brother should be entitled to move to the US?

To state the obvious being able to apply for a work based GC and receiving one are not the same.

If this was such a big deal then there was a 9 year period during which his Company could have applied, there is obviously something we are not being told.

And what has come out is pretty damming. even if it was like extracting teeth.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-10 10:03:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

He cares for his 9 year old brother.

That at least makes more sense, does he realise that he is working illegally?

Begs the question where the Mother and Sister are, full time college courses would allow them to look after him.

But it seems they are also working illegally.

You realise that Student Visa's are non-immigrant visa's and that they will both have to leave sometime anyway, sooner if they are found to be violating the terms of their visa's.

He cares for his 9 year old brother.

That at least makes more sense, does he realise that he is working illegally?

Begs the question where the Mother and Sister are, full time college courses would allow them to look after him.

But it seems they are also working illegally.

You realise that Student Visa's are non-immigrant visa's and that they will both have to leave sometime anyway, sooner if they are found to be violating the terms of their visa's.

He cares for his 9 year old brother.

That at least makes more sense, does he realise that he is working illegally?

Begs the question where the Mother and Sister are, full time college courses would allow them to look after him.

But it seems they are also working illegally.

You realise that Student Visa's are non-immigrant visa's and that they will both have to leave sometime anyway, sooner if they are found to be violating the terms of their visa's.

He cares for his 9 year old brother.

That at least makes more sense, does he realise that he is working illegally?

Begs the question where the Mother and Sister are, full time college courses would allow them to look after him.

But it seems they are also working illegally.

You realise that Student Visa's are non-immigrant visa's and that they will both have to leave sometime anyway, sooner if they are found to be violating the terms of their visa's.

He cares for his 9 year old brother.

That at least makes more sense, does he realise that he is working illegally?

Begs the question where the Mother and Sister are, full time college courses would allow them to look after him.

But it seems they are also working illegally.

You realise that Student Visa's are non-immigrant visa's and that they will both have to leave sometime anyway, sooner if they are found to be violating the terms of their visa's.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 23:11:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
He is 24, an Adult, time to cut the strings?

I and many many more on this board left family to come to the US.

So what does he intend doing with his life, watching day time TV?
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 20:02:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
He would need an Act of Congress to legalize.

The stay of deportation only allows him to stay out of status, no ability to drive, no ability to work.

Looks like he took a lot of time and effort to get his qualifications, what it the point?
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 19:52:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
I am happy to be called cynical, but every case I remember seeing the 'facts' have been sadly missing.

One sister it seems married a USC and adjusted status, no problem there.

One sister is on a Student Visa but is also working, student visa's only allow very limited working on campus. So something iffy there.

The mother also is on a student visa. That seems hard to believe and who is paying for all this, International Student rates are not cheap.

One sibling was born here, that at least seems straightforward.

If you ask for support you should at least be straight with those who you are asking.

PS How will he support himself, he can not work, his mother and Sister are in full time education and his mother is also supporting his Brother.

Edited by Boiler, 09 June 2012 - 06:29 PM.

BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 18:24:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
I know what EB1 is, something you never mentioned before.

John Quidilla is a Philippine national resident of Plano, Texas and has been living in the United States for more than 12 years since 1999.

EB1 is currently current and as far as I know has been for some time. Admittedly I do not know what it was in 1999 and can not be bothered to look it up, but it would have been very unlikely that the PR process would have taken more than a year.

His father, Nelson Quidilla, an exceptional engineer who held an L1 Visa, succumbed to sickness and died in 2008.

Which raise many other questions, you have already mentioned the duration of an L.

So 9 years later he died, what was going on during that period?
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 17:54:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help

You still misunderstand. L1 visa can convert at end of 7 years. IMO...he is not "another one". IMO...he got caught in a trap.

You misunderstand, no such provision. Always a good idea to have your facts straight.

L1 is a Temporary work visa. It has dual intent, that is all.

I find it difficult to believe that he was refused a student visa but still admitted as L2. Not impossible, just unlikely.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 17:25:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
He was not in any process it seems, he was here as a dependent of someone on a temporary work visa.

He would have aged out at 21 whether his father had died or not.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 17:13:00
PhilippinesJohn Quidilla Needs Help
He applied for a Student Visa and was refused, so how did he enter the US?

Has he been paying resident or overseas student rates?

He deliberately chose to stay in the US even though he knew he lost his status as a dependent when his Father died.

He said he did so to to complete his education which presumably he did, so why did he not leave then?
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-09 16:44:00
PhilippinesManila DENIES K1 co-sponsors

BoilerMaleWales2012-06-22 22:30:00
PhilippinesManila DENIES K1 co-sponsors
Marry then.

Hardly news.
BoilerMaleWales2012-06-21 22:11:00
Philippinesout of status in K1 visa
BoilerMaleWales2012-08-11 23:25:00
Philippinesout of status in K1 visa
It does not matter what was meant, only what was written.

Any ambiguity is against the person writing it anyway.
BoilerMaleWales2012-08-06 14:34:00