PhilippinesHow long does it take to receive visa after interview?

So, if my fiancee lived in Baclaran which is a hop, skip, and a jump to the us embassy on Roxas Blvd then she can look forward in getting her visa within two-three days.

Well, that depends on how she'll do on her interview if C.O. is satisfied with her documents and evidence for the on going relationship maybe she can. My province is further away to Manila than Bulacan is so I hope she'll do well and get her visa rapido.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2012-02-08 20:43:00
PhilippinesHow long does it take to receive visa after interview?
Sometimes it depends on the location whether it's serviceable or not. I received my visa on the third day after my interview.
Good luck.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2012-02-08 11:00:00
PhilippinesFlooding in Manila and How it Affects Visa Interviews Scheduled
My friend's interview was cancelled (Aug. 1st) and was rescheduled Aug. 17th, hopefully the bad weather in Philippines will go away soon. Good luck and God bless yah all.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2012-08-10 22:58:00
PhilippinesTracking Visa after interview

Can someone copy and paste the exact address to check the passport/visa, i cannot find it from their home page, i did a searck for etrace and found a place to register, but nowhere to do the tracking of passports from embassy. Thanks
-Good luck, my visa was delivered today :star:
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-09-16 04:30:00
PhilippinesTracking Visa after interview
I had my interview Sept. 13th and I tried tracking my case # today on 2Go website e-trace and it says my document/visa is already in transit. :dance: :thumbs: Good luck to everyone. :innocent:
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-09-15 02:45:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad

I think you meant to post this link: http://photos.state....3__rtf2_001.pdf

Yours had a mistake in it.

GLJ1322, you have to get a police clearance for any time spent outside the PI of SIX months or longer, not 12 months.

Good luck!

Thanks DavenRoxy, I was already out of Saudi for more than 6 months now and I know how is it there and it's really impossible for me to get any clearances if I'm not a Saudi citizen, I've already done my research and read loads of stuff and I guess I won't need it, and if they'll ask me about it well I'll just cross my fingers and hope not lol. God is good all the time. Thanks :innocent:
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-24 03:36:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad

You can obtain a Police Clearance from Dubai with the help of a proxy, that's what I did when I applied for mine. I read that link also and thought I wasn't gonna need it but since I had a friend there, I applied for it just to be safe and thank God I did. CO looked for it and asked what I did in Dubai.

Thanks to you bowgirl, I really appreciate your time reading my concerns. God bless and I'm keeping all my hopes and prayers by heart.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-22 23:08:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad
xoxohannah, ery, brijo:

Thanks guys :thumbs: VJ'ers are all such an :innocent: (angel) to me. I really do hope I won't be asked for that police clearance from Saudi nor need it. I'll just ready every thing so that's it, I'll be posting here again if ever I need help so I'll be counting on you guys. God bless and good luck to all.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-22 03:28:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad
Thanks everyone I hope I'll get more replies so I'll have more ideas and know at least what to do about it. :)
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-21 17:44:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad

This is the link in the USEM Manila website for the list of documents you have to bring for an immigrant visa interview: http://photos.state....S_ _2__002.pdf. May I ask which country did you use to work?

Oh no, I don't know how to get one from Saudi, I worked there for two years as a nurse and I hope that place is not included to get a police clearance from. :(
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-21 17:41:00
PhilippinesNVC - Obtaining Police Clearance Abroad
Vj'ers: :help:

Hello, just wanna seek some advice or any info. about police clearance, we're already waiting for NOA2, hope to get ours soon enough. I was reading up on here about CR1 visa to clear our papers for the NVC stage and I've come across this one: Police Certificate is required for any places which beneficiary has lived longer than twelve (12) months in any other country other than country of citizenship, after age of 16.

Is it true? well, I was abroad for more than 2 years for a job that's why I'm really ken to know about it. Is it needed for me to obtain one?
Thank you all and God bless. :innocent: pls... :help:

Edited by GLJ1322, 21 April 2011 - 05:54 AM.

GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-04-21 05:53:00
PhilippinesDriver license
pls do not get a D.L in the philippines unless you will drive bumper cars in the usa !
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-18 14:56:00
PhilippinesHow long it takes to change passport to married name

Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to change your passport to your married name (Phil. Consulate in NY)? I will have to immediately change my passport name because the greencard will be under my married name and I might have a problem reentering the U.S. even if I bring my marriage certificate right? Is there any form of rush service? I plan to travel on January.

Thanks for any advice!

go on the ny phil consulate web site they have a form to fill out -the best bet is to go to nyc with form and say hello -and hope they will do it for you i will try to do this in l.a. calif next week
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-24 11:36:00
Philippineshelp with mama

ok, I know some parts of what I have said are objectionable to some. I hope people understand I do not "own" or "control" Gretchen except in sense which helps her to "feel" as such in her culture. Please note the phrase I posted means more in their culture, plus establishes me as the "role" in the family for me and Gretchen. I am having to walk a very hard line between being respectful, and dealing with other issues. AS for the people at the wedding. These are the "family" they introduced me to. Stating in the beginning these people were "family". Arrangements to have them at the wedding was made a long time ago just after Gretchen and I were engaged in order to provide witnesses for the finalizing of the k-1 visa to AOS. This was before the moeny I started sending to support Gretchen each month. There was a major falling out between families after my second visit. Not sure what it was, but believe it was related to support I was sending Gretchen. Seeing what I saw my last visit. I think it was the purchasing of furniture and other items for the house in June without telling me. Just taking the money and abusing what I was sending. the "family" who they introduced me to tried to warn the mother-in-law, but mama-in-law chose to ignore them. I am not sure the whole story yet. But I am digging very very deeply now before the wedding.

this is the part I am trying to deal with the demands for money from Kanos. I learned about the "what goes in, goes out". Having been working with Gretchen on it. However, the hard part is her turning over money to her parents, thinking I just had more money to give or for to support both me and Gretchen. I am trying not to offend people on here. Nor am I trying to offend her parents. However, I know I have to start setting some ground rules on money or I will go nuts trying to make everyone happy. then when I am broke no one will understand why in the heck we cannot send any money.

I mean things started getting out of hand on the second week being there in the village. Money to get home and for food. Money for a farewell party. Money to travel back and forth from village. Money to rent a jeepney. Money for class party. Money for a church seminar. No load on phone, No load in internet smart card. The phone you bought me went to my brother. I bought this phone with money you sent me, it now is going to my mother. Mother got electric to the house in her name. Some of the clothes I took for Gretchen ended up going to other aunts and cousins in the family. It was getting tiring for me. Also, please understand I have sent 160,000php since meeting Gretchen. the money was to support Gretchen. Internet per month was only 1200 php (200php unlimited internet for 5 days, I found this out as leaving.) With the money I sent, they could have bought a boat had they saved each month. But the money was spent on other items without thought to when Gretchen was leaving. Now Gretchen is seeing the living here. Wondering why no furniture yet. buying groceries. Spending time with the kids. My work. Gretchen is happy. But I feel so bad because of how much the trip bit into finances for home here. the first week was fine. the second week, in the village. The budget went nuts. It should have been less for just the two of us. But it absolutely went crazy. The harder I tried to keep on budget the worse it got. I spent nearly 60,000 php or better the second week compared with 35,000php the first week and I did not know the 6,000php was gone until Saturday, the 17th. Talk about being shocked.

I am not trying to control. But I went on a limited budget, with some allowances for overages. But the problem is the expectations. Somehow there is this thinking the money came in, just spend it. then when she runs out for load, he will send more. No thought as to how it made me feel when I found out what had been going on. You can say all you want about culture, this, that, robbing the cradle. But I feel so much like a schmuck over all the money sent.

you practically bought this little girl....why didn't you just settle with an american girl and save you a bunch of moolah and aggravation???? i wonder why...oh why...oh why? you knew what you were getting into..besides, you should've picked someone who is professional or someone as smart as you? would not be able to manipulate someone who is mature and educated.
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-20 21:41:00
Philippineshelp with mama

ok, new post. Sorry so long but hopefully the more information, less torment from others. How to deal with mama in law? told her and the family: "akin sya ngyon" (she is mine now. Gretchen is extremely happy I said this. It seems to have really improved our relationship. i told Gretchen "your parents no longer control you. I do. We are not married yet in vows, but you live with me here. In my heart, we are already married.")

I really truly very very very very much respect the parents of mahal ko.
mama is holding a grudge against others from the village here in the USA because they are not helping out the village. mama does not want her daughter associating with them. mama does not understand if mama cuts off her daughter from them, her daughter may not succeed in adjustment to USA. She does not seem to understand USA too much. the others helped out their family. They could barely afford to do that and right now have lost much. mama seems to want to really "run the village since she is president of the chapel". I told the brother I am trying to be nice. mama does not want to make me upset. (I haven't told Gretchen or her parents yet, but those same people mama does not want her daughter to associate with will be the witnesses for the wedding here in the USA. the same people mama does not want Gretchen seeing will confirm the marriage and help Gretchen to stay here. mama is messing with Gretchen's future and in turn mama's own future.)

(But when I hear mama trying to influence things on her daughter, who no longer lives at home, she had better start thinking who wears the pants and who wears the dresses. Also mama needs to start thinking of the "gravy train". I am focusing on here now with Gretchen. I have told papa very little money will be coming until I recover financially from the trip. Gretchen and I went shopping here tonight. Gretchen noticed the cost of food and items was much, much higher than back home. Plus, we have to go Sept 8 through Sept 29 with no paychecks. What we spent while I was there in the philippines is now affecting us here. Gretchen is learning the budget was there for a reason. the next 2 or 3 weeks will be tough, but better to teach now than later. Friends have offered to help out, but i have told them, "thanks, but helping out does not re-enforce the budget or how her parents home affects her new home. How she lives here is directly affected by the money which was spent over there.")

Also, I am going to be really putting down my foot. Seems mama was out buying paint today. I just saw things while I was there. I believe and not yet confirmed the 6,000php I gave to Gretchen in Manila went directly to mama with or without papa knowing. Mama getting her hair done right after we landed, eating lunch at the mall makes me believe that. papa may not have known since he asked me for money to go home and food. Or maybe they told Gretchen not to tell me. (they bought a new purse for Gretchen and underwear (Gretchen told them but not me which upset me) as well which makes me believe they had the 6,000 php) Either way, it has upset me and Gretchen now knows hiding things from me is a bad, bad thing. I have told Gretchen to tell me her needs and wants. Gretchen did not yet see herself as belonging to me while we were there. I hope I have finally cleared this up.

I have told the oldest brother, mama would do well and may fare better in the long run by listening to the daughter of the mom who I am friends with here. I have talked with Gretchen about this too in much length today. (I will post more on this discussion later.) Gretchen now understands fully where I am coming from.

when you marry a little filipina girl, you marry her whole family. i don't know why we need to know your life story but this is what happens when you STEAL from the crib.
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-20 09:34:00
PhilippinesNeed Advice..
yes man pls stay in the good old usa -you need to work for the $ -she must do the leg work if she wants you and also go to the good old usa !
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-10-16 20:36:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?

She's homesick 115% and we've been having hard times and it we end up fighting and she's tired of it all and that's pretty much why she almost wants to give up.

i'd like to suggest for her to use skype or facebook everyday to communicate with her family,it's a very effective way to relieve being homesick. what about let her start packing a balikbayan box to send to her family. that certainly helped me pass the time.
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-10-26 20:53:00
Philippines***Question about the SPUTUM TEST in the Philippines***

Please tell me something different or tell me it is not so. :crying:

sputum specimen needed every morning x 3. it takes 2 months for culture/sensitivity/staining to come back. if the specimens are negative, then she can go ahead for her interview. if she's positive, she will be put on anti-tb meds for 6 months.
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-20 22:02:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting
the first thing will be said to you is what are you doing with this little school girl ?

the first thing will be said to you is what are you doing with this little school girl ?

sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-12-21 12:03:00
Philippinestracking visa at 2GO..

Posted Image

sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-07-02 14:24:00
Philippinesst lukes discussion

the interview is on Wednesday, maybe not a good idea to be stirring up the pot at St Lukes...

ha ha ha wait until she goes for her cfo and try to talk her out from going with this dude ! also she will have to show pic of this dude then they will ask her to have her mom and dad come with her to make sure its ok with them for her to go with dude to the usa !that is if she gets her visa - in the philippines the word goes fast -
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-05 18:18:00
Philippinesst lukes discussion
hey man you have stayed in the good old usa! its the philippines i think they see your age and her wait until you bring her to the airport -you will have more fun -go back to the usa and wait for her
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-05 09:16:00
PhilippinesLife after K1 POE

Hi everyone,

I thought I would share my experience to others so that it will hopefully help you guys as well. I know that the k1 process is stressful and getting the visa is a true victory. Sadly though, the stress will not end there because after POE there is another journey, but it will be better because you get to experience it with your loved one. :) I know a lot of people here have already successfully accomplished AOS so feel free to chime in and comment as well. :)

First and foremost, read up on the following:
VJ Link to AOS for k1/k2
Vanessa and Tony's guide

Here is what I did from POE onwards.. :)

1. POE
Don’t forget to bring the brown envelope from the embassy and hand it to the immigration officer, together with your i-94. Make sure all details on the i-94 are written legibly and correctly. Also, do not leave the airport without checking if all the details on your i-94 is correct (Your name, alien number, date of stamp etc) and DO NOT LOSE YOUR I-94.

Check your state laws for the requirements to get married.. Go to your local town clerk to get the license. Some may need a SSN, some won't. So you can interchange #2 and #3.

K1 visa holders are allowed to get a SSN as long as they still have a valid i-94. It is recommended to go 10-14 days upon entry so that by then you should already be registered in the database. Now I have been told that there are some SSA who are clueless about k1 visa holders and refuse to give them the SSN until you have your green card. This is FALSE, and if this happens, ask for higher management and demand for it, because you are entitled to one.

Things to bring: Passport, I-94, NSO Birth Cert, SSN Form (you can get one there). If you go when you are already married, bring your MC.

Proof that k1 can apply for SSN
SSN Form

It should arrive in 1-2 weeks.


Only if your DS-3025 is marked “incomplete” is a I-693 required to be completed. If it is marked as such (incomplete) you are required to complete certain portions of the I-693 and have a Civil Surgeon certify the form (and seal it in an evelope). Specifically, you will complete Part 1 (Information about you) of the I-693 and provide both the form and your DS-3025 (if you have it, proving your vaccination history) and any proof of required vaccinations that were completed prior to entering the US. If you do not have a copy of your DS-3025 you will need to provide sufficient evidence of your vaccination history to the Civil Surgeon (talk to the civil surgeon’s office to discuss what vaccination records they accept as proof). If you do not have proof of your vaccination history the Civil Surgeon may insist on re-administering all the required vaccinations prior to completing the I-693. Once the Civil Surgeon has has verified that all required vaccinations have been performed, they will complete form I-693 Part 2 (the vaccination section) and Part 5 (the Civil Surgeon’s Certification). They will then seal the form in an envelope and return it to you.

So this part is a little confusing because I have all the complete age-appropriate vaccines, and yet some people claim to have gotten RFEs for not having their I-693 transcribed so we decided that were gonna do it anyway to avoid any complications The trick here is to call around and find a civil surgeon who will not require you to do another medical, because your medical exam should still be valid for a whole year!


The marriage certificate is important for AOS, so make sure you grab copies of it!


1. Cover letter

In the checklist above it is recommended that you include a Cover Page with your application. While this is optional, filing a cover page will help the USCIS understand what benefit you are applying for and specifically what items you have included in your package. Again, make sure the cover page includes:
– the applicants contact information (name, address, phone number)
– A description of the benefit you are applying for ( Family Based Adjustment of Status Application)
– A table of contents listing the major items in your package (i.e. I-485 and evidence, I-765, I-131, etc)
– A line with the applicants signature and date

2. G-1145 – Form for E-notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

3. Payment in the amount of $1,070.00 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (personal cheque)

4. I-485 – Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, signed & dated

5. Copy of birth certificate

6. Photocopy of passport biographical details page

7. Copy of K1 visa in passport

8. Photocopy of USA entry stamp dated

9. 2 passport photos (US passport size) – name and alien number printed lightly on back in pencil or felt pen

10. I-693 Filled up by Civil Surgeon (Bring DS-3205 and Vaccination Records)

11. G-325A – Biographic Information, including residence and employment attachments

11. I-864 – Affidavit of Support (TIM) +tax returns, employment letter, bank statement, pay stubs and proof of citizenship

12. I-864 – Affidavit of Support (Co-Sponsor) + Most recent tax returns and proof of citizenship

13. Copy of I-797 – Notice of Action, Approval of K1 petition, dated ##### (front & back) - AKA K1 NOA2

14. Copy of Marriage certificate, dated ##### (front & back)

15. Copy of I-94 – Arrival/Departure record (front & back)


Cover letter

1. G-1145 – Form for E-notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

2. I-765 – Application for Employment Authorisation

3. 2 passport photos (US passport size) – name and alien number printed lightly on back in pencil or felt pen

4. Photocopy of passport biographical details page

5. Copy of I-94 – Arrival/Departure record (front & back)

6. Copy of Marriage certificate (to show name change)



1. G-1145 – Form for E-notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

2. I-131 – Application for Travel Document (Advanced Parole)

3. 2 passport photos (US passport size) – name and alien number printed lightly on back in pencil or felt pen

4. Copy of K1 visa (to show present status)

5. Photocopy of passport biographical details page

6. Copy of Marriage certificate (to show name change)

File at:
P.O. Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

For courier/express delivery:
Attn: FBAS
131 South Dearborn – 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

Personal checks must be pre-printed with the name of the bank and the account holder. Also, the account holder’s address and phone number must be pre-printed, typed or written in ink on the check. All checks must be typed or written in ink.

1. Write the date you are filling out the check including: day, month and year.

2. On the “Pay to the Order of” line write: “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.”

3. Write in numbers the exact dollar amount of the fee for the service you are requesting. In the example, the amount is “$595.00.”

4. Spell out the exact dollar amount of the fee for the service you are requesting. The “cents” portion of the amount should be written as a fraction over 100. In this example, the amount is “Five hundred ninety-five and 00/100.”

5. Write a brief description of the purpose of your payment. In this example, it is “N-400 application fee.”

6. Sign the check using your legal signature.

Make TWO copies of the entire package before you send it in. This includes the money orders too. You want to have a perfect replica of the package you are sending in. All Forms that you submit must be originals with original signatures. Supporting Evidence that you submit may be photocopies. Retain ALL original supporting Evidence since the USCIS has the right to check them by issuing an RFE (Request For Evidence). If you receive an RFE, follow the direction exactly, and make two copies of what you sent back. During any future interviews the USCIS may also want to examine the original supporting evidence.

Once you send it in, here is what to expect.

You will receive a NOA1 for all 3 applications, followed by a biometrics appointment. After that you either get an interview date or you get transferred to CSC and you'll be approved with no interview. But don't worry, I heard that the interview is not hard at all, so don't feel bad if you get one!

That's all, hope this helps my fellow kababayans and goodluck! Here's to hoping you have a happy life in the US, and have a smooth and RFE-free AOS journey! :)

hi, is it really necessary to file for advance parole? i believed they want $360 for this..thanks!
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-07-02 17:42:00
PhilippinesTracking our visa on 2go website
My hubby tried using MNL and UID but it always says invalid. When he called 2Go main line 3 days after his interview which was Oct 26, 2012 (Interviewed Oct 23, 2012), the customer service rep said his visa is available already for pick-up in MOA and they gave him the control number to check in 2Go website and it did work!! Also, he did not receive any text yet from 2Go so it is always better to call them to be sure.
honeyBFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 00:11:00
PhilippinesFINALLY FINALLY got our passport / Visa!

2go just delivered the passport. Its been 14 days! The 2go website tracer is useless. Up to now I entered the passport# or MNL# its still invalid. Go figure? :bonk:

So the USEM number I called was quite accurate. She told me it was released last friday Oct. 5 and expect it this week.

Hope you guys waiting for the VISA will have it soon. :thumbs:

Congratulations! YES I agree.. Passport # or MNL or UID is useless..what u have to know is the control number or better yet, call 2GO on DAY 3 after your visa interview. That's what my hubby did and he got his visa 3 days after interview. He has chosen visa pick-up at SM Mall of Asia. It is easier and you don't have to stress about your passport getting lost in transit or the delivery getting delayed. And choose pick-up locations that are in the mall like the one in SM MOA because they close at 10pm. There is more chance of you getting the visa on that day even though you get informed late. My husband called at around 9AM on the 3rd day and got accurate responses from 2GO representatives. :) We got lucky! Good luck everyone who's waiting for their visas! :)
honeyBFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 00:28:00
Philippines2GO Visa tracking / pick-up ( SM Mall of Asia )
I just want to share our experience regarding visa status after interview. My hubby had his interview October 23, 2012 (Tuesday). Everyday he keeps calling US embassy but they told him to check back on Friday. We kept checking 2Go tracer online using hubby's MNL, passport # or UID but it says Invalid. He called Manila US Embassy on Day 3 (Friday) and they said his visa was printed yesterday (Thursday)so just wait for the email or text from 2Go. My hubby couldn't wait any longer so he called 2Go and VOILA!!! customer rep says his visa is already ready for pick-up at SM Mall of Asia!!! :) They gave him a CN (control # ) to check 2Go tracer/tracking and he did see that visa is ready for pick-up. Thus, MNL/PN/UID is not always reliable when tracking visas via 2Go website. Also, hubby did not receive any text from them. So it was lunch time when he called again and asked what time 2GO @ SM MOA is closing since he has to travel 5hrs to Manila and they said they are open til 10PM. In short, he got his visa on the 3rd day, October 26,2012 (Friday) and his flight for the US is scheduled on October 30, 2012 Tuesday....a week after his interview! Whew!

I hope you guys get lucky too with your visas! Wishing everybody goodluck. Our journey here on this site is about to end and our journey on our new life together will begin soon.... We have waited almost 3 years to be reunited and now our time has come! :D

This site has been really helpful to us specially VJ members' posts/experiences shared... It kinda gives us a guide or clue of what to expect and what to do/not to do. Hope this post helps! Just be patient and pray, pray, pray! Happy holidays in advance! :) God bless us all! :)

Edited by honeyB, 26 October 2012 - 12:48 AM.

honeyBFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 00:46:00
PhilippinesBest 2Go Location In Manila?
My hubby lives in the province but he chose to pick-up his visa at SM MOA. It is better to choose a location which is in the mall because they close late like SM MOA 2Go branch closes at 10pm so you have time to travel esp if you're coming from the province. My hubby called US embassy 3 days after interview to check regarding his visa status and they said the visa has been printed already on day 2 so he called 2GO and they said it is ready for pick-up... He got his visa 3 days after the interview. His interview was Tuesday Oct 23, 2012 and he got it Fri October 26, 2012. Typing MNL or UID in 2Go tracking is not always reliable. Try to ask for the control # from 2GO customer service rep. Also, their text feature is not always consistent. Good luck to all of you waiting for visas! :)
honeyBFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 00:19:00
PhilippinesK2 Visa with "Med Class: B2" Annotation
Thanks for the informations you shared. This really helps me alot. May I ask how much did you spend for the whole proccess? Thanks!
honeyBFemalePhilippines2012-11-05 01:42:00
PhilippinesMailing a cell phone to the Phil

I want my fiancee to have a cell phone that works in the states so she can call me the moment she gets here and I also want to track her trip with the built in GPS. So if anyone else has knows a way to work around this or another idea that would be great!

What about sending her a pre-pay SIM card from AT&T (the one US carrier I know who uses SIM cards). If she has a cell phone in the Phillipines that uses a SIM card, once she lands in the States, she swaps in the new card and she can call.

It is what I do when I am back in the States visiting.
LBeacheyMaleChina2011-03-31 19:26:00
Philippinesstarting the AOS
Hey guys!

We went to this USCIS Civil Surgeon.

Dr. Carlos M. Cazares
448 E Southern
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Tel: (602)276-8577

Call them first and confirm if it's still $20. That's the amount we paid. Bring your St Lukes Medical copy, Pam and they will give a form for you to fill out. Takes only about 10 mins and you will have the sealed envelope.

For the check, we sent a money order. You can have a check for $1,010, no need to separate the amount for biometrics.

Pam, you can choose to have your single name but I used my married name. Whatever name you want to appear on your GC is the one you put. Just don't forget to be consistent with all the information you fill out on the forms. And sign everything that needs to be signed.

Let me know if you need further info! I just received my biometrics appointment yesterday :dance:

Edited by Binow, 01 May 2010 - 03:20 PM.

BinowMalePhilippines2010-05-01 15:17:00
Philippinesanybody from TUCSON ,AZ

hello there,..anybody from TUCSON,ARIZONA? I want to meet some pinay here, may ka meet ako before sa Church kaya lang I lost her number, kay ito walang kausap na pinay here, bored na me..... I want to have friends here who i can chika in our same language, kakapagod mag english ..pls if you guys read my message here, you can add me in ym as or my hotmail as

thanks in advance

Hi! I'm not from Tucson but I live in Maricopa, AZ! Only here for about 4 months and have met few Pinays too. I'll add you in my YM list :)
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-22 13:57:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?

I know. May ibang nationality na ganyan din, pero SABI MO NGA DIBA, walang paki alamanan?.. so bakit ako makiki alam sa ibang lahi, kung ang may concern ako sa kababayan ko. Kun sabaga, di ko yun basura.

(though you didnt mean to show off siraan but then it still implies siraan kasi ganun na nga sila then your talking about them which makes you what?)...Aware that I shouldn't be like them.) WHAT MAKES THIS TO YOU?
You must be such a good friend.

I think bmtrrbt meant people in general. Wag makialam sa buhay ng may buhay - mapa-pinoy man o ibang lahi. If they're becoming dumber and dumber, so? It's not your life to care about. It's not even your loved ones'.. If you aren't one of those Filipinos, whom you said, think highly of themselves so much, then why feel so aggravated. Everyone is different, there are reasons why people change, why people act dumb, why people feel jealous, why people are this and that. Me mga kababayan din naman tayo sa Pinas, like galing sa Visayas or Mindanao, nakatuntong lang ng Manila eh di na marunong magsalita ng sarili nilang dialect like Bisaya. It's pretty much the same.

One shouldn't have to air out something like this JUST SO TO MAKE THEMSELVES AWARE THAT THEY SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THEM.
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-28 17:08:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?

I have been to few states for work purposes and sometimes when I met a filipina as well, considering the time she was just here in the states, (say just 2-6 months) they feel like they've just earn the right to be a b**ch, and some thinks their a$*es don't stink.. I mean, there are so many trying hard to blend-in that quick in the American way ( e.g the way they cloth their selves, the way they talk, interpret things). Just because some girls married a foreigner they evolved too quick. I don't blame other people why they would immediately think that these types of gals really just use their husbands as a ticket to the USA. It makes me aggravated everytime I come across with a fellow pinay who acts like this.
Why can't we just put our feet on the ground and stay humble. CAN SOMEBODY ENLIGHTEN ME WHY THIS HAPPENS???

You don't need any kind of enlightenment so long as they aren't a PITA on you and you aren't hurting them, then why care. Don't give a rat's sh*t, not worth feeling an aggravation. Just be happy you're not of them!
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-28 16:38:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States? the language here. Not so many understand Tagalog

but this is under the Regional Discussion > PHILIPPINES
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-28 16:35:00
PhilippinesCalling all PINAY ( who just arrive this YEAR here in USA)

They only ask me for my ssn, passport, receipts from aos application, and my passport,

ah thats right. kasi on going na din pala AOS mo. Thats good! 2 congratulations then :D saw your post in that other forum site too :)
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-05 12:38:00
PhilippinesCalling all PINAY ( who just arrive this YEAR here in USA)

Hello everyone...
I am here in Odessa, Texas originally from Consolacion Cebu. I got here on october 14 2009..We got married on november 25th...Everything is fine here except for the unfriendly weather...I am always wearing a jacket even i turned the heater on(gosh so called) I also experienced my first snow on December..that was unforgettable, my husband and i really had fun playing the snow..My husband's family are all very nice to me..from parents in law till grandparents, uncles, aunts and husband's aunt was always inviting me to go out wherever she likes to go..My mom in law also will take me out to her pool tournament sometimes..
And Just like you ladies, i dont like their food here too...Im glad my mom in law had found an asian store and glad the owner is a most of their products are from Philippines..My husband got me a filipino channel too so that i wont miss the shows and movies there in Philippines...I dont feel homesick yet coz i talk to my parents everyday..they are 24 hours online.....

Anyway, i am currently working in a hotel here just a couple minutes walk from our house, i got so bored lately so i decided to walk in and asked if they have available...i worked there for a month already and never had any fact i have met lots of friends , mostly are mexicans..I am also starting to learn spanish..I will be working there until this week only coz i was hired as a call center agent at telvista..and i am going to start next week...I am also few weeks pregnant(not so sure how many weeks) we just found it last week..and everybody are very happy about the good news....Weeee our family will be complete pretty soon..

Hi jel! Did they not ask for your work permit as u applied for that job that you're in right now?
Congrats sa baby!
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-03 15:07:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?

Hi everyone! :D

I thought of making a record of the US whereabouts of each VJ member from the Philippines. This will give us a idea which member is living close to the city/state we are in and maybe we would want to meet each other in the future. After I gather the information of all members, I will make a table by city and state for everyone's reference. Are you game? ;)

I'm starting with mine:

City: Mesa
State: Arizona

Hi! I see you're in Mesa. I'm here in Arizona too! Maricopa city. Hope to meet you one day. :)
BinowMalePhilippines2010-03-04 14:09:00
PhilippinesTOP 10 MOST COMMON
Questions during my interview was about our relationship - how and when did we meet; personal information about my husband but nothing too personal like asking about his fave food or color or something like that. I don't think you have to even rehearse, if you know pretty much about your relationship in general, then you're good to go! Plus complete and correct documentation is also a must to pass the interview :)
BinowMalePhilippines2011-03-27 00:17:00
PhilippinesNEED HELP! Report of Marriage for Phil. Consulate. How to do the affidavit of explanation for delayed registration?

Yes, Report of Marriage you can do it by mail but for passport application, they require personal appearance.
Hey, you missed the Consular outreach last February in AZ. Sayang!


thank you! now we can save ourselves from travelling to L.A. just for that :)

really? when do you think are they going to that again?? well I had no idea then that we have to report our marriage here esp if we need to renew our passport.

and btw, in the ROM checklist it dint mention anything about the GC as one of the requirements, did u include yours when u report your marriage? I might just call them for further info. thanks a lot!
BinowMalePhilippines2010-04-09 00:13:00
PhilippinesNEED HELP! Report of Marriage for Phil. Consulate. How to do the affidavit of explanation for delayed registration?

I got married in 2006 and filed Report of marriage to the Consulate 2 years later but I didn't have to explain why it was late or delayed either. No need to go the consulate for this you can do it by mail just have the registration forms notarized.

May I reiterate? You're saying for report of marriage, you don't need to personally appear to the consulate office? Just have the documents needed ready then you can mail them yeah?
BinowMalePhilippines2010-04-08 19:37:00